87-Triune Brain Theory

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The Triune Brain Theory

By Richard Johnston-Hughes
June 2011

The Triune Brain Theory
The 3 Areas of the brain:

Brain Stem Re!ti"ian Brain#

$imbic System %motiona" Brain#

&eo 'orte( Rationa" Brain#

Brain Stem (Reptilian Brain)
The ) *s*





+ight or +"ight

Acts ,ithout thin-ing

.o,nshift to the
Re!ti"ian brain ,hen
under threat

/hen in Re!ti"ian
mode "earning
CANNOT occur

Limbic System (Emotional

Seat of emotions

0ost memorab"e "earning e(!eriences are

"in-ed to emotion

*Soft s-i""s* "i-e em!athy1 understanding1

assertion 2 humour are increasing"y recognised
as being im!ortant to the "earning !rocess

%motiona" "earning is the critica" factor for

"earning ne, s-i""s and materia"

Neo Cortex (Rational Brain)

Seat of academic "earning

.i3ided into the $%+T 2 R45HT

0ost recent"y e3o"3ed !art of the brain

.ea"s ,ith the higher order thin-ing

$%+T res!onsib"e for ana"ytica" thin-ing

"ogic1 reading1 se6uences 2 s!eech#

R45HT !rocesses artistic ty!es of thin-ing

art1 musica"1 s!atia" a,areness#

Neo Cortex (Rational Brain)

R45HT does not 7ust do creati3e thin-ing

$%+T does not 7ust do "ogica" thin-ing

The 2 !arts ,or- together to create


%ducation starts of as creative thin-ing main"y

R45HT# then ,e mo3e to the $%+T more and

Brain then becomes $%+T intensi3e

'R%AT484T9 is ,hen both sides are ba"anced

Main! the most o" your Brain

:no, ,hen to use your Re!ti"ian brain and

,hen not to use it;

/hen you get a *thought*

'hoose ,hich !art of the brain to use:

Re!ti"ian < Res!onsi3e

&eo 'orte( - 'reati3e

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