Matthew Daugherty CV
Matthew Daugherty CV
Matthew Daugherty CV
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33 SLanLon 8oad #1, 8rookllne, MA 02443 - 401-632-9343 - gkmaLL[
-(./01234 567#68 .89:%+79#, /6;;%*% 6< /6==)89>"#968 567#68? !0
8achelor of Sclence ln mass communlcaLlon LxpecLed May 2014
Mlnor ln pollLlcal sclence CA: 3.02
@68A68 28#%+87$9B C+6*+"= @68A68? -8*;"8A
SLudles ln 8rlLlsh and world pollLlcs SepLember - uecember 2013
241-D4EF2CE @68A68 /"=B"9*8 F%"AG)"+#%+7 @68A68? -8*;"8A
"#$#%&'( )#*%&+,#-+ .-+#&- CcLober - uecember 2013
Complled research on Labour arLy pollcles and vlewpolnLs
CommunlcaLed wlLh members of arllamenL lncludlng M uavld Cameron
Analyzed markeL research on voLer aLLlLudes
5;9#H !%A9" I);;JE%+:9>% 0A:%+#9798* 0*%8>, K";#$"=? !0
/&0%1'%$+ )#*%&+,#-+ .-+#&- !anuary - May 2013
ConsLrucLed daLa-based excel presenLaLlons
CommunlcaLed wlLh radlo and Lelevlslon sales represenLaLlves
ueveloped medla plan and brand sLraLegy for lnLernshlp pro[ecL
vocally arLlculaLed ldeas and oplnlons durlng deparLmenL meeLlngs
0/12L212-E 567#68 .89:%+79#, /3!=)89>"#6+ 567#68? !0
203&-%45$+ !anuary 2014 - resenL
AuLhored spoLllghL conLenL for college's sLudenL-run webslLe
ConLrlbuLed a unlque and pragmaLlc perspecLlve
567#68 .89:%+79#, CD@"M 567#68? !0
6''03-+ 78#'3+59# !anuary 2014 - resenL
Managed publlc relaLlons for MassachuseLLs-based funk band
romoLed beneflL concerL Lhrough dlglLal and e-mall markeLlng
lncreased 1wlLLer 'followers' by 17 and lacebook 'llkes' by 8
@-0(-DEF2C 567#68 .89:%+79#,N7 !%8N7 (9:97968 O E6>>%+ C+6*+"= 567#68? !0
:0%4;##*#& AugusL 2010 - !anuary 2013
ConLrlbuLed Lo Leam camaraderle Lo become a Lop-23 naLlonal program
Led and advlsed lncomlng freshman goalkeepers
Larned slgnlflcanL playlng Llme as a walk-on aLhleLe
567#68 .89:%+79#, I9#8%77 D%>+%"#968 /%8#%+ 567#68? !0
<=5, <*0&+ >%,* <#-50& >03-$#40& May 2008 - AugusL 2013
Managed sporL and waLer acLlvlLles for chlldren ages 9-13
ulrecLed and Lralned [unlor sLaff members
0((212340@ E#)A%8# 0#$;%#%J0A:976+, /6)8>9; D%B+%7%8#"#9:% 567#68? !0
<+31#-+ 6+(4#+# SepLember 2010 - May 2011
CommunlcaLed wlLh senlor members Lo plan phllanLhropy evenLs
Arranged fundralser for Lhe sLudenL-aLhleLe formal
/3!C.1-D MS Cfflce, Soclal Medla, S18A1A, MlnLel, M8l+ and baslc knowledge of Adobe SysLems