Miso-Ginger Dressing: Mark Bittman

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Miso-Ginger Dressing

Adapted from How to Cook Everything, !y Mark Bittman "#i$ey, %&&'(
Time) * min+te,
-./ 0+p pean+t oi$ or ne+tra$ oi$, $ike grape,eed or 0orn
-./ 0+p ri0e vinegar
1 ta!$e,poon, mi$d or ,weet mi,o, $ike ye$$ow or white
- ta!$e,poon dark ,e,ame oi$
% medi+m 0arrot,, ro+gh$y 0hopped
- in0h$ong pie0e fre,h ginger, 0+t into 0oin,
2a$t and fre,h$y gro+nd !$a0k pepper3
4+t a$$ ingredient, e50ept ,a$t and pepper into a food pro0e,,or and p+$,e a few time, to min0e
0arrot,3 Then $et ma0hine r+n for a min+te or ,o, +nti$ mi5t+re i, 0h+nky6,mooth3 "If yo+ want it
,moother, +,e a !$ender3( Ta,te and add ,a$t and pepper to ta,te3
7ie$d) A!o+t - -./ 0+p,3

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