Deliverance From The Spirit of Debts.
Deliverance From The Spirit of Debts.
Deliverance From The Spirit of Debts.
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
Money cannot stay in your account until the next pay check; you live from hand to mouth; you are experiencing
financial famine; your salary basically just goes into paying debts; you faithfully tithe yet nothing seems to be
going for you; you take loans to pay debts and still can never clear them; your bank is on your trail to collect
unpaid loans; your friends have turned into enemies because you owe all of them; your items have been seized
and auctioned to pay debts owed; you have been blacklisted by banks as a loan paying defaulter; you are
having sleepless nights thinking how you will clear off your long-standing debts for years; W!" "# $#%%%
& am here as your divine emissary to help you out of those debts; believe it or not' (od does pay off debts for
is people) !ll you need to do is connect to the anointing; and that anointing is here to help you come out of
those debts that have strangled your finances and are threatening to reduce you to a pauper) !h' not when
there is a $eliverer in *ion; is name is +esus ,hrist- #f course' (od expects every one of is children to
operate with financial discretion; the .ible says the rich and the poor have one thing in common/ (od has
made them both) Which means whether we are rich or poor does not rest with (od' no' it rests with us)
$iligence' and the correct application of spiritual and financial principles will lead to a debt-free life)
0irst' we cannot live above our means and expect to be prosperous' no) 1aul said & have learned how to be
content in !22 3&"4!"5) "here is a time for plenty' and there is a time for a little) .ut if you are a saver' then
you will never lack at any one time) #f course' this is not the forum to speak on financial principles' for the time
for that will come 6and & will show you how to walk in the Word of (od concerning finances7 but & can say this
for now/ as a child of (od' you cannot steal from (od and still expect im to bless you) ow do you mean steal
from (od%%% "he .ook of Malachi says it all/ &5 "&"83 !5$ #0089&5(3) &f you are not a tither :faithfulness in
earthly things; do not expect to receive the blessing from heaven :spiritual things;) (od allows the enemy to
punch holes in the pockets of the one who takes away is tithes and offerings) & know it' for & have seen it in
ministry many times) 3piritual holes in your pockets means your money will disappear in ways you simply
cannot and do not understand) 5o matter how much you earn' there will still be less in your pocket) "his is a
curse that must be broken-
5ow' would you like your debts to be cleared% "here are many ways in which this can be done) #f course' there
must first be repentance for financial sins committed :you took (od<s firstfruits' is tithes and is offerings;
this means (od is against you;) ,all on im for forgiveness of your sins and those of your ancestors) "hen of
course without saying is the fact that you must endeavor to live according to your means; nothing beyond that)
owever' that will be taken care of in a later note 6smile7) 0or now' & want to deal with the spirit of debts; for
after one has been taking debts for a while' the $evil will automatically send a spirit of debts against that
person; and from that moment it does not matter what that person does to get out of debt' but every attempt
to do so will fail) "his person is stuck in a cycle of debts) "his demon 6as & have seen it in deliverance7 sits on the
Apostle Paul Amadi - +254-721-177915
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
hands' and turns the person into a spiritual beggar) 8ventually' the person will physically be locked in physical
!h' but the $evil is a 2iar- 3omebody' as you pledge to be faithful to (od in your finances' and as you pray
these prayer points' there will be a change in your finances) "his is the year you will walk in total financial
freedom) >ou know' the most amazing thing is that if your ancestors owed anything 6spiritually7 to the kingdom
of darkness' then their debts can be transferred to you; that means you can be suffering for the sins of another-
.ut let us be honest here/ if you know you have broken (od<s financial principles' then it is time to come clean
and get straight) "he 2ord +esus said' ?&f you have not been faithful in unrighteous mammon' who will give to
you the true riches%< "rue riches are what (od has in heaven; and believe you me' there are abundant
resources in (od<s @ingdom for us)
5ot to say much' for & want you to pray and break off this spirit and cycle from your life' but & will mention that
if you pray these faithfully 6for the next A days7 then there will be tremendous change in your finances) "his
spirit will leave you and you will be able to walk in financial freedom) &f you have been taking is tithe' then you
need to make restitution of the same 6&f paying the whole sum will be impossible' then you need to make a deal
with (od; you can pay off B months in a year of stolen tithes; or a certain payable percentage C must be painful
to you C then continue with the regular tithe7) (od showed me that people who eat the tithe will not make it
into heaven; you knowD no thieves there- ,#M8 #5 5#W' 28" 3 19!>-
PSAM !!"1#-19" $%e&old' t&e e(e of t&e )*+ is upon t&em t&at fear &im' upon t&em t&at &ope in &is mer,(- To deliver
t&eir soul from deat&' and to .eep t&em alive in famine/0
PSAM !7"1#-19" $+a( 1( da( t&e )*+ ,are of t&e inno,ent' and t&e( 2ill re,eive an in&eritan,e t&at lasts forever/
T&e( 2ill not 1e dis3ra,ed in &ard times- even in famine t&e( 2ill &ave more t&an enou3&/0
4)% 5"19-25" $6e s&all deliver (ou in si7 trou1les" (es' in seven t&ere s&all no evil tou,& (ou/ In famine &e s&all redeem (ou
from deat&" and in 2ar from t&e po2er of t&e s2ord/
+eut/ 2#"121" 8And t&ou s&all lend unto man( nations' and t&ou s&all not 1orro2/9
1) .lood of +esus' speak on my behalf' break and reverse the curse of borrowing from my life as from today' in
the name of +esus ,hrist)' amen)
=) >ou the curse and ordination of debt in my life' be nullified 5#W by the blood of +esus in the name of +esus
,hrist)' amen)
E) !ncestral debt collectors forcing me to pay for what & did not ' buy' $&8 .> 0&98' in the name of +esus ,hrist)'
Apostle Paul Amadi - +254-721-177915
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
F) 6>ou must realize that blessings are spiritual' and are normally handed down' and curses are also handed
down; debts are a curse' and many times what you forefathers refused to pay' you will be made to pay) 1ray
this prayer point seriously)7
G) !ll ancestral debts passed on to me from the generations' .8 ,!5,8228$ 5#W by the blood of +esus' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)' amen)
B) Mountain of debt assigned to program my life into poverty' .8 419##"8$ 5#W !5$ .8 ,!3" &5"#
8220&98' in the name of +esus ,hrist)' amen)
A) 8vil promise or debt in my generation linking me with evil ancestral powers' & settle you today with the blood
of +esus' in the name of +esus ,hrist)' amen)
H) >ou the debts present in my life' & command you to dissolve by fire and burn to ashes' in the name of +esus
,hrist)' amen) Whirlwind of (od' carry these ashes into the wilderness in the name of +esus ,hrist)' amen)
I) 3pirit of debts' & am not your candidate' & renounce you' reject you and command you to come out of my life
with all your roots and go to the pit of darkness' in the name of +esus ,hrist)' amen)
1J) .lood of +esus arise' speak on my behalf' settle and cancel every debt present in my life' in the name of +esus
,hrist)' amen)
11) &nherited debt in my generational line' catch fire and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=) 8very power saying & shall not excel in my family line' you are a liar' die by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1E) 3pirit of debt holding my parents in bondage' you are a liar' loose your hold upon my life and die' in the name
of +esus ,hrist)
1F) Maturity date of debt in my life' be aborted by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1G) $ebts--- & am not your candidate' release me and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1B) Kicious cycle of economic famine' lose your power over my life' my family and my welfare and die--- in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
1A) !rrows of collective financial doom' my life is not your candidate' 9828!38 M8 !5$ $&8--- in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
1H) .y the blood of +esus' & am redeemed from every venom of economic recession' & receive promotion and
financial favors' even in these times of famine- in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1I) !rrows of financial death assigned against my job and income' $&8 .> 0&98--- in the name of +esus ,hrist)
=J) 9od of wickedness assigned against my staff of bread in this season' you are a liar- .-9-8-!-@ "# 1&8,83--- in
the name of +esus ,hrist)
=1) >ou the sword of unemployment ravaging and devouring the livelihood of people' & am not your candidate'
therefore' .8 W!3"8$--- in the name of +esus ,hrist)
==) $ivine ideas that would catapult me from the dunghill of hard times to the palace of abundance' &5K!$8 M>
2&08 5#W--- in the name of +esus ,hrist)
=E) ard times assigned against my life by the enemy/ 8L1&98--- (ood "&M83' M!5&083" 5#W .> 0&98 in my
life--- in the name of +esus ,hrist)
=F) !rrows of calamities' disgrace and death hiding inside economic crisis to attack me' & .49> >#4 5#W .>
0&98--- in the name of +esus ,hrist)
=G) &t is written :&saiah FG/E; M!nd & will give you the treasures of darkness' and hidden riches of secret places'
that you may know that &' the 2#9$' which call you by your name' am the (od of &srael)N therefore' treasures
of darkness and hidden riches of secret places' !9&38' 2#,!"8 M8' 19#M#"8 M8' !5$ 38" M8 !1!9" 09#M
"8 ,9482"> #0 1#K89"> "&3 >8!9--- in the name of +esus ,hrist)
Apostle Paul Amadi - +254-721-177915
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
=B) .lood of +esus' nullify every satanic investment eating up my finances' let it catch fire and burn to ashes' in
the name of +esus ,hrist)
=A) !ngels of the living (od' arrest every mountain of debt programmed to put me in poverty and cast it into the
pit of darkness' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
=H) 3atanic bankers representing me in the spirit world' you are arrested by the angels of the living (od' die by
fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
=I) 8vil angels of poverty' clear away from the gate of my breakthroughs' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
EJ) #h wealth' jump out of the abode of the wicked and begin to locate me now' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
E1) .y the divine decree & declare/ >ou children of darkness' continue to labour' at the end of your labour transfer
the wealth to me' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
E=) & decree the sweat of the 2ordOs enemies shall become my food by the power in the blood of +esus' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
EE) & command the ways of the angels of poverty delegated against me to be dark and slippery' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
EF) $emonic scarcity programmed into my life' be dissolved by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
EG) .y the wealthy name of +esus' let heavenly resources rush to my door' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
EB) $ivine sword of fire' cut lack and debts out of my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
EA) 3atanic debt and credit in my life' be dissolved by the blood of +esus' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
EH) & bind the spirit of debt and cast it out of my life' & shall not borrow to eat' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
EI) 8very evil meeting summoned against my prosperity' scatter beyond regathering' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
FJ) !rrows of wickedness fired against my prosperity' be disgraced and bacfire by fire' in the name of +esus
F1) !ny power that wants me to die as a pauper' you are a liar' die by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
F=) My wealth from the hand of the bondwoman and her children' & withdraw you by fire' in the name of +esus
FE) & dismantle every power of darkness working against my efficiency' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
FF) .reakthrough angels of the living (od' unlock every door of my blessings' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
FG) & refuse to lock the door of blessings against myself' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
FB) 8very power that is caging my financial star' loose it by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
FA) & refuse to appear to disappear' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
FH) Warrior angels of the living (od' pursue every enemy of my prosperity to destruction' in the name of +esus
FI) 2et the sword of the (oliath of poverty turn against it and its works in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
GJ) >ou the wealth of the wicked' & command you to change hands into my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
G1) !ny yoke of poverty resting upon my neck' be dashed to pieces by the divine hammer of fire' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
G=) 3atanic siren scaring away my helpers' be silenced by the blood of +esus' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
GE) >ou the masPuerading power swallowing my prosperity' catch fire and burn to ashes' in the name of +esus
GF) 2et every satanic and witchcraft coffin constructed against my prosperity swallow the owner' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
GG) 8very gadget of poverty created for my life' catch fire and burn to ashes' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
Apostle Paul Amadi - +254-721-177915
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
GB) Warrior angels of the living (od' dismantle every satanic bank and warehouse holding back my wealth and
prosperity in the forests' water bodies' mountains and witchcraft covens' and bring them back to me' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
GA) & recover my blessings from any body of water' forest and satanic banks' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
GH) (od' arise and scatter my stubborn pursuers into desolation' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
GI) 8very attack by evil night creatures' be disgraced out of my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
BJ) $ivine scissors' arise and clip off the wings of every spirit flying against my destiny and my prosperity' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
B1) Warrior angels of the living (od' search the land of the living and of the dead and recover all my stolen
blessings and properties' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
B=) & command every gadget of frustration designed against my destiny and blessings' be dashed into pieces' in
the name of +esus ,hrist)
BE) .lood of +esus' !9&38; nullify and break every curse of poverty operating in my life' in the name of +esus
BF) & bind every evil spirit drinking my blood my prosperity and my virtues' and by the sword of the 3pirit & cut off
all their taps into my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
BG) .y fire by thunder' & overthrow every power of darkness sitting on my prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
BB) .y fire by thunder' & overthrow every power occupying my seat of prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
BA) 3pirit of fake and useless investment' my finances are not your portion' .98!@--- in the name of +esus ,hrist)
BH) !ll unsold materials in my possession' be sold with profit' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
BI) !rise # (od' convert all business failure in my life into success' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
AJ) .lood of +esus' arise and break every curse on my head' hands and legs that is hindering my prosperity' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
A1) 8very strange money in my life that is affecting my prosperity' be neutralized by the blood of +esus' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
A=) 2et brassy heavens break forth and bring rain' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
AE) 3pirit of poverty' & bind you and break your control over any area my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
AF) & disarm' dismantle' and destroy 3atan<s kingdom and authority over my prosperity' in the name of +esus
AG) .lood of +esus' arise and break every curse pronounced against my source of income' in the name of +esus
AB) & overturn every evil decree against my finances; let my breakthroughs turn around for good' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
AA) .lood of +esus' arise and break every generational curse working against my destiny' in the name of +esus
AH) 2ord' network me with divine helpers' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
AI) 2ife-transforming breakthroughs' overtake me now' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
HJ) 2ord' clothe me with divine ability today' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
H1) 2ord' lead me to those who will bless me' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
H=) 2ord' baptize me with the favor frustrate the plans of the enemy in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
HE) & will witness the downfall of my strongman' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
HF) .y the blood of +esus' & cancel every order of borrowing in my life; & declare & will be a lender and not a
borrower' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
Apostle Paul Amadi - +254-721-177915
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
HG) .lood of +esus' arise and erase every curse of eating by sweat and hard labor out of my life' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
HB) & decree it/ my labor shall not be in vain' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
HA) & command it/ let the blessings which there will be no room to receive overtake me' in the name of +esus
HH) 2ord' plant me by the rivers of prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
HI) 4nknown evil seeds in my life' & command you to refuse to germinate' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
IJ) My 0ather' & refuse to get stuck on one level of blessing' by >our hand of fire' move me today into exceeding
greatness' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
I1) & decree it/ & shall possess all the good things & pursue' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
I=) .lood of +esus arise' erase and break every effect of cursed house and land upon my prosperity' in the name
of +esus ,hrist)
IE) "hunder fire of (od' arise and consume to ashes every power in heaven and on earth that is shielding me
away from breakthroughs' let them fall down and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
IF) >ou the garden of my life' receive the blessing of the 2ord and yield a super abundance to me' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
IG) .y fire by thunder' & reverse every spiritual relocation done on my life to the desert' & decree & move into my
garden of 8den today' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
IB) .y fire by thunder' & dismantle the grip of any desert spirit upon my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
IA) oly 3pirit' plug my life into super exceeding divine prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
IH) 8very !chan in the camp of my breakthroughs' be exposed and be disgraced' in the name of +esus
II) 8very power passing evil currents into my finances' lose your hold and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1JJ) .y the blood of +esus' & break every cycle of financial turbulence in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1J1) .y the divine hammer' & smash the head of poverty on the wall of fire; walk out of my life now' in the name
of +esus ,hrist)
1J=) 4gly feet of poverty' walk out of my life now' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1JE) (arment of poverty designed against my life' receive the fire of (od and burn to ashes' in the name of +esus
1JF) 0inancial burial' & am not your candidate' catch fire and burn to ashes' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1JG) 8vil garment of poverty laid in my life' receive the fire of (od and burn to ashes' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1JB) 0inancial burial carried out against my life' be reversed by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1JA) Witchcraft burial carried out against my prosperity' be reversed by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1JH) & command every vessels of poverty pursuing me to perish in the 9ed 3ea' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1JI) ,onsuming fire of (od burn every evil spiritual properties present in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
11J) .lood of +esus' erase every poverty-identification marks present in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
111) My 0ather' heal every financial leprosy in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
11=) 0ire of (od' purge and strengthen my foundation to carry divine prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
11E) Warrior angels of the living (od' arrest every stolen and satanically transferred virtues and restore them
back to me' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
11F) .lood of +esus' cancel every ordination of debt over my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
11G) 2ord' create newer and profitable opportunities for me' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
11B) 8very strange fire ignited against my prosperity' be Puenched by the blood of +esus' in the name of +esus
Apostle Paul Amadi - +254-721-177915
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
11A) .y fire by thunder' & command every power sending my money to spiritual burial to fall down and die' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
11H) "hunder fire of (od' paralyze and burn to ashes every power scaring away my prosperity' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
11I) Witchcraft and familiar spirits diverting my money before & receive it' be bound permanently with the chains
of fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=J) 8very inherited design of poverty in my life' melt away by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=1) "hunder lightning of (od' dismantle every satanic re-arrangement of my prosperity' in the name of +esus
1==) 2ord' lead me to my own land that flows with milk and honey' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=E) 3atanic giants occupying my promised land' fall down and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=F) 2ord' empower me to climb my mountain of prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=G) 3trongman of poverty in my life and family' fall down and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=B) 3pirits of famine and hunger' my life is not your candidate' fall down and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=A) .y the blood of +esus' & erase my name from the book of financial embarrassment' in the name of +esus
1=H) 8very power reinforcing poverty against me' loose your hold and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1=I) "hou divine hammer of fire' arise and every dismantle every yoke and chain of poverty in my life' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
1EJ) & command the riches of the gentiles to come to me' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1E1) My 0ather' plant >our divine magnet of prosperity be planted in my hands' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1E=) .y fire by thunder' & retrieve my purse from the hands of any +udas in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1EE) .y the power in the blood of +esus' and by the divine decree' let there be a reverse transfer of my satanically
transferred wealth' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1EF) .y the divine decree in the Word of (od' & take over the wealth of the sinner and command it to come to
me' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1EG) .y fire by thunder' & recover the steering wheels of my wealth from the hand of evil drivers' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
1EB) .y fire by thunder' & refuse to lock the door of blessings against myself' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1EA) 2ord' revive any area of my blessings which the enemy destroyed' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1EH) 2ord' send >our angels to restore my stolen blessings' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1EI) 2ord' send >our angels to bring me blessings' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1FJ) 2ord' transform everything that needs transformation in my life to bring me into blessings' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
1F1) 2ord' uncover to me the key to my prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1F=) 2ord 0ather' seal every hole my enemies have created in my finances' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1FE) .y the key of $avid' & unlock the treasuries of heaven' and & command wealth; gold' silver' diamonds' and
millions of dollars to manifest in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1FF) 1owers of darkness sitting on my wealth and prosperity' fall down and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1FG) (od of +acob' transfer the wealth of my 2aban into my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1FB) (od' arise and put to shame all those who hate my prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1FA) 3atanic birds eating up my finances' fall down and die' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1FH) !rrows of poverty fired at my life' return back to your senders' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
Apostle Paul Amadi - +254-721-177915
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
1FI) .y the blood of +esus' & nullify every word spoken against my breakthroughs' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1GJ) "hunder fire of (od' arise and dismantle every business house energized by satan against my life' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
1G1) & smash every clock and timetable of poverty designed against my life on the wall of fire' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
1G=) Water spirits caging my blessings and prosperity' loose them by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1GE) "hou wealth of the wicked' arise and locate me by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1GF) "emporary blessings' my life is not your candidate; & claim the blessings that endure in the name of +esus
1GG) !rrows of poverty energized by polygamy to fight against my life' fall down and die' in the name of +esus
1GB) !rrows of poverty energized by household wickedness to fight against my life' fall down and die' in the
name of +esus ,hrist)
1GA) 2et wealth and prosperity change hands into my hands' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1GH) >ou the serpent and scorpion of poverty fighting my life' die by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1GI) & refuse to eat the bread of sorrow; & reject the water of affliction' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1BJ) 2et divine multiplication fall upon my breakthroughs' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1B1) "hunder fire of (od' consume every power dragging my finances on the ground' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1B=) 2ord' advertise >our wealth and power in my life' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1BE) & command my promotions to appear by fire' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1BF) & pursue' overtake and recover my wealth from the hands of my enemies' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1BG) oly 3pirit' direct my hands into divine prosperity' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1BB) 1rosperity angels of the living (od' pursue wealth into my hands' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1BA) & decree/ & will not sPuander my divine opportunities' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1BH) My life' magnetize favour for explosive breakthroughs' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1BI) #h 2ord' be my eternal cashier' bring me into abundance' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1AJ) #h 2ord' deposit in my life the principles of financial management' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1A1) 2ord +esus' hold my purse and purge out every curse of lack from my life' in >our name & pray)
1A=) #h heavens over my prosperity' open by fire and release my blessings' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1AE) .y fire by thunder' & retrieve all my stolen blessings; be restored to me a thousand folds' in the name of
+esus ,hrist)
1AF) & decree it/ from today' my portion in life has changed from that of borrower to that of lender and giver
in +esusO name
1AG) My 0ather' breathe ressurection life in my finances today' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1AB) !ngels of blessing' arise and release plenty and an abundance of resources to come forth into my life so &
will never be in debt again' in the name of +esus ,hrist)' amen)
1AA) & raise the altar of continuous abundance upon my destiny today' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1AH) !ngels of the living (od' deposit divine magnets of prosperity in my hands' in the name of +esus ,hrist)
1AI) !s a result of my prosperity prayers' & receive the mandate to enter into the covenant of wealth' in the
mighty name of +esus
1HJ) "hank you 0ather for reversing the curse of borrowing from my life and now making me a lender in the
name of +esus ,hrist' amen)
Apostle Paul Amadi - +254-721-177915
World International Savers and Transformers Ministries
128!38 3!98 W&" >#49 09&85$3D .2833 >#4-
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1lease consider supporting this ministry by getting in touch with me) >our contribution will go into forwarding
the work of the kingdom in @enya and among the nations of the world) "he 2ord bless you and change your
finances to the best even as you do so' in +esus name---
Apostle P!l A"#$