Nokia Cable Dku-5

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USB to routers serial port

How to connect to a Class II router using a mobile-phone data cable

specifically for Solwise & Safecom routers
by eo at !outer"ech#$rg
Routers based on the AR7RD/AR7WRD chipset have connections on their circuit boards (PCBs) to connect
serial cables to. This can provide direct access to the routers ! and "acilitate the repair usin# so"t$are
such as PCTool.
%uch in"or&ation on &a'in# and connectin# serial cables can alread( be "ound on the )nternet. This #uide
ai&s to provide &ore speci"ic* detailed and illustrated instructions on usin# a D+,-. cable.
The routers re/uire a 0.0v C%! volta#e* but PC R!101 serial adaptors t(picall( use 2/- 31v. This proves a
proble& since the PCs serial volta#e $ould overload the router and this is li'el( to da&a#e both PC and
4o$ do (ou overco&e this proble&5 Well there are several $a(s to $or' around it. Certain converters e6ist
to convert bet$een the 0.0v and 31v lo#ics 7 "or e6a&ple the %A80101 chip ()C). 9ou &a( be able to use
the %A80111 chip instead* but not the %A8101 chip $hich uses ...v Transistor-Transistor :o#ic (TT:)
volta#e. 9ou can construct a si&ple circuit around this chip or bu( the circuit and chip in 'it "or&. Additionall(
the 'its can usuall( purchased pre-built.
The proble& $ith constructin# circuits around the %A80166 chips is that the ine6perienced &a( have
di""icult( and the cost o" the chips (and the rest o" the circuit) can be hi#h co&pared to &obile phone cables.
The use o" a &obile phone cable si&pli"ies thin#s #reatl(. These cables incorporate the lo#ic converter
circuit and are ter&inated $ith ,!B connectors* &a'in# it ver( eas( to connect to a PC and reducin# the
a&ount o" $or' to #et the& to inter"ace $ith a router. The D+,-. cable (no$ bein# superseded b( the CA-;1
and CA-.0) is an ideal choice since it is $idel( available and lo$ in price. The e6act phone connector (on the
opposite end to the ,!B connector) is irrelevant 7 the business end is $here the ,!B connector is ((ou $ill
notice the plu# is lar#er than an ordinar( ,!B plu#).
This #uide is ai&ed at the novice level so the &ore technical readers should be able to bree<e throu#h this
#uide ver( /uic'l(.
Getting started
The D+,-. 'it (assu&in# it has been purchased =ne$) co&es $ith an instruction boo'let* CD and the cable
The cable has a label on the ,!B connector &ar'ed =%obile Action %!-D+,-.
At this point it is a #ood idea to connect the cable to (our PC to see i" it $or's. )nsert the CD into (our CD
drive and then insert the cable. 4ope"ull( Windo$s $ill detect the D+,-. and use the driver "ro& the CD.
The Device %ana#er (Start Menu -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Hardware tab -> Device
Manager) should displa( an entr( under =Ports called =>+)A D+,-. (C%6)* $here 6 is a nu&ber. The
precise C% port nu&ber &a( var( on (our s(ste&.
)" (ou have proble&s installin# the cable* (ou can do$nload the driver "or the D+,-. "ro& the =?uides
section o" the $$$ $ebsite ($here this #uide can also be "ound).
@or an(one interested* the current consu&ption reported b( Windo$s "or the cable is ;;A&A (close the
&a6i&u& per&itted).
The phone-connector needs to be re&oved so the cable can be cut to$ards that end* as indicated belo$B
nce cut* the sheath and shieldin# can be cut bac' allo$in# the individual $ires can be spla(ed
Down to the wire
While &ost cables $ill probabl( use the sa&e colourin# "or the $ires* this cannot be #uaranteed (the
&anu"acturers &a( choose their o$n colourin#).
To identi"( $hich $ire is $hich (ou need to use a &ulti&eter. This needs to be per"or&ed $hile the cable is
plu##ed in to the PC. ,se the &ulti&eter on the volta#e settin# above 0 volts (in the $riters case this $as
the 1A volt settin#). To start $ith place the blac' probe in contact $ith the $ire (ou thin' is the #round -
t(picall( this is the $hite $ire. Then &easure the volta#e "ro& each o" the other $ires in turn.
9ou &a( "ind it is easier to probe the $ires b( insertin# the& into a ter&inal bloc' (as sho$n above).
9ou $ill 'no$ $hen the blac' probe is on the #round $ire because all the volta#es $ill be positive. There"ore
(ou &ust 'eep repeatin# the &easure&ents (&ovin# the blac' probe) until all the &easure&ents are
When &easured $ith respect to the $hite $ire these are results ) #otB
Wire White Red Blue ?reen
Colta#e / C n/a A.3. 1.0; A.;D
The t$o hi#hest volta#es $ill correspond to the data $ires (trans&it 7 T8 and receive 7 R8). This can be
con"ir&ed b( con"ir&ed b( connectin# a 3AA h& resistor bet$een the& and then usin# 4(perTer&inal.
Assu&in# a resistor is connected bet$een the data $ires (blue and #reen in the authors case) and
assu&in# the cable is plu##ed in to the PC* run 4(perTer&inal in Windo$s (!tart %enu -E Pro#ra&s -E
Accessories -E Co&&unications -E 4(perTer&inal).
T(pe in a na&e "or the connection and clic' on =+
!elect the C% port that relates to the D+,-.B
Fnter the properties "or the connectionB
The !AR-GAAFR re/uires 0H*;AA bit per second* H data bits* parit( I none* 3 stop bit and hard$are "lo$
control* so that is $hat the $rite used (even thou#h at this sta#e the router $as not connected). To "ind out
$hat re/uire&ents (our router has "or serial co&&s* loo' at the output "ro& the J/proc/tic"#/envK co&&and
(see httpB//$$$.routertech.or#/'b.php5&odeIarticleL'I0. "or "ull instructions on ho$ to appl( this
co&&and). The results o" the co&&and should have lines li'e the "ollo$in#B
modetty0 38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1 38400,n,8,1,hw
These sho$ the re/uire&ents in the "or&atB
Bits per second, parity, data bits, stop bit(s), flow control
)" all #oes $ell* 4(perter&inal should displa( =Connected in the botto& le"t o" the $indo$B
And i" (ou t(pe so&ethin# in* (ou should see it displa(ed (the data is bein# sent and received).
Based on the in"or&ation on the >et* the hi#hest volta#e (blue $ire) is the trans&it (T8) and the second
hi#hest (#reen $ire) is the receive (R8). The lo$est (red $ire) is not used so it can be i#nored and tri&&ed
do$n so that it doesnt #et in the $a(.
Serial connection
nce (ou have deter&ined $hich $ire is $hich* (ou can connect up the $ires to the serial port o" the router.
The serial port on the router has "our pins and is situated on the lo$er ri#ht o" the PCBB
To connect to the serial pins (ou $ill need a cable $ith a suitable connector (spare "lopp( drive cables etc) or
(ou can &a'e one (oursel".
The order o" the pins "or the !ol$ise GAAFR and GAAFW
is sho$n in the illustration to the le"t.
The PCBs have a =3 printed ne6t to pin 3 and that see&s to al$a(s be the po$er pin.
)n the $riters case this &eans that the $hite $ire $ould connect to pin ; (#round)* the blue $ire $ould
connect to pin 0 (R8) and the #reen $ire $ould connect to pin 1 (T8).
@or the !a"eco& !ART1-;33. the order is as "ollo$sB
)" (ou decide to &a'e (our o$n then (ou $ill needB
3 6 PCB :atch 4ousin# 0-$a( (A.3K series soc'et housin#) 7 code B8D7@ "ro& %aplins.
3 6 strip o" 3A A.3in soc'et ter&inals 7 code 9W1.C "ro& %aplins.
The latch housin# is the plastic connector* $hile the soc'et ter&inals are s&all &etal "ittin#s that are
=cri&ped and soldered on to the $ires. The soc'et ter&inals slot in to the latch housin# and loc' in to place.
To cri&p on a ter&inal* insert the $ire in to the ter&inal and use a cri&pin# tool or pair o" pliers to bend the
little tabs around the $ire to hold it in place.
The above photo sho$s 1 soc'et ter&inalsM one is cri&ped on to the $hite $ire. A"ter the $ires are cri&ped*
ideall( (ou should solder the ter&inals to provide a &ore secure and e""ective electrical Noint.
Belo$* the three $ires $ith the ter&inals are inserted in to the latch housin#. A s&all tab on each ter&inal
clic's in to the s&all recesses ("ar ri#ht) $hen the ter&inals are "ull( inserted. @or neatness* the len#th o"
e6posed $ires should be &uch shorter than that sho$n. It is possible to remove a terminal by depressing the
tab through the recess (with something lie a paperclip! and pulling gently on the wire " this may provide
su##icient #le$ibility to swap round wires during the testing phase%
The $ires "ro& the D+,-. can be connected directl( to the latch housin# (as above)* ho$ever i" (ou $ant to
test the connection be"ore (ou co&&it to that* (ou &a( pre"er to use other $ires.
An ideal $a( o" testin# the arran#e&ent is to use a =breadboard. This &a'es it ver( eas( to chan#e the $a(
the $ires are hoo'ed up i" (ou &a'e a &ista'e. The photo belo$ sho$s the ho&e-&ade =cable ("our $ires)
attached to the routers serial portB
And the photo belo$ sho$s a breadboard bein# used to connect up the $ires "ro& the serial port $ith the
$ires "ro& the D+,-.B
9ou $ill notice that thic'er &ono-core $ires have been te&poraril( attached to the D+,-. $ires. Without
these it $ould be ver( di""icult to insert the thin &ulti-core $ires o" the D+,-. directl( in to the breadboard
Also* an :FD and (ballast) resistor $ere used to indicate $hen the circuit $as po$ered up (this $ould also
con"ir& i" the #round and po$er pins $ere correctl( identi"ied). )" (ou $ish to do this* (ou $ill need a ;-$a(
connector (instead o" a 0-$a( one) to &a'e use o" the po$er pin.
Whether (ou &ade (our o$n serial connector or re-used an e6istin# one* (ou can no$ chec' to see i" the T8
and R8 are the ri#ht $a( round b( doin# the "ollo$in#B
3. !tart 4(perTer&inal (as e6plained earlier) 7 at this point 4(perTer&inal &a( co&plain that it is
unable to open the C%.
1. )nsert the ,!B plu# into (our PCs soc'et (and $ait a "e$ seconds "or Windo$s to discover the
0. Connect the latch connector to the routers serial port.
;. Po$er up the router.
9ou should start to see so&e te6t appear in the 4(perTer&inal $indo$ (so&ethin# li'e the above). )" not* tr(
clic'in# on the =connect button in 4(perTer&inal a "e$ ti&es* as the router is bootin# up.
)" (ou do not see an( te6t appearin# and 4(perTer&inal cannot connect* then (ou &a( have the T8 and R8
the $ron# $a( round. Tr( s$appin# the& over to see i" that i&proves thin#s* as so&e routers have the T8
and R8 s$itched over.
When (ou are happ( that circuit $or's* then (ou can &a'e the connections &ore per&anent b( solderin# or
$hatever (ou "ind the &ost convenient.
4ere are so&e dia#ra&s sho$in# the overall $irin# arran#e&ents* sho$in# the soc'et ter&inals and latch
housin#s "or a direct connectionB
Belo$ sho$s the serial cable at a later sta#e* connected to a po$ered-up routerB
A diode is connected across the #round and po$er $ires in the opposite direction to the :FD. This is to
prevent the :FD bein# da&a#ed in the event that the connector is connected the $ron# $a( round on the
)" (ou are usin# the cable to assist a repair* then (ou $ill $ant to press a 'e( in the 4(perTer&inal $indo$
($hen the router sa(s to press an( 'e( to abort the ! load). When (ou do this* dependin# on the &odel o"
router (ou have* the routers :FD $ill sta( RFDB
While the :FD is red* (ou should be able to use PCTool etc.
to repair the router.
&otes on opening up a router%
%ost o" the scre$s on routers tend to be obscured* but traditionall( the( $ill all be accessible "ro& the
underside. n the !ol$ise !AR-GAAFR and !ol$ise !AR-GAAFW* the rubber "eet $ill need to be
peeled/prised o"" to reveal 0 o" the . scre$s. Another scre$ is hidden under the label. To "ind out the precise
location* (ou should "ir&l( rub the label $ith a "in#er* "eelin# "or a sli#ht indentation.
)" (ou press "ir&l( enou#h (ou $ill create a dip in the label over the scre$ hole* and the indentation $ill be
Then (ou $ill be able to puncture the label $ith the scre$ driver to re&ove the scre$.
Apart "ro& the "oru& at $$$.routertech.or#* $hich has a $ealth o" in"or&ation on this and related subNects*
the "ollo$in# lin's &a( also prove use"ulB
httpB//$$$'/serial - Actiontec serial cable
httpB//ar7-debric'.&('/ - biros $ebsite

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