Weekly Report (11 05 2014)
Weekly Report (11 05 2014)
Weekly Report (11 05 2014)
Weekly Progress Report MEP Works (Period : 26.04.14 to 09.05.14)
1. Progress at site during this report period
Temporary Works
( Camp)
1. Fire Fighting work installation & connection at Pump room
(5!" #nter$acing with F% &'stem is pending
2. (eneral maintenance ) F% alarm $aults* %+, repairing
-. .emporar' /ighting arrangements at site* store & site o$$ices
Batching Plant
External Works /
1. 1erouting o$ 2nderground Drainage ser3ices & 4lectrical ca5le
5elow 6 5uilding (7! 0 4lectrical ca5le $inal connections
5alance". Pumping line* (ra3it' line & o3er$low line completed.
Perm!e!t Works:
B2 builing
1. .hird $loor to 1oo$ columns P8, conduits $or 4lectrical
ser3ices (50!" completed
2. 1c9 :0 s;.mm ca5le (down conductor" $or /ightning
Protection s'stem through .hird $loor to 1oo$ columns
-. P8, conduits $or 4lectrical ser3ices in .hird $loor sla5
(second $loor ser3ices" 100! completed.
4. ,hecking the P8, conduits inside $irst $loor <igh le3el sla5
using pulling spring and rope $or an' damages or choke up
5. 2p3c slee3es $or mechanical ser3ices (drainage water
suppl' in
.hird $loor (100!"
1. (round $loor 5eam P8, conduits $or small power (100!"
2. (round $loor column slee3e $or lightning protection s'stem
under progress (100!"
-. P8, conduits $or small power through (rade sla5 (100!"
4. P8, conduiting $or 4=ternal lighting s'stem* Fire alarm &
pu5lic address through (round to $irst $loor columns
5. <DP4 ca5le ducts $or 4/8 s'stem Part 1&2 completed
>. 2p3c slee3es $or mechanical ser3ices (drainage & water
suppl' inside the ground 5eam (100!"
:. P8, conduits $or 4lectrical ser3ices in $irst $loor sla5 -0!
completed* work on progress.
B" # B$ builings 0
B% builing ?n <old
Clinic Extension ,i3il works under progress.
P&C o''ice site @o A4P acti3it' during this period