Math Lesson - Tens Frame Final

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De s i gn f or Le ar ni ng

Instructor: Tabitha Whitacre Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher:

Kindergarten - Mrs. Deer
Lesson Title: Double Tens Frame Date: February 25, 2013
Curriculum Area: Math Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Standards Connection: Alabama Math (13) Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to
19 into ten ones and some further ones, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record
each composition or decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 18 = 10 + 8);
understand that these numbers are composed of ten ones and one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, or nine ones.

Learning Objective(s): When given a sheet of double tens frames, students will be able to
color in the correct number of squares with 4 out of 6 correct tens frames.

Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: Today, boys and girls, we are
going to learn how to count to numbers above 10 using ten frames.

Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): Students will be given a sheet with 4 double tens
frames. (See attached) They will be told to color in the amount of squares that they
number states. In order to be considered proficient, students must color in the correct
number in at least 4 out of the 6 tens frames.

Engagement: The teacher will ask the students about calendar time. She will refer to the
tens frames and ask how many days they have been in school. She will ask how they
know that? And she will continue to talk to them about how each frame has exactly 10
spaces. Ok, boys and girls, who can tell me what you use every morning to add up how
many days youve been in school? Yes! You use ten frames. How many days have you
been in school? And how many tens frames did you use? Yes, why do you think you had
to use more than one? Exactly, because you have more than 10! Well, today we are going
to learn how to use tens frames when you have more than 10.

Learning Design:

I. Teaching: The teacher will transition from talking about calendar into talking about
tens frames and how important they are for all numbers. She will ask questions that will
allow the students to start thinking why they may need a two tens frames for a number
greater than 10. The teacher will first hold up a card with one tens frame filled in and ask
how many squares are filled in. Alright, I am going to hold up a card and I want you to
raise your hand if you know what number the card represents? How many squares are
filled in all? The teacher will hold one up with 10 filled in. Yes, very good. This frame
has exactly 10! Raise your hand if you could tell me what you think we might do if we had
a number over 10 that we wanted to put on a tens frame? Yes, we could add another one!
So, now that I have two tens frames, how would I represent the number 12? Yes, since I
know I have how many here? 10. Then I could add one more, 11, and then another, to
make 12. Very good. So, if I have a number bigger than 10, will one of my tens frames
always be filled up? Yes! Because you know if its bigger than 10, you have to count to 10
before you can get to your number. Lets try another number. How about if I wanted to
make 16? Yes, start with the tens frame, then add how many? Lets count, One more, 11,
then 12, 13, 14, 15, and then 16. Very good. Ok, now Im going to hold up a card and I
want you guys to tell me how many I have. Raise your hand if you think you know. Yes,
13. Good job. How did you know that I had 13? Did you know how many was in this
frame? 10. Then what did you do to figure out how many were the next one? You counted
the squares, good. Alright, lets try one more. The teacher will hold up a card with 19
filled in. This ones a little harder. How many of these squares are filled in? Wow great
job, 19! How did you figure that out? Good, you knew that this whole tens frame was 10,
then you counted the rest of the squares to figure out 19. Whats another way you could
have figured out that it was 19? Yes, you could have counted down from 20. Do both
frames equal 20? That takes a lot of thinking doesnt it. Ok, lets try to fill in one more
together then I will let you all practice some on your own. How about the number 15?
What would we fill in first? Good, the whole first tens frame. How many do we have
now? Yes, 10. Ok, how many more do we need to fill in? 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Good.
How many do we have filled in on the second frame? 5. Does anyone notice anything
about this second frame? Yes, it is half way filled in. Great job. So what number did we
just make? 15! Way to go! Do you guys think you could do this on your own now?
Perfect, well we are going to practice some!

II. Opportunity for Practice: The students will be given a sheet with four double tens
frames printed on it. (See attached) There will be a teen number attached to each frame.
The students must color in the correct amount of squares for that frame. They will sit
with their table groups and can work with their partner. Ok, boys and girls, now that you
know how to count past 10 on the tens frames, we are going to practice! Im going to give
you each a sheet with four tens frames on it, and just like we have practiced, you are
going to look at the number, and then color in that same number of squares. You will be
sitting in your table groups, and you may work with a partner. Do you have any
questions? Great. Ok, girls you may quietly head back to your seats. Boys you may
quietly head back to your seats. The teacher will pass out the tens frames. She will walk
around and formatively assess as the students are working. She will ask if there are any
questions, and help students who need help. Then she will call the students back to the
carpet to explain their centers. When you are finished, you can put your sheet on my chair
and then quietly head back to the carpet.

III. Assessment: For the assessment, the teacher will make one math station the Double
Tens Frame center. As the students rotate around the centers, they will work on the
Double Tens Frame sheet by themselves and the teacher will collect it at the end for the
assessment. Each student must get at least 4 out of the 6 tens frames correct in order to be
considered proficient. Good job boys and girls. Now, we are going to do Math Centers.
Each center has something you have been working on the past few days, but the blue
station now has more Double Tens Frames. When you are working on your sheet, try
and see how many you can fill out on your own. Then once youre done, if you want more
practice, you can use an empty tens frame and use the counters to fill it up with a number
you choose. Does anyone have any questions? Ok, if you are a boy you may go to a
center. Remember, no more than four to a station. If you are a girl, you may go find a
station. The teacher will be walking around to see if anyone needs help. At the end of
center time, the teacher will collect all the Tens Frames and see which students have
mastered it and what she can still help teach.

IV. Closure: The teacher will call the students back to the carpet to review what they
have learned. Alright, boys and girls, start cleaning up your center and then quietly head
back to the carpet when you are done. You all did a great job today! Who can tell me one
thing they learned from todays math lesson? Yes, what do you do when you are counting
using a tens frame, but you have more than 10? Yes, exactly you have to use another one.
Just like we do in our calendar time, we have used so many because we have been in
schools more than 10 days! Very good. I am very proud of you all.

Materials and Resources:
Calendar Tens Frames
Blank Tens Frames
Practice Tens Frames
Assessment Tens Frames
Blank Tens Frames/Counters for Center

Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):

ELL / L: She could use counters to count out the numbers then place them in the squares,
since coloring in the lines is harder for her. She could also just arrange the counters on
her desk to make a tens frame.

Data Analysis: I wasnt able to give the Assessment Tens Frame, but for the Practice Tens
Frame, the students did very well. Out of sixteen students, ten completed the sheet with
minimal help and correctly. Two needed the help and support of the teacher. Four needed
support, but were able to do it with the help of their classmates. All of the students
understand the idea of using two tens frame, and I feel confident that they will be able to
further explore the topic and content.

Reflection: I thought this lesson went very well. While the students were on the carpet,
we had a Number Talk using the tens frame. I was proud of the different ways the
students found to figure out which number the frames represented. I started out with
showing them the cards that already had dots on them; then I moved to have them help
me fill in the correct number. That way seemed to be easier for the students to
understand. I had the students help me fill in the dots, which helped them have a little
practice. If I were going to do this lesson again, I would give the students better
directions for after they finished their sheet, for some students finished more quickly than
others. Overall, I felt that this lesson went very well and would definitely teach it again!

Samford University
Design for Learning

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