Registration Form
Registration Form
Registration Form
Name: _______________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City: ________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ______________
eMail: _____________________________________________________________
#1 Vehicle Year: __________ Make: ______________ Model: ______________ $25
#2 Vehicle Year: __________ Make: ______________ Model: ______________ $5
#3 Vehicle Year: __________ Make: ______________ Model: ______________ $5
LIABILITY: In consideraon of the acceptance of the right to parcipate, entrants, parcipants, and
spectators by execuon of this form, release and discharge the Veterans of VFW Post 4042 Bigfork,
the State of Montana, Town of Bigfork, County of Flathead, their ocers, directors, employees,
agents, or representaves and anyone else connected with the presentaon of this event, from all
known and unknown damages, losses, injuries, judgments, and/or claims from any cause that may
be suered by entrants to his or her person or property.
Each entrant agrees to indemnify all foregoing entries, forms and persons of any and all liability
occasioned or resulng from the conduct of an entrant or parcipant assisng with entrant under
the direcon or control of the event. Entrant hereby grants permission to the organizers of the
event to use any photos and names for publicaon in print or online, pertaining to the event.
I agree with these terms, and am 18 years or older.
Sign Here: ________________________________________________________
Make checks payable to: VFW Post 4042
Send payment and signed registraon form to: VFW, P.O. Box 645, Bigfork, MT 59911 [email protected] (406) 2608385
$25 Advance
$30 Day of Show
$5 Each Additional Entry
Sunday, August 31, 2014
8am - 4pm