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CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1
CNMI Public School System
Understanding by Design Collaborative Curriculum Unit Planning School:San Antonio Elementary Grade Level: 2nd Wee!s" o#: (April 21-25 $ %&'(" Stage ': Identi#y Desired )esults ESTABLISHED GOALS Standard(s) and Ben!mar"(s)# $e%ie&# RL10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 23 text complexity band proficiently, ith scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. !" 3 #no and apply grade$le%el phonics and ord analysis s&ills in decoding ords. R!'( Read ith sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension "L)( *reate audio recordings of stories or poems+ add draings or other %isual displays to stories or recounts of experiences hen appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. ,-. .articipate in shared research and riting pro/ects 0e.g., read a number of boo&s on a single topic to produce a report+ record science obser%ations1. 'ontent O()eti%e(s)# How to record personal poems or story. How to create a Research paper. About the Volume, rate, and Expression when reading a poem or story. Lan*+a*e O()eti%e(s) I can create a recording with my poems or story with the proper volume, rate, and expression. I can construct a research based shared with my partner according to a chosen topic. I can investigate a topic by following the procedures on how to do a research. I can share and explain the outcome of my work. Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 2 ,HAT -.DE$STA.DI.GS A$E DESI$ED/ *ig Idea!s"+Students ,ill understand that Students ,ill be able to read level+a--ro-riate te.t ,ith #luency and com-rehension/ Students ,ill be able to clari#y their ,riting through sel#+revising and editing/ Students ,ill be able to use a variety o# #orms #or ,riting/ Students ,ill be able to use oral language #or di##erent -ur-oses/ Students ,ill be able to retell stories ,ith details/ ,!at essential 0+estions &ill (e onsidered/ 1. hat are the steps by steps procedure on recording a poems or story! 2. hat are the things to be considered when doing a research! ". hat do # need to $now in order %or me to produce a &uality wor$! '. hy is it important to $now the details on how to do a research paper! ,HAT 1E2 1.O,LEDGE A.D S1ILLS ,ILL ST-DE.TS A'3-I$E AS A $ES-LT O4 THIS -.IT/ Students ,ill no,5 How to record personal poems or story. How to create a Research paper. About the Volume, rate, and Expression when reading a poem or story. Students ,ill be able to5 I can create a recording with my poems or story with the proper volume, rate, and expression. I can construct a research based shared with my partner according to a chosen topic. I can investigate a topic by following the procedures on how to do a research. I can share and explain the outcome of my work. Sta*e 2# Determine Aepta(le E%idene ,HAT E6IDE.'E ,ILL SHO, THAT ST-DE.TS -.DE$STA.D/ Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 3 Per#ormance 0as!s" !summary in G)1SPS #orm+See )e#erence"( )he *ocabulary words %rom the story together with *ocabulary words introduced by the teacher through the instruction will be used throughout the wee$. +tudents will be assessed on their understanding *ia wor$sheet. Per#ormance 0as )ubric: Criteria Advance (4) Proficient (3) Developin (2) !einnin (1) Reading Comprehension Summarizes important points and makes connections to other literature or experiences. Identifies main idea and important story elements. Recalls some facts and details Unable to answer specific questions about material read. Writing Conveys ideas in an interestin! descriptive and unique way. "eins to convey ideas in an interestin and descriptive way. Uses some precise lanuae and sentence variety. Uses simple words in sentences. Spelling #. Spells words well beyond rade $ words and makes excellent approximations of unknown words. Spells rade $ words with very few errors and makes ood approximations of unknown words. Spells many rade $ words and makes identifiable approximations of unknown words. Spells some rade $ words. Organization % &vidence of plannin and loical order allows reader to easily move throuh the composition. % clear beinnin and endin % effective linkin words and phrases % sense of wholeness % 'oical order allows reader to move throuh the composition without confusion. % has a beinnin and endin % some linkin words and phrases attempt at oranization % weak beinnin! endin % may lack linkin words and phrases % random order % no beinnin or endin % difficult for the reader to move throuh the response Participation Used time well in class and focused attention on the activity. Used time pretty well. Stayed focused on the activity most of the (id the activity but did not appear very interested. )ocus was lost *articipation was minimal +R student was hostile about Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 4 time. on several occasions. participatin. 2ther 3vidence!s"$ 4ui55es$ tests$ -rom-ts$ observations$ dialogues$ ,or sam-le:
Student Sel#+1ssessment and )e#lection: Exit ,ards .ote# See 4aet o7 -nderstandin* $e7erene Sta*e 8# 9lan Learnin* E:perienes and Instr+tion Ati%ity Ban" (See $e7erene on ,HE$ETO Elements 7or *+ided 0+estions to plan ati%ities)# List all ati%ities 7or t!e &ee"(s)- lass &or"; pro)ets; !ome&or"; learnin* tas"s; assessments; et< 2onday( 3pril 21, 201' Spring Break! No lasses! 4uesday( 3pril 22, 201' Spring Break! No lasses! ,ednesday, 4hursday, and !riday$3pril 23$2), 201' 5. 2orning Business( 1) minutes 0R!"31 a! "pelling ords( "ords with or, ore #horn, story, fork, score, store, morning, shore, born, tore, forget, for, more, report, force b! 6igh !re7uency ords( I$ve, begins, being, flower, ground, laugh, ready, stood, tall, very c1 4arget 8ocabulary ords( %. &a'ing( looking at something fondly ). *ero( someone who is looked up to for doing something important or brave +. Sprang( ,umped up -uickly .. /xercise( activity that moves the body 0. Sore( a feeling of pain or discomfort 1. Studied( learned about a sub,ect 2. 3epended( counted on4 relied on 5. 6verlooked( didn$t see4 not noticed4 looked past 9. 55. :escripti%e :ata 7esson Number8 % Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services " 9opic8 :eading with /xpression or ;luency and <ower <oints =aking 9ime8 58%0am(>8.0am #>? minutes! 555. ;oals, <b/ecti%es and "tandards 3. 5nstructional ;oals( ,e will be able to record poems or story based on our own experiences usin technoloy. -o learn how to record poetry or stories usin technoloy. -o learn the process of research usin the step by step procedure. B. "tandards( :7%?. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades )@+ text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. ;S + Anow and apply grade(level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. :;.8 :ead with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension S708 reate audio recordings of stories or poems4 add drawings or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. "2. <articipate in shared research and writing pro,ects #e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report4 record science observations!. *. "tudent Learning <utcomes( 5 can= I can create a recording with my poems or story with the proper volume, rate, and expression. I can construct a research based shared with my partner according to a chosen topic. I can investigate a topic by following the procedures on how to do a research.. I can share and explain the outcome of my work 58. Lesson 1( *reate a Recordings B. 2oti%ation( Bsk the student what is recordingC *ow do they apply it in their real lifeC ite some example based on your own experienced. Brainstorm from the student what they can be recorded. B. 3cti%ity 1( %. Budio recordings are a good way to share a favorite story or poem. Dou might want to share something you wrote. Dou might want to share something you read. Dou can make a recording and send it to a friend. Dou can make a recording to share with a relative who lives far away. ). Below are the steps you can follow to create an audio recording. a! .repare( Dou want to be proud of the recording you make. 9o do your best, follow these steps as you prepare8 *hoose a "tory or .oem( 9o choose the one you will record, ask yourself these -uestions. Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services # o "hich story or poem would my audience most en,oyC o "hich story or poem can be read aloud with feelingC o "hich story or poem would I most like to shareC >se ?our 8oice( Dou can use your voice to add interest to your story or poem. Dou need to think about what you say and how you say it. :eread the story or poem you chose. 9hink about where you should change your voice to make your reading more interesting. Dou can speak softer or louder in certain parts. Dou can speed up or slow down. Dou can add expression that shows surprise or anger. =ake sure to use the following 8olume, rate, and expression b! Rehearse( =ake sure that you practice to be sure your recording is the best you can do. <ractice by yourself and practice in front of others who can help you. ;or tips on making the most of your practices, click on these links. 1. .ractice by ?ourself a! ;ind a -uiet place where you can read your story or poem aloud. b! =ake a recording of your reading so you can listen later. c! Speak clearly. d! 3on$t talk too fast. Be sure to pause after funny or important moments. e! =atch your volume, rate, and expression to what is happening in your story or poem. f! "hen you are done recording, listen carefully to the recording. =ake a short list of things you would like to improve. g! 9ry again. ;ocus on one or two things you want to do better this time. h! Aeep practicing until you like what you hear. 2. .ractice ith <thers a! Bsk two or three of your friends to listen to your reading. b! /xplain that you want them to help you get better. c! Bsk them for feedback at the end of your reading. d! Ese their suggestions to improve. e! 9ry again and ask them if your reading improved. f! :emember to make a recording of each practice so you can listen later. Dou can decide what you are doing well and what you need to improve. c.! Record( Dou have prepared your story or poem. Dou have rehearsed it by yourself and with others. Now you are ready to make a final recording. Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services $ !ollo these tips( a. Speak clearly and slowly. b. Speak loud enough so your voice sounds strong. c. Ese expression in your voice. d. hange the rate and the volume of your voice to match what is happening in your story or poem. e. If you make a mistake, remember that you can stop the recording and start over. f. "hen you are satisfied with your recording, make copies and share with others. 8. @ote( !riday$.resentation 85. Lesson 2( Research to Build and Present Knowledge (Shared Research) B. 2oti%ation( Bsk the students the following -uestion. "hat can you do in order to find answers to your -uestionC *ow are you going to record your informationC 9he student will brainstorm some ideas about these two -uestion. 9he teacher can write it on the board. *ave you tried to research on something that you are curious aboutC "hat is itC "ho can share your experiencedC B. 3cti%ity( .air up your student. Let them choose hat topic they ant to research. "hat do you want to learn aboutC Dou can do research to learn about it. :esearch helps you find answers and learn new things. Bfter you research, you can write a report to share what you learned. "ork with a small group to research a topic. 9he following are the steps you need to know in order to have a successful research. a. 2a&e a .lan( 9o begin researching, you need a plan. "hat topic will you researchC "here will you find informationC %. *hoose a 4opic( ;irst, choose a topic. "hat do you want to learn aboutC "ould you like to learn about animalsC "ould you like to learn about life cyclesC 'ook at this example. 6ur topic is8 plants "e chose this topic because8 "e want to learn how seeds become plants. ). 3s& a Auestion( Next, ask a -uestion about the topic. Fuestions ask who, what, when, where, why, and how. Dou will do research to answer your -uestion. 7ook at this example8 6ur -uestion is8 *ow do seeds become plantsC b. !ind 5nformation( *ow will you answer your -uestionC Dou will find information. %. ;ather "ources( It is a good idea to look at many sources. /ach source can Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services % tell you different things about your topic. *ere are some good sources8 nonfiction books about your topic textbooks safe "eb sites encyclopedias observations 7ook at this group$s ideas. "hat sources will they useC Fuestion8 *ow do seeds become plantsC Sources we could use8 )ind books about plants and life cycles. *lant a seed and observe what happens. $. Take Notes: Choose one of your sources. ,rite down the title. ,rite down the author/s name. 'ook for facts about your topic. Source 1: Life Ccles of Plants ! "ordan #ndre$s 0otes. a1 Seeds need soil! water! and liht. a. -he seed sprouts and becomes a plant. b. )irst! the root pokes throuh the seed. It rows in the soil. c. -he part near the seed pokes throuh the soil. -hat/s the stem. d. -he leaves start to row. 2. %ake O!ser&ations: ,hat can you learn about your topic by makin observations3 Record what you see. Planting a Seed Day 1 Put seed in soil. Put it by the window. Watered it. Day 4 Seed sprouted. The seed case is poking out of the soil. We can see the stem. Day 5 The stem is standing up straight. Day !irst lea"es appear. c. <rganiBe and "ummariBe 5nformation( It is time to sum up your ideas and put them in order. Se-uence Ideas( <ut your ideas in order. Ese a se-uencing chart. "hat goes firstC "hat goes nextC "hat goes lastC *ere is an example about the cycle of plants8 Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services & d. 2a&e a .resentation( Dou may wish to write a report to share what you learned from your research. 9o write a report8 a! Begin by telling your topic. b! 9ell what -uestion you asked. c! 9hen share the answer you found. d! Include important facts and details. e! Bdd drawings or photographs. *ere are some other ways to share your findings8 a! &ive a speech. b! 3o a demonstration. c! Build a "eb page. GI. Note8 ;riday will be the presentation of their research topic. 85. 2aterials and C7uipment <oems <ower <oint :ubric Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1' :esearch topic 855. 3ssessment, Reflection, D Re%ision <articipation, <resentation, :ubric, <ower <oint $ES9O.SE TO I.TE$6E.TIO. ($tI) 0ier I 1ctivities: -ist o% acti*ities which are at the common core or standards and benchmar$ le*els. -earner data progress is collected at three periods during the year. 0ier II 1ctivities: -ist o% acti*ities which are at the strategic le*el. -earners do not respond to core curriculum . /at0ris$1 %or %ailure +upplemental instruction pro*ided. -earner data progress is %re&uent during the year 2example( e*ery 2 wee$s3. 0ier III 1ctivities: -ist o% acti*ities which are at the strategic le*el. -earners do not respond to core curriculum . /at0ris$1 %or %ailure +upplemental instruction pro*ided. -earner data progress is %re&uent during the year 2example( e*ery 2 wee$s3. S,D A.D ELL .EEDS- STE9 ,ISE 9$O'ESS Student!s" ,6 Disabilities 3LL Student!s" ,!at (arriers are "eepin* t!e st+dents 7rom aessin* instr+tion; partiipatin* in ati%ities; demonstratin* learnin*; et/ Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 11 Student ': Student ': ,!at s+pports &ill red+e identi7ied (arriers/ Student ': Student ': Ho& &ill t!e s+pport assist t!e st+dents in aessin* instr+tion; partiipatin* in ati%ities; demonstratin* learnin*; et/ Student ': Student ': =< TA$GET S9E'I4I' IE9 OB>E'TI6ES A.D 4O-.DATIO.AL S1ILLS THAT 'A. BE ADD$ESSED D-$I.G THE -.IT (S9ED)< -ist $ey words %rom #E4 ob5ecti*es and6or %oundational s$ills and indicate which #E4 ob5ecti*es and %oundational s$ills can be addressed within each instructional acti*ity. IE9 o()eti%es ? 7o+ndational s"ills (&rite "ey &ords) 7ound in #ndi*idual Education 4lan -nit instr+tional ati%ities (&rite t!e n+m(er o7 t!e ati%ity or "ey &ords) $e7erene Instr+tional Strate*ies ('IT,) Te!nolo*y @aterialsA $eso+res# St+dent ,or"AE%idenes# Identi7yin* Similarities ? Di77erenes# ,ompare ,lassi%y 8etaphor Analogy Generatin* ? Testin* Hypot!esis# 9ecision 8a$ing Experimental #n&uiry Historical #n*estigation #n*ention 4roblem +ol*ing +ystems Analysis .on-Lin*+isti $epresentation# :inesthetic 9ata ,ollection ;rainstorming6 #dea 8apping +o%tware 9iagnostic 4rescripti*e +ystem ,alculators 9isplay )ools ,lic$ers #nteracti*e hiteboard ,ollaborati*e Application Educational games ,ommunication )ools Virtual manipulati*e 8ultimedia 2watching3 8ultimedia 2creating3 +preadsheet 4lay6+$its ,reating new poem6short stories6songs 4ro5ects 2"9 models, dioramas, etc.3 <roup discussion 4eer6+el% E*aluation 9ebates #nter*iews 4eer )eaching 4roblem +ol*ing +ummari=ing >utline ,ompare ? ,ontrast +tudent 9emonstration Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 12 8ental #magery6+enses 4hysical 8odel 4ictograph Ot!er# Ad*ance >rgani=er ,ues and @uestions Aote )a$ing 4ractice 4ro*iding 7eedbac$ 4ro*iding Recognition Rein%orcing E%%ort +etting >b5ecti*es eb0based Research ord 4rocessing >ther 2ma$e note3 +ilent Reading Bournaling6riting Reports >ral 4resentations <raphic >rgani=ers #n*estigation6Experiment -earning <ames 4araphrasing6Retell #llustrate 8emori=e or$sheets Aote0ta$ing6 -isting 9iscussion Hands0on -earning BloomBs Ta:onomy $emem(er -nderstand Apply AnalyCe E%al+ate 'reate )ell, list, describe, relate, locate, write, %ind, state, name, identi%y, label, recall, de%ine, recogni=e, match reproduce, memori=e, draw, select, recite Explain, interpret, outline, discuss, distinguish, predict, restate, translate, compare, describe, relate, generali=e, summari=e, put in own words, paraphrase, con*ert, demonstrate, *isuali=e, %ind out more in%o +ol*e, show, use, illustrate, construct, complete, examine, classi%y, choose, interpret, ma$e, put together, change, apply, produce, translate, calculate, manipulate, modi%y, put into practice Analy=e, distinguish, examine, compare, contrast, in*estigate, categori=e, identi%y, explain, separate, ad*ertise, ta$e apart, di%%erentiate, subdi*ide, deduce Budge, select, choose, decide, 5usti%y, debate, *eri%y, argue, recommend, assess, discuss, rate, prioriti=e, determine, criti&ue, weigh, *alue, estimate, de%end ,reate, in*ent, compose, predict, plan, construct, propose, de*ise, %ormulate, combine, hypothesi=e, originate, add to, %orecast SID 4A'ETS O4 -.DE$STA.DI.G (BLOO@BS TADO.O@2) E:ample o7 -sin* E 4aets o7 -nderstandin* (Topi# .+trition) 1< ED9LA.ATIO.# hat are the $ey ideas in..! hat are examples o%..! hat are the characteristics and parts o%..! hat caused..! hat are the e%%ects o%..! How might we pro*e, con%irm, 5usti%y..! How is..connected to..! hat might happen i%..! hat are the common misconceptions about..! How did this come about! hy is this so! 9e*elop a brochure to help young students understand what is meant by a balanced diet 2< I.TE$9$ETATIO.# hat is the meaning o%..! hat are the implications o%..! hat doesre*eal about..! How isli$e2analogy or metaphor3! How doesrelate to me or us! +o what! hy does it matter! 9iscuss what the popularity o% %ast %oods say about modern li%e! Students First CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 13 8< A99LI'ATIO.# How isapplied in the larger world! How mighthelp to..! How could we use to o*ercome..! How and when can we use this 2$nowledge or process3! 4lan a menu %or a class party consisting o% healthy, yet tasty snac$s. =< 9E$S9E'TI6E# hat are the di%%erent points o% *iew about..! How might this loo$ %rom a di%%erent perspecti*e! How is this similar to or di%%erent %rom..! hat are other possible reactions to..! hat are the strengths and wea$nesses o%..! hat are the limits o%..! hat is the e*idence %or..! #s the e*idence reliable! +u%%icient! ,onduct a research to %ind out i% the 7ood 4yramid guidelines apply in the other regions 2e.g. Antarctica, Asia, the 8iddle East3 and the impact o% di*erse diets on health and longe*ity. 5< E@9ATH2# hat would it be li$e to wal$ in Cs shoes! How might%eel about..! How might we reach an understanding about..! hat wastrying to ma$e us %eel and see! #magine( How might it %eel li$e to li*e with a dietary restriction due to a medical conditionD E< SEL4-1.O,LEDGE# How do # $now..! hat are the limits o% my $nowledge o%..! hat are my /blind spots1 about..! How can # best show..! How are my *iews aboutshaped by..2experiences, habits, pre5udices, style3! hat are my strengths and wea$nesses in..! Re%lect( )o what extent are you a healthy eater! How might you become a healthier eater! Students First