! Phone: 905 802 5947! E-Mail: [email protected]! Address: 7310 Appleby Line, Milton ON
To work with animals while preparing for a career in veterinary medicine.
Experienced in handling animals
Responsible for taking care of others
Motivated to complete tasks efficiently
Nelson High School September 2011-Present
4181 New Street, Burlington, Ontario
Completed grade 9 and 10 with Honours in all classes and currently have an average above 85%
Active participant in the following extra-curricular activities (Link Crew, Co-Chair of Nelson Student Council, Editor of the
school newspaper)
Work Experience
Headon Forest Ani mal Hospi t al January 2013- September 2014
Maintained the cleanliness of the general clinic area
Restrained animals for veterinary technicians
Vogue Model and Tal ent 1993-1995
Represented the agency at different jobs
Volunteer Experience
Co- op St udent - Headon Forest Animal Hospital February 2014- current
Assisted veterinarians and technicians in animal care
Observed surgeries
Vol unt eer- Windrush Stables June 2012- January 2013
Assisted in all aspects of instructing special needs people how to ride and care for horses
Founder- HEART Animal Foundation June 2008- current
Founded this organization in Fall 2008 to help animals and promote animal rights
Started an animal club at multiple schools in which participants made animal beds and toys that were donated to local animal
s shelters
Designed, fundraised, and built a cage free room for the cats at the Burlington Humane Society
Fundraising to build an animal sanctuary for abandoned, neglected, and unwanted animals.
McMast er Chi l dren s Hospi t al , Hami l t on, Ont ari o September 2011- September 2012
Led patients in animal related crafts and games
Fai rvi ew Gl en Mont essori School , Burl i ngt on, Ont ari o September 2011- December 2012
Visited the school and provide students with fun animal related crafts and games that gently educate students on how they can
h help animals
Started and led a club where the students learned about basic pet first aid
Wi ndy Ri dge St abl es, Mi l t on, Ont ari o June 2010- September 2011
Cleaned stalls and paddocks, fed and socialized with the animals
Bottle fed baby goats
Best Fri ends Ani mal Sanct uary, Ut ah July 2008 and July 2010
Volunteered at this sanctuary, taking on the duties of feeding and brushing dogs, cats, horses, and pigs, along with taking them
f for walks and cleaning out the facilities
Awards and Certification
Nelson Bronze Medalist October 17, 2013
EquineU Horse & Rider First Aid Certification June-August 2012
Pet First Aid Certification, Toronto, Ontario July 2011
Hobbies and Interests
Personal Fitness
Dog Agility
Horseback riding
Dance and aerial acrobatics
Available upon request