Lauren Delmont Education: Child Care Provider

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Lauren Delmont

[email protected]
Currently pursuing Associates of Arts degree, Howard Community College, Present
Columbia, MD. Anticipated graduation May 2014 with plans to peruse
Bachelor of Arts degree in nursing.
High school degree, River Hill High School, Clarksville, MD, 21029 2008-2012

Work Experience
Child Care Provider 2010-Present
Nanny to two boys (ages 4 and 6), took them to swimming Summer 2013
lessons, community pool, karate, camp, park, etc. and did
structured activities with them.
Server at Pizza Hut 2011-Present

Community Service
Volunteer, St. Louis Church, make and distribute lunches to the 2010-Present
homeless raise money for the poor by hosting an Annual Italian
Dinner, and manage a booth at the Clarksville Picnic
Volunteer, River Hill High School, assist with a local coat drive 2010-2012
for the needy. Involvement in school services and fundraisers
including assisting teachers as a classroom aid, selling
t-shirts, planting trees with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation
and working at Adopt-A-Road programs.
Volunteer, Rouse Scholars Program at Howard Community 2013
College, put up an invisible fence at the Samaritan Women and
sorted and packaged goods at the Maryland Food Bank.
Volunteer Donor Ambassador, American Red Cross, Provide 2014-Present
excellent customer service while checking in donors and making
sure they are comfortable.

Member, National Honor Society 2010-2012
Member, National Art Honor Society
Academic Excellence, Spanish 2 Honors 2009-2010
Member, Rouse Scholars Program Present
Member, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Present

Extracurricular Activities
Participate in recreational soccer, Soccer Association of Columbia 2004-2011
Played freshman volleyball for River Hill High School 2008
Active member of Girl Scouts of America 1999-2005

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