Unit Overview Math
Unit Overview Math
Unit Overview Math
Unit Overview
Second Grade Place Value
By Tara Westrate (2013)
This unit was written for second grade students. The unit introduces and reviews for
students their understanding of the base-ten system. The concepts in the unit will be taught using
a variety of materials as well as hands on experiences. Students will be expected to work
together, participate in all activities, use I-pads and present their work and findings to the class.
The lessons I have created were created and designed to cater to a variety of learning styles
including multiple intelligences. The lessons can be modified to meet a certain learners needs.
State of Michigan Content Standards
NBT2:1-The learner will count within 1,000 and use their understanding of place value in base
ten to represent numbers 0-1,000
NBT2:2-The learner will extend their understanding of the base- ten system.
Goals/Learning Targets
Unit Goals
Students will recognize
Students will understand
Students will identify
There are three lessons in this instructional plan that covers the mathematical concept of
place value. The first lesson includes a pre-assessment that will determine the groups or pairs
that the students will be placed in. This will be determined based on the students current
background knowledge and understanding of place value. The second lesson plan will use the
results from the pre-assessment to concentrate in those areas where the students struggled. The
third lesson plan utilizes the information from the previous lessons and continues to expand
students understanding of place value.
Content area
This instructional plan demonstrates through knowledge of the subject being taught by its
explicit instruction on key concepts of place value and the need to address the common
misconceptions of the different forms of writing place value.
Assessment Tools
This unit plan constantly demonstrates the use of authentic formative assessment as well
as summative assessments that determine the students current understanding of place value. The
instructional plan uses short classroom instruction, centers, and individual conversations with
classmates, thumbs up thumbs down, and students demonstrations of material based on the final
assessment given.
Assessment Data
By having students take the pre-test for place value before jumping directly into the
lessons on place value I was able to get a feel for the background and prior knowledge my
students already had on place value. In creating three lesson plans on place value I tried to keep
in mind the various learning styles. With all of the information that I have gathered through my
students various assessments given throughout the unit, I found that adjustments need to make in
order for me to continue to teach this content area in subsequent lessons. Based on this data I
have decided that some of the adjustments that should be made for the unit include re-teaching,
more extensions, and slowing down. Instead of just assuming what the students were supposed to
have learned in first grade, I think the next time I begin this unit of place value I will teach a mini
lesson on place value in order to re-introduce place value so students become more familiar. I
plan to add more extensions for struggling students as well as highly motivated students, that
way I can better meet my students needs. The last adjustment that I would make is slowing
down on the ability to write the place value. Some of my students struggled with being able to
spell the numbers. I feel if I had slowed down my teaching and allowed my students to have
more practice with the written form of place value that they would not have struggled as much as
they did.
Instructional Delivery
The learning activities in this instructional plan are highly relevant to the students and to
the objectives noted in each lesson. The activities were designed to meet the individual needs of
the students based on the information provided by the pre-test. The assessments and assessment
data were constantly used to determine how each student was progressing. The activities used to
reinforce and assess the students understanding of place value directly reflect the instructional
objectives stated in each lesson. Students learned how to express place value through standard
form and expanded form. These three lessons gave students the experience of the many ways that
we can use place value.
Explanation and Reflection
Lesson 1
In creating lesson one I wanted to review with my students what place value was and
what it meant. I felt that in my lesson I have provided for my students a fun and exciting way to
review and learn about place value. Effective changes that I feel I would make in order to
enhance my students learning based on my assessment data would be to teach a mini lesson on
place value before jumping into the very first lesson.
Lesson 2
Lesson two I feel gives students many different learning styles when learning about a
mathematical subject such as place value. Students need the chance to get up and move around
when learning. By allowing my students to do math workshop it does just that. Students are
rotating every fifteen minutes to a different activity that all pertains to the goals and objectives
that I am trying to meet for that days lesson. A couple of adjustment that I might need to make
based on my students assessment data is allowing for students to have more time in each center
to complete their given task. Another adjustment that I would make is to be more careful in
placing students in various center groups with one another based on ability.
Lesson 3
Being able to review the material you have just taught to your class in a fun and
controlled manor is very important to me. That is why I decided to make a place value math
game called Place Value Go Fish. This game allows students to work in pairs with their peers in
order to find the various representations of place value. One adjustment that I plan to make based
on my students assessment data is creating more of an extension for my students who are
struggling with place value.
Examples of Instructional Decisions
Based on the data received from the final assessment given, examples of some of the
instructional decisions that I would have changed include teaching, re-teaching, slowing down,
and re-testing. Due to so many students averaging out at a lower percentage that I would have
liked, I plan to make sure that during my teaching of this unit that I slow down for my students
and allow them a longer time frame in learning about place value as well as re-teaching some of
the material more than once and allowing my students to re-test in order to improve their grade
as well as their understanding on place value.
Throughout my unit I utilized a variety of different technology pieces in order to enhance
students learning and increase their engagement in the lesson. For a number of my lessons
throughout my unit I used the document camera to show and model to students how certain
activities are to be done and completed as well as to show an animate that allows students to see
their I can statements. I also utilized the schools I-pads to give students the opportunity to use
technology themselves in their learning process.