Database Management Systems QM332 Entity-Relationship Cases: Kuwait University Dept. of QM & IS
Database Management Systems QM332 Entity-Relationship Cases: Kuwait University Dept. of QM & IS
Database Management Systems QM332 Entity-Relationship Cases: Kuwait University Dept. of QM & IS
of QM & IS
Database Management Systems
Entity-Relationship Cases
1. Draw an E-R diagram for te fo!!owing situation" Spider is a #ar retai!er. $e
#ompany dea!s wit te supp!iers from %ermany wo support sip different
%erman and &ritis automo'i!es. $e #ompany needs to (now enoug
information a'out te supp!ier )su# as name* 'an(ing a##ount information*
address* pone num'er* et#.+ in order to fa#i!itate te #ommuni#ation.
Moreover* it a!so needs to (now te sa!espersons for its own re#ord. $e
#ustomer may visit te sowroom or #a!! te offi#e in Sa!mia eiter to 'uy or
get more information regarding te avai!a'!e #ars. It is important to (eep
re#ords a'out ea# #ustomer for future fo!!ow-up. ,ina!!y* te #ompany a!so
sou!d #o!!e#t enoug information a'out ea# #ar for !ega! and 'usiness
reasons. Remem'er tat te sipment #ontains one or more #ars 'y a spe#ifi#
-. . Star /astry Restaurant prepare Egyptian famous pastry mishaltet. $e
#ompany as on!y de!ivery servi#e. 0en#e* te orders #ome from te
#ustomers eiter 'y pone or persona! appearan#e at its !o#ation. $e order is
ta(en 'y te #ustomer representative and transferred to te (it#en* wi#
ta(es few minutes to prepare te food. $e de!ivery department ta(es te
#ustomer1s information and de!ivers te order.
2. 3!-4mran for 0a5 and 4mra is a new trave! #ompany. It is trying to 'ui!d a
new menta!ity for su# o!y trips 'ased upon te#no!ogy. It #o!!e#ts
information a'out its #ustomers. $e #ustomers ave tree types of payment
p!ans" ,u!! one-time payment 'efore te trip ta(es-off* two-payments one at
te 'eginning and one at te end* and tree-payments p!an were te payments
a!! are paid for tree #onse#utive monts after te #oming 'a#( date. $e tota!
#ost of te trip varies depending on te different varia'!es su# as age* num'er
of dependents* #ommuni#ation too!* and rooms needed. If te dependents are
avai!a'!e* it is important to (eep information a'out tem as we!!. Sin#e te
#ompany is new and dea!s wit many nationa!ities* it is e!pfu! for te firm to
(now te !anguages ea# #ustomer possess. Don1t forget tat te a##ounting
dept of te firm as different emp!oyees wo gets te data and enters tem
into te system.