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16 Ihop-Kc Values

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Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model 31

Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model
The first eight values are related to experiencing enjoyable prayer.
Also the sons of the fore!ner "ho jon the#sel$es to the %O&'(to lo$e the na#e of
the %O&'(EVE) *HEM I "ll brn! to My holy #ountan+ and MAKE *HEM
,O-./% n My house of 0rayer12 3Isa1 4656-67
A. The Lord will release joyful or enjoyable prayer to His church. The only type of
prayer that will continue night and day is enjoyable prayer. Anointed enjoyable
prayer is for everyone. Even them ! "saiah referred to the idolatrous barbaric
nations around "srael as being invited to enjoy #od in prayer.
$. %ignificant passages describing enjoyable prayer ! "sa. &'( ')( *s. +,-( .ev. ,/&.
0. The most significant passage related to enjoyable prayer outlines the beauty of
#od in context to the heavenly worship around the Throne 1.ev. ,/&). The beauty
of #od fascinates the heart and ma2es prayer enjoyable.
O)E *HI)8 I HAVE 'E9I&E' O. *HE %O&'+ that "ll I see:5(all the days of
#y lfe+ *O ;EHO%' *HE ;EA/*- O. *HE %O&'(12 3Ps1 <65=7
A. 3avid4s life/long preoccupation was ga5ing on the beauty of #od. #od4s beauty
was central to the prayer ministry led by 6ing 3avid. "n eternity7 the subject of
the beauty of #od is our eternal preoccupation with #od Himself. He is the
delight and the pleasure of His people forever.
). The revelation of #od4s emotions and affections 1burning desires8 was
also part of 3avid4s special focus.
9. The combination of #od4s beauty with His emotions for human beings
provides the essential ingredients of enjoyable prayer.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model 3<
,. The sustaining reality behind the "H:*/60 prayer model of ),/hour/a/
day prayer is to encounter #od as we understand His beauty and affection.
%ome who are interested in the "H:*/60 vision of ),/hour/a/day prayer
are more interested in the structure and model of Harp and $owl.
However7 the power to engage in night and day prayer is found in having a
heart that soars in #od.
&. :ur primary focus in prayer must be on #od rather than on repenting of
sin or binding the devil. ;ou cannot do this ), hours a day for years and
years. ;es7 we engage in these spiritual realities7 but they are not the main
focus of ),<= prayer.
A. 6ing 3avid4s theology of prayer provides essential dynamics for enjoyable prayer
1*s. +,-( +'8. 3avid wrote of #od4s pleasure7 delight and affection for His people.
'. 6ing 3avid taught the people to enjoy #od. "n place of the word rejoice
or joyful thin2 of the word enjoy.
%et Israel rejo>e 3enjoy7 n ther Ma:er? let the >hldren of @on be
joyful 3enjoy7 n ther Kn!12 3Ps1 1=A5<7
=. #od delights or ta2es pleasure in His people. At the heart of 3avidic
revelation is the understanding of #od4s delight in us 1even in our
wea2ness8. The beauty #od possesses7 is the beauty He imparts to His
people through redemption.
.or the %O&' ta:es 0leasure n Hs 0eo0le? He "ll beautfy the
hu#ble "th sal$aton12 3Ps1 1=A5=7
A. The first *erson of the Trinity is a tender >ather7 and the second *erson of the
Trinity is a passionate $ridegroom. The subjects of #od the >ather and ?esus the
$ridegroom #od are vital to the End/Time prayer movement. " cannot over
emphasi5e the value of %ong of %olomon and the doctrine of the $ride of 0hrist.
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$. The bridal paradigm of the 2ingdom is essential to experiencing enjoyable night
and day prayer.
-ou shall be >alled by a ne" na#e+ "h>h the #outh of the %O&' "ll na#e1
-ou shall also be a >ro"n of !lory n the hand of the %O&'+ and a royal
dade# n the hand of your 8od1 -ou shall no lon!er be ter#ed .orsa:en+ nor
shall your land any #ore be ter#ed 'esolate? but you shall be >alled
He0hBbah(for the %O&' del!hts n you( .or as a youn! #an #arres a
$r!n+ so shall your sons #arry you? and as the brde!roo# rejo>es o$er the
brde+ so shall your 8od rejo>e o$er you1 I ha$e set "at>h#en on your "alls+ O
,erusale#? they shall ne$er hold ther 0ea>e day or n!ht1 -ou "ho #a:e
#enton of the %O&'+ do not :ee0 slent+2 3Isa1 6<5<-67
+. @nderstanding our new name refers to understanding our new spiritual
identity as being delighted in by #od.
). The strength to the End/Time prayer movement is rooted in having a new
paradigm or a new picture of #od. Ahen we have a new view of #od we
inevitably have a new view of who we are in #od. :ur spiritual identity is
found in first being lovers of #od before being wor2ers for #od. Ae are
lovers before we are wor2ers. Lovers will always outwor2 the wor2ers.
9. The night and day perseverance in intercession 1"sa. ')B'8 is fueled by the
confidence and assurance that #od delights in us 1"sa. ')B)/&8.
*he t"enty-four elders fell do"n before the %a#b+ ea>h ha$n! a HA&P+ A)'
8O%'E) ;OC%9 full of n>ense+ "h>h are the 0rayers of the sants12 3&e$1 45D7
0. The harp spea2s of music and songs of worship to #od. The bowls spea2 of
prayers to #od. Around the throne of #od worship and intercession flow
3. %piritual warfare is essentially agreement with #od4s heart. Wor!"# "
$%r&&'&() *")! *!o Go+ " 1;ou are worthy7 ;ou are good7 etc.8.
I()&r,&"o( " $%r&&'&() *")! *!$) Go+ #ro'"& )o +o 1Lord release ;our
%pirit7 etc.8. Ahen we declare the truth of who #od is 1worship87 our faith
expands to agree with what He promised to do 1intercession8. Ahen we are
preoccupied with who He is7 we sustain our faith in interceding for the revival the
He promised to release.
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Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model 3=
Two ways to sing spontaneously ! singing with our spirit and with our understanding.
(I "ll sn! CI*H *HE 9PI&I*+ and I "ll also sn! CI*H *HE
/)'E&9*A)'I)812 31 Cor1 1=51=-147
E. %inging with our spirit in tongues.
.or he "ho s0ea:s n a ton!ue does not s0ea: to #en but to 8od( ho"e$er+
I) *HE 9PI&I* HE 9PEAK9 M-9*E&IE9(He "ho s0ea:s n a ton!ue
E'I.IE9 HIM9E%.(2 31 Cor1 1=5<-=7
>. %inging with our understanding from the %criptures.
(n 0sal#s and hy#ns and s0rtual son!s+ 9I)8I)8 A)' MAKI)8
ME%O'- n your heart to the %ord+2 3E0h1 451A7
%et the CO&' O. CH&I9* d"ell n you r>hly n all "sdo#+ tea>hn! (one
another n 0sal#s and hy#ns and s0rtual son!s+ 9I)8I)8 CI*H 8&ACE I)
-O/& HEA&*9 to the %ord12 3Col1 35167
#. Learning to flow in prophetic music and song is essential to establishing a corporate
model of enjoyable prayer. Ahy musicC Ahy the harpC Ahy is operating in
anointed music importantC The mystery of music is in the being of #od. #od is a
musician. The Holy %pirit is a musical %pirit. Dusic is the greatest form of
entertainment in every culture. AhyC $ecause the human spirit is musical.
H. Around the throne of #od7 the saints and angels experience the anointing of the
%pirit in music and singing as they worship. The combination of anointed
preaching with anointed music brings new dimensions. >or example7 the whole
room can feel the same thing together in a deep way. Even +EE7EEE in a stadium
can enter into the same depth of emotion together7 feeling the same thing together
for hours at a time with the combination of anointed music and anointed truths.
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". 6ing 3avid invested great amounts of resources 1time and money8 into cultivating
anointed music and singers.
Moreo$er 'a$d(se0arated for ser$>e(sons of Asa0h+ of He#an+ and of
,eduthun+ "ho should P&OPHE9- CI*H HA&P9+ 9*&I)8E'
I)9*&/ME)*9+ A)' C-M;A%9(Of the sons of Asa0h(+ CHO
P&OPHE9IE' a>>ordn! to the order of the :n!(sE sons under the dre>ton
of ther father ,eduthun+ CHO P&OPHE9IE' CI*H A HA&P to !$e than:s
and to 0rase the %O&'12 31 Chr1 <451-37
F. Ahy did 3avid invest so much resource into cultivating prophetic
musiciansC $ecause this dimension in the %pirit +o& (o) ,o'&
$/)o'$)",$001. "t comes through much "()&()"o($0 )r$"("(% $(+
"'#$r)$)"o(. "t ta2es time. " tell pastors to get singers who operate in a
prophetic spirit and who have a spontaneous spirit. This is critical to
cultivating a vibrant spiritual atmosphere in the 0hurch.
-. "t is not enough to add worship songs as a warm up to a prayer meeting or
to have them merely as bac2ground music. Dusicians must cultivate a
prophetic spirit that flows li2e a river inside them.
A. Elisha the prophet as2ed for a musician to release the anointing of the %pirit.
F;ut no" brn! #e a #us>an1G *hen t ha00ened+ "hen the #us>an 0layed+
that the hand of the %O&' >a#e u0on h#12 3< Kn!s 35147
$. The trumpets and harps are prominent in #od4s End/Time strategy as seen in the
boo2 of .evelation. #od releases His judgments on the earth through the music
of 3ivine trumpets 1.ev FB+9( -B+,8. They were also important in 6ing 3avid4s
prayer ministry 1) %am. 'B+&( + 0hr. +9BF( + 0hr. +&B),7 )F( +'B'7 ,)( ) 0hr. &B+9(
=B'( +9B+)7 +,( +&B+,( )EB)F( )9B+9( )-B)'/)=( Geh. ,B)E( +)B9&7 ,+8.
0. Antiphonal singing means responsive singing. The harp and bowl model is built
around antiphonal praying 1singing8 of the Aord. Antiphonal singing involves
functioning in team ministry in the Holy %pirit in the realm of worship and prayer.
Antiphonal singing 1praying8 is a dynamic way to provide diversity that helps to
sustain long hours of worship and prayer with greater intensity. "n team ministry
in prayer7 we are experiencing more of the flow of the %pirit. This is another
principle important for a corporate model of enjoyable prayer.
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3. Antiphonal singing is the model of #od4s choice around the Throne. "n this scene
around the Throne7 there are five different groups brea2ing forth in a heavenly
crescendo as they minister to #od together as one team.
)o" "hen He had ta:en the s>roll+ the four l$n! >reatures and the t"enty-four elders
fell do"n before the %a#b+ ea>h ha$n! a har0+ and !olden bo"ls full of n>ense+ "h>h
are the 0rayers of the sants1 And they san! a ne" son!+ sayn!5 F-ou are "orthy to ta:e
the s>roll+ and to o0en ts seals? for -ou "ere slan+ and ha$e redee#ed us to 8od by
-our blood out of e$ery trbe and ton!ue and 0eo0le and naton+ And ha$e #ade us
:n!s and 0rests to our 8od? and "e shall re!n on the earth1G *hen I loo:ed+ and I
heard the $o>e of #any an!els around the throne+ the l$n! >reatures+ and the elders?
and the nu#ber of the# "as ten thousand t#es ten thousand+ and thousands of
thousands+ sayn! "th a loud $o>e5 FCorthy s the %a#b "ho "as slan to re>e$e
0o"er and r>hes and "sdo#+ and stren!th and honor and !lory and blessn!HG And
e$ery >reature "h>h s n hea$en and on the earth and under the earth and su>h as are
n the sea+ and all that are n the#+ I heard sayn!5 F;lessn! and honor and !lory and
0o"er be to H# "ho sts on the throne+ and to the %a#b+ fore$er and e$erHG *hen the
four l$n! >reatures sad+ FA#enHG And the t"enty-four elders fell do"n and "orsh0ed
H# "ho l$es fore$er and e$er12 3&e$1 45D-1=7
+. The four living creatures and ), elders sing in .ev. &BF/+E.
). The myriads of angels join them in .ev. &B++/+).
9. Every creature joins the first two groups in .ev. &B+9.
,. The four living creatures cry out in a chorus of amen in .ev. &B+,.
&. The ), elders brea2 out into worship in .ev. &B+,.
A. *rayer that comes from #od4s heart is the 2ind of prayer upon which the Holy
%pirit releases 3ivine authority. @nderstanding #od4s heart helps us in several
different ways to enjoy intimacy with ?esus.
Most assuredly+ "hate$er you as: the .ather n My na#e He "ll !$e you (
As:+ and you "ll re>e$e+ that your joy #ay be full12 3,ohn 165<3-<=7
A. "nspired prayer that comes from communion with the Holy %pirit. The result is
answered prayer that ma2es our joy full.
If you abde n Me+ and My "ords abde n you+ you "ll as: "hat you desre+
and t "ll be done for you12 3,ohn 14567
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Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model 36
$. "nformed intercession.
). Accurate information about #od4s heart for a people or an area is critical
to reaching the fullness of partnering with the Holy %pirit in intercession.
*rophetic observation 1sometimes aided by human research8 identifies the
past activity of #od7 which can lead us to understand the redemptive
purposes and prophetic promises for a specific people or geographic area.
9. L&$r("(% )o $6 )r$)&%", 7/&)"o(. %piritual mapping is the process of
as2ing strategic Huestions to #od and from researching history.
a. As2ing #od to reveal what is specifically on His heart for a people or a
geographic area will lead us to partner in a deep way with Him.
b. As2ing Huestions about the history of a people or area will lead us to
prayer strategically with informed hearts.
A. To discern the social and spiritual dynamics at wor2 in a specific geographic area
helps the intercessors to sustain fervency in prayer. This is done by enhancing our
understanding of what #od desires to release by His %pirit. Two things that help
sustain concentrated and focused intercession are #ro%r&"8& r&8&0$)"o( $(+ ,0&$r
#ro8$90& r&/0). *eople are motivated by gaining new info as the 3ivine drama in
prophetic prayer unfolds. This is the same motivation that ma2es a person listen
intensely to a great story. Each detail draws them in with great attention as they
understand more. They begin to see the where the end of the story is going. There
is a clear sense of momentum when new information is discerned and new
brea2throughs occur. The revelatory focus that progressively unfolds more and
more information contributes to sustained fervency and effective prayer.
$. %ee #eorge :tis4 boo2 ! Informed Intercession
0. %ee Lou Engle4s boo2 ! Digging the Wells of Revivl
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model 3D
3. Enjoyable prayer is prayer that is active in the #reat Harvest.
FE$en the#(I "ll MAKE *HEM ,O-./% n My house of 0rayer (for My
house shall be >alled a house of 0rayer for all natons1G *he %ord 8O'+ "ho
!athers the out>asts of Israel+ says+ F-et I "ll !ather( others besdes(G2 3Isa1
E. Enjoyable prayer is prayer that is active in the #reat Harvest. The joy of #od4s
heart is imparted to the angels and the church when the lost are saved.
%:e"se+ I say to you+ there s joy n the 0resen>e of the an!els of 8od o$er
one snner "ho re0ents12 3%u:e 1451I7
(des>rbn! the >on$erson of the 8entles? and they >aused !reat joy to all
the brethren12 3A>ts 14537
.or "hat s our ho0e+ or joy+ or >ro"n of rejo>n!J Is t not e$en you n the
0resen>e of our %ord ,esus Chrst at Hs >o#n!J .or you are our !lory and
joy12 31 *hess1 <51A -<I7
>. The joy of #od4s heart is imparted to the church as we partner with Him in
serving the poor.
Ce #a:e :no"n to you the !ra>e of 8od besto"ed on the >hur>hes of
Ma>edona5 (the abundan>e of ther joy and ther dee0 0o$erty abounded n
(ther lberalty1 .or I bear "tness that a>>ordn! to ther ablty(they "ere
freely "lln!+ #0lorn! us "th #u>h ur!en>y that "e "ould re>e$e the !ft(
#nstern! to the sants12 3< Cor D51-=7
#. Evangelism fires up intercession7 and intercession fires up evangelism. Each one
contributes to the other. The success of evangelism brings such joy to the prayer
room. However7 lac2 of success in evangelism brings added urgency and burden
to the prayer room as well. Ae must be active in evangelism7 healing the sic2 and
feeding the poor while we pray night and day expecting revival to brea2 out.
Ae must actively minister to others while we see2 for a release of more of the
%pirit4s power in our labors. Ae are empowered as we pray and go. Ae cannot
afford to neglect either the praying or the going. They must operate together.
#od has joined together prayer and evangelism.
H. Anna the intercessor was the first evangelist in the Gew Testament 1Lu2e )B9=/
9F8. ?esus the evangelist called for diligent prayer for anointed evangelists to be
released in the harvest 1Lu2e +EB)8.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model 3A
". Loving the whole church in all nations and from all denominations.
#ay be able to >o#0rehend "th all the sants "hat s the "dth and len!th
and de0th and he!ht2 3E0h1 351D7
;ehold+ ho" !ood and ho" 0leasant t s for brethren to d"ell to!ether n
untyH(for there the %O&' >o##anded the blessn!(12 3Ps1 13351-37
fulfll #y joy by ben! l:e-#nded+ ha$n! the sa#e lo$e+ ben! of one a>>ord+
of one #nd12 3Phl1 <5<7
?. Ae emphasi5e our need of the 0hurch. *aul had a revelation of his need for
others 2nowing that there was a ceiling in the spirit in his personal prayer life
until the others in the 0hurch helped him in prayer. *aul pleads for help in prayer
from others wea2er in faith7 so that he may overcome the counter attac2 of the
enemy and have a more effective ministry to the 0hurch.
)o" I be! you+ brethren(throu!h the lo$e of the 90rt+ *HA* -O/ 9*&IVE
*O8E*HE& CI*H ME I) P&A-E&9 *O 8O' .O& ME+ that I #ay be
del$ered fro# those n ,udea(and that #y ser$>e for ,erusale# #ay be
a>>e0table to the sants+2 3&o#1 1453I-317
you also hel0n! to!ether n 0rayer for us+ that than:s #ay be !$en by #any
0ersons (for the !ft !ranted to us(12 3< Cor1 15117
6. *aul 2nows that his deliverance from persecution and his anointing for boldness
was released in part from the prayers of the saints.
.or I :no" that ths "ll turn out for #y del$eran>e throu!h your 0rayer and
the su00ly of the 90rt of ,esus Chrst1112 3Phl1 151A7
L. The "nternational House of *rayer is not the effort of one local church. "t belongs
to the whole church in the city.
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Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model =I
D. The general rule is that #od/centered intercessory worship is #od4s primary
strategy for the church to resist and dislodge demonic spiritual forces. As a
general rule7 *& ?o,/ o/r #ro,0$'$)"o( +"r&,)01 )o Go+.
G. The Gew Testament distinguishes between two categories of demonic spirits ! i.e.
demonic spirits who dwell "("+& people and demonic spirits that dwell in !&$8&(01
#0$,& called principalities7 powers7 rulers of the dar2ness of this age and spiritual
hosts of wic2edness 1Eph. 'B+)8. The $ible teaches two different strategies in
confronting these two different categories of demonic spirits. As a rule 1there are
exceptions87 we +"r&,)01 r&9/6& #"r") that dwell inside humans. However7 we
dismantle principalities in the heavens 1dislodging or wrestling with the disembodied
evil spirits in the heavens8 by +"r&,)01 $++r&"(% Go+. T!&r& $r& &@,&#)"o( )o
)!" %&(&r$0 r/0&; in which case7 we focus our proclamations directly to the enemy.
:. En!a!n! n s0rtual "arfare s essentally done by a!reen! "th 8od and
dsa!reen! "th the ene#y1 %piritual warfare operates through agreement with
#od4s heart and is manifest in various ways.
,. Corsh0 s a!ree#ent "th "ho 8od s 1Holy is the Lord7 ;ou are
worthy7 #od is good8. Aorship is expressed by declaring the truth of #od.
&. Inter>esson s a!ree#ent "th "hat He 0ro#ses to do 1Lord7 release ;our %pirit
in revival and judgment8. "ntercession is expressed by declaring what He will do.
'. &e0entan>e s >o#n! nto a!ree#ent "th 8odGs heart for us 3holness7
and brea2ing agreement with dar2ness in our hearts.
=. Healn! 0rayer s >o#n! nto a!ree#ent "th 8odGs heart for healn!
and brea2ing our agreement with sic2ness.
F. 9er$n! s >o#n! nto a!ree#ent "th the ser$ant heart of ,esus and
brea2ing our agreement with selfish pride.
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Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model =1
A. Go+=*$r+ #r$1&r ! the intercessory prayers in the %cripture are all #od/centered.
"n other words7 all of the approximately )&/9E Gew Testament apostolic prayers are
directed to #od instead of sin or the devil. There are no Gew Testament intercessory
prayers directed at the devil or at sin. Therefore7 our primary focus is #od/centered
prayers instead of demon/centered or sin/focused prayers. :n specific occasions the
Holy %pirit may lead the church to war against a principality in a direct way. This is
a governmental function that reHuires unity with the Holy %pirit.
$. $iblical prayers are the $,)/$0 #r$1&r $(+ *or!"# )&@) ?ro' )!& S,r"#)/r&.
Locating the actual prayer verses of the $ible is not the same as merely praying
$ible verses 1that are not prayers8. $iblical prayers are the 0$(%/$%& o? Go+4
!&$r). They are such a valuable gift to the 0hurch because they originated in
#od4s burning heart for His people.
0. " encourage people to avoid B#r&$,!"(% #r$1&r.C These are prayers which
have more exhortation to people than praying to #od. They result from selecting
a good $ible exhortation and see2ing to use it as a prayer. These prayers are then
turned into mini!sermons on the mic during times designated for intercession.
3. Gew Testament prayers are #o")"8& #r$1&r. "n other words7 they focus on as2ing
#od to release good Hualities instead of as2ing Him to removing negative Hualities.
>or example7 *aul prayed for the releasing of love7 faith7 unity7 peace7 righteousness
and power instead of as2ing the Lord to remove hate7 unbelief7 division7 fear or sin.
-. The positive focus of Gew Testament prayers helps people connect with #od
and His people. The very positive nature of these prayers was designed by
#od to help wea2 people soar in the %pirit with a heart of unity and love. "n
other words7 biblical prayers are not designed to ma2e it easier for #od to
hear us7 but to ma2e it easier for us to be united with one another and
experience #od. #od answers many negative prayers. #od can sort through
the confusing negative preaching prayers to answer the cry of our heart.
+E. Gegative prayers with a focus on sin often result in a judgmental angry
type of railing prayer against the 0hurch and its people.
A. "dentificational repentance as demonstrated by E5ra and Gehemiah is good and
effective when the Holy %pirit orchestrates it in context to unity with
governmental leaders in the $ody of 0hrist.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model =<
$. 0ore Ialue ! using the %cripture as we learn to flow in the Holy %pirit to draw
attention to ?esus and not to people on the platform.
0. The Holy %pirit4s 5eal to exhibit ?esus7 not the servants of ?esus
He "ll !lorfy Me+ for He "ll ta:e of "hat s Mne and de>lare t to you12
3,ohn 1651=7
3. The Apostle *aul4s 5eal to exhibit ?esus7 not himself
.or "e do not 0rea>h oursel$es+ but Chrst ,esus (2 3< Cor1 =547
E. ?ohn the $aptist4s primary value as a friend of the $ridegroom
He #ust n>rease+ but I #ust de>rease12 3,ohn 353I7
>. G&(/"(&(& "( '"(")r1 )10& " $ 8&r1 "'#or)$() 8$0/& )o IHOP=EC. This
spea2s of our commitment to refuse exaggeration of the Holy %pirit4s activity or to
see2 to produce 1manipulate8 a human response that is not genuinely from the heart.
#. "n this hour7 the spiritual culture in many charismatic ministries is platform
theatrics7 soulish exhibitionism and hype that draw undo attention to conference
personalities. %oulish exhibitionism refers to activity that see2s to draw attention
to oneself. "n our 5eal to magnify ?esus such things have no place in the "H:*/
60 platform ministry style. :ur desire is to pursue excellence7 humility and a
spirit of hiddenness 1even though in front of multitudes8 in all that we do on the
platform. This will involve being more restrained than some are accustomed to in
their previous ministry involvement with other charismatic ministries.
H. >or more on expressions of exhibitionism 1see session on platform ministry style8.
". O$erly an#ated 0ubl> #nstry style1 %ome people develop personal signature
platform expressions that distinguish them from others. This is common in the
entertainment world7 but not the goal for the House of *rayer. P!1",$0
&@#r&"o( o( )!& #0$)?or' such as overly waving hands7 arms7 and body
motions7 etc.7 should be 2ept to a minimum so as to not draw undo attention to
people on the platform. Ae as2 our team to be as "(,o(#",/o/ $(+ /9)0& "( $)
$00 )"'& *!&( '"(")&r"(% o( )!& #0$)?or'.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model =3
And there s no one "ho >alls on -our na#e+ "ho strs h#self u0 to ta:e hold of
-ou? for -ou ha$e hdden -our fa>e fro# us(2 3Isa1 6=567
0rayn! al"ays "th all 0rayer and su00l>aton n the 90rt+ ben! "at>hful to ths
end "th all 0erse$eran>e and su00l>aton for all the sants2 3E0h1 651D7
?. Ae value perseverance in prayer7 in order to be attentive with spiritual intensity
that engages with #od and in order to remain in the flow of the %pirit during
prayer meetings. The place of perseverance in prayer for others is to labor in love
for their brea2through. %uch wrestling in prayer is a dynamic expression of love.
6. A ,/0)/r& o? #"r")/$0 $%%r&"o( $(+ 9o0+(& "( )!& #r$1&r roo' " 8")$0 )o
&@#&r"&(,& Go+4 ?/00(&. Aggressive prayer in the Holy %pirit opens the door to benefits
that many are content to live without. Ae are not content to live without the fullness of
what #od has. The blessing of #od is sometimes withheld until we aggressively respond
in our cooperation with #od4s grace. "t is rare today to see a corporate people press in to
the %pirit with spiritual alertness and perseverance for extended periods of time.
L. "t is natural to passively disengage while others are praying. However7 it is important
to rise up to be aggressive and not passive and lethargic in the prayer room as we stir
ourselves up to overcome a wandering mind7 tired body and distracted heart.
D. 0ultivating a militant spirit with bold faith will result in greater blessing being released.
$oldness to stand against demonic activity in those we pray for will often ma2e a
significant difference. %ometimes it will be the difference between life and death.
G. A militant spirit enables us to rise up to aggressively withstand and then Huench
the attac2s of the devil.
.or ths 0ur0ose the 9on of 8od "as #anfested+ that HE MI8H* 'E9*&O-
*HE CO&K9 O. *HE 'EVI%12 31 ,ohn 35D7
(that you #ay be able to stand a!anst the "les of the de$l12 3E0h1 65117
(ta:n! the sheld of fath "th "h>h you "ll be able to Kuen>h all the fery
darts of the ">:ed one12 3E0h1 65167
fro# the days of ,ohn the ;a0tst untl no" the :n!do# of hea$en suffers
$olen>e+ and *HE VIO%E)* *AKE I* ;- .O&CE2 3Matt1 1151<7
:. The combination of a militant spirit with a spirit of devotion in intimacy with #od
is rare. This combination is vital in the Harp and $owl model.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model ==
*. Ahen the conviction of revival runs high7 faith for night and day prayer runs high.
$elieving #od for the big things He has promised is essential fuel for night and day
prayer ministries. #od has promised great things for His church. Therefore7 we will
not draw bac2 with religious timidity and false humility7 which is unbelief.
J. $old agreement with #od is essential for the brea2through of revival. The
5ealous pursuit of a historic brea2through of the %pirit is a value at "H:*/60.
.. *aul 0ain4s word ! the stadiums will be filled with nameless and faceless
ministries doing greater wor2s and leading multitudes to ?esus 1?ohn +,B+)8.
%. A word from the Lord given to Di2e $ic2le in 0airo7 Egypt7 1%ept. +-F)8.
I "ll >han!e the understandn! and eE0resson of Chrstanty n the "hole
earth n one !eneraton12
T. The End/Time judgment of #od 1L2. +=B))/9=8 was the context that ?esus used to call His
people to night and day prayer for the release of speedy justice in the earth 1L2. +FB+/F8.
FAs t "as n the days of )oah+ so t "ll be also n the days of the 9on of Man5
%:e"se as t "as also n the days of %ot5 *hey ate+ they dran:+ they bou!ht+ they sold+
they 0lanted+ they bult? but on the day that %ot "ent out of 9odo# t raned fre and
br#stone fro# hea$en and destroyed the# all1 E$en so "ll t be n the day "hen the
9on of Man s re$ealed1 *"o #en "ll be n the feld5 the one "ll be ta:en and the
other left1G And they ans"ered and sad to H#+ FChere+ %ordJG 9o He sad to the#+
FChere$er the body s+ there the ea!les "ll be !athered to!ether1G *hen He s0o:e a
0arable to the#+ that #en al"ays ou!ht to 0ray and not lose heart(12 3%:1 165<<-1D517
@. Prn>0le ! the Harp and $owl model is see2ing to establish a stru>ture that s
des!ned to laun>h the h!hest a#ount of s0ontanety 0ossble for a ),/hour/a/day
schedule. Ae are see2ing a worship model that combines both structure and
spontaneity and reflects the worship around the Throne in the heavenly symphony 1.ev.
I. The Harp and $owl model is a prophetic liturgy. :ur desire is to worship #od
with spontaneity 1prophetic8( therefore7 we have structure 1liturgy8.
++. Pro0het> ! includes spontaneous fresh new expressions and creativity.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model =4
+). %tur!y ! includes form and structure that facilitate more spontaneity.
A. :ur structure is a permission/giving mechanism. Ae experience more spontaneous
flow of the Holy %pirit within the boundaries of a model if the model is properly
designed. A good and effective structure helps a group of people cooperate better
with the flow of the Holy %pirit as it aids the team in boldness and unity.
$. The necessity of human leadership is a #od/given principle necessary to flow in
the %pirit 1Datt. +'B+-( +FB+F8. Aithin #od4s sovereign plan7 the Holy %pirit
allows what we allow and neglects what we neglect.
0. There is one primary governing principle in the Harp and $owl model. "t is the
principle of de$elo0n! a 0assa!e by ant0honal 0rayn! 3sn!n!712
Gote ! four terms related to this principleB +8 the biblical stan5a( )8 developing a
biblical sentence( 98developing a theme( and ,8 isolating a phrase.
3. This one governing principle expresses three values that relate to flowing in one
accord as we lead the congregation in worship and prayer. They areB )&$'
'"(")r1 Fwe go farther together in the symphony of #od87 "(,0/"8&(&
1everyone can participate even the wea28 and the ,&()r$0")1 o? )!& S,r"#)/r&
F#od4s language unifies our heart with His and others8.
E. Ae recogni5e in #od4s wisdom the principle of combining structure with spontaneity as
seen in our solar system as well as in the human body. >or example7 precise scientific
order that is predictable exits in our solar system alongside spontaneous air currents that
are unpredictable. Also7 human life itself flows in context to our human s2eletal structure
supporting the spontaneous functions of air and blood flow7 etc. "n other words7 in #od4s
creative order spontaneity is enhanced and benefited by correct structure.
>. "n developing the governing principle of the Harp and $owl model7 we are see2ing
a s#0le stru>ture that fa>ltates d$ersty and s0ontanety as "e flo" n tea#
#nstry on the 0latfor# and n one a>>ord n the >on!re!aton n "orsh0 and
0rayer. The challenge is between free expression from the platform leadership and
the ability of the congregation to fully participate with engaged hearts.
#. Ahy develop a passage by developing the themes within a biblical passageC
+9. "t provides opportunity for team ministry in worship and Holy %pirit
ministry to the congregation.
+,. "t provides opportunity for diversity and creativity which is so necessary
for ),/hour/a/day prayer. "t provides opportunity for a crescendo in the
Holy %pirit to be released to us through worship.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model =6
+&. "t is a way to function as a singing seminary 10ol. 9B+'8.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase
Enjoyable Prayer and 16 Values of the IHOP-KC Model =6
The promise of enjoyable prayer is for everyoneKwea2 and strong.
Ialue L+ Enjoying "ntimacy with the $eautiful #od
Ialue L) The Gecessity of 0ombining Aorship and "ntercession.
Ialue L9 *raying in the %pirit M %pontaneous %inging
Ialue L, 0ultivating a *rophetic %pirit on the Dusicians
Ialue L& Antiphonal %inging and Team Dinistry in *rayer
Ialue L' *rayer with Authority and the ?oy of Answered *rayer
Ialue L= The ?oy of Evangelism7 Aorld Dissions M %erving the *oor
Ialue LF *ath to >ullnessB ?oy in Loving M Geeding the Ahole 0hurch
Ialue L- #od/centered %piritual Aarfare
Ialue L+E $iblical *rayers @sing #od4s Language
Ialue L++ *latform Dinistry %tyle ! Exalting ?esus
Ialue L+) The Gecessary of *erseverance ! %taying Engaged in *rayer
Ialue L+9 Dilitant $oldness Against the Aor2s of 3ar2ness
Ialue L+, 0onviction of 0oming .evival M the Iictorious 0hurch
Ialue L+& .evelation of the End/Time ?udgments of #od
Ialue L+' %tructure and Leadership in *rayer Deetings
Ae are see2ing to receive revelation from #od concerning ways to move forward in our
journey to establish a new model of Harp and $owl spiritual warfare. Ae want to learn
how to enjoy ?esus as we combine #od/centered worship and intercession with musical
prophetic anointing that reaches the lost and loves the whole church. :ne that focuses on
intimacy with #od in the beauty realm and yet7 is aggressive and bold with 5eal to
destroy the wor2s of the devil as ?esus is magnified in all nations of the earth.
%ome traditional models of prayer today are not see2ing to experience #od with
enjoyable prayer7 nor to be energi5ed by experiencing intimacy with enjoying intimacy
with the beautiful #od7 nor to combine intercession and anointed worship7 nor to training
the singers to develop a flowing heart7 nor by cultivating a prophetic spirit on the
musicians. They are individualistic7 without team ministry in intercession 1antiphonal
singing87 without understanding prayer with authority7 are unrelated to the joy of
evangelism7 world missions and the poor and do not see2 to experience the joy of loving
and needing the whole church with a spirit of unity. They are not #od/centered7 are
negative and lac2 positive biblical prayers7 and have a platform ministry style of hype
and manipulation. These models are passive without perseverance to stay engaged with
#od7 lac2ing militant boldness against the wor2s of dar2ness without a conviction of revival
or the victorious church and without revelation of the End/Time judgments of #od.
>inally7 they do not have a proper structure to minimi5e timidity 1self conscious8 and
increase bold leadership in prayer meetings.
IHOP-KC Mssons ;ase

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