His Foot To Get Him To Take It Back
His Foot To Get Him To Take It Back
His Foot To Get Him To Take It Back
It had clouded up pretty dark just ater I !ot o" to the rat# $ut %t &as clear%"! up
a!a%" "o&'
(Oh# &ell# that)s all %"terpreted &ell e"ou!h as ar as %t !oes# *%+#( I says, ($ut
&hat does these th%"!s sta"d or-(
It &as the lea.es a"d ru$$%sh o" the rat a"d the s+ashed oar' /ou could see the+ %rst0
rate "o&'
*%+ looked at the trash# a"d the" looked at +e# a"d $ack at the trash a!a%"' He had !ot
the drea+ %1ed so stro"! %" h%s head that he could")t see+ to shake %t loose a"d !et the
acts $ack %"to %ts place a!a%" r%!ht a&ay' 2ut &he" he d%d !et the th%"! stra%!hte"ed
arou"d he looked at +e steady &%thout e.er s+%l%"!# a"d says:
(3hat do dey sta") or- I)se !&y"e to tell you' 3he" I !ot all &ore out &%d &ork# e"
&%d de call%") or you# e" &e"t to sleep# +y heart &u4 +os) $roke $ekase you &u4 los)# e"
I d%d") k)yer "o) +o) &hat $eco+e er +e e" de ra)' E" &he" I &ake up e" %"e you $ack
a!%"# all sae e" sou")# de tears co+e# e" I could a !ot do&" o" +y k"ees e" k%ss yo) oot#
I)s so tha"kul' E" all you &u4 th%"k%") )$out &u4 ho& you could +ake a ool u. ole *%+
&%d a l%e' Dat truck dah %s trash; e" trash %s &hat people %s dat puts d%rt o" de head er dey
re")s e" +akes )e+ asha+ed'(
The" he !ot up slo& a"d &alked to the &%!&a+# a"d &e"t %" there &%thout say%"!
a"yth%"! $ut that' 2ut that &as e"ou!h' It +ade +e eel so +ea" I could al+ost k%ssed
his oot to !et h%+ to take %t $ack'
It &as %tee" +%"utes $eore I could &ork +ysel up to !o a"d hu+$le +ysel to a
"%!!er, $ut I do"e %t# a"d I &ar")t e.er sorry or %t ater&ards# "e%ther' I d%d")t do h%+ "o
+ore +ea" tr%cks# a"d I &ould")t do"e that o"e % I)d a k"o&ed %t &ould +ake h%+ eel
that &ay'
6o+et%+es &e)d ha.e that &hole r%.er all to oursel.es or the lo"!est t%+e' /o"der &as
the $a"ks a"d the %sla"ds# across the &ater, a"d +ay$e a spark 00 &h%ch &as a ca"dle %" a
ca$%" &%"do&, a"d so+et%+es o" the &ater you could see a spark or t&o 00 o" a rat or a
sco&# you k"o&, a"d +ay$e you could hear a %ddle or a so"! co+%"! o.er ro+ o"e o
the+ crats' It)s lo.ely to l%.e o" a rat' 3e had the sky up there# all speckled &%th stars#
a"d &e used to lay o" our $acks a"d look up at the+# a"d d%scuss a$out &hether they &as
+ade or o"ly just happe"ed' *%+ he allo&ed they &as +ade# $ut I allo&ed they happe"ed,
I jud!ed %t &ould ha.e took too lo"! to make so +a"y' *%+ sa%d the +oo" could a laid
the+, &ell# that looked k%"d o reaso"a$le# so I d%d")t say "oth%"! a!a%"st %t# $ecause I).e
see" a ro! lay +ost as +a"y# so o course %t could $e do"e' 3e used to &atch the stars
that ell# too# a"d see the+ streak do&"' *%+ allo&ed they)d !ot spo%led a"d &as ho.e out
o the "est'
O"ce or t&%ce o a "%!ht &e &ould see a stea+$oat sl%pp%"! alo"! %" the dark# a"d "o&
a"d the" she &ould $elch a &hole &orld o sparks up out o her ch%+$leys# a"d they
&ould ra%" do&" %" the r%.er a"d look a&ul pretty, the" she &ould tur" a cor"er a"d her
l%!hts &ould &%"k out a"d her po&&o& shut o a"d lea.e the r%.er st%ll a!a%", a"d $y a"d
$y her &a.es &ould !et to us# a lo"! t%+e ater she &as !o"e# a"d jo!!le the rat a $%t#
a"d ater that you &ould")t hear "oth%"! or you could")t tell ho& lo"!# e1cept +ay$e
ro!s or so+eth%"!'
All the streets a"d la"es &as just +ud, they &ar")t "oth%"! else but +ud 00 +ud as $lack
as tar a"d "%!h a$out a oot deep %" so+e places# a"d t&o or three
%"ches deep %" all the places' The ho!s loaed a"d !ru"ted arou"d e.ery&heres' /ou)d see
a +uddy so& a"d a l%tter o p%!s co+e la4y%"! alo"! the street a"d &hollop hersel r%!ht
do&" %" the &ay# &here olks had to &alk arou"d her# a"d she)d stretch out a"d shut her
eyes a"d &a.e her ears &h%lst the p%!s &as +%lk%"! her# a"d look as happy as % she &as
o" salary' A"d pretty soo" you)d hear a loaer s%"! out# (H%7 so $oy7 s%ck h%+# T%!e7( a"d
a&ay the so& &ould !o# s8ueal%"! +ost horr%$le# &%th a do! or t&o s&%"!%"! to each ear#
a"d three or our do4e" +ore a0co+%"!, a"d the" you &ould see all the loaers !et up a"d
&atch the th%"! out o s%!ht# a"d lau!h at the u" a"d look !rateul or the "o%se' The"
they)d settle $ack a!a%" t%ll there &as a do! %!ht' There could")t a"yth%"! &ake the+ up
all o.er# a"d +ake the+ happy all o.er# l%ke a do! %!ht 00 u"less %t +%!ht $e putt%"!
turpe"t%"e o" a stray do! a"d sett%"! %re to h%+# or ty%"! a t%" pa" to h%s ta%l a"d see h%+
ru" h%+sel to death'
I &e"t to sleep# a"d *%+ d%d")t call +e &he" %t &as
+y tur"' He ote" do"e that' 3he" I &aked up just at day$reak he &as s%tt%"! there &%th
h%s head do&" $et&%1t h%s k"ees# +oa"%"! a"d +our"%"! to h%+sel' I d%d")t take "ot%ce
"or let o"' I k"o&ed &hat %t &as a$out' He &as th%"k%"! a$out h%s &%e a"d h%s ch%ldre"#
a&ay up yo"der# a"d he &as lo& a"d ho+es%ck, $ecause he had")t e.er $ee" a&ay ro+
ho+e $eore %" h%s l%e, a"d I do $el%e.e he cared just as +uch or h%s people as &h%te
olks does or the%r)"' It do")t see+ "atural# $ut I recko" %t)s so' He &as ote" +oa"%"! a"d
+our"%"! that &ay "%!hts# &he" he jud!ed I &as asleep# a"d say%"!# (Po) l%ttle )9%4a$eth7
po) l%ttle *oh""y7 %t)s +%!hty hard, I spec) I a%")t e.er !&y"e to see you "o +o)# "o +o)7(
He &as a +%!hty !ood "%!!er# *%+ &as'
2ut th%s t%+e I so+eho& !ot to talk%"! to h%+ a$out h%s &%e a"d you"! o"es, a"d $y
a"d $y he says:
(3hat +akes +e eel so $ad d%s t%+e )u4 $ekase I hear su+p" o.er yo"der o" de $a"k
l%ke a &hack# er a sla+# &h%le a!o# e" %t +%"e +e er de t%+e I treat +y l%ttle )9%4a$eth so
or"ery' 6he &ar")t o")y )$out o) year ole# e" she tuck de sk)yarlet e.er# e" had a po&ul
rou!h spell, $ut she !ot &ell# e" o"e day she &as a0sta""%") arou")# e" I says to her# I
()6het de do)')
(6he "e.er do"e %t, j%s) stood dah# k%"er s+%l%") up at +e' It +ake +e +ad, e" I says
a!%"# +%!hty loud# I says:
()Doa") you hear +e- 6het de do)7)
(6he j%s stood de sa+e &ay# k%"er s+%l%") up' I &as a0$%l%")7 I says:
()I lay I make you +%"e7)
(E" &%d dat I etch) her a slap s%de de head dat so"t her a0spra&l%")' De" I &e"t %"to de
yuther roo+# e" )u4 !o"e )$out te" +%"utes, e" &he" I co+e $ack dah &as dat do) a0
sta""%") ope" yit, e" dat ch%le sta""%") +os) r%!ht %" %t# a0look%") do&" a"d +our"%")# e" de
tears ru""%") do&"' :y# $ut I wuz +ad7 I &as a0!&y"e or de ch%le# $ut j%s) de" 00 %t &as a
do) dat ope" %""erds 00 j%s) de"# )lo"! co+e de &%"d e" sla+ %t to# $eh%"e de ch%le# ker0
blam! 00 e" +y la")# de ch%le "e.er +o.e)7 :y $re +os) hop outer +e, e" I eel so 00 so
00 I doa") k"o& how I eel' I crope out# all a0tre+$l%")# e" crope arou") e" ope" de do) easy
e" slo&# e" poke +y head %" $eh%"e de ch%le# so) e" st%ll# e" all u. a sudde" I says pow!
j%s) as loud as I could yell' She neer bud!e! Oh# Huck# I $ust out a0cry%") e" !ra$ her up
%" +y ar+s# e" say# )Oh# de po) l%ttle th%"!7 De 9ord ;od A+%!hty o!%.e po) ole *%+#
ka4e he "e.er !&y"e to o!%.e h%ssel as lo"!)s he l%.e7) Oh# she &as plu+$ dee e"
du+$# Huck# plu+$ dee e" du+$ 00 e" I)d $e" a0treat)" her so7(
I elt !ood a"d all &ashed clea" o s%" or the %rst t%+e I had e.er elt so %" +y l%e# a"d
I k"o&ed I could pray "o&' 2ut I d%d")t do %t stra%!ht o# $ut la%d the paper do&" a"d set
there th%"k%"! 00 th%"k%"! ho& !ood %t &as all th%s happe"ed so# a"d ho& "ear I co+e to
$e%"! lost a"d !o%"! to hell' A"d &e"t o" th%"k%"!' A"d !ot to th%"k%"! o.er our tr%p
do&" the r%.er, a"d I see *%+ $eore +e all the t%+e: %" the day a"d %" the "%!ht0t%+e#
so+et%+es +oo"l%!ht# so+et%+es stor+s# a"d &e a0loat%"! alo"!# talk%"! a"d s%"!%"!
a"d lau!h%"!' 2ut so+eho& I could")t see+ to str%ke "o places to harde" +e a!a%"st h%+#
$ut o"ly the other k%"d' I)d see h%+ sta"d%"! +y &atch o" top o h%s)"# )stead o call%"!
+e# so I could !o o" sleep%"!, a"d see h%+ ho& !lad he &as &he" I co+e $ack out o the
o!, a"d &he" I co+e to h%+ a!a%" %" the s&a+p# up there &here the eud &as, a"d such0
l%ke t%+es, a"d &ould al&ays call +e ho"ey# a"d pet +e a"d do e.eryth%"! he could th%"k
o or +e# a"d ho& !ood he al&ays &as, a"d at last I struck the t%+e I sa.ed h%+ $y
tell%"! the +e" &e had s+all0po1 a$oard# a"d he &as so !rateul# a"d sa%d I &as the $est
r%e"d old *%+ e.er had %" the &orld# a"d the only o"e he)s !ot "o&, a"d the" I happe"ed
to look arou"d a"d see that paper'
It &as a close place' I took %t up# a"d held %t %" +y ha"d' I &as a0tre+$l%"!# $ecause I)d
!ot to dec%de# ore.er# $et&%1t t&o th%"!s# a"d I k"o&ed %t' I stud%ed a +%"ute# sort o
hold%"! +y $reath# a"d the" says to +ysel:
(All r%!ht# the"# I)ll !o to hell( 00 a"d tore %t up'
It &as a&ul thou!hts a"d a&ul &ords# $ut they &as sa%d' A"d I let the+ stay sa%d, a"d
thou!ht "o +ore a$out reor+%"!' I sho.ed the &hole th%"! out o +y head# a"d sa%d I
&ould take up &%cked"ess a!a%"# &h%ch &as %" +y l%"e# $e%"! $ru"! up to %t# a"d the
other &ar")t' A"d or a starter I &ould !o to &ork a"d steal *%+ out o sla.ery a!a%", a"d
% I could th%"k up a"yth%"! &orse# I &ould do that# too, $ecause as lo"! as I &as %"# a"d
%" or !ood# I +%!ht as &ell !o the &hole ho!'
THE %rst t%+e I catched To+ pr%.ate I asked h%+ &hat &as h%s %dea# t%+e o the
e.as%o"- 00 &hat %t &as he)d pla""ed to do % the e.as%o" &orked all r%!ht a"d he +a"a!ed
to set a "%!!er ree that &as already ree $eore- A"d he sa%d# &hat he had pla""ed %" h%s
head ro+ the start# % &e !ot *%+ out all sae# &as or us to ru" h%+ do&" the r%.er o" the
rat# a"d ha.e ad.e"tures plu+$ to the +outh o the r%.er# a"d the" tell h%+ a$out h%s
$e%"! ree# a"d take h%+ $ack up ho+e o" a stea+$oat# %" style# a"d pay h%+ or h%s lost
t%+e# a"d &r%te &ord ahead a"d !et out all the "%!!ers arou"d# a"d ha.e the+ &alt4 h%+
%"to to&" &%th a torchl%!ht process%o" a"d a $rass0$a"d# a"d the" he &ould $e a hero# a"d
so &ould &e' 2ut I recko"ed %t &as a$out as &ell the &ay %t &as'
3e had *%+ out o the cha%"s %" "o t%+e# a"d &he" Au"t Polly a"d <"cle 6%las a"d
Au"t 6ally ou"d out ho& !ood he helped the doctor "urse To+# they +ade a heap o uss
o.er h%+# a"d %1ed h%+ up pr%+e# a"d !%.e h%+ all he &a"ted to eat# a"d a !ood t%+e#
a"d "oth%"! to do' A"d &e had h%+ up to the s%ck0roo+# a"d had a h%!h talk, a"d To+
!%.e *%+ orty dollars or $e%"! pr%so"er or us so pat%e"t# a"d do%"! %t up so !ood# a"d
*%+ &as pleased +ost to death# a"d $usted out# a"d says:
("ah, "o&# Huck# &hat I tell you- 00 &hat I tell
you up dah o" *ackso" %sla")- I tole you I !ot a ha%ry $reas)# e" &hat)s de s%!" u" %t, e" I
tole you I $e" r%ch &u"st# e" !&%"eter to $e r%ch a!in e" %t)s co+e true, e" heah she is!
"ah, "o&7 doa") talk to me 00 s%!"s %s si!ns, +%"e I tell you, e" I k"o&ed j%s) )s &ell )at I
)u4 !&%"eter $e r%ch a!%" as I)s a0sta""%") heah d%s +%"ute7(