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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


Paper 1 Multiple Choice

October/November 2006

1 hour 15 minutes
Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet
Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)


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Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided unless
this has been done for you.

There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible
answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
Calculators may be used.

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.
IB06 11_7110_01/3RP
UCLES 2006

[Turn over

UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06
1 Which statement is correct?
A An asset is always a credit entry.
B An expense is always a credit entry.
C An expense is always a debit entry.
D A liability is always a debit entry.

2 X receives a credit note from one of his suppliers.

How would X record this?

account to be debited account to be credited
A purchases supplier
B purchases returns supplier
C supplier purchases
D supplier purchases returns

3 X purchases goods on credit from Y.

How will Y record this?

book of prime entry account to be debited account to be credited
A purchases purchases Y
B purchases Y purchases
C sales sales X
D sales X sales

4 A company purchased goods costing $4000 and was allowed a trade discount of 10 %.

A cash discount of 2 % is given for payment within 30 days. Payment was made within the 30
day period.

What was the amount paid?
A $3500 B $3510 C $3600 D $3900


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06 [Turn over
5 Li, a trader, discovered an error in her accounting records. She made the following entry in her
general journal to correct this error.

August 31 Stationery 20
Purchases 20

Which error made this entry necessary?
A goods purchased for re-sale had been credited to the stationery account
B goods purchased for re-sale had been debited to the stationery account
C stationery purchased for office use had been credited to the purchases account
D stationery purchased for office use had been debited to the purchases account

6 A business keeps a three column cash book.

Where is the total of the discount column on the credit side posted?
A to the credit side of discounts allowed account
B to the credit side of discounts received account
C to the debit side of discounts allowed account
D to the debit side of discounts received account

7 The bank account balance in the cash book was $150 debit.

The following transactions were then entered in the bank account:

receipts from sales 4210
dividends banked 180
cheques paid to suppliers 3270

What was the new bank balance in the cash book?
A $790 credit B $910 credit C $970 debit D $1270 debit


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06
8 The bank statement of X shows a balance of $3500 and the cash book shows a balance of

The difference is due to a receipt of $1000 in the cash book but not on the bank statement, and
an unpresented cheque.

What is the amount of the unpresented cheque?
A $300 B $700 C $1700 D $2500

9 Which transaction is entered in the general journal?
A cash paid to supplier
B cash received from customer
C machinery bought on credit
D stock bought on credit

10 In a businesss books, the ledger account of Khan has a debit balance of $900.

What does this mean?
A Khan has paid $900 to the business.
B Khan owes the business $900.
C The business has paid Khan $900.
D The business owes Khan $900.

11 On 1 August Lim owes his suppliers $16 000.

The purchases journal for August totalled $25 000. Payments to suppliers during the month
amounted to $27 000. There were no cash purchases.

How much is owed by Lim to his suppliers on 31 August?
A $2000 B $14 000 C $18 000 D $52 000

12 Why does a business prepare a trial balance?
A to calculate the profit and loss
B to check the arithmetical accuracy of the ledger
C to check the cash and bank balances
D to show the financial position


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06 [Turn over
13 Which will cause a trial balance not to balance?
A goods returned inwards have been debited to the sales account
B payment from F. Green has been credited to G. Greens account
C purchase of stationery has been debited to the purchases account
D the sales journal has been over-cast

14 Motor repairs of $250 have been posted to the motor vehicles account.

What is the effect on the final accounts?

net profit fixed assets
A overstated overstated
B overstated understated
C understated overstated
D understated understated

15 X has an engineering business. On 31 May he received an invoice from AB Machines showing
the following:

4 May cost of replacement parts
cost of repairs
20 May cost of machine
cost of installation of machine

Which costs are capital expenditure in Xs books?
A machine, installation
B machine
C replacement parts, machine
D replacement parts, repairs, installation

16 What are the entries for providing depreciation of fixed assets?

account to be debited account to be credited
A bank provision for depreciation
B Profit and Loss provision for depreciation
C provision for depreciation Profit and Loss
D provision for depreciation bank


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06
17 The financial year of Yeung ends on 30 June. On 1 July 2005 he purchased a machine for $4000.

He estimated that it would have a useful working life of 3 years and a residual value of $100.
Yeung uses the straight line method of depreciation.

The machine was sold on 1 July 2006 for $1500.

What was the loss on disposal?
A $1100 B $1200 C $2400 D $2500

18 Equipment costing $20 000 was purchased on 1 January 2005. It has a useful working life of 5
years and a residual value of $3000. Depreciation using the straight line method was included in
the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2005.

It was then found that the reducing balance method at 30 % per annum should have been used.

How will this error affect the net profit for the year ended 31 December 2005?
A overstated by $2000
B understated by $2000
C overstated by $2600
D understated by $2600

19 X provided the following information on 31 December 2005:

debtors 60 000
provision for doubtful debts 1 200

X decided to make a provision for discounts allowable of 1 %.

What entries are necessary in Xs books to create a provision for discounts allowable?

account to be debited $ account to be credited $
A discounts allowable 588 Profit and Loss 588
B discounts allowable 600 Profit and Loss 600
C Profit and Loss 588 discounts allowable 588
D Profit and Loss 600 discounts allowable 600


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06 [Turn over
20 Tom, a trader, sublets part of his premises to Jane. At the end of Tom's financial year Jane owes
$150 for rent.

How will the adjustment for this amount affect Tom's final accounts?

A decrease expenses increase current liabilities
B increase expenses increase current assets
C decrease income increase current liabilities
D increase income increase current assets

21 An electricity accrual of $450 is treated as a prepayment when preparing a trader's Profit and
Loss Account.

What effect does this have on the trader's net profit?
A It is overstated by $450.
B It is understated by $450.
C It is overstated by $900.
D It is understated by $900.

22 At the end of the financial year it was discovered that the purchases returns account had been
undercast by $50. A suspense account had been opened.

Which entries are required to correct this error?
A credit purchases account $50, debit purchases returns account $50
B credit suspense account $50, debit purchases returns account $50
C debit purchases account $50, credit purchases returns account $50
D debit suspense account $50, credit purchases returns account $50

23 Furniture repairs have been debited to the office furniture account, and rent receivable has been
credited to the sales account.

How are the office furniture account and the gross profit affected by these errors?

office furniture gross profit
A overstated overstated
B overstated understated
C understated overstated
D understated understated


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06
24 What is the effect of making contra entries in the sales and purchases ledger control accounts?

debtors creditors profit
A increase increase increase
B reduce reduce reduce
C increase increase no effect
D reduce reduce no effect

25 Which would not appear in a purchases ledger control account?
A cash purchases
B discount received
C interest charged by creditors
D payments to creditors

26 At the end of a sole traders financial year, to which account will general expenses be
A Capital
B Income and Expenditure
C Profit and Loss
D Trading

27 A business prepares its final accounts for the year ended 31 December 2005. The last telephone
bill was paid in November 2005. An adjustment is made in the final accounts for telephone
expenses for December 2005.

Which accounting principle is being applied?
A accounting entity
B going concern
C matching
D money measurement

28 Which is a fixed asset?
A bank balance
B debtors
C motor vehicles
D prepayments


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06 [Turn over
29 P. Smith is making a list of his assets and liabilities.

Which is a liability?
A computer
B creditors
C loan to J. Jones
D premises

30 X and Y agree to amalgamate their businesses.

Xs business is valued at $15 000 of which $2000 is Goodwill.

What amount will be shown in Xs capital account in the books of the new business?
A credit $13 000
B credit $15 000
C debit $13 000
D debit $15 000

31 The owner of a business has taken goods for personal use but not recorded this in the books.

Which entries must be made at the end of the year?

debit credit
A drawings purchases
B drawings sales
C purchases drawings
D sales drawings

32 Which appears in a partnerships Profit and Loss Account?
A interest on a loan from a partner
B interest on partners capitals
C partners drawings
D shares of partnership profit


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06
33 What name is given to the amount that a club owes to its members?
A accumulated fund
B capital
C net profit
D subscriptions

34 A sports club includes the purchase of a new rowing machine costing $5000 in its Income and
Expenditure Account.

What is the effect of this error?

fixed assets
surplus of income over
A decreased by $5000 decreased by $5000
B decreased by $5000 no effect
C increased by $5000 increased by $5000
D no effect decreased by $5000

35 The values of cost of sales and closing stock are known.

What other value is needed to calculate the rate of stock turnover?
A gross profit
B net profit
C opening stock
D sales

36 What is a limited companys authorised capital?
A called up share capital
B capital the company is allowed to raise
C issued capital plus loan capital
D paid up share capital

37 During last year, a traders capital increased from $20 000 to $60 000.

In the same period, drawings amounted to $25 000 and capital of $16 000 was introduced.

What was the net profit for the year?
A $31 000 B $35 000 C $40 000 D $49 000


UCLES 2006 7110/01/O/N/06
38 A Manufacturing Account includes the following:

raw materials -
opening stock 300
purchases 9100
closing stock 500

What is the cost of raw materials?
A $8300 B $8900 C $9100 D $9300

39 Information about a business is as follows:

Sales $10 000
Gross profit/sales 20 %
Net profit/sales 10 %

What is the amount of the expenses?
A $1000 B $2000 C $3000 D $8000

40 X purchased a motor vehicle from a motor trader for $16 000. The trader told X that the original
price of the motor vehicle was $18 000.

X debited the motor vehicles account and credited the cash book with $16 000.

Which accounting principle is being applied?
A accounting entity
B going concern
C historical cost
D prudence (conservatism)


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