Morgan Mchale: TH RD

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Morgan McHale

[email protected] 330-224-7513(cell) 1122 N. Clark Street !t. 2505

OBJECTIVE To obtain a position teaching 3
grade self contained within the AU! networ"
!ICE#U$E Ele%entar& Ed'cation ()*
E+UCATIO# BA!+,I#),A!!ACE U#IVE$IT-. "erea# $%
Bachelor of Science in Education# e&!ecte' Ma( 2013
)*+ 3.7,4.0
Ma-or+ Earl& Childhood Ed'cation with /eneralist Endorse%ent
Mi.or+ M'sic
*/01S+ *!les o2 3ear.i.g a.' 4eachi.g# 172
5'ucatio. o2 6ou.g Chil're.# 171
5leme.tar( Co.te.t 8.o9le'ge# 1::
Com!lete' a.' Su;mitte' Teachers Performance Assessment
HO#O$ /a%%a ig%a Alpha# %o.or Societ(
(appa +elta 0i. 5'ucatio. %o.or Societ(
"-< 4rustees Scholarshi!
=ea.>s 3ist# ?all 2007-2013
TEACHI#/ Resident Teacher, 5
Grade ELA Classroom, 3
Self Contained 2013-2014
E10E$IE#CE Howe chool of E2cellence# Chicago# 1lli.ois
/ecei@e' trai.i.g 2or a. aca'emic (ear u.'er the 9atch2ul e(e o2 a 5
gra'e me.tor 2or :
mo.ths# the. u.'er a 3
gra'e me.tor 2or 2 mo.ths.
Create' a.' im!leme.te' classroom 2rom classroom -o;s to material
Co.'ucte' 2our 2ull takeo@er e&!erie.ces 2or a total o2 5 9eeks
Teacher Candidate, General Classroom Teacher, Grade 4 Gifted# S!ri.g 2013
H'ntington Ele%entar& chool. "ru.s9ick# $hio
?acilitate' 9hole 'a( take o@er 2or si& 9eeks# teachi.g gi2te' curriculum i. all
su;-ect areas
Co.'ucte' sta.'ar'iAe' test re@ie9 through i.teracti@e a.' e.gagi.g acti@ities
Teacher Candidate, General Classroom Teacher, Grade # S!ri.g 2013
Broo" 0ar" Me%orial Ele%entar& chool# "erea# $hio
Create' a.' im!leme.te' ;eha@ior ma.ageme.t strateg(# B%a@e 6ou ?ille' a
"ucket 4o'a(CD
=esig.e' a.' co.'ucte' e.gagi.g la.guage arts# math# social stu'ies# a.' scie.ce
lesso.s to !romote lear.i.g a.' i.itiati@e
!ath"Science"Social Studies !ethods, Grade ## ?all 2012
Broo" 0ar" Me%orial Ele%entar& chool# "erea# $hio
'a!te' a.' carrie' out co.sta.t assessme.t tech.iEues to measure [email protected]
o2 lesso.s
*la..e' a.' taught creati@e social stu'ies# math# a.' scie.ce lesso.s#
i.cor!orati.g tech.olog( such as SM/4 Note;ook games a.' other classroom

!iddle School !ath !ethods# Grade 3 Gifted# S!ri.g 2012
Morgan McHale
[email protected] 330-224-7513(cell) 1122 N. Clark Street !t. 2505
H'ntington Ele%entar& chool. "ru.s9ick# $hio' a.' !rom!te' stu'e.ts 9ith higher le@el mathematical !ro;lems# 2rom FCoor'i.ate )ri' M(steries> to FMeasuri.g Masters> acti@ities
=e@elo!e' a.' 2acilitate' math lesso.s [email protected] to !re!are stu'e.ts 2or $hio
[email protected] ssessme.ts
Literac$ !ethods# Grade 3# S!ri.g 2012
t3 4rancis 1a5ier. Me'i.a# $hio
5.gage' stu'e.ts i. literac( lesso.s utiliAi.g coo!erati@e lear.i.g a.' 'i@erse
mo'alit( a!!roaches
Create' a literac( 2ocuse' e.tirel( arou.' !a%ic Tree &ouse ;ooks# 9hile
simulta.eousl( maki.g co..ectio.s to the a!!roachi.g $l(m!ics
E10E$IE#CE Tutor, Ga.uar( 2012-Ma( 2013
elf)E%plo&ed. "erea# $%
*la..e' a.' im!leme.te' [email protected]. curriculum 2or i.'i@i'ual stu'e.ts
4utore' 7 a.' 10 (ear ol's i. math# rea'i.g# a.' a'' home9ork su;-ects
Commu.icate' a.' create' i.'i@i'ualiAe' !la. 2or each i.'i@i'ual stu'e.t 9ith
commu.icatio. to !are.ts
Grades '() Child Care *nstructor# ugust 2010-Ga.uar( 2012
,est hore -MCA Child Care. <est 3ake# $%
Ma.age' 30-40 chil're.# 9ith em!hases o. team ;uil'i.g# co.2lict resolutio.#
a.ti-;ull(i.g# social skills# a.' aca'emic !rogress
=esig.e' a.' 2acilitate' multi!le acti@ities !er 'a(# i.clu'i.g math# 5.glish# art#
rea'i.g# !h(sical e'ucatio.# a.' other 'isci!
Grades (# Summer Counselor# Ma( 2010 to ugust 2012
#orth Canton -MCA Child Care. North $%
3e' 15 chil're. 2or : hours a 'a( i. multi!le acti@ities a.' tri!s# 2osteri.g !ositi@e
social skills# me.tal e.gageme.t# a.' team9ork
!EA+E$HI0 Ad+isor$ Board !em,er, Acade%& for Urban chool !eadership
E10E$IE#CE President. -ice President, Social Chair# Teaching Together
President# (appa +elta 0i
-P**(.e/ !em,er Educator. 6eta Ta' Alpha 4raternit&
Education !entor# B, +i5ision of Ed'cation
CE$TI4ICATIO# merica. /e' Cross Sta.'ar' H '@a.ce' ?irst i'
merica. /e' Cross 'ult,1.2a.t,Chil' C*/
Chil' ;use
TECH#O!O/- 1.ter9rite Smart"oar'
(I!! Microso2t <i.'o9s 0*
Microso2t $22ice
4(!e 72 <*M

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