Edited by
A. J. Mitchell-Jones & A. P. McLeish
Illustrated by T. P. McOwat
3 R D E D I T I O N 2 0 0 4
Foreword 8
Acknowledgements 9
1 Bats and the law 11
A J Mitchell Jones & C J Robertson
1.1 Legislation in the United Kingdom 11
1.2 International protection 13
1.3 Bat workers and the law 14
1.4 Bat work without a licence 14
1.5 The licensing system 14
1.5.1 Bat roost visitor (conservation) licences 15
1.5.2 Licences to disturb, take or possess bats for scientific purposes 15
1.5.3 Licences to ring or mark bats for scientific purposes 16
1.6 Trainers and training 16
1.7 Applications, returns, reports and renewals 17
1.8 Planning policy 17
1.8.1 Planning issues 17
1.8.2 Planning applications 17
1.8.3 Environmental Assessment 18
1.8.4 Local plans and unitary development plans 19
1.9 Biodiversity 19
2 Health and safety in bat work 23
A J Mitchell-Jones
2.1 Health and first aid 23
2.2 Travel and night or lone working 23
2.3 Safety in and around buildings 25
2.3.1 Personal protective equipment 25
2.3.2 Ladders and tower scaffolds 25
2.3.3 Access to roofs 26
2.3.4 Building and demolition sites 26
2.3.5 Visits to roof voids 26
2.4 Safety underground 27
2.5 Safety at tree roosts 28
2.6 Safety at public events 28
2.7 Working with others 28
2.8 Insurance 28
3 Survey and monitoring 29
AWalsh & C Catto
3.1 Introduction 29
3.2 Purpose and design 29
3.2.1 Inventory and distribution studies 29
3.2.2 Location of key sites and feeding areas 29
3.2.3 Monitoring the status of sites and populations 29
3.3 Inventory and distribution studies 30
3.4 Location of key sites and feeding areas 30
3.4.1 Finding roosts in houses, trees or other structures 30
3.4.2 Evening/dawn bat detector back-tracking 32
3.4.3 Identifying and counting bats in roosts 32
3.4.4 Finding hibernation sites 33
3.4.5 Identifying and counting bats in hibernation sites 34
3.4.6 Bats in flight 34
3.4.7 Bat boxes 37
3.5 Monitoring the status of sites and populations 38
4 Catching bats 41
M Finnemore & P WRichardson
4.1 Hand-nets 41
4.1.1 Types 41
4.1.2 Methods 41
4.2 Cone trap 42
4.3 Harp trap 43
4.3.1 Design and operation 43
4.3.2 Extraction 43
4.4 Mist-nets 43
4.4.1 Description 43
4.4.2 Static nets 43
4.4.3 Moving nets 44
4.4.4 Extraction from mist-nets 44
4.5 Additional equipment 47
4.5.1 Head-torch 47
4.5.2 Scissors or quickunpiks 47
4.5.3 Holding bags 47
4.6 Captive bats 47
5 Examining bats 49
A M Hutson & P A Racey
5.1 Field identification 49
5.2 Sexing and ageing 49
5.2.1 Sex and reproductive assessment 49
5.2.2 Sexing and sexual dimorphism 49
5.2.3 Reproductive status of males 49
5.2.4 Reproductive status of females 51
5.2.5 Ageing 51
5.2.6 Abnormalities 52
5.3 Measurements 52
5.4 Weight 53
5.5 Rare bats 53
5.6 Parasites 53
5.6.1 Endoparasites 53
5.6.2 Ectoparasites 54
5.7 DNA analysis 55
5.8 Dead bats 55
5.8.1 Preservation and storage 55
5.8.2 Uses 55
6 Ringing and marking 59
R E Stebbings
6.1 Short-duration marks 59
6.1.1 Fur-clipping 59
6.1.2 Claw-clipping 59
6.1.3 Colour-marking 59
6.1.4 Lights 59
6.1.5 Radio-tracking 60
6.2 Long-duration marks 60
6.2.1 Rings (bands) 60
6.2.2 Metal rings 60
6.2.3 Plastic rings 61
6.2.4 Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags 61
7 Handling, releasing and keeping bats 63
P A Racey
7.1 Handling 63
7.2 Releasing 63
7.3 Keeping 64
7.3.1 General environmental conditions 64
7.3.2 Caging 66
7.3.3 Exercise 66
7.3.4 Feeding 67
7.3.5 Release of juveniles 69
7.3.6 Transportation 69
7.3.7 Euthanasia 69
8 The Role of a Bat Group 71
G Hinchcliffe
8.1 Introduction 71
8.2 Starting up 72
8.3 Running the group 72
8.3.1 Officers and organisation 72
8.3.2 Meetings 72
8.3.3 Recruiting /maintaining group members 72
8.3.4 Training 73
8.3.5 Finance and equipment 73
8.4 Bat group activities 73
8.4.1 Roost recording and monitoring 74
8.4.2 Other contact with roost owners 74
8.4.3 Gathering roost information 74
8.4.4 Surveys 74
8.4.5 Research projects 74
8.4.6 Roost improvement and creation 75
8.4.7 Producing reports and publishing findings 75
8.4.8 Dealing with enquiries from the public 75
8.4.9 Displays and countryside events 75
8.4.10 Bat talks and walks 75
8.4.11 Running educational courses 76
8.4.12 Activities for children 76
8.5 Links with other bodies 77
8.5.1 English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage, Countryside Council for Wales, 77
Environment and Heritage Service (Northern Ireland)
8.5.2 Local Wildlife Trusts 77
8.5.3 Neighbouring Bat Groups 77
8.5.4 Others 77
9 Public relations 79
A J Mitchell-Jones
9.1 Bat enquiries and visits to roosts 79
9.1.1 Bats discovered and advice sought 80
9.1.2 Exclusion of bat colonies 88
9.1.3 Activities which might incidentally affect bats or their roosts 91
9.2 The media 92
10 Timber treatment, pest control and building work 95
A J Mitchell-Jones
10.1 Introduction 95
10.2 Remedial timber treatment 96
10.2.1 Types of infestation 96
10.2.2 Treating beetle infestations 98
10.2.3 Choice of chemicals and fluids 99
10.2.4 Treating fungal attack 101
10.2.5 Time of treatment 102
10.3 Pretreatment of timber 103
10.3.1 Solvent or emulsion processes 103
10.3.2 Copper chrome arsenic (CCA) 103
10.4 Pest control 103
10.4.1 Wasp, bee and hornet nests 103
10.4.2 Cluster-flies 104
10.4.3 Rodents 104
10.5 Building work 105
10.5.1 Timing of operations 105
10.5.2 Direct effects on bats 106
10.5.3 Alterations to roosts 108
11 Conserving and creating bat roosts 111
A J Mitchell-Jones
11.1 Conservation measures in underground sites 111
11.1.1 Threats 111
11.1.2 Grilles 116
11.1.3 Creative conservation and site management 119
11.2 Bats and trees 126
11.2.1 Hollow trees 126
11.2.2 The value of trees 126
11.2.3 Recognition of roost sites 126
11.2.4 Management of trees 126
11.2.5 Liaison with authorities 127
11.2.6 Bat boxes 128
11.3 Bats in bridges 129
11.3.1 Roosting requirements for bats in bridges 129
11.3.2 Maintaining and creating roosts in bridges 129
Appendices 135
1 Glossary of architectural terms 135
2 Glossary of caving and mining terms 143
3 Special forms 145
The Bat Roost Visitor Report Form 145
Biological Records Centre Single species card 148
4 The National Bat Monitoring Programme 149
5 A selected bibliography 151
6 Useful names and addresses 156
7 Bat workers training syllabus 163
8 Model risk assessments relevant to bat survey work 171
9 Submission form for rabies testing 178
It is now 15 years since the first edition of the Bat
Workers Manual was produced and almost 5 years
since the second edition appeared. During the
last 15 years the bat conservation movement has
gone from strength to strength, with a continuing
expansion of local bat groups and the development
of the Bat Conservation Trust to provide a national
focus. At the same time, there have been
fundamental changes in the organisation of the
statutory conservation bodies, with the split of the
Nature Conservancy Council into three separate
country agencies and the Joint Nature Conservation
Committee, followed by internal reorganisations
in each agency. Despite these changes, close
working relationships between government and
non-government organisations have persisted and,
happily, the movement can be characterised as
co-operative rather than confrontational.
A major change in the second edition was the
development of a chapter on safety in bat work,
which drew together and expanded information
from the first edition. Although bat-workers have
a good safety record, recent litigation has shown
clearly that organisations have a responsibility to
ensure that people working under their direction,
whether paid or not, are able to work in safety.
This is a responsibility we must all share and so
safety has now been incorporated explicitly into
the training syllabus.
The third edition has been produced only 5 years
after the second edition because the tragic death
of a batworker in Scotland from European Bat
Lyssavirus (EBLV) infection at the end of 2002
signalled a fundamental change in the way
organisations and individuals approach bat work.
This death, together with two records of EBLV in
Daubentons bats in England, means that it must
now be assumed that the virus is present in bats in
the UK and that bat-handling practices, and health
and safety advice must change. This third edition
of the manual incorporates those changes and
updates some other information and advice.
In other respects very little has changed. A great
deal of the original material in the first edition
remains as relevant now as it did 15 years ago.
The internal reorganisation carried out in the
second edition, with the addition of new material
to reflect new concerns and the development of
new areas of interest, has been retained in the third
edition. The excellent drawings by Tom McOwat
have almost all been retained with some updated
diagrams where necessary to reflect the changes in
health and safety practices.
The third edition has retained a number of case
studies on a variety of subjects, which were new
to the second edition. These provide a useful
perspective on the practical problems that confront
bat-workers from time to time and suggest solutions
that could be adapted to other circumstances. Good
case studies have proved hard to find and we are
very grateful to those individuals or organisations
who have contributed.
In 1987, the original manual was one of the few
publications available to guide practical bat work
in the UK. We are now in the fortunate position
of having a much greater range of publications
available on a variety of topics, such as the use of
bat-detectors, habitat conservation, survey work or
the construction or modification of roosts of various
types. Clearly a manual cannot, and should not,
duplicate these, but we have tried to give a brief
introduction to these subjects and to suggest
sources of further information. An example is the
expanding use of bat-detectors, which were barely
mentioned in the first edition. Since then the
development of technology and fieldcraft have led
to a great advance in their use.
Overall, the change in balance of the manual
reflects some of the changes that have happened
in bat conservation over the last 15 years. For
example, there has been less focus on the
impact of remedial timber treatment, following
the adoption of safer chemicals, whereas the
importance of field survey work away from roosts
has increased. The importance of public relations
and problem-solving for a group of species that
depend so heavily on buildings has remained a
central theme.
The manual is the product of extensive consultation
with many individuals involved in bat conservation
and has benefited greatly from their input. It has
been impossible to include all the suggestions
we have received, but we hope this expanded
publication will continue to serve the needs of bat
Tony Mitchell-Jones
Andrew McLeish
As with the first edition, many people helped with
the revision and improvement of the second edition,
either through general comments and discussion or
by contributing sections to particular chapters.
General help was provided by David Bullock
and Miriam Glendell (National Trust), Amy Coyte,
Tony Hutson, Shirley Thompson and Phil
Richardson (Bat Conservation Trust), Rob Raynor
(Scottish Natural Heritage), Ruth Warren
(Countryside Council for Wales), Gloucester Bat
Group, Patty Briggs, Stuart Corbett, Tom McOwat,
Louise Oliver and Gill Hinchcliffe.
Chapter 11 benefited greatly from additional
information from Frank Greenaway (caves and
mines), Geoff Billington (bridges) and Mike
Holmes (trees). Peter Smith updated the
information about radio-tracking in Chapter 6,
Maggie Brown and Andrew Routh helped to update
Chapter 7 and Mike Worsfold provided additional
information for Appendix 2.
The swift revision of this third edition was helped
greatly by comments from Stewart Pritchard
(SNH), Jessa Battersby (JNCC), Liz Halliwell
(CCW), staff at the Bat Conservation Trust (Colin
Catto, Ali Rasey) and Tony Hutson. Tom McOwat
obligingly redrew some of the illustrations.
It is with sadness that we record the untimely death
of Gill Hinchcliffe (19582002), who contributed
so much to bat conservation and the development
of bat groups.
Pipistrelle bat. Frank Greenaway
Bechsteins bat. Frank Greenaway
In England, Scotland and Wales all bat species are
fully protected under the Wildlife and Countryside
Act 1981 (WCA) (as amended) through inclusion
in Schedule 5. In England and Wales, this Act has
been amended by the Countryside and Rights of
Way Act 2000 (CRoW), which adds an extra
offence, makes species offences arrestable,
increases the time limits for some prosecutions
and increases penalties. In Scotland, the Criminal
Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 has amended the WCA
to widen the powers of arrest, increase the time
limits for some prosecutions, increase penalties
and extend the use of search warrants. It does not,
however, introduce any new offences. The Nature
Conservation (Scotland) Bill will introduce further
amendments to the WCA in Scotland in 2004.
In Northern Ireland all bats are fully protected
by the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985
(as amended) through inclusion in Schedule 5.
All bats are also included in Schedule 2 of the
Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations
1994, (or Northern Ireland, 1995) (the Habitats
Regulations), which defines European protected
species of animals.
These various pieces of legislation almost parallel
each other, with a few small differences in wording.
The legal significance of these differences has not
yet been fully established and so the following
account attempts to combine them to provide a
simplified summary.
Taken together, the Act, Order and Regulations
make it illegal to:
intentionally or deliberately kill, injure or
capture (or take) bats;
deliberately disturb bats (whether in a roost
or not);
recklessly disturb roosting bats or obstruct
access to their roosts (England & Wales only;
proposed for Scotland in 2004);
damage or destroy bat roosts;
possess or transport a bat or any part of a bat,
unless acquired legally;
sell (or offer for sale) or exchange bats, or parts
of bats.
The word roost is not used in the legislation, but
is used here for simplicity. The actual wording in
Bats and the law
A J Mitchell-Jones & C J Robertson
the legislation is any structure or place which
any wild animaluses for shelter or protection
(WCA) or breeding site or resting place (Habitats
Regulations). Because bats tend to re-use the same
roosts after periods of vacancy, legal opinion is that
the roost is protected whether or not the bats are
present at the time.
Intentionally can be interpreted directly as a result
is intended when it is the actors purpose or it can
be inferred by a court when the result is a virtually
certain consequence of the act and the actor
knows that it is a virtually certain consequence.
Deliberately is not well defined in law, although
the House of Lords has equated it with wilfully.
A person acts recklessly if he deliberately takes an
unacceptable risk (recognises the risk but takes it
anyway) or fails to notice or consider an obvious
risk (does not consider whether there is a risk).
There are three defences in the law, which allow
what would otherwise be prohibited acts.
1 Injured or disabled animals may be taken and
possessed solely for the purpose of looking
after them and releasing them once they are
no longer disabled; similarly, badly injured
animals may be killed legally.
2 Within dwelling-houses, bats may be disturbed
and bat roosts may be damaged, destroyed or
obstructed. However, bats may not be killed,
injured or taken.
1.1 Legislation in the United Kingdom
Brown long-eared bat. Frank Greenaway
3 Killing, injuring, taking or disturbing bats, or
damaging, destroying or obstructing roosts are
not offences if these were the incidental result
of a lawful operation and could not reasonably
have been avoided.
The above statements apply to any species on
Schedule 5 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981
(the Wildlife [Northern Ireland] Order 1985) or any
European protected species, but there is one
special provision, which applies only to bats.
This states that defences 2 and 3 above cannot
be relied on (except within the living area of a
dwelling house) unless the appropriate Statutory
Nature Conservation Organisation (SNCO) had
been notified and allowed a reasonable time to
advise on whether the proposed action should be
carried out and, if so, the method to be used.
The SNCOs are English Nature, Scottish Natural
Heritage, the Countryside Council for Wales
and the Environment and Heritage Service in
Northern Ireland.
The police are the primary law enforcement agency,
so if you think the law has been broken, contact
your local police wildlife liaison officer (WLO) or
police force. A list of WLOs is available from the
RSPB Investigations Section (tel: 01767 680551).
Prosecutions for offences under the legislation in all
countries must be brought within 6 months of the
date on which sufficient evidence became available
to the prosecutor, subject to a time limit of 2 years
after the commission of the offence. Penalties for
most offences are up to level 5 on the standard
scale per offence (5000 per offence in 2003)
and/or a custodial sentence of up to 6 months.
Further details are given in Childs (2003), which
is updated whenever the legislation changes.
The SNCOs can issue licences to allow otherwise
prohibited actions, such as catching and handling
bats, for scientific or educational reasons, ringing
and marking, conservation, photography or
protecting zoological collections. Applications
should be made to the Licensing Section of the
appropriate SNCO.
Licences in connection with public health or
safety, prevention of the spread of disease or the
prevention of serious damage to livestock, crops or
other property may be issued, as appropriate, by
the Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs (Defra), the Scottish Executive, the National
Assembly for Wales Countryside Division or the
Environment & Heritage Service (Northern
Ireland). These departments also issue licences
under the Habitats Regulations to permit otherwise
prohibited acts where this is considered to be for
imperative reasons of overriding public interest
(primarily development). Licences can only be
issued when there is no satisfactory alternative and
when the action authorised will not be detrimental
to the maintenance of the populations of the species
concerned at favourable conservation status in their
natural range. Note that these arrangements are
subject to change.
Acts or operations that take place on a Site of
Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (Areas of Special
Scientific Interest (ASSI [in Northern Ireland]) are
covered by Part II of the Wildlife & Countryside
Act. The SNCOs have a particular role in the
enforcement of this part of the legislation and
should be contacted if you believe something
illegal is taking place.
This is only a general and simplified guide to the
main provisions of the law. The Wildlife and
Countryside Act 1981 (and its amendments), the
Environmental Protection Act 1990, the
Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations
1994, the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,
the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 or the
equivalent legislation in Northern Ireland should be
consulted for further details.
Bats are similarly protected in all other parts of the
British Isles. Information on bat protection in the
Republic of Ireland can be obtained from National
Parks & Wildlife, Department of Environment,
Heritage and Local Government, 7 Ely Place,
Dublin 2 and in the Isle of Man from DAFF,
Knockaloe Farm, Peel, Isle of Man IM5 3AJ.
Information on bat protection and the law in the
UK is contained in various leaflets, which are
available from the SNCOs: English Nature
Focus on bats and Bats in roofs: a guide for
surveyors; Scottish Natural Heritage Bats and
people; Countryside Council for Wales Ystlumod,
Bats; The Environment and Heritage Service
(Northern Ireland) Focus on Bats.
When you have written your notes, sign and date/time
them. Make sure any other witnesses read and sign and
date/time them too (assuming they agree). Make sure
you have their contact details.You must also give the
suspect, if present, the opportunity to read and sign
your notes. If they refuse, add a note that you gave
them this opportunity.
A statement may be necessary at some stage.
A police officer or other investigating officer will
take this for you and advise you how it needs to be
If you are asked to appear in court as a witness or
expert witness do not worry. It is not you who is on
trial.You will be asked to stand in the witness box and
swear an oath to tell the truth.You will first be guided
through your statement by the prosecution solicitor,
after which you will be asked questions by the defence
solicitor.You should address your answers to the
Magistrates. If you do not know or cannot remember
the answer to a question, just say so. Take your original
notes along with you. If you wish to refer to them
to assist your memory while in the witness box (a
prosecution may be many months after the event), ask
for permission. There will be a discussion about the
admissibility of your notes, so you will need to tell the
court how soon after the event you wrote them. In court,
you will not be allowed to give hearsay, but do not
worry if you are not too sure what that means because
you will simply be stopped if the evidence you give is
Make sure that you report the incident as soon as
possible. It makes sense to find out who your local
police Wildlife Liaison Officer is and to make contact
with them if you suspect you may need their services
during your bat work.You can also get help from the
SNCO, the Bat Conservation Trust or any police
Source: English Nature/RSPB.
1.2 International protection
As well as domestic legislation, bats are also
protected under several international Conventions,
Directives or Agreements. Where these place
obligations on the UK government, they have been
translated into the domestic legislation described in
Section 1.1.
European Union Directive on the
Conservation of Natural Habitats and of
Wild Fauna and Flora (Habitats and
Species Directive)
This Directive places a legal requirement on all
Member States of the European Union to protect
specified habitats and species through their own
domestic legislation. In the UK this has been
implemented by the Conservation (Natural
Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994. All species of
bats are on Annex IV (European protected species
of animal), which requires that they are given full
protection. Five species (greater horseshoe, lesser
horseshoe, Bechsteins, barbastelle and greater
mouse-eared (believed extinct)) are also on Annex
II, which requires the designation of Special Areas
of Conservation (SAC) to ensure that the species
is maintained at a favourable conservation status.
In the UK this is being done through the
designation of certain selected SSSIs. This
international network of sites is known as the
Natura 2000 series.
There may come a time when, in the course of your bat work,
you witness, or find evidence of, the law being broken. It is
essential in such a case that a careful and detailed record of
events and evidence is kept if there is to be any hope of a
subsequent prosecution being successful. Normally it would be
best to ask a police WLO to gather the evidence, but if you are
the first on the scene of a crime you can follow these best
practice guidelines to gather admissible evidence.
The following notes explain what is required by a court and
give some idea of what you can expect if you are asked to give
It is vital that you make written notes of any incident. If
possible make the notes as the incident occurs, but if
this is not possible then make them as soon as possible
after the event. If made too late after the event, a court
may decide they are inadmissible. If you are making
notes at the time, record as many details as you can as
they happen.You can follow up these notes after the
event with a more methodical appraisal of the situation
as you remember it, including anything you did not have
time to record.
Important details to note: date, time, location (including
grid reference if possible), descriptions of people,
names, addresses and telephone numbers if you know
them, vehicle registration numbers and descriptions,
exactly what you saw and heard.You can include in
your notes things that you overheard somebody else
say (e.g. "Mr X told me that Mr Y said..."), but this is
called hearsay and it will probably be inadmissible as
evidence in court. However, by including it in your
notes you may assist the investigating officer with
his/her inquiries.
When writing notes try not to leave any blank spaces
and fill in any blank spaces with a line. This shows the
court that no changes could have been made after the
event. If you do need to make a change, cross out the
incorrect section lightly so that it can still be read and
add the corrected statement.You must initial and
date/time this entry.
Law enforcement gathering evidence
Convention on the Conservation of
European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
(Bern Convention)
This convention, to which the UK is a signatory,
places obligations on member states to protect
threatened or endangered species and their habitats
and to ban the use of many unselective methods of
capture. It is translated into domestic legislation as
the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981.
All species of bats, except the pipistrelle
Pipistrellus pipistrellus, are on Appendix II,
which requires that they are given special
protection. The pipistrelle is on Appendix III,
which requires the regulation of its exploitation.
Convention on the Conservation of
Migratory Species of Wild Animals
(Bonn Convention)
This global Convention is intended to encourage
co-operation between member parties in the
conservation of species that move between range
states. It provides for the protection of some
migratory species, but its main intended method
of operation is to encourage range states to set up
Agreements to benefit species listed on Appendix
II, which includes all European bats.
One such Agreement is the Agreement on the
Conservation of Populations of European Bats,
known as Eurobats, which came into force
in 1994. Its main provisions are: to restrict the
killing or capture of bats; the protection of key
bat habitats; the co-ordination of research and
conservation experience; and increasing public
awareness of bat conservation. These requirements
do not appear to need any changes to current UK
domestic legislation.
1.3 Bat workers and the law
Perhaps the most significant element of legal
protection from the bat workers point of view is
the requirement that householders with bats in their
houses, other than in the living area, must notify
the appropriate Statutory Nature Conservation
Organisation (SNCO) before taking any action
against the bats or their roost. Similarly, the SNCO
must be notified before any activities that could
incidentally affect bats or their roosts are started.
This could include building and re-roofing
operations, pest control, remedial timber treatment
or cavity-wall insulation. The need for the SNCO
to be given an opportunity to advise an owner
provides great scope for the prevention of damage
to roosts and for education. Most licensable bat
work carried out by licensed bat workers relates to
the provision of this advice.
1.4 Bat work without a
Much research and survey work can be done
without a licence, for example searching for new
roosts, observing or counting bats outside roosts,
discovering feeding areas, analysing food from
bat droppings, or building and erecting bat boxes.
Much can be learnt through the literature, by
talking to other bat workers and by joining a local
bat group. Similarly, public relations and publicity
work, such as general advice, talks, walks or
disseminating information, which forms the core
of much conservation activity, does not require a
licence. However, if you wish to enter known roosts
(including bat boxes that have been or are being
used by bats) or disturb, catch or handle bats, you
must be covered by an appropriate licence.
1.5 The licensing system
It is important to ensure that you have the licence
you need and that you fulfil its conditions. A casual
approach to the question of licences may not only
jeopardise your own ability to work with bats, but
may undermine all our efforts to persuade people
who feel seriously inconvenienced by the law to
abide by it.
The SNCOs are responsible for issuing licences to
enable otherwise prohibited activities to be carried
out for scientific, educational or conservation
purposes. For most protected species, licence
applicants have traditionally been asked to provide
references (to establish bona fides) and to justify
fully the need to carry out the requested activity.
However, for bat work a special training scheme
has been set up, which provides training and
obviates the need for two references (see Section 1.6).
Special licences can be issued to cover particular
circumstances, non-standard techniques, particular
liaison requirements and so on, but one standard
licence covers the majority of licensees, who are
mainly involved in bat-roost visiting.
Licences are not considered necessary for
examining single bat boxes because they are
unlikely to contain bats. Only if a bat is found in a
bat box and further examinations are proposed
should a licence be obtained. Similarly, visits to
lofts or caves and mines are not licensable unless it
is known that bats are likely to be present.
Although the way in which licences are assessed
and processed differs between the SNCOs, the
following sections describe the licences most
commonly issued, together with an indication of the
level of knowledge or experience required. Further
details will be found in Appendix 7.
1.5.1 Bat-roost visitor
(conservation) licences
Bat-roost visiting, either in response to a direct
enquiry or at the request of the SNCO, is one of the
most important activities carried out by local bat-
group members because it makes an enormous
direct contribution to bat conservation, benefiting
many thousands of bats each year.
The standard licence should meet all the legal
requirements of a roost visitor, who may need to
examine and handle bats in their roosts. The taking
of bats by hand or static hand-net can be useful for
identification and for public relations, to show a
householder how interesting and attractive bats are,
so it is included in the standard licence.
Occasionally, where a licensee has little or no
experience of handling bats, it may be deleted.
Normally only one or two bats should be taken for
identification or to show to householders and these
should be released as soon as possible. If resting
bats cannot be taken by hand, a hand-net may be
held in a stationary position beneath the exit hole
so that one or two bats are caught as they drop
from the exit. It should never be necessary to
catch horseshoe bats because these can easily be
identified in roosts. Obviously, hibernating bats
should be disturbed as little as possible and should
not normally be handled.
A basic knowledge of the biology and ecology of
bats, plus an ability to catch, identify, handle and
present them to people are required to obtain a
licence to visit roosts in dwelling houses from April
to September. Endorsements to this basic licence
may be subject to further conditions.
1.5.2 Licences to disturb, take or
possess bats for scientific purposes
Licences can be issued to disturb, take or possess
bats for research or survey purposes. These include
licences to visit known hibernacula, licences to use
mist-nets, harp traps or other methods of catching
bats in free flight, and licences to possess bats in
captivity for research purposes. Licences to disturb
or take bats in hibernacula for survey purposes can
be viewed as a logical extension of the basic
batworker licence, but most other licences are only
issued once a project plan has been agreed with the
appropriate SNCO.
i) To disturb or take bats in
hibernacula for survey purposes
Visits to caves, mines, tunnels or other areas known
to be regularly used for hibernation can cause
disturbance to the bats that hibernate there. Such
visits need to be regulated, and licences to disturb
hibernating bats will be issued only to applicants
who have demonstrated an understanding of the
dangers involved and shown themselves to be
careful workers. Survey of caves or mines for
previously unknown hibernation sites does not
require a licence, provided that the visit is
abandoned once bats are discovered.
Experienced workers monitoring hibernacula for
scientific or survey purposes may wish to be able
to handle bats from time to time, for example to
monitor their physiological condition or to check
the identity of unusual specimens. In practice,
experienced surveyors rarely touch bats.
The standard survey licence is usually valid for
all species of bat, but exceptions can be made for
very sensitive species in particular areas, such as
disturbance or handling of horseshoe bats in those
areas where they occur. However, members of bat
groups who have shown themselves to be
valuable and responsible licence holders will not
normally be excluded from dealing with any
species of bat, on the basis that they will know
very well which are the most sensitive species for
their area and will not wish to cause disturbance if
this can be avoided. It is rarely necessary to take
hibernating bats under licence for conservation
purposes, as rescuing bats in an emergency can be
done without a licence.
The licence, which may be valid for between 1 and
3 years, carries a number of conditions including,
most importantly, a general liaison clause to prevent
conflict between workers in adjacent areas.
ii) To disturb, take or possess bats
for scientific purposes
This allows endorsements of special techniques or
types of activity not otherwise covered. However it
does not cover ringing, marking or disturbance for
photography, which are licensed separately.
The types of projects that might be covered include:
use of mist-nets or harp traps for surveys or
scientific research;
taking bats for genetic sampling;
taking bats for radio-tracking studies
(combined with a marking licence);
possessing bats for flight or echolocation
studies in the laboratory.
iii) To disturb bats for the purpose of
Licences may be issued specifically for bat
photography but only where there is a special case
for doing so. This will normally only be where the
results contribute directly to public awareness about
bats, as with some filming for television. The
welfare of the bats must be the prime consideration
at all times.
In England, Scotland and Wales, the standard
licence includes a note about photography, which is
permissible as an incidental part of licensed
conservation or scientific work where no additional
disturbance is caused thereby. This does not
require a separate licence, but care must be taken
not to cross the boundary between what is
genuinely incidental and what is designed to get a
good photograph. If you are in doubt, it is better to
consult the SNCOs Licensing Section and obtain a
licence if necessary. In Northern Ireland incidental
photography (without a flash) is considered to be
included in the basic roost visitors licence. Where
you have a valid licence to disturb, take or possess
bats, the camera can be a useful device to record
the activities undertaken without intruding on them.
Flash photography in roosts or hibernacula does not
come into this category and requires separate
licensing, as does the taking of bats into captivity
for filming or photography. Flash photography of
hibernating bats should generally be limited as the
noise and light could disturb them.
In order to gain a scientific or photographic licence,
applicants need to demonstrate a serious interest in
bat work and an understanding of how and when
particular techniques should be employed.
Licences for netting, trapping or other techniques
for catching bats in flight will require the applicant
to demonstrate experience and competence in the
use of the particular catching technique, as
witnessed by a trainer, and appreciation of its
appropriate application. Licences will be issued
only for projects that have been agreed with the
appropriate SNCO.
1.5.3 Licences to ring or mark bats
for scientific purposes
These licences are only granted for research
projects with clear objectives. Techniques such as
fur clipping or the attachment of radio transmitters
or passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags are also
covered by these licences.
Ringing and marking, or the disturbance associated
with these activities, can be harmful to bats so that
ringing has been stopped or severely curtailed in
several countries. In the UK, the value of ringing
and marking techniques is recognised, but licences
are issued only for clearly defined projects which
will be subject to the approval of the licensing
authority. Details of approved ringing and marking
methods are given in Chapter 6.
1.6 Trainers and training
Trainers receive licences allowing them to train
unlicensed bat workers in some or all the activities
covered by the standard licence. Conservation
licences are of most direct relevance to the work of
bat groups, and every bat group should have at least
one authorised conservation licence trainer.
Initially, each trainer should be able to take on four
or five students, but this will obviously vary
according to circumstances and should decrease as
the number of trainers increases.
The training system allows bat workers without any
experience of a particular aspect of bat work, such
as handling or the use of hand-nets, to train under
their trainers licence in order to gain the necessary
experience to obtain their own licences. It also
helps to ensure that conservation activities are
carried out to a high standard and that appropriate
conservation advice is given when responding to
The knowledge and skills required for each type of
licence are set out in the training syllabus
(Appendix 7). Both knowledge and skills can be
gained in a variety of ways, such as attending talks,
conferences or training days, background reading,
participation in bat group projects or roost visits
under the supervision of a trainer or other licensed
bat worker.
1.7 Applications, returns,
reports and renewals
Application forms need to be completed for the
various types of licence and for licence extensions.
If you have already had a licence, this can be
renewed periodically, provided that you have
observed its conditions and reported on your activities.
Application forms for standard licences are
available from the SNCOs Licensing Section.
They should be completed by the applicant and
countersigned by a trainer. However, if an applicant
is unable to contact a licensed trainer, the names
and addresses of two experienced bat-licence
holders who are prepared to act as referees may be
provided instead.
It is a condition of all licences that appropriate
returns are made stating what licensed activities
have been carried out. Where separate reports of bat
roost visits have been submitted, this information
should not be duplicated on licence returns. A
statement of licensed activities carried out is required,
so that some assessment of licensed disturbance can
be made and the data can be used to further the
conservation of bats. Numbers of bats recorded or
other information on return forms may be used by
the conservation organisations to monitor the status
of bats or the value of individual sites.
If an exact renewal of a licence is required on its
expiry, this should be requested on the licence
return form. If a licence, which is not an exact
renewal of a previous licence but includes some
additional features, is required, a licence application
form should be submitted. This should be
accompanied where appropriate by a statement of
the training received or experience gained in the
previous year and should be signed by a trainer.
Advice on all aspects of licensing can be obtained
from the appropriate SNCO Licensing Section.
1.8 Planning Policy
1.8.1 Planning Issues
British and international wildlife legislation is
central to protecting and conserving our wildlife
heritage. However, conflicts frequently arise
between the needs of wildlife and the needs of
development, either of a specific site or in the wider
context of local, regional or national planning.
The requirements for a bat survey in the case of a
proposed development will vary according to the
type of development, time of year and the type of
site to be surveyed. Where an environmental
assessment is required, a scoping study would
normally be carried out at the outset to determine
the likely impacts of any development and the
investigations which should be carried out to ensure
that the needs of bats are fully met.
1.8.2 Planning applications
The majority of development proposals do not
require full environmental assessment. Barn
conversions, small-scale new housing projects and
building alterations are all decided through the local
authority planning process. The Local Planning
Authority (LPA), when considering an application
for development that would be likely, if carried out,
to result in a breach of The Wildlife and Countryside
Act 1981 or the Conservation (Natural Habitats,
&c.) Regulations 1994, should consider what
precautions could be taken to prevent such a breach
occurring in the event of the development going
ahead. The presence of a protected species is
therefore a material consideration when a LPA is
considering a development proposal. The LPA may
impose a planning condition or draw up an agreement
under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning
Act 1990 (or S 75 of the Town & Country Planning
(Scotland) Act 1997) with the developer to ensure
that the needs of bats are fully met.
The LPA should consult with the SNCO, prior to
granting planning permission if it appears that a
licence may be required with respect to the
development proposal (i.e. if evidence of bats has
been found). Note that the destruction of a bat roost
is an absolute offence under the Conservation
(Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations, so the onus lies
with the applicant to satisfy himself that no offences
will be committed if the development goes ahead.
In all circumstances it is essential that sufficient
information is gathered both about the proposed
development and the presence of bats to ensure that
an accurate and reasonable opinion can be reached
over both the nature and importance of the bat site
and the likely impacts should the development go
ahead. Proposals for mitigation should be
considered at an early stage.
The bat survey work should always be carried out
by a consultant with adequate experience and, if
necessary, an appropriate licence. If a bat group is
to carry out the survey it would be wise to ensure
that the group is covered by both appropriate public
liability insurance and professional indemnity
insurance (the Bat Conservation Trust can provide
advice on this).
In many cases the LPA, developer and consultant
can work together to find a solution that will be
agreeable to all parties. The LPA has the final word
in deciding whether an application will be
approved. Where planning permission is refused an
applicant has a right of appeal. This may be by way
of a written procedure or, in about 5% of cases, by
way of Public Inquiry. In either case, evidence from
expert witnesses may be presented. At public
inquiries witnesses are subject to cross-examination
by the appellants and possibly by the Inspector.
Once planning permission for a development has
been granted, it will still be necessary to obtain a
licence from the appropriate authority (see Section
1.1) to permit the disturbance of bats or the
destruction of a bat roost. Awareness of planning
law and issues in relation to nature conservation
varies from authority to authority. In England,
Policy Planning Guidance: Nature Conservation
(PPG9) published by the Department of the
Environment, Transport and the Regions (now
Defra), sets out the Governments policies on
different aspects of planning and gives guidance
on how policies for the conservation of our natural
heritage are to be reflected in land-use planning.
In Scotland, National Planning Policy Guideline
(NPPG) 14: Natural Heritage, published by the
Scottish Office (now the Scottish Executive)
performs a similar function, providing the definitive
statement of national planning policy in relation to
Scotlands natural heritage. In Wales, TAN(W)5 a
technical advice note provides information about
nature conservation and planning. In Northern
Ireland, the Environment and Heritage Service has
produced Planning Conservation Guidelines
Nature Conservation and Planning.
A personal approach by a bat worker/group may
help the LPA gain a better understanding of bat
related issues and consequently act on planning
applications with more precision and understanding.
1.8.3 Environmental Assessment
The definition of an Environmental Assessment
(EA) states EA is the process by which information
about the environmental effects of a project is
collected, assessed and taken into account by the
planning authority in reaching a decision on
whether the proposed development should go ahead.
Only certain types of development require that an
Environmental Assessment (EA) be carried out.
Projects are categorised into two schedules
depending on their likely environmental affects.
Environmental assessment is mandatory for
Schedule 1 projects where an EA may be
appropriate, which includes oil refineries and major
road schemes. Schedule 2 projects are those such as
mining or industrial installation where there may be
significant effects by virtue of their size, nature or
location. The proximity to Sites of Special Scientific
Interest or other designated sites is a case in point.
Government advice as to the likely need for EA is
given in circulars, which are updated at intervals
when new information is available.
The information required for an EA can be collated
from published documents, consultation exercises
and survey work but should be sufficient for a
reasonable judgement to be made on the project,
whether it is a major road scheme or the
development of a new housing estate. The final
decision may, for example result in the scheme
being turned down, the re-routing of the road link
or alteration of the housing-estate design.
The Environmental Statement (ES) is the document
produced at the end of this data collation process
and should include the following information to
meet current guidelines:
a description of the development;
data necessary to identify the main effects of
the development;
an assessment of the likely significant effects
on the environment (including fauna);
measures to avoid, reduce or remedy the
impacts of adverse effects.
The needs of bats must be taken into account if
they are present on the site of a proposed
development that is subject to an EA.
1.8.4 Local plans and unitary
development plans
There is one other area in which bat workers/groups
may take an interest in planning issues. Local plans
and unitary development plans should identify
relevant international, national and local nature
conservation interests. They should ensure that the
protection and enhancement of those interests is
properly provided for in development and land-use
policies, and place particular emphasis on the
strength of protection afforded to international
designations. Plans should offer reasonable certainty
to developers, landowners and residents about the
weight that will be given to nature conservation
interests in reaching planning decisions. Nature
conservation issues should be included in the
surveys of local authority areas as required by
sections 11 and 30 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990 (S. 4 of the Town & Country
Planning [Scotland] Act 1997), to ensure that plans
are based on sufficient information about local
species, habitats, geology and landform. Plans
should be concerned not only with designated areas
but also with other land of conservation value and,
possibly, provision of new habitats.
All local authorities will maintain a record of
important nature conservation sites in their area. In
many cases the authority will work with the local
wildlife trust to achieve this. Recently some
authorities have started to store this data on
Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The
advantage of this method is that planners can refer
directly to a computerised map and database to see
if there is a nature conservation issue connected
with a planning proposal. Important bat sites can be
included on the GIS and bat groups should encourage
authorities to record these sites on their systems
(subject to an appropriate confidentiality agreement).
1.9 Biodiversity
In 1994 the government published Biodiversity:
The UK Action Plan. This was the British response
to the Biodiversity Convention held in Rio de
Janeiro, which the government signed in 1992. The
overall goal of the UK Action Plan is to conserve
and enhance biological diversity within the UK, and
to contribute to the conservation of global diversity
through all appropriate mechanisms.
Following the publication of the Action Plan, a
Biodiversity Steering Group was established, which
developed costed action plans for priority species
and habitats. Action plans now exist for the greater
mouse-eared, pipistrelle, greater horseshoe, lesser
horseshoe, barbastelle and Bechsteins bats
(Biodiversity: The UK Steering Group Report).
These action plans contain targets for maintaining
or increasing populations and proposed actions for
achieving those targets.
If the UK Action Plan is to be implemented
successfully, it is important that national targets
are translated into effective action at a local level.
Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs) are the
means by which practical actions can be achieved.
The development of Local Biodiversity Action
Plans is dependent upon partnership between
many organisations, although local authorities
are well placed to take the lead in promoting
plans, particularly at the county/council area level.
Many LBAPs have now been developed and these
will include action plans for individual species of
bat and also habitats that are important to bats. Bat
groups are well placed to become involved in both
developing and implementing LBAPs.
Information on developing LBAPs in each country
can be obtained through the appropriate
Biodiversity Group
(see http://www.ukbap.org.uk/contacts_links.htm
for details). The Countryside and Rights of Way Act
2000 (S74) places some obligation on Ministers and
government departments in England and Wales to
have regard to the conservation of biological
diversity and to publish lists of habitats and species
that are of principal importance for this. The Nature
Conservation (Scotland) Bill, to be enacted in 2004,
contains similar obligations.
advice submitted by CCW and MWT. The district council
said that legal protection of bats was not as important as
the local issues of housing and providing job opportunities.
Faced with the impending loss of the breeding colony, CCW
and MWT asked the Welsh Office to call the planning
application in for decision by the Secretary of State for
Wales. This was done, just in time, before the decision of
the local planning committee had become operative.
A public inquiry lasting 3 days was held in September 1992,
where evidence was given concerning the needs of the
lesser horseshoe bats. The outcome was announced almost
a year later, in August 1993, when the Secretary of State for
Wales decided that planning permission should be refused.
In reaching the decision it was recognised that more than
local issues were at stake and that the government had a
duty to respect both national legislation and the obligation
to international agreements relating to bats. This was the
first ever public inquiry at which bats were the key issue.
Source: Bat News No 31, October 1993.
In the autumn of 1991, a breeding roost of lesser horseshoe
bats Rhinolophus hipposideros in an old coach house near
Welshpool, Powys (formerly Montgomeryshire), Wales, came
under threat from development proposals. The owner was
seeking planning permission to convert the buildings into six
flats. This would have considerably reduced the extent of
roosting space used by the bats. While space in the small
clock turret would have remained, this would not have been
adequate to ensure the survival of the breeding colony of up
to 70 lesser horseshoe bats; the colony was one of only five
in the former county of Montgomeryshire.
The Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and the
Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust (MWT) assessed the
requirements for the roost and advised that if the proposed
scheme were reduced to five dwelling units the lesser
horseshoe bats would not be threatened.
However, no significant changes to the plans were made and
the district council planning committee resolved that
planning permission should be granted despite contrary
Public Inquiry confirms importance of lesser horseshoe bat roost
Lesser horseshoe bat. Frank Greenaway
ANON. 1979. Convention on the Conservation of
European Wildlife and Natural Habitats.
European Treaty Series No. 104. (Bern
Convention, 1982.)
ANON. 1980. Convention on the Conservation of
Migratory Species of Wild Animals. Treaty
Series No. 87. (Bonn Convention, 1982.)
ANON. 1981. Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
HMSO, London. 128 pp. ISBN 0 10 546981 5.
ANON. 1991. Agreement on the Conservation of
Bats in Europe. (Eurobats.)
ANON. 1994. Biodiversity: the UK Action Plan.
Cm 2428. HMSO, London.
ANON. 1995. Biodiversity: the UK Steering Group
Report. Vol 1: Meeting the Rio Challenge. Vol 2:
Action Plans. HMSO, London.
ANON. 1996. Wild Mammals (Protection) Act 1996.
HMSO, London. 2 pp. ISBN 0 10 540396 2.
ANON. 1998 UK Biodiversity Group Tranche 2
Action Plans. Volume 1 - Vertebrates and
Vascular plants. English Nature, Peterborough.
267 pp. ISBN 1 85716 406 7.
ANON. 2000. Countryside and Rights of Way Act
2000. HMSO, London. ISBN 0 10 543700 X.
ANON. 2003. Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act
2003. The Stationery Office, London.
ISBN 0 10 590049 4.
ANON. 2003. Nature Conservation (Scotland) Bill.
(As introduced in the Scottish Parliament on
29th September 2003.)
CHILDS, J. 2003. Bats and the law: what to do
when the law is broken. Bat Conservation Trust
& Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
Available on the internet at
Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21st May 1992
on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of
Wild Flora and Fauna. Official Journal of the
European Communities. No. L206/7, pp.
Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27th June
1985 on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain
Public and Private Projects on the Environment.
Official Journal of the European Communities.
L 175, pp. 4048.
Environmental Assessment: A guide to the
Procedures. HMSO, London.
Planning Policy Guidance (PPG 9). Nature
Conservation. HMSO, London. 59 pp.
ISBN 0 11 752787 4.
(2nd edn). Species Protected by Law - guidance
note. Derbyshire County Council, Matlock. 22 pp.
ENGLISH NATURE. 1994. Roads and Nature
Conservation. Guidance on impacts, mitigation
and enhancement. English Nature,
Peterborough. 81 pp. ISBN 1 85716 134 3.
ENGLISH NATURE. 1994. Nature Conservation in
Environmental Assessment. English Nature,
Peterborough. 50 pp. ISBN 1 85716 135 1.
Planning Conservation Guidelines Nature
Conservation and Planning. Department of the
Environment (NI). ISBN 0 337 082979.
DEPARTMENT. 1999. National Planning Policy
Guideline NPPG 14: Natural Heritage.
ISBN 0 7480 7997 1.
The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.)
Regulations 1994. HMSO, London. 59 pp.
ISBN 0 11 045716 1.
1985. The Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order
1985. HMSO, London. 39 pp.
ISBN 011 056171 6.
The Hedgerow Regulations 1997. The
Stationery Office Ltd, London. 15 pp.
ISBN 0 11 064458 1.
References and further reading
Daubentons bat. Frank Greenaway
Bat work may involve visits to sites that are
potentially dangerous, particularly for those who
have received inadequate or insufficient training
and are unaware of the correct safety measures. It
cannot be emphasised too strongly that safety is of
paramount importance in all situations. No site
or colony is worth taking risks over, so if in doubt
abort the visit. Always ask yourself whether you
could get the information you need without entering
a hazardous area.
Risk assessment plays an important part in ensuring
that bat group members operate in a safety-conscious
way and bat groups can help by ensuring that safety
procedures are discussed and reviewed regularly.
Appendix 8 includes sample risk assessments for
entry into buildings and disused mines.
Employers should be aware that bat work is
covered by Health and Safety legislation. A
summary of the main requirements can be found
in Appendix 8, including relevant references.
2.1 Health and first aid
In Britain, bats rarely transmit diseases to man, but
the death of a batworker from the rabies-related
European Bat Lyssavirus (EBLV) in 2002 illustrates
the need to take steps to avoid being bitten, as it
must now be assumed that this virus is present in
bats in the UK and this fatal disease can be
contracted from a bat bite (see Box: Advice on bats
and rabies for details). In addition, it is always wise
to take simple hygiene precautions when visiting
bat roosts. Always cover any open cuts before
entering bat roosts and wash your hands after
handling bats or their droppings and before eating,
smoking or drinking. Anyone working with animals
or in dirty areas must ensure that their anti-tetanus
immunisation is kept up to date.
Visits to or, more especially, prolonged work in,
some sorts of sites may carry a risk of disease.
Tick-borne Lyme disease is unlikely to be a hazard
to bat workers, but work in sites contaminated by
sewage or rats carries a risk of leptospirosis (Weils
disease). A small number of cavers have contracted
this disease, indicating that there is a risk wherever
there is contact with water. If you work in such
sites, make sure you observe the hygiene
precautions described above and report any
influenza-like symptoms immediately to your
doctor together with information about your work.
Health and safety in bat work
A. J. Mitchell-Jones
A quick reference guide may be available from
your SNCO contact.
Carrying a simple first-aid kit, and knowing how to
use it, would be a sensible precaution for all site
visits including those underground. Standard kits
are widely available and could be kept as a
permanent part of your site visit equipment.
2.2 Travel and night or lone
Travelling to and from bat work and working at
dusk or at night carries an element of personal risk
which can be minimised by taking a few simple
Avoid working alone wherever possible.
Never go underground alone.
Avoid sites with a reputation for incidents.
This might apply particularly to night-time
fieldwork at urban sites.
Be aware of what is going on around you and
the location of the nearest house or phone box.
Remember that when wearing headphones with
bat detectors you may be unaware of what is
going on around you.
Consider carrying a personal attack alarm.
Always tell someone reliable where you are
going, what time you expect to return and what
to do if you dont turn up. Always keep to these
arrangements and phone if you are going to be late.
Some SNCO offices have well-developed
buddy systems or recording systems. These
should be used where available.
Dont rely on a mobile phone as you may be in
an area with poor reception.
Greater horseshoe bat colony. Frank Greenaway
(tel: 0141 300 1100) can provide advice to doctors or the
public about the assessment of risk.
The BCT office holds a list of all Animal Health Divisional
Offices (AHDOs) and their equivalents elsewhere and has
details of appropriate health offices. A list of AHDOs can be
found at http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/contacts/ahdo.htm
Submission of fresh dead bats to the Veterinary Laboratories
Agency (VLA)
To encourage an increase in the rabies surveillance:
1. All dead bats should be sent by first-class mail to VLA as
soon as possible (but not on a Friday). If there is to be
delay in posting, keep in a refrigerator (46C) until the
bat can be collected or posted. Rabies-related virus can be
isolated from frozen or decomposing material, but the
chances are enhanced in fresh unfrozen specimens.
2. If euthanasia is agreed, this can be carried out by a vet
using intraperitoneal injection of a small volume of
barbiturate; alternatively, gaseous anaesthesia can be used
if facilities exist. Other methods are available but should
avoid breaking the skin or skull.
3. Details of date, source and circumstances of finding should
accompany samples. If there is reason to be suspicious of
the animal call your local Animal Health Divisional Office
before dispatching the bat.
4. Packaging must comply with the Post Office regulations
for pathological material. Carcasses should be packed in a
tightly sealed container and surrounded by absorbent
material. This should be securely fastened and placed in a
stout envelope or padded bag. The package must be
marked Pathological specimen: Fragile with Care and sent
by first-class post to VLA. Packages should be clearly
marked with a large red R next to the address. Suitable
pre-paid envelopes, forms and specimen tubes are available
free of charge from the Bat Conservation Trust.
5. The package should be sent to Rabies Diagnostics,
Veterinary Laboratories Agency, New Haw, Addlestone,
Surrey KT15 3NB. Some bat groups have had an
arrangement with the Veterinary Officers of their local
Animal Health Divisional Office regarding collection of
bats for delivery to VLA.
6. As in other countries, the identification of all bats
submitted to VLA is confirmed by an appropriate bat
specialist and the material is subsequently passed to one
of our national museums (mostly to Liverpool or Edinburgh).
Taking bats into captivity
Bats should be held in captivity in accordance with the Bat
Conservation Trust guidelines.
Defra has confirmed that any captive bat that is still alive after
any necessary treatment and care can be considered safe to
release as soon as it is in a fit state
All bats that die in captivity should be submitted to the VLA as
soon as possible.
Following the discovery of European Bat Lyssavirus type 2 in
two Daubentons bats in England and the death of a batworker
in Scotland from the same virus, it must now be assumed that
this virus is present in bats in the UK. Testing of dead bats by
MAFF/Defra over the last decade indicates that the overall
incidence of infection is likely to be very low, although limited
testing of live Daubentons bats for antibodies suggests that
exposure to EBL2 may be more widespread. Nevertheless,
infected bat bites have caused human deaths so appropriate
precautions against infection must be taken.
The Department of Healths recommendation is that people
regularly handling bats should be vaccinated against rabies.
Included in this category are all active bat workers and
wardens, and those regularly taking in sick and injured bats.
The SNCOs and the Bat Conservation Trust urge all those
involved in bat work to ensure that they are fully vaccinated
and that they receive regular boosters. Bats should not be
handled by anyone who has not received these vaccinations.
Even when fully vaccinated, people should avoid being bitten by
wearing appropriate bite-proof gloves when handling bats. Any
bat bite should be thoroughly cleansed with soap and water
and advice should be sought from your doctor about the need
for post-exposure treatment. Further information is available
from the SNCOs, the Bat Conservation Trust or the Health
Protection Agency (HPA) /Scottish Centre for Infection and
Environmental Health (SCIEH). The BCT website
http://www.bats.org.uk/batinfo/rabies.htm provides up to date
Advice to the public who find grounded bats
Members of the public should be advised not to handle
grounded bats. The advice from the Department of Health is
that there is no risk to the public provided they do not touch
or pick up bats. It may be possible for a bat worker to visit to
examine the bat and retrieve it if appropriate. The local Animal
Health Divisional Office (or its equivalent in Northern Ireland,
Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands) should be
contacted if the bat is behaving abnormally or aggressively and
for which no explanation of its behaviour is readily available.
It should be remembered that there are hazards to both wild
animal and human in inexperienced people handling any wild
animal. The bat worker should establish whether the bat has
bitten anybody. If so, then the bat worker should consider
encouraging the finder to collect the bat (using a box and
cardboard slide, bite-proof gloves or a heavy cloth) into a box
where it can be examined later.
If a bat has bitten, or may have bitten, a member of the public,
they should be advised to seek immediate medical advice. If
available, the bat should be retained in captivity for assessment
by an experienced person, or euthanasia applied, depending on
the assessed risk. Post-exposure treatment, which appears to
be highly effective, should be considered after discussions with
a doctor or GP. The HPA (tel: 020 8200 4400) or SCIEH
Advice on bats and rabies See also 9.1.1 Transmission of disease.
2.3 Safety in and around
Visits to locate or inspect bat roosts in buildings
may involve access to parts of the building that
present particular safety hazards. It is important that
you are properly equipped for such visits and are
aware of the hazards that may exist. Refer to the
sample risk assessment in Appendix 8. When you
visit a building, the occupier of those premises
shares a legal responsibility for your health and safety.
2.3.1 Personal protective equipment
If it is necessary to enter a bat roost, proper
equipment is essential and appropriate clothing
should be worn. Overalls are recommended
because they protect clothes from dirt and the
body from splinters or irritation caused by
fibreglass insulation. Shoes or boots with a thick
sole should be worn to give protection against
projecting nails; industrial safety boots or safety
trainers with nail-resistant soles are ideal. Tough
gloves, such as gardening gloves, can give
protection against splinters, nails and sharp edges.
Their use is a matter of individual preference,
although gloves must always be worn for handling
bats. Dust masks should be worn if you have any
form of respiratory sensitivity and eye protection
may be advisable when opening a loft hatch
from below.
Hard hats can provide considerable protection
against falling objects or projecting nails, but they
need a certain amount of care if they are to function
properly. The hat must be a good fit, with the inner
harness and strap adjusted properly. The gap
between the harness and the plastic shell is
essential for the proper functioning of the hat, so do
not store anything there. The plastic shell is tough,
but not indestructible, and you should ensure that it
is cared for properly; do not apply solvents to it or
modify it in any way. Hats that have received a
significant sharp blow or are over 5 years old
should be replaced. Hats that are over 2 years old
should be tested regularly by squeezing the sides
and watching for any cracking, whitening or
kinking of the plastic. In an ordinary attic, the use
of a hard hat is optional, but they should be worn if
there is any risk of being hit by a falling object,
such as a roof tile or any debris from old or
derelict buildings. Baseball bump-caps, which
give protection against projecting nails and bumps
against roof timbers, are widely available.
Any roost visit requires good lighting. A head torch
is preferable because it leaves you with both hands
free and provides light in the direction you are
looking. Small dry-battery operated head torches
are light and convenient for visits to domestic
roosts, but rechargeable caving and mining lamps
have a much longer life, although they are fairly
heavy. Always carry a spare torch as insurance
against being stranded in the dark.
2.3.2 Ladders and tower scaffolds
Many accidents are caused every year by the
misuse of ladders, with the most common problems
being defective ladders, ladders slipping at the top
or bottom, or ladders sinking unevenly into soft
ground. Always follow this safety code:
Check the condition of the ladder carefully,
particularly if it is borrowed. Do not use
ladders that are damaged or incomplete.
Avoid borrowing ladders wherever possible.
Do not use a wooden ladder that has been
painted, as this can hide defects.
Erect the ladder at a 75 angle, 1 metre out for
every 4 metres of height.
Place the ladder on a firm footing and use a
non-slip foot on smooth surfaces.
Ladders should either be tied firmly in place or
held at the bottom by an assistant. Tying the
ladder at the top is probably the safest method.
Do not over reach. Your body should not move
outside the line of the ladder.
Use both hands when climbing. Tools or
equipment should be carried in a belt or rucksack.
Watch out for overhead power or telephone
Erect the ladder taking full account of site
conditions, e.g. exposure, weather, movement
of persons or vehicles.
Make certain the ladder reaches at least 1 metre
above any landing platform.
Use the correct ladder for the job. Never lash
two short ladders together to make a longer one.
When using an extension ladder allow a
two-rung overlap for sections up to 5 metres
each and a four-rung overlap for 6 metres. The
Health & Safety Executive (HSE) advise that
any ladder reaching a height of more than 9
metres vertically should have safe landing areas
and platforms.
Tower scaffolds are widely used, but they are
involved in numerous accidents each year and are
inappropriate for most bat work. Obtain a copy of
HSE Construction Information Sheet No. 10 (Rev
3) (available at http://www.hse.gov.uk) and follow
the instructions set out in the sheet.
2.3.3 Access to roofs
If you are considering access on to a roof at any
stage, you should bear in mind that in the
construction industry falls from and through roofs
cause more deaths than almost anything else.
Access to single storey flat roofs, such as garages
or house extensions needs only basic care at the
edge, but access to any other sort of roof needs a
careful assessment of the risks involved and the
provision of appropriate safety equipment. Access
to roofs should not be required for most bat work
and must not be attempted unless you have the
training and specialist knowledge to do so safely.
The roofs of many industrial and farm building are
made out of corrugated cement sheet. These are
fragile and brittle and must not be walked on
without crawl boards.
2.3.4 Building and demolition sites
Building and demolition sites are dangerous places.
The site contractor is responsible for your safety
and you should make sure that you are always
accompanied by a site representative and follow
any safety instructions you are given. Normally the
wearing of a hard hat is mandatory.
2.3.5 Visits to roof voids
Visits to roof voids always carry a risk of falling
through a lath-and-plaster or plasterboard ceiling.
These risks are multiplied in older buildings, where
rot or woodworm attack may have weakened the
timbers. This is a dangerous and expensive mistake
to make and can be avoided by moving steadily and
methodically and only ever walking on sound joists.
A good torch is essential for checking the position
and soundness of the joists, and one hand should
always be kept free for holding on to the roof
trusses to maintain balance. In some roofs, joists
may be in such a poor state that the visit should be
abandoned or the search confined to sound areas of
the roof. Before entering a confined space like this,
always ensure you have a safe means of exit in case
of emergency.
There are several other potential hazards.
Dust and insulation
Dust and fibreglass or mica insulation particles,
which are often stirred up during visits, can be
irritating to the skin and lungs and sometimes cause
allergies. A simple dust mask, as sold in DIY stores
or builders merchants, can prevent respiratory
trouble and is a sensible precaution. Insulation
fibres can be difficult to remove from clothing,
so wear one-piece overalls to keep fibres off
your normal clothing. Wherever possible, avoid
disturbing or handling insulation material.
Although aerial levels of pesticides in roofs that
received remedial timber treatment several years
previously will be so low as to be negligible for a
mammal as large as a human, more care is needed
in roofs that have received recent treatment. The
risks of even mild irritation are extremely low from
a single visit to a treated roof but, if there is a strong
smell of solvents or if the wood is still wet or
glistening, full protective clothing is advisable or
the visit should be abandoned. The label guidance
on licensed products will give details of any
restrictions on post-treatment access. If in any
doubt, wear rubber gloves and wash exposed skin
after the visit.
Electric wiring
Houses that have been wired or rewired to current
safety standards should present no problems, but in
older houses wires may be draped across the joists
and the insulation may have perished in places.
Avoid standing on any wire, even if it looks in good
condition. As well as being a potential threat to the
bat worker, unsafe wiring is a considerable fire
hazard and so should be drawn to the attention of
the owner of the property.
The inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause
asbestosis, a type of cancer. Asbestos occurs very
occasionally as lagging round hot water pipes in old
properties. If the presence of asbestos is suspected,
the visit should be abandoned immediately. Do
not poke at insulation to see if it asbestos; it is
difficult to differentiate between asbestos and other
less harmful mineral fibres and disturbance will
only disperse the fibres into the air. Rock wool fibre
is often used for loft insulation; this is usually a
muddy brown colour rather than silvery white.
Fibreglass is often pink.
In many roof voids this is fairly rough and there
may be nails sticking out of the trusses, joists or
sarking. A hard hat, strong shoes and gloves will
avoid the possibility of minor injuries. Sometimes
loose bricks or stonework may be encountered,
especially around chimneys. Avoid dislodging
Wasp, bee and hornet nests
Wasp nests are the most common. Occupied nests
should not be disturbed and if you encounter one
you may wish to consider abandoning the visit
because being stung (or trying to avoid being stung)
could put you at risk of a fall.
2.4 Safety underground
Survey or monitoring work in caves and mines
requires particular attention to safety because the
potential for a serious accident is probably greater
than in buildings. Inexperienced workers must seek
advice and practical guidance from an experienced
caver, who should have the appropriate equipment
and be familiar with good caving practice. Guides
to good caving practice and techniques are available
from the mining and caving organisations listed in
Appendix 6. A glossary of caving and mining terms
is given in Appendix 2. A sample risk assessment
for entry into disused mines is given in Appendix 8.
Training in underground techniques, with a firm
emphasis on safety, is available from a variety of
sources. Courses specifically for bat workers are
organised at irregular intervals by some bat groups.
Caving clubs and outdoor centres often run a range
of courses, and videos and books are available
on simple and vertical caving. Specialist caving
equipment suppliers can also be an excellent source
of advice on the type of equipment that will be
The following safety rules are expanded from
safety codes produced by caving and mine-history
Never go alone. Even the simplest accident
can immobilise a lone caver and lead ultimately
to death from exposure. Dont split up
underground and always ensure the party is
within shouting distance. A party of four is the
minimum recommended size, so that one can
stay with an injured person while two go for help.
Always tell a reliable person where you are
going and what time you expect to be back.
Take spare lights. Although purpose-built
mining or caving lights are reliable, accidents
and equipment failures do happen. Make sure
that there is always at least one spare light in
the party and it is preferable that each member
carries their own spare. Chemical lights
(Cyalume) can be carried for emergencies,
though their low light output restricts their
Wear appropriate clothing. Caves and mines are
generally between 8 and 10C (although some
sites, e.g. disused railway tunnels, can be
cooler [29C]), so for dry caves normal
outdoor clothing is appropriate. Wet sites are
more of a problem because heat loss through
wet clothing is considerably higher. Wet or dry
suits are the preferred solution for many keen
cavers, but a good combination for bat workers
is a waterproof oversuit together with either a
fleece undersuit or old clothes and thermal
underwear. Wellingtons are often the best footwear.
Take appropriate equipment and know how to
use it. Many levels, adits and caves can be
entered without any special equipment, but
even apparently straightforward horizontal
passages can contain hidden hazards, such as
unsafe floors and roofs, shafts covered with
rotting timber or deep water. Abandoned mines
should always be treated with extreme caution
and old timber or metalwork should never be
touched, let alone trusted.
Vertical shafts should be attempted only with
adequate safety equipment and never without
proper training on the surface beforehand. The
use of wire caving ladders (electron ladders)
and SRT (single rope technique) should never
be attempted underground until full proficiency
is achieved above ground.
Try to obtain a survey map of the site before
the visit. These are sometimes available
through local caving clubs. In all but the
simplest sites it would be prudent to take a
guide who knows the system because it is quite
easy to get lost underground.
See English Natures Health and Safety
Information Notices 11/97 Visiting Working
Mines and 12/97 Visiting Disused Mines.
2.5 Safety at tree roosts
Many tree roosts are in trees that would be
classified by an arboriculturalist as hazardous because
bats tend to use old trees, which have developed
hollow limbs, rot holes in the trunk or loose bark. If
you wish to examine such trees using a ladder, follow
the ladder code and place the ladder against sound
trunk wood, never against a branch. Tie the ladder to
the tree by means of a rope or strop.
When checking or erecting bat boxes observe the
following guidelines:
wear a safety helmet;
do not carry loose tools in the hand put the
tools you require in a haversack with a
shoulder strap;
wrapping a piece of cloth or rubber tube around
the top rung will help prevent the ladder
slipping on the narrower tree trunks;
make sure you have an assistant firmly holding
the ladder at the base;
ensure the assistant at the base of the ladder
wears a safety helmet too;
do not climb trees without the help of a ladder
tree climbing requires special training.
2.6 Safety at public events
Health and safety considerations should be considered
when organising events or talks and attending shows.
At major shows the organisers usually circulate
Health and Safety requirements to stand-holders.
However, one should remain aware of specific risks
around the stand, such as free-standing display
boards, which can frequently fall over on uneven
ground or on windy days. Electrical appliances
should be shielded from any exposure to rain.
When organising bat walks involving members of the
public, carry out a short risk assessment of the
proposed route and have a contingency plan in case of
accident. Some landowners may require the submission
of a risk assessment before giving permission for the
event. BCT can provide risk assessment forms and
guidelines for bat walks and events.
ensure that there is a sufficient number of
torches amongst the group and people come
wearing suitable clothing and footwear;
announce some basic safety considerations at
the beginning of the walk and highlight any
potential hazards along the route;
have a helper bringing up the rear, particularly
with large groups;
do not let young children attend the walk
know the location of the nearest telephone or
carry a mobile telephone;
carry a basic first aid kit.
2.7 Working with others
Working with young people may impose certain
legal and ethical requirements related to safety and
supervision. This is unlikely to affect most bat
group work, but further information can be obtained
from the Child Protection in Sport Unit
(Tel: 0116 234 7278/7280,
website http://www.sportprotects.org.uk).
2.8 Insurance
Matters of insurance for bat workers are not always
clear and may vary for different bat groups. Some
individuals may be covered for some or all aspects
of bat work by their own private insurance but
some bat-workers, including those not members of
a local bat group, may have no cover at all.
Bat workers carrying out roost visits for the SNCOs
are covered in the same way and have the same
rights as members of staff. Some of the SNCOs
provide additional limited personal accident insurance.
Bat workers should check the status of their
insurance with the relevant local office if in any doubt.
Bat group members involved in bona fide bat group
activities can be covered for public liability insurance
(including member to member) under the Bat
Conservation Trusts policy, provided the bat group
is affiliated to the BCT. The policy has a maximum
liability of 5 million. The BCT policy does not
provide cover for personal accident or equipment loss.
Some landowners are uncomfortable with letting
bat workers on their land or property without
proper insurance, particularly if the visit is to an
abandoned mine.
When attending shows or hiring rooms check with
the organisers or room owner that they have the
necessary public liability cover.
3.1 Introduction
Surveying for bats and their roosts is an important
aspect of bat work for both research and
conservation purposes. Until recently, bats were
probably one of the most under-recorded groups
of vertebrates. However, rising interest and the
accumulation of data from enquiries and other
initiatives have led to a great increase in the
number of records and a better idea of the distribution
and relative abundance of the various species.
Advances in equipment, notably bat detectors, have
increased the potential for surveying bats away
from roosts and created a doorway to understanding
the foraging and habitat needs of bats.
A National Bat Monitoring Programme was
initiated in 1996 and is run by the Bat Conservation
Trust. This aims to track the population changes of
target species on a UK-wide basis. The Agreement
on the Conservation of Populations of European
Bats also has target species for Europe-wide
For the purpose of this chapter, the monitoring of
sites and bat populations can be considered as an
extension of surveying. Survey includes the
discovery of bat sites and the mapping of species
distribution, key bat roosting / hibernation sites and
feeding areas. Monitoring is the repeated counting
of bats either in roosting / hibernation sites or
feeding areas over a period of time. Specialised
techniques such as ringing and other types of
marking are covered in later chapters.
3.2 Purpose and design
All survey and monitoring techniques for bats are to
some degree selective and no single technique will
give a complete and unbiased picture of the bat
population of an area. Surveys in buildings
overemphasise the frequency of those species that
habitually roost in buildings, bat detector surveys
under-record species with weak echolocation calls,
hibernacula surveys concentrate on cave hibernators,
and mist-nets tend to catch those species that fly
low or close to vegetation. All these factors must be
borne in mind when organising bat survey work.
The most important factor to consider at the outset
is the purpose and scale of your intended study.
Appropriate methods for a particular study become
more obvious if there is a clear aim, specified in
Survey and monitoring
A. Walsh & C. Catto
advance. Three main aims at either a local, regional
or national scale are:
3.2.1 Inventory and distribution studies
The simplest aim is to ask what bat species are
present or absent in a given area. Knowledge of the
distribution of species is important because it can
be related to land use and can provide valuable
information on the relative value of areas for bats.
Such data can be used to assist in the process of
Environmental Assessment and for issues of
planning and land use.
3.2.2 Location of key sites and feeding
A second aim is to ask where bats are roosting,
hibernating or feeding in a given area and how
many of these sites exist. This has two main
purposes: first to improve our knowledge of the
ecology of bats and second, to improve the
identification of important sites for special protection.
3.2.3 Monitoring the status of sites and
An increasingly important aim is to track how sites
and bat numbers at sites are changing over time,
so that declines and potential threats to populations
can be identified at an early stage. Tracking
changes in distribution of species over time is
also a valuable method in assessing the status of
Pettersson D240x Bat Detector. Alana Ecology.
3.3 Inventory and
distribution studies
The great majority of species records are collected
at a county level. Records are generally collected
on a casual basis over time and are derived from
roost visits at the request of householders, reports
of dead, trapped, injured or grounded bats, reports
from the public, from bat walks or from specific
roost, feeding area, bat box or hibernation site surveys.
Plotting records collected in this way by some map
unit (e.g. 2-km squares), gives an indication of the
distribution of species, but care should be taken in
interpreting such maps. There are inherent biases in
the ability to find some species. House-dwelling
species, such as pipistrelles, are more likely to be
located than tree-dwelling species, such as noctules.
In surveys of free-flying bats, loud echolocators,
such as serotines, are more likely to be located than
weak echolocators, such as Natterers bats. If
coverage of an area is uneven, maps may show the
distribution of observer effort as much as the
distribution of bats. A more accurate picture of
distribution can be gained if a specific atlas survey
is organised, which is designed to ensure a fairly
uniform coverage in different areas, and uses standard
searching and species identification checking
procedures. Failing this, coverage and search effort
need to be measured and reported. A good example
of an atlas study at a national scale is one completed
in the Netherlands (Limpens et al., 1997).
3.4 Location of key sites and
feeding areas
3.4.1 Finding roosts in houses, trees or
other structures
Promoting reports of roosts
The great majority of records of bat roosts arise
from requests for advice from householders. In
order to maximise the numbers of reports of bats
received by yourself or your bat group, it is useful
to develop good relations with the local building
professions because they are most likely to come
across bats or signs of bats during their work. Other
than this, possible roost sites can be found in a
number of ways. Placing posters that request details
of any known roosts in public places, such as petrol
stations, shops and post offices, is a relatively
simple and cheap technique. Similarly, appealing
for information through local newspapers, television
and radio is a good way to stimulate public interest
in bats and produce a list of potential roost sites.
Posting questionnaires or leaflets with a returnable
slip through letterboxes of every building or a
proportion of buildings selected at random in the
study area is a slightly more costly method but is
probably the most thorough way of locating roosts
in buildings. A much higher response rate will be
achieved if you provide a stamped addressed
envelope, although this will increase costs. With all
of these methods, respondents claiming to have
roosting bats in their building, or knowledge of a
roost elsewhere, should be contacted by telephone
and, where possible, the site visited to validate their
claim and identify the species concerned. Speakman
et al. (1991) is a good example of the use of these
methods in a survey conducted in Scotland.
Day surveys of potential roost structures
Inspecting every building or structure (e.g. trees,
bridges, barns, outhouses) likely to be inhabited by
bats during the day is a time-consuming process.
However, survey time can be reduced if roost
preferences of individual species are taken into
account. For instance, long-eared and lesser
horseshoe bats show a marked preference for older
buildings, while pipistrelles are commonly found in
modern buildings. Daubentons bats are frequently
found roosting underneath bridges, and noctule
colonies are most frequently found in big trees.
When surveying buildings, ask the householder first
whether bats are known to be present. A negative
response should be treated with some caution
because, often, bats are present without the
householders knowledge, but positive replies should
always be followed up. Carefully survey the outside
of the building for droppings, paying particular
attention to sheltered areas such as window ledges
or pipes where droppings can lie undisturbed.
Cobwebs can often trap droppings and are always
worth a close inspection. Scan the outside of the
building for potential access points such as broken
ventilation bricks or loose slates and look for droppings
under these points (see also Hutson 1987, 1993).
Search the loft space, although check with the
householder first about safety and potential hazards
(see Chapter 2). Gable ends and chimneys are often
roosting points for pipistrelles and serotines,
although long-eared bats can be found anywhere
along the roof ridge. Look for droppings and listen
for squeaking or movement from between the tiles
and felt on hot days. Bats have frequently been
found drowned in open water tanks, so it is always
worthwhile to check them.
It is hard to locate tree roosts by day surveys
because there are often no external signs of bat
occupancy. One technique is to survey trees in
winter when the foliage is not present and look for
obvious holes. If large colonies use them in the
summer the wood may be smoothed at the entrance.
Brown staining from urine, faeces or fur rubbing
can be present but often brown stains are connected
with rot so their presence is not conclusive. Likely
trees can be marked and re-visited in the summer at
sunset to watch for emerging bats. On hot days
colonies are active and can be quite noisy so it is
possible to walk through woods listening for the
sounds of colonies. Walking through woodland an
hour before sunrise during July and August can also
reveal roosts (see Appendix 4).
to their presence. The Natterers bat roosts were all in listed
buildings, close to woodland, with hollow mortice joints, open or
absent doors and unimpeded flying space inside. It was found that
Natterers bat colonies were often mobile, regularly moving
between joints and making use of all that were available. Signs
that joints were being used included staining and lack of cobwebs
around the joint gaps. Droppings may be visible but, even in larger
roosts, the number easily seen may be relatively small.
Owners were often unaware that their barns were used by bats.
This may be, in part, due to the late emergence of these species
and the fact that they were only present in significant numbers
during the summer breeding period.
Suitable barns are increasingly being converted for residential use
and, consequently, their suitability as bat roosts is often lost. It
may be possible to reduce this loss by retaining features that are
required by bats, such as hollow mortice joints and room within
the roofspace for bats to fly in.
Source: Extract from Bat News, No. 44, January 1997 (see Briggs, 1995).
During a survey of 92 barns in Hertfordshire and Middlesex,
carried out over an 18-month period, various criteria emerged
that typified barns most likely to be used by bats. These included
an age of over 100 years, a floor space of at least 300 sq m, and
the presence of thick beams and a roof. The roof could be of any
type including corrugated iron. Barns in a poor state of repair
were found to be used but those housing grain drying machinery
were not, presumably because they were too dirty.
The features found to be most attractive to bats were the
crevices in the mortice joints of beams. Most of the barns
examined during the survey were constructed with
post-and-truss frames, a type typically built in the south and
south-east of England between the 12th and 19th centuries. Nails
were uncommon before the 19th century, so looking for wooden
pegs and wedges can give an indication of the age of a barn.
Forty of the surveyed barns contained evidence of use by bats.
The species most often present were Natterers bats (15 barns)
and brown long-eared bats (13 barns). The brown long-eared bats
tend to roost along the central ridge beam and, therefore, often
leave a line of droppings underneath, which can be a useful clue
Case study Bats in Barns Survey
occupied by bats. There are estimated to be 30,534 churches
and chapels in England and the results of this survey indicated
that, correcting for those no longer in use by parishioners,
6398 could be occupied by bats. The summary below shows
the relative abundance of species occurring in churches and
chapels as found in the National Bats in Churches Survey.
The Bats in Churches Project was established by The Bat
Conservation Trust in 1991. This 3-year study of the use
made of churches and chapels in England by bats aimed to
improve the conservation and management of bats in
churches.Volunteer bat workers carried out the survey work
and visits to 538 churches and chapels, of which 142 were
Case study The Bats in Churches Project
Lesser horseshoe
Greater horseshoe
Unknown species
Churches occupied
by bats
Chapels occupied
by bats
Proportion of roosts
occupied by species (%)
Source: The Bats In Churches Project, Sargent (1995).
3.4.2 Evening/dawn bat detector
A technique of locating roosts using bat detectors
has been developed in the Netherlands and a full
description of the method can be found in Kapteyn
(1993). The technique is based on four principles:
1 The earlier a bat is seen at sunset or the later it
is seen at sunrise, then the closer it is likely to
be to its roost (the exact time depends on the
species under study).
2 Bats fly away from their roost at sunset and
surveyors should move towards flying bats to
locate the roost.
3 At sunrise bats fly towards their roost and
surveyors should move in the same direction as
the bats to locate the roost.
4 At sunrise some bat species swarm at roost
entrances before entering for between 10 and
90 minutes. Surveyors should look for
swarming bats at sunrise.
Surveyors search for bats at emergence time, noting
down the time bats were encountered and the direction
and style of their flight, e.g. west, commuting. This
information is pooled on a map to identify potential
commuting routes and possible roost sites. Close to
dawn surveyors search again, this time for returning
bats. Potential routes identified earlier at emergence
time are surveyed for bats swarming at roost
entrances. Although the technique is biased towards
early emerging species with loud echolocation calls
and which form large roosts, it is possible to locate
roosts of any species using this method.
3.4.3 Identifying and counting bats in
Bats roost in a wide variety of sites within buildings,
so the ease with which the bats can be seen is very
variable. The horseshoe bats are probably the easiest
to identify because they generally hang in accessible
locations and are readily distinguished by size
difference. Long-eared bats sometimes hang in
obvious locations, often clinging on to timbers near
the apex of the roof. However, many of the
vespertilionid bats tend to roost in cracks and
crevices, often using narrow spaces under soffits or
between roofing felt and slates or weather boarding,
and so can be much more difficult to see. Always
try to keep disturbance of bats to a minimum and
spend as little time inside the roost as possible,
especially when females are at the end of pregnancy.
Some species are very similar and need to be
examined in the hand to be certain of the identification.
Bats can be caught by hand during the day or by
static nets placed outside the exit holes at sunset.
When catching at sunset, it is important that a
sample of bats is caught at different times because
where mixed species are present they can emerge at
different times. For example if noctules and
Daubentons bats roost together the noctules will
emerge at least 30 mins before the Daubentons.
Although identifying live bats is the most accurate
way of determining the species present, it can be
disturbing and for some species other methods may
be satisfactory, particularly when the bats are absent
or inaccessible. Bat detectors in combination with
visual clues can be used to identify species leaving
the roost, although confidence in identification
is restricted to certain species. Where two or
more species are present, species can often be
distinguished by size, but there is room for
confusion between whiskered and pipistrelle bats
and between Daubentons and Natterers bats. A
well-used roost may contain mummified corpses or
skeletons in the guano pile and these can be
identified from a key such as that of Yalden (1985).
Other clues to the identity of the bats come from
the size, shape and texture of the droppings and the
presence of host-specific ectoparasites. Further
information about the use of droppings for
identification can be found in Stebbings (1993).
By far the most common and least disruptive way
of estimating bat numbers in summer roosts is to
count the bats leaving the roost at sunset. The most
successful period over which to make counts so that
yearly comparisons can be made is when the colony
is at its most stable. Maternity colonies continue to
grow into early June as pregnant females arrive
from pre-maternity roosts. Later in the summer
young bats begin flying and counts at this time will
include both adults and young. Just prior to birth of
the young, a peak in adult female numbers is
reached and many or all of the adult females
emerge every night. In general, young are born
between mid- to late June in most species, although
there is variation from year to year. Counts in late
May to mid-June are likely to reflect the most
stable numbers. This is the time that is recommended
by the National Bat Monitoring Programme (see
Walsh et al., 2001; Appendix 4).
When attempting to count a colony for the first
time, it is important to establish the number and
location of access holes and this may require several
people surrounding the roost. Once all access point
have been discovered then fewer surveyors may be
required for future counts. Assign observers to a
specific exit or field of view because often two
exits close together may be counted simultaneously.
Be in position at the roost about 15 minutes before
sunset (earlier on overcast evenings) and listen for
the sound of bats moving at access holes or for
squeaks as bats jostle for position. Poor weather
conditions with overcast skies and rain may delay
emergence and particularly bad conditions should
be avoided in case bats choose to abandon foraging
and remain inside the roost. Remain counting until
at least 10 minutes after the last bat has emerged.
As a general guide, bats may begin emerging from
just before sunset onwards. The noctule is an early
emerging species, whilst Natterers and long-eared
bats are late emerging (up to 40 minutes after sunset).
Do not shine white lights directly on the roost exit
because this can often delay or prevent emergence.
Excess noise, particularly ultrasound from keys,
coins or nylon jackets, may disturb bats and inhibit
or delay emergence. Emergence counts are most
effective when departing bats are silhouetted
against a light background (normally a clear sky or
sometimes a light coloured wall). It is best to
observe from the side of the emergence point(s),
rather than from in front. Sometimes the structure
of the roost and behaviour of the bats means this is
not possible and the additional use of a bat detector
is always recommended.
The behaviour of bats at emergence varies between
species. Some, such as noctules, tend to fly off fast
and direct to foraging grounds while others, such as
the horseshoe and Natterers bats, may exit and re-
enter the roost several times before departing for
foraging grounds (called light sampling
behaviour), which makes counting more difficult.
In all cases, a running total of both exits and entries
should be recorded so that a final net emergence
figure can be calculated. This is essential when
several exits are being counted simultaneously, so
that bats that emerge from one and subsequently
re-enter at another may be properly accounted for.
A small tally counter is useful for clicking up bats
as they emerge.
Automatic counting equipment or video equipment
at roost exits can be a useful substitute for
observers, although even the most sophisticated
systems have their problems. Most automatic
counting systems are based on one or more infrared
light beams that are broken as a bat emerges from
the roost. A single beam is unable to distinguish
between emerging and returning bats but beam
breaks should be proportional to the number of bats
emerging/returning and so could be calibrated by
combining beam counts with observer counts. More
sophisticated systems use two sets of beams so that
emerging and re-entering bats can be counted
separately. Both types of system are unable to cope
with bats that emerge without breaking the beams
or when two bats break the beam simultaneously.
Problems also arise when two or more species are
using the same roost or if insects fly close to roost
access points. When using automatic systems
results must be cross-checked with simultaneous
visual checks to identify errors or consistent biases.
Counts of bats within summer roosts are generally
more difficult, cause more disturbance and are less
accurate than emergence counts. One or two visits
to a breeding roost in a season would probably be
acceptable provided that every care was taken to
keep the disturbance to the minimum. The exception
to this is for counts of non-flying young, which
may be counted on a weekly basis once all the
adults have left to forage. This method is mainly
applicable to horseshoe bats.
3.4.4 Finding hibernation sites
Bats use a very wide range of sites for hibernation,
including trees, caves, mines, ice-houses, grottoes,
lime-kilns and tunnels of every description. In some
parts of the country such sites are plentiful but in
others they are a scarce resource for bats and are
therefore well worth preserving.
Hibernation sites can be located in a number of
ways. Examination of maps can reveal the location
of old quarry workings, disused tunnels (railway,
canal etc) and, sometimes, old lime-kilns. Most
large old country houses will have an ice-house,
usually not too far from a lake, and many also have
extensive cellars that may be accessible to bats. Old
mining and local history books can be a valuable
source of information about workings that may not
appear on maps, because many small mines and
trial workings are not recorded. Local sources of
information may be important; for example, farmers
may know of old workings on their land. Similarly
cavers, mining research/history groups, industrial
archaeology groups and others with interests in
underground structures may be able to help.
If extensive underground sites, such as caves or
mines, are to be explored for bats, safety must be
a prime consideration. Simple rules for safety
underground are given in Chapter 2 and a model
risk assessment for entry into disused mines may
be found in Appendix 8. Even relatively small
structures such as ice-houses or lime-kilns can be
dangerous places if they are in bad condition so
always proceed with caution and be prepared to
abandon the visit if the structure looks dangerous.
Always observe common courtesies when searching
for new sites. Seek permission from landowners
before going on their land and check that entering a
site is not going to interfere with other peoples
interests. Some sites are used for storage, dumping
of rubbish, mushroom-growing or water supplies
and their owners are naturally sensitive about
allowing others access.
3.4.5 Identifying and counting bats in
hibernation sites
Ideally, hibernating bats should be counted when
outside temperatures are both low and most stable.
This is when the numbers of bats visible in
underground sites will be highest and also most
stable. In Britain, January and February are generally
the months with the most stable cold temperatures.
Because of the negative relationship between
temperature and the number of visible bats, it is
recommended that temperature be recorded when
making a count and notes made about the previous
nights weather conditions. As the size and
complexity of the hibernation site increase, the
probability that all bats will be observed and
counted decreases, thus it is also good practice to
record some details about the site.
Horseshoe bats hang in the open from ceilings or
walls but vespertilionid species often tuck themselves
away in cracks and crevices and may not be
immediately obvious. Horseshoe bats can also hang
from rocks and boulders close to the floor and other
species may hibernate in loose rubble on the floor
so tread carefully. Careful searching with a light
suited to the circumstance is essential. Bats select a
variety of places to roost but most vespertilionid
bats are found within a few 100 m of entrances,
which are associated with the lowest temperatures.
Lesser horseshoe bats can also be found in such
places but are commonly found much deeper
underground where temperatures are warmer and
more stable.
In all survey work great care must be taken to avoid
disturbing bats unnecessarily. Do not make excess
noise or stay near bats longer than is necessary and
do not shine bright lights on bats for longer than
is required to identify them. Arousing hibernating
bats can affect their ability to survive through to the
spring, so the aim of surveyors should be to count
and identify bats without handling them. If
identification is difficult, as with whiskered and
Brandts bats for example, make a note of the
uncertainty rather than arousing the bat.
Identification of the Myotis species without
handling them takes practice and experience and
the best way of learning is to accompany an
experienced bat surveyor. Further guidance is given
by Greenaway & Hutson (1990). No licence is
required to search sites where bats have not
previously been found, but unlicensed surveyors
must withdraw if bats are found so that bats are not
intentionally disturbed.
Many bat hibernacula or potential hibernacula can
be improved for bats by appropriate management
such as grilling or altering the air flow (see Chapter
11). The scientific evaluation of the effects of such
practices is an important part of these projects and
as much information as possible should be collected
both before and after any changes have been made.
The value of such work is greatly increased if
numbers of bats at the site can be monitored for
one or two winters before any works take place or
if a comparable control site can be monitored at
the same time. Examples of such studies are given
by Stebbings (1965, 1992) and Vote & Lina (1986).
3.4.6 Bats in flight
Field surveys of flying bats can incorporate one or
more of four basic techniques. Direct observations
of bats may be made in the early evening or later
by using spotlights or infra-red night-vision scopes.
Captured bats may be fitted with chemiluminescent
tags so that individuals can be observed readily in
the dark (Racey & Swift, 1985). Mist-nets or harp
traps for capturing bats in flight can be useful in
certain circumstances for survey work, but they are
not recommended for general purpose use (see
Chapter 4). Mist-nets are particularly useful in
intensive small-scale studies when verification of
species difficult to identify in flight is necessary. If
mist-netting is to be used, the survey project must
be designed carefully to obtain the maximum
benefit from the results obtained. Simply erecting
nets on a casual or random basis rarely produces
worthwhile results.
Recent advances in portable ultrasonic detectors
have led to bat detectors becoming invaluable tools
with which to study bats. Their use to identify bats
in flight is now widespread, although it is important
to realise that the technique has its limitations.
FM is a pulse that sweeps through a range of frequencies.
These pulses are less suitable for long-range detection than
CF pulses but can give other types of information such as
distance to the target and texture discrimination.
The number of pulses a second emitted by a bat is related to:
the wing-beat frequency;
the environment in which the bat is found;
the bats behaviour at the time, e.g. searching for or
approaching insects.
The pulse repetition rate of any species is not fixed. It is
slowest and most characteristic in open environments but
increases in cluttered situations when more information
needs to be processed. This reaches a peak rate as a bat
attempts to capture a prey item, when frequent updating
of the distance to the target is required. The term feeding
buzz aptly describes a very fast pulse repetition rate.
Source: Extract from The Bat Detector Manual (Catto, 1994).
Bats emit rapid, ultrasonic pulses and, by processing the
information contained in the returned signals (echoes), are
able both to orientate themselves and to detect prey in
their environment. Bats have to use ultrasound because the
wavelengths of lower frequencies are longer than most
insects. However, the disadvantage of using high frequencies
is that they are strongly attenuated in air, which limits the
distance they can travel. The varied ultrasonic repertoires
of bats are related both to the species of bat and type of
environment in which they are flying.
There are two broad types of ultrasonic signals: constant
frequency (CF) and frequency modulated (FM). Echolocation
pulses are generally composed of various combinations of
the two.
CF is a sound produced at one frequency. There are
two distinct types of CF calls, of short and long duration,
which are used in different situations and by different
families of bats.
Bats and echolocation
Species identification
Some species can be identified reliably from their
echolocation calls using a bat detector; others can
be identified only in favourable situations, with
considerable experience or by computer analysis.
Echolocation calls are made to perceive the
environment and the nature of the environment
dictates the type of calls that are produced. This is
in contrast to bird song, which is a repetitive series
of notes sung irrespective of the environment the
bird is found in. For example, bats in open areas
produce loud sounds, which travel far, whereas the
same bat in cluttered areas produces quieter sounds
so as not to be deafened by the echoes.
Horseshoe bats can be identified from their unique
echolocation calls, and the frequency of the call
identifies the species. Pipistrelle bats have a unique
echolocation call, which distinguishes them from
other bat genera in the UK and the species of
pipistrelle can be distinguished, although only
under certain conditions. Identification of other
species in the UK requires a combination of visual
observation and listening to the sounds heard
through the detector. There is some overlap in
the echolocation calls of noctules, serotines and
Leislers bat (although their calls are distinct from
other UK species) but their size and wing shape
can separate these species from each other. The
identification of most Myotis species rests least
with echolocation calls and comes mostly from the
foraging style and environment in which the bat is
found. The level of confidence of identification
depends on the experience of the surveyor and the
type of equipment used. The topic of identification
of flying bats is complex and is covered in detail by
Briggs & King, 1998. The use of time expansion
techniques can help verify field identification of
bats made with tuneable bat detectors. A detailed
analysis of the echolocation calls of British bat
species has been made by Vaughan et al. (1997).
detectors can be played through a computer with suitable
software to produce sonograms.
When purchasing a detector a number of points should be
considered in addition to cost:
accuracy detectors with digital frequency displays can
be read more accurately;
bandwidth this refers to the range of frequencies to
which the detector is sensitive when set to a given
frequency the bandwidth will affect the number of
species that can be heard when the detector is tuned
to any frequency;
frequency range in the UK a detector should be
sensitive to frequencies within the range 19 kHz to
118 kHz; some types of detector are more sensitive at
certain frequencies, which is an important
consideration when carrying out surveys because an
element of bias can be introduced if a number of
different types of detector are being used.
Source: Based on extracts from The Bat Detector Manual (Catto, 1994).
In recent years a wide range of bat detectors has become
available both for the amateur bat worker and professional bat
researcher. The transformation of ultrasound into audible sound
can be made using one of three main techniques:
Frequency division
Time expansion
Heterodyning and frequency division are real-time methods so
you will hear the sound from the detector at the same time as it
is emitted by the bat. Heterodyning is sensitive and the detector
can be tuned to specific frequencies. The resultant sound from
the detector can have tonal qualities such as ticks and smacks,
which are important because they are related to the type of
ultrasound the bat is
producing and hence form the basis for identification. Frequency-
division detectors can also be used for the
laboratory analysis of sounds.
Recently, low cost frequency division/time expansion
detectors have entered the market. Recordings made via these
Bat detectors
Conducting bat detector surveys
Bats have distinct activity patterns both seasonally
and nightly. Their activity is strongly influenced by
time of night and prevailing weather conditions.
Most species appear to follow bimodal nightly
activity patterns with a large peak at dusk and a
smaller peak at dawn. Thus conducting surveys for
around 2 hours after dusk is likely to produce the
maximum encounter rate. The most widely
employed methods have been to use a detector to
record the number of bat passes at particular spots
or to walk a set route or transect and record the
number of bats heard in each habitat type. An
important aspect of such surveys is to ensure that
the route taken visits cross-sections of available
habitats and is not biased by visiting only the best
habitats for bats. The NBMP carries out monitoring
of free-flying bats with ultrasonic detectors and has
standard protocols and recording sheets. To collect
useful data, it is generally better to survey more
shorter transects only a few times than to re-survey
the same long transect many times. An example of
such a study at a national scale is given by Walsh et
al. (1993), Walsh & Harris (1996a, b). A general
finding of such work has been that, not surprisingly,
bats tend to forage most in the habitats with the
greatest concentration of flying insects. For many
species this is very often close to woodland or over
open water.
Pettersson D240x Bat Detector. Alana Ecology.
Devices that record directly as .WAV files and can be
attached to the computer via the USB port have started to
appear and these are useful because sound files can be
copied across directly to the hard disk of the computer. This
approach saves considerable time because recordings will no
longer require to be played into the computer via the sound card.
Computer sound card
No special card is required because standard cards sample
at 44 kHz. However it is important that they offer a LINE
IN port because there is a growing trend, especially with
laptops, for the LINE IN port to be dropped. The user
should be able to access the sound card settings to optimise
its performance.
Appropriate software
Software is required to convert sounds into sonograms. As
the ultrasound has been converted to audible sound via the
detector, sonogram software developed for bird/cetacean
sonogram analysis is suitable for bat sonogram analysis.
There are many suitable software packages available and
some can be downloaded for free from the internet
search for bird sound analysis for suitable sites.
Useful sonogram analysis tools include a Power spectra
function (this identifies which frequency contains the most
energy) filters for cleaning the sonogram and a measuring
cursor. BatSound is the only sonogram software designed
specifically for bat analysis and has all the relevant tools
(available from Alana Ecology).
Turning a laptop computer into a bat detector with
appropriate software, hardware and an ultrasonic
microphone it is possible to convert a laptop computer
into a bat detector. Although an expensive option the
advantage of this system is that high quality sonograms can
be produced in the field.
Suggested reading: Russ (1999).
Source: C Catto, National Bat Monitoring Programme.
Producing sonograms of bat echolocation and social calls is
a useful aid to identification. Sonogram analysis is most
appropriate for identifying open/edge species with reasonable
confidence such as Pipistrellus, Eptesicus, Nyctalus but
Rhinolophus and Barbastella species can also be identified.
However, separation of Myotis species remains problematic
due to the large overlap in call structure of this group.
The process of making recordings and producing sonograms
is complex and requires some specialised equipment and
reasonable computer skills. Mastering the whole process
requires a basic understanding of sound theory.
Basic equipment required:
Detector systems
Time expansion or frequency division detector both these
systems retain frequency information. Although time expansion
detectors are more expensive, they produce better quality
sonograms, but the advantage of frequency division is that it
works in real time thus making it a better survey tool. Although
sonograms derived from both systems are of sufficient quality
to identify many bat species, analysis is generally easier with
recordings derived from time expansion systems.
Recording devices
At the time of writing recording systems are undergoing a
revolution, with tape cassette recorders being phased out
and replaced with digital recorders such as mini discs, MP3
systems, .WAV recorders etc. Due to this fluid environment,
recommendations for particular equipment can become
outdated quickly so up-to-date specialist advice should be
sought before purchasing expensive recorders. At present
mini-disc recorders offer the cheapest recording system and
resultant sonograms are suitable for analysis. There are
many models available but for sonogram production it is
important that they have both LINE IN and LINE OUT
sockets. A date/time stamp is a useful addition for keeping
track of recordings. Mini-disc recorders are not particularly
robust so should be handled with care in the field.
Sonogram analysis
3.4.7 Bat boxes
The primary function of bat boxes is to provide
artificial roost sites for bats, particularly in areas such
as coniferous plantations where there is a shortage of
natural sites. However, the provision of boxes also
makes the bats easier to find, so that surveys of bats in
woodland become possible. In continental Europe this
has proved to be a particularly valuable technique for
Bechsteins bats, for which other survey techniques
are inappropriate. Guidance on the setting-up of bat
box schemes, including construction, siting and
inspection, is given by Stebbings & Walsh (1991).
The frequency with which the boxes are inspected will
depend both on the need to check that the boxes are
well sited and available to the bats, and the
requirements of any research project.
There is still much scope for experimentation with
new designs. However, such projects are only
useful if they produce results that allow comparison
between different types of boxes or different
situations. It is essential, therefore, that careful
thought is given to the experimental design before
the boxes are erected and that the location, type and
subsequent usage of each box are carefully
recorded. Large projects involving more than 100
boxes are more likely to give statistically meaningful
results than small projects with just 20 or 30 boxes
and it may well be worthwhile for researchers to
co-operate on projects.
3.5 Monitoring the status of
sites and populations
Monitoring studies are designed to quantify change
over some time period. Most monitoring is carried
out by repeating counts of bats at maternity roost
sites in the summer, counts of bats at hibernation
sites in the winter and counts of bats along set
transects at regular intervals (Walsh et al., 2001).
Additionally, distribution studies of species can be
repeated at regular intervals to provide valuable
monitoring data. Often, changes to populations may
be more obvious from range changes shown on a
distribution map than from counts made at the
centre of the species range.
Monitoring objectives vary and can include annual
checks on the status of the site, long-term studies of
changes in bat numbers, investigations of the
effects of management practices, scientific studies
of hibernation and arousal mechanisms or the
breeding biology of bats. Each of these purposes
may require a different intensity of monitoring,
although in each case the aim should be to
minimise any disturbance to the bats.
Visits to sites for long-term monitoring or for
checking on the condition of the site generally
need be no more frequent than one or two visits
annually, but it is important to keep the times of
these visits the same and to use exactly the same
methods each year. Standardisation is a key
element if results are to be reliably compared
over time. Although the number of bats will vary
with the weather conditions at the time of the
annual count, underlying long-term trends will
show up once a number of years data have been
Brown long-eared bat roost site. Frank Greenaway
BRIGGS, B. & KING, D. 1998. The Bat Detective
a field guide for bat detection. Stag Electronics,
Shoreham-by-Sea. 56 pp. ISBN0 9532426 0 9.
BRIGGS, P. 1995. Bats in barns. Hertfordshire
Natural History Society Transactions, 32,
CATTO, C.M.C. 1994. Bat Detector Manual. The
Bat Conservation Trust, London.
GREENAWAY, F. & HUTSON, A.M. 1990. A Field
Guide to British Bats. Bruce Coleman Books,
HUTSON, A.M. 1987. Bats in Houses.
FFPS/NCC/VWT, London. Reprinted BCT,
London, 1993. 32 pp. ISBN 1 872745 10 5.
HUTSON, A.M. 1993. Action Plan for
ConservatioN of Bats in the United Kingdom.
The Bat Conservation Trust, London. 49 pp.
ISBN 1 872745 16 4.
KAPTEYN, K. (ed.).1993. Proceedings of the first
European bat detector workshop. Netherlands
Bat Foundation, Amsterdam.
1997. Atlas van de Nederlandse vleermuizen.
KNNV Uitgeverij.
MITCHELL-JONES, A.J. 1995. The status and
conservation of horseshoe bats in Britain.
Myotis, 3233, 271284.
RACEY, P.A. & SWIFT, S.M. 1985. Feeding
ecology of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Chiroptera:
vespertilionidae) during pregnancy and
lactation. I Foraging Behaviour. Journal of
Animal Ecology, 54, 202215.
RUSS, J. 1999. The Bats of Britain and Ireland;
echolocation calls, sound analysis, and species
identification. Bishops Castle, Alana Ecology
Ltd. 103 pp. ISBN 0 9536049 0 X.
SARGENT, G. 1995. The Bats in Churches Project.
The Bat Conservation Trust, London.
1991. Minimum summer populations and
densities of bats in N.E. Scotland, near the
northern borders of their distributions. Journal
of Zoology, London, 225, 327345.
STEBBINGS, R.E. 1965. Observations during
sixteen years on winter roosts of bats in West
Suffolk. Proceedings of the Zoological Society
of London, 144, 137143.
STEBBINGS, R.E. 1993. Which Bat is it? Mammal
Society and Vincent Wildlife Trust, London.
STEBBINGS, R. & WALSH, S. 1991. Bat Boxes.
The Bat Conservation Trust, London. 24 pp.
ISBN 1 872745 02 4.
STEBBINGS, R.E. 1992. The Greywell Tunnel.
English Nature. 32 pp. ISBN 1 85716 103 3.
TUPINIER, Y. 1997. European Bats: Their World
of Sound. Editions Sittelle, Mens. (Book and
double CD). 132 pp. ISBN2 809815 01 X.
Identification of British bat species by
multivariate analysis of echolocation call
parameters. Bioacoustics. International
Journal of Animal Sound & Recording, 7, 189207.
VOUTE, A.M. & LINA, P.C.H. 1986. Management
effects on bat hibernacula in the Netherlands.
Biological Conservation, 38, 163177.
WALSH, A.L. & HARRIS, S. 1996a. Foraging
habitat preferences of vespertilionid bats in
Britain (I). Journal of Applied Ecology, 33,
WALSH, A.L. & HARRIS, S. 1996b. Factors
determining the abundance of vespertilionid
bats in Britain: geographical, land class and
local habitat relationships (II). Journal of
Applied Ecology, 33, 519529.
1993. UK volunteer bat groups and the British
bats and habitats survey. In: Proceedings of the
first European bat detector workshop
(ed. K. Kapteyn). Netherlands Bat Foundation,
The UKs National Bat Monitoring Programme,
Final Report 2001. Department of Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs, London. 155 pp.
RUDRAN, R. & FOSTER, M.F. 1996.
Measuring and Monitoring Biological Diversity.
Standard Methods for Mammals. Smithsonian
Institution Press, Washington & London.
YALDEN, D.W. 1985. The Identification of British
Bats. Occasional Publication No. 5. Mammal
Society, London.
References and further reading
Lesser horseshoe bats. Frank Greenaway
Before attempting to catch bats, think carefully
about the justification for catching in view of the
potential for damage or disturbance to the bats.
Bats may be caught by a variety of techniques both
at the roost site and in free flight. Once bats are
trapped, great care is needed to ensure that they are
dealt with quickly and harmlessly. The welfare of
the bat is of paramount importance and if any
method of catching bats causes, or seems to cause,
distress or harm, it should be stopped immediately
and further advice sought. Several of the methods
described below can injure bats if used carelessly
and should be employed only when fully justified.
Take particular care when heavily pregnant bats
may be caught because these may give birth or
abort their foetus while captive.
The bat roost visitor licence normally licences
capture by hand or static hand held net at the roost.
All other capture methods will require a special
licence from the relevant SNCO (see Chapter 1).
4.1 Hand-nets
4.1.1 Types
Round and kite-shaped frames and handles are
available from entomological suppliers (Figure 4.1).
Kite-shaped nets are often more useful, particularly
when bats are in corners, but folding circular nets
are convenient to carry. Fine meshed nets as used
for butterfly or dragonfly nets should be used.
Mist-netting material or other open mesh nets
should not be used for hand-nets as the bats become
entangled far too easily.
4.1.2 Methods
Static net
Outside roost sites, nets can be held just under the
exit hole and will catch emerging bats at dusk
(Figure 4.2). It is usually best to arrange ladders or
any other equipment before dusk and wait until the
first few bats have emerged. Then position the net
around the hole as closely as possible. In some cases,
it is advantageous to fix an extending handle on to
the net because this avoids prolonged periods spent
on a ladder outside a roost. Avoid noise of any kind
because this delays emergence. Excessive delay
will reduce the feeding time for bats, and too much
disturbance can lead to the abandonment of roosts.
Inside roost sites, such as attics, the hand-net
4.1 HAND NETS 41
Catching bats
M. Finnemore & P. W. Richardson
should be carefully positioned around the bat before
it flies. This may prevent it from flying so that it
can be taken by hand, but if it flies it will be caught
in the net. Angling the net at 4590 from the pole
can increase the catch rate. In high roofs a second
thin stick may be used to touch the bat gently, causing
it to fall into the net. Do not attempt to catch bats in
flight. As soon as a bat is netted, the net frame
should be rotated so that the bat is enclosed in loose
netting and is unable to escape (Figure 4.3).
Moving net
Large kite-shaped hand-nets have been used for
catching bats in flight. Unfortunately, bats are too
easily killed or injured by this method for it to be
Extraction from hand-nets
When netting and extracting bats good lighting is
essential. Head torches are recommended because
these leave both hands free; the torch should not be
switched on until the bat is netted.
If a suitably sized mesh is used, bats should not
become entangled in the hand-net, so extraction can
be achieved merely by sliding a gloved hand
through the closed opening and getting a hold on
the bat. Move one hand around the body of the bat,
ensuring that the wings are folded carefully and that
Barbastelle bat. Frank Greenaway
thumb and toe claws are unhooked and not pulled.
Often it is best to place the bat and net on a flat
surface to achieve better control; this applies
particularly to larger bats, when it is necessary to
avoid being bitten.
4.2 Cone trap
This trap is used mostly for research projects where
large numbers of bats must be caught. Bats can be
damaged (for example by biting each other) and
these traps should not be used when females are in
late pregnancy.
The trap is simply a large cone made of plastic,
nylon sheet or other suitable material, sometimes
with a collecting bag at the narrow end. The open
end is held in position over an exit hole and
emerging bats slide down (Figure 4.4). Various
sizes and shapes can be employed to suit
individual roost sites and the method works best
where the bats are emerging from a small hole, so
it is not generally suitable for capturing horseshoe
bats. This method is ideal for catching a large
number of bats at a roost as quickly as possible.
Captured bats should be quickly transferred to
holding bags.
Figure 4.1
Hand-nets. Polythene around the lip prevents bats
climbing out.
Figure 4.3
Rotate the hand-net frame to ensure the bat cannot climb
Figure 4.2
Use of hand-net to catch bats at the roost entrance. Always
follow the safety code when using ladders.
Figure 4.4
Cone trap. These can be constructed from a variety of
smooth materials, such as acetate sheet. The collecting bag
must be securely tied on.
4.3 Harp trap
This trapping method works best where bats are
at a high density or are concentrated in narrow
flyways. They have been used successfully in the
UK outside cave and mine entrances, particularly
in the autumn.
4.3.1 Design and operation
The trap consists of a frame supporting two banks
of vertical strung nylon or wire lines (Figure 4.5).
The trapping area is generally much smaller in size
(2 m x 2 m) than a mist net. When set up in the
flight path of bats this trap can be very successful.
Bats fly into the lines, slide down them and land in
the collecting bag underneath. The lines are carefully
arranged and tensioned so that the risk of damage
to the bat is minimised. The traps are especially
suitable for catching bats that weigh less than 30 g.
Detailed information on the use of harp traps may
be found in Kunz (1988).
4.3.2 Extraction
The advantage of this system is the ease of
extraction. The bats are not tangled and can be
removed from the collecting bag when required.
4.4 Mist-nets
4.4.1 Description
These nets consist of fine nylon or terylene netting,
which is usually held in tension between two poles
(Figure 4.6). Mist-nets are supplied to responsible
licence-holders through the British Trust for
Ornithology (BTO), in standard lengths of 6 m
(18'), 12 m (42') and 18 m (60'). Loose netting can
also be purchased to make up nets of any length.
The height of the nets is divided into shelves,
each with a loose pocket of netting that holds the
trapped animals. Nets can have between one and
four shelves, but four are most usually used for
catching bats. The nets have a mesh size of 13" or
12", the latter being preferable as it is apparently
less easily detected by bats.
The main problems with mist-nets are entangling
bats, risk of damaging them during extraction and
potential predation. Mist-netting should be avoided
between mid-June and mid-July because adult
females may be heavily pregnant, lactating or
4.3 HARP TRAP 43
carrying youngsters, which may become dislodged.
They should not generally be used outside roost
entrances, where large numbers of bats are likely to
The use of mist-nets will be licensed only following
adequate training in setting of nets and extraction
of bats.
4.4.2 Static nets
Static nets are usually detected by bats and avoided.
Some skill is required, therefore, to use them
effectively. Bats have good memories and it is best
only to attempt to catch them in one place on one
occasion. Nets must be attended continuously. Cats
and other predators can easily kill bats caught in
Setting a net, which must be well supported and
firmly guyed, needs training and experience if the
net is to be operated successfully. The length of net
that can be safely operated will vary from site to
site and the net must be set at an appropriate height
for the target species. Set nets with the minimum
amount of bag required to enclose the size of bats
likely to be caught. Over water, nets must always
be set with the bottom pocket well clear to ensure
that trapped bats do not become immersed. The
operator should stand quietly beside the net with no
light or bat detector, as both these can frighten
away bats. The net must be closely supervised at all
times and, if more animals are caught than can be
safely dealt with, it should be taken down or
temporarily furled as soon as all bats are removed.
There are a number of ways of increasing the
probability of catching bats.
If the net is set in front of a background (e.g.
vegetation) it is less likely to be detected. It is most
effective when placed in vegetation. Stand beside
the net with a long-handled hand-net ready to place
over any bat which lands on the mist-net. Great
care needs to be exercised and if the bat flies before
the hand-net arrives do not swipe at it.
Bats often fly along the same flight paths and may
fly into a net that is set up in this path, merely
through lack of attention. This method works
particularly well when the net is set up just round a
corner where the bat always makes a sharp turn or
where it is funnelled through encroaching
Setting nets in a funnel arrangement may guide the
bat from its usual flight path into the net at the end.
Such methods work best where the bat has a regular
flight path, such as around the edge of water,
or where the flying area is limited, as in narrow
woodland rides. A well tried method of luring bats
to the net is by flicking a small pebble upwards
as the bat flies overhead: it will swoop down to
investigate and, if the pebble is well directed, will
be netted. Do not throw the stone so that it hits the
bat or so that the bat catches it!
Nets should not normally be set until most birds
have settled to roost, but occasionally they may be
caught. Some guidance on removing birds from
nets is given by Redfern & Clark (2001) but again
there is no substitute for experience. Always
be prepared to cut the net with scissors or a
quickunpik, but avoid cutting where possible as
it may result in increased entanglement of bats
caught subsequently.
4.4.3 Moving nets
Single-pole flicking
This method, which requires two people in normal
use, can be employed in any area with some success,
including from bridges over canals and rivers (Figure
4.7). In this case, a 6-m or 9-m net is lowered over the
bridge, being fixed to the parapet at one end by the top
shelf string and having a weight tied to the bottom
shelf string. The other end has a pole, to which the
net is firmly fixed by elastic bands on both top and
bottom shelf strings. This stops the net sliding off the
pole. The pole is held vertically down by one operator,
and approaching bats can be caught by moving the
pole quickly upwards through an arc so as to encircle
them. Once a bat is netted, the tension on the netting
should not be altered, especially by stretching it, and
the second person should retrieve any bats gently.
Illuminating the catching area from the side with a
strong spotlight makes catching easier. Bats may soon
be frightened away, so periodically remove the net or
move to another bridge.
Two-pole flicking
In this method, which requires three people, a net is
supported on poles at each end and held horizontally
and taut by two people (Figure 4.8). Approaching bats
can be detected visually by careful positioning of the
workers or audibly by setting a bat detector on the
ground in front of the net. Often, bats can be attracted
by throwing a small pebble in the air. Once a bat is in
range, the net is flicked up, following the flight of the
bat and ensnaring it. It is important not to increase the
tension of the net, or the bat may be damaged by
wings or legs being pulled apart. The third person
can extract the bat. This method is very difficult,
partly because of the synchronisation required
between two people.
4.4.4 Extraction from mist-nets
This can be a difficult and time-consuming operation,
which requires patience, skill and training. However,
any bat which cannot be removed in about 2 minutes
should be cut free with a quickunpik or scissors. When
doing this, be most careful to ensure that no netting
remains embedded in the fur or in the bats mouth.
First, ascertain the direction from which the bat
entered the net (see Figure 4.9 for general guidance)
and start from that side. If the bat is above normal
working height, lower the net to bring the bat within
reach and open the pocket so as to expose it. The
extraction of a bat must follow in reverse the stages by
which it became entangled. Wearing suitable gloves,
clear the netting away from the feet; this will require
gentle teasing of the net from the toes by a stroking
movement of ones fingers. Gently raise the bat by its
legs, which should now be free, and slowly work the
net down and away from the body of the bat. Wings
need to be extracted one at a time and each wing may
need to be partly opened to remove the netting. When
one wing is clear, firmly hold the bat by the forearm,
allowing its feet to grip the fingers of ones hand.
Finally, check that the net is not caught in the teeth.
Occasionally, bats may be so badly entangled that
they cannot be freed quickly. In these situations the
net should be cut free, using scissors or a sharp
quickunpik (available from BTO), before the bat
begins to show signs of distress. Badly holed nets
should be destroyed safely, as they entangle animals
too easily. Always check nets carefully when they are
being dismantled just in case a bat has been caught
and not noticed.
4.4 MIST NETS 45
Figure 4.5
Harp trap. Bats fly into the rows of vertical lines and slide
into the collecting bag below. Traps are usually collapsible.
Figure 4.6
Mist-net correctly set and guyed.
Figure 4.7b
Single-pole flicking from a bridge. Great care must be taken not
to pull on the net once the bat has been caught. An assistant at
the waters edge is needed to remove the bat safely.
Figure 4.8
Two-pole flicking. Practice is required to ensure that the
two poles move in synchrony.
Figure 4.7a
Single-pole flicking. The pole should be held slightly above
horizontal so the net can be accelerated fast enough to
catch the bat.
3 First clear the feet and tail. 4 Hold the body firmly and free the extended
or less-tangled wing.
5 Next free the head. At this stage the bat must
be held firmly to avoid re-entanglement. Once
the head is free, change the grip to restrain the
movement of the head and prevent the bat biting.
6 Wings may need to be opened to
disentangle them.
1 In the net. 2 Opening the bag.
Figure 4.9
Removing a bat from a mist-net. Many variations on this method are possible and training and experience are essential.
4.5 Additional equipment
It is important to have suitable equipment to help
with the swift removal of a bat from a trap and to
hold it safely until released.
4.5.1 Head-torch
Ample illumination is essential when removing bats
from traps and especially from mist-nets. A head-torch
leaves both hands free for the extraction of bats. A
floodlight is also useful to illuminate the whole area
when dismantling equipment.
4.5.2 Scissors or quickunpiks
A pair of fine scissors can quickly cut a bat from a
net in an emergency. Some bird-netters favour
using a quickunpik, but this must be sharp or it will
pull the net, causing damage to the bat.
4.5.3 Holding bags
Soft cloth bags with closure-strings and with seams
on the outside are most suitable. They should be
kept clean and dry. A clip (e.g. small carabiner) can
be hung round the neck as a safe way of carrying
bags at night. Suitable bags are available from the
British Trust for Ornithology.
4.6 Captive bats
Bats should not be held for more than 2 hours and it is
preferable to release them within a few minutes;
they should be held in soft cloth bags until ready for
processing. Bags should never be put on the ground but
always hung up. Large bats, such as greater horseshoes,
should be kept singly, especially if they are active, but
small bats from the same roost may be kept in groups,
which may help to calm them. Only keep one species in
a bag, never mix species. Sometimes it is less stressful
if bats are wrapped in a cloth (e.g. a holding bag) when
they are being examined or worked on.
KUNZ, T.H. (ed.). 1988. Ecological and Behavioral
Methods for the Study of Bats. Smithsonian
Institution Press, Washington & London.
533 pp. ISBN 0 87474 411 3.
REDFERN, C.P.F. & CLARK, J.A. (comp./ed.).
2001. Ringers Manual. 4th edition. British
Trust for Ornithology, Thetford. 269 pp. Bat workers erecting bat boxes. Hugh Clark
Serotine bat. Frank Greenaway
5.1 Field identification
Bats are identified most easily in the hand, but
practice allows identification by a variety of other
means, such as bat detectors, droppings or flight
pattern. Such methods have varying reliability and
identifications may not be acceptable to recording
authorities. A beginner will have to use an
identification key (see Appendix 5) and, by looking
at a number of characters, achieve a correct
identification. It is essential, then, to be able to
handle bats properly and confidently.
Bats are very vulnerable to disturbance, particularly
in their nursery colonies, where excessive
disturbance can cause them to desert their young, or
during hibernation, where arousal uses up energy
reserves. They should, therefore, be disturbed as
little as possible. Similarly, if they are being handled,
they should be confined for as short a time as possible;
but a bat in the hand offers additional data that can
be recorded for various personal or wider studies,
e.g. sex, biometrics, physiology and parasites.
A museum specimen is no longer necessary to provide
an acceptable record, and a preserved specimen
often masks useful features. While a museum
specimen is (or should be) available in perpetuity
and will continue to provide research material, the
live bat has many advantages. It allows both the
opportunity to see pelage and skin in their natural
colours and textures, and the monitoring of changes
in certain physiological and morphological features.
Complete familiarity with the topography of a bat is
essential for successful identification and further
studies. Features used in the identification and other
aspects of the study of British bats are described on
the generalised bats illustrated (Figure 5.1) and
there are a number of guides available that give
further details (see Appendix 5).
Callipers will be needed for any essential
measurements. Almost all essential dental
characteristics can be seen with a x10 hand
lens and a co-operative bat.
5.2 Sexing and ageing
5.2.1 Sex and reproductive assessment
Reliable assessment of the reproductive status of
bats is important to field and laboratory studies.
Examining bats
A. M. Hutson & P. A. Racey
However, it is often difficult to assess age and
reproductive status accurately (see Kunz, 1988;
Crighton & Krutzsch, 2000).
5.2.2 Sexing and sexual dimorphism
Males of all species have a conspicuous penis.
Females have a single anterior pair of mammary
glands and nipples. Pubic false nipples are found
in rhinolophids and are used by young bats to hang
on to their mothers.
Although sexual dimorphism is well documented in
bats, with females larger than males, it is seldom
marked enough to be of use as a field characteristic.
Males make characteristic social calls during the
mating season, which may allow identification of
sex in the future.
5.2.3 Reproductive status of males
Testicular descent
The position of the testes varies among the families
of bats. In many Microchiroptera they are
descended at birth and lie close to and on either
side of the base of the penis, where they form
bulges beneath the skin. Several authors have
referred to seasonal testicular descent corresponding
with seasonal spermatogenesis, but this has not
been recorded in British bats.
Handling a greater horseshoe bat. Frank Greenaway
Puberty and spermatogenesis
Puberty is reached in most bats in the year
following birth. However, in some vespertilionids
some individuals achieve sexual maturity in their
first autumn, while some horseshoe bats become
sexually mature only after several years.
Both testes and epididymides are covered with a
sheath of peritoneum - the tunica vaginalis. In juvenile
and sexually immature male vespertilionids the
tunica round the cauda epididymidis (= tail of the
epididymis) can typically be seen through the skin
as a densely pigmented sheath (figure 5.2a). Increase
in the size of the testes, associated with growth of
the seminiferous tubules and spermatogenesis, can
be seen through the skin. After their release from
the testes, spermatozoa pass through the epididymides
to the caudae, which become distended between the
layers of skin forming the interfemoral membrane.
The rapid shrinkage of the testes at the end of
spermatogenesis and the correspondingly rapid
swelling of the caudae is very striking in captive
bats. As a result of this swelling, the tunica
vaginalis over the epididymis becomes stretched
and the black pigment cells (melanocytes) separate
so that the distended epididymal tubules appear
white through the skin (figure 5.2b). After this initial
separation has occurred, the melanocytes seldom
return to their former density (in pipistrelles), so the
apparent reduction in pigmentation, accompanied
by varying degrees of distension of the epidydimis,
can be used as a criterion of sexual maturity
(although this is not proven in all genera). Where
testicular swelling is apparent but the cauda is still
heavily pigmented, the individual is probably
undergoing its first spermatogenesis and is
therefore described as pubertal.
Not only do immature bats have pigmented tunicae,
but their testes are also smaller than those of
individuals that have experienced spermatogenesis.
This may be seen when the testes are examined
through the skin.
The distinction between those males that have
lost most of their epididymal spermatozoa and
immature individuals is complicated when fat is
deposited within the tunica vaginalis around the
convoluted tubule of the epididymis and causes
this membrane to appear stretched. In very fat
hibernating bats, both testes and epididymis may
be completely obscured from view.
Figure 5.1
The features of a bat.
Figure 5.2
Sexual development in the male.
a Juvenile
b Adult
4th digit
5th digit
Calcar Tail Interfemoral membrane
Post-calcarial lobe
Antebrachial membrane
Forearm (radius)
2nd digit
3rd digit
Milk may be extruded from the nipple by gentle
finger pressure on the base of the nipple.
After lactation, the nipples retain (except in the case
of Daubentons bats) their enlarged, often darker,
appearance and in most species of bat, as in other
mammals, such nipples show that the bat has given
birth. Bats that have had several young tend to have
large nipples, but distinguishing between primiparous
(having given birth once) and nulliparous females
outside the breeding season often requires careful
examination with the aid of a lens. The nipples of
nulliparous females are rudimentary and often have
tufts of hair on them. The nipples of parous animals
show the expected characteristics of previous
suckling: they are dark and cornified, either with
no hair or with short, wavy hair.
5.2.5 Ageing
These are bats from the age of first flight until the
loss of the characters described below. There is no
widely accepted term other than baby to describe
the period from birth to first flight, although the use
of the term pup is becoming more widespread.
At the time of first flight the bones are not
completely ossified. This is most obvious in the joints
of the digits (Figure 5.3). If held up to the light, the
cartilaginous ends of the finger bones are apparent as
pale bands either side of the joint. As cartilage is
replaced by bone, the joint becomes more rounded or
knuckle-like. The bones usually appear fully ossified
by the autumn (6075 days after birth).
The distinction between adult and immature
individuals is further complicated by an autumnal
moult when the dark pelage of immature individuals
is replaced by the lighter one characteristic of
adult animals, and a substantial error may occur
in allocating males taken from hibernation into
categories of sexually mature or immature.
These characteristics, which are the result of
detailed study of pipistrelles and noctules, are not
so clear in some other species such as long-eared bats.
5.2.4 Reproductive status of females
Oestrus is the time when females will allow males
to mate with them, and the best criteria of its
occurrence are behavioural, particularly in females
soliciting copulation.
A male mounts a female dorsally and often holds
on by biting the neck of the female while curling its
tail and penis underneath. Copulation is generally
accompanied by much vocalisation, and some
vespertilionids such as the serotine may remain in
copula for several hours, without moving, giving
the impression of one bat roosting on top of
Early pregnancy is difficult to diagnose in bats.
The nipples of nulliparous females (those that
have never given birth or reached an advanced
stage of pregnancy) remain tiny until around the
time of first implantation of the egg in the wall
of the uterus and so may be used as a criterion of
nulliparity. Palpation can diagnose pregnancies
that are between one-half and two-thirds
Parturition and lactation
The pubic ligament expands before parturition to
allow the foetus to leave the birth canal. For a day
or two after parturition, the vulva may appear
blood-stained and swollen and the pubic symphysis
is still separated. The mother encourages the baby
to attach to a nipple immediately after birth and the
mammary glands can be seen under her skin.
Figure 5.3
Development of the joints of the digits.
Bats will fly before they are fully grown, so
forearm lengths of early juveniles may be smaller
than average for the species.
Fur colour and texture
Juvenile bats of all British species are darker and
greyer than the adults. This is not always obvious,
especially if the bats are born early in the year,
when they may moult before hibernation. Fur of
juveniles is often matt and frizzy rather than glossy
or sleek.
Wing membrane colour/texture
Wing membranes of juvenile bats are often clean
and unblemished and feel soft and tacky. The colour is
generally darker than in adults. These juvenile
characteristics may be detectable for up to a year.
Except for juveniles, bats have a single annual
moult, usually in June and July. The moult usually
starts from the back of the head and shoulders.
5.2.6 Abnormalities
It is worth noting unusual coloration, injuries or
deformity to re-identify individual animals and
monitor changes or healing processes. A number of
bats are seen that have had serious tears to the
wings, but which have healed. Bite marks are
sometimes apparent.
5.3 Measurements
Measurements are generally only of value when
taken as part of a larger project studying some
aspect of bat morphology or for the field identification
of certain species. Research projects may involve
recording growth rates or assessing the normal and
expected range of variation in size. If weight studies
are being undertaken, it is useful to record at least
forearm length to relate the weight to the size of
each animal. All measurements should be in grams
and millimetres.
Forearm measurements (by far the most useful),
should ideally be taken with callipers, although a
short steel ruler with a stop end can be used.
All other measurements should be taken with vernier
or dial callipers. When measuring, rotate the
callipers or animal slightly along the axis of the
callipers to ensure that you have the maximum
measurement. For right-handed people, it is best to
control the bat in the left hand, leaving the right
hand for the more delicate manoeuvring of the callipers.
Wing span, and head and body length
These are often quoted in books, but they are not
useful field measurements because too much variation
in measuring technique is possible. Their main use
is in conveying the size of bats to the public.
Ear length
Take the longest measurement from the notch at the
anterior base of the pinna to the tip. Ensure that the
ears of Plecotus are fully extended.
Tragus width
Take the greatest width. In Plecotus it may be
necessary to eliminate curvature by slightly bending
the tragus at its widest point.
Tragus length
Record the maximum length from base to tip,
ignoring curved edges.
With the wing folded, take the maximum
measurement from elbow to wrist. With the elbow
of the bat resting on the movable jaw of the callipers,
the callipers are adjusted to the correct maximum
length when you can see or feel slight movement of
the skin of the wrist against the fixed jaw as the
forearm is rotated within the jaws of the callipers.
Fifth digit
Measure from the inside (posterior) of the wrist to
the tip of the finger. This is best done on a flat surface.
This measurement is needed to distinguish Pipistrellus
pipistrellus from P. nathusii. This is a difficult
measurement to take accurately and some authors
use a measurement from outside the wrist to the
finger tip as an easier and more reliable measurement.
The length of the calcar compared with the total
length of the edge of the uropatagium is an aid to
identification of some species (e.g. whiskered and
Daubentons). The calcar will not be perfectly
straight, but spread the tail membrane and measure
the chord from the base of the calcar at the ankle to
the tip and similarly from the tip of the calcar to
where the membrane joins the tail.
5.4 Weight
The weight of an individual bat can vary by as
much as 50% seasonally and by a considerable,
although lesser, percentage over a 24-hour period.
These factors must be borne in mind when comparing
weights of individuals or population samples.
Weights are of greatest value in long-term studies
of growth and body condition, and there is little
point in amassing data in a casual way.
Two convenient types of spring balance are available.
A 50-g Pesola (long scale) balance can be used for
all British species and can be read to an accuracy of
0.1 g. Other Pesola balances (including the 30-g)
and the much cheaper Salter balances should only be
read to an accuracy of 0.5 g. The balance should swing
free from the ring at the top either from a fixed hook
or from a well supported hand. Ensure that the
balance and bat are free from obstruction and that
weighing is carried out in a draught-free environment.
Torpid bats can be hung by the feet onto the clasp
of the balance. Active bats should be enclosed in a
small cloth bag and the difference between the weight
of the empty bag and the weight of the bag plus bat
recorded. The bat must be confined sufficiently to
discourage movement without injury. Small cones
of cloth open at both ends with the bat's head
inserted down into the narrow end of the cone can
also be used. If very light cones or bags are used,
the balance can be adjusted to give a reading of
zero when they are empty, but their weight should
be regularly checked, as it will vary.
Remember that a bats weight will vary greatly during
the course of 24 hours when bats are active. This
will put great limits on the use of weight data. Record
the time of weighing, using the 24-hour system.
5.5 Rare bats
If a bat, which cannot be identified with a good key
or which is clearly a rarity, is found seek expert
advice immediately. Help can be obtained from an
SNCO, The Bat Conservation Trust or through local
bat group contacts. If it is not possible to arrange
for a second opinion from a bat worker or an expert
to see the bat within a reasonable time, take
detailed notes before releasing the bat at the site of
capture. Weigh the bat and measure the forearm and
any other characters used in the identification of
species of its genus. Note other non-measurable
characters, such as colour, texture and extent of
bare areas and of fur; the fur colour may change
from the base of the hairs to the tip, and such
colour banding should also be recorded. Take
colour photographs and make sketches if possible.
Make detailed notes of the circumstances in which
the bat was found. These details will not only help
your record to be accepted, but, by virtue of the fact
that such bats are rare, the data will be useful to add
to the limited amount of data available on the species.
5.6 Parasites
The word parasite is a loosely used term and here
applies to any organism living in close association
with a bat for at least part of its life cycle. Parasites
fall into two groups those that live within the
bats body or in the gut (endoparasites) and those
that live on the surface or only very superficially
below the skin (ectoparasites). The animal used by
these organisms as a means of transport, for food or
for shelter is called the host. Usually the bats live
in harmony with these parasites, but occasionally
(especially with the endoparasites) disease or
debilitation may occur.
5.6.1 Endoparasites
Bats are hosts to a range of endoparasites but the
only ones readily obtainable from a live bat are
those that live in the blood. A drop of blood can be
taken and spread as a thin (one cell thick) or thick
(several cells thick) smear on a glass slide. In
Britain, blood smears have demonstrated the
presence of trypanosomes, malarias and babesias.
The taking of and examination of blood smears is a
specialist occupation and should not be attempted
without training and except for specific projects. It
will also require a Home Office licence.
Other parasites may be found by examining saliva
or droppings (e.g. Coccidia), but little work has
been done in this country and, again, studies should
be attempted only by those with a special interest
and adequate training.
5.6.2 Ectoparasites
Many arthropods live on bats for at least part of
their lives. In Britain these include a variety of
mites (Acari), species of flea (Siphonaptera), bat-flies
(Diptera, Nycteribiidae) and bat-bugs (Hemiptera,
Cimicidae). These parasites are in a very vulnerable
position and so have become very specialised in
their morphology, physiology, life cycle and ecology.
For this reason they are of interest in themselves,
although relatively little is known of the composition
of the fauna occurring on British bats, or, for individual
species, of their distribution, host-specificity, ecology
and, in the case of mites, even their food. We also
know little of the relationships between many of the
parasites and their hosts and about any role they
may play in the transmission of disease organisms.
The study of these parasites can also provide
additional information about the bats.
Some mites are so small that a hand lens is required
to see them on the host; most are reasonably visible
at least to the practised eye. Parasites can be found
by inspecting the flight membrane, feet, ears and
face and by blowing through the fur. They can be
carefully removed with fine forceps or a fine
paintbrush and are best stored in 70-80% alcohol.
Some of the insects are very agile, but they can
be immobilised with a dab of ethyl acetate. Some
mites may be very firmly attached and there is the
possibility of leaving mouthparts embedded in the
host. Not only does this create problems of
identification of the parasite, but there is a risk of
the embedded parts causing an infection.
Specimens should be stored in small tubes of alcohol
with full data of host, position on host, locality, date
and collector. Some specimens will need to be
mounted on slides. Full details of preparation and
storage are given in some of the identification
guides, or the advice of an expert should be sought.
A general guide to ectoparasites can be found in
Hutson (1971). A detailed catalogue of the parasites
recorded from bat species occurring in Italy (which
includes all UK species) can be found in Lanza (1999).
Mites, including ticks (Acari)
Larval mites have six legs; nymphs and adults
generally have eight legs. They can be flattened or
globular, rounded or elongate, long- or short-legged,
and they are not obviously segmented. In some
species it is only the larva that is parasitic, in others
only later stages; mites may feed on blood, glandular
secretions or skin debris. They can occur anywhere
on the bat. The star-like spinturnicids are most
obvious on the wing membrane; other mites may
also be found here. A great range of mites are found
in the fur, and specialist mites can be found on facial
whiskers, in sacs on the wings or feet, or in cones
of dried plasma on the lips or feet. Some species,
such as the ticks, spend more time off the host than
on, but they or their cast skins can often be found
around the roost. A good introduction to mites can
be found in Evans et al. (1961) and a recent review of
species found on British bats in Baker & Craven (2003).
Bat-bugs (Hemiptera, Cimicidae)
Sandy brown and flattened dorso-ventrally, these
bugs are very closely related to our own bedbug
and can bite humans. Eggs are laid around the
roost, and the nymphs and adults venture on to the
bats to feed on blood. They are not well adapted to
travel with the bats and it is more likely that they or
their cast skins will be found around the roost site
or in the guano. One species is quite common on a
variety of bats; a second species is doubtfully
recorded. A monograph of the family was published
by Usinger (1966) and Pricart (1971).
Fleas (Siphonaptera, Ischnopsyllidae)
Adult fleas are brown to yellow, laterally flattened,
blood-feeding insects; the white, actively wriggling,
legless larvae are found in the guano below the
roost. Some species are host-specific and, if bats
are not visible at a roost, collecting fleas from the
guano can help to identify the bat species involved.
Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. nathusii can be difficult
species to separate, but they have quite different
fleas. The larvae of some species are poorly known.
Fleas can be identified from Smit (1957).
Bat-flies (Diptera, Nycteribiidae)
These blood-feeding flies are so highly modified
that they are barely recognisable as true flies.
Wings are absent and the thorax is so reduced and
distorted that the head and long legs arise from its top.
They do not lay eggs, but produce fully developed
larvae, which are deposited near the bat roost site.
A well-used traditional roost will be encrusted with
the old puparia of these flies. Three species are
recorded from Britain and all are virtually host-specific.
They can be identified from Hutson (1984).
Guano dwellers
Apart from certain stages in the life cycle of some
of the ectoparasites, the guano associated with a
well established bat roost provides a habitat for a
variety of mites and insects. In Britain the associated
fauna is very limited, but it has been poorly
documented. Some flies (Diptera) previously
thought to be very rare have been found to be quite
common in this habitat, and further investigation is
worthwhile. If you collect guano samples, enclosure
in an airtight container will kill any fauna through
excess ammonia; it is better to keep the samples in
a well-ventilated container, e.g. a cloth bag or an
insect box with a fine-meshed gauze or muslin
ventilation area. The guano should not be allowed
to dry out completely. Different insects will require
different methods of preparation and storage.
5.7 DNA analysis
A biopsy punch can be used to take 3-mm skin
samples from the wing. This can be done only by
scientists licensed to do so by the Home Office and
SNCOs. The resulting hole heals within three weeks
without impairment to flight or reproductive success.
5.8 Dead bats
Dead bats should never be discarded. Apart from
being of value as voucher material for a species
record, they may be of use for training, educational
or more scientific purposes. Ensure that full details
of locality, date and collector are attached to each
specimen as soon after acquisition as possible.
This information may also be required if you are
questioned, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act,
as to the provenance of any dead bats you hold.
5.8.1 Preservation and storage
Bats can be skinned or stuffed, but in British bats
the body is so small that it can be easily dried out
and will retain some of the body shape in a desiccated
condition as long as it is kept dry and free from
pest beetle. A better way is to store it in 70-80%
alcohol (industrial methylated spirit) with the abdomen
opened to allow preserving fluid into the body cavity.
A piece of matchstick can be cut to prop open the
mouth so that the teeth can be examined. Specimens
should be kept in the dark and alcohol levels should
be kept topped up. Bats are also suitable for freeze
drying if such facilities are available. Long-dead
bats may be useful for skeletal material, particularly
skulls. Such museum specimens will have a variety of
purposes, but there may be other useful purposes for a
dead bat that require different forms of preservation.
Some uses for dead bats are outlined below.
5.8.2 Uses
Rabies surveillance
Specimens can be submitted to the Veterinary
Laboratories Agency as part of the programme to
monitor for European Bat Lyssavirus. (see Chapters
2 and 9). All dead bats should be sent there unless
they are needed for any other specific purpose.
National, county or local museums and other institutes
may be very grateful for well-documented specimens,
and such institutions will be best equipped to
preserve specimens for posterity.
Good, well preserved specimens may be useful for
exhibition. Generally even the best-preserved specimens
maintain little of the character of live bats and
photographs are better, but an actual specimen can
demonstrate size, fur texture and other features.
For the more seriously interested audience, even
badly preserved specimens can be useful as aids to
identification and the understanding of bat structure.
Ageing/sexing criteria
Some of the criteria for assessing age are based
largely on external examination. Fresh material is
always useful for confirming the accuracy of such
characters, especially in ringed bats whose age is
Pesticide analysis
At present it is too expensive to do routine chemical
analysis of bat tissues to check for pesticide
residues and few laboratories can undertake the
work. If specimens are ever required for a specific
project (and it is obviously a very important subject
for enquiry), requests will be made. Specimens will
need to be very fresh and sent rapidly to the analyst.
If the illegal use of pesticides to poison bats is
suspected, the relevant agriculture department
should be informed. All the Agriculture
Departments have laboratories, which are equipped
for pesticide analysis and can investigate such
incidents. Incidents in the United Kingdom can be
reported on a free telephone line: 0800 321 600.
The relevant SNCO should also be informed.
Bats are subject to a variety of endoparasites
(particularly parasitic worms) and some of the
mites associated with bats occur almost internally
(e.g. inside nostrils or mouth) and hence can only
be collected by dissection of freshly dead or
well-preserved specimens; others can be missed in
searching a live animal. These mites can be treated
as for other mites (see Section 5.6), but the
endoparasites may need special preservation (e.g. a
mixture of glacial acetic acid and alcohol for some
worms) and the advice of experts should be sought.
Sending dead bats by post
Nobody likes smelly parcels: they are a problem for
the recipient as much as for the postman. If you are
sending unpreserved specimens by post, wrap them
in absorbent tissue, put them in a sealed crush-proof
package and try to ensure that the addressee wants
and is expecting them. Packaging must comply with
GPO regulations for pathological material (see
Chapter 2). Send them by first class mail and
preferably not on a Friday or just before a Bank
Holiday. Full data should be included with each
specimen. Unless a fresh specimen is particularly
requested, the dead bat can be kept in alcohol
for some time or have alcohol injected into the
abdomen. It can then be sent sealed in a plastic bag
in a crush-proof container. If sending specimens for
rabies surveillance refer to the instructions in
Chapter 2.
5.8 DEAD BATS 57
References and further reading
BAKER, A.S. & CRAVEN, J.C. 2003. Checklist of
the mites (Arachnida: Acari) associated with
bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in the British Isles.
Systematic & Applied Acarology Special
Publications, 14, 120.
2000. Reproductive Biology of Bats. Academic
Press, London/San Diego. 510 pp.
ISBN 0 12 195670 9.
S.A. 1998. The reproductive cycle and
determination of sexual maturity in male brown
long-eared bats Plecotus auritus. Journal of
Zoology (London), 244, 6370.
1961. Terrestrial Acari of the British Isles.
Vol. 1. Introduction and biology. British Museum
(Natural History), London. 219 pp.
HUTSON, A.M. 1971. Ectoparasites of British bats.
Mammal Review, 1, 143150.
HUTSON, A.M. 1984. Keds, flat flies and bat flies,
Diptera, Hippoboscidae and Nycteribiidae.
Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects,
10(7). Royal Entomological Society of London.
KUNZ, T.H.(ed.). 1988. Ecological and Behavioural
Methods for the Study of Bats. Smithsonian
Institution Press, Washington/London. 533 pp.
LANZA, B. 1999. I Parassiti dei Pipistrelli
(Mammalia, Chiroptera) della Fauna Italiana.
Monografie 30. Museo Regionale di Scienze
Naturali, Torino. 318 pp. ISSN 1121 7545,
ISBNB 88 86041 25 X.
PERICART, J. 1972. Hmipteres Anthocoridae,
Cimicidae, Microphysidae de lOuest-
Palarctique. Faune de lEurope et du Bassin
Mditerranen. 7. 402 pp. Masson et Cie. Paris.
RACEY, P.A. 1974. Ageing and assessment of
reproductive status of pipistrelle bats
Pipistrellus pipistrellus. Journal of Zoology
(London), 173, 264271.
SMIT, F.G.A.M. 1957. Siphonaptera. Handbooks
for the identification of British insects, 1(16).
Royal Entomological Society of London. 94 pp.
USINGER, R.L. 1966. Monograph of Cimicidae.
(Vol 7). 585 pp. Thomas Say Foundation
KING, A.A. AND HUTSON, A.M. 1996. Ten year
survey of British bats for the existence of rabies.
Veterinary Record, 139, 491493.
Greater horseshoe bat in cave. Frank Greenaway
Recognition of individual animals plays an
important part in much ecological research in many
taxonomic groups. Marking can provide information
about persistence and faithfulness to roosts, population
dynamics, social behaviour, feeding ecology and
almost every facet of bat ecology. Several techniques
are available, few of them perfect, and the method
used will depend on the species, duration and aims
of the project. All methods of marking affect the
subject to a greater or lesser extent, and research
that requires individual recognition should not be
undertaken without a careful appraisal of the risks
involved and the potential harm to the bats. All
marking methods require a specific SNCO licence.
A Home Office licence is also required for activities
involving invasion of the tissue of the bat. Further
guidelines on marking are in preparation through
the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations
of European Bats (Eurobats).
6.1 Short-duration marks
For many projects it is sufficient to be able to
recognise individuals or classes of individuals for
periods of less than a year. Where circumstances
permit, such temporary marks are generally
preferable to permanent ones, because the
potential for long-term damage is very slight.
6.1.1 Fur-clipping
Fur, usually dorsal, can be cut with scissors. Often
up to four distinguishable patches can be cut. This
is a useful and harmless technique for identifying
an individual or group temporarily. No known
inconvenience is caused to the bats, but the mark
may grow out rapidly (in 23 weeks) when bats are
moulting (see Chapter 5). Clipped fur is often
visible without handling the bat.
6.1.2 Claw-clipping
The removal of toenails (not toe joints) has been
used as a harmless and temporary method of
marking juvenile bats while they are too small to
accept a more permanent mark such as a ring. The
method will also mark adults for a short period.
6.1.3 Colour-marking
Bats can be marked by gluing coloured tape to the
fur in a variety of positions. These are mostly
groomed off fairly quickly when the bat is active
Ringing and marking
R. E. Stebbings
but may remain in position over long periods
when the bat is hibernating. Reflective plastic tape,
obtainable from cycle shops in white, yellow,
orange, blue or red, can be stuck to the body using
the sticky back or with additional non-toxic adhesive
(e.g. tissue-bonding). The difference between white
and yellow and red and orange is not always easy
to distinguish and may depend on the type of
lighting used. Blue reflective tape is the least easy
to see. The fixing position depends on the species
and situation: low-flying bats, such as Daubentons,
are best marked on the back, whereas high-fliers,
such as the noctule, are better marked on the ventral
surface. If the bat is marked with a forearm ring,
it can be covered with a thin strip of tape. A thin
coating of transparent glue helps prevent loss of the
tape by grooming. The marked bats can be detected
at distances up to 50 m and this technique has been
used in studying the dispersal of bats from roosts
and foraging behaviour.
Hibernating bats can be marked by gluing a small
strip of tape or a plastic disk to the head of the bat.
Plastic disks can carry a two-letter code, so that a
few hundred individual markings are possible
(Daan, 1969).
6.1.4 Lights
Two main types of light tag have been used.
Betalights are small glass containers coated internally
with phosphor and filled with tritium; the radioactive
Brown long-eared bat in a roof space. Frank Greenaway
decay of tritium causes the phosphor to fluoresce.
The apparent brightness depends on the colour,
surface area and activity of the tritium. The most
visible colour to the human eye is light green,
which is the colour commonly supplied. The
half-life of the devices is 15 years but they are
groomed off by bats within a few days. Detectable
range for lights small enough to be carried by bats
(less than 5% of body weight) may be up to 100
metres when binoculars or an image intensifier are
used. Betalights covered with an infra-red filter are
also available and are detectable with an image
Chemiluminescent tags can be produced by filling
a capsule with the two liquids from a Cyalume
tube (American Cyanamid Company: obtainable
from camping shops or outdoor centres). The two
liquids react when mixed, to produce a green
chemiluminescence, the brightness and duration of
which depend on the relative proportions of the
chemicals. Equal proportions produce a very bright
light for about 2 hours. The liquids can be sealed in
glass spheres or tubes or, more conveniently, in
short lengths of 6-mm diameter plastic tubing (as
used for air hoses in fish tanks) with both ends
sealed with disks of the same material cut out with
a cork borer and superglued into place. The capsule
is pierced with a syringe, squeezed to remove air
then injected with the mixed fluids. The tag is stuck
to the dorsal fur with non-toxic glue and the
movements of the bat can be followed at distances
of up to 200 m for several hours. The light will
have failed by the time the bat returns to its roost
and the tag will be groomed off in a day or two.
The chemicals are reputed to be fairly harmless
after mixing, but one contains a corrosive, so mixing
should be carried out carefully, perhaps using syringes.
6.1.5 Radio-tracking
Radio-tracking is a successful way of locating bat
roosts and tracking bats at night. As a rule, mammal
researchers have tried to keep transmitter weights
below 5% of the animals weight. This means that a
0.35-g transmitter, the smallest that can reliably and
repeatedly be produced and fitted, should be carried
by no bat smaller than 7.0 g. However, bats have
much greater natural variation in their body weights
than other mammals and experience shows that
species with low wing loadings can carry
somewhere in the region of 1012% of body
weight without noticeable stress. Greater horseshoe
bats weighing as little as 16 g have been tracked
successfully when carrying transmitters which
weighed close to 2 g (when fitted), about 12% of
body weight, though this is no longer recommended
now that smaller and lighter transmitters are readily
available. With the very smallest transmitters, it has
proved possible to radiotrack the smallest species of
bats (lesser horseshoes, whiskered and pipistrelle
bats) without any apparent welfare problems.
Whatever species is being tracked, catching and
marking bats in late pregnancy and early lactation
should be avoided because these are the times when
energetic demands or wing loadings are highest.
Most biotelemetry and radio-tracking in the UK
now operates on the 173.2 MHz and 173.7174
MHz frequency allocations. The smallest are
generally designed for a battery life of about 815
days and a line of sight range of 12 km. Range,
pulse-rate and battery life are direct trade-offs.
Tags are usually constructed with a short whip
antenna and are glued to the bats dorsal surface
either by matting into the fur with a natural rubber
adhesive (e.g. Skin-Bond by Smith & Nephew,
available from most tag suppliers) or by gluing
directly to the skin with Skin-Bond after trimming
the fur. The weight of the tag should be close to
the centre of gravity of the bat and the antenna
should protrude towards the rear. Receiving
systems usually consist of a purpose-built
double-conversion superhet receiver with BFO
and a directional antenna, most commonly a
three-element Yagi.
6.2 Long-duration marks
6.2.1 Rings (bands)
Plastic or metal rings fixed over the forearm are the
most widely used and successful long-duration
marking method.
6.2.2 Metal rings
The only type of metal ring that is approved for use
in the United Kingdom is a magnesium-aluminium
flanged ring manufactured by Porzana Ltd and
supplied by the Mammal Society. The design of
this ring is the result of many years experimentation
and is characterised by a lack of sharp edges or
burrs. The ring carries a unique serial number and
the inscription Lond Zoo. (London Zoo has an
arrangement with the Mammal Society to notify it
of any ring or number sent in. This occurs only a
small number of times each year.)
Bats are generally very much more sensitive to
ringing than birds, for two reasons. First, the
sensitivity of bats to disturbance and the fact
that the majority are taken at the roost mean that
desertion of roosts can be caused by excessive
disturbance or careless holding or handling
techniques. Secondly, the ring is in contact with
soft tissues, whereas bird rings are fitted to a hard
and scaly leg. In the past, great damage has been
caused to bat populations in a number of countries
for both these reasons, so much so that ringing has
been abandoned or severely curtailed.
Two sizes of ring, 2.9 mm and 4.2 mm, are currently
supplied and should be used as in Table 6.1. It is
important that the ring is fitted as loosely as possible
so that it is free to slide up and down the forearm.
If this is done correctly, the possibility of ring damage
is minimised. The gap should be closed sufficiently,
however, to prevent finger bones becoming trapped
when the ring is closed. If a worn ring or any
degree of tissue damage is encountered, the ring
must be removed carefully and a new ring fitted to
the opposite wing. Training is required in fitting the
ring so that it remains circular and is closed to the
correct gap.
A full record of all rings applied to bats should be
maintained, including details of ring number,
species, sex, date, place of ringing and ringer.
6.2.3 Plastic rings
Split plastic (celluloid) rings are available in a variety
of colours and sizes with or without numbers from
A. C. Hughes, 1 High Street, Hampton Hill, Greater
London TW12 1NA or from the caged-bird section
of large pet stores. As purchased, these are
unsuitable for bats and must be carefully modified
by filing the gap wider and smoothing and rounding
the edges. As with metal rings, the gap should be as
wide as possible so that the ring is free to slide on
the forearm. Up to three rings can be carried by
each bat, allowing a large number of colour
combinations. These rings may remain on bats for
up to a year, although some discoloration of the
plastic occurs. Some damage can be caused by
this technique, so constant monitoring of marked
animals is necessary so that any damage caused by
rings can be rectified.
4.2 mm
Nyctalus noctula
Nyctalus leisleri
Eptesicus serotinus
Myotis myotis
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
2.9 mm
Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Pipistrellus pygmaeus
Pipistrellus nathusii
Plecotus auritus
Plecotus austriacus
Myotis bechsteinii
Myotis brandtii
Myotis daubentonii
Myotis mystacinus
Myotis nattereri
Barbastella barbastellus
Rhinolophus hipposideros
Table 6.1 Ring (band) sizes for British bats
A specific licence is required for all ringing.
The ring sizes stated above refer to the approximate internal
width when the gap is closed to 1mm. Other ring sizes are
available for researchers working with non-British species
Bat rings of the appropriate size may be obtained through
the Mammal Society.
R. hipposideros may be vulnerable to disturbance and ring
6.2.4 Passive Integrated Transponder
(PIT) tags
PIT tags, also known as microchips, consist of a small
integrated circuit chip enclosed in a biologically inert
glass capsule. When the microchip is interrogated by a
reader placed close by, it responds by transmitting a
unique serial number. The tag contains no power
source of its own, but is powered by a signal emitted
by the reader.
Tags are commonly 12 mm long and just under 2 mm
in diameter. They are inserted under the skin using a
12 gauge needle. Alternatively, they can be glued to
the dorsal fur of bats. If used in the latter way, no
Home Office licence is required, because this is a
recognised marking method, but a SNCO licence to
mark protected species is essential.
Tagged animals can be detected at distances up to 150
mm and it is also possible to use a loop antenna, for
example around a roost entrance or a bat box. Thus
the system would appear to have potential for detailed
studies of roost usage or emergence behaviour.
Tags have been used successfully on big brown bats
Eptesicus fuscus in the USA (Barnard, 1989) and on
pipistrelle bats in the UK. Tags and reading equipment
are marketed by a number of companies in the UK,
including Avid, Destron and Trovan. Avid and Destron
equipment is cross-compatible, but Trovan is not.
Handbook on Biotelemetry and Radio Tracking.
Pergamon Press. ISBN 0 08 024928 0
(out of print).
BARNARD, S.M. 1989. The use of microchip
implants for identifying Big Brown bats. Animal
Keepers Forum, 16(2). 50-52.
DAAN, S. 1969. Frequency of displacements as a
measure of activity of hibernating bats. Lynx,
10, 1318.
KENWARD, R.E. 2000. A Manual for Wildlife
Radio Tagging (2nd edn). Academic Press.
ISBN 0124042422.
KUNZ, T.H. (ed.). 1988. Ecological and Behavioral
Methods for the Study of Bats. Smithsonian
Institution Press, Washington & London. 533
pp. ISBN 0 87474 411 3.
Radio Tracking and Animal Populations.
Academic Press. ISBN 0124977812.
References and further reading
7.1 Handling
Bats, like all animals, suffer from a number of diseases
and there is now a possibility that any bat may be
infected with European Bat Lyssavirus (bat rabies),
which can be fatal to humans (see Chapter 2). It is
important to avoid being bitten and suitable gloves
should be worn when handling bats. If you are bitten,
you should wash the bite thoroughly with soap and water
if possible, and seek immediate medical advice, even if
you have had pre-exposure treatment. It is recommended
that all bat handlers receive pre-exposure rabies
vaccination. Guidance on suitable gloves for handling
bats is available from the Bat Conservation Trust.
The recommended method of handling, which is
suitable for all species, is to hold the bat loosely in the
palm of a gloved hand with the fingers curled gently
around the body. Depending on the part of the body to
be examined, the bat may be held either with the head
protruding between the thumb and forefinger, which can
be used to keep the jaw shut (Figure 7.1a), or between
the little finger and distal side of the palm (Figure 7.1b),
in which case the pressure of the little finger will keep
the jaw shut. This method of holding appears to
minimise the stress caused to the bat and allows one
wing to be opened by pulling the forearm between the
palm and fingertips. The bat can be shifted to the other
hand to examine the other wing. Wrapping the bat in a
cloth can be a useful way of keeping it calm to allow
the examination of individual limbs.
Other methods of handling such as that illustrated in
Figures 7.1c, are also possible but tend to be more
useful for the larger species or where the bat must be
held still for detailed examination. For most purposes,
the recommended method is to be preferred as bats are
less likely to struggle.
Moribund or obviously sick bats need to be handled
with particular caution, as there is a higher probability
of disease being present, and the bat should not be given
any opportunity to bite. See the sections on rabies in
Chapters 2 and 9.
7.2 Releasing
Although bats have been known to home from
considerable distances, it is always preferable to release
them close to the point where they were found or
captured. This ensures that the bat is in familiar territory
and is able to locate suitable feeding areas and roost
sites rapidly.
Handling, releasing and keeping bats
During the summer, bats which have been captured and
held for a short time for identification or other purposes
can be released simply by opening the bags in which
they have been held and allowing the bats to fly. They
should not be thrown into the air, but fast-flying bats
such as noctules need to be held well clear of
obstructions. If the bat is torpid and unwilling to fly, it
should be warmed for a few minutes before release. In
winter, bats should be replaced near where they were
found, though most will arouse fully and probably fly.
The success with which bats can be returned to the wild
may depend on the length of time for which they have
been held captive and on other factors such as their
flying ability. Bats are long-lived animals, so it seems
reasonable to suppose that they have a good long-term
memory for their home range. Bats that have been kept
in captivity for months have subsequently been found in
their original colonies after release. This means that
keeping bats in captivity for a period may not
disadvantage them significantly, though obviously the
less time in captivity the better and bats should certainly
not be taken captive without good reason.
Bats born or raised in captivity may not be suitable for
release to the wild for a number of reasons. For example
their lack of contact with conspecifics, lack of detailed
knowledge of any area, inability to forage successfully,
lack of experience of dealing with many insects and
inexperience in selecting suitable roost sites. For these
reasons it has generally been considered that the
survival rate of these bats would be low. However, there
are examples of bats raised in captivity habituating to
the wild (e.g. Devrient & Wohlgemuth, 1997) and
further study is required.
There is increasing evidence (but as yet unverified) that
healthy wild bats held in captivity for long periods and
then released can successfully return to their original
roosts / foraging areas.
Members of Kent Bat Group showing bats to television crew.
Neville Thompson
Figure 7.1c
Handling bats. This grip is useful when the bat needs to be
examined closely, but appears to cause more distress than
the palm grip. Great care must be taken not to strain the
forearms or flight muscles.
Figure 7.1a
Handling and measuring bats. The palm grip is suitable for all
species and bats will often cease struggling when cradled
securely in the palm. Right-handed workers find it most
convenient to hold bats in the left hand.
Figure 7.1b
Handling bats. Variations on the recommended method and
extending a wing for examination.
7.3. Keeping
7.3.1. General environmental conditions
Bats of temperate latitudes are able to lower their
body temperature at any time of the year in adverse
environmental conditions. Torpid bats can,
however, be awakened by handling and exposure to
warmth, though they require several minutes to
become fully active. They can be kept in a wide
range of environmental temperatures from those
found in a roof space during summer (15-50C) to
those that simulate hibernacula at 5-10C,
depending on circumstances. To be able to keep
hibernating bats successfully it is essential that the
natural environment be simulated as closely as
possible. Any unheated, poorly lit room will serve,
provided that the winter temperature is in the range
5-10C depending on the species. If females are
kept too warm during the second half of winter they
may ovulate early and become pregnant. If deprived
of food in a cold environment, bats will become
torpid but will arouse when restored to more
equable conditions. If the bats are healthy they
should suffer no apparent ill effects from this. If a
bat is sick or injured or is an abandoned juvenile a
7.3 KEEPING 65
grounded bats should not be shown in public for at least two
months in case of the onset of rabies. Bats should look
acceptable so not be bald or have unsightly injuries.
Lack of a wing invokes sympathy and the inability to fly may be
reassuring to those trying to overcome a fear.
Always explain how the bats come to be in captivity and the
legal position concerning such bats.
Never allow a bat to fly at public showings.
It is unwise to advertise the fact that live bats will be on show,
and the showing of bats should only be a minor or secondary
part of the talk (see Zoo Licensing Act 1981).
The handling and showing of captive bats should vary with
situations, and the good sense of the handler (who will know
the foibles of each pet bat) is paramount.
The public should not be allowed to touch or handle the bat.
Abandoned baby bats should always be rescued - it is important
for public relations and may lead to the discovery of new
roosts. Great effort should be made to locate the roost and try
to return the babies on two or three consecutive nights.
If babies are taken into captivity then the adult roost sites
should be regularly checked and if the bats reappear, the babies
should be returned immediately to the roost.
Babies abandoned completely, if reared in captivity should not
be released into the wild.
Bats born in captivity should not be released into the wild
unless accompanied by the mother when she has fully
recovered or unless they are carefully habituated.
Legal implications regarding holding native bats in captivity have
not been tested, but we should discourage untrained people
from keeping sick, injured or abandoned bats. Sick bats should
be tended by those expert in such matters.
A full record must be kept of each animal, detailing the origin
and circumstances as to why it is in captivity (see The Veterinary
Surgeons Act 1966, The Abandonment of Animals Act 1969, The
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981). The BCT can supply
suitable recording forms.
The natural distaste of seeing wild animals in cages can be offset
by the beneficial educational effect to the public of seeing a
captive bat, providing that these guidelines are adhered to.
Before taking any bat into captivity, carefully consider its likely
fate. The welfare of the bat is paramount and this relates to the
availability of sufficiently skilled keepers in an area. Like all
guidelines, borderline cases will arise where difficult decisions
will need to be taken. Do not let your heart rule your head.
Members of the public bring to bat workers many bats with
injuries or weaknesses, and those abandoned when young. These
guidelines are designed to help bat workers to reach difficult
decisions. Information on housing and feeding bats is dealt with
Temporary debility or injury likely to heal
Bats likely to recover fully should be isolated from other bats,
kept in conditions that will encourage rapid recovery, handled
just sufficiently so as to achieve this, but otherwise kept in a
state as close to that of the wild as possible. They should not be
Before release they should be of good body weight (refer to
Handbook of British Mammals, ed. Corbet and Harris), in good
condition and be able to fly continuously for many minutes (test
the latter on at least one occasion in a large, closed room or
They should be released at the site of origin. If this is not
known then release should be in the general area of origin.
Release should occur as soon as possible, preferably at dusk and
not in extreme conditions of weather.
On the rare occasions where a bat fully recovers after a
prolonged period in captivity, (eg two months or more), then it
should be released next to an active roost in the area of origin.
In winter, release should not occur in extreme weather
conditions and only when the bats have sufficient extra body
weight for hibernation.
Permanent captives
Any bat with injuries that prevent grooming, feeding, reasonable
mobility or roosting should be subjected to euthanasia. Bats
with a single wing seem to cope well, provided the thumb is still
present, but other amputations are not acceptable.
Bats of a species generally do best when caged together, but
males should be segregated from females during the mating
season (which may get out of phase in captivity) to prevent
more captive bats being produced. Those wishing to undertake
captive breeding programmes should do so under licence.
Bats should be given regular exercise. If the captives can fly then
they should be given that opportunity each evening in a large,
closed room. Bats can cope without hibernating, and seem to
show no ill effects. If facilities for ensuring safe hibernation are
not available, the captive should be kept warm and regularly fed.
If a bat shows signs of wishing to hibernate, then reduce
handling and feeding and keep at a lower temperature than
normal. This will allow longer periods of torpor.
Educational use
The educational value of permanent captives is high, but it is
important to tame the bat as much as possible. Recently
Bat Conservation Trust - guidelines on bats in captivity
Source: The Bat Conservation Trust
cold environment may be harmful and for this
reason the keeping of live bats in a domestic
refrigerator is not recommended.
Bats live naturally in a wide range of light intensities.
The effect of natural day length in the timing of
activity is now well known and is exemplified by the
emergence of bats to forage at dusk. Many bats
prefer to roost in darkness in caves and in the roof
spaces of buildings. In captivity all bats should be
given the opportunity of selecting a roost where light
intensity is low. However, captive bats rapidly
become conditioned to the time of feeding, and this,
rather than changes in light intensity, becomes the
most important factor governing activity patterns.
In winter, most bats seek hibernacula where the
relative humidity is at or closely approaches
saturation, so that water may condense on their fur.
Failure to provide similar conditions in artificial
hibernacula may lead to desiccation and death of
some species, and relative humidity below about
80% is fatal to hibernating Myotis species and
below about 90% to Rhinolophus species.
Pipistrellus and Eptesicus are more tolerant of low
humidity. Soaked cotton wool can be used to
achieve high humidity. Horseshoe bats prefer a
saturated atmosphere during hibernation, but most
vespertilionids will live throughout the year in a
humidity of about 80%. A drier atmosphere appears
to be deleterious to the wing membranes and one
which is too wet may lead to fungal and bacterial
diseases affecting the wing membranes. Access to
clean water is most important for all bats. Most
British species have been kept in captivity for long
periods, but lesser horseshoe bats are particularly
difficult to keep and captivity is not recommended.
7.3.2. Caging
Two types of cage are widely used. Perhaps the most
widely used type is a wooden cage divided into a
roost box and feeding area, which can be separated
(Figure 7.2). Although such division is not essential,
this gives a choice of roosting conditions. Dishes
containing food are placed in the feeding area, the
floor of which is covered with absorbent paper for
ease of cleaning. A thick polythene sheet on the floor
can also help to make cleaning easier. More recently
plastic pet carriers have been used successfully and
have the advantage of being easy to clean, cheap and
readily available in pet stores. Additional materials
with a rough surface may need to be placed in the
box to provide a secure surface for the bats to roost
on. Wicker baskets or walk-in net cages are
increasingly used to house bats. Whatever sort of
cage is used, it should provide a dark area for the
bats during the day.
Several species of vespertilionid seek contact on
both dorsal and ventral surfaces and will thus
squeeze into narrow crevices. Cages can be
modified slightly to provide for this crevice-seeking
habit by pinning thin sheets of plastic foam to the
walls. Grooved plywood or semi-rigid plastic
netting will support the normal movements of bats,
but during parturition, when the bats hang in more
awkward positions, plastic foam also provides
additional support. Some bats will also use secured,
upright hollow log sections.
7.3.3 Exercise
Daily exercise is essential if bats are to be kept
healthy. All species should be allowed free flight
daily where possible and appropriate. Horseshoe
bats deprived of exercise develop swollen wrist
joints in a few days and make frantic attempts to
escape from small cages, often causing themselves
Bats have been kept successfully in a large outdoor
flight cage (2.5m x 2.5m x 5m) containing a
removable roosting box (30 cm x 30 cm x 12.5 cm).
The cage was made from 5 x 10 cm timbers bolted
Figure 7.2
Keeping cage. The roost box is partially lined with semi-rigid
plastic netting, which provides an ideal surface for the bats
to grip. Bats almost invariably roost head down in the top
corner of the box or behind plastic foam if this is provided.
together and covered with wire mesh large enough to
allow ingress of insects but small enough to prevent
the escape of bats (Figure 7.3). Two ultraviolet lights
in standard fluorescent tube fittings were hung from
the roof of the cage, separated by a reflecting cloth,
and these attracted enough insects to satisfy the
needs of small numbers of bats. When large numbers
of bats (40-50) were maintained in this cage,
however, it was necessary to provide mealworms.
Water was provided in a large trough placed on the
floor of the cage, and bats occasionally swam in this.
If using a large trough it is important to provide a
rough timber ramp at a shallow angle to permit bats
to climb out of the water.
7.3.4 Feeding
Insects and substitutes
Insectivorous bats eat mostly insects within certain
size ranges, but in captivity most species will
accept a diet of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor
larvae or other stages). These can either be
purchased from local pet shops or cultured. Bats
may also eat waxmoth larvae, blowfly larvae and
pupae (from fishing shops), chopped liver or cat or
dog food. These are a cheaper, but less preferred,
source of food. The larger species will also take the
early instars of many Orthoptera, the most
commonly cultured of which are locusts and
crickets. Cockroaches (Dictyoptera) may also be
cultured and used as food.
In the wild, bats usually catch their insect prey in
free flight, though some species such as long-eared
bats and Natterers glean a proportion of their food
from foliage. In captivity, where food is provided in
dishes, they require some training. A decapitated
mealworm held in gloved fingers or forceps is
offered to the hand-held bat and the viscera applied
to its lips. After it has licked the viscera, the bat is
encouraged to chew the chitinous exoskeleton,
which is pushed into its mouth. While it is chewing,
the bats nose is brought into contact with a dish of
mealworms and frequently it will start snapping and
eating. Mealworms can then be left in dishes in the
cage for the animals to eat as required. This
procedure is the most crucial and time-consuming
stage in adapting bats to captivity. The success of
training depends largely on the skills and efforts of
the trainer: some bats may require little training but
others require several sessions. With time, all
common species can be trained satisfactorily.
7.3 KEEPING 67
Although mealworms are the most convenient food
for insectivorous bats, they are becoming
increasingly expensive and several workers have
used compound diets. These consist basically of
cottage cheese, banana, hard-boiled egg and vitamins
mixed in a blender to a firm, crumbly consistency.
Canned cat or dog food can be incorporated into the
mixture. Mealworms can be added to such diets, as
chitin (roughage) appears to be necessary for
alimentary health. This artificial diet, often known as
bat glop is very much a second choice, and every
effort should be made to provide live food.
If available, insect traps may be used to provide
some variety in the diet. Light traps, which are now
relatively cheap, are a good way of providing food
for long-eared bats.
In captivity, there is a tendency for bats to overeat,
and this, if combined with a reduction in exercise,
can result in obesity unless intake is controlled.
Long-term captives should be checked weekly and
their food regulated in order to follow the annual
cycle of loss and gain. For example, noctules and
serotines weighing 25-40g need about 40-58 (8g)
mealworms per day during the summer but only the
same number per week during the winter. A
pipistrelle needs about 8-10 mealworms per day
during the summer (depending on size). These
quantities should be doubled for lactating animals.
The extent to which bats are fed during winter will
depend on the facilities available for simulating a
Figure 7.3
Flight cage. Standard bat boxes provide a choice of suitable
roosts. Ultraviolet fluorescent lights, separated by reflective
cloth, attract insects into the cage.
hibernaculum. Noctules have been kept for several
months in a cold room at temperatures of 4-10C
without food, even though they were disturbed
because the cold room door was repeatedly
slammed. Without a cold room it proved impossible
to keep the laboratory breeding colonies of noctules
and pipistrelles at low enough temperatures during
winter for hibernation to be maintained and they
aroused frequently. However, such arousals use up
fat reserves and so the bats were fed twice weekly.
Water should be freely available. All bats will drink
from a shallow dish and some will drink from the
nozzles of inverted water bottles or plastic
dispensers used for small cage birds. Vespertilionids
will also lap water from saturated cotton wool, and
this is a useful way of providing water when it is
likely to spill, as during transport. However, be
aware that loose wool fibres can be a problem to
bats (particularly juveniles) if ingested or they get
into the eyes. Water holding polymers are coming
onto the market which may prove suitable as a
means of dispensing water.
Vitamins and minerals
It is difficult to provide bats in captivity with all the
foods they eat in the wild and attempts should be
made to replace natural sources of vitamins and
minerals with substitutes. The health of bats whose
diets are supplemented is generally better than
those which do not receive such supplements, but
even so conditions such as alopecia, which may be
the result of deficiencies in the diet, still occur.
Veterinarians have generally recommended
Nutrobal (produced by Vetarks) as an excellent
general vitamin and mineral supplement. Bats are
unable to synthesise ascorbic acid and it should be
borne in mind that this vitamin is often omitted
from dietary supplements. It is also particularly
important to use supplements with your mealworms
when feeding lactating bats.
Mealworms have traditionally been fed on wheat
bran. If fed only on bran the worms end up
nutritionally inadequate having calcium levels
which are too low and phosphorus levels which are
too high. A pinch of Nutrobal added to a tub of
mealworms provides the necessary supplementation.
The mealworm diet can also be supplemented with
vegetables rich in ascorbic acid (such as cabbage),
with white flour or bread (which may contain added
calcium) or even with vitamin powder to increase
their nutrient value. Some bats have refused to take
mealworms which have been fed on cabbage so it
may be worth trying other fruits and vegetables.
Alternatively, diets formulated for laboratory
species can be added to the mealworm culture
medium. One veterinarian feeds pelleted dog food
(Pedigree Adult Formula) to his mealworms. The
rationale is that this food is better quality than bran
and that the dog food will be in the gastro-intestinal
tract of the mealworm when being eaten, thereby
elevating the nutritional value of the worm.
Bat workers keeping captive bats will find the
quarterly newsletter Bat Care News a useful
source of information about feeding and caring for
bats (see Appendix 5, Section D).
Weaning and rearing orphaned bats
Rearing orphaned bats is difficult, time-consuming
and often disappointing. Cross-fostering is rarely
successful, so the baby must be hand-fed on some
form of milk or milk substitute. Small bats have
been reared successfully either on fresh goats milk
or on powdered skimmed milk (Lactol) with a
1-2% fat content, perhaps with added glucose.
However, more recently other milk replacements
have come on to the market, the most widely used
of which is Esbilac. For the time being Esbilac is
the recommended choice of substitute for
insectivorous bat milk although some users have
reported problems with bloat. The West Yorkshire
Bat Hospital can provide Esbilac. They recommend
that young bats are fed only on one type of milk
(i.e. do not mix milks or change the type being
used) and that bats should be kept warm after
feeding (25-28C) to encourage digestion. Feeding
may be required up to eight times per day for naked
pups although it could be as few as four if using
Esbilac and the bat is furred.
Baby bats do not need cleaning or grooming unless
large amounts of milk are spilt during feeding.
Gently massaging the stomach may be of assistance
if the bat develops digestion problems.
The small physical size of young babies presents its
own problems and a very fine pipette or possibly a
small catheter which can be attached to a syringe is
needed. A local veterinary surgery may be able to
provide something suitable. Frequent handling of
baby bats or even carrying them about may help
with success, perhaps by providing the warmth
and physical contact that are normally provided
by the colony. However, if the juvenile is a short
term captive and the intention is to release it then
handling should be reduced to the minimum.
Bats are not known to bring back food to their
young, so the babies exist purely on a milk diet
until they are able to fly and feed for themselves.
Captive young grow more slowly than in the
wild, so the time to begin weaning must be
judged by the size of the bat and the fusion of its
phalangeal epiphyses rather than by its age. Once
the bat appears willing to fly, weaning can begin,
either by presenting it with soft food such as the
squeezed-out insides of mealworms or by adding
fragments of mealworm to its milk. Both
methods have been used successfully, but this is
a critical time for the bat and so its progress and
growth should be monitored carefully. Some
orphans appear to be most unwilling to move on
to a solid diet, and great persistence may be
7.3.5 Release of juveniles
Once the bat has been weaned successfully, the
problem arises of what to do with it. Bats have a
complex social life and are believed to rely on
learned behaviour to a considerable extent, so it is
generally considered that bats reared in captivity
should not be released into the wild, as their
chances of survival will be small. However, the
subject has been little studied and it may be that
rehabilitation is possible in some cases,
particularly if they can first be released into a
flight cage so they can learn to catch wild food
whilst still having mealworms available.
7.3.6 Transportation
Recently-captured bats are best transported in
cloth bags such as those sold by the British Trust
for Ornithology for birds. Cotton bags are
preferable to artificial fabrics, and seams should
be on the outside. Bats which have been held in
captivity may be transported in small cages fitted
with a suitable substrate for the bat to cling to. A
bag hanging in a car is also a safe method for
transporting bats. Water should be provided on all
7.3 KEEPING 69
7.3.7 Euthanasia
Bats which are severely injured or ill and are not
likely to recover may legally be killed. This is best
done by a vet, who may use an injection of sodium
pentobarbitone or apply an overdose of a
conventional volatile anaesthetic in an anaesthetic
induction chamber. If a vet is not available,
alternative methods of euthanasia include
dislocation of the neck and compression of the
chest between thumb and forefinger to prevent
breathing and possibly stopping the heart. Both
these methods are quick and humane provided that
they are carried out with determination. See the
BCTs leaflet Information for Vets for more
BARNARD, S. 1997. Keeping bats in captivity.
194pp. Wild Ones Animal Books, Springville,
CA. ISBN 1 886013 02 0
noctules new home. Bats 15(3): 16-17.
KLEIMAN, D.G. & RACEY, P.A. 1969.
Observations on noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula)
breeding in captivity. Proceedings of 1st
International Bat Research Conference. Lynx
10, 65-77.
Captive Care and Medical Reference for the
Rehabilitation of Insectivorous Bats. Texas, Bat
World Publications. 340pp. ISBN 0 9638248 3 X.
Maintenance and breeding in captivity of some
vespertilionid bats with special reference to the
noctule Nyctalus noctula. Int Zoo. Yb. 10,
RACEY, P.A.. Bats. In: Poole, T. (Ed.) (1999) The
UFAW handbook on the care and management
of laboratory animals, Vol. 1 - Terrestrial
vertebrates. 7th Edition, Blackwell
Barbastelle bat. Frank Greenaway
8.1 Introduction
Much of the grass-roots bat conservation work is
carried out by voluntary bat workers operating from
within the structure of local bat groups.
Approximately 95 groups exist in the British Isles
at present, many of which cover whole counties.
Larger counties may be sub-divided, while other
groups cover an individual town or city and its
environs. Some groups are associated to The Bat
Conservation Trust or local wildlife trust. Although
the internal structure and the objectives of
individual groups can vary enormously, the ultimate
goal of conserving bats and their roosts involves
most groups in:
recording, reporting and monitoring roost sites
and feeding areas;
dealing with bat-related enquiries from
members of the public;
investigating and advising upon (via English
Nature, SNH, CCWor EHS) enquiries relating
to bats and their roosts;
providing an informal information service to
members of the public and a wide range of
improving the public image and understanding
of bats through planned educational and
promotional events;
raising funds for conservation projects.
The role of a Bat Group
G. Hinchcliffe
So, most bat groups combine the roles of a
biological recording and monitoring unit with those
of a public information and advisory service. This
leads to a wealth of diverse activities (see Section
8.4) but, whichever a group pursues, if it is to
function effectively it needs some form of internal
organisation and a number of clearly defined aims,
which its members understand and can contribute
to, if they wish.
Bat workers beginning hibernation visit to Dene Hole.
Shirley Thompson
Website (www.bats.org.uk) provides information on bats,
legislation, bat groups, BCT and access to some of its leaflet
Junior members of BCT belong to the Young Bat Workers Club
and receive Young Bat Worker each quarter.
The BCT acts as a national voice for matters of concern and
provides a link with similar organisations abroad (especially
Europe). It lobbies at a national level for improved legislation
affecting bats and to raise the profile among the public and
professions of bats and their protected status. It organises
national or county projects of conservation importance,
including projects that allow local bat group participation, ranging
from publicity campaigns, such as National Bat Week, to research
projects, such as the Bats in Churches project and the National
Bat Monitoring Programme. It runs the National Bat Helpline,
which receives about 6000 inquiries per year. The Helpline gives
advice and information to bat workers, members of the public,
professionals and others about many aspects of bats.
The BCT maintains an insurance scheme, which provides public
liability cover for its associated bat groups while they are
carrying out bat group activities.
The Bat Conservation Trust is the national organisation dedicated
to the conservation of bats and their habitats. It is a charity with
a membership of about 4000. The Trust aims to stop further
declines in bat populations and aid the recovery of threatened
species. The BCT is the umbrella group for the local bat groups,
providing support, information, resources, training and advice.
Each bat group elects a representative to attend regional
meetings and to receive and disseminate information to the
group. The BCT sends a regular information mailing to these bat
group contacts which includes BCTs newsletters, Bat News and
Young Batworker, and information of interest to bat groups,
including new resources and details of training courses. Bat
group members are invited to contribute to the volunteers
newsletter, which keeps people abreast of news and
developments in bat conservation. An elected Regional
Representative represents bat groups at the meetings of the Bat
Groups Forum. The meetings are also attended by other
organisations with an interest in bats and provide an opportunity
for exchange of information.
The BCT holds an annual weekend conference of talks,
workshops and exhibitions at the beginning of September. There
are also regional meetings held for bat groups to attend. Their
The Bat Conservation Trust
8.2 Starting up
The Bat Conservation Trust can provide specific
help and advice to anyone considering starting up
a bat group in a new area, or re-launching an
existing one.
8.3 Running the group
8.3.1 Officers and organisation
Bat groups have developed into many different
forms and the changing nature of both the
membership and the demands placed upon it
mean that most groups are continually evolving.
However, certain jobs do need to be done, and
most formalised groups have a number of officers
such as Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer,
Enquiries Co-ordinator and Records Officer.
Larger groups have found the need for named
members to co-ordinate such areas as newsletters,
press and publicity, sales goods, education, bat box
schemes and church liaison. Specific projects or
surveys may also need a co-ordinator. Subgroups
may also form on a geographical basis,
particularly in large counties, enabling enquiries to
be dealt with more efficiently.
8.3.2 Meetings
Groups of any kind need to meet on a regular
basis. The regularity of meetings is probably
more important than the frequency so that
members know whether to expect some form of
group activity once a month or once a year. It is
probably best to seek members views as to how
often meetings should be held and what their
main function should be. The section on bat
group activities includes many ideas that could
form the basis of meetings but the underlying
reason for them be it business, social,
educational or a combination of these, needs to
be clear, especially to those who are expected to
organise them. While the group co-ordinator or
secretary is often the one who plans and leads
meetings, asking different people or small groups
of members to take on non-business meetings
may both share the load and lead to greater
variety. Many formal groups have now
developed a programme of indoor winter
meetings and summer field outings, the details of
which are circulated by newsletter or events list.
8.3.3 Recruiting/maintaining group
This is probably the most difficult area on which to
give advice with guaranteed results. What actually
constitutes membership varies enormously from
group to group. It may be over a hundred annual
subscribers, perhaps many bat supporters rather than
active workers, or just a handful of keen, and probably
licensed, enthusiasts. Whatever the size, the amount of
potential bat work usually exceeds the time that a bat
groups members have available and many groups are
keen to attract new active workers.
In reality, one can rarely predict where the keen
newcomer will be found. Membership of the
subscriber type can be promoted at walks, talks and
countryside events but someone who is prepared to
become seriously involved can just as easily turn up
out of the blue. Opportunities to watch out for
include new intakes on environmental courses at local
colleges and related adult education groups. Bat
groups can even run their own course or contribute
lectures within larger programmes. Displays and
posters asking for volunteer help (in the usual places
natural history museums, libraries, visitor centres,
local vets etc) may stimulate interest. Members of
natural history organisations, wildlife trusts or bird
clubs can also be approached. Another possibility is to
cultivate the interests of positive roost owners. They
may be able to do more than keep an eye on their own
bats. Whatever the source of potential recruits, success
depends on how welcome they feel within an existing
group, how interesting and enjoyable the activities
they participate in are, and, very importantly, whether
their own skills and interests are utilised within the
The long-term maintenance of an established group
involves similar considerations with some new
activities each year but also some old favourites, such
as bat walks at regular venues. However, at this stage,
the key to keeping active members is ensuring that the
workload of individual bat workers remains within
their capabilities while not letting the overall
background workload prevent the introduction of
new ideas and stimulating projects. Whether the
group is a new one or well established, those actively
involved need to agree upon the groups priorities, be
they roost monitoring, finding new sites, surveys and
projects or education. It may be helpful to set
objectives and deadlines. Certainly, areas of
responsibility must be clearly defined, preferably for
fixed periods of time, so that people know what they
are expected to do and for how long. A formal group
might wish to produce a development plan. An
informal group should at least find the time to air
ideas and discuss possibilities.
8.3.4 Training
The details of which bat worker activities require
licensing and how training for these may be obtained
are dealt with in Chapter 1, but several general points
should be borne in mind. A great number of the
possible activities (some of these being the most
enjoyable) do not require formal licensing and hence
require no formal training. However, many activities
do require some prior experience, which will
normally be gained through participating in group
events or accompanying more experienced bat
workers. A group tackling a new project or survey
technique could learn from a more experienced group
elsewhere, seek out a relevant course or a workshop at
the annual conference or seek help from organisations
outside bat work but carrying out studies with similar
requirements. The Bat Conservation Trust organises
training courses from time to time and there are
usually a number of weekend training courses at Field
Studies Council centres each year. The BCT also runs
a number of courses for professional consultants.
Participation in the BCTs National Bat Monitoring
Programme and other national surveys can provide
valuable experience and training. Bat detector
workshops are held regularly, usually in collaboration
with bat groups and bat workers.
In training bat workers for Statutory Nature
Conservation Organisation (SNCO) licences, groups
could consider keeping their trainer free from other
official roles, thus reducing their workload. A log
book could be maintained by trainees in which they
record experience gained with other bat workers,
which can then be taken into account as formal
training progresses. As with all roles and
responsibilities, it is important that both trainer and
trainee have a clear understanding of mutual
expectations in terms of time commitment, practical
skills, baseline knowledge and long-term goals. Of
course training does not finish with the acquisition of
a licence. There are many opportunities to develop
skills and knowledge further, at every level of
experience. Dissemination of information from
conferences and training courses is important for
those who are unable to attend and could form the
basis of an indoor group meeting.
8.3.5 Finance and equipment
Most groups operate a bank account with income
originating from annual subscriptions, sales goods,
fees or donations from bat talks and guided walks,
occasional grants and specific fund-raising. Regular
expenditure includes mailing, copying, printing and
other membership- related maintenance costs.
Excess funds or specific fund-raising may be used
to purchase group equipment typically more
costly items such as ladders, rechargeable lamps,
helmets and other safety equipment, catching and
handling apparatus and bat detectors. Organisations
such as BCT and the SNCOs may be approached
for financial support towards the purchase of survey
equipment or help with special projects, particularly
those of a practical conservation nature. Bat groups
in England and Wales should be aware that,
because they have usually been set up for a purpose
accepted by the law as charitable, there is a legal
requirement to register as a charity if the group has
a total income from all sources of more than 1000
per year. Individual bat groups are not covered by
the Bat Conservation Trust registration because
they are not subgroups of BCT. More information
about this can be sought from either BCT or the
Charities Commission. Groups operating as a
specialist group of their county wildlife trust could
be covered by the charitable status of the parent
organisation. Groups would be well advised to
determine their status and responsibilities, obtaining
advice from the Charity Commissioners if needed.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland the law is
different, with charities registering with the Inland
8.4 Bat group activities
The enthusiasm and inventiveness of the bat worker
knows no limits. Thus, the activities outlined here
are only an amalgamation of what many bat groups
have already tried, not an exhaustive list. The
activities are aimed at different audiences and each
needs to be tailored to give those involved (both
audience-member and bat worker) a positive
experience. Group members should be encouraged
to initiate or participate in activities whenever
possible, while avoiding making others feel left out.
Individual activities should be enjoyable rather than
a chore, larger projects achievable rather than
over-ambitious. The Bat Conservation Trust has a
range of resources available to bat groups involved
with organising events.
8.4.1 Roost recording and monitoring
Techniques for recording roost information and
monitoring any subsequent change are discussed
elsewhere (Chapter 3), but each group needs to decide
upon methods that are manageable for themselves while
allowing the transfer of information to other
organisations, if required. In terms of group
organisation it is important that the owner of each
known roost has someone they can contact for further
information or in an emergency. A useful way of doing
this is to assign specific roosts to each bat group
member who then reports to the Records Officer at the
end of each season. A personal visit or a brief phone call
or letter shows that the group is interested and organised
enough to keep a check on significant sites. This is one
of the keys to long-term conservation of roosts,
particularly in peoples homes. Positive roost owners
should be encouraged to monitor colony size and
arrival/departure dates themselves, perhaps using
pre-stamped self-monitoring cards or by telephoning in
dates and counts, or getting them involved with BCTs
National Bat Monitoring Programme. One method of
obtaining colony counts, which has been used
successfully in recent years, is organising a co-ordinated
count, where roost owners and volunteers all count their
bats on a given evening. The idea of contributing to a
mass effort has proved quite motivating and, in some
areas, this has become an annual event.
The designated roost monitor concept reduces the
risk of duplication or confusion should different
members of a group be arranging roost visits, training
exercises or other activities. Liaison between
neighbouring groups is also important for sites close
to county or other geographical boundaries.
8.4.2 Other contact with roost owners
Maintaining contact with roost owners, particularly
during winter months, can also be achieved through
postal channels sending Christmas cards,
organising a competition or sending out a newsletter,
or by social events, such as a roost owners evening,
with personal invitations and a programme of talks,
activities and displays. A social event in the summer
could also be promoted, such as a special roost
owners bat walk or a barbecue and bat watch.
8.4.3 Gathering roost information
Information about existing or potential roosts may
be acquired through a variety of means posters,
leaflet drops, questionnaires, press releases and so
on. Much roost information reaches bat groups as a
result of telephone enquiries. These may be of a
general or problem nature, (sometimes via the
SNCOs), or in response to walks and talks or other
promotional activities. A system for logging
incoming information and recording the initial
action taken and by whom is essential. Distribution
of roost enquiries or other information requiring
urgent attention may be done on a geographical
basis or a rota system.
8.4.4 Surveys
Bat groups and many individual bat workers
together collect vast amounts of information on bat
behaviour, roosts and feeding areas each year. Some
groups specialise or concentrate their efforts into
identifiable surveys or projects, others contribute
data to regional or nation-wide schemes. Some of
those aimed primarily at roost location have
included systematic surveys of sites in churches,
bridges, barns and other farm buildings, caves,
mines, tunnels and various types of historic
property. Attempts at whole-village surveys have
also been made. The recent developments in bat
detector survey techniques have led to a more
holistic approach where, combined with other
methods, information about how bats use a given
area includes feeding habitats and flight routes as
well as roost sites. Subsequently many groups are
now surveying specified areas of woodland,
wetland, farmland and so on. Survey projects in
conjunction with such organisations as the Bat
Conservation Trust, National Trust, English
Heritage, Forestry Authorities and the Ministry of
Defence can also be very productive, yielding
information which is useful to both parties. As with
all survey work, it is vital that results, especially
any roosts found, are notified to those responsible
for them as quickly as possible. Some groups also
carry out bat surveys that contribute to
Environmental Assessments.
8.4.5 Research projects
Projects that look in more detail at certain aspects
of bat behaviour or ecology may be seen as the
realm of university departments or professional
biologists, but many valuable contributions to our
understanding of bats requirements have been as
the result of bat volunteers work. A group, or an
individual, needs to establish clear aims and
time-scales for such a project and, where
appropriate seek comment and discussion with
other bat workers or relevant authorities at an early
stage. The likelihood of special licensing, should
additional disturbance to bats or roosts be created,
must always be considered. Subjects that have been
tackled by bat groups include studies of diet from
feeding remains and faecal analysis, bat movements
and roost fidelity by ringing, chemi-luminescent
tagging and radio-tracking, and bat parasites, to
name but a few.
8.4.6 Roost improvement and creation
There are many fine examples of groups efforts to
maintain, improve and create roosting opportunities
for bats. Larger projects sometimes involve seeking
grant aid, sponsorship (in the form of materials as
well as money) and liaison with numerous
authorities. At the other end of the scale, the offer
of a little practical help from the bat group can lead
to the maintenance of a roost site, which otherwise
might be lost.
Many groups are involved in the creation and
monitoring of artificial roosts through bat box
schemes. They also improve known or potential
sites, particularly hibernacula, by creating crevices
and cavities with hanging boards or bat bricks, and
grilling entrances to prevent disturbance. Members
of groups regularly offer practical advice to
builders, roofers and design engineers on
maintaining and creating roosting opportunities
within structures they are working on houses,
bridges, tunnels etc. Probably the most ambitious
roost-creation projects are those where groups have
built artificial hibernacula, either by modifying
existing structures or designing and constructing
entirely new ones.
8.4.7 Producing reports and publishing
Some groups produce reports on an annual basis,
others occasionally. Summaries of a bat groups
work can reach a wider audience through articles in
the local press or wildlife trust magazines.
However, interesting findings from completed
research projects or analyses of specified survey
results should be made available to other bat
workers through publication in the BCTs Bat News
or presentation at the annual bat workers
8.4.8 Dealing with enquiries from the
Enquiries that result in survey of a potential roost
site, dealing with stray or injured bats or necessitate
advice on a bat problem are dealt with elsewhere.
However, dealing with general enquiries about bats
takes up a great deal of group members time,
especially in the summer months, and many bat
workers are now experts in assessing exactly what
the enquirer actually wants. Time-saving ideas for
dealing with general queries include lists of regularly
used telephone numbers posted near the phone,
information packs on popular subjects (school
projects, building bat boxes etc.) made up ready in
stamped envelopes and pre-prepared record sheets for
incoming telephone information. The Bat
Conservation Trust has a national help line, which all
members of the public, professions and bat workers
may call for general advice on bats (see Appendix 6).
8.4.9 Displays and countryside events
Static displays can be put up in libraries, museums,
visitor centres and other high profile sites. The
county or regional library service may be able to
circulate a display around its branches, given a
pre-arranged route and dates. This could make full
use of a groups resources during the quieter winter
Groups receive many requests to attend countryside
events during the spring and summer months
wildlife fairs, nature reserve open days, county shows
and so on. Small groups may need to prioritise their
commitments. Active participation in something will
have more of an impact than just looking at the
display. Brief guided walks (how bats could use the
immediate area), bat box building or children's
activities are worth considering.
The Bat Conservation Trust can loan display materials
and resources to bat groups for events.
8.4.10 Bat talks and walks
The growth of public interest in bats and their
conservation has led to a great demand for talks or
slide shows and opportunities to watch bats in the
wild. For an indoor talk the length of presentation,
depth of information given and previous experience
of the speaker needs to be carefully matched to the
age and knowledge of the audience. While not all
members of a group will be happy or competent to
speak to an audience, it is well worth training up
and offering opportunities to those who are
interested in order to build up a pool of presenters
within the group. Thus requests should not have to
be turned down due to lack of time or previous
bookings. Make sure full details of venue, start
time, expected size of audience and so on are
confirmed in writing, also what equipment is
available at the venue. For a children's talk or if the
audience may include families with young children,
consider a shorter talk followed by an activity for
youngsters or have childrens activities running
alongside the adults talk, if there are sufficient
helpers and facilities.
Bat walks or watches can be one of the most
effective and enjoyable ways of introducing bats to
the public, given the right venue, timing and
weather. Such events are often organised in
conjunction with a local wildlife trust, council or
other authority. In these cases they will usually
advertise the event and send along someone to help
with crowd control. Consider a numbers
restriction, through advance booking, if any of the
sites you are visiting have limited space and ensure
that appropriate safety precautions are taken (see
Chapter 2) for all walks. Variations on the bat
watch theme include dawn, rather than dusk walks,
and events designed for those with special needs.
For example, a wheelchair route or a bat listen for
those with impaired sight. If the host authority is
levying a charge, the bat group might expect
payment for their services or a share of the income.
The standard of bat talks and bat watches is now so
high that a donation to group funds, if not a fee,
seems reasonable in most circumstances. (For
further ideas see BCT Guidelines for giving talks
and lectures and for organising and leading a
downloading useful programs, e.g. sound analysis
software, photographs of bats;
searching university libraries for books and published
papers on bats.
The following list of internet addresses will get you surfing
some of the main bat sites around the world. More sites are
listed in Appendix 6.You can also use a search engine to
locate other sites of interest by typing in keywords such as
bats, bat box, Chiroptera etc.
The Bat Conservation Trust http://www.bats.org.uk/
Bat Conservation International http://www.batcon.org/
Bat Ecology and
Bioacoustics Laboratory http://www.bio.bris.ac.uk/research/bats/
Bat groups and individual bat workers can now reach a
world-wide audience through the internet. Some British bat
groups have already established their own websites. Check
out the local groups using search engines, or alternatively
try some of the links and discussion forum on the BCTs
Both bat groups and batworkers will find the internet of use
in a number of ways:
searching for information on the web about bats
communicating with other bat workers by e-mail;
posting and replying to messages in newsgroups;
subscribing to automatic mailing lists;
publishing their own information about bats on the
Bats on the internet
8.4.11 Running educational courses
Many opportunities for educating people about
bats have been mentioned in earlier sections. Bat
groups can organise their own seminars or short
courses for other bat workers, for the general
public (through environmental centres, local
colleges or adult education groups) and for
groups of professionals who might encounter bats
during their work (for example Bats in
Buildings and Bats in Bridges seminars). A
lecture or field trip may be a welcome addition to
a university or college course at any level.
8.4.12 Activities for children
The interest shown in bats by young people is
remarkable and can only bode well for bats residing
with these householders of the future. A wide range
of imaginative and enjoyable childrens activities
has been developed, and are available from BCT
and in published project books. Activities offered
at public events or to accompany talks to children's
groups should be short and simple, for example
cut-out bats, masks, posters or quick quizzes. Never
underestimate the number of helpers needed, or the
amount of resources required, particularly for
younger children. Older groups may be able to take
on a more lengthy project or help with survey work
such as roost counts or locating bat feeding areas.
Bats have been used as a school topic from primary
to sixth-form level. They offer a fascinating context
in which sections of the National Curriculum
programmes of study can be delivered in England
and Wales and the 514 Development Programme
in Scotland. Seminars offered directly to groups of
teachers enable them to pass on greater knowledge
and enthusiasm to their classes and cascade
information efficiently. Individual workers should
be aware of any Local Authority restrictions
concerning taking captive wild animals into
schools. (See also BCT Guidelines for activities
with children and accompanying resource list).
A Scottish Education Pack on bats has been
published by BCT which includes activities, slides,
tape and games linked to the Scottish Curriculum
and which has also been modified for use with the
English National Curriculum (see Thompson 1997,
1998, Appendix 5).
8.5 Links with other bodies
It is essential that bat groups liaise with other
organisations whose interests or responsibilities
include bats. Groups should have a policy about
which bodies receive information concerning bat
roosts and other records and to which organisations
data can be made available upon request.
8.5.1 English Nature, Scottish Natural
Heritage, Countryside Council
for Wales and Environment and
Heritage Service (Northern Ireland)
Bat groups will be in regular contact with their
areas Conservation/Area Officer who will be
involved in any situation where bats are creating
problems or disturbance is likely. Travelling
expenses for registered volunteers will be paid by
the SNCO for roost visits made at their request.
8.5.2 Local Wildlife Trusts
Many bat groups are affiliated to or are a subgroup
of their local wildlife trust. Members of the public
often seek advice from such trusts and bat enquiries
will be passed on to local bat workers. Wildlife
trusts may seek information about bat records when
commenting on local development issues or
monitoring planning applications.
8.5.3 Neighbouring Bat Groups
It is important for neighbouring groups to keep in
contact, as they may be useful to each other in
providing extra skills, equipment, people, advice
and moral support.
8.5.4 Others
The RSPCA, SSPCA and local police should be
provided with contact points for active bat workers.
Making contact with Local Authority
Environmental Health Officers, Local Authority
Planning Officers and local pest control companies
can also be useful. Developing and maintaining
good relationships with any local caving group may
bring benefits to bats.
Bechsteins bat. Frank Greenaway
9.1 Bat enquiries and visits
to roosts
This section covers all those occasions when a
request for advice about bats is received by any
conservation organisation. Requests can arrive in
many forms but can be split essentially into two
types those where bats have been discovered in a
building, usually a house, and are causing concern
and those where some action, such as development
or repair work, is intended, which might affect bats
or their roosts. In some cases a desire to get rid of
the bats is expressed when advice is sought about
some action that might affect them: these should be
treated initially as of the second type.
Public relations
A. J. Mitchell-Jones
difficulties of proving intent. This applies particularly to the
first three situations, where, in a tiny number of cases per
year, bat noise or smell may be quite intolerable. In such
situations, a heavy-handed approach may well act against
our long-term goal of improving the publics acceptance of
bats in their houses.
The requirement to notify the appropriate statutory nature
conservation organisations (English Nature, Scottish Natural
Heritage, Countryside Council for Wales or Environment &
Heritage Service) is, in essence, a consultation about the
applicability of the defences in the Act/Regulations. Clearly,
the SNCOs cannot advise on a course of action that would
result in the law being broken, but they can advise about
what they would consider reasonable and they can also
provide advice on how operations can be carried out with
the minimum damage to the nature conservation interest.
Because of the complexity of many of these situations, it is
impossible to give a simple set of rules that can be applied
firmly and inflexibly in each case; each problem must be
approached with an open mind and the various options
assessed. The goals of any action that is taken should be, in
order of importance:
to ensure that bats are not killed or injured;
to ensure that the roost is not damaged or destroyed;
to ensure that the roost is left for the breeding season;
to ensure that the roost is left for the future.
Sometimes, it may be advantageous to compromise one
goal to achieve another. For example, it may be possible
to persuade a colony of bats to use another entrance hole
to a roost if this ensures that the roost will otherwise be
left undisturbed. Or if a building is being re-roofed, it may
be advantageous to accept a degree of disturbance in one
season if this ensures, through maintaining the goodwill of
the owner, that access will be left for the future.
Although it is recommended that advice about bats is
sought well before any proposed building work and it is
normally possible to persuade the majority of householders
to leave their bats to disperse naturally, there will, inevitably,
be times when rapid action is required to save bats or their
roosts. Serious problems are, fortunately, rare, but the
following situations may be among the more frequently
smell householders can no longer tolerate it
(see this Chapter);
noise householders can no longer tolerate it
(see this Chapter);
phobia householder insists on immediate exclusion
(see this Chapter);
roof repairs bats found after work has started
(see Chapter 10);
timber treatment bats appear after spraying has begun
(see Chapter 10).
Such situations may be divided into two broad classes. For
the first three situations, any action may be covered by the
defence in the Wildlife & Countryside Act or the Habitats
Regulations that the action took place within a dwelling
house. This covers the damage, destruction or obstruction
of roosts and the disturbance of roosting bats, but not
killing, injuring or taking. For the latter two, the potential
damage to the bats or their roosts may also be covered by
the incidental result of a lawful operation and could not
reasonably have been avoided clause in the legislation.
This covers intentional/deliberate killing, injuring or taking
as well as the damage, destruction or obstruction of roosts
and the disturbance of bats. In addition, the availability of
licences under the Habitats Regulations must also be taken
into account. The legal position in these sorts of situations
is complex and, as always, it is best to try and resolve the
situation by persuasion and common sense rather than
involving the law, which, in practice, is severely weakened
by the defences referred to above as well as by the
Lesser horseshoe bats may be located in roofs of old buildings.
Frank Greenaway
9.1.1 Bats discovered and advice sought
The majority of callers in this category begin by
stating that they have discovered bats roosting in
their house and enquiring what should be done
about them. Concealed within this introduction is a
whole spectrum of attitudes ranging from those
who know absolutely nothing about bats but have
a vague feeling that they are not something one
should have in ones house to those who are
absolutely unshakeable in their conviction that they
will not share their house with bats. Survey results
show that about half these people can be persuaded
to leave the bats undisturbed permanently and that
almost all the others can be persuaded to leave the
roost undisturbed until the bats disperse naturally.
Even in this group, only about half will then take
action, as advised, to prevent the bats returning.
Whatever the reason for the advice being sought,
there is always a role in these cases for the Bat
Group or bat enthusiast. This may range from the
provision of advice on how to improve a roost for
bats to persuasion about leaving the bats
undisturbed. If persuasion is unsuccessful and
action against the bats or their roost is intended,
even in the future, the SNCO must become
involved. Many enquiries in this category are
received directly by the SNCO and, if the enquirer
remains unconvinced about leaving the bats alone,
it is likely that a local Bat Group volunteer will be
asked to visit the site, assess the situation and send
in a report.
Dealing with bat enquiries where an element of
persuasion is required really requires a greater
knowledge of people than of bats. Generally, it
will be the conviction with which the case for bat
conservation is made that will be the decisive
factor rather than the ability to answer questions
on the more obscure aspects of bat biology. Some
people are naturally persuasive and, with a
reasonable grounding in bat biology, will soon
achieve a good success rate in persuading
members of the public to tolerate or even to like
their bats. Others find this role more difficult and
may need extensive training to gain the confidence
and experience to put the case for bats
convincingly. A few may realise that they are
temperamentally unsuited to such work and are
better employed on some other aspect of bat
conservation work; this is in no sense an admission
of failure.
Enquirers who have discovered bats roosting in
their house or other building but are quite happy to
leave them undisturbed present no problems. Often
the report of the roost will be accompanied by a
request for factual information, which can be
provided by leaflets or booklets. In other cases, a
visit by the Bat Group might be welcomed to
identify and count the bats, and many will be
pleased to take part in the National Bat Monitoring
Programme (see Appendix 4 for details) or join The
Bat Conservation Trust.
Persuasion is a powerful weapon and must be used
with care and respect for peoples fears and beliefs,
however strange these may be. The law appears to
give bats considerable protection, but ultimately the
existence of a roost in a private house depends both
legally and practically on the continuing goodwill
of the householder. Conservation should be based
on understanding and co-operation rather than on a
fear of the law or of public condemnation. In
dealing with enquiries of this type, bat workers
should rarely need to spell out the law, although
they may perhaps make a passing reference to why
bats are protected. There is no legal obligation on
householders to have bats roosting in their house if
they clearly do not want them.
Many enquirers will have had no previous direct
contact with conservationists and may well have
no further contact in the future, so answering a bat
enquiry gives an opportunity for the bat worker to
present not only the case for bats but also, by
inference, the case for conservation in general. If
the conservationist viewpoint is presented carefully
and with tact, then, even if the roost is lost, the
enquirer may at least be left with a more
enlightened attitude towards conservation generally.
Many people are unable to give a logical reason
why they wish to get rid of their bats, but others
will find some aspect of the bats occupation
objectionable. Table 9.1 presents an analysis of the
reasons given; see also Moore et al. (2003). Despite
all the publicity over the past few years, some
people still think of bats as pests, which are
infesting their house and which need controlling
like mice. It is often a good starting point to explain
that in most cases bats are only seasonal visitors to
houses and use them for roosting in much the same
way as swallows or house martins.
Droppings are the major cause of complaint,
although in many cases they may form an obvious
focal point for more general fears. Often the bats
roost entrance will be above a window, so that the
glass becomes streaked with droppings and urine.
This can be a cause of great concern to the house-
proud, some of whom find any level of mess
unacceptable. In other cases, droppings can fall on
stored goods, patios, cars or doorsteps. In most
circumstances some remedial action is possible, but
this may not appear adequate or be acceptable to
some people. On stored goods in lofts or other areas
used for storage, plastic or cloth sheeting provides a
cheap and easy method of protection. Plastic
sheeting should be avoided where there is a risk of
condensation. In many cases, especially where
there are numerous entry points for the bats, the
use of plastic sheeting is undoubtedly the most
cost-effective solution to what is usually a seasonal
problem. Where the enquirer remains unconvinced,
an offer by the Bat Group to supply and fit plastic
sheeting can often prove the decisive factor. In
churches too, the use of dust-sheeting is often the
most cost-effective solution to the perennial
problem of droppings on the pews, altar or floor.
On the exterior of buildings, deflector boards fitted
some way below the roost entrance can prove
helpful in diverting droppings away from sensitive
areas. Some examples and applications are shown
in Figure 9.1. The boards, usually made of wood,
can be fitted to masonry or wooden window frames
with screws and brackets. Some roosts have a
number of separate entrances or entry is possible
anywhere along an opening, for example where a
soffit adjoins a wall. If droppings beneath one
particular area are a nuisance, it may be possible to
close the offending access point and force the bats
to use an alternative. This would require
consultation with the SNCO. In a few cases, little
can be done to alleviate the problem and so one
will have to stress the seasonal nature of the bat
colony and the harmlessness of the droppings.
Success depends on the tolerance of the
householder and the bat worker's persuasive ability.
Reason Number of
Droppings outside the property 23
Droppings inside the property 20
Bats flying or crawling in the house 16
General fear of bats 15
Concern that bats are causing damage 11
Fear of numbers increasing greatly 5
Noise 4
Smell 3
Fear of transmission of disease to humans 3
Table 9.1 Reasons given by a sample of 100
householders for wishing to be rid
of bats roosting in their house
(from Mitchell-Jones et al., 1986)
Figure 9.1
Deflector boards. These are most frequently screwed to masonry using plugs, or to the wooden window frame. Plastic guttering on standard
brackets is also a possibility. If removable brackets, as illustrated, are used, the board need only be put up while the bats are in residence.
Bats in the living area
Bats flying or crawling in the living area of the
house, the second most common cause of
complaint, are generally soluble problems, though
some detective work may be needed. Householders
should be warned not to handle bats because of the
risk of disease (see Chapter 2: Advice on bats and
The most common source of bats in the inhabited
parts of a building is through some connection with
an area habitually used by bats. In modern houses,
such connections are common where pipes, such as
sink waste pipes, pass through a cavity wall. The
brickwork is rarely a perfect fit in such places and
small gaps are often left. If bats are roosting at the
gable apex, they can generally gain access to the
wall cavity and may emerge many metres away,
often in bathrooms or kitchens. If bats use the roof
void, they may enter through gaps around pipes
through the ceiling, especially in airing cupboards,
or through badly-fitting loft hatches. In older
houses particularly, there is a wide range of
possible entry points such as between floor joists,
around window frames where there is a gap
between the wood and brick or stone, through gaps
in corners of ceilings or skirting, through ventilators
or through any other connecting hole or crack.
Usually the householder will seek advice as soon as
one or two bats have been found. As these may well
have been found in different rooms, they may give
little clue to the whereabouts of the connection, so
it is probably best to begin by looking at pipes in
the bathroom, kitchen and airing cupboard. In older
buildings with solid walls the search may actually
be easier, as the opportunity for the bats to travel
away from their roosting area is more limited.
Generally the difficulty of finding the access point
is proportional to the size of the building.
Any gap wider than about 8 mm must be regarded
as a potential bat entry point. Householders, who
almost invariably overestimate the size of bats,
generally overlook gaps of this size. Once
discovered, the gaps should be carefully sealed,
either temporarily with newspapers or rags or more
permanently with plaster-based filler, expanded
foam, wooden battens or other suitable material.
Ventilators with bat-sized holes will need to be
covered with a fine mesh less than 8 mm in
diameter. Usually it is impossible to be absolutely
certain that all potential entry points have been
found on the first visit, so it is unwise to give
absolute guarantees of immediate success;
credibility suffers when the next bat is found.
Less commonly, bats will fly through open
windows, particularly those that are hinged at the top.
This may be an isolated incident, with no
evidence that there is a roost, but usually the bats
will have come from a nearby colony. The problem is
most common when young bats are learning to fly or
when the roost entrance is close to a window. The
simplest advice is to keep the window shut during the
sensitive time of the year, usually mid-July to mid-
August. If the householder does not wish to keep the
window closed during what is generally the hottest
time of the year, a net curtain stretched across the
window is an alternative. In some cases it may be
possible to persuade the bats to use a more remote
entrance, as was described in the previous section.
Cats may also bring in live bats.
General fear of bats
General fear of bats is more common than its
position in Table 9.1 would suggest, because many
enquirers with a general fear try to present a more
definite reason for wanting to be rid of the bats. The
strength of such fears should not be underestimated;
although the majority are based on ignorance and
superstition (most people have never seen a bat at
close quarters), a few are genuine phobias where the
presence of the bats can cause real mental distress.
Pressurising such people into leaving the bats
undisturbed wins no friends for the conservation
cause, and the public image of the conservation
organisations is better served by the prompt provision
of advice and even of practical help. The skill lies in
assessing the extent of peoples fears and knowing
when to give in gracefully.
One of the most frequent expressions of a general
fear of bats is the belief that bats in the roof are a
permanent infestation, like mice. Many householders
find it extremely comforting to be told that the bats
are only resident seasonally and will move elsewhere
once they have finished breeding. Although this may
not always be strictly true, especially for species such
as the long-eared bat, the bats will certainly not be
obvious during the winter and will apparently have
Other common fears are that bats are generally like
mice, that they will become entangled in hair, that
they will crawl into the house at night, that they
will bring in lots of nesting material and that they
are about the size of sparrows, starlings or possibly
even pigeons. Such fears can often be calmed by
the provision of factual information and showing
them a real bat, but irrational fears are, by
definition, not founded on fact. Children are more
easily convinced than their parents, who, seeing
their childrens change in attitude may rapidly alter
their views.
Damage to buildings
Concern that bats may be causing damage is
common but almost entirely groundless. Many
such fears stem from the belief that bats are similar
to rodents in their ability to gnaw and construct
their own entrances, runways and nests. Bats are
often accused of dislodging hanging tiles, moving
loft insulation or even bending lead flashing to
gain access. Such accusations are completely
groundless and can be countered with complete
conviction by a description of the small size of bats
and their lack of suitable teeth for gnawing. In very
rare cases, bats can be implicated in minor damage
to buildings through scrabbling claws or the
accumulation of large quantities of droppings. The
latter cases are generally associated with other
building defects, which allow the droppings to
become wet and thus act as a source of moisture,
which can mark ceilings or walls or, in extreme
cases, cause ceilings to collapse. However, it must
be emphasised that such cases are very rare and
that, provided that a building is structurally sound,
the droppings present no danger at all.
In certain circumstances, particularly in churches,
damage to valued items can occasionally be caused
by bat urine or droppings. The droppings are most
often noticed and constitute a nuisance in large
numbers but it is likely that urine is more
damaging because it contains ammonia, which is
corrosive. Urine can leave a pale stain on surfaces
such as polished wood, marble and brass.
Droppings and urine may damage wall paintings. A
project conducted by the Bat Conservation Trust
(Bats in Churches) surveyed a random sample of
538 churches in England and reports were
produced, which included some solutions to
problems caused by bats and guidelines on the
management of bats in churches. Revised guidance
with respect to works of art can be found in Paine
The first approach to solving bat-related problems
should be to attempt methods that do not disturb bats
or their roosts and, hence, do not require consultation
with the SNCOs. These include adjusting cleaning
rotas so that the church is cleaned just before services
and moving sensitive objects if they are kept under a
roost. Covers of various types can be effective,
elegant and easy to clean. They can take the form of
hoods, drapes or canopies designed to cover a range
of items such as candlesticks, textiles, statues or the
pulpit. Covers can be removed before services and
need only be used during the period when bats are
present and active. Wax furniture polishes, applied
regularly to wood, can provide some protection
against damage caused by bat urine. Urine etches
brass and bronze and, if the use of covers is not
practical, both can be protected by a layer of
strippable lacquer followed by a coating of
micro-crystalline wax. A conservator should ideally
apply these. Wall paintings in churches may be
particularly susceptible to damage and protection
methods described above may not be applicable.
Attempts to dissuade bats from flying near wall
paintings, such as the provision of time-switch
operated lighting and side baffles should only be
planned in collaboration with wall painting
conservators. Some measures employed to alleviate
problems may disturb bats or their roosting sites. In
these situations the advice of the relevant SNCO
must be sought. Positioning of devices such as
canopies or deflector boards below roosts would
require careful positioning to avoid disturbing access
to the roost. The use of deterrents such as lighting,
screening materials to protect specific areas of the
church etc. should be discussed with the SNCO.
There is no evidence to suggest that bats are affected
in the long term by incense, ultrasonic devices or
model predators such as owls. If a roost is in a
particularly sensitive area, such as above the altar, it
may be possible, after consultation with the SNCO,
to relocate the roost within the church by blocking
access to the original roost and, if necessary,
providing an alternative roosting location within the
building. In a minority of cases the presence of bats
may be perceived as intolerable and the parochial
church council may apply to the SNCO for
exclusion. As exclusion involves blocking all holes
that allow bats access to the interior these operations
tend to be time-consuming and expensive. A crevice
1 cm wide will allow access to a pipistrelle so it is
difficult to ensure that all potential access points are
blocked. It should also be borne in mind that such an
operation might restrict ventilation. Although there is
no guarantee that bats can successfully relocate to
another roost, preventing re-entry is considered less
disruptive than disturbing already roosting bats.
Finally, it is important to be aware that the timing
of bat occupation of churches is often at variance
with the timing of maternity roosts in other types of
building (e.g. Battersby, 1995).
Numbers increasing
Worries about the numbers of bats increasing
greatly arise largely from the belief that bats are
present all year and breed like mice, but are
compounded by the way in which large numbers of
bats can suddenly appear. Also, the numbers at a
roost may build up as bats gather from other sites,
such as in spring. Even in mid-summer the numbers
can suddenly increase as bats move in from other
sites, then just as rapidly decrease as the roost
moves to other locations. Such fears can usually be
allayed by an account of the seasonal and
temporary nature of bat colonies, the fact that most
colonies consist only of females, which have
gathered to give birth and rear their single young,
and the slow potential growth rate of the colony.
Even if every bat survived, the colony could
increase by only 50% a year (half the young being
males), and in reality rates of increase are very
much lower (<10%). The maximum size of colonies
is very variable but the average is about 50 for
common pipistrelles (larger for P. pygmaeus,
especially in Scotland), 2030 for long-eared bats
and perhaps 20 for serotines.
Noise from bat colonies can be a temporary but
annoying problem during the summer, particularly
with pipistrelle colonies in modern houses, where
walls are thin and sound-insulation is poor. Noise is
usually most noticeable at dusk and on hot days.
The problem can be particularly acute in houses
with hanging tiles pinned directly onto blockwork
walls. Serotines can also be noisy during the spring
and autumn. Often, there is little to be done to
reduce the problem, and one must stress the
seasonal nature of the problem (only a few weeks a
year except in cold wet summers when the breeding
season is prolonged) and, if appropriate, suggest
that other bedrooms are used temporarily. In a few
cases it may be possible to install additional
insulation or prevent the bats using the part of the
roof that is the source of the problem. Cases of this
sort often need a careful and sympathetic approach,
particularly where the noise is heard in bedrooms
used by children or where the householder is
suffering from lack of sleep. It may sometimes be
necessary to try to persuade the bats to move
elsewhere either by exposing their roost area or by
restricting their access or by other suitable means.
This would require consultation with the SNCO.
Genuine complaints about smell from droppings are
relatively uncommon but can sometimes be well
founded. Problems usually arise either where a
building defect allows droppings to get wet or where
large quantities of droppings are accumulating
rapidly in a poorly ventilated area. When dealing
with such cases, it is most important that these
factors are investigated thoroughly so that the
problem can be attributed to the correct cause. A
satisfactory remedy may necessitate structural repairs
or alterations to prevent a recurrence of the problem.
Simply excluding the bats is unlikely to be
satisfactory because the droppings and any moisture
will still be present. In extreme cases, it may be
necessary for the accumulated droppings to be
exposed and removed before a satisfactory solution is
reached. Building regulations now require roofs to be
much better ventilated than formerly, and this should
mean fewer complaints about smell. Some bats, for
example soprano pipistrelles, have a particularly
strong batty smell, and draughts through a house may
draw in air over the roosting bats and downstairs,
such as when a front door is opened. Keeping
internal doors closed and sealed can alleviate this
Transmission of disease
Fears are often expressed about the possibility of
disease being spread by bat droppings or urine.
Such fears are quite understandable in view of the
number of diseases that can be spread by the
excreta of other species, including domestic pets. In
Britain, there is no evidence that bats can spread
disease via their droppings or urine. However, one
should not encourage close contact with either bats
or their accumulated droppings.
In some parts of the world the fungal disease
histoplasmosis (caused by Histoplasma capsulatum)
has been associated with large accumulations of bat
droppings. However, histoplasmosis is a very rare
disease in Britain (all occurrences are of foreign
origin) and there is no evidence that the fungus
occurs naturally in this country. The climate is also
generally unsuitable for this fungus, which requires
a temperature of 2035C and a high relative
humidity to flourish.
Concerns may be expressed about a form of rabies
that may now be present in bats in the UK. In the
past decade, rabies-like viruses, now characterised
as European Bat Lyssavirus (EBL), have been
found in bats in north-western continental Europe.
One type (EBL1) appears to be endemic in
serotines, and another type (EBL2) has been
recorded, though rarely, from the pond bat Myotis
dasycneme and Daubentons bat Myotis daubentonii.
These viruses are serologically distinct from the
classical or sylvatic rabies virus (serotype 1),
which is typically spread by terrestrial carnivores,
and all the evidence suggests that there is no
significant interchange of the bat virus with other
wild mammals, although the virus can be transferred
to other mammals under laboratory conditions. In
1996, a Daubentons bat picked up close to the
south coast of England, was found to be infected
with EBL2 (Whitby et al., 1996) and a
further individual was recorded in Lancashire in
2002 (Johnson et al., 2003). Later that year, a
batworker in Scotland died from EBL2 infection
(Fooks et al., in press a). It is known that he had
been bitten by bats and the assumption is that he
acquired the disease by that route.
During a warm period in March, lights were installed in the
roof void and the insulation removed. No bats were found
at a this time and it is likely that those present earlier in the
year had already moved on. On subsequent nights the
householder blocked the access points after dark and
opened them the following morning, thereby progressively
excluding any bats still using the roof void. He reported
seeing no bats leaving and so after a week of blocking in this
way the holes were left blocked to stop bats returning and
to allow work to proceed.
In early April the ceiling was stripped, with bat workers on
hand to deal with any bats (there were none). Removing the
ceiling boards revealed that, in the bay used as the main
entrance to the roost, the bats had reduced the scrim
(cloth) lining of the felt to tatters. The soffit boards, also
removed at this time, were so solidly packed with droppings
that thick cakings of them stayed in place when they were
removed. The soffits were probably the original roost site
but as droppings accumulated the bats were progressively
excluded and forced to use the main roof void, often
roosting several metres from the access hole.
By the end of April the works had been completed. It could
only be hoped that the bats would return. By mid-May the
occupier reported counting 500+ bats leaving the roost and
a count on 4 June revealed 769+ and by the end of June c.
1000. Importantly, 6 months after the works the bedroom
had neither bat smells nor bat stains and was habitable! In
subsequent years, the number of bats in this roost has
declined steadily, but there is no apparent reason for this.
Close co-operation at every stage between the National
Trust, English Nature and the householder was essential.
The total capital cost of the works, including a grant for the
hinged soffits from English Nature, was c. 6,000 (which at
c. 6 per adult female bat seemed good value).
Source:The National Trust/English Nature, pers. com.
In a cottage on the National Trusts Attingham Park Estate
in Shropshire, smells and stains from a huge bat roost had,
by 1995, made an attic bedroom uninhabitable, and the
ground floor dining room also suffered from the odour.
Accumulated droppings and urine from the bats caused
staining on the ceiling and an unacceptably strong smell
of ammonia, which literally brought tears to the eyes. The
problem was exacerbated by lack of access to the roof
void, so that droppings could not be removed, and poor
ventilation. Action had to be taken if the goodwill of the
occupiers was to be maintained.
Some years ago, following a fire, a new roof was built on to
one half of the house and an attic was converted into a
bedroom. The bats may have been present before this work
but the new roof clearly provided good roosting habitat
because over the years an extremely large maternity roost
(sometimes in excess of 1600 adult females) of soprano
pipistrelles (P. pygmaeus) developed.
We needed to contain the smell, stop the staining and retain
the roost. In discussions between the National Trust and
English Nature it was agreed that the priority was removal
of the accumulated droppings. A loft access was cut into the
ceiling, through which several bin liners of droppings and
soiled insulation were removed. In winter 1996/97 we
agreed that the existing ceiling would be stripped out and
replaced with a vapour barrier between the bats and the
ceiling. New insulation, additional ventilation on ridge and
eaves, hinged soffits to allow droppings to be removed and
wooden rakes between the rafters with which droppings
could be removed were also installed.
The usual advice would be to carry out such works outside
the May to September breeding season when the bats are
not present. However in January bats were found
hibernating in remnants of insulation in the bays between
the rafters. These had to be excluded for works to proceed
and be completed before May when the maternity roost
would, it was hoped, return.
Interior design for a huge roost of (smelly) bats
During the breeding season
No dependent young
If the bats have no dependent young, they can be excluded
as described above, even if they are pregnant. Hopefully, the
bats will know of alternative roosts nearby.
Dependent young
Attempting to move bats with dependent young carries a
high probability of bats being killed, mainly through the
abandonment of young, and must be advised against by the
SNCO. However, if there are overriding reasons for
attempting to move the bats, for example under a licence
issued on public health grounds, action should be taken in
such a way that casualties are kept to a minimum. The aim
here should be to persuade the bats to move to a different
roost during the night. Provided they are not panicked, they
should carry their young with them. Persuasion can be
achieved by partially exposing the roosting area, for example
by removing a soffit board or an area of hanging tiles. This
should be done during the early evening if possible. Part of
the roost area can be exposed the first night, followed by
more on subsequent nights until the colony moves. If
dependent young are abandoned, these would have to be
raised by hand or euthanasia could be considered. Note that
adults may return to collect young up to two or more days
after abandonment.
If action by the householder results in bats (adults and
young) having to be rescued from a roof, these should be
kept together if possible and placed in a bat-box located not
too far from the original roost. The entrance to the box
should be sealed up until all the bats have been rescued
(provided this is not more than a day) and then opened at
dusk to allow the bats to move on.
Illegal action
Occasionally householders will feel unable to wait while
attempts are made to move the colony and will start to
open up the roosting area. Such action, which would
probably involve killing or injuring bats, would be illegal and
the SNCO and the police should be informed immediately.
Legal position (simplified)
If action is taken against bats because of smell or noise
problems or because they are not liked, the intentional
killing, injuring or taking of bats is illegal. Disturbing bats or
damaging or destroying roosts within dwelling-houses is
covered by a defence in the Wildlife & Countryside
Act/Habitats Regulations, but this cannot be relied on unless
the SNCO had been consulted. Thus, if people take action
against bats and deliberately kill or injure them, this would
be illegal. However, if they disturb them or damage or
destroy their roosts without first consulting the SNCO, this
would probably be illegal, but only a court could decide.
Problems involving smell or noise are amongst the most
acute that batworkers are likely to encounter. In a few cases
per year, householders are faced with a situation, which they
find intolerable and which they insist must be resolved at
once. Unfortunately, such problems tend to become acute
during the short period (about 4 weeks) when the bats have
dependent young and when a straightforward solution is
most difficult.
At this point, the law is of limited relevance, particularly as
public sympathy (and often that of the bat worker) lies with
the householder. In such instances, which amount to
probably no more than five cases a year, bat conservation is
probably best served by the provision of prompt advice on
how to solve the problem with the least damage to the
bats. This would normally mean the exclusion of the colony,
followed, in some cases by subsequent remedial works.
Wherever possible, the SNCO should be involved as early
as possible, so that they can make the decision as to
whether advice about immediate exclusion is appropriate.
Outside the breeding season (mid-August
Bats can be excluded by fitting a one-way bat excluder or
blocking their access holes over three nights once they have
left in the evening (see section on exclusion techniques in
this chapter). Alternatively, the roost area could be exposed
(preferably towards dusk), so persuading the bats to move on.
Smell, noise and phobias emergencies
Although the outcome of being bitten by a bat
carrying EBL2 may be a fatal disease, this is not
considered to be a significant public health risk in
the UK. This is because:
The level of infection in bats seems to be very
low. More than 3200 bats have been tested in
the UK since 1986, with only two Daubentons
bats being found to be positive (see Table 9.2).
Recent limited testing of live Daubentons bats
suggests exposure to EBL2 may be more
Pipistrelles and long-eared bats, the species
most commonly found in houses, have never
been found to have the type of virus (EBL2)
found in Daubentons bats.
Daubentons bats are not strongly associated
with houses. Out of 23,896 enquiries recorded
by NCC/English Nature between 1982 and
1992 only 58 (0.24%) involved Daubentons
bat in domestic properties (see Table 9.3).
EBLs can be passed on only through a bite or
by contact between bat saliva and mucous
membranes, so the risk can be eliminated by
not handling bats.
Contacts between bats and the public, even
those with bats living in their house roof, are
relatively rare. Bat-workers are the only group
at higher risk because they may handle bats
more frequently.
Post-exposure vaccine is available and appears
to be effective. Nobody who has been bitten by
a bat and received this vaccine has died.
Foreigners, particularly Americans, and people who
have lived abroad are often horrified at the thought
of bats with rabies. This very strong reaction is
because classical rabies is endemic in the New
World. Although the main vectors are terrestrial
carnivores (skunks, racoons and foxes), it is known
to occur at a low incidence in bats throughout the
USA. There have been about 22 human cases in the
USA in the last 22 years resulting from contact with
bats. Such fears can be calmed very considerably
by the knowledge that the situation in the UK is
very different and that rabies is not present in
terrestrial carnivores. There have been one or two
cases in the USA where people are believed to have
contracted rabies after visiting caves inhabited by
huge numbers (millions) of active bats. Conditions
in the UK are very different and visiting bats roosts
of any sort in the UK is not considered to present
any rabies health risk to humans.
Concerns may be raised that cats that catch bats
may become infected with EBL. There are no
recorded instances of this happening, although one
wild animal, a stone marten in Germany has been
recorded with EBL1. Given the apparently low
incidence of EBL and the lack of any recorded
transmission to domestic pets, owners can be
reassured that the risk to their pets is very low. If
they remain concerned, suggest that they have their
pet vaccinated against rabies.
Further advice about the health implications of
EBLs can be found in Chapter 2. Updated
information is available from the SNCOs, the BCT
or the Health Protection Agency/Scottish Centre for
Infection and Environmental Health and a leaflet
Bats and human health is available from the
SNCOs. A review of EBLs can be found in Fooks
et al. (in press b) and a review of the incidence and
distribution of rabies and rabies-related viruses in
bats (by A. M. Hutson) and their epidemiology (by
S. M. Brookes) is included in a report compiled for
Scottish Natural Heritage.
Species Number tested % of sample Number with EBL
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum 3 0.09 0
Rhinolophus hipposideros 11 0.34 0
Myotis daubentonii 51 1.57 2
Myotis brandtii 27 0.83 0
Myotis mystacinus 83 2.56 0
Myotis mystacinus/brandtii 5 0.15 0
Myotis nattereri 83 2.56 0
Myotis bechsteinii 2 0.06 0
Myotis myotis 1 0.03 0
Eptesicus serotinus 69 2.13 0
Pipistrellus pipistrellus/pygmaeus 2202 67.90 0
Pipistrellus nathusii 38 1.17 0
Nyctalus leisleri 4 0.12 0
Nyctalus noctula 39 1.20 0
Plecotus auritus 532 16.40 0
Plecotus austriacus 8 0.25 0
Barbastella barbastellus 4 0.12 0
47 1.45 0
34 1.05 0
Total 3243 2
includes European species not normally found in UK (e.g. E. nilssonii, P. kuhlii, P. savii,V. murinus) and imports from elsewhere
(e.g. M. lucifugus, L. noctivagans, E. fuscus,T. brasiliensis, some fruit bats and other exotics).
includes specimens not present in sample examined for verification of identification, or insufficient material for identification
(e.g. brain only).
Table 9.2 UK bat rabies surveillance 1986-2002. Bats found dead were tested at the Veterinary
Laboratories Agency (the positive Daubentons bats were both found alive).
Insects in droppings
Very occasionally large accumulations of droppings
may contain small insects, either as adults or as
larvae. The most common are the larvae of small
moths such as the common clothes moth Tineola
bisselliella. Numbers of these larvae are generally
low and never warrant the application of any
control measures. A few cases have been recorded
of spider beetles, most often the Australian spider
beetle Ptinus tectus, being associated with
accumulations of droppings. The adult beetles are
2.44 mm long and are covered in brown or
golden-brown hairs. They are nocturnal, spending
the day in cracks and crevices and emerging at
night to feed, when they will feign death if
disturbed. The beetles are widely distributed
throughout the UK and are often found in old birds
nests. In the roofs of domestic premises, the beetles
are of no economic significance, though they may
be a nuisance. They may be controlled by removing
the bat droppings and any other organic debris and
treating the area with a pyrethroid-based spray at a
time when no bats are present. Another group of
small insects that are occasionally associated with
bat droppings are beetles of the family
Dermestidae, such as the carpet beetle Anthrenus
verbasci or the hide beetle Dermestes maculatus.
Like the spider beetles, these are general detritus-
feeders and, in roofs, are most often associated with
old birds nests or dried animal remains. The larvae,
known as woolly bears, are more commonly
encountered than the adults. In the unlikely event of
control measures being required, they may be
treated in the same way as spider beetles. The
largest insect that is ever found in bat droppings in
the UK is the mealworm (Tenebrio molitor larva).
This is indicative of long-established bat roosts (see
also Chapter 5 Guano dwellers).
As the visit draws to a close it is often wise to
introduce a cautionary note by explaining that there
are many aspects of bat behaviour that are still not
well understood and that any suggestions or
interpretations made are based on the most likely
behaviour of the bats. Ask the householders to
contact you again if the advice proves
unsatisfactory or the bats do not behave as
expected so that further investigations can be
made. This helps with your credibility and
ensures that the householder is not left feeling
dissatisfied with the advice he or she has been
9.1.2 Exclusion of bat colonies
If it becomes apparent that the householder is not
going to be persuaded to leave the bats undisturbed
and does not want them in the roost, it will be
necessary to provide advice on how to rid the
building of bats. This advice would be given under
Section 10(5) of the Wildlife & Countryside Act or
Regulation 40(4) of the Conservation (Natural
Habitats &c.) Regulations and should be given or
confirmed by the SNCO.
There are only two successful and approved ways
of dealing with an unwanted colony, neither of
Species Number of roosts %
Pipistrelle Pipistrellus spp. 992 54.9
Long-eared bat Plecotus spp. 548 30.3
Serotine Eptesicus serotinus 85 4.7
Whiskered/Brandts bat Myotis mystacinus/ brandtii 61 3.4
Lesser horseshoe Rhinolophus hipposideros 39 2.1
Natterers bat Myotis nattereri 32 1.7
Noctule Nyctalus noctula 21 1.2
Daubentons bat Myotis daubentonii 18 0.9
Greater horseshoe Rhinolophus ferrumequinum 8 0.4
Leislers bat Nyctalus leisleri 2 0.1
Bechsteins bat Myotis bechsteinii 1 0.05
Total 1807
Note. These data were collected from a sample of bat enquiries in the 1980s where the bats were identified. Long-eared bats are
probably over-represented because they are most frequently seen in roofs and are easy to identify.
Table 9.3 The occurrence of bat species in buildings. The frequency with which each species of bat
was recorded in buildings from a sample of 1807 roosts where the species was identified.
which should be used while there is the possibility
of non-flying young being present.
The first is to install a one way door or valve
(sometimes known after its inventor as a
Constantine device) which allows bats to exit the
roost but not re-enter. This method is now widely
used in the USA. Because of its simplicity,
exclusions in the UK should be carried out with this
method where possible as any bats remaining inside
the roost still have the opportunity to leave
following installation of the device. The valve-like
device is essentially a collapsible plastic tube,
sometimes attached to a solid section of tube, fitted
over the roost entrance (Figure 9.2a). The
collapsible section allows bats to push past it but
ensures they cannot re-enter once they have left the
roost. Where the roost entrance is between a soffit
and wall, a length of acetate sheet or heavy duty
polythene attached to the soffit can perform the
same function (Figure 9.2b) and this method can be
adapted to other situations (Figure 9.2c). To install
these devices, all secondary entrances to the roost
should be sealed. The device can then be installed
over the main exit, permitting bats to leave at dusk
but not re-enter. Once in place, the device can be
left for an extended period to ensure that no bats
are left inside the roost. For late autumn or winter
exclusions, it may be best to leave the device until
the following spring to eliminate any possibility of
hibernating bats being trapped.
The second method is to exclude the bats from their
roost sites by blocking the entrances once the bats
have left the roost, either for the night or for the
season. This method carries the danger that not all
the bats may leave. During the winter, bats may
remain torpid for long periods, so this method
should not be used after the weather turns cool in
In the great majority of cases the householder can
be persuaded to leave the bats to disperse naturally
before installing the device or blocking the access
holes, but occasionally it will be necessary to
provide advice on how to exclude bats that are still
using the building on a daily basis. No action to
exclude bats should be taken between mid-May and
mid-August because dependent young may be
present at that time.
The first step in any exclusion operation is to locate
the access holes used by the bats. In many cases
Figure 9.2
a Plastic bag with bottom cut off fixed over roost entrance.
The bag can be taped over the entrance.
b A sheet of acetate or similar stiff plastic pinned under the
soffit. The plastic should be flexible enough to allow the bats
to push past it, but be stiff enough to spring back into place.
c An A4 sheet of acetate bent to profile (A) then taped or
pinned along its short edge to the top of the window
frame adjacent to the roost entrance.
Figure 9.2a
Figure 9.2b
Figure 9.2c
following evening, well before dusk, the rags should
be removed and any further bats allowed to escape
before the hole is once again sealed temporarily. If
there seems any possibility of bats still being
present, the process should be repeated for a third
night; otherwise the temporary blockage can be
replaced with a permanent one. A careful watch must
be kept on the building while the bats emerge to
ensure that the temporary blockage is in place before
bats begin to return. These blocking operations are
best done in warm weather, when a high proportion
of the colony will emerge to feed each night; in cool,
wet or windy weather few bats may emerge.
There are many methods and materials suitable for
blocking bat access holes and the choice of method
may often be left to the householder. For access points
between soffits and walls, wooden battens fixed either
to the soffit or to the wall are a common choice. Holes
in brick or stonework or around window frames may
need repointing with mortar or filling with mastic;
larger holes can be filled with crumpled wire netting
or expanding polyurethane foam (from DIY shops).
Gaps in lead flashing can often be closed simply by
bending the lead, though in some cases extra flashing
may be required. Some roosts have a very large
number of entrances, often under loose tiles (both roof
and hanging) or between weatherboarding. Blocking
individual holes may not be practicable and covering
the whole area with 1 cm galvanised wire mesh may
be required.
Whatever method of excluding bats is chosen, it is
important to emphasise that all roofs require
adequate ventilation to prevent the build-up of
moisture and that provision should be made for this
in whatever works are proposed.
they will be obvious, but in others it may be
necessary to watch the building at dusk on one or
two nights. Bats may emerge from more than one
hole or may emerge from one hole but know of
others that can be used if their main exit is
obstructed, so the locating of exit holes must be
done carefully and thoroughly if the exclusion
operation is to be successful. There is also the
possibility that bats excluded from a roost in one
part of a building will simply move to another part
of the same building, so it is always prudent to
provide advice on bat-proofing the whole building
even if the householder declines to carry out the
recommended works.
If the householder can be persuaded to leave the bats
to disperse naturally, advice should be provided on
how to check whether bats are still present. This
will include such techniques as looking for fresh
droppings beneath the access hole (having swept up
the old ones), listening for bats on a warm day or
evening and watching for emerging bats at dusk. In
winter bats hibernate so, unless it is known that bats
are absent, blocking operations should be done in
spring or autumn.
If, for any reason the one-way valve method cannot
be employed to exclude bats while they are using a
roost, the secondary exclusion technique can be
applied, although it is a little more time-consuming
and requires action over a 23-day period. During
the first day any little-used access holes should be
sealed permanently, leaving only the main hole open.
The same evening the bats should be watched as
they emerge to forage and, when no bats have
emerged for more than 10 minutes, rags should be
pushed into the hole to prevent their return. Early the
Fill in a Bat Roost Visit Report Form and return it to the
SNCO representative who requested the visit. If the
request originated elsewhere, return the form to your
SNCO contact with a clear indication if action is required.
Summary exclusion of bats
Ensure that advice is provided or confirmed by the SNCO.
If bats may be present, adopt the appropriate exclusion
technique (usually a one-way valve).
If bats are known to be absent, block holes when
convenient but before the following spring.
Advise on ways of blocking holes but emphasise the
requirement for ventilation.
Advise on bat-proofing the whole building so that bats do
not return to a different part of it.
Make an appointment for the visit. Dont turn up with a
crowd of people.
Listen carefully. Try to discover what is really worrying the
householder and how he or she perceives the problem.
Present the case for bats by showing knowledge,
understanding and enthusiasm. Counter arguments logically.
Respect true phobias.
Advise on any measures that may be taken to abate any
perceived problems.
Take along leaflets and other information relevant to the
If exclusion will be required, explain carefully what is
involved and the logic behind the process. Try to persuade
the householder to wait until the bats have left. Liaise with
the SNCO.
Summary visit to householders who have discovered bats
9.1.3 Activities that might incidentally
affect bats or their roosts
Many enquirers request advice about the possible
effects of repairs, alterations or remedial work on
bats and their roosts. Such operations may be
covered by the incidental result or dwelling-house
defences in the Act/Regulations (see Chapter 1) and
so will require advice from the SNCO. In such
situations, the role of the batworker is more
investigative than persuasive, and the SNCO will
provide advice based on information supplied by the
batworker. In making such investigations the
batworker is acting, to some extent, as the SNCOs
agent, but he or she is not empowered to give advice
on behalf of the SNCO. This is because the nature
conservation agencies are mentioned by name in the
legislation as the organisations whose advice must be
sought. This can easily lead to confusion, but it is
essential that the correct procedure is followed if the
enquirer is to be given the protection provided in the
Act. Less experienced batworkers should make it
clear that they are visiting only to collect information
and that nothing should be done until advice has been
received from the SNCO; more experienced
batworkers may wish to predict what advice will be
given but point out that action should not be taken
until official confirmation is received.
A frequent type of enquiry in this group concerns
remedial timber treatment. This is covered in detail in
Chapter 10 but the most common situations are
summarised below.
Infestations of woodworm or common furniture
beetle Anobium punctatum may be dealt with by a
spray application of a suitable treatment fluid at a
time of year when no bats are present. Solvent or
emulsion formulations may be used, because both
are effective, but emulsions have the advantage of
lower solvent toxicity.
Death-watch beetle Xestobium rufovillosum
infestations may be treated with a spray application
of a suitable fluid supplemented by pressure
injection or paste application to particularly heavily
infested areas. Permethrin-based products for the
latter purposes are widely available. If pastes are
used, they should be kept as far as possible from bat
roosting areas and, if the treatment of roosting areas
is essential, attempts should be made to prevent bats
coming into contact with treated surfaces.
Dry rot is relatively uncommon in roofs. It needs to
be treated by cutting out and replacing damaged
timbers. Cut ends of beams may be treated by
pressure injection or paste application as for death-
watch beetle, and the same remarks apply.
Other common problems, also dealt with in Chapter
10, include re-roofing, loft conversions, demolition
of buildings, removal of dead trees, capping of
Ultrasonic movement detectors they emit ultrasound and
receive an echo of the room that they get accustomed to.
When the echo is altered by a person or animal entering
the room, the alarm is set off.
Microwave movement detectors are similar to ultrasonic
detectors but emit much higher frequency waves.
Passive infra-red detectors detect changes in radiant heat.
These last three types of detector can be re-located so that
there is little chance of a bat flying close to them, i.e. as low as
possible and away from corners. However, the detectors should
not be mounted lower than 2.0 m to 2.5 m, in accordance with
manufacturers instructions. Also, two detectors of the same
technology, i.e. passive infra-red, can be mounted at opposite
ends of the room, each covering the whole room, and
connected in a series configuration. Both would be triggered
by a large object in their common field of view, but a bat
should not be large enough to trigger both at the same time.
Source:The National Trust, pers. com.
Bats have been known or suspected to trigger burglar
alarms in buildings. If it is confirmed that bats are the cause
there are two courses of action.
First, the relevant SNCO can be contacted with a view to
excluding bats from the space in question. This may be
neither successful nor reliable.
Second, the alarm systems can be altered to make them less
susceptible to bat-generated false alarms. The installers of
the alarm should be consulted and the local Bat Group may
be able to help.
Types of alarm
Light beam detectors a transmitter sends out an active
infra-red beam that is received by a receiver (e.g. across a
window). The alarm is set off when the beam is broken.
Such systems can be modified to prevent false alarms by
installing two parallel beams, one 50 cm vertically above
the other, wired so as both must be broken before the
alarm is signalled.
Security alarm systems in buildings
mineshafts and destruction of caves. Some of these
situations may fall within the scope of the licensing
arrangements under the Habitats Regulations, but in
others the SNCO may have to provide advice. Here,
the role of the batworker is largely one of collecting
information and, perhaps, suggesting possible
solutions to the problem.
9.2 The media
Over the past few years there has been a considerable
interest in bats from the press, radio and television.
On the whole, bats have received fairly sympathetic
treatment, perhaps because the conservationists are
the main source of information, although most
reporters seem unable to resist the old clichs of
vampires, Dracula etc. For the amateur bat-worker,
most dealings with the media can be through the
local bat groups (see Chapter 8), but some guidance
bears repetition here.
The most easily handled form of contact with the
media is positive publicity where the conservation
organisation or individual makes an approach with
what is believed to be a good story. For such an
approach to succeed, the story must be well thought
out beforehand and newsworthy. Generally, the
local press and radio are much more receptive than
the nationals, especially if you catch them on a
slack day, and will often run quite small stories if
these have a local angle and, for newspapers, are
accompanied by a photograph or two. If you do
agree to be interviewed for television or radio, try
to get the reporter to take a positive line about how
nice bats are rather than the more typical, Bats are
horrid, arent they?; this gets the interview off on a
much better footing.
Reactive publicity, where the media already have
the bones of a story, is much more common and can
be more difficult to handle, because the reporter
will generally be working to a deadline and may
already have spoken to the opposition. In such
cases, one may feel on the defensive from the start.
When one is approached, the first decisions, which
must be made rapidly, are whether one is competent
to answer the enquiry and whether one is being
consulted personally or as the representative of an
organisation. In some cases it may seem most
sensible to hand the enquiry on to someone who is
more in touch with the story, but beware of giving
the reporter the run-around; this does not help to
gain a sympathetic hearing. The Bat Conservation
Trust can give advice or recommend bat experts in
your area who have experience of dealing with the
media. Television companies are showing a
growing interest in covering bats and bat group
activities and BCT can provide advice and, if
required, help negotiate fees for the bat group.
Answering enquiries from the press is largely a
matter of common sense and experience, but it
is worth bearing in mind a few basic rules.
Ensure your facts are correct. If you dont know,
say so or offer to find out later.
Always respond in a friendly and helpful
manner. This will help to ensure a fair hearing.
Respond as quickly as possible. The media are
inevitably ruled by deadlines and, if necessary,
may run a story without your comments.
Remember the press are not experts on bats.
Keep it as simple as possible.
Make it clear if you do not wish to be quoted,
although making off the record remarks can be
a dangerous practice.
Dont tell lies. It will severely damage your
credibility if youre found out.
Think carefully before replying. Dont be
rushed into making unconsidered statements and
remember that long pauses will be edited out of
television and radio recordings.
Dont be rude or sarcastic or make jokes. These
often come across rather differently from how
you intended.
Avoid jargon and acronyms.
Dont say no comment. This can be interpreted
in a number of unflattering ways.
Guidelines on writing a press release are available
from The Bat Conservation Trust.
ANON (2003). Bats and human health. Scottish
Natural Heritage & Scottish Centre for Infection
and Environmental Health, Edinburgh or
English Nature, Peterborough.
BATTERSBY, J. 1995. Bats, droppings and wall
paintings at Clayton Church, West Sussex. Bat
News, No. 36, 23.
WANI, D. (in press a). Case report: Isolation of
a European Bat Lyssavirus Type 2a from a fatal
human case of rabies encephalitis. Journal of
Medical Virology.
L.M., JOHNSON, N. & HUTSON, A.M. (in
press b). European Bat Lyssaviruses: an
emerging zoonosis. Epidemiology & Infection.
FOOKS, A.R. 2003. Isolation of a European
Lyssavirus type 2 from a Daubentons bat in the
United Kingdom. Veterinary Record, 152,
Public concern about bats (Chiroptera) in
Britain: An analysis of enquiries in 198283.
Biological Conservation, 36, 315328.
GARTHWAITE, D. 2003. Assessing the out
come of English Nature advice on bat colony
management and mitigation works. English
Nature Research Report No. 517. English
Nature, Peterborough. 59 pp.
PAINE, S. UNDATED. Bats in churches. English
Heritage, London.
KING, A.A. & HUTSON, A.M. 1996. Ten-year
survey of British bats for the existence of rabies.
Veterinary Record, 139, 491493.
9.2 THE MEDIA 93
References and further reading
Brown long-eared bat hovering. Frank Greenaway
10.1 Introduction
Apart from commensals, such as the house mouse,
bats are the only group of mammals that rely
heavily on buildings for shelter. This reliance on
man-made structures, together with their colonial
habits, make bats very vulnerable to a wide range
of human activities, either directly, by being killed
or injured, or indirectly by roost loss. This chapter
provides guidance on dealing with activities that are
likely to affect bats incidentally.
Legally (see Chapter 1 for full details), the
protection afforded to bats against killing or
injuring and the damaging or destruction of their
roosts is limited by two defences in the Wildlife
and Countryside Act and the Habitats Regulations.
These provide a defence against prosecution where
the alleged offence took place in a dwelling house
(applies to disturbance of bats or damage or
destruction of roosts) or was the incidental result of
a lawful operation and could not reasonably have
been avoided (applies to all offences). However,
these defences cannot be relied on unless the
Statutory Nature Conservation Agency (SNCO) had
been notified and allowed a reasonable time to
advise as to whether the proposed operation should
be carried out and, if so, the method to be used.
In practical terms, this complex section may be
interpreted as giving the SNCOs a statutory role in
advising how damage to bats and their roosts can
reasonably be avoided or minimised, but it does not
give them the power to prevent lawful and
necessary works. It is not, in itself, an offence to
fail to consult the SNCO or even to ignore the
advice, but to do so could lay an individual or
company open to prosecution. In this circumstance,
the onus of proof would be on the defendant to
show that the alleged offence, whether killing or
injuring bats or damaging or destroying roosts, was
either the incidental result of a lawful operation and
could not reasonably have been avoided or took
place in a dwelling house. Although no true case
law has yet been established, cases in Magistrates
Courts have shown that Magistrates take a serious
view of offences where the defendant failed to
consult and took action that the SNCO would have
advised against. Note that in England and Wales it
is sufficient to show that someone acted recklessly
to disturb bats or damage or destroy roosts whereas
in Scotland (until 2004) and Northern Ireland it is
necessary to demonstrate intent.
Timber treatment, pest control
and building work A. J. Mitchell-Jones
The word reasonable in the incidental result
defence gives considerable scope for negotiation
and interpretation in any particular case. In law,
only a court could decide what is reasonable in any
particular circumstance, so in practice, and in the
absence of case law, common-sense decisions must
be made.
The situation is further complicated by the
existence of a licensing system under the Habitats
Regulations which is administered separately by
Departments in the four countries of the UK (see
Chapter 1 and Appendix 6). This is available where
work that might affect bats is required for
preserving public health or public safety or other
imperative reasons of over-riding public interest.
Guidance is available from each of the Departments
or SNCOs about how the system operates in their
territory, but it is likely to apply mainly to
operations on structures other than dwelling-houses
or to major alterations to dwelling-houses.
In situ remedial timber treatment with
organochlorine insecticides and some fungicides
has been considered an important, although largely
invisible, source of bat mortality in Europe.
Evidence for its importance comes from a number
of sources. Experiments have shown that bats kept
in wooden cages treated with lindane, formerly a
common insecticide in treatment fluids, die within a
Bat worker using fiberscope to inspect mortice joints in barn.
Shirley Thompson
few days, even if the cage had been treated 2 weeks
previously. Although this was a severe test, the
speed with which the bats died was both surprising
and alarming. Similar results were obtained with
the fungicide, pentachlorophenol (PCP), and bats
still died when placed in a cage that had been
treated 14 months previously with a mixture of
lindane and PCP (Racey & Swift, 1986; Boyd et
al., 1988). As well as the acute poisoning that was
observed in these experiments, bats can suffer from
chronic poisoning by accumulating doses of a range
of pesticides, particularly the organochlorines. In
such cases it is unlikely that corpses will be found
within the roosts and the only sign would be the
disappearance of bats from a traditional roosting
site. Such disappearances have been recorded many
times after remedial timber treatment.
Pest control for wasp or bee nests, cluster-fly
swarms or possibly for rodent infestations is
much less of a problem than remedial timber
treatment but can be treated similarly from a legal
point of view. Many of the remarks about chemicals
in the timber treatment section apply equally to pest
control, although a wider range of chemicals is
available for the latter use because there is not the
same requirement for persistence.
Roof repairs and any other building work likely to
affect bat roosts are covered by the same legal
requirements as remedial timber treatments,
although fewer consultations are received from
roofing contractors. In many respects, the problems
associated with such works are more readily
definable, because the main dangers are either
direct physical disturbance of bats, killing of bats
(especially when torpid) or loss of the roost site.
Experience has shown that bats will generally
tolerate quite considerable changes to their roosts
provided that they are not subjected to excessive
disturbance during the course of the work.
10.2 Remedial timber
10.2.1 Types of infestation
There are three species of wood-boring insect of
economic significance.
Common furniture beetle or woodworm Anobium
punctatum is the most widespread species,
occurring throughout the British Isles. Adults are
about 23 mm long and can be identified by the
extended thorax, which almost obscures the head
(Figure 10.1). This species attacks the sapwood of
hardwoods and softwoods, particularly when these
are damp, so timbers consisting largely of
heartwood are resistant to attack. Some hardwoods
are virtually immune.
Eggs are laid on irregularities in the surface of
timbers by the adults, which emerge throughout the
summer, and the larvae tunnel into the wood, where
they remain for up to 3 years. Prior to pupation, the
larva makes its way to just beneath the surface of
the wood, and the emerging adult later bores a
small circular flight-hole 0.81 mm in diameter
and emerges to mate and complete the life cycle.
Relatively few eggs are laid by each female, so
infestations of this species are slow to build up.
Death-watch beetle Xestobium rufovillosum (Figure
10.2) is most common in southern Britain and
absent from Scotland. Adults are 68 mm long and
dark brown with a golden mottled appearance
caused by hairs on the wing-cases. They do not fly
readily, except under extremely warm conditions,
so that infestations are not readily spread between
buildings. The larvae are up to 10 mm long and 23
mm in diameter. Death-watch beetle generally
attacks only hardwoods, preferring areas that are
damp and already subject to fungal decay. The
larval stage of the life cycle can last up to 10 years,
depending on the state of the wood. Wood with a
high moisture content and active fungal attack will
cause rapid maturation of the larva, while dry
wood, if attacked at all, will result in slow
maturation. Temperature is also an important factor.
Adults emerge from March to June after boring a
circular flight-hole 23 mm in diameter. In
churches or similar buildings, the adults can often
be found crawling on the floor or window ledges
after falling from the beams. As with Anobium,
only small numbers of eggs are laid, so infestations
are slow to build up. In severely attacked wood,
adults can emerge into cavities within the wood and
thus complete their life cycle without ever
appearing on the surface.
The house longhorn beetle Hylotrupes bajulus
(Figure 10.3) is the largest of the wood-borers.
Adults are about 16 mm long with, as might be
expected from the name, strikingly long antennae.
(Note that there are a number of superficially similar
species which do not cause damage in houses.)
Figure 10.1
Common furniture beetle Anobium punctatum
Figure 10.2
Death-watch beetle Xestobium rufovillosum
Figure 10.3
House longhorn beetle Hylotrupes bajulus
Exit holes (life size)
Exit holes (life size)
Exit holes (life size)
The larvae grow to a length of up to 25 mm and
bore tunnels up to 4 mm in diameter. The flight-
hole is oval, about 7 x 3 mm. This species attacks
the sapwood of softwoods and can be extremely
damaging as the larvae can bore up to 25 mm of
tunnel per day. Often there is no sign of damage to
roof timbers until the adults begin to appear and
reveal that the structural timber is just a shell.
Fortunately, the species is confined largely to
Surrey and parts of Hampshire, although it is
widespread in continental Europe. In the local
authority areas in Britain in which it is established,
pretreatment of timbers is mandatory.
There are two fungi of significance:
Dry rot Serpula lacrymans attacks wood with an
initial moisture content above 20% and can be
extremely damaging. Once established in a damp
area, fungal hyphae can travel considerable
distances over masonry to reach other wood,
because nutrients can be transported through the
hyphae. Sound wood can be attacked provided that
there is a damp area adjacent and humidity is high.
When mature, the fungus forms a rust-coloured
fruiting body, which releases millions of spores.
Attacked timber develops cuboidal splitting and
becomes dry and powdery. The fungus can survive
for considerable periods within masonry, providing
there is a source of nutrients, so treatment must be
thorough and can be difficult.
Wet rot is a generic term covering a number of
species such as pore fungus Poria vaporaria and
cellar fungus Coniophora cerebella. These require
moister conditions than those required to start dry
rot. In practice, this means that in buildings they are
always associated with defects that allow water to
soak into timbers under sheltered conditions or
through lack of ventilation or damp courses.
Although considerable structural damage can be
caused, wet rots do not have the same invasive
capabilities as dry rot, so damage is usually more
10.2.2 Treating beetle infestations
Although there are differences in the types of
timber attacked, the three wood-borers have a
broadly similar life history. The majority of the life
cycle is spent in the larval form, feeding on
cellulose or breakdown products of cellulose, and
the adult does not feed but lives only long enough
to mate and lay eggs. Thus the insect could spend
almost its entire life deep inside timber, appearing
on the surface for only a short period, first as an
egg and later as an adult. This is of vital
significance when attempting to halt the infestation.
When newly felled, timber is susceptible to attack
by a wide variety of wood-boring insects including
powder post beetles (Lyctus species) and
wood-boring weevils (Euophryum species).
However, these species all require fresh wood with
a moisture content above 20% and, once the timber
has been seasoned or kiln-dried, only the three
species under discussion can survive. Even these
need some moisture, and this fact provides the basis
for an effective treatment, though one that is not
always practicable. For example, furniture beetle
infestations are uncommon in timbers in
centrally-heated buildings as the wood is too dry. In
some European countries, a well-established
disinfestation treatment is to blow hot air into the
roof void, thus heating the timbers. Once a critical
temperature has been reached deep in the wood, all
the larvae are killed and instant disinfestation is
achieved. Of course there is no protection against
reinfestation, but this is normally very slow.
In the UK, chemical treatment is almost universal,
and this seems likely to continue in the foreseeable
future. There are a number of factors that have to
be taken into account when designing an effective
treatment, but perhaps the most important are the
relative impermeability of wood and the long life
cycle of the beetles. With spray or brush treatment
it is virtually impossible to achieve a significant
loading of insecticide more than a few millimetres
below the surface of the wood. Beneath this toxic
envelope the larvae can survive and continue to
burrow. The only time the insects must approach
this treated layer is during metamorphosis and as
eggs. This means that, to be effective, the
insecticide must persist at a toxic concentration for
longer than the maximum lifespan of the beetle;
longer persistence carries a bonus of protection
against further attack.
For common furniture beetle, the continuing
activity of the larvae beneath the treated layer is of
little significance, because they are small, and
structural weakening of timber will only occur after
many years of uncontrolled infestation. A single
brush, spray or fogging treatment with a persistent
insecticide will therefore end an infestation over a
3-year period, both by killing the emerging adults
and by preventing the establishment of new larvae.
New flight-holes may appear during this time as some
beetles may survive to complete their emergence.
For death-watch beetle, and even more so for house
longhorn, the longer life cycle of the larvae means
that their continuing activities after a surface
treatment can cause an unacceptable increase in
damage. In addition, the adults are much larger than
furniture beetles and need a larger dose of
insecticide, which can sometimes be difficult to
achieve in practice. The death-watch beetles habit
of emerging into inaccessible areas or cavities in
the wood can also lead to problems, so this species
is considered difficult to eradicate. Attempts to
increase the effectiveness of treatments include
pressure injection (in which solvent-based treatment
fluid is forced into the wood under pressure through
injector nozzles), and the use of paste formulations,
(in which a thick gel of insecticide is painted on to
the timber to increase the time during which the
insecticide is able to penetrate the wood). Both
methods are widely used. Pressure injection is
usually used for limited areas of heavy infestation
such as the ends of joists or wall plates. Paste
application is quicker and probably more widely
10.2.3 Choice of chemicals and fluids
The primary requirement for persistence greatly
reduces the number of possible chemicals to use,
because most insecticides are either broken down
too rapidly or are too volatile or are unacceptably
If bats are active
If a significant numbers of bats are present (suggest >5), abandon
work and try again at a time of year when bat numbers may be
lower (autumn to spring).You should consult with the appropriate
SNCO as well. If small numbers are seen, wait a while or
continue brushing down the roof to see if the bats disperse. If the
bats are unwilling to leave, it may be possible to divide the roof
with plastic sheeting and treat one section at a time. If appropriate
fluids are used (see advice elsewhere in this Chapter), these are
unlikely to harm bats unless sprayed directly on to them.
During breeding season
Breeding unlikely
(Only a very small number of bats present. No pregnant females
or young and no significant quantity of droppings).
Treat as for the non-maternity season.
Breeding possible
Stop treatment until after the maternity season. In large roofs, it
may be possible to continue treatment in part of the roof,
particularly if a water-based treatment is used. Dividing up the
roof with plastic sheeting may also be a possibility here.
Illegal action
It is well established that the synthetic pyrethroid
insecticides and a range of fungicides including boron esters,
IPBC, propiconazole and zinc compounds are reasonable
replacements for lindane or TBTObased products. These latter
two compounds are now either no longer Approved or not
available commercially. However, if you have reasonable grounds
for suspecting that a non-Approved product is being used, insist
that work is halted immediately while the SNCO is informed. Call
the police if it is not. All timber-treatment product containers,
whatever their contents, should now carry a warning about bats.
Legal position (simplified)
The killing, injuring, taking or disturbance of bats and the
damage or destruction of roosts may be covered by the legal
defences that the action took place in a dwelling-house
(disturbance or damage/destruction of roosts only) or that this
was the incidental result of a lawful operation and could not
reasonably have been avoided (all offences). However, these
defences may only be relied on if the SNCO had been
consulted and allowed a reasonable time to advise as to
whether the proposed operation should be carried out and, if
so, the method to be used.
If the SNCO had been consulted, the defence could be relied
on; if not, illegal activity may be taking place, so the police could
be involved, but only a court can ultimately determine the
legality of the situation. If the incidental result defence is used,
the decision of the court may depend on the interpretation of
the word reasonably.
The remedial timber treatment industry has had a considerable
amount of publicity about bats and companies should have no
excuse for not knowing what they are supposed to do.
Nevertheless, some difficult situations can arise, particularly
outside the maternity season where it is difficult to know what
advice to give.
Outside the breeding season (where a small number of bats are
present, suggest <5)
If bats are torpid
Catch carefully (do not handle bats, use box, gloves or cloth),
keep safely and release nearby at dusk the same day. Proceed
carefully with the work.
Emergencies bats discovered during remedial timber treatment
toxic to humans. Until the early 1980s dieldrin, an
organochlorine, was a common choice, but concern
about its safety led to its withdrawal in 1984.Lindane,
also known as gamma-BHC (benzene hexachloride)
or gamma-HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane), another
organochlorine but with lower mammalian toxicity
and less environmental persistence, has also been
widely used since the 1950s, but is now rarely used,
though some products still hold statutory Approvals.
There is a statutory requirement to label remedial
timber treatment products containing lindane as
Dangerous to bats.
Currently, the most commonly used chemicals are the
synthetic pyrethroids, a class of chemically
synthesised compounds related to naturally occurring
pyrethrum. Like pyrethrum, they have considerable
insecticidal activity but are not generally very toxic to
mammals (although they are very toxic to fish). They
are fairly stable in air and light but are easily
metabolised by mammals and broken down by
bacteria in soil and other media. Two compounds,
permethrin and cypermethrin, are now widely used.
Tests on bats have shown that these both appear safe
for use in bat roosts. In no case has there been any
greater mortality than in bats kept in untreated cages.
Boron compounds, such as disodium octoborate and
boric acid have an increasing use in the treatment of
furniture beetle infestations. They are now considered
as effective as the chemicals previously discussed but
are relatively non-toxic to mammals and have been
recommended for sensitive situations such as bakeries
or other food preparation areas.
A new type of product for remedial timber treatment
is Flufenoxuron, also known as Flurox. This acts
specifically as an insect chitin synthesis inhibitor and
has a very low mammalian toxicity.
All products containing pesticides must be approved
under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986
(COPR), which governs the advertising, supply,
storage and use of pesticides. The Health and Safety
Executive is responsible for administering these
regulations for timber treatment products and all
approved fluids will be labelled with an HSE number
as well as statutory hazard warnings and directions
for use. It is a criminal offence to misuse these
The properties of some insecticides are summarised in
Table 10.1a.
There are two main types of fluid:
Solvent-based fluids consisting of the active
ingredients (pesticide) dissolved in a hydrocarbon
solvent such as odourless kerosene or white spirit.
Water-based emulsions consisting of pesticides,
emulsifiers, organic solvent and water. They are
often supplied as concentrates to be diluted with
water on site. Microemulsions are emulsions with
particularly low solvent levels, which appear to
give better penetration of the wood.
The main advantages of solvent formulations are the
greater penetration into wood and the toxic effects of
the solvent itself. In some instances, a solvent-based
fluid may also be chosen because of possible
damage to furnishings or decor. Penetration and
solvent toxicity are probably most important in
treating death-watch and house longhorn
infestations, where a rapid kill of the larvae is
advantageous, but are of less consequence when
treating furniture beetle. The flammability of the
solvents is a very real hazard. If fibreglass insulation
is fitted, this usually has to be removed, as solvent-
soaked fibreglass is a considerable fire risk.
The great advantages of emulsions are their lower
cost and their lower flammability. When applied in
emulsions, the pesticides probably do not penetrate
as deeply as with solvent fluids because of swelling
of the wood fibres. This could be a disadvantage
when treating death-watch beetle, but could be a
positive advantage when treating furniture beetle.
Here, the lower penetration means that the pesticide
is concentrated in a tight band within the top 23
mm of the wood rather than being diffused and
diluted through perhaps 46 mm.
Emulsions have become increasingly popular over
the past few years and this trend seems likely to
continue. However, there may be a continuing
requirement for solvent-based fluids for the spray
treatment of death-watch and house longhorn beetles
and for pressure injection, because even high-oil
emulsions are unlikely to be successful when used in
this way. In bat roosts, emulsions obviously have an
advantage of low toxicity, although in practice any
toxic effect of organic solvents is likely to be
temporary, because evaporation is quite rapid,
especially in a warm, well ventilated roof, and there
is no residual effect. The SNCOs welcome the wider
use of emulsions for the treatment of furniture beetle
infestations, although there is no evidence that
solvent-based fluids, when applied at the
recommended time, cause deaths of bats.
Fogging systems have recently been adopted by
some companies which enable operators to treat
buildings using a remote controlled fogging
machine, which disperses the insecticide
throughout the treatable area. The fog droplets
are deposited on all exposed timber surfaces and
provide a protective layer of insecticide. This
considerably reduces the volume of fluid
required to treat a given area and also greatly
reduces the operators exposure to pesticide and
/ or organic solvent. However, the effects of
such treatments on any bats that may be
present are unknown. Permethrin is now being
replaced in many cases by boric acid in a
glycol base.
Remedial fluids sometimes contain a fungicide (see
Table 10.1b) as well as an insecticide. The
fungicide is included to give some protection
against moulds or surface fungi, but is unlikely to
be effective against wet rot or dry rot, for which
specialist treatment is necessary.
10.2.4 Treating fungal attack
Serious fungal attack always leads to structural
damage of the affected timbers, so successful
treatment must include remedial building works to
prevent the further ingress of moisture and the
removal and replacement of severely affected
timbers. Simply treating affected areas with
fungicide is not an effective treatment, because the
structural damage remains and the fungus may
continue to grow deep in the wood beyond the
a. Insecticides
Common name Usual solution strength Toxicity to mammals Acceptable uses within
bat roosts/ comments
Permethrin 0.2% Low Any remedial use
Cypermethrin 0.1% Low Any remedial use
Deltamethrin 0.1%? Low Any remedial use
Boric acid, Disodium
octoborate, Tri(hexylene
glycol) biborate 5-20% Low Any remedial use
Flufenoxuron (Flurox) 0.025% Low Any remedial use
Cyfluthrin 0.10.5% Low May cause harm to bats
(HSE labelling requirement)
b. Fungicides
Common name Usual solution strength Toxicity to mammals Acceptable uses within
bat roosts/comments
carbamate (Polyphase/IPBC) 0.5% Low Any suitable application
Benzalkonium chloride Low Any suitable use
Boric acid, Disodium
octoborate or tetraborate,
Tri(hexylene glycol) biborate 3.5% Low Any suitable application
Dichlofluanid Low Decorative stains and finishes
Dodecylamine salicylate
or laurate Low Any suitable application
(+sodium salts) 2-5% Low? Wall sterilant for dry rot
Propiconazole 1.5% Low Any suitable application
Quartenary ammonium
compounds 3.0% Low Any suitable application
Tebuconazole 0.1 1.5% Low May cause harm to bats
(HSE labelling requirement)
Zinc naphthenate,
Zinc octoate, Acypetacs zinc,
Zinc versatate 1-3% Zn Low Any suitable application
Table 10.1 Common active ingredients in remedial timber treatment products.
penetration of the fungicide. In addition, all
fungicides break down with time and some can be
leached out of damp wood. It is wise to view
fungicidal treatment of wood, certainly for wet rot,
as a temporary measure to slow down the fungus
while remedial works allow the timber to dry to a
moisture level at which the fungus cannot survive.
However, there is considered to be a need for
fungicidal treatment of areas surrounding any area
of dry rot because of this fungus's ability to survive
in masonry.
Fungal problems in roofs are uncommon, generally
develop slowly and are associated with poorly
maintained roofs or guttering.
A wide range of fungicides is in common use, many
of which have not been tested specifically on bats,
though some are known to have a low toxicity to
rats or mice.
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) was, until recently,
widely used, but is now carefully controlled and
only available in exceptional circumstances. It is
very toxic to bats.
Zinc- and copper-based fungicides generally have a
low mammalian toxicity and all are likely to be
suitable for use in bat roosts. Only zinc octoate,
copper naphthenate and acypetacs zinc have been
tested on bats and these proved to be safe.
Similarly, boron compounds such as tri-hexylene
glycol biborate or Polybor (disodium octoborate)
have a low mammalian toxicity because they
hydrolyse to form boric acid. They are not such
potent fungicides as some of the others discussed
and in some circumstances they can be leached out
of the wood. However, they are perfectly adequate
for preventative treatment in areas not subject to
excessive damp.
10.2.5 Time of treatment
The replacement of lindane by the synthetic
pyrethroids, which are known to be relatively
harmless to bats, has largely removed any problems
over the choice of chemical, so that the only
variable factor is the time of year at which
treatment takes place. Because the synthetic
pyrethroids do have some toxicity and organic
solvents may be used, the guiding principle is that
treatment should take place at a time when no bats
appear to be present.
In house roofs, the timing of treatment for species
such as the pipistrelle, which is usually only present
seasonally, is relatively simple. Treatment should
take place after the bats have left in late summer or
autumn or before they return in the spring. In some
cases, treatment could safely be carried out
between 1 October and 15 April, but this season
could be extended into May or September, or
possibly even further, if an inspection shows that
bats are not present.
Long-eared bats and other species, such as the
whiskered bat and serotine, which may be present
throughout the year, present a much more acute
problem for which there is no ideal solution. With
these species, bats may be most obvious during the
summer, when they are breeding, but at other
times bats may still be present but concealed in
crevices, under ridge tiles or behind roofing felt
and even the most careful inspection may fail to
reveal them. Many roosts of these species may be
occupied throughout the year, whereas others may
be used for short periods, perhaps during the spring
or autumn.
If a roost is known to be used through the summer,
it would be safest to assume that it is a maternity
roost, regardless of the amount of evidence of
droppings, so that, unless there are compelling
reasons, no timber treatment should be carried out
between approximately the beginning of May and
the end of September. Outside this period bats may
still be present, and a number of factors will have to
be taken into account when deciding on the
optimum time for treatment. If an inspection during
the possible treatment period (October to April)
reveals no bats and no fresh droppings, there would
be no advantage in delaying treatment (although the
area to be treated should be carefully inspected and
any concealed bats persuaded to leave, perhaps by
leaving lights on or by beginning to brush down the
roof). In some cases it will still be wise to avoid
key hibernation periods, e.g. January and February,
and instead aim to carry out treatment towards the
end of winter.
If one or two bats appear during the treatment,
these should be caught and released outside,
preferably at dusk, because it is vital that bats are
not sprayed directly. This is common-sense advice
and so the catching can be justified when the
treatment is in accordance with the SNCOs advice.
In the autumn, if significant numbers of bats are
still present, a delay of a few weeks before
treatment may allow many to move elsewhere. In
most cases, signs of bat activity will decrease as the
weather cools, although it is generally not possible
to determine whether this is because the bats have
moved on or because they are still present but less
active. If bats are still present in November even
after a hard frost, it is likely that some at least will
overwinter in the roost, so there seems little
advantage in delaying treatment further. In spring,
bats may be visible and active in roof voids as early
as March or April, sometimes in quite large
numbers. At this time of year bats are active enough
to move elsewhere if disturbed but they are not yet
breeding, so that timber treatment may be possible
provided that the bats are persuaded to leave first.
Usually, the disturbance caused by cleaning
operations before spraying will cause the bats to
disappear temporarily, but placing lights in the roof
void may also be helpful.
10.3 Pretreatment of timber
There is no legal requirement to pretreat structural
timbers in Britain with either insecticide or
fungicide except in a designated area of Surrey and
Hampshire where house longhorn beetle occurs and
in other areas with local byelaws. Apart from
timbers below the damp-proof course, which are
routinely treated, it appears that the only treatment
the majority of timber receives is a low dose of
water-soluble fungicide to prevent sapstain fungi,
which affect the colour of the wood. Pretreatment
of timber does not, therefore, appear to be a major
hazard to bat populations generally, although there
is a continuing interest in the industry in extending
the proportion of structural timber that is pretreated.
On some occasions, it may be necessary to replace
damaged timbers in a bat roost with pretreated
timbers to give protection against further attack by
insects or fungi. In such cases, care must be taken
to specify a treatment that is non-toxic to bats. The
two main types are described below.
10.3.1 Solvent or emulsion processes
In this type of process, a fungicide or insecticide in
organic solvent or as an emulsion is forced into the
wood by a combination of vacuum and pressure
treatment. Such processes generally end with a
vacuum cycle to remove the solvents from the
wood. The most common active ingredients include
boron compounds, zinc compounds, pyrethroids,
triazoles (propiconazole and tebuconazole) and
TBTO, though the latter is being replaced by the
less toxic alternatives.
Timber pretreated with TBTO is best avoided for
use in bat roosts, although it is probably less
dangerous than wood that has received only a
superficial treatment because the pesticide is
distributed deeper into the wood rather than being
concentrated at the surface. Timber pretreated with
other active ingredients is perfectly acceptable.
10.3.2 Copper chrome arsenic (CCA)
Treatment with an aqueous solution of copper,
chromium and arsenic salts, often known as
Tanalisation, a trade mark of Hicksons Ltd,
provides protection against fungal and insect attack.
The chemicals are applied using a vacuum and
pressure cycle and the treated wood is then stacked
to dry. During the process, the mixture of salts
reacts to form insoluble compounds, so that very
little is lost by subsequent weathering and leaching.
If the process is carried out correctly, very little
preservative is left on the surface of the wood and
there appears to be no safety hazard. Occasionally a
white powdery deposit may be seen on the surface;
this is either hydrated sodium sulphate (Glaubers
salts), a harmless by-product of the CCA salts, or
some resin that has exuded from the wood during
treatment. Both these deposits are easily removed
by scrubbing or brushing, and such treatment will
also reduce the minimal amounts of arsenic, which
may be present on the surface of the wood.
Provided that the treatment is carried out to the
appropriate British Standard and the wood is
allowed to dry before use, CCA treatment appears
to present no hazard to bats. In fact, the use of such
timber should be encouraged because its use
obviates the need for any subsequent in situ
treatment with more hazardous chemicals.
10.4 Pest control
10.4.1 Wasp, bee and hornet nests
Wasp nests are the most common problem and are
usually dealt with by Environmental Health
Departments, although some local Councils have
now contracted out pest control activities to
commercial businesses. The usual control method is
by spray application of an insecticide into the nest,
if accessible, or by local application of powder
around the nest entrances. A wide range of
insecticides is used. If the nest is accessible and not
close to an area used by bats, strictly localised
treatment with a pyrethroid is unlikely to harm or
disturb the bats so that in these circumstances
consultation with the SNCO would not be necessary.
If the bats and wasps share a common access point
or the nest is very close to the area used by the bats,
greater care is needed and advice should be sought
from the SNCO. If the wasps are not causing any
particular problems, it is usually possible to arrange
for treatment to be deferred until after the bats have
left, usually by late August, but in a few more
difficult cases treatment with pyrethroids may be
possible provided that the pesticide application is
confined to the nest and the minimum amount of
pesticide is used.
Hornets appear to be more common than formerly
but still account for relatively few treatments every
year. Most nests are quite small, so localised
treatment, if required, can be carried out.
Bee nests are rarely found in houses and may be of
interest to local beekeepers. A local contact can
often be found by enquiring at the police station
and in some cases it may be possible to have the
bees removed rather than killed.
10.4.2 Cluster-flies
Cluster-flies and other swarming flies enter houses
during the autumn for hibernation and remain until
spring the following year. The term cluster-fly
generally includes the true cluster-fly Pollenia
rudis, which is parasitic on earthworms, the
autumn-fly or face-fly Musca autumnalis and the
green cluster-fly Dasyphora cyanella, both of
which breed in cow dung.
In the autumn, flies congregate on the outside of
buildings and later move inside to hibernate in the
roof void or other suitable areas. The criteria used by
the flies to select hibernation sites are not known, but
one building apparently indistinguishable from its
neighbours may attract hibernating flies for many
years in succession. It may be that the aspect of the
building, the particular surface finish or perhaps even
pheromones deposited by previous flies are important
in attracting the flies, as obviously there is no
tradition, as with bats. If the area that the flies have
chosen remains cold throughout the winter, there are
unlikely to be complaints during this time, although
intermittent heating can cause the flies to become
active and perhaps descend to inhabited parts of the
building. Similar problems can arise during the
spring, when warm weather rouses the flies and they
attempt to disperse from their hibernation sites.
Because they do not breed or feed on meat or
domestic waste, cluster-flies do not cause any
hazard to human health, although large numbers can
be a considerable nuisance. In any conflict between
bat conservation and cluster-fly control, therefore,
the requirements of bat conservation must take
priority, although this does not mean that nothing
can be done.
The majority of enquiries about cluster-flies in bat
roosts are in late autumn or early winter when the
flies are moving in to hibernate. Fortunately, few
bats are present in roofs during this time, reducing
the possibility of conflict over treatment, and it is
usually possible to advise on control measures. If
bats are present, obviously no chemical treatment
should be permitted, but it may be possible to
alleviate some of the nuisance by blocking the routes
by which flies enter the living area of the house. If
no bats are present, as is commonly the case,
treatment with a synthetic pyrethroid, either as a
spray or as a smoke treatment, would normally be
permissible, though the recommended method is to
use a vacuum cleaner to collect the flies. More
persistent or toxic insecticides such as lindane
(-HCH), fenitrothion or dichlorvos should not be
recommended in view of the ready availability of
less toxic alternatives. Vacuum cleaners have been
used successfully to remove flies. In dealing with
such cases, it is worth emphasising that the influx of
flies is likely to be an annual problem and that
insecticidal treatment is in no sense a cure.
Possible long-term solutions include changing the
colour or reflectance of the building or blocking any
gaps under the soffits that allow the flies to land on
the wall and crawl up into the roof, but care should
be taken that such measures do not obstruct any
access points for bats.
10.4.3 Rodents
A need to control rodents in the roof voids of
domestic properties is uncommon, but many
larger institutions such as hospitals or hotels
routinely practice rodent control, often as part of a
pest control contract.
The most common methods of control are baiting
with anticoagulants, such as warfarin, brodifacoum
or difenacoum, snap-trapping or the use of tracking
dusts (contact rodenticides).
Bats are not, of course, attracted to rodent baits, so
these present no hazard from this point of view.
However, there is a possibility that bats, particularly
babies, could fall into open trays of bait or
poorly-sited trays of contact rodenticide and
accumulate poison on their fur. They could then be
poisoned when this is groomed off. If the bait or
tracking dust has been placed in position by
professional pest control operatives, the possibility
of such occurrences are remote, but cases have been
recorded where bat droppings have been
misidentified as rodent droppings and open trays of
poison have been placed directly under the bats
roost site. Such practices are both undesirable and
ineffective and should not be allowed to continue.
Often this is simply a matter of pointing out the
error that has been made and suggesting that, if
rodent control is required, the baits are placed in
more appropriate places. It is, of course, illegal
deliberately to attempt to poison bats.
The only other possible interaction between rodent
control and bats is the disturbance to roosting bats
caused by the routine visits of the rodent control
operative. As such visits are generally made at
intervals of several weeks, this seems most unlikely
to be a problem unless the operative deliberately
interferes with the bats. In general, the SNCO
would not wish to limit such visits unless
particularly large numbers of bats or particularly
sensitive species (e.g. horseshoe bats) were involved.
10.5 Building work
Building work, in its most general sense, can result
in the total loss of bat roosts and disturbance to or
death of the bats. Much of this damage can be
avoided if operations are correctly timed and
planned; although the loss of the roost is sometimes
unavoidable. The earlier advice is sought, the easier it
is to accommodate the needs of bats in building work.
Experience has shown that bats will accept
considerable changes to the structure of a building
without abandoning it as a traditional roost site.
For example, several greater horseshoe bat
breeding roosts have recently been modified and
re-roofed but all are still used by the bats. Bats
strong adherence to traditional sites and apparent
willingness to accept change to them mean that
roost loss is by no means an inevitable result of
alterations, and efforts should always be made to
allow the bats continuing access.
10.5.1 Timing of operations
Bats are at their most vulnerable in buildings during
the summer, when large numbers may be gathered
together and young bats, unable to fly, may be
present. Operations to known breeding sites should
therefore be timed to avoid the months of June, July
and August if possible. Very large rebuilding or
renovation projects may take many months to
complete and may need to continue through the
summer, which is naturally the favoured season for
re-roofing. The aim in such cases should be to have
the work sufficiently advanced by May or June for
returning bats to be dissuaded from breeding in that
site for that year. The bats will know of other less
favoured sites, which can be used temporarily, but
will return, if possible, to their primary site in the
following summer. Another possible solution is to
divide the roof with a temporary barrier and work
on half at a time. This procedure has been used
successfully on a number of occasions.
In most cases it is not known if a building is used
for hibernation, except occasionally in the case of
lesser horseshoe and long-eared bats in cellars. In
such cases, excessive disturbance during the winter
must be avoided and work should be delayed until
after hibernation if possible.
The best times for building or re-roofing
operations are spring and autumn. At these times
of the year the bats will be able to feed on most
nights and may be active or torpid during the day,
depending on weather conditions, but will not have
begun breeding. Active bats will usually keep
out of the way of any operations, but torpid bats
can be moved gently to a safe place (see Chapter
7), preferably without causing them to fly in
daylight. Repeated disturbance to bats during
the winter can seriously deplete their food reserves,
but, unless significant numbers of bats are known to
be hibernating in a building, there is no advantage
in requesting a deferment of scheduled works.
10.5.2 Direct effects on bats
Bats are occasionally encountered during the course
of building works. Usually, small numbers are
discovered hibernating singly during roof repairs or
repairs to exterior cladding, but a few reports are
received each year of large hibernation colonies.
These colonies, almost invariably of pipistrelles, are
found in a variety of situations such as in wall
cavities or under flat roofs and generally there are
no obvious external signs of their presence.
Although bats may be inadvertently or deliberately
killed by workmen, the main problems are
disturbance and the permanent or temporary loss of
a hibernation site. As the bats will already have
been disturbed, the most appropriate solution is to
collect any torpid bats into a box and either release
them nearby at dusk or move them to a part of the
building, which provides suitable conditions but is
not going to be affected. Active bats can be left to
make their own escape. Only bats that are
apparently unhealthy or injured need to be taken
temporarily into care, and these should be released
at the site of capture as soon as practicable,
preferably within 2 weeks. Healthy bats can be
released safely in any weather except gales, when
they should be kept temporarily.
If bats are active
If bats are uncatchable, leave roost partially exposed to
encourage bats to disperse naturally overnight. Then proceed
carefully with work. Leave access for bats to return in the future.
During breeding season
Breeding unlikely (for example, small numbers of bats)
Leave roost partially exposed overnight for bats to disperse
naturally, then proceed carefully with the work. Leave access for
bats to return in the future.
Probable nursery roost
Stop work and seek advice from the appropriate SNCO. If
work has just started, consider reinstating it and postponing
work until the bats have dispersed. If work is well advanced,
consider sheeting roof and waiting until bats have dispersed. In
many cases, the disturbance or exposure that has already taken
place will persuade the bats to move elsewhere, taking any
young with then, so the delay may not be long. On a large
building, it may be possible to divide the roof into sections so
that the work can proceed a section at a time. This technique
has already been used successfully.
Illegal action
Generally, if roofers are concerned enough about the bats to
seek advice from the SNCO or a bat group, they will be
prepared to make at least some concessions and, it is hoped,
enable the situation to be resolved without the threat of legal
action. If roofers have found bats in a roof during the breeding
season and refuse to stop to allow time for a consultation with
the SNCO, there would be reasonable grounds for calling in the
police on the basis that a roost was being destroyed and bats
disturbed and possibly injured and killed.
Legal position (simplified)
The killing, injuring, taking or disturbance of bats and the
damage or destruction of roosts may be covered by the
legal defences that the action took place in a dwelling-
house (disturbance or damage/destruction of roosts only)
or that this was the incidental result of a lawful operation
and could not reasonably have been avoided (all offences).
However, these defences may only be relied on if the SNCO
had been consulted and allowed a reasonable time to advise
as to whether the proposed operation should be carried
out and, if so, the method to be used.
If the SNCO had been consulted, the defence could be
relied on; if not, illegal activity may be taking place, so the
police could be involved, but only a court can ultimately
determine the legality of the situation. If the incidental
result defence is used, the decision of the court may
depend on the interpretation of the word reasonably.
The advice to be given here would depend primarily on a
number of factors, including:
number and species of bats involved;
type of roost;
state of progress of the work;
cost of delay (financial and human).
Outside breeding season (NB small numbers of bats only)
If bats are torpid
Catch (dont handle bats; use a box, gloves or cloth), keep
safely and release nearby at dusk the same day. Proceed
carefully with work. Leave access for bats to return in
Emergencies bats discovered during re-roofing
Electromagnetic doorstops are connected to the fire
alarm system and close automatically when a smoke
detector is activated. The National Trust in a Fire Guidance
Policy Note recommends the use of electromagnetic door
stops with the following system specifications in roof voids
used by bats:
the doors close on activation of smoke detectors only
in the part of the roof occupied by bats;
doors are connected to a backup battery that will
keep them open for at least 72 hours if the power is cut;
doors are connected to a security alarm that would go
off if the doors are closed due to fire, accident or failure;
the system is excluded from regular fire alarm tests
and will only be tested annually outside the season
when bats are present.
The SNCOs must be consulted in cases where fire doors
are to be installed in roofs occupied by bats.
Source:The National Trust, pers. com.
Large roof voids, for example in historic houses,
sometimes need to be partitioned in order to prevent
fire spreading through the void. Access through these fire
partitions is generally provided for maintenance purposes
through fire doors. Where bats that routinely fly through
the roof void (such as long-eared or horseshoe) are
present, access to and from their roost sites needs to be
safeguarded and fire doors need to be kept open and close
only in the event of fire. There are two types of fire door
that can provide this:
Fusible link shutters operate when the temperature
rises above 72C. This system would not provide adequate
fire protection in lofts, where heat or flame might travel
between compartments prior to the fusible link operating.
It is, however, routinely used in metal duct work with
smaller aperture in boiler rooms, where it is designed to
disconnect the oil or air supply in case of a boiler
overheating or catching fire.
Fire doors in roof voids used by bats
Walling bricks for creating bat access points. A standard
brick is shown top left. Purpose-made bat bricks can
also be used.
Figure 10.4
Bat access holes. Horseshoe bats prefer to fly into their roosts, but only small holes or slots are needed for other species and
this also helps to deter colonisation by birds.
Dormer entrance, particularly suitable for horseshoe bats.
Access slits in soffits.
Ridge ventilators can be adapted as bat access points. It may
be necessary to remove internal mesh or plastic mouldings.
Lead saddle in place of a slate to allow bats access to ridge
or roof void. Lead flashing around chimneys or other
features can also be moulded to form bat access points.
10.5.3 Alterations to roosts
In some cases, such as demolition, the loss of the roost
site is inevitable, but during repairs it is often possible
to arrange for appropriate access holes and roost sites
to be left so that the bats can reoccupy their roost at a
later date. The size, shape and location of the access
points and roosting areas will depend on the type of
work being carried out and will need to be determined
for every case, but some general guidance can be
given (Figure 10.4). Ensure that the roost site is not
made unsuitable for bats, for example by the use of
inappropriate timber treatment chemicals or by the
installation of large amounts of loft insulation near the
access points (e.g. at the eaves of buildings).
Try to locate the new access points as close to the old
ones as possible. This will ensure that they are found
easily by the bats. If the main access point has to be
moved, it is helpful if the old and new access points
can both be available for a time so that the bats can
become used to the new one.
If the roosting area is to be reduced in size or
otherwise limited, ensure that the temperature regime
is not altered too drastically. Breeding colonies of bats
will generally choose the warmest parts of a roost but
need to have some choice of temperatures. Hibernating
bats need cool and stable temperatures, so heat leakage
from occupied parts of a building should be avoided.
The installation of central heating boilers or uninsulated
hot pipes in cellars used for hibernation is inadvisable,
but, if it is unavoidable, try to isolate the heated parts
from the rest by walls or doors.
If part of a roof is to be converted for human
occupation, a good layer of sound insulation should be
installed between the two areas. This will benefit both
bats and humans. If ceilings are to be replaced or
altered, a layer of boarding covered with polythene on
top of the insulation will facilitate the removal of
accumulated droppings.
Access holes should be kept small or birds may move
in. For most bat species a slit 15 mm wide by at least
20 mm long is adequate and the ideal position appears
to be between soffit and wall. The bats can then land
on the vertical wall and climb up through the gap;
most birds cannot manage this. Building regulations
specify that roofs must have adequate ventilation
around the soffit, so access for bats can easily be
incorporated into this. Other suitable access points for
bats are at gable ends, around lead flashing or through
gaps between slates or tiles.
Horseshoe bats need special consideration because
they may require an access hole large enough to
fly through. This should, wherever possible, be
modelled on the size and shape of the previous
access hole, but new holes should ideally be at least
400 x 300 mm for greater horseshoes and 300 x
200 mm for lesser horseshoes. The hole can be
either in a vertical wall or in a horizontal surface
such as a soffit or ceiling. Use of the latter position
may help to discourage birds.
All alterations to roost sites have the potential to
damage the site, so the SNCO must always be
consulted before any work begins.
Bat access and bat roost bricks are an innovation
that, where sited appropriately, can provide access
to roost sites (e.g the Marshalls bat access brick) or
provide new roosting/hibernation opportunities.
Bricks suitable for roosting (such as the Norfolk bat
groupbat-zzz-brick, see Appendix 6), consist of a
series of slots or holes of exactly the correct size
for species such as Daubentons, Natterers, brown
long-eared, Brandts, whiskered and barbastelle bats
to hide in. These bricks would typically be used by
replacing an existing, perhaps crumbling brick in a
brick-lined tunnel or in a bridge. Roost units,
suitable for incorporating into new structures have
also been made; these are much larger and have the
potential to be used as nursery roosts.
owner was advised to delay carrying out the work until the
autumn, after checking that the bats had departed. It was also
suggested that bricks with circular holes in them, or bat bricks
were used. An access slit being left close to the original access
point was also considered to be an option. The work was
carried out during the autumn and the operation was a
success, with bats continuing to use the roost thereafter.
Source: English Nature/Kent Bat Group, pers. com.
English Nature in Kent was contacted by a property owner
who knew that bats were roosting in a cavity brick wall above
a bedroom window. The bats were gaining access through a
hole in the mortar. The owner needed to replace a brick lintel
beneath the window, which was disintegrating. The window
frame was also to be renewed. If the work had been carried
out immediately the roost would have been damaged and,
possibly, the bats using it would have been injured or killed.
A member of the Kent Bat Group visited the property and the
Case study - window and lintel replacement
JONES, A.J. 1988. Uptake of Gamma-HCH
(Lindane) by pipistrelle bats and its effect on
survival. Environmental Pollution, 51, 95111.
RACEY, P.A. & SWIFT, S.M. 1986. The residual
effects of remedial timber treatments on bats.
Biological Conservation, 35, 205214.
concentrations of lesser horseshoe droppings, one at least
0.6 m in depth and covering an area of about 1 square
metre, were found in one part of the roof, indicating a
sizeable summer roost. Six lesser horseshoes and two
brown long-eared bats were seen on this initial visit.
The early consultation and subsequent good liaison with
the architect, main and subcontractors resulted in an agreed
plan to carry out the necessary works in phases. The lesser
horseshoes main nursery roost was worked on first. This
was completed in good time to allow the re-establishment
of the summer nursery of 6070 bats. Brown long-eared
bats were forced to move through the roof voids as work
progressed. Both species remained in the roof during the
whole summer and, as far as it was possible to determine,
both species bred successfully.
The Somerset Bat Group has monitored the roost
since the completion of re-roofing and has confirmed
the successful outcome of this exercise by continuing
to record similar numbers of bats using the roosting site
each year.
Source: English Nature/Somerset Bat Group, pers. com.
Early consultation between owners of properties where
work is to take place, which may affect bats or their roosts,
is essential. SNCOs and bat workers can increase the
probability that the outcome will be successful. The
maintenance of good liaison between the parties involved
avoids misunderstandings and lessens the risk of damage
being caused to bats or their roosts.
In Somerset an architect approached English Nature in
February, requesting advice regarding some bats found in the
roof of a large property, which, although in use, had been
neglected for many years. Now under new ownership,
major refurbishment of the roof of the building was planned.
This was a project costing 250,000 (at 1991 prices) and
work was due to start in May. The work included complete
re-roofing, including the replacement of defective timbers,
localised timber treatment, removal of a number of chimney
stacks and the rebuilding of others, rebuilding parapet walls,
installation of smoke detectors and lights in the roof void
and the laying of glass fibre insulation.
A site visit revealed copious amounts of bat droppings, with
concentrations throughout the roof. The roof was probably
being used by three or four species of bats. Particularly large
Case study - roof refurbishment
dismantling of the chimney the bats side of the attic was
separated using a hardboard screen, which was stapled, rather
than nailed into place to reduce noise. A dust cloth was also
hung between the two areas to minimize dust and to keep
the bats side of the attic dark. Good relations were
established with the builders, who were given an explanation
of the need for the actions taken, and they carried out their
work with the minimum of noise and disturbance. The
outcome was successful, with the bat population continuing
to use the roost.
Source: English Nature/Kent Bat Group, pers. com.
In May, the Kent Bat Group visited a farmhouse, which
required timber treatment. Building work on the property
had already begun. A cluster of 10 brown long-eared bats was
discovered in the oldest part of the roof void. The owners of
the property were advised to delay the application of timber
treatments until the autumn and they agreed to do this.
However, it was not possible to delay the building works and
so provisions enabling bats to continue using the roost were
required. The alterations to the property included dismantling
a free standing chimney in the roof space. While work on the
exterior of the property continued, access points were left
for bats when soffit boards were replaced. Prior to the
Case study timber treatment and roof renovation
A Natterers bat in hibernation. Frank Greenaway
11.1 Conservation measures
in underground sites
Caves, mines and structures such as ice-houses,
tunnels, lime-kilns and cellars provide the protected
and stable conditions that many bats seek during
hibernation. Within such sites, there is relatively
little variation in temperature and humidity
throughout the year, although each site will provide
a range of conditions. Bats use such sites both as
mating and gathering areas in early and late
summer, as night roosts and as hibernation sites.
A few species will form maternity roosts near the
entrance of caves or mines if conditions are
suitable. Table 11.1 summarises the usefulness of
subterranean sites to the various species, although it
is difficult to give hard and fast rules. In late
summer a wider variety of species uses these sites
at night than can be expected to hibernate in them.
11.1.1 Threats
Excessive disturbance
Although bats can tolerate a degree of disturbance
during hibernation and can apparently become
conditioned to a low level of human activity, excessive
disturbance will cause bats to abandon a site. In one
extensive cave system, bats seem to co-exist with
cavers, who are aware of their vulnerability and take
reasonable care not to disturb them, but bats in other
sites have been adversely affected.
Conserving and creating bat roosts
A. J. Mitchell-Jones
The increasing use of a growing number of sites by
outdoor pursuits centres, adventure holiday groups,
tourism and the like is also a cause for concern,
because members of such parties generally have less
understanding of the impact of humans on these sites
and their fauna than members of specialist clubs.
Frequency of visits is also a problem: outdoor
centres generally operate throughout the week, so
that visits to sites by relatively large parties of
inexperienced people can be frequent.
Some sites are readily accessible without any
special equipment or preparation. Here, casual
disturbance by the curious can be a problem, as can
vandalism, the lighting of fires, the dumping of
An artificial bat roost. Frank Greenaway
Light zone True cave Notes
Greater horseshoe HBO HO(B) Use caves almost throughout the year.
Lesser horseshoe HBO HO(B) Use caves almost throughout the year.
Daubentons HBO HBO
Whiskered/Brandts HO HO
Natterers HO(B) HO
Bechsteins HO HO Very rare
Common pipistrelle H Very rarely Hibernates in caves in eastern Europe.
Soprano pipistrelle H Very rarely Hibernates in caves in eastern Europe.
Nathusiuss H Rarely
Serotine (H)O Very rarely
Noctule - -
Leislers - -
Barbastelle (H)O - Cave entrances in very cold weather.
Brown long-eared HO HO Uses caves during cold weather.
Grey long-eared HO HO Uses caves during cold weather.
H - hibernating B breeding O - other
Table 11.1 Occurrence of bat species in caves, mines and other similar situations
toxic waste or even the deliberate killing of bats.
The Bat Conservation Trusts leaflet Bats
Underground gives guidance on conservation
issues and site assessment.
Destruction, maintenance or change of use
Subterranean sites can suffer from a variety of
operations, which can affect their use by bats.
Safety considerations and concern over legal
liability have persuaded many local Councils or
land-owning organisations to seal disused shafts
and, in some cases, block caves or adits. In some
areas the loss of potential hibernation sites is
continuing at an alarming rate. Tunnels have been
repaired, converted to storage areas or rifle ranges,
or reopened for their original use; caves have been
opened for public access as show caves, and caves
and mines have been quarried away as part of
commercial quarrying operations. Even if a cave or
mine is to remain open, gating or grilling in an
inappropriate way can also affect the bats, so the
SNCO should always be consulted.
Even quite subtle changes to the topography of a
site, both inside and outside, can have far-reaching
effects on its suitability for bats, mainly by altering
the air-flow through the system and hence the
temperature and humidity. Some changes, if
carefully planned, can benefit the bats, but others
can certainly degrade the usefulness of the site.
Bats tend to prefer dynamic cave systems, where
there is a flow of air through the system and hence
some variation in temperature. Horseshoe bats tend
to prefer warmer sites than other species, though
there is much overlap. In simple dynamic systems,
such as blind tunnels or adits, which rely on
convection currents, the size, configuration and
aspect can affect the temperature within the site to a
considerable degree. Convection will pull in warm
air in summer and cold air in winter. Domes and
recesses in the roof can trap warm air and cold air
can be trapped in areas lower than the entrance. In
the UK, the coldest sites are usually the best
midwinter hibernacula for vespertilionid bats. The
surrounding vegetation and topography are also
very important because bats require cover around
the site access. Figure 11.1 gives some examples.
Non-dynamic systems with no air movement tend
to be too warm for hibernation, although they may
be used as temporary summer roosts.
Figure 11.1
Convention currents in caves and mines. The extent and
direction of the currents depends on the temperature
differential between inside and out as well as the size and
configuration of the site.
In winter, air is warmed inside the cave and rises
out by convection. Some local cooling of the
ground may take place near the entrance. Moisture
is removed from the cave.
In winter, this configuration may lead to the
development of a cold sump. Cold air is trapped
in the lower part of the system.
In summer, air is cooled inside the cave, becomes
denser and flows out down the hill. Moisture is
deposited in the cave.
cold air
Warming effect
Cooling effect
Cold air current
Warm air current
Grade 2a: sites already gated or grilled.
Unrestricted access by arrangement with the key holder
during the summer or restricted access by agreement
between the key holder, NAMHO or NCA or other
relevant caving body during the winter. This agreement may
cover activities such as blasting.
Examples: Agen Allwedd, Powys (used by more than 200
lesser horseshoe bats during the winter. Access controlled
by a management committee that takes account of the bat
interest. Blasting banned during the winter [1 October to 20
May]); Hangmans Wood Deneholes, Essex (used by up to 70
Natterers, Daubentons and long-eared bats. Recent
restriction on visiting during the winter has significantly
increased the number of bats).
Grade 2b: sites without protection.
Unrestricted access during the summer but winter visits and
blasting should be avoided unless agreed with NCA /
Examples: West Llangynog Slate Mine, Powys (used by more
than 50 lesser horseshoe bats); Ettington, Warwickshire
(used regularly by the rare barbastelle bat as well as small
numbers of Natterers, Daubentons and long-eared bats);
Sandford Hill, Mendip, Somerset (various cave and mine sites
used by greater horseshoe bats).
Grade 3 (many sites)
Sites known to be used by small numbers of bats during the
winter. No formal access control but proceed with caution
and follow the conservation code. Avoid winter visits if
practical. Report numbers of bats seen.
Examples: Eglwys Faen, Powys (small numbers of lesser
horseshoe, whiskered and Daubentons bats); Gnomeys,
Godstone, Surrey (used by small numbers of Natterers,
Daubentons, whiskered, Brandts and long-eared bats).
Grade 4 (many sites)
Sites not known to be used by bats or with only occasional
records. Follow the conservation code and report any bat
Source: Bats Underground/BCT, pers. com.
Site grading
Caves, mines and other underground sites can be graded
according to their importance to bats. This grading takes
into account not only the number and species of bats
involved but also the physical nature of the site and the
pattern of usage by the bats. Compared with other
European countries, numbers of bats recorded in British
sites are small; there are fewer than 30 known sites with
more than 100 bats.
Grading gives an indication of where limits on human access
would help bat conservation. Many sites also have access
control for other reasons and these may take precedence
over control for bat conservation.
The grading of particular sites is agreed by negotiation
between the bat conservation organisations and either the
National Caving Association (NCA) or the National
Association of Mining History Organisations (NAMHO) in
co-operation with their member groups. In many cases a
more detailed statement on access control will be available
from these organisations. Access control does not necessarily
mean access is prohibited. Significant populations would have
to be recorded before any access restrictions would be
requested. Incidental observations of bats can be made
without infringing the Wildlife and Countryside Act and reports
are welcomed by the nature conservation organisations.
Grade 1 (fewer than 10 sites)
Sites used by bats throughout the year for hibernation and
breeding. Access controlled throughout the year.Visits by
prior arrangement with the key holder, in agreement with
the relevant national or regional caving organisations or
NAMHO, normally during spring or autumn.
Examples: Swan Hill Quarry, Shropshire (used by up to 80
lesser horseshoe bats throughout the year); Rock Farm
Cave, Devon (used by several hundred greater horseshoe
bats throughout the year).
Grade 2 (fewer than 100 sites)
Sites used by large or locally significant numbers of bats
during the winter (normally 1 November to 30 April, but
extended in a few cases) where seasonal access control is
considered desirable or is already in effect. Control over
activities such as blasting may also be required.
Bat conservation: site grading and protection
Figure 11.1
Warm dome. In winter cold air entering the
system is warmed and rises to form a warm dome.
Cold sump. In winter, cold air flows into the system,
causing local cooling and the formation of a cold sump
Cold air trapped.
Powerful local
cooling of rocks.
Warming effect
Cooling effect
Cold air current
Warm air current
Figure 11.1
A single vertical shaft has little air flow, but can act as a cold sump.
Air temperature higher than cave temperature. Air temperature lower than cave temperature.
Caves or mines with multiple entrances at different
levels will have air currents. These may vary in direction
seasonally and will tend to lower the humidity.
In adits or tunnels the extent of the convection current will
depend on the temperature difference between inside and
outside, the volume of the system and the size of the passage.
Warming effect
Cooling effect
Cold air current
Warm air current
11.1.2 Grilles
The most frequently required conservation measure
for caves and mines is protection against excessive
disturbance. This is generally achieved by fitting a
grille, which permits the free passage of bats but
not people, although other measures such as
security fencing may be appropriate in a few cases.
If a grille is to be fitted, it is important to monitor
bat numbers before and after fitting to check for
any beneficial or adverse effects.
Grilles must be carefully planned if they are to be
successful and a number of points must be taken
into account.
The SNCO must be consulted if the site is
already used by bats. Grilles have the potential
to damage bat roosts if not correctly designed and
fitted, so advice must be sought on this. TheSNCOs
also wish to keep records of all bat sites and all
grilling works. Grilles can be expensive items and
the SNCO may be able to grant-aid the cost of
grilling known bat hibernacula and suggest other
sources of funding.
The species using a site should be identified before
a grille is installed. Summer, as well as winter, use
should be taken into account. Grilles should not be
installed at times when disturbance is likely to
result, e.g. during hibernation.
Permission must be sought from the landowner
and any tenants. A management agreement will
help to set out responsibilities and any arrangements
that have been made for access. Many owners will
welcome the installation and maintenance of a grille,
because this will help to ease fears about safety and
discourage trespass. Many conservation and wildlife
trusts have experience of such agreements and they
may be willing to help.
If the site is used by cavers, mine historians or
similar groups, suitable arrangements for access by
these groups must be negotiated before any work
begins. Failure to do so will severely upset relations
with responsible caving groups and may also lead to
repeated damage or to destruction of the grille.
The grille must be of appropriate design and
construction (Figure 11.2). The bar spacing is one
of the most important variables, because some bats,
particularly horseshoes, are known to be reluctant to
fly through narrow gaps. An air space of 150 mm
between horizontals is recommended for greater
horseshoe bats, but this may be large enough to
allow children through and a slightly narrower
spacing may be appropriate for sites used only by
other species; a 130 mm gap seems to be a reasonable
compromise. Vertical supports should be more
widely spaced, although too wide a spacing will
make the grille vulnerable to vandalism because the
bars can be forced apart more easily. The exact
spacing can be chosen to suit the size of the grille
but should be in the range of 450750 mm, with
greater horseshoes being given the larger spacing.
All grilles should be constructed to permit access for
authorised persons and for safety. For small
entrances, it may be most convenient to have the
whole grille hinged and fitted on a subframe. This is
particularly appropriate when doorways have to be
grilled, as the subframe, hinges and lock can be con
cealed behind the door frame. Larger grilles will
need to be fixed permanently in position and fitted
with a door of at least 500 x 500 mm. This can be
either hinged or sliding, depending on the
circustances. If hinges are fitted, these should be of
robust construction or concealed so that they cannot
easily be hacksawed through.
It is generally agreed that the lock should be the
weakest part of the grille so that a determined
intruder may be tempted to break this relatively
cheap and replaceable component rather than the
grille itself. However, it should not be made too
vulnerable and should be fitted so that it cannot
easily be cut or levered off, although if the lock
becomes seized or someone fills it with epoxy
resin it needs to be accessible for replacement.
The construction material should be chosen to
suit the vulnerability of the site and the finance
available (Figure 11.3). For sites where there is a
low risk of vandalism, mild steel may be an
appropriate material. This is cheap but is not
resistant to cutting and rusts rather quickly. Its
main advantage is that the grille can be cut and
fitted in situ and welded with portable equipment.
For sites at higher risk or where the grille is to be
prefabricated, some form of toughened steel should
be used for those parts of the grille that are most at
risk. Reinforcing rod of 20 mm diameter is readily
available and provides reasonable resistance to rust
and to hacksaws. Tougher steels are available, but
these are generally expensive and can be difficult to
cut and weld. For particularly high-risk sites, a grille
Figure 11.2a
Bat grilles. Grilles for large or irregular entrances are best
constructed in sections and bolted or welded together on
site. Bars can be extended beyond the frame to fill awkward
corners, but long unsupported bars will be a weak point in
the grille.
Figure 11.2b
Bat grilles. For vertical rock faces the grille can be made
larger than the entrance and pinned to the wall. Irregular
vertical surfaces may need a cage with side arms cut to
length on site. Blockwork or shuttered concrete provide
useful ways of squaring up entrances and stabilising soft or
unstable strata.
Figure 11.2c
Tunnels, such as railway tunnels, with brick or block end
walls, can have a grille fitted to the inside of the wall so that
only the bars are visible. Full grilles can incorporate a lower
section of vertical bars, which are hard to climb.
Fully grilled for
greater air flow
based on the roller principle may be suitable. The
main grille is made from 3035 mm diameter steel
tube, welded in the usual way, and hardened steel
rods are then inserted into the tubes and left loose.
If any attempt is made to hacksaw through the
combination, the rod will simply revolve rather than
being cut. Small and medium-sized grilles can
generally be prefabricated out of a mixture of rod
and angle and then trimmed to size, if necessary,
on site. Large grilles may need to be prefabricated
in sections and then bolted or welded together as
they are fitted.
It is often advantageous to protect grilles against
rust. This is preferably done by galvanising at the
time of manufacture (a hot-dip process) or by
coating the grille with an anti-rust preparation
such as Norusto or Nutrarust. Epoxy resin paints
may also be used, but paints with a persistent smell,
such as bitumen, should be avoided.
By careful design and construction it is possible to
make a grille that is extremely strong and resistant
to damage. However, it must be remembered that
no grille can be proof against powerful welding or
cutting equipment and that a prolonged and
determined attack will eventually breach any grille.
Repair costs are likely to be proportional to the cost
of the original grille. It is best to site the grille where
it is visible from outside the cave or mine so that
potential vandals are deterred.
The grille must be fitted so that it does not impede
air flow into the site. It is generally inadvisable to
fit the grille into the narrowest part of an entrance,
where it could critically affect air flow. If the
narrowest point is the only logical place to put the
grille, for example in a doorway, care must be taken
to keep the obstruction to a minimum, particularly at
floor and roof level.
The grille must be securely fitted into solid rock,
if available (Figure 11.4). It is no use fitting a
carefully constructed grille, only to have it dug
round or pulled out. A common method of fitting
is to drill a series of holes around the entrance and
cement in steel rods, which are then welded to the
main grille. This is not always a convenient method
because it requires the use of on-site welding
equipment of adequate power and it is rarely
possible to weld large-section high-carbon steel with
a portable welder. An alternative is to fit the grille
with lugs or a rim of steel angle and then pin it to
Figure 11.2d
Bat grilles. Vertical shafts usually require stabilisation of the
edges. Grilles should be fitted above ground level so they are
not inadvertently walked on by people or animals. At least one
vertical grille face about 50cm high should be provided so that
bats do not have to fly vertically upwards through the grille.
the wall with rock-bolts. The heads of the bolts can
then be rounded off or welded to the frame for
additional security. Hard rock sites need only
relatively short bolts, but sites in chalk or other soft
strata may need long auger-type bolts screwed up to
900 mm into the rock. Sites with unstable or
awkwardly shaped entrances may need a concrete or
block surround to be built in place before a grille
can be fitted. In very poor ground conditions, it may
be preferable to create a new site close by rather
than try to grille a system that would soon collapse
In most cases, the base of the grille can be set
into a trench cut into the floor of the site, which
is then back-filled with concrete. Care must be
taken that the original floor-line is preserved so
that air flow is not impeded. The trench should
be a minimum of 300 mm deep, otherwise
intruders may tunnel underneath. In soft earth or
clay, it may help to hammer rods vertically into
the earth at the bottom of the trench and set
their tops into the concrete. At smaller entrances
it might be better to use a door with small
(letter-box) type access.
The grille must be inspected regularly and
maintained when necessary. A strongly made
grille in a low-risk area is unlikely to need
repair for many years but should be inspected
regularly. In high-risk areas, the prompt repair
of any damage will eventually discourage
intruders who discover that they have to work
hard to gain access at every visit.
to bats and it was not until fine plastic mesh was attached
to one side of the door, across the top and down the other
side, that hibernating bats were found to be using the site. It
is surmised that the mesh allows the bats to land and grip
the mesh. They are then able to crawl up and over the top
of the door and into the ice house.
Source: English Nature/Kent Bat Group
The properties that made ice-houses so valuable in times
before the invention of the refrigerator now make many of
them suitable as bat hibernacula. The bats in an area near
Maidstone were given a hand in being able to make better
use of an ice house by English Nature and the local bat
group. Firstly, the building was made secure against vandalism
by fitting and strengthening the door with metal plates.
However, this did not make the place immediately attractive
An ice-house
Hibernating bat populations have been surveyed three times
each winter. At the end of 1993, prior to the construction of
the end walls, a maximum of 41 bats was recorded. By the
winter of 1996/97 this number had increased to 82 and by
2001/02 the maximum count was 168. More than 90% of
the bats have been Natterers bats. Other species found
include brown long-eared, Daubentons, whiskered/Brandts
and, occasionally, the rare barbastelle. Over 30% of
hibernating bats are found to be using the crevices formed
by the attachment of wood to the tunnel walls.
This successful project has suffered several problems. The
end walls have twice been vandalised and damaged once by
subsidence after heavy rain. On each occasion has repairs
have been carried out.
Source:Wiltshire Bat Group
Disused railway tunnels can be valuable bat hibernation
sites. The Wiltshire Bat Group has been managing a project
that has increased the value of one such site. Hibernating
bats were found in a tunnel during an initial survey in 1993
but conditions were less than ideal, with internal winter
temperatures being similar to those outside. In 1994 the
ends of the tunnel were sealed and bat access grilles were
installed. This succeeded in reducing air movement,
maintaining a relatively stable temperature of around 8C,
and increasing relative humidity from 80 to 95%.
During the summers of 1994 and 1995 wood was attached
to the tunnel walls in order to create crevices suitable for
hibernating bats.
The value of all of the hard work carried out is indicated by
the increase in the number of bats using the site.
Railway Tunnel Enhancement
11.1.3 Creative conservation and site
Many subterranean sites are potential bat
hibernacula but are unsuitable for one reason or
another or are suitable for improvement, as
measured by the numbers of bats recorded
hibernating there. Protection from disturbance has
already been dealt with, but other measures that
may be taken include the following.
Provision of new hibernacula
Some areas of the country have very little in the way
of underground sites. Others have tunnels in soft or
dangerous strata. Both could provide suitable sites
for artificial hibernacula. The positioning of new
sites and the design of the structures are fundamental
to their success and some suggestions are given in
Figures 11.6 and 11.7. A specific example, the
conversion of a pill-box, is illustrated in Figure 11.8
and many of the techniques used here can be applied
to other types of hibernaculum.
It should be remembered that the majority of
hibernacula in the UK are man-made, mostly as the
products of former mining activities, and that their
use by bats may take many years to develop. Site
protection of a new hibernaculum is vital from the
start, both from the point of view of the
responsibility of the owner of the land and to limit
site disturbance.
A design life of 100 years should be envisaged and
professional assistance should be sought at all
stages. The costs incurred in building new
hibernacula are high, but funds from mandatory or
voluntary mitigation works and suchlike are
available from time to time.
Cave construction
About two dozen purpose-built bat caves have been
constructed in the UK, many of them being of
concrete pipe construction with added brickwork.
The success rate (occupancy rate) has so far been
poor, although their use will almost certainly
increase over time. Creating the precise
environmental requirements (particularly with
regard to humidity) for bats in a purpose-built
roost site is difficult, particularly when so little is
known about what those requirements are. Over
time, as our understanding of the needs of different
species improves, it is likely that designs will
reflect better the needs of bats and consequently be
more successful.
The Bat Conservation Trust holds information
about many of the projects undertaken to date and
some of the projects have been reviewed in Bat
News. Eurobats is currently reviewing measures
taken for the preservation, protection, enhancement
and creation of underground sites in order to
produce further guidance on successful practices.
Manipulation of air-flow and temperature
Largely static cave or mine systems with little air
movement are often too warm for most species and
can be improved by the creation of additional
entrances or air vents, so as to increase the
proportion of the system subject to a dynamic air
flow. The aim is to achieve an internal temperature of
06C in January during frosty weather. If such
manipulations are attempted, the numbers and
positions of hibernating bats must be monitored
carefully to try to gauge the success of the project. In
contrast, tunnels that are open at both ends fluctuate
too much in temperature and are too dry for bats.
They can be improved by fitting partial barriers at the
ends or in the middle of the tunnel (Figure 11.5). The
resulting decrease in air flow allows the temperature
to rise towards that in a similar static system. Simple
straight adits or tunnels with a relatively high passage
and entrance are often very suitable for bats because,
although there is no through draught, the relative
stability of the cave temperature in the tunnel can
give rise to convection currents and a dynamic air
flow (see Figure 11.1). Such currents can be
prevented by mounds of rock or earth at the entrance,
and it may be advantageous to clear these.
Reopening of blocked sites
Many subterranean sites have become unavailable to
bats either through deliberate blockage or through
collapse. These include caves, mines, tunnels, grottoes,
ice-houses, lime-kilns and cellars. The reopening of
such sites can lead to their rediscovery by bats and
re-establishment as hibernacula. Before such work is
undertaken, the permission of the landowner must be
sought and it may be necessary to enter into an
agreement over the long-term protection of the site.
Immediate grilling is usually a condition of reopening
what might be regarded as a dangerous place.
Provision of additional roosting points
Although bats can hang on to surprisingly smooth
surfaces, many species prefer to roost in cracks or
crevices. Some sorts of artificial tunnels or natural
caves are lacking in these, and the provision of
additional places can sometimes increase the
attractiveness of the site to bats. Bats will roost in
almost any sort of crevice, and successful devices
have ranged from planks of wood leant against
the walls to loose piles of bricks, bat-bricks or
building blocks.
Figure 11.4
Alternative methods of fixing grilles in position.
Figure 11.3
Constructing grilles. The choice of materials and method of
fabrication are often determined by what is available locally
and the vulnerability of the site being grilled. A grille that
looks strong can deter vandalism.
Plain rod Spiral rod Tube Tube with roller Grille sections joined with high-tensile bolts
Hinge designs
Alternative designs of fixing
Fabrication details
Alternative hinge designs
For angle sections
For round bars: the two
halves of the hinge are
welded together
Expandable rock bolt Plain stud fixed into rock with epoxy resin or similar
Threaded rod with tubular spacer
Rod driven into
soft rock and welded
to the grille
Figure 11.5
Creating bat hibernacula from tunnels. Air flow, temperature
and humidity can be controlled by the design of the end-walls.
Winter temperatures and air flows are shown.
Warmest 8-10
Coolest 0
Totally closed. Equilibrium ground temperature
and 100% relative humidity
Fully open to partially closed. Provides a wind-prone cool
habitat with low humidity
Optimum, with fairly stable wide temperature profile and area as well
as good humidity range. Extent of closure depends on tunnel length.
Suggested addition for
horseshoe bats or for
short tunnels
Stable area
Figure 11.6
Artificial roost site. A wide range of environmental
conditions have been provided by using the cooling effect of
the ground at the bottom and the warming effect of the sun
at the top. Where such a structure can be placed over the
entrance to an adit or shaft, convection currents will greatly
aid the development of the warm conditions.
Figure 11.7
Creating an artificial hibernaculum. Constructing this tunnel
at the base of the slope will allow cold air to flow into the
site, resulting in temperatures lower than the local rocks
C). The inner end of the tunnel will be the warmest
Figure 11.5 (continued)
Warmest 8-10
Coolest 0
Field or woodland
Insulate all around
between blockwork
and soil
Structure should slope slightly
downwards, with a drain at the back.
Open area
Open area
Cold air current
Warm air current
Open tunnel on gradient
with cutting above.
Poor conditions for bats.
Very variable temperature
range on a daily basis
Rocks locally
Modified tunnel
becomes a cold
air sump
for summer
or winter
Cool conditions
for hibernation
or summer
will do this. The first wall should be flush with the outside of
the box, up to two-thirds of the height of the entrance. The
second wall, supported on a lintel, should extend two thirds
of the way down from the roof at the innermost point of
the entrance passage. The lintel can be supported on two
columns of bricks (Figure 11.8c).
Step 4 The major part of the conversion is complete, but
bats like cracks and holes to hide in.You must create these
well out of the reach of rats and foxes. Nail wooden boards
(Figure 11.8d) to walls, leaving 1520 mm narrow gaps
between wall and board. The inner shelf of each firing slit
can also be built up leaving 20-mm gaps. Tiles can also be
nailed to battens on the walls and ceiling to provide further
roosting crevices (Figure 11.8e). The more crevices, the
greater the possibility that bats will move in.
Step 5 If a security grille is needed, this can be fitted where
the entrance passage is closed by the new wall. The grille
should be constructed as described in this chapter, using the
recommended bar spacing.
The conversion is now complete (Figure 11.8f).
Source: Frank Greenaway/Surrey Wildlife Trust
The standard hexagonal pillbox, most common in the south-
east of England, can be converted quickly cheaply and easily
to a hibernaculum and occasional summer roost for bats
(Figure 11.8a). The choice of box for conversion needs some
thought; because one of the main threats is disturbance,
boxes near to houses, roads or footpaths should be a lower
priority than remote boxes on private land. Unconverted
sites are often already in use as summer night or feeding
roosts, although not normally as day roosts. This means a
converted box may be readily adopted, even in its first year.
Step 1 The first requirement is to stabilise the interior
temperature, humidity and light levels. Cut 100 mm medium-
density concrete blocks in half and, from the inside, cement
one into each of the firing slits at its narrowest point (Figure
Step 2 Three-quarters of a similar block is now cemented
into the outside, widest, part of each firing slit. Leave a 200
mm by 20 mm gap at the bottom of the cement layer.You
have created a hollow between the inner and outer blocks
with bat access to the outside.
Step 3 Next, air flow into the building needs to be
controlled. Two walls built of 200250 mm concrete blocks
Converting a pillbox for bats
Contact with bats
Do not handle bats (unless licensed). Also beware of
dislodging bats from their roosting position particularly
when you are moving through low passages.
Do not photograph roosting bats. Flashguns can be very
Do not warm up hibernating bats. This can arouse them.
Try not to linger in confined spaces as even your body
heat is sufficient to cause arousal.
Do not shine bright lights on bats. Both the light and the
heat can trigger arousal.
Do not use carbide lamps in bat roosts. Carbide lamps
are particularly undesirable because of the heat and fumes.
Do not smoke or make excessive noise underground.
Any strong stimulus can arouse bats.
Do not take large parties into bat roosts in winter.
Rescue practices should also be avoided when bats are
Do seek advice before blasting or digging. Explosives can
cause problems both from the blast itself and from the
subsequent fumes. In known bat sites blasting should be
limited to the summer or to areas not known to be
used by bats.
Digging operations may alter the microclimate of bat roosts.
Source: Bats Underground/BCT
Caves and mines, their formations, artefacts and fauna, are all
part of our national heritage. All visitors to underground
sites should strive to maintain these sites for current and
future generations.
Always follow the safety and conservation codes published
by the caving and mining history organisations and liase with
local groups over access and safety requirements.
Remember also that bats need your help to survive the
winter. Most hibernating bats are very difficult to see many
squeeze into cracks and crevices and only the two
horseshoe bats normally hang free. Just because you cannot
see them does not mean they are not there. Remember the
grading system and seek advice about any activity that might
affect bats.
Those visiting known bat sites for purposes such as
recreation, are asked to observe the voluntary conservation
code and respect any special restrictions that have been
placed on particularly important bat sites. Because
disturbance can be so damaging, only a limited number of
people are licensed to disturb or handle hibernating bats in
underground sites and licences are issued only after training
has been given. Such licences are issued for controlled,
carefully considered basic survey and monitoring and
occasionally for scientific research.
Bat Conservation Code
Figure 11.8
Pillbox conversion for bat use. Many of the design details
illustrated could be adapted to other situations.
a) Pillbox ready for conversion.
b) Blocking the firing-slits with concrete blocks.
c) Converting the entrance. Air is trapped within
the pillbox by the over and under type of
entrance. This traps warmer humid air in
winter. Leaf litter or humus on the floor helps
to stabilise humidity.
Elevation through entrance area
These walls
should be
1 and 2m
Support lintel
g) The converted pillbox
f) Grilling the entrance
f) Creating crevices using tiles on
d) Creating roosting sites.
Tiles or wooden strips
secured to battens on the
walls and ceiling
provide crevices for bats.
Leave space to inspect
between the tiles.
11.2 Bats and trees
11.2.1 Hollow trees
Most of our bats are woodland animals. Hollow trees
are used by a wide variety of species, for both summer
and winter roosting, and bats will also roost in
crevices in otherwise sound trees. Noctules and
pipistrelles are most frequently associated with tree
roosts, but many other species have been recorded
using them. Naturally, these are the species that have
also been found in bat boxes.
The major threat to tree roosts is the destruction of the
site. Reports are received every year of bats, usually
noctules, being discovered in trees that have been cut
down or in boughs that have been removed.
Invariably, the workmen are unaware of the presence
of the bats until it is too late to save the roost. The most
that can be done in such cases is to rescue the bats and
release them nearby the same evening if they are fit
and well. Attempts could also be made to provide an
alternative roost nearby. Either a large bat box or a
hollow limb from the felled tree could be used.
If bats are known to use a tree habitually, steps should
be taken to ensure that the tree is not destroyed either
deliberately or inadvertently.
11.2.2 The value of trees
All the species of bats in Britain are to some extent
dependent on trees; for some just as a source of
insect food, for others to provide roost sites as well.
Horseshoe bats are in the first category, but
noctules and Bechsteins bats use trees almost
exclusively for roosting.
As a source of insect food
Native tree species are host to numerous insects and
when the trees are felled this source is denied
them. Not only are trees used as part of the life cycle
of the insects, but they also provide shelter, so
swarms can build up and the trees act as foci for
them. Both standing and fallen dead wood are also
sources of insect food for the bats: they should not
be cleared away.
Roost sites
Bats may use any crack or hole in a tree as a roost
site. Such sites are provided by woodpecker holes,
hollows caused by rot and natural ageing and
cracks from wind damage and lightning strikes.
They may sometimes be found behind loose bark or
ivy. Birds, other mammals, and insects such as bees
all compete for these sites. Bats are least able to
defend their roosts so can only use suitable sites
when other animals have finished with them. Holes
may be used as gathering sites in spring, maternity
roosts in summer and mating places in autumn.
Bats will hibernate in such sites if they are deep
enough and buffered from temperature changes
outside. Summer sites can be in more exposed
places that are warmed by the sun.
11.2.3 Recognition of roost sites
It is not easy to find bat roosts in trees. Roosts
occur in trees of all ages, sizes and types, but
mature beech, oak and ash seem to be favoured.
Signs to look for include:
woodpecker holes, natural cracks and rot holes
in trunks or branches that have a black streak
below them where bat droppings have oozed out;
smooth edges with dark marks at the entrance
where the bats have rubbed against the wood
and left natural body oils;
droppings under the access point, although these
are not easy to find among leaf litter, and are
usually washed off the trunk by rain;
chattering coming from the tree in summer it is
possible to hear some bats such as noctules either
when it is hot or when they are about to emerge;
bats swarming around the site on their return at
bats present at the roost seen either emerging or
by viewing tree holes using a mirror on a rod
with a light or sophisticated probe such as a
fibrascope or endoscope.
Hibernation sites are even more difficult to find
because the bats leave no signs. The surest way to
confirm the presence of bats is to wait for their
emergence at dusk during the active season.
11.2.4 Management of trees
Bat workers should make all those involved in tree
management aware of the needs of bats and the
damage that can be done by felling and lopping of
old branches. Although trees that are used by bats
are protected by legislation, they are sometimes
considered dangerous and so it is assumed that they
should be felled.
Such action should be discouraged if at all possible,
but may be unavoidable when the tree is near to a
public place. Advice on how to make such trees
safe rather than fell them can be obtained from the
Bat Conservation Trust (The BCT leaflet Bats and
Trees gives guidance on the management of trees
for bats); see also Cowan (2003).
If there is no option other than felling, the tree
should be checked carefully for signs of bats. If
they are found then the SNCOs must be asked for
advice and felling should be delayed until the bats
have gone or been removed. Once felled, the roost
section should be cut out and strapped to a nearby,
sound tree in a similar situation to its original
position. If the bats are in the trunk then it is
possible that the tree will be safe when reduced to
the trunk alone. Try to persuade the owners to leave
the trunk standing. Often a tree will become safe if
the canopy is reduced or it is pollarded. If bats are
present then it would be better to carry out this
operation when the bats have left (again negotiate
with SNCOs). If bats are in a crack of a branch
kept open by stress, care must be taken when
cutting so that the crack does not close and crush
the bats. Holes may contain bats so care must be
taken not to cut into the holes or directly above
them. Tree management is best carried out in spring
or autumn if bats are to be disturbed as little as
possible because this would coincide with the least
vulnerable parts of their life cycle. Woodland
management should also include management of
wide rides with diverse flora to encourage
insect diversity.
11.2.5 Liaison with authorities
It is important that bat workers have good working
relationships with various bodies involved with
trees and woodlands, both public and private. In
this way bats are more likely to be considered when
tree management work is undertaken. Contacts with
planning departments, highway authorities, wildlife
trusts, tree wardens and estate managers are all
Informal agreements
Voluntary agreement by the landowner or tenant is
often an appropriate way of protecting tree roosts.
It is most important to ensure that all personnel
engaged on woodland management or tree surgery
work are made aware of the importance of the roost.
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 &
Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.)
Regulations 1994
Trees that are known to be bat roosts fall within
the scope of this legislation, and the SNCO must
be consulted before anything is done which would
affect the bats or their roost. Deliberate damage or
destruction is illegal, but the roost may be
destroyed if this is the incidental result of a lawful
operation and could not reasonably have been
avoided (section 10[3][c]). There could therefore
be problems in preventing the destruction of roost
trees as part of commercial forestry operations, or
if there were a genuine danger of the tree falling
down. However, the requirement to consult the
SNCO does mean that there is at least an
opportunity to put forward proposals to save the
site. If clearance for building or development is
proposed, the destruction of the roost would need
to be covered by a Habitats Regulations licence
from the appropriate government department.
Tree Preservation Orders
Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) are a mechanism
whereby local Councils can protect individual
trees or groups of trees, particularly for their
amenity value. An Order confers some protection
on the trees that are specified and the permission
of the Council is required before they can be
pruned or felled. There seems no reason why
known bat roosts should not be covered by a TPO,
although trees which are in a dangerous condition
may be exempt from the provisions of the Order.
TPOs are almost invariably administered through
the Planning Department of the District, Borough
or City Council, many of which have a Tree or
Woodland Officer. When first applied, the Order
will run for an interim period of 6 months, during
which time objections may be lodged by the
landowner or other interested parties. If these are
not forthcoming or are not upheld, the Order is
confirmed and becomes permanent.
There appears to be no restriction on who can
propose trees as candidates for a TPO, although
clearly applications from responsible
organisations are more likely to succeed. Advice
on procedures may be sought from the SNCO or
by a direct approach to the local Council.
The Hedgerow Regulations (1997)
These regulations protect important hedgerows in
England & Wales. Under these regulations no
landowner may remove a hedge without permission
from the local planning authority. Many criteria are
used to decide if a particular hedge is important.
One of these criteria is the presence of a species
protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and
Countryside Act, e.g. all bats. A bat roost occurring
within a tree in a hedgerow or a validated record of
a roost within the hedgerow in the 5 years prior to
the date of any application to remove the hedge
would automatically result in the protection of the
hedge. While the roost itself is protected under the
Wildlife and Countryside Act, the protection of the
hedgerow would be important in order to maintain
cover and feeding habitat for bats using the roost.
11.2.6 Bat boxes
Bat boxes of many different designs can be erected
on trees and buildings to provide roosting
opportunities. Boxes are most commonly made of
untreated softwoods, but increasingly boxes made
of woodcrete (a mixture of wood shavings and
cement) are proving to be successful in attracting
bats, having the advantages of better thermal
insulation and resistance to rot and damage by
woodpeckers and squirrels.
The most common design of bat box is that
described in Stebbings & Walsh (1991) but a vast
array of alternative designs have been field-tested
with varying degrees of success. The Bat
Conservation Trust publishes a leaflet covering the
design and siting of boxes.
Correct siting of bat boxes is important to increase
the chances of occupancy. Boxes should be at least
4 metres from the ground and species such as the
noctule Nyctalus noctula are more likely to be
attracted to boxes placed at 5 or 6 metres above
ground. As a general rule boxes should be sited
with the front facing SWto SE, which will ensure
that the box warms up during the day. Boxes facing
other aspects may be used and a common practice
is to site three boxes on a single tree, all with
different aspects, giving bats a choice of roost sites
with different environmental conditions.
Occupancy rates of boxes vary, with many factors
such as type of box, geographic location, season
and weather conditions influencing a particular
bats choice of roost site. Some bat box schemes in
the UK return a 10 % occupancy rate, others 40%
and in rare cases 70% or more. Occupancy does not
imply long-term usage. Many boxes are used for
short periods by a small number of bats.
Occasionally boxes are used as maternity sites and
impressive numbers of bats (40+) can be found in a
single box. Current research suggests that boxes
painted black to absorb more solar radiation
enhance the internal temperature of the box and
therefore make the box more attractive to bats.
Boxes can be erected almost anywhere with some
chance of success but results will be significantly
better if some thought is given to location. It is also
important to make the job of checking the boxes a
simple process. Erect boxes where there is easy
vehicular access and create a location map of where
the numbered boxes are sited. Avoid exposed sites.
Bat boxes should not be seen as an alternative to
natural roosting sites such as tree-holes. Bat workers
should encourage tree-planting as a long-term
solution to lack of natural roost sites. However,
boxes are an important resource to bats and have
obvious value in conifer plantations, for example
they can soon attract bats when sited along rides.
They are essentially summer roost sites, standard
boxes lacking the required insulating properties to
make them suitable as hibernation sites.
Checking bat boxes is also a useful way of
introducing potential bat workers to bats. It is simpler
than clambering around in a roof space and offers the
opportunity for all those participating in the box
survey to see a bat with minimal disturbance.
When checking a bat box there are a few important
rules to remember:
Safety is paramount climbing ladders on
uneven ground is risky and the guidelines listed
in Chapter 2 of this manual should be adhered
to. Safety related to handling bats is also
covered in Chapter 2.
Before opening the box place an empty cloth
bag in the exit hole or you will find that half
the bats escape.
Open the box carefully, to ensure that no bats
(particularly their feet) are at risk of being
trapped by the lid.
If removing a bat for identification, sexing etc.
have a cloth bag to hand with a tie to ensure
that it does not escape from the bag.
When returning a bat to a box it is generally
safer for the bat and easier for the bat worker to
encourage the bat back into the box through the
base slit rather than placing into the box
through the open lid and then closing it.
Beware of other animals, such as hornet and
wasps, which also use bat boxes.
11.3 Bats in bridges
11.3.1 Roosting requirements for bats in
Many bridges have suitable roost crevices for bats
offering safety, stable temperature conditions, high
humidity, nearby drinking water and feeding areas,
and access to linear habitat features used for
commuting. The cool, stable conditions found in
many bridge crevices are ideal for bats of both sexes
roosting in spring and autumn, and for males in
summer, when bats may wish to enter daily torpor.
Nursery roosts in bridges are presumably heated by
the sun due to a southerly aspect or close proximity
to the road surface, by the clustering of large
numbers of females, or a combination of the two.
Bridges with deep crevices may also offer good
hibernation sites if they are sufficiently isolated from
external temperature fluctuations. Partially blocked
arches appear to be particularly suitable as
hibernacula. A typical arched bridge design is
illustrated in Appendix 1.
All bridges can provide suitable night roosts for
resting, eating large prey or socialising. Male
pipistrelle bats have used bridges as mating stations
(Rydell et al., 1994; Russ, 1995).
A high proportion of stone bridges are suitable for
bats, with a smaller proportion of brick, concrete and
steel bridges being suitable. The majority of bat
roosts occur in crevices in stonework of bridges
spanning watercourses. However, roosting sites have
been recorded from a wide variety of bridge types.
Bats have been found roosting in gaps between
stonework and brickwork; in expansion and
construction joints; in drainage holes and pipes; in
steelwork and occasionally within large enclosed
voids within bridges. A range of crevice sizes are
used from 1001500 mm depth and 1340 mm width.
Daubentons and Natterers bats most often use
crevices 30400 mm wide and 300500 mm deep.
Most bat roosts occur in bridges of at least 1m in
height and they have been encountered in sites of up
to 460 m altitude. In areas of broad-leaved woodland
or slow flowing water there is a greater likelihood of
bats using bridges.
Even though a number of bridges have been
identified as nursery sites, the majority of bats do not
appear to rear their young in bridges. Many bats
move to bridges in late August. The highest
occupancy of bridges generally occurs in September,
although a few sites are used in deep winter.
11.3.2 Maintaining and creating roosts
in bridges
Maintaining roosts
Bat roosting sites (crevices/holes) can and have been
lost during maintenance and strengthening works on
bridges. Engineers have been hesitant to retain voids
for fear of creating weaknesses or water entry points
and lack of knowledge about the importance of
bridges for bats.
Holes in stonework and concrete are infilled by
pointing (with concrete mortar), spraying (with
gunite or shotcrete concrete) or pressure injection
(with cementitous grout). Any of these processes may
fill roost crevices and prevent access to other cavities
within the bridge. More major works may cause even
greater amounts of disturbance and potential death of
Determining the presence of roost sites within a bridge
is not always easy, particularly during the winter when
there is likely to be little bat activity. Frequently,
bridges may be too high or otherwise inaccessible to
determine if crevices and holes are being used.
However, knowledge of use of bridges by bats within
a given area is useful particularly when you know that
engineering works are proposed.
Bridges have to be inspected regularly and engineers
carrying out the inspection may have the necessary
equipment in place such as ladders, scaffolding or a
hoist to enable an assessment of likely bat use within
the structure. Engineers may also have access to
specialised equipment such as fibrescopes which
allow optical observation within deep crevices.
It is important to establish a working relationship
with council engineering and/or highways
departments in cases such as those above but there is
also much that can be achieved by bat workers alone.
The Conservation of Bats in Bridges Project
(Billington & Norman, 1997), found that the greatest
occupation of bridges by bats was in the period
SeptemberOctober when dispersed maternit colonies,
non-breeding groups and harems may be present along
with males using sites as mating stations. However,
bats may use bridges at almost any time of year and it
is important that timing of maintenance works take
into account bat activity at each specific site.
Creating roosts
Where bat roosts in bridges are lost due to demolition,
re-building or engineering constraints, new bat
roosting sites should be created within the structures,
duplicating the original crevice dimensions. Engineers
have often suggested fitting a bat box to structures
after the works have been completed, but to date no
bat box has been confirmed to re-create the same
thermal capacity, conductivity and microclimate
conditions that would be found deep inside a bridge.
Bat boxes are useful in their own right but should not
be seen as replacements for a lost bridge roost.
Crevice-width selection by bat species encountered in
the Cumbria survey (Billington & Norman, 1997),
suggests that any artificial roosting sites should contain
a variety of crevice widths (1370 mm) and depths
(350>1000 mm) for summer roosts, and deeper for
winter hibernation sites. Bats generally avoid wider
crevices, but they can occasionally roost in open
situations on the walls of enclosed voids, for example.
Where opportunities arise to incorporate bat roosting
crevices into sites during repairs, rebuilds or
construction of new sites these should be taken up. If
possible, roosting sites should be incorporated into
bridge spans because this is where 75% of bat roosts
were found in bridges in Cumbria. Otherwise they
should be sited as high as possible in the abutment
walls. Some examples of bat roosting sites and roost
creation techniques are shown in Figure 11.9.
Few ready made artificial roost units are available for
use. A bat roost unit consisting of a hollow cube with
three open sides is available from Marshalls Clay
Products. This is designed to be placed inside a structure
and faced with bat access bricks, which have slits to
allow bats into a void of 110 mm x 150 mm x 215 mm.
The z-z-z clay bat brick from The Norfolk Bat Group
has proved successful in underground sites. Concrete
bat boxes of various designs, including a multi-crevice
concrete box (by Billington) have been widely used in
the UK.
northern arch. Major re-pointing and pressure grouting works
were carried out in 1994 and 1995. Works were delayed after
bats were found. A fibrescope survey was carried out from
scaffolding on the southern arch. Several bat holes were
marked and successfully retained, some more than 700 mm
deep. Works were delayed on the northern arch until May
1995 (in case hibernating bats were present). Holes were
surveyed with a fibrescope and marked. Problems arose
because some of the bat holes extended upwards for
almost 1 metre. English Nature contracted an independent
engineer to produce a report on retaining deep crevices.
Before works on the northern arch were carried out several
bats had to be excluded. Daubentons bats were observed
at the bridge in 1995 but Natterers bats do not seem to
have returned.
Barth Bridge
A single-arch stone bridge with low flood inverts. Major
re-pointing and pressure grouting was scheduled for May 1995.
Bat signs were discovered in September 1994. Scaffolding was
erected 2 weeks ahead of works to take account of any bats
present. A detailed survey was carried out using a fibrescope
and several bat holes were identified and marked. A site
meeting was held with the engineer. A further survey and
exclusion (after removing one Daubentons bat) was carried
out at the beginning of June, but due to contractors not
following instructions most of the holes were lost.
Rash Bridge
Double-arch stone bridge in which the main roosts of
Daubentons (12) and Natterers (3) bats are situated in the
Case histories of bridge maintenance works
was built into a bridge abutment about 650 mm above water
level. The roost cavity is approximately 450 mm cubed and has
a layer of bricks on the outside face with access slits between
the brickwork. Drainage holes of 6-mm diameter were
incorporated into the wall. The interior was filled with loose
rock (Figure 11.10e/f). No bat use has yet been confirmed.
Figure 11.10a-g show examples of roost creation from various
sites. Cambeck footbridge was a new bridge of steel and
concrete deck over stone faced abutments. Roost crevices
were incorporated into the abutments (Figure 11.10g/h).
At Fort Augustus, Inverness, Forest Enterprise drew up a design
for an artificial roost site for their Civil Engineers. The roost
Examples of roost creation within bridges
Figure 11.9
Bats in bridges
b) Blocking the firing-slits with concrete blocks.
c) Bat roosting crevices in concrete bridges
e) Creating bat accommodation behind stone
facings on concrete construction. As the facing
is not a structural support, this does not
compromise the integrity of the structure.
b) Bats can find roosting crevices in the older
section of the arch or in the gap where the
bridge has been widened. The repointed
section provides no roosting opportunities.
a) Bat access at corner of bridge buttress
d) Two tiles can be used to roof a cavity in a rubble
filled wall. Access is created by omitting mortar
from one of the joints.
Plan view
Bat access No bat access
Figure 11.10d
Details of bat roosting cavity created at Garsdale Church Bridge
during saddling works (designed by Billington & Donnison).
Figure 11.10a
Vertical cross-section of bat roosting cavities created during
spandrel wall retention works (redrawn from Turner (1995)).
Figure 11.10b
Vertical cross-section of bat roosting cavities constructed by
excavating into the underside of the archway (redrawn from
Turner (1995)).
Figure 11.10c
Details of pre-formed roost unit fitted over arch stones
during saddling works (redrawn from Turner (1995)).
Figure 11.10h
External view of bat roost crevice shown in Figure 11.10g.
Figure 11.10e
Vertical section of bat roost built into a Forest Enterprise
bridge abutment (redrawn from Whittaker (unpub.)).
Figure 11.10f
Design modification of Figure 11.10e (redrawn from
Whittaker (unpub.)).
Figure 11.10g
Bat roosting crevice created during Cambeck footbridge
construction (horizontal section through abutment).
Parapet wall
Spandrel wall
Steel retention bar
Bat roosting cavities
Bat roosting cavities
(black area)
Stainless steel
Bat access holes
Stainless steel cage
concrete unit
Stainless steel anchor,
resin bonded
Bat access holes
Bat roosting cavity
(black area)
Bat access
Bat access
12mm high
rubble fill
Bat access
Rubble fill
Vertical crevice
50mm wide x
200mm high x
250mm deep
ANON. 1997. Bats and trees: a guide to the
management of trees. The Bat Conservation
Trust, London.
The conservation of bats in bridges project a
report on the survey and conservation of bat
roosts in Cumbria. COBIB/EN.
COWAN, A. 2003. Trees and bats. Arboricultural
Association Guidance Note 1 (2nd edn).
Arboricultural Association, Romsey. 64 pp.
ISBN 0 900978 37 6.
GREENAWAY, F.R. 1990. Converting a pill box.
Surrey Wildlife Trust, Dorking. 2 pp.
HIGHWAYS AGENCY. 1999. Design Manual for
Roads and Bridges, Vol 10, Environmental
Design. Section 1, The good roads guide new
roads Part 8. HA 80/99, Nature Conservation
Management in Relation to Bats. Stationery
Office, London. 36 pp. ISBN 0 11 552130 5.
HUTSON, A.M. 1995. Conservation of bats in the
management of ancient monuments. In:
Managing Ancient Monuments: An Integrated
Approach, pp 7178. Clwyd County Council,
Clwyd. 238 pp. ISBN 0 900121 998.
underground: a conservation code. 2nd edn.
The Bat Conservation Trust, London. 6 pp.
ISBN 0 872745 20 2.
MAYLE, B.A. 1990. A biological basis for bat
conservation in British woodlands a review.
Mammal Review, 20(4) (4), 159195.
MAYLE, B.A. 1990. Habitat management for
woodland bats. Research Information Note 165.
Forestry Commission.
ROBERTS, G.M. & HUTSON, A.M. 1993. Bat
boxes: how to make them and where to put
them. The Bat Conservation Trust, London. 4
pp. ISBN 1 872745 18 0.
RUSS, J.M.R. 1995. Bats, bridges and acoustic
signalling. Thesis, University of Aberdeen.
RACEY, P.A. 1994. Habitat use by bats along
rivers in North-east Scotland. Folia Zoologica,
43(4), 417424.
STEBBINGS, R.E. & WALSH, S.T. 1991. Bat
boxes: a guide to the history, function,
construction and use in the conservation of bats.
The Bat Conservation Trust, London. 25 pp.
ISBN 1 872745 02 4.
TURNER, N. 1995. Practical engineering and
environmental problems associated with the
strengthening of rubble filled masonry bridges
inhabited by bats: including suggestions for
measures compatible with the engineering
solution and the preservation of bat roosts.
Unpublished report to English Nature.
WHITAKER, S. 1995. Natural heritage interest of
roads verges and bridges in Highland Region: a
pilot study report to SNH North West Region.
Internal report. Scottish Natural Heritage,
References and further reading
Daubentons bat by a bridge. Frank Greenaway
Greater mouse-eared bat. Frank Greenaway
Appendix 1
Abutment The end supports of a bridge or other structure
Aisle Part of a church flanking the nave
Apse Semicircular or polygonal end of a chancel or chapel
Architrave Moulded frame surrounding door or window
Ashlar Dressed stone with square edges
Balustrade Series of small pillars supporting a handrail or coping
Bargeboards Projecting boards on the sloping sides of the roof at the gable ends concealing the ends of the
horizontal roof timbers
Barrel vault Continuous plain semicircular or pointed arch
Battens Horizontal timbers across the rafters to which the roof covering is fixed
Batter A wall with an inclined face
Battlement (also crenellation) Parapet with alternating indentations and raised portions
Bearing plate Separates the main girder of a bridge from the impost of the abutment or pier
Bellcote Turret in which the bells are found, usually at the west end of the church
Braces Diagonal subsidiary timbers strengthening the frame of a roof and connecting a tie-beam with the
wall below or a collar-beam with the rafters below
Bressumer A large horizontal beam spanning a wide opening; the main horizontal beam in a timber-framed building
Buttress A mass of masonry built against a wall to give added strength
Campanile Isolated bell tower
Canopy Decorated covering over pulpit, altar etc.
Castellated Durmounted by battlements or turrets
Cavity wall External wall built with two leaves, usually of brick or blockwork, separated by a gap or cavity 50 mm wide
Cellarium Medieval Latin for a cellar or storeroom
Chancel The east end of the church, where the altar is located; generally all that part of the church east of the crossing
Chancel arch Arch at the west end of the chancel
Chantry chapel Chapel attracted to or inside a church
Clerestory Upper part of the walls of a church nave with windows above the roofs of the aisles; sometimes
there is a narrow wall passage on the inside of the clerestory
Collar-beam A horizontal beam connecting the rafters inside a roof; it is found higher up the slope of the roof
than a tie-beam
Coom The sloping part of the ceiling within an attic room
Coom space The small triangular roof space below and behind a coom
Corbel A projecting block, normally of stone, supporting a beam
Glossary of architectutral terms
Cornice Any projecting ornamental moulding on the top of a building or in a room
Coursed rubble Undressed stone laid in courses like bricks. The uneven gaps are packed with mortar
Cover flashing A flashing that waterproofs a junction between, e.g. a roof pitch and a vertical surface such as a chimney
Coving Concave moulding at the junction between wall and ceiling
Crenellation See battlement
Crossing Space where the nave, chancel and transepts of a church meet
Crowsteps These perform a similar function to skews but are formed from smaller squarish blocks of stone,
giving a stepped appearance to the top of the gable
Cupola A small dome crowning a roof or turret
Cutwater Additional footing added to a bridge pier at water level
Doorcase The case lining a doorway, on which the door is hung
Dressings Stonework in dressed blocks around doorways, windows and the corners of buildings
Dripstone A projecting mould above an arch, doorway, window or other feature of a building
Eaves The lowest part of a pitched roof, and its junction with the wall
Extrados The upper curve of an arch
Facing A dressed timber finishing piece, edging the face, e.g. a door hatching or opening
Fascia Board on edge, running horizontally and fixed to the ends of the rafters; the guttering is screwed to this
Flashings Strips of metal, usually lead, used on roofs to protect joints against damp
Fluting Channelling running vertically up a column
Gable The triangular upper portion of an end wall supporting a pitched roof
Gallery Upper storey above an aisle, sometimes with arches looking into nave
Girder A large longitudinal beam, frequently of steel
Haunches Shoulders of an arch barrel between the arch spring and crown
Hip The external angle formed by the meeting of two sloping roofs
Hipped roof A roof with sloped rather than vertical ends
Hip rafters The two ridge boards running in an inverted V shape between the ridge and the eaves
to form the hipped end of a roof
Impost Upper stone course of a pier or abutment below the springing line, sometimes decorated with a moulded rim
Intrados The inner curve of an arch
Jack rafters Shortened rafters fastened between the eaves and the hip rafters
Jamb Straight side of door, window or arch
Joists Horizontal timbers to support ceilings, floors or both
Keystone The central stone of a voussoir ring, sometimes larger than the rest
King-post A vertical post standing on the collar- or tie-beam and reaching to the ridge to support it
Lintel Single solid piece of concrete, steel, stone or timber built over an opening to support the wall above
Mansard roof A ridged roof with the lower half of the ridge at a very steep angle
Mullion A vertical division of a window or other opening, usually of stone
Narthex Covered porch at main entrance to a church
Nave Principal part of a church, seating the congregation, often flanked by one or two aisles
Nogging Brick infill between timbers in a half-timbered building
Pantile An S-shaped roofing tile
Parapet wall External wall of a building extended above the roof line and exposed on both sides
Parvis Room over church porch, often for Sunday school
Pier A solid masonry support; square or rectangular in section, unlike a column, which is circular
Portico A roofed space forming the entrance of a house, church or temple; it is generally open or partly enclosed
Precast Material (concrete) shaped in moulds before being built into a structure
Presbytery The part of the church east of the choir
Pre-stressed Concrete given tensile strength before exposure to loads
Pulpitum A rood screen made of stone in a large church
Purlins Continuous timbers running horizontally on the underside of the rafters just above the collar-beam (if present)
Puttock hole Hole in wall into which beam or joist end fits
Queen-post One of a pair of vertical posts located close to the ends of a tie-beam or collar-beam
and connecting it to the rafters above
Quoins Dressed stones at the outside angles of a building, often arranged so that their faces are alternately large and small
Rafter Timber set at an angle to form a pitched roof and bearing on the wall-plate at the bottom and
fastened to the ridge-board at the top
Rainwater head A box-shaped structure at the top of a down pipe to collect water from a gutter
Reinforced Concrete with steel bars incorporated
Reredos Decorated structure behind and above an altar
Ridge-board A horizontal board at the peak of a roof to which the rafters are attached
Rocaille An outdoor artificial grotto decorated with stones or shells
Rood loft Gallery provided for singers above the rood screen
Rood screen Partition, usually of wood, between the nave and chancel of a church
Rood stairs Stairs for reaching a rood loft
Sarking Boarding or other covering under a slate roof
Shingles Wooden tiles used to clad roofs, walls and spires
Skews Large flat stones laid on the exposed top edges of a gable to finish the junction between wallhead and roof
Soffit The underside of any architectural feature; the horizontal board under the eaves; the under surface of an arch
Spandrel The courses of masonry over an arch ring, which extend up to the parapet and out to the abutments
Springing The lowest point on an arch
Strapping Timber framing on the inside face of a masonry wall, carrying the internal lining such as plasterboard
Stringcourse A continuous projecting band in the surface of a wall
Strutting Timber nailed between joists to prevent twisting
Tie-beam A horizontal transverse beam connecting the ends of the rafters
Tilting fillet A small triangular-sectioned timber running horizontally along on top of the sarking boards, just
above the eaves, used to tilt up the bottom coarse of slates
Torching Rough plasterwork, often incorporating horsehair, on the underside of slates or tiles
Transept Transverse part of cross-shaped church
Truss A number of timbers framed together to bridge a gap; modern roofs are often built with a trussed
rafter construction
Tympanum Space between the lintel over a door and the arch above it
Undercroft Vaulted room, often underground beneath a church or chapel
Valley The horizontal gutter at the base of the slopes of two parallel ridges or the gutter running from
the ridge to the eaves at the internal angle formed when two ridges meet at right-angles
Vault The roof curve of an arch
Verge The exposed side edge of a roof, e.g. at a gable
Voussoir The half circle of stones forming the outer edge of an arch
Wall-plate A beam laid along the top of a wall to which the ends of the rafters are fixed
Weather-boarding Horizontal boards overlapped to cover a timber-framed wall
Wind-braces Short braces of timber, sometimes arched, fixed across the slope of the roof to strengthen it against wind
Wingwall A continuation of the abutment side walls of a bridge
Figure A1.1
Roof types. Many variations are possible, but the basic
components, such as rafters and purlins, can usually be identified.
Collar beam roof Close-coupled roof
Mansard or Dutch gable
Wall plate
Tie beam
Collar beam
Queen post
Queen post roof (modified)
Ridge board
Wall plate
Queen post roof
Queen post
Collar beam
Common rafter
Principal rafter
Tie beam
King post roof
King post
Figure A1.1
Typical roof construction.
Wooden sarking is obligatory in Scotland, common in
Wales and uncommon in England, except in churches.
Underfelt is sometimes referred to as sarking.
Trusses are prefabricated with metal plates at the joints Trussed rafter construction, used in many modern houses
Ridge board
Ridge tile
Junction of two pitched roofs, showing valley.
Leaks here can be a problem.
Types of dormer window.
Gaps around junctions are often used by bats.
Figure A1.1
Parapet at gable end.
Coping stones prevent rain penetration.
Barge board
Barge board
Coping stones on gable end
Gable-ended (with unequal pitch)
Double ridge with central valley
Mansard or Dutch gable with half-hipped gable ends
Double pitched
Figure A1.1
Typical church layouts
Porch Nave Choir
or Vestry
Chancel arch
Appendix 2
Glossary of caving and mining terms
Abseiling Technique of sliding down a fixed rope in a controlled manner, usually using a special friction
device (descender)
Adit Horizontal or near horizontal tunnel in a mine with one end at the surface
Belay Natural or artificial anchorage point for ropes or ladders
To belay To attach to an anchorage point/to safeguard a person in transit by means of a lifeline
Belay belt Waist belt suitable for attaching belaying rope to
Bolt Device fitted into a drilled hole in the rock to make a belay point; may be an expansion device
(spit or possibly Rawlbolt) or fixed with epoxy resin (ECO bolt)
Bridging The situation where there is a void beneath an apparently solid floor within a mine (see false floor)
Carbide lamp An acetylene gas lamp (unsuitable for use where bats are present or expected)
To cap To seal off a shaft access
Cross cut A level driven in barren rock, at an angle to a vein, for access or exploration
Day level See adit
Deads Waste rock associated with a mining operation, left inside a mine
Descender Mechanical device used for abseiling
Dip The angle of tilt of rock strata
Electron ladder Modern form of flexible caving ladder with alloy rungs and steel wire sides; can be coiled
False floor Usually of timber, often covered by deads and/or mud to give the impression of being solid
Fathom Distance equivalent to six feet, often in old mine measurements
Fault Fracture line in rock
Galena Lead ore
Ginging Stone or brick walling supporting loose ground around the top of a shaft; often unstable
Grille Used to restrict access to a mine opening by humans, but not bats
Hanger Re-usable attachments for bolts
Hanging wall Wall or side overhanging a stope
Karabiner Metal snap-link, usually oval, used for fastening ropes, ladders etc.
Krab See karabiner
Level Horizontal or near horizontal tunnel in a mine, usually driven from a shaft
Lifelining Technique of securing the safety of a person in transit by means of a secure rope, kept taut by
the lifeliner
Lode A vein containing mineral ore
Mine Place where mineral ore successfully extracted by use of tunnelling methods
Oldham lamp Popular make of lead-acid powered cap lamp
Ore Rock containing extractable mineral content
Pitch Vertical ascent/descent
Prusiking Technique used to climb up a fixed rope using mechanical gripping devices or special gripping knots
Rise Underground shaft excavated upwards into the roof of a level or chamber
Run-in A shaft or adit, which has been filled by fallen material but not systematically, hence there may be
danger of bridging beneath apparently firm surface
Seam See vein
Shaft A vertical or near vertical penetration from the surface
Single rope techniques (SRT) Those applied in the descent (abseil) or ascent (prusik) of a fixed rope on a pitch
Slide A traverse fault
Sling Webbing loop for main belay or improvised sit-harness
Sough Drainage tunnel from a mine
Stalactite Underground formation hanging from the roof
Stalagmite Underground formation growing up from the floor
Static rope A relatively inelastic rope, used for underground exploration purposes (not the same as climbing rope)
Stope Cavity made by removal of ore; often a near vertical slit; if near horizontal may be called a flat
Sump (1) A passage completely filled with water
Sump (2) An underground shaft designed to collect water (for subsequent pumping)
Swl Safe working load as stamped on underground equipment or specified for rope
Trial Tunnel into the ground with the intention of extracting mineral ore but without success
Vein A relatively narrow zone of rock geologically younger than its surroundings, often in a fissure or fault
Winze A shaft dropping from the floor of a level
Appendix 3
9 Number of bats.
Counts at emergence or possibly in the roost are most
valuable, but even an estimate will give some idea of the
size of the colony.
10 Species.
A specimen seen in the hand or at close quarters by an
experienced observer is preferred, but identifications
from droppings or bat detectors are worth recording,
though these are not accepted by all recording schemes.
11 Droppings.
These can give information about the location and
possibly the size of the colony, though the latter must
be interpreted with caution.
12 Other information.
Any other relevant information should be given, perhaps
from the owner of the building.
13 Other visits.
This is a space for surveyors to record other counts.
Side 2: Details of problems
14 Description of problem.
A brief description should be given of why advice about
bats was sought and what the problems appear to be.
15 Is there any threat to roost?
This will follow on from 14. If the householder has been
persuaded to take no action that would affect bats, note
this here; otherwise make the nature of the threat clear.
16 Attitude of owners.
The conservation of bat roosts depends largely on the
goodwill of owners and their attitude can be very
important where maintenance or reinstatement of the
roost may be suggested.
17 Recommendations.
Experienced volunteers will be able to suggest what advice
should be given. This is very helpful to SNCO staff who have
no first-hand knowledge of the situation. If there are special
difficulties or complications, please note these here.
18 Sketch.
Even the most rudimentary sketch can be more helpful
than a written description. Plan views of properties, with
an indication of north, are probably easiest, but
elevations can illustrate some problems better. Identify
buildings clearly on large or complex properties.
19 Names and dates.
Please ensure that this section is always completed. The
first part is useful in tracing the history of an enquiry;
the second gives a contact if further information is required.
This was designed as a report form for volunteers or staff
to complete after visiting a bat roost but can also be used as
a record or survey card by Bat Groups.
Side 1: Roost details
1 Name and address.
The main entry here should be the address or location
of the roost. This is usually straightforward for roosts in
buildings, but for other roosts, such as mines, caves,
ice-houses or trees, try to give a name (if appropriate)
and a locality. Locality is usually the nearest place name
on the Ordnance Survey map. If others are involved,
for example builders or roofers, give addresses as
appropriate and indicate who is the main contact.
2 Grid reference.
This is particularly important for non-building roosts but
is required for all. Always try to give a reference with
two letters and six figures (a six-figure reference -
accurate to 100 m) but a four-figure reference is better
than nothing.
3 Roost type.
The checklist will cover the majority of roosts, but use
the space provided to add details if necessary or to
describe unusual roosts.
4 Age.
For most buildings it should be possible to give some
idea of age, even if it is to the nearest century. The newer a
building is, the easier it should be to age it accurately.
5&6 Wall construction/roof covering.
These questions cover the most obvious physical
characteristics of buildings that are likely to affect their
use by bats. The checklists should cover most situations,
but expand if necessary.
7 Position of bat access point(s).
This can be difficult to determine unless bats are seen
emerging or droppings are found stuck to a wall. The
checklist gives the most common possibilities but it will
frequently be necessary to describe the access in more
detail. The height above ground and facing direction
(aspect) are important in characterising the sorts of
places that bats prefer.
8 Bats roosting site(s).
In roof voids or similar open areas, the roosting position
can be determined by the presence of bats, by the
position of accumulations of droppings or by staining or
polishing on the woodwork. Bats roosting in enclosed
areas, such as under gables, in caves, between felt and
tiles, or in wall cavities, are more difficult to locate,
but noise, droppings or proximity to entrance holes
may give clues.
Bat Roost Visit Report Form
Special forms
Bat roost visit report form
1 Name and address of roost and owner.
Give contact address if different.
If timber treatment firm or builder is
involved, give address.
For caves, mines etc, give name
and/ or locality.
2 Grid reference: (2letters, 6 figures) Phone number(s):
3 Roost type: House/Church/Institution/Barn/Stables/Farm building/Ruin/Mine/Cave/Tunnel/Tree/Other(specify)
(Give further details)
4 Age:
5 Wall construction: Brick/Stone/Block/Wood/Other Cladding: Wood/Tile/Slate/Other(specify)
Solid/cavity wall Hanging tiles:Yes/No
6 Roof covering: Tile/Slate/Shingle/Stone/Thatch/Corrugated iron/Asbestos/Other(specify)
Lined with underfelt/Boards/Nothing/Other(specify) Loft insulation: Present/Absent
7 Position of bat access point(s): Gable apex/Under soffit/Between tiles/Under flashing/Other(specify)
Height above ground: Facing direction (aspect):
8 Bats roosting site(s): Under eaves/In roof apex/Under slates/Behind cladding/Other(specify)
9 Number if bats at date and time of visit:
Count or estimate?
10 Species: Indicate how identified and by whom
11 Droppings: If present, indicate quantity and distribution (depth and area)
(also on sketch overleaf)
Are droppings fresh or old?
12 Other Information: History of the colony/problem. Is use seasonal? etc.
13 Other visits: (dates and counts)
Circle choices: give further details if appropriate.
Summary and recommendations
14 Description of problem: Dropping/Intolerance/Fear/Smell/Noise/Bats in living area/Other
15 Is there any threat to roost: Exclusion/Timber treatment/Building work/Development/Destruction?
BCT survey?
16 Attitude of owners:
17 Recommendations for action by the SNCO:
18 Sketch:
19 Request to visit received from: on:
Initial visit made by: on:
Nature of record should describe briefly how the
identification was made so that the mammal recorder can
judge whether the record is acceptable. Records based on
droppings or bat detectors are not normally accepted.
Supplies of the cards are available free from Mr H. R. Arnold
at BRC, CEH Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon,
Cambs PE28 2LS.
Website: http://www.brc.ac.uk/
The Biological Records Centre at the Centre for Ecology
and Hydrology is the largest species recording centre in
Britain. For bats, records should be submitted on the single
species card illustrated.
Completion of the form is straightforward. Although the
space for grid reference is ruled for four-figure references,
six figures are preferred if possible. Locality should refer to
the nearest place name on the Ordnance Survey map.
Biological Records Centre Single species card
Species Year(s)
Recorders Code no.
Grid reference Locality Nature of record
100 East North
Please return to: Biological Records Centre
Monks Wood Experimental Station
Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon
PE17 2LS
RA 12
Pipistrellus pipistrellus 1998
B. Wayne
Hollotree Lane
Batsford, Gloucestershire
SU 2 7 1 3 3 2
SE 2 3 2 4
SX 666 860
TA 3 1 2 8
SD 7 0 0 0 7 7
SJ 1 9 4 7
Horseshoe Hill,
Batley, W. Yorks
Batworthy, Devon
Battys Corner,
Duabhill, Greater
Horseshoe Pass,
Seen in roost
In hand
In hand
In hand
In hand
In hand
The National Bat Monitoring
Programme (NBMP)
The Bat Conservation Trust
Measuring changes in bat populations is an important
task for bat conservation. Only when we have precise
information about the magnitude and direction of
changes can we gain warning of threats to species,
identify conservation priorities and advise on effective
conservation action.
The National Bat Monitoring Programme began in
1996 and is run by The Bat Conservation Trust. The
broad aim of the programme is to develop and
implement long-term monitoring schemes for all
species of bat resident in the UK. The programme,
initially funded by DETR (now Defra) until 2000, now
receives core funding from the JNCC and helps to
fulfil the governments commitment to the Agreement
on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats.
The programme relies on volunteer surveyors to
collect data throughout the UK. Projects are designed
to deliver population trend data, within defined
confidence limits, using simple methods. Bat-detector
training workshops are run throughout the summer to
increase the skills base of surveyors.
Monitoring Methods
Three main monitoring strategies are employed. with
a number of projects run within each strategy. Some
species are monitored on two projects.
Summer colony counts
Hibernation counts
Bat-detector-based field projects
Appendix 4
In addition, the Sunrise Survey project is a
multi-species survey designed to find bat roosts.
Colony counts
Relevant species: lesser horseshoe, Natterers,
common pipistrelle, soprano pipistrelle, serotine
and brown long-eared.
Two counts are needed in mid June. Complete
counting packs, which contain protocols and
recording sheets, are sent to volunteers.
Householders playing host to colonies are an
important source of potential counters. Involvement
of roost owners is a positive conservation action
because it highlights the importance of the colony
as part of a national monitoring scheme.
For more difficult species, such as horseshoes and
Natterers, more experienced counters are needed.
These species tend to emerge late in low light
levels, often make repeated short flights before
emerging and can use multiple exits. Groups of
volunteers are needed to cover all potential exit
points and bat detectors are recommended to help
gauge activity and behaviour. Roosts of Natterers
bat are often found in trees, bridges, barns and
churches, and successful counts require more effort
than house-dwelling species.
Standardised instruction and recording sheets are
produced for each survey.
Hibernation counts
Relevant species: Greater & lesser horseshoe,
Daubentons, Natterers and brown long-eared bat.
Many hibernation sites have been visited regularly
since the 1960s. Surveyors require a licence from
the relevant SNCO before entering sites in winter.
For the monitoring programme surveyors are asked
to make two visits one in the middle of January
and the other in the middle of February. Standard
recording sheets together with guidelines are sent to
all hibernation licensees. Although the monitoring
strategy is aimed at the five species named above,
all bats encountered in sites are recorded. Surveyors
can choose which sites to survey but it is important
to stress for monitoring purposes that sites with few
bats (or even sites of potential usage with no bats)
are of equal importance to sites with large numbers
of bats and should be visited where possible. The
Greater horseshoe
Lesser horseshoe
Common pipistrelle
Soprano pipistrelle
Brown long-eared
SC = summer colony counts WH = winter hibernation counts
F = field counts using bat detectors
Bat species SC WH F
majority of hibernation sites in the UK contain few
bats but if hundreds of these sites are monitored
conclusions on population trends can be made.
Standardised instruction and recording sheets are
produced and sent to all licensees.
Field counts
Relevant species: Daubentons, common pipistrelle,
soprano pipistrelle, serotine and noctule.
Monitoring bats at night in the field with bat
detectors provides important information on the
relative abundance and distribution of each species. A
bat detector is required and some previous experience
is necessary because surveyors are asked to
distinguish species. No licence is required. Surveyors
are assigned a 1-km square or 1-km waterway stretch,
selected randomly (in proportion to different
landscape types) and asked to walk a route on two
evenings during July or August. They are requested to
record bats while walking or to stop at points for a
fixed period to record bat activity. Surveyors are
asked to visit the square during the day to record
some habitat details and to plan their route.
Standardised instruction and recording sheets are
produced for each survey.
Sunrise Survey
Relevant species: All.
This survey is primarily aimed at new surveyors
because no equipment or previous bat experience is
required for participation. The objective of the survey
is to identify roosts that can then be incorporated into
the colony count project. Participants are asked to
identify a potential bat structure (building, tree, bridge
etc) or walk a 1-km transect in July, starting at 45
minutes before sunrise. Surveyors look for bats
swarming outside roost entrances to identify a site
as a roost.
All participants in the monitoring programme receive
free copies of the programmes newsletter Bat
Monitoring Post. This provides results from surveys
once data has been collected and analysed, gives
advance warnings of future surveys, and contains tips
and feedback from the office and field surveyors.
Participation and experience required
The UK is fortunate in having over 90 local Bat
Groups throughout the UK. Groups vary in size and
activities, but all have a broad commitment to bat
conservation and the majority of contributors to the
monitoring programme are local Bat Group
members. Some individual projects require little or
no previous bat experience while others are
restricted to experienced bat workers. The NBMP
runs a number of training sessions in the use of bat
If you would like to participate in the National Bat
Monitoring Programme please visit our website
www.bats.org.uk or if you would like some more
information please contact:
The Bat Conservation Trust
15 Cloisters House
8 Battersea Park Road
Tel: 0207 627 2629
Fax: 0207 627 2628
E-mail: [email protected]
A selected bibliography
The following is a classified list of publications,
which will enable anyone quickly to find their way
around the world of bats. Nearly all have
bibliographies or reference lists amounting to many
hundreds of publications about bats.
Most of the books on this list are readily obtainable
through libraries, and many are in print and may be
purchased. A few may be difficult to obtain or out
of print, in which case contact with university
libraries or other specialist institutions will help.
Readers who are looking for recent titles or who
wish for a comprehensive listing of books should
review the Natural History Book Service website.
The Bat Conservation Trust maintains a list of
British books and leaflets on bats. For a longer
listing of educational resources Bat Conservation
International maintains a comprehensive list on its
web site.
A European bats identification,
biology, distribution and conservation
AHLEN, I. 1990. Identification of bats in flight.
Swedish Society for Conservation of Nature and
The Swedish Youth Association for
Environmental Studies and Conservation. 50 pp.
ISBN 91 558 50421.
S. 2000. Bats in Northern Ireland. The Irish
Naturalists Journal, Special Zoological
Supplement. 33 pp. ISSN 0021 1311.
ALTRINGHAM, J.D. 1996. Bats Biology and
Behaviour. Oxford University Press,
Oxford. 262 pp. ISBN 0 19 854075 2.
ALTRINGHAM, J.D. 2003. British Bats. New
Naturalist Series 93, Harper Collins, London.
218 pp. ISBN 0 00 2201 40 2 (hb), 0 00 2201
47 X (pb).
BAAGE, H.J. 2001. Danish Bats (Mammalia:
Chiroptera): Atlas and analysis of distribution,
occurrence and abundance. Steenstrupia, 26(1),
1117. ISSN 0375 2909.
BARATAUD, M. 1996 Ballades dans linaudible -
the inaudible world. Sitelle, Mens. (Double CD,
ref no 11706, plus 47-page booklet The World of
M.A.C. 191021. A History of British
Mammals. Gurney and Jackson, London.
Appendix 5
BRIGGS, B. & KING, D. 1998. The Bat Detective.
Stag Electronics, Shoreham-by-Sea.
ISBN 0 953242 60 9. (Field guide for bat
detectors plus a CD of British bat calls).
CATTO, C. 1994. Bat detector manual. The Bat
Conservation Trust, London. 34pp .
CORBET, G.B. 1978. The Mammals of the
Palaearctic Region: a taxonomic review. British
Museum (Natural History), London. 314 pp.
ISBN 0 8014 1171 8. (& supplement 1984.)
CORBET, G.B. & HARRIS, S. 1991. The
Handbook of British Mammals. Published for
the Mammal Society by Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford. 588 pp.
ISBN 0 632 01691 4.
HEPBURN, I. & JOHNSTON, J. 2002. Habitat
Management for Bats. JNCC, Peterborough.
47 pp. ISBN 1 86107 528 6.
GREENAWAY, F. & HUTSON, A.M. 1990. A Field
Guide to British Bats. Bruce Coleman, London.
52 pp. (Available only from The Bat
Conservation Trust.) ISBN 1 872842 003.
HARBUSCH, C., ENGEL, E. & PIR, J.B. 2002.
Die Fledermause Luxemburgs. Ferrantia,
Travaux Scientifiques du Musee National
dHistoire Naturelle Luxembourg, 33, 1149.
ISSN 1682 5519.
YALDEN, D. 1995. A review of British
mammals: population estimates and
conservation status of British mammals other
than cetaceans. JNCC, Peterborough. 168 pp.
ISBN 1 873701 68 3.
HOWARD, R.W.1995. Auritus - a natural history
of the brown long-eared bat. William Sessions
Ltd, York. 154 pp. ISBN 1 85072 168 8.
HUTSON, A.M. 1987. Bats in Houses. The Bat
Conservation Trust, London. 32 pp.
ISBN 1 872745 10 5.
HUTSON, A.M. 1993. Action Plan for
Conservation of Bats in the United Kingdom.
The Bat Conservation Trust, London. 49 pp.
ISBN 1 872745 16 4.
JONES, K. & WALSH, A. 2001. A Guide to British
Bats. AIDGAP, Field Studies Council &
Mammal Society, Shrewsbury & London. 8 pp.
KAPTEYN, K. (ed.). 1993. Proceedings of the
First European Bat Detector Workshop.
Netherlands Bat Research Foundation,
Wageningen. 128 pp. ISBN 90 9006435 4.
KRAPP, F. (ed.). 2001. Handbuch der Saugetiere
Europas, Band 4: Fledertiere, Tiel I:
Chiroptera 1: Rhinolophidae, Vespertilionidae I.
AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden. 603 pp.
ISBN 3 89104 638 3. [In German.] First of two
volumes with detailed species accounts of the
bat fauna of Europe.
(eds). 1997. Atlas van de Nederlandse
vleermiuzen. KNNV Uitgeverij, Utrecht. 260 pp.
ISBN 90 5011 091 6.
Britains Mammals: the Challenge for
Conservation. Peoples Trust for Endangered
Species, London. 295 pp. ISBN 0 9540043 1 0.
(With annual supplements.)
V. & ZIMA, J. 1999. The Atlas of European
Mammals. Poyser Natural History/Academic
Press, London. 484 pp. ISBN 0 85661 1301.
OHLENDORF, B. (compiler). 1997. On the
Situation of the Rhinolophidae in Europe.
Arbeitskreis Fledermause Sachsen-Anhalt e.v.,
Stecklenberg. 182 pp. ISBN 3 89689 999 6.
OSULLIVAN, P. 1994. Bats in Ireland. Irish
Naturalists Journal (Special Zoological
Supplement). 21 pp. ISBN 0021 1311.
2002. Mammals of Russia: keys-distribution.
Zoologicheskii Musei M.G.U., Moscow
IZD-VO KMK. 298 pp. [in Russian.]
ISBN 5 87317 094 0.
RAMSEY, D. (ed.). 1994. Nature conservation in
environmental assessment. English Nature,
Peterborough. 50 pp. ISBN 1 85716 135 1.
RANSOME, R. 1980. The Greater Horseshoe Bat.
Blandford Press, Poole. ISBN 0 7137 0986 3.
RANSOME, R. 1990. The Natural History of
Hibernating Bats. Christopher Helm, Kent.
235 pp. ISBN 0 7470 2802 8.
RANSOME, R.D. 1996. The management of
feeding areas for greater horseshoe bats.
English Nature Research Report No.174. 74 pp.
ISSN 0967 876X.
RANSOME, R.D. & HUTSON, A.M. 2000. Action
Plan for the Conservation of the Greater
Horseshoe Bat in Europe (Rhinolophus
ferrumequinum). Council of Europe, Nature and
Environment 109. 53 pp. ISBN 92 871 4359 5.
RICHARDSON, P.W. 1985. Bats. Whittet Books,
London. ISBN 0 905483 41 3.
RICHARDSON, P.W. (compiler). 2000.
Distribution Atlas of Bats in Britain and
Ireland. London, The Bat Conservation Trust,
43 pp.
ROBERTSON, J. 1990. The Complete Bat. Chatto
& Windus, London. 165 pp. ISBN 0 7011 3500 X.
RUSS, J. 1999. The Bats of Britain and Ireland;
echolocation calls, sound analysis, and species
identification. Bishops Castle, Alana Ecology
Ltd. 103 pp. ISBN 0 9536049 0 X.
SARGENT, G. 1995. The bats in churches project.
The Bat Conservation Trust, London. 122 pp.
ISBN 1 872745 19 9.
Fledermause Europas. 2nd edn. Kosmos Verlag,
Stuttgart, 267 pp. ISBN 3 440 07597 4. [In
German.] Other editions in English, e.g. Bats of
Britain and Europe. 1993. Hamlyn, London.
224 pp. ISBN 0 600 57965 4.
2003. The Bats of Britain and Ireland. 2nd edn.
The Vincent Wildlife Trust, Ledbury. 32 pp.
ISBN 0 946081 48 4.
FAIRLEY, J. 1997. Identification of Arthropod
Fragments in Bat Droppings. Occasional
Publications No.17. Mammal Society, London.
56 pp . ISBN 0 906282 33 0.
Design and Construction of Bat Boxes in
Houses. Scottish Natural Heritage, Perth. 32 pp.
ISBN 1 853972061.
STEBBINGS, R.E. 2003. Which Bat is it? Mammal
Society, London. ISBN 0 906282 19 5. 3nd edn.
Distribution and Status of Bats in Europe.
NERC. 133 pp. ISBN 0 904282 94 5.
STEBBINGS, R.E. 1988. Conservation of
European Bats. Christopher Helm, London.
246pp. ISBN 0 7470 3013 8.
STEBBINGS, R.E. 1992. Bats. Mammal Society,
London. 32 pp. ISBN 0 906282 18 7.
STEBBINGS, R.E. 1992. The Greywell Tunnel.
English Nature. 32 pp. ISBN 1 85716 103 3.
STEBBINGS, R.E. & WALSH, S.T. 1991. Bat
Boxes, 3rd edn. The Bat Conservation Trust,
London. 24 pp. ISBN 1 872745 02 4.
SWIFT, S. M. 1998. Long-eared Bats. T & A. D.
Poyser, London. 182 pp. ISBN 0 85661 108 5.
TUPINIER, Y. 1997. European Bats: Their World
of Sound. Editions Sitelle, Mens.
VAUGHAN, N. 1997. The diets of British bats.
Mammal Review, 27(2), 7794.
ISSN 0305 1838.
The UKs National Bat Monitoring Programme,
Final Report 2001. London, Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. 155 pp.
YALDEN, D.W. 1985. The Identification of British
Bats. Occasional Publication No.5. Mammal
Society, London. ISBN 0906 282 25 X.
B Bats worldwide general accounts of
biology and natural history
ALLEN, G.M. 1939. Bats. Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, Mass. Reprinted 1962 by
Dover Publications Inc, New York, and
Constable & Co Ltd, London.
BARNARD, S.M. 1997. Bats in Captivity. Wild
Ones Animal Books, Springville, CA. 194 pp.
ISBN 1 886013 02 0.
BAILLIE, J. & GROOMBRIDGE, B. 1996. 1996
IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN,
Gland. 368 pp. ISBN 2 8317 0335 2.
(see www.redlist.org for updates.)
BARLOW, K. 1999. Expedition Field Techniques
Bats. Expedition Advisory Centre/Royal
Geographical Society, London. 69 pp.
ISBN 0 907649 82 3.
BRASS, D.A. 1984. Rabies in Bats: Natural
History and Public Health Implications. Livia
Press, Connecticut. 335 pp. ISBN 0 9637045 1 6.
CORBET, G.B. & HILL, J.E. 1991. A World List of
Mammalian Species. British Museum (Natural
History), London. 254 pp. ISBN 0 565 00988 5.
COUFFER, J. 1992. Bat Bombs World War IIs
Other Secret Weapon. University of Texan
Press, Texas. 252 pp.
2000. Reproductive Biology of Bats. Academic
Press, London/San Diego. 510 pp.
ISBN 0 12 195670 9.
FENTON, M.B. 1992. Bats. Facts on File, New
York/Oxford. 207 pp. ISBN 1098 7654 321.
FINDLEY, J.S. 1993. Bats: A Community
Perspective. Cambridge Studies in Ecology,
Cambridge University Press. 167 pp.
ISBN 0 521 380054 5.
Natural History of Vampire Bats. CRC Press,
Florida. 246 pp.
GRIFFIN, D.R. 1986 (reprint). Listening in the Dark.
Cornell University Press, Ithaca/London. 415 pp.
HILL, J.E. & SMITH, J.D. 1984. Bats: A Natural
History. British Museum (Natural History),
London. ISBN 0 565 00877 3.
HUTSON, A.M. 2000. Bats. Colin Baxter
Photography Ltd, World Life Library,
Granton-on-Spey. 72 pp. ISBN 1 900455 67 6.
RACEY, P.A. (compilers). 2001.
Microchiropteran Bats: Global Status Survey
and Conservation Action Plan. IUCN/SSC
Chiroptera Specialist Group, IUCN,
Gland/Cambridge. 258 pp. ISBN 2 8317 0595 9.
KUNZ, T.H. (ed.). 1982. Ecology of Bats. Plenum
Press, New York & London. ISBN 0 306 40950X.
KUNZ, T.H. (ed.). 1988. Ecological and Behavioral
Methods for the Study of Bats. Smithsonian
Institution Press, Washington DC/London.
533 pp. ISBN 0 87474 411 3.
KUNZ, T.H. & FENTON, M.B. 2003. Bat Ecology.
University of Chicago Press. 784 pp.
ISBN 0226462064.
Captive Care and Medical Reference for the
Rehabilitation of Insectivorous Bats. Bat World
Publications, Texas. 340 pp. ISBN 0 9638248 3 X.
RACEY, P.A.1992. Old World Fruit Bats - An
Action Plan for their Conservation.International
Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources, Gland, Switzerland. 252 pp.
ISBN 2 8317 0055 8.
NEUWEILER, G. 2000. The Biology of Bats.
Oxford University Press, New York/Oxford.
310 pp. ISBN 0 19 509951 6.
NOWACK, R.M. 1994. Walkers Bats of the World.
John Hopkins University, Baltimore & London.
287 pp. ISBN 0 8018 4986 1.
POPPER, A.N. & FAY, R.R. 1995. Hearing by
Bats. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research,
Springer-Verlag, New York/Berlin/Heidelberg.
515 pp. ISBN 0 387 97844 5.
RICHARDSON, P. 2002. Bats. London, The
Natural History Museum. 111 pp.
ISBN 0 565 09167 0.
World of Bats. TFH Publications, Waterlooville.
192 pp. ISBN 0 86622 540 4.
SCHOBER, W. 1984. The Lives of Bats. Croom
Helm, London. 200 pp. ISBN 0 7099 2389 9.
TUTTLE, M.D & HENSLEY, D.L. 1993. Bat
House Builders Handbook. Bat Conservation
International. 32 pp. ISBN 0 9638248 0 5.
WILSON, D.E. 1997. Bats in Question the
Smithsonian Answer Book. Smithsonian
Institution Press, Washington. 168 pp.
ISBN 1 56098 783 3 (hbk), 1 56098 739 1 (pbk).
WILSON, D.E. & REEDER, D.M. 1993. Mammal
Species of the World; a Taxonomic and
Geographic Reference. Smithsonian Institution
Press, Washington. [revised edition in press 2004.]
WIMSATT, W.A. (ed.). 1970. (vol 1 & 2); 1971
(vol 3). Biology of Bats. Academic Press,
London. Vol 1: ISBN 0 12 758001 8, Vol 2:
ISBN 0 12 758002 6, Vol 3: ISBN 0 12 758003 4.
YALDEN, D.W. & MORRIS, P.A. 1975. The Lives
of Bats. David and Charles, Newton Abbott.
ISBN 0 7153 6799 4. [Out of print.]
C Childrens Books
CANNON, J. 1995. Stellaluna. David Bennett
Books. ISBN 1 85602 156 4.
DAVIES, N. 2001. Bat Loves the Night. Walker
Books. ISBN 0 7445 2887 9 hb (pb published
2002, ISBN 0 7445 9402 2).
GREENAWAY, F. 1991. Amazing Bats. Dorling
Kindersley, London. 29 pp.
ISBN 0 86318 649 1. [Out of print.]
HAFFNER, M. & STUTZ H.P.B. 1989. A Family
of Bats. Adams & Charles Black, London.
31 pp. ISBN 0 7136 3127 9. [Out of print.]
JULIVERT, M.A. 1996. The Fascinating World of
Bats. Ward Lock. 31 pp. ISBN 0 7063 7551 3.
SOWLER, S. 1993. A Fruit Bat called Angelica.
Adelphi Press, London. 21 pp.
ISBN 1 85654 135 5.
THOMPSON, S. 1989. Bats in the Garden. School
Garden Company, Lincs. 35 pp.
ISBN 1 85116 803 6.
THOMPSON, S. 1995. Starfile on Bats. SGC
Books, Lincs. 18 pp. ISBN 1 85116 840 0.
THOMPSON, S. 1997. Bats in Scotland
(Investigations for 5-14 year olds). The Bat
Conservation Trust, London. ISBN 1 872745 23 7.
[Resource pack, available only from The BCT office.]
THOMPSON, S. 1998. Exploring the World of Bats.
The Bat Conservation Trust, London.
[Incorporating Bats in Scotland and additional
material related to the rest of the UK, with
National Curriculum notes. Resource pack.
Available only from The BCT office.]
Conservation Project Book. Hodder & Stoughton,
Kent. 32 pp. ISBN 0 340 57256 6. (Now only
available from The Bat Conservation Trust).
D Journals, magazines and newsletters
In addition to those listed many county bat groups
produce regular or annual reports and newsletters.
Acta Chiropterologica (ISSN 1508 1109)
Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS
Wilcza 64
00-679 Warsawa
E-mail: [email protected]
Twice-yearly international journal of papers in
Bat Conservation International
PO Box 162603
Texas 78716
E-mail: [email protected]
Quarterly newsletter of BCI.
Bat Care News
Bryan and Maggie Brown
West Yorkshire Bat Hospital
10 North Avenue
West Yorkshire
LS21 1AJ
Tel: 01943 466101
E-mail: [email protected]
A quarterly magazine on bat care.
Bat News ISSN 0269 8501
The Young Bat Worker
The Bat Conservation Trust
15 Cloisters House
8 Battersea Park Road
The official publications of the Bat Conservation
Bat Research News
G. Roy Horst, Publisher
Bat Research News
P.O. Box 5068
Potsdam, NY 13676-5068
E-mail: [email protected]
Eurobat Chat
UNEP/Eurobats Secretariat
United Nations Premises
Martin-Luther-King-Str. 8
53175 Bonn
E-mail: [email protected]
Newsletter of the Agreement on the Conservation
of Populations of European Bats
Myotis ISSN 0580 3896
Dr R Hutterer
Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut & Museum
Alexander Koenig
Adenaueralle 150-164
D-5300 Bonn1
An annual journal with papers in English and
Nyctalus ISSN 0138 2276
Dr Joachim Haensal
Brascheweg 7
D-10318 Berlin Karlshorst
A twice-yearly journal with papers mainly in
German with English summaries
Plecotus et al.
E.I. Kozhurina
A.N.Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution
Leninsky Prospect 33
Moscow 119071
E-mail: [email protected]
Annual journal with papers in Russian with English
Scottish Bats
South East Scotland Bat Groups
9 Brunswick Street
A journal with papers on bats in Scotland. See
Vespertilio ISSN 1213 6123
Czech Bat Conservation Trust
c/o Petr Benda
Department of Zoology
National Museum Praha
Vaclavska nam. 68
CZ-115 79 Praha 1
Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected]
Bat Protection Group of Slovakia,
c/o Marcel Uhrin,
Administration of National Park Muranska planina,
J. Krala 12,
SK 05001 Revuca,
E-mail: [email protected]
Annual journal of papers in Czech/Slovak
Barbastelle bat. Frank Greenaway
Useful names and addresses
Statutory nature conservation
SNCO responsibilities include licensing for
activities identified in Chapter 1.
Countryside Council for Wales
Ffordd Penrhos
Gwynedd LL57 2DW
Tel: 01248 385500
Fax: 01248 355782
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.ccw.gov.uk
The statutory nature conservation organisation for
Wales. CCWhas five area offices and a number of
local offices.
English Nature
Northminster House
Peterborough PE1 1UA
Tel: 01733 455000
Fax: 01733 568834
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.english-nature.org.uk
Statutory nature conservation organisation for
England. Administrative headquarters, including
specialist support teams. English Nature also has 21
local offices. Consult your local telephone directory
for details.
The Environment and Heritage Service
Commonwealth House
35 Castle Street
Belfast BT1 1 GU, Northern Ireland
Tel: 028 9025 1477
Fax: 028 9054 6660
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.doeni.gov.uk
An agency of the Department of Environment
(Northern Ireland), which takes the lead in the
implementation of the governments environmental
strategies and policies in Northern Ireland. Its
responsibilities include all relevant licensing.
Scottish Natural Heritage
12 Hope Terrace
Appendix 6
Edinburgh EH9 2AS
Tel: 0131 447 4784
Fax: 0131 446 2277
Web site: www.snh.org.uk
Scottish Natural Heritage
17 Rubislaw Terrace
Aberdeen AB10 1XE
Tel: 01224 642863
Fax: 01224 643347
Statutory nature conservation organisation for
Scotland. In addition to the above, SNH has 35 local
offices. Headquarters will move to Inverness in 2005.
Other Government bodies
For the following bodies, responsibilities include
licensing for certain activities identified in Chapter
1. For Northern Ireland, see under SNCOs.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural
European Wildlife Division
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6EB
Tel: 0117 372 8291
Fax: 0117 372 8182
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-country-
Scottish Executive
Species Team
Countryside and Natural Heritage Unit
Environment and Rural Affairs Department
Victoria Quay
Edinburgh EH6 6QQ
Tel: 0131 244 7140
Fax: 0131 244 4071
Web site: www.scotland.gov.uk
Welsh Assembly
Nature Conservation Branch
Countryside Division
Welsh Assembly Government
Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ
Tel: 02920 823363
Fax: 02920 801353
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.wales.gov.uk
Non Governmental Organisations
The Bat Conservation Trust
15 Cloisters House
8 Battersea Park Road
London SW8 4BG
Tel: 08451 300228
Fax: 020 7627 2628
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.bats.org.uk
The national organisation for bat conservation,
which provides guidance and support for all local
bat groups.
Bat Conservation International
PO Box 162603
Austin, Texas
United States of America
Tel: (512) 327 9721
Fax: (512) 327 9724
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.batcon.org/
Fauna and Flora International
Great Eastern House
Tenison Road
Cambridge CB1 2TT
Tel: 01223 571000
Fax: 01223 461481
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.fauna-flora.org
A charitable organisation whose mission is to
safeguard the future of endangered species of
animals and plants world-wide.
The Mammal Society
2b Inworth Street
London SW11 3EP
Tel: 020 7350 2200
Fax: 020 7350 2211
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.mammal.org.uk
The national society for all amateurs and professionals
with an interest in the study of mammals.
National Association of Mining History
c/o Peak District Mining Museum
The Pavilion
South Parade
Matlock Bath
Derbyshire DE4 3NR
Tel: 01629 583834
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.namho.org/
The umbrella organisation for mine research
groups. The Association publishes a useful code of
conduct and can provide lists of local groups.
National Caving Association
Monomark House
27 Old Gloucester Street
London WC1N 3XX
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.nca.org.uk/
The umbrella organisation for caving and cave
research groups and clubs. The NCA can provide
guidance about underground surveys and lists of
local clubs and interest groups.
The National Trust
Estates Department
33 Sheep Street
Gloucestershire GL7 1RQ
Tel: 01285 651818
Fax: 01285 657935
Web site: http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/
The department dealing with advice on nature
conservation on National Trust properties.
Peoples Trust for Endangered Species
15 Cloisters House
8 Battersea Park Road
London SW8 4BG
Tel: 020 7498 4533
Fax: 020 7498 4459
Web site: http://www.ptes.org/
A charitable trust funding scientific research and
practical work in the field with the aim to protect
creatures in the wild that are threatened with
extinction, including bats. Administers Mammals
Trust UK.
Subterranea Britannica
c/o Highcroft Cottages
London Road
Kent BR8 8DB
Tel: 01322 408081
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.subbrit.org.uk
National organisation with a specialist interest in
artificial underground sites. Has a range of local
member interest groups.
The Vincent Wildlife Trust
3 & 4 Bronsil Courtyard
Herefordshire HR8 1EP
Tel: 01531 636441
Fax: 01531 636442
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.vwt.org.uk
A private charitable trust, which provides assistance
to a wide range of conservation organisations as
well as employing its own field staff who carry out
research, monitoring and wardening work
(including bats).
The Wildlife Trusts
The Kiln
Mather Road
Notts NG24 1WT
Tel: 01636 677711
Fax: 01636 670001
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/
The national association of the local Wildlife
Equipment suppliers
Alana Ecology Ltd
The Old Primary School
Church Street. Bishops Castle
Shropshire SY9 5AE
Tel: 01588 630173
Fax: 01588 630176
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.alanaecology.com
Supplies a wide range of field and lab equipment,
including items in most of the following categories.
The Old Brickyard
Kiln Lane
Swindon SN2 2NP
Tel: 01793 538822
Supplies a wide range of field and lab equipment,
including items in most of the following categories.
Bat detectors
Alana Ecology Ltd
(see opposite)
David J. Bale
3 Suffolk Street
Gloucestershire GL50 2DH
Tel: 01242 570123
Fax: 01242 570123
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplies the Tranquility and ECO Tranquility bat
detectors with a time expansion facility.
(see above)
Supplied Duet and Batbox detectors
Magenta Electronics Ltd
135 Hunter Street
Staffordshire DE14 2ST
Tel: 01283 565435
Fax: 01283 546932
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/home-
Supply a bat detector as a kit or assembled.
Pettersson Elektronik AB
Tallbackswagen 51
S -756 45 Uppsala
Tel: +46 1830 3880
Fax: +46 1830 3840
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.batsound.com/
Suppliers of professional bat detectors and sound
analysis software. Sole agent for UK & Ireland:
Alana Ecology Ltd (see p.158).
Skye Instruments Ltd
Unit 21
Ddole Enterprise Park
Llandrindod Wells
Powys LD1 6DF
Tel: 01597 824811
Fax: 01597 824812
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.skyeinstruments.com/
Stag Electronics
120 High Street
West Sussex BN44 3RD
Tel: 01903 816298 / 07000 228269
Fax: 01903 816298
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:www.batbox.com
Ultrasound Advice
23 Aberdeen Road
London N5 2UG
Tel: 020 7359 1718
Fax: 020 7359 3650
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.ultrasoundadvice.co.uk/
Caving equipment
Bat Products
6 Tucker Street
Somerset BA5 2DZ
Tel: 01749 676771
Fax: 01749 676771
Bernies Cafe and Caving Supplies
4 Main Street
Carnforth LA6 3EB
Tel: 01524 241802
Fax: 01524 242439
Web site: www.berniescafe.co.uk
Caving Supplies Ltd
19 London Road
Derbyshire SK17 9PA
Tel: 01298 71707
Fax: 01298 72463
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.caving-supplies.co.uk/
The Square
via Carnforth LA 6 3EB
Tel: 01524 241146
Fax: 01524 242035
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.inglesport.co.uk
The above supply a full range of underground
exploration equipment associated with caving
including the Oldham T3 head torch, which is
powered by a rechargeable lead-acid battery.
Hand nets
Alana Ecology Ltd
(see p.158)
Marris House Nets
54 Richmond Park Avenue
Dorset BH8 9DR
Tel: 01202 515238
Fax: 01202 511252
Ian Forsyth
24 Malone Park
Belfast BT9 6NJ
Tel: 02890 665534
Fax: 02890 668442
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplier of hand net and frame for catching bats
emerging from roosts in buildings.
Watkins and Doncaster
Conghurst Lane
Four Throws
Kent TN18 5DZ
Tel: 01580 753133
Fax: 01580 754054
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.watdon.com
Supply a range of hand nets and other equipment
for naturalists.
Optical equipment (including night vision)
Alana Ecology Ltd (see p.158)
6 Greenhill Crescent
Watford Business Park
Herts WD18 8RF
Tel: 0870 0806666
Fax: 0870 0805555
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.gadgets.co.uk
Supplies include a few cheaper night-vision scopes.
In Focus
The Wildfowl and Wetland Trust
London Wetland Centre
Queen Elizabeth Walk
London SW13 9WT
Tel: 020 8409 4433
Fax: 020 8409 4441
Web site: www.at-infocus.co.uk
Good range of binoculars, etc. Eight shops
nationally. Will discuss night-vision equipment.
Ringing and marking
Alana Ecology Ltd (see p.158)
Biotrack Ltd
52 Furzebrook Road
Dorset BH20 5AX
Tel: 01929 552992
Fax: 01929 554948
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.biotrack.co.uk
Supplies radio tags.
Holohil Systems Ltd
112 John Cavanagh Road
Carp. Ontario
Canada K0A 1L0
Tel: +613 839 0676
Fax: +613 839 0675
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.holohil.com
Supplies radio tags.
Labtrac Ltd
PO Box 19. Uckfield
East Sussex TN22 3TF
Tel: 01825 791069
Fax: 01825 791006
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.avidplc.com
Supplies AVID microchip equipment (PIT tags).
Mariner Radar
Wood Lane
Suffolk NR32 5DN
Tel: 01502 567195
Email: [email protected]
Supplies receivers and antennae.
Porzana Limited
Elms Farm
Pett Lane
East Sussex TN36 4AH
Tel: 01797 226374
Fax: 01797 226374
E-mail: [email protected]
Supplies bat rings in alloy and incoloy metal.
UK batrings also available from
The Mammal Society
28 Inworth Street
London SW11 3EP
Tel: 020 7350 2200
Fax: 020 7350 2211
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.mammal.org.uk
932 Impala Avenue
Mesa. Arizona 85204-6699
Tel: +480 892 4444
Fax: + 480 892 9139
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: www.telonics.com
Supplies receivers and antennae.
Titley Electronics
PO Box 19
New South Wales 2478
Tel/Fax: +61 2 66866617
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.titley.com.au
Supplies radio tags.
Other field equipment
Alana Ecology Ltd
(see p.158)
British Trust for Ornithology
Ringing Office
The Nunnery
Norfolk IP24 2PU
Tel: 01842 750050
Fax: 01842 750030
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.bto.org
Suppliers of bird ringing equipment, including
aluminium section poles, spring balances, calipers,
end-stop rulers, bird bags and mist nets.
PO Box 33
Northants NN17 9EL
Tel: 01536 204555
Fax: 01536 405555
Web site: http://rswww.com
A sister company of RS components, which deals
with small orders and non-account customers.
Suppliers of dial calipers, tally counters and digital
Bat boxes and bat bricks
Alana Ecology Ltd
(see p.158)
Supply a range of Schwegler woodcrete bat boxes
and traditional wooden bat boxes.
(see p.158)
Supply a range of Schwegler woodcrete bat boxes
and traditional wooden bat boxes.
Jacobi Jayne & Co
Wealden Forest Park
Herne Common
Kent CT6 7LQ
Tel: 01227 714314
Fax: 01227 719235
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.jacobijayne.com
Supplies the full range of Schwegler woodcrete boxes.
C. J. Wild Bird Foods Ltd
The Rea
Upton Magna
Shrewsbury. Shropshire SY4 4UR
Tel: 0800 731 2820
Fax: 01743 709504
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.birdfood.co.uk
Supplies some bat boxes and other items relevant to bats.
Marshalls Clay Products
Howley Park
Quarry Lane
Woodkirk. Dewsbury
West Yorkshire WF12 7JJ
Tel: 01132 203535
Fax: 01132 203555
Web site: http://www.marshalls.co.uk
Manufacture and supply a bat access brick and bat
roost unit.
Norfolk Bat Group
The Barn Cottage
Wheelers Lane
Norfolk NR15 1EJ
Tel: 01508 550784
Fax: 01508 550850
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.norfolk-bat-group.org.uk
Supplies the BAT-zzz-BRICK for hibernation sites.
Live Foods Direct Ltd
Houghton Road
North Anston Trading Estate
Sheffield S25 4JJ
Tel: 01909 518888
Fax: 01909 568666
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.livefoodsdirect.co.uk
Books, videos, stickers, novelties
Bat Bazaar
c/o Alana Ecology (see p.158)
Web site: www.batsnet.org/acatalog
Bat books, tapes, slides, jewellery, novelties, etc.
for sale to individuals and to bat groups for resale.
The Bat Conservation Trust
15 Cloisters House
8 Battersea Park Road
London SW8 4BG
Tel: 020 7627 2629
Fax: 020 7627 2628
Web site: www.bats.org.uk
The Mammal Society
(see p.157)
Natural History Book Service
2-3 Wills Road
Totnes. Devon TQ9 5XN
Tel: 01803 865913
Fax: 01803 865280
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.nhbs.com
A leading supplier of British and foreign books on
natural history.
PO Box 10
New York 12157-0010
Tel: +518 295 7978
Fax: +518 295 7981
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.speleobooks.com
Wide range of bat and cave books, videos, posters,
stickers, novelties, etc.
Whiskered bat in flight. Frank Greenaway
Bat workers training syllabus
This syllabus is to be used as a checklist for both
the trainee bat worker (conservation and scientific
licences) and the trainer.
Legal protection:Wildlife and
Countryside Act 1981 &
Conservation (Natural
Habitats &c.) Regulations
1994 or equivalent
Basic protection
Bats are protected against intentional killing, injuring
or taking. Their roosts are protected against damage,
destruction or obstruction, and it is also an offence
to deliberately disturb bats. There are variations in
protection across the UK.
Limits to protection
Protection of both bats and their roosts is not
absolute and in some situations is very weak.
Dwelling houses
In all parts of a dwelling house it remains illegal to
kill, injure or take bats but their roosts may be
obstructed, damaged or destroyed provided that the
SNCO has been notified and allowed time to advise
on how this may best be done. This requirement for
consultation does not apply in the living area of the
house. The existence of this defence means that
householders do not have to have bats roosting in
their house if they clearly do not want them, but
they are not allowed to kill or injure them and they
should consult the SNCO about the best way of
getting rid of them.
Lawful operations
Bats may be killed or injured or their roosts damaged
or destroyed provided that this is the incidental result
of a lawful operation and could not reasonably have
been avoided. However, the SNCO should be consulted
about the interpretation of this defence before any
action is taken and will provide advice on how any
adverse effects on the bats may reasonably be avoided.
Circumstances requiring consultation
It is important that this is clearly understood. The SNCO
should be consulted about any proposed deliberate action
against bats or their roosts in dwelling houses or about
any operation that will incidentally but foreseeably affect
bats or their roosts wherever these may be.
Appendix 7
Limitations of advice by volunteers
The law requires that the SNCO is notified and
allowed time to provide advice. Volunteers can assist
the SNCO in providing the best possible advice but
they must either refrain from giving advice themselves
or explain that action should not be taken until the
advice has been confirmed by the SNCO.
Licensable activities
Most activities that are prohibited in the Act or
Regulations are licensable in one way or another.
The SNCO is the licensing authority for activities
carried out for scientific, conservation or educational
purposes (including marking and photography). The
appropriate government department (see Appendix
6) is the licensing authority for preventing the
spread of disease, preventing serious damage,
preserving public health or public safety or other
imperative reasons of overriding public interest.
Licences are not required for the exclusion of bats
from dwelling houses or for anything which is
covered by the lawful operation defence. The
only requirement is that the SNCO is notified and
allowed a reasonable time to advise.
SNCO licences
The SNCOs provide a number of general types of
licence, the most important of which are conservation
(roost visitor), scientific (survey and monitoring),
research and marking, and training. Endorsements
can be added to any of these licences to permit a
wide range of other activities.
Licence applications should normally be on the
standard forms provided and the application should
be endorsed by a licensed trainer once the trainee
has reached the required standard. If a trainer is not
available, the names of two referees will be
acceptable as a second choice.
Licences normally restrict the licensee to work in a
limited area, usually one or more counties. This is
intended to prevent any friction between neighbouring
bat workers and to cut down on the possibility
of a number of people visiting the same roosts
independently. However, even within a county, it is
important that local bat workers liaise informally
with each other in order to avoid misunderstandings
and repeat visits to sites.
Other licences
Government departments issue licences under the
Habitats Regulations for preventing the spread of
disease, preventing serious damage, preserving public
health or public safety or other imperative reasons
of overriding public interest. The latter reason is
the most common and these are often referred to
as development licences because they are most
frequently issued to permit damage or destruction
of bat roosts or disturbance of bats during
development works. Applications must fit the
purpose of overriding public interest and also
pass tests of no satisfactory alternative and no
adverse impact of favourable conservation status.
Bat biology and ecology
Basic biology
Relationships with other mammals
Characteristics of families
Trainees should be aware that bats form a very
distinctive zoological order and that the two families
represented in Britain are quite distinctive.
Physical adaptations for flight
Physiological specialisations
The ability of bats to enter and arouse from daily
torpor and seasonal hibernation is an extremely
important feature of the order, and an understanding
of this is vital when considering their life histories,
sensitivity to disturbance, etc.
Trainees should be aware of the importance of sight
and hearing to bats and should be able to give a
simple account of the way in which their
echolocation system operates.
Basic ecology
Importance in ecosystems
Life histories
Food and feeding
Social behaviour
Colony formation and composition
Mating systems and behaviour
Maternal behaviour
Juvenile behaviour
Habitat selection
Range of roost sites
Seasonal changes in site selection
Range of feeding habits
Diurnal rhythms in feeding behaviour
It is important that trainees have a good understanding
of the lives of bats so that they are able to deal
convincingly with questions put to them by
householders. The level of competence will obviously
improve with experience, but everyone should at
the very least have read one or two of the currently
available books on bats and have discussed all the
headings listed with his or her trainer.
Bat conservation
Threats to bats
It is very important that bat workers should be able
to answer convincingly the very common question,
Why are bats protected?.
Historical evidence
Some of our best evidence about the declines in bat
numbers over the last century comes from studies
of former and current distributions. The greater
horseshoe bat is the best-studied example. Other
evidence comes from the works of Victorian
naturalists who recorded bats as apparently being
much more common than today.
Current threats
Habitat change/loss
This is probably the single most important factor
that has affected bat populations in the last 100
years. The intensification of agriculture, loss of
woodlands and draining of wetlands have all had
their effect, both in reducing the number of insects
available to bats and in reducing the availability of
roost sites.
Loss of hibernacula
Loss of summer roost sites
Effects of modern farming
Loss of insects
Remedial timber treatment
This has probably been implicated in population
declines, because many of the treatment fluids in
use until recently could kill bats, even some time
after treatment. Modern treatments are much less
toxic, but roosts should not be treated when bats are
Agricultural pesticides
These can affect bats either directly, by accumulation
through the food chain, or indirectly, by reducing
the numbers of insects available to the bats at
critical times of the year.
Persecution and intolerance
Many colonies have been, and probably continue to
be, lost through direct persecution.
Sensitivity of bats to disturbance
Training for all levels of licence should cover this
section, because the guidelines are applicable to a
wide range of circumstances.
In winter
Every time a bat hibernaculum is entered by a party
of surveyors a proportion of the bats will invariably
be disturbed and begin to arouse. If the survey is by
a single careful person, the proportion arousing may
be very low, and conversely a large careless party
may arouse many of the bats. Repeated disturbance
of individuals can reduce their survival by forcing
them to use food reserves, which they may not
replace easily.
Hibernating bats should, therefore, not be disturbed
unnecessarily and should not be handled without a
good reason for doing so. Areas known to be used
by hibernating bats should not be repeatedly visited
unless as part of an intensive survey or research
project (which would need a survey or research
licence). Further guidance on the frequency of visits
is given in the section on survey work.
In summer
Excessive disturbance of breeding colonies can
cause mothers to abandon their young or young to
become separated from their mothers and so should
be avoided. Some species seem more sensitive to
disturbance than others. Horseshoe bats are alert
most of the time and will normally fly when
approached to within 3 or 4 metres. Other species
are more approachable and some, such as
pipistrelles, can normally be picked up quite
easily because they are most reluctant to fly.
Public relations
Site visits
Site visits are probably the major area of interest of
all Bat Groups. Training for such visits is largely a
matter of experience and trainees should accompany
their trainer on at least half a dozen visits before
being considered for their own licence. Training
under the following headings should consist of both
discussions and practical experience and the trainer
should be confident that the trainee will be able
to deal competently and sympathetically with
householders before endorsing a roost visitor
licence application.
Ensuring that visits are carried out safely is an
important aspect of training and time must be spent
ensuring that the trainee is aware of the main safety
issues. These are: personal safety on the visit; safe
working practices when using ladders or other
access equipment; potential hazards in buildings,
particularly in roofs; and safety when handling bats.
Trainees should be encouraged to undertake risk
assessment as a matter of course when arranging
visits. The SNCOs will have their own safety
requirements for visits carried out at their request
and these should always be adhered to.
Visits to householders who have discovered bats
Arranging the visit
Analysing the situation
Persuasion and education
Sensitivity to fears and phobias
Practical help and limits to advice
Follow-up action
Further visits
Recording and reporting
Consultation/liaison with the SNCO
Visits to buildings requiring works that may
affect bats
Arranging the visit
Analysing the situation
Inspecting the site
Collecting relevant information
Follow-up action
Completion of report
Suggestions for advice
Liaison with the SNCO
Presenting bats to the public
Giving talks
Trainers should check that those who are prepared
to give talks about bats have a good understanding
of bat biology and are not going to spread
misinformation about bats.
Dealing with the media
Not all Bat Group members will need to deal with
the media but all should be told of the basic rules.
Practical methods
Health and safety in bat work
Health and first aid
Trainees should be aware of necessary disease
precautions, especially against rabies.
Travel, and night or lone working
Trainees should be aware of simple precautions to
minimise any personal risk.
Safety in and around buildings
Visits to locate or inspect bat roosts may involve
access to parts of buildings that present particular
safety hazards. Trainees must understand the
importance of being properly equipped for such
work and with the concept of risk assessment.
Safety underground
Visits to caves and mines require particular
attention to equipment and safe methods of
working. Trainees should be familiar with the
safety code in Chapter 2.
Safety at tree roosts
Safety at public events
Handling and examining bats
All trainees for a handling licence (who should
have received pre-exposure rabies vaccination)
must be able to handle bats safely and comfortably.
This will necessarily involve practical experience,
which could, perhaps, start with captive animals but
must also include handling wild bats. Points to
emphasise are that bats should be handled only for
a good reason and when this can be done safely,
that handlers should avoid being bitten and take
appropriate action if they are, that bats should not
be kept for longer than necessary and that bats
should always be released close to the point of
capture. Trainees will vary in their ability to handle
bats, but, as a guideline, they should have handled
wild bats on at least five occasions and should
preferably have handled more than one species.
For roost visitor licences, trainees should be
confident about identifying the common species in
their area and should be familiar in theory, if not in
practice, with the features that identify all British
species. It is important to emphasise that all bats
must be examined carefully before reaching a
conclusion, because otherwise mistakes will be
made. All trainees should be familiar with one of
the published keys on British bats.
Trainees for survey licences should be able readily
to identify a wider range of bats in a variety of
Trainees should be able to handle bats for examination
and should be able to sex bats and measure the
forearm length. It is advantageous if trainees can
distinguish juveniles, but this is not a requirement
of the training scheme. It is neither necessary nor
desirable that trainees are able to take a wide range
of measurements, because these are required only
for specialist projects.
Catching bats
Trainees for roost visitor licences need to be trained
how to catch bats safely in roosts and at roost
entrances. Trainees for survey licences who wish to
carry out specialist research projects may need
training in techniques of catching bats in the open
or in large numbers at roosts, but this should not be
generally encouraged.
Inside roosts
In some circumstances bats may simply be picked
up carefully within roosts (assuming that there is a
need to catch one) or, if likely to fly, they may be
caught by placing a hand-net gently over them.
Bats should not be caught in flight or swiped at
with a hand-net.
At roost entrances
The approved technique is to hold a hand-net
directly below the roost entrance so that an emerging
bat falls straight into it as it drops from the roost
entrance. The bat can then be carefully extracted
from the net. Emphasis should be placed on the
need to keep the net still and the undesirability of
disturbing the colony so that emergence is disrupted.
This is a straightforward technique and trainees
should be competent after perhaps five attempts.
Cone-trapping is a specialised research technique
and should not be used to catch small numbers of
bats for identification.
In the open
All methods of catching bats in the open have the
potential to harm bats if used carelessly. The most
common methods are harp-trapping or mist-netting
and licences for this will only be given to applicants
who have received appropriate training and agree to
follow SNCO guidelines.
Survey work
The majority of applicants for licences require a
conservation (roost visitor) licence so that they
can visit householders and disturb or handle bats
associated with buildings. A small proportion of
applicants will wish to extend their interest to
survey work for bats and bat roosts and may require
a licence to disturb or handle bats in hibernacula or
to catch bats in the open.
Working safely in underground sites such as caves,
mines, ice-houses or tunnels requires a good
understanding of the potential hazards and the basic
safety rules that must always be observed. Good
safety advice is provided by the various caving and
mine history organisations.
Frequency of survey
The dangers of excessive disturbance have already
been covered in a previous section because of their
general applicability.
The acceptable frequency of survey will vary with
the configuration of the site, the number of bats
involved and the purpose of the survey. It is
impossible to give hard and fast rules but the
following paragraphs give some guidance.
For intensive short-term (a few years) surveys to
establish patterns of usage, a visit every 3 or 4 weeks
by a careful individual or small party would probably
be acceptable. Maximum party size should be related
to the size of the hibernaculum and the density of bats.
Long-term surveys should normally require only one
or two visits per winter, preferably at a time when the
maximum number of bats is present. Again, party size
should be related to the size of the hibernaculum and
the density of bats.
Casual unplanned visits to see the bats should be
avoided, however strong the temptation. If you do
wish to take trainees to see hibernating bats, try to
arrange that they accompany you on planned survey
trips and assist with counting the bats.
It should rarely be necessary to handle hibernating
bats, because the great majority can be identified by
close inspection. Horseshoe bats need be handled only
as part of a research project.
Although one individual or group may limit their visits
to a site in a sensible way, it is clearly essential that
there is not some other individual or group also visiting
the same site and thus doubling the number of visits.
Liaison between workers within an area is extremely
important and should be given emphasis during training.
Summer roosts
Frequency of survey
Most of the remarks about winter surveys apply
equally to summer surveys if visits inside the roost
are necessary. However, most summer surveys
should involve counting the bats as they emerge
from the roost at dusk, with, perhaps, a few inspections
inside to check on the agreement between internal
counts and emergence counts. Provided that
common-sense precautions are taken, there need be
no limit placed on the number of emergence counts
that are made.
If the species cannot be identified by careful
inspection within the roost (horseshoe bats can
normally be identified in this way), it will be
acceptable to hand-net a bat as it emerges. Do not
net more than a few bats, because this is unnecessary.
Training checklist Tick
Legal protection:Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 & Conservation
(Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations 1994 or equivalent.
Basic protection
Limits to protection
Dwelling houses
Lawful operations
Circumstances requiring consultation
Limitations of advice by volunteers
Licensable activities
SNCO licences
Other licences
Bat biology and ecology
Basic biology
Relationships with other mammals
Characteristics of families
Physical adaptations for flight
Physiological specialisations
Basic ecology
Importance in ecosystems
Life histories
Food and feeding
Social behaviour
Colony formation and composition
Mating systems and behaviour
Maternal behaviour
Juvenile behaviour
Habitat selection
Range of roost sites
Seasonal changes in site selection
Range of feeding habits
Training checklist (continued) Tick
Diurnal rhythms in feeding behaviour
Bat conservation
Threats to bats
Historical evidence
Current threats
Habitat change/loss
Loss of hibernacula
Loss of summer roost sites
Effects of modern farming
Loss of insects
Remedial timber treatment
Agricultural pesticides
Persecution and intolerance
Sensitivity of bats to disturbance
In winter
In summer
Public relations
Site visits
Visits to householders who have discovered bats
Arranging the visit
Analysing the situation
Persuasion and education
Sensitivity to fears and phobias
Practical help and limits to advice
Follow-up action
Further visits
Recording and reporting
Consultation/liaison with the SNCO
Visits to buildings requiring works which may affect bats
Arranging the visit
Analysing the situation
Inspecting the site
Collecting relevant information
Follow-up action
Completion of report
Suggestions for advice
Training checklist (continued) Tick
Liaison with the SNCO
Presenting bats to the public
Giving talks
Dealing with the media
Practical methods
Health and safety in bat work
Health and first aid
Travel and night or lone working
Safety in and around building
Safety underground
Safety at tree roosts
Safety at public events
Handling and examining bats
Catching bats
Inside roosts
At roost entrances
In the open
Survey work
Frequency of survey
Summer roosts
Frequency of survey
Model risk assessments
relevant to bat survey work
Chapter 2 provides advice on safety preparations.
These model risk assessments provide a
standard means for assessing the risks in three
entry into disused mines;
initial entry into derelict and dilapidated
buildings and structures;
entry into and work in confined spaces.
Appendix 8
These models have been developed for use within
the National Trust. They form a basis for specific
local site assessments, carried out by managers
at individual properties. The National Trust
cannot accept any responsibility for any errors
or omissions, where these models are used by
other organisations.
Specific legal requirements may change and readers
should make the necessary enquiries to ensure that
they are aware of the latest legislation.
Work Activity
Other relevant model risk assessments
Physical hazards arising
Health hazards arising
Persons at risk
Principal organisational precautions
Model risk assessment for entry into disused mines
Entry into disused mines
Entry into confined spaces.
Being struck by falling rock;
Contact with rock and other obstructions (head injury);
Asphyxiation from build-up of dangerous gases or lack of oxygen;
Explosion from ignition of flammable gases;
Falls from height from collapse of floor, or openings in floor;
Trips and falls on same level;
Hypothermia, arising from long periods underground, or following trapping
underground by flooding or rock falls.
Exposure to radon (only significant where extensive work
underground is carried out).
Countryside staff and others engaged in bat surveys, industrial archaeology,
geological surveys.
No person should go underground alone.
Obtain plans of the mine workings in advance;
Note weather conditions for at least 24 hours before going underground,
particularly into caves or mine systems prone to flooding after heavy rain;
The minimum size of party entering mine four persons (in the event of injury, one
person should remain with the injured person, while two persons go for assistance).
A minimum of two persons are required as back-up at the mine entrance;
At least one person in the party should be experienced in the work;
At least one person in the party underground should be a qualified first-aider;
Hazards should be identified in advance;
The capabilities of the members of the party should be taken into account;
Monitoring for dangerous gases/lack of oxygen should take place where these are
identified as potential hazards;
Expert geological advice should be sought on the stability of strata in abandoned mines;
Entry should only take place under a written permit-to-work system;
Extra time should be allowed for the exit from the mine;
Written emergency procedures should be prepared.
Principal physical precautions
Specific legal requirements
Further guidance
Date/NT Ref.5 February 1997.WRK 013
Model risk assessment for entry into disused mines (cont)
Gas monitoring equipment should be used to warn of the presence of dangerous gases;
Vapour sealed electric headlamp units should be worn, and a spare lamp of different
type carried by each person going underground;
Lifelines (where required by the nature of the mine and length of the expedition);
Ropes and harnesses may be required for access to parts of the mine;
Survival bags (when a long period underground is contemplated) should be taken;
Spare food and drink should be carried;
Waterproof watches should be worn;
First aid kits should be carried.
Protective clothing:
Safety helmets to BS EN 397 (formerly BS 5240) should be worn;
Eye protection to BS 2092 should be worn if hammers and chisels are used for rock samples;
Safety boots;
The need for wet suits and/or waders should be considered;
Adequate clothing should be worn for a cold, wet environment.
Exposure can occur very rapidly underground in the cold, wet conditions. If exposure
is suspected, take the following action:
find a dry location away from draughts;
huddle together for warmth and cover the head and hands;
place the exposed or injured person in the survival bag, ideally with another person;
cover the head and hands;
use ropes and other equipment for insulation from the floor;
give some of the spare food;
two persons should go for assistance, leaving the exposed person and one other
Mines and Quarries Act 1954;
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981;
Management and Administration of Safety and Health at Mines Regulations 1993.
HSE Approved Code of Practice L44 - "The management and administration of safety and
health at mines";
Institute of Biology - "Safety in biological fieldwork - guidance notes for codes of practice";
Conservation Safety Manual (contained within NT Health and Safety Manual) Section
3 - "Safety in field work".
National Trust Bat Pack "The conservation of bats and their legal status" (1996)
Work activity
Explanatory note
Physical hazards arising
Health hazards arising
Persons at risk
Principal organisational precautions
Principal physical precautions
Specific legal requirements
Model risk assessment for initial entry into derelict and dilapidated buildings and structures
Initial entry into derelict and dilapidated buildings and structures
This Model Risk Assessment (MRA) covers initial appraisal of and entry into a derelict or
dilapidated building, to establish its general integrity, its structural stability, and the nature and
extent of other hazards created by its current and former uses. A separate MRA covers
detailed survey and initial work on such buildings.
Falls from height, due to rot or damage to floors and structural members, and concealed and
unprotected edges and openings;
Fall of materials, due to the instability of the structure;
Electric shock or burns from faulty electrical installations;
Fire/explosion from ignition of gas leaking from cylinders or faulty/damaged installations;
Oxygen deficiency or accumulations of poisonous gas in confined spaces;
Injury from loose or projecting objects;
Trips and slips;
Unexploded ordnance;
Waterlogged or flooded basements, pits or cellars;
Assault in remote locations.
Exposure to chemical or similar contamination, arising from:
- abandoned chemicals (spillage or in containers);
- asbestos materials;
- PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) in old oil-filled electrical equipment.
Exposure to radioactive contamination.
Biological hazards, e.g. leptospirosis (Weil's Disease), pathogens from leaking sewers, disease
from decaying animals or accumulations of bird/bat droppings, contact with hypodermic syringes.
Dust, e.g. from lead, arsenic in old paint.
Batworkers, owners, tenants, consultants, contractors and unauthorised visitors.
Information should be collected from plans and other documents prior to the initial site appraisal;
An initial appraisal should be carried out to identify structural defects and hazardous areas;
Relevant information should be given to consultants and contractors before entry is allowed;
At least 2 persons should be involved in the initial entry - notification should be given to
another person of their whereabouts, and the duration of their visit.
Barriers and signs:
Unauthorised persons should be excluded from the site by physical barriers, at a sufficient
distance from the building to allow for falling debris;
Signs should be posted to warn of hazards to visitors and unauthorised persons.
Equipment and protective clothing:
Hard hats and steel toe-capped protective footwear should be worn at all times;
Dust masks, eye protection, gloves and disposable suits may be required;
A first-aid kit should be available;
Other useful equipment might include:
- flashlight or miner's-type headlight;
- portable radio communication;
- access inspection ladder;
- rope or tape to mark the route;
- stick (for exploration);
- binoculars.
Control of Lead at Work Regulations 1980;
Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985;
Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987;
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994.
Further guidance
Date/NT Ref. 12 March 1996 WRK 006
Model risk assessment for initial entry into derelict and dilapidated buildings and structures (cont)
HSE booklet HS(G)58 - "Evaluation and inspection of buildings and structures" (1990);
HSE booklet HS(G)66 - "Protection of workers and the general public during the
development of contaminated land" (1991);
HSE Guidance Note GS 5 (revised) - "Entry into confined spaces" (1995);
HSE Approved Code of Practice L28 - "Work with asbestos insulation, asbestos coating
and asbestos insulating board";
Department of the Environment booklet - "Asbestos materials in buildings";
HSE leaflet MS(A)19 - "PCBs and you ";
NT Health Hazard Information Sheet No. 2 - "Weil's Disease":
NT Bat Pack - "The conservation of bats and their legal status ";
Suzy Lamplugh Trust pocket guide - "Personal Safety at work for you".
Work activity
Explanatory note
Physical hazards arising
Health hazards arising
Persons at risk
Model risk assessment for entry into confined spaces
Entry into and work in confined spaces
The term "confined space" includes closed tanks, sewers, tunnels, caves, open manholes,
trenches, pipes, pits, vats, flues, furnaces, silos, ducts, as well as other enclosed rooms and
spaces, e.g. basements, ceiling voids, where there is inadequate natural ventilation.
There are three principal hazards associated with confined spaces:
1. Flammable gases. Fire and explosion hazards can exist in confined spaces where gases
such as LPG have accidentally leaked into the space, or where decaying matter and
sewage have produced flammable gases such as methane.
2. Toxic gases. Toxic, harmful or corrosive fumes and vapours can exist in, or be
generated by the work in a confined space - for example, some painting work, application
of certain adhesives (e.g. when laying floor tiles), cleaning areas or objects using solvents,
welding, fumes emitted when sludge and other residues are disturbed during cleaning
tanks or pits, the use of LPG appliances, and petrol and diesel engine fumes.
3. Oxygen deficiency. Oxygen deficiency can occur naturally in confined spaces, for example
where manholes, tunnels and trenches in chalk soil fill with carbon dioxide forcing out
breathable air, or where rotting vegetation and rusting of metal in tanks can consume
much of the oxygen and hence make the air unbreathable. Work activities in confined
spaces can also reduce the oxygen level by replacing it with inert gas such as in pipe
freezing operations in trenches or inert gas welding.
Other hazards include:
Falls from height, and slips and trips;
Falling objects;
Contact with moving machinery;
Oxygen enrichment.
Contact with biological hazards, such as leptospirosis (Weils disease), tetanus and legionella;
Heat stress;
High levels of noise;
Batworkers, owners, tenants, consultants, contractors and others having to enter
confined spaces.
Principal organisational precautions
Principal physical precautions
Specific legal requirements
Further guidance
Date/NT Ref. 5 February 1997.WRK 012
Model risk assessment for entry into confined spaces (cont)
Is it essential to enter the confined space? Can the work be carried out from outside? If not,
the following system must be followed:
1. Recognition - all batworkers should be able to recognise a situation or work location which
is a confined space.
2. Assessment - a full and comprehensive site risk assessment is essential before any work
starts, for all confined space operations.
3. Preparation - consider the previous use of the space. Prevent ingress of liquids, gases and
vapours from outside the confined space. Locking off and blanking off of supplies or services
may be necessary. The confined space may need to be purged, cleaned or steamed before
safe entry is possible. Forced ventilation may be required.
4. Test - if the condition of the atmosphere is unknown, it will usually be necessary to sample
the atmosphere for flammable and toxic fumes, and oxygen level. This will be necessary to
establish whether the space can be entered safely without breathing apparatus, or only
entered with it.
5. Safeguards - rescue harnesses must be worn by all persons entering the confined space.
A lifeline should be attached to the harness and the free end kept outside with the safety
observer. The lifeline need not be attached if it presents a greater risk from entanglement,
although it should be kept close by.
6. Permit-to-work certificate - the person in charge must complete a permit-to-work
certificate, specifying what safety measures have been taken.
The permit should specify any limitations to the work, and set the time by which the work
must be completed and the confined space vacated. The should be properly cancelled on
completion of the work. A sample layout of a permit is contained in HSE Guidance Note GS5.
7. Safety observer no-one shall enter a confined space unless there is someone outside to
keep watch throughout, and to communicate with those inside. In an emergency they must
be able to summon help, hut under no circumstances enter the confined space. One person
alone will not be able to pull out an unconscious person on a line and harness, unless a lifting
device is available.
8. Rescue emergency procedures should be established in advance. Is there a means of
contacting the emergency services close at hand? Is there a trained first-aider close by?
9. Training - those persons overseeing the work, entering and working in the confined space
and acting as a safety observer will need to be adequately trained. Training should cover
rescue and emergency procedures and the use of emergency breathing apparatus and harnesses.
Do not use petrol or diesel engines inside, or close to confined spaces;
Avoid using substances that give off hazardous fumes or vapours;
Do not carry out hot work in confined spaces;
Do not use tools which can produce sparks;
Never attempt to clear fumes or gases with pure oxygen;
Do not rely on canister respirators in confined spaces (they can filter out contaminants in the
atmosphere but will not replace deficient oxygen).
Factories Act 1961 (Section 30);
Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996.
HSE Guidance Note GS5 - "Entry into confined spaces" (1995);
HSE Guidance Note GS15 - 'Cleaning and gas freeing of tanks containing flammable residues" (1985);
HSE Construction Information Sheet No.15 - "Confined spaces";
HSE leaflet IND(G)198L "Working with sewage ";
HSC Consultation Document CD1O5 - "Proposals for replacement of the law for work in
confined spaces".
Some of the key requirements of the health and safety
legislation, which are appropriate for work with bats, are
given below.
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires:
employers and self-employed workers to ensure they
provide and maintain workplaces, equipment and
systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably
practicable, safe to workers and the public;
employees to take care of their own and others health
and safety, and to co-operate with their employer or
any other person to enable them to comply with health
and safety duties;
A guide to the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
(L1) gives further information.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
(COSHH) Regulations 2002 provide a framework of
actions designed to control the risk from a range of
hazardous substances including biological agents. These
actions include:
assess the risk;
prevent the risk by substitution if possible;
control the risks using appropriate measures, e.g. work
process, systems and engineering controls;
control exposure at source, e.g. adequate ventilation
systems and appropriate organisational measures;
control the working environment including general
maintain, examine and test control measures;
provide suitable personal protective equipment (PPE)
when adequate control of exposure cannot be achieved
by other means;
monitor exposure at the workplace;
provide information, instruction and training for
make arrangements for health surveillance of workers
where necessary;
COSHH: a brief guide to the regulations (INDG131 rev1);
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (4th edn).The
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
2002. Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (L5);
Health Surveillance under COSHH: guidance for employers;
The management, design and operation of microbiological
containment laboratories; and 5 steps to risk assessment
(INDG163 rev1) give further information.
Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations (MHSWR) 1999 require employers and
self-employed workers to:
identify the measures they need to take by carrying out
risk assessments;
institute safety management systems;
appoint persons to assist in health and safety
ensure co-ordination and co-operation where two or
more employers or self-employer persons share a
make emergency arrangements;
provide information and relevant training for employees;
Successful health and safety management (HSG 65) gives
further information.
The Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Classification,
Packaging and Labelling) Regulations 1996 require
consigners to:
classify the biological agent or substance containing the
biological agent for transport according to the criteria
laid down in the Approved Requirements;
determine the packing group and package in accordance
with the appropriate packing instruction;
appoint a Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser if necessary;
Are you involved in the carriage of dangerous goods by road
or rail?;
Approved Carriage List: Information approved for the
carriage of dangerous goods by road and rail other than
explosives and radioactive material (ACL);
European Agreement concerning the international carriage of
dangerous goods by road (ADR);
Approved Vehicle Requirements. Carriage of Dangerous
Goods by Road Regulations 1996 (AVR); and
Regulations Concerning the International Carriage of
Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID) give further information.
Other legal requirements also exist under a range of other specific health and safety legislation. These duties
include reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations and assessing other specific
risks to workers (e.g. from manual handling and stress).
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
SI1974/1439. The Stationery Office 1974.
ISBN 0 11 141439 X.
Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations (MHSWR) 1999. SI1999/3242. The
Stationery Office 1999. ISBN 0 11 0856252 2.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
(COSHH) Regulations 2002. SI2002/2677. The
Stationery Office 2002. ISBN 0 11 042919 2.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995.
SI1995/3163. The Stationery Office 1995.
ISBN 01 1053 7523.
The Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Classification,
Packaging and Labelling) Regulations 1994.
SI1994/669. The Stationery Office 1994.
ISBN 01 1043 6695.
The Data Protection Act 1998. The Stationery
Office 1998. ISBN 0 10 542998 8.
2000/54/EC. Protection of workers from risks relat-
ed to exposure of biological agents at work
(seventh individual directive within the meaning of
Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC). OJ L262.
A Guide to the Health and Safety at Work etc Act
1974. (L1). HSE Books 1990. ISBN 0 7176 0441 1.
(A priced publication.)
Successful health and safety management (HSG 65)
2nd edn. HSE Books 1997. ISBN 0 7176 2034 4.
(A priced publication.)
COSHH: a brief guide to the regulations (INDG131
rev1). HSE Books 2002. (Free as single copies.)
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. 4th
edn. The Control of Substances Hazardous to
Health Regulations 2002. Approved Code of
Practice and Guidance (L5). HSE Books 2002.
ISBN 0 7176 2534 6. (A priced publication.)
Health Surveillance under COSHH: guidance for
employers. HSE Books 1990. ISBN 0 717604918.
(A priced publication.)
5 steps to risk assessment. (INDG163 rev1). HSE
Books 1998. (Free as single copies.)
Guide to the reporting of Injuries, Diseases and
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (L73).
HSE Books 1998. ISBN 0 7176 1012 8.
Are you involved in the carriage of dangerous
goods by road or rail? (INDG234)
HSE Books 2000. ISBN 0 7176 1676 2.
(A free leaflet.)
Approved Carriage List: Information approved for
the carriage of dangerous goods by road and rail
other than explosives and radioactive material
(ACL) (L90). HSE Books, 3rd edn. ISBN 0 7176
1681 9. (A priced publication.)
European Agreement concerning the international
carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR). The
Stationery Office. ISBN 0 11 941712 X.
Approved Vehicle Requirements. Carriage of
Dangerous Goods by Road Regulations 1996
(AVR) (L89). HSE Books, 2nd edn.
ISBN 0 7176 1680 0.
Regulations Concerning the International Carriage
of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID). The Stationery
Office 1998. ISBN 0 11 552032 5.
Second supplement to Categorisation of biological
agents according to hazard and categories of
containment (MISC 208). HSE Books 2000.
Consulting employees on health and safety: A guide
to the law. (INDG 232). HSE Books 1999. ISBN 0
71761650. (Available in priced packs or can be
downloaded for free from www.hsebooks.co.uk)
Appendix 9
For Laboratory Use Only
Letter No.
Sample No.
Date received:
General condition:
Give details of any biting or scratching incidents
involving humans or animals:
it is not normal to send a result; in the event of a positive
result the finder would be contacted immediately.
If there are special reasons for requiring a result
to be sent, tick this box
Further enquiries please contact:
Dr A R Fooks,
Head of Rabies Research
and Diagnostic Unit
Telephone No. 01932 341111
BAT 1 (Rev. 10/01)
Internal Use Only
Copies to:
(1) SVO Page Street
(2) Dr A R Fooks
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department
Welsh Assembly Government
Bat Samples
for Rabies Screening
Please complete a seperate form for each species submitted.
Name and address of person submitting the specimen
Telephone No. (including
national dialling code)
Name and address of FINDER
(if different to person submitting the specimen)
Telephone No. (including
national dialling code)
Specimen detail
Species Sex Age
Date and Ref.
time found No.
Date and
time of death
Cause of death
Map reference
Cicumstances of finding:
Please send completed form and specimen(s) to:
Graham Parsons
Rabies Diagnostic Unit,
Veterinary Laboratories Agency
Woodham Lane, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 3NB
Telephone No. 01932 357645
The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) is the forum through which the
three country nature conservation agencies English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage
(SNH), and the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) deliver their statutory
responsibilities for Great Britain as a whole - and internationally. The Committee
consists of representatives of these agencies, as well as the Countryside Agency,
independent members, and non-voting members appointed by the
Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland.
The JNCCs statutory responsibilities, known as the special functions, contribute to maintaining
and enriching biological diversity, enhancing geological features, and sustaining natural systems.
The special functions are principally:
to establish common standards throughout Great Britain for the monitoring of nature
conservation and for research into nature conservation and the analysis of results;