Word Racers Lesson Plan

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Spring 2014

Sem I-ECED372

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JMU Elementary Education Program

WORD RACERS! Students will find and read their name on the index card in front of their spot. They will then sit
down and a toy car will be at their place to use for the race. They will place them at the starting line on the poster
game board. I will have a stack of index cards with sight words on them. One at a time, I will show them a sight word
and they must read the word to me in order to advance their car on the board. If they get it wrong, they do not move on
the board at all. If they get it correct, they will move ahead one space. The first student to get their car to the finish line
wins. If we finish the game with time left, we will play the game again, and then play around the world with the
sight words. In this game, a student will compete against another student to read the sight word correctly and say it
aloud before the other student does. The student who said it first will move on to play against the next student and the
other student will sit down. The student keeps going around until they get a word wrong and then the student who got
it correct them moves on to face the next person.

CONTEXT OF LESSON - This activity is appropriate for the students at this time because they have already been
introduced to each of the sight words and have been practicing them. The students have also been practicing reading
their name and being able to recognize it. The cooperating-teacher, Ms. Marion, has been reviewing these words with
the students all year. Students will be able to practice these words in the form of a fun game. This lesson fits into Ms.
Marions curriculum sequence and will help prepare them for the PALS assessment. The students are five and six
years old and the words used in this lesson are appropriate for their age level.


Developmental Objectives Assessment
1. The students will read at least 5 sight
words correctly on the cards aloud to the
I will observe the students as they read the words on the index cards I am
holding and note whether or not they say the correct word aloud to me. I
will record this data on the attached data collection sheet.
2. The students will read their name as
displayed on the card indicating their seat.
I will note which students are able to find their seat by reading their name
on the place card. I will record this data on the attached data collection


** See DATA COLLECTION FORM attached to this lesson plan**


Kindergarten English SOL:

K.6 The student will demonstrate an understanding that print conveys meaning.

d) Read his/her name and read fifteen meaningful, concrete words.

Maddie Vance
Ms. Marion, Kindergarten, Clymore Elementary School
April 10
, 9:00 am

Spring 2014
Sem I-ECED372

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3-4 toy cars (Maddie)
Index cards with students names (Maddie)
Index cards with sight words (Maddie)
Poster board for game (Maddie)
Stop and Go instruction cards
Instruction cards (Maddie)


Preparation of learning environment- I will set the instruction cards on the side of the table next to
the game board. At each seat there will be a place card with each students name on it, along with a toy
car. The board will be on the center of the table within reach of each student. There will be three
stacks of index cards with the sight words on them (for low, medium, and high groups) next to me.
The stop and go instruction cards will be next to me. This activity will take place at the back table
in the classroom. The activity will take approximately 6-8 minutes with each group. Students will
come to the table in groups of 2 or 3 and will be grouped by literacy level.
Engagement and introduction of the lesson- As the students come back to my table, they will have
to first find their place card with their name on it. I will document on the attached data collection sheet
which students could recognize and read their own name. I will then introduce the activity by getting
the students thinking about sight words. I will say Today we are going to play a game with your sight
words! and then I will say I know you guys have been practicing these words all year, so now we
get to practice them in a fun way! I will ask where in the room they keep the word wall with the sight
words and have the student point it out so that the kids will see a visual of the words I will be using. I
will point out the instruction cards and give the children instructions on what they will be doing to
play this game. I will ask if any student has any questions and then begin the game.
Implementation of the lesson- Next I will begin the game. I will start with the student on the left and
have them take turns, moving clockwise. I will act as the stoplight and hold up an index card with a
sight word on it. The child must recognize the word, and read it aloud to me. If they say it correctly, I
will hold up the go instruction card, and then they may move their car to the next place on the game
board. If they do not say it correctly, I will hold up the stop instruction card, and they do not move. I
will then move through each of the cards until one car reaches the finish line. This person is the
winner of the race. If there is time leftover at the end, we will play the game again, and then play
around the world with the sight cards if there is time. In this game, a student will compete against
another student to read the sight word correctly and say it aloud before the other student does. The
student who said it first will move on to play against the next student and the other student will sit
down. The student keeps going around until they get a word wrong and then the student who got it
correct them moves on to face the next person. I will record who could read which sight words on the
attached data collection sheet.
Closure- After the game is finished and time is up, the students will place their cars back at the
starting line for the next group. I will say Thank you guys for playing! Keep practicing your sight
words so you can know them all! I will tell the students where they are going next and they will
transition to the next table for the next activity.
Clean up At the end of each group, I will switch the name cards to the names of the new group of
students transitioning to my table. I will place a toy car at each spot and begin from the beginning
again. At the end of the workshop and every group has had a chance to play the game; I will pick up
the game board and all materials to take home with me. I will then wipe down the table and ensure I
leave the table just as clean as I found it. I will thank Ms. Marion and return to my classroom.

Spring 2014
Sem I-ECED372

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In order to meet the needs of students at different literacy levels, I will provide different words to use with the
upper and lower level students. For the lower level students, I will provide simpler words, such as 3 and 4 letter
words for them to use in the game. For the more advanced students, I will use harder, more complex words that
they have only been introduced too recently and havent been practicing as much. These words will be the ones
that were just added to the word wall in Ms. Marions classroom and will include longer words. There are no
students in Ms. Marions class that have any health or physical limitations that would hinder this activity. If there
are students in the lower level groups that are having a really hard time with a certain word, I will help them by
telling them what the word is and then placing it on the table to not use with these groups.


- Students may not be able to read their name when they first come over to my station. I will help them out
by saying Look down at your name tag and match the name on your nametag with the one on the place
card. I think the students will all be able to recognize their own name, but if not this is what I plan to do.
- After telling the students they must take turns reading the words aloud to me, some students may get
excited about winning the game and want to shout out the answers. To avoid this, I will say If you shout
out an answer when it is not your turn you will have to move your car back a space. This will avoid anyone
giving away the answers.
- The students may get discouraged if they do not know their sight words and do not win the race. I will calm
them down and tell them all they have to do is practice their sight words at school and at home so next
time they play they can get them all right. This will encourage the students to want to practice their words
and gives them incentive to know them all.
- If the students do not understand the directions when they are first explained, I will give an example. I will
read a sight word aloud and then when I say it correctly, move the car forward one space. I will tell them
that this is what they will be doing, taking turns and going one at a time.
- If the students try and cheat by moving their car forward more than one space at a time, I will make them
move back one additional space from the space they were originally. This will avoid any cheating the next
- If a student doesnt answer the word correctly right away, I will allow them to self correct as long as they
do so before the next persons turn.
- If the students are impatient waiting for their turn, I will tell them to make sure to watch their fellow
classmates while its their turn, because they might get these same words when it is their turn and they will
get it correct if they are paying attention.
- If we dont finish the game before time is up and the students are upset there was no winner, I will say
the person closest to the finish line wins.

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