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Lesson Plan 4

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Lesson Plan For: Mental Health

Name: Christa Koep

Content area: Early Childhood Education (CFS) Grade level: Kindergarten Unit: Language Arts and Writing Integrated health topic: Feelings and how to respond to them Lesson Plan Name: The Real Me o Resource: Resource: 4 November, 2013. Paws in Jobland. Kindergarten Lesson Plan 1- The Real Me. Retrieved from: http://www.bridges.com/us/prodnserv/paws/more/lessons/2008/PawsUS2008_Gr K-2.pdf o Lesson Background: They are near the beginning of the unit. So far students have covered what makes individuals unique. They have made charts on characteristics of people and have written notes to their classmates on what makes them special. After this lesson the students will continue to learn about different emotions and how to respond to them both themselves and when others are feeling that way.

Learning Objectives o Content: When asked to identify a quality that makes them unique or special; students will be able to respond with a positive answer, within one minute as noted on the activity worksheet. o Health: Given a specific behavior to react to, the students will produce the correct action or phrase with 90% accuracy as charted by the teacher. o Health Standard(s): 4.2.1 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings. 7.2.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks. Procedure o Introduction: -Ask children to review the list previously constructed on what makes an individual unique and to add any conditions if they are thought of. -Discuss the idea that each student is unique and that they should be willing to share those characteristics with their friends and family. o Steps:

Split students up into groups of two. Have them discuss what makes each of them unique.

Encourage students to share ideas about what makes their partner special. Hand out the I am worksheet to each student. Have students work together to complete the work sheet. Bring children back together and discuss the results of their worksheets. Have children brainstorm different emotions they themselves or others may have felt before. Complete the If Your Happy and You Know movement game. Bring students back together and have them share their ideas on what are appropriate and inappropriate ways to respond to specific feelings.

o Closure:

-Have children write/draw in their journals of the activities they have done today. -Ask some students to volunteer to share what they have put into their journals. -Ask students to find a partner and share one quality that makes them special -Explain to students that tomorrow they will be discussing more about emotions and how to act when their friend is feeling a certain way.

o Assessment: Throughout the lesson ask children comprehension questions that require more than a yes/no answer. Look over the students worksheets and see if their responses seem accurate. Look through all of the students journals to make sure they have grasped the idea of self respect and emotions.

Interactive Activity/Concept:

If Your Happy and You Know It Movement Game o Resource: 4 November, 2013. Activity Idea Place. Feelings- preschool lesson plans. Retrieved from: http://www.123child.com/lessonplans/selfconcept/feelings.php

Concept: This activity relates to the health portion of the lesson plan by having children respond to different feelings in a way that they feel is appropriate. The children will be active during this lesson and grasp the idea of how each emotion has a different physical response Materials Needed: -

dance along music CD player

Procedure: -Gather children in an open space in the classroom leaving enough room between each student for them to be able to dance and move around - Explain to children that while the music is playing they are to move around the classroom in any way that they would like (ex: dancing, jumping, skipping) but to be mindful of others around them but when the music stops they must stop and listen -Stop the music periodically and call out different emotions (ex: sad, happy, angry, shy, tired) -Explain to the children that they are to act out that emotion as they feel appropriate (ex: angry: stomp their feet) -Continue until the song is over, it is okay to repeat emotions to allow students to think of different responses they may have - Bring students to carpet and ask them to share examples of they responded to the called out emotions Instructional Strategy Category: Experimental Learning o Specific Teaching Strategy: Active Learning

The Real Me
My Name Is_____________________________________________________________________ Check the best answer:
I am _____ Slow as a turtle _____Fast as a rabbit I am _____Neat and clean _____Kind of messy The time I like best is _____Morning _____Night My hair is _____Long _____Short _____Medium _____Curly _____Straight I am _____An indoor person _____An outdoor person I am more _____Silly _____Serious I am _____Right-handed _____Left-handed My face has _____No freckles _____A few freckles _____Lots of freckles I eat like _____like a bird _____horse

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