Higher Level Syllabus

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Changes to the IB Higher Level Mathematics Syllabus

First Examinations 2014

Big overall changes are that matrices (12 hours of teaching time) have been removed. The two portfolio pieces have been replaced by a more open-ended mathematical exploration. Applications are mentioned much more than previously.

Prior Learning
In Rationalising denominator Rational exponents Completing the square Quadratic formula Solution of quadratic inequalities Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, including parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, squares, kites and trapeziums (trapezoids) Volumes of cuboids, pyramids, spheres, cylinders and cones Classification of prisms and pyramids, including tetrahedra Obtaining statistics from continuous data Median, mode, quartiles, range, interquartile range and percentiles Calculating probabilities of simple events Frequency histograms Cumulative frequency graphs Out or officially excluded Solution of non-linear simultaneous equations

Topic 1 Algebra
Increased from 20 hours to 30 hours of teaching time. In nPr notation Describe rei as Eulers form Solutions of simultaneous equations in three unknowns, including no solution and infinity of solutions. (Now without matrix terminology, but linked to vectors for geometrical interpretation)

Out or officially excluded Permutations where some objects are identical, circular arrangements Proof of the Binomial Theorem Prior learning includes rational indices

Changes and clarications to the Higher Level Syllabus

Topic 2 Functions and Equations

Decreased from 26 hours to 22 hours of teaching time. In Odd and even functions Self inverse functions now not only for reciprocal function The fundamental theorem of algebra Sums and products of roots Inequalities in polynomials up to degree 3 ratherthan 2 Rational functions (linear over linear) Out or officially excluded No longer explicitly mentions absolute value sign in inequalities Completing the square and factorizing quadratics moved to prior learning

Topic 3 Circular Functions and Trigonometry

Stays at 22 hours. In Definition of tan in terms of the unit circle Angles of elevation and depression Out or officially excluded Proof of compound angle formula removed

Topic 4 Vectors
Increased from 22 to 24 hours. In Proofs of geometrical properties using vectors Simple applications to kinematics Algebraic properties of the vector product Component form of vector product now in the formula book Out or officially excluded

Topic 5 Statistics and Probability

Decreased from 40 to 36 hours. In Bayes theorem now for up to three events Out or officially excluded Estimating population parameters from a sample Box plots Histograms and cumulative frequency diagrams moved to Prior Learning Median, mode, range, interquartile range and quartiles and percentiles moved to Prior Learning Use of statistical tables

Changes and clarications to the Higher Level Syllabus

Topic 6 Calculus
Stays at 48 hours. In All required derivatives can now be reversed asintegrals Total distance travelled Informal idea of continuity Volume of revolution Indefinite integrals using the results of everything that can be differentiated e.g. sec x Relationships between the graphs of f, f and f Out or officially excluded Differential equations Differentiation from first principles only applied to polynomials Oblique asymptotes no longer explicitly mentioned

Topic 7 Option: Statistics and Probability

Increased from 40 to 48 hours. In Expectation of product of independent random variables General unbiased estimators, including efficiency of estimators Bivariate distributions Covariance Pearsons product moment correlation coefficient its population definition and sample estimate Proof that = 0 when independent and 1 when in a linear relationship Testing the null hypothesis = 0 using the n-2 statistic R 1 - R2 Probability generating functions Cumulative distribution function now explicitly for both discrete and continuous distributions
2 x and sn -1 as unbiased estimators now introduced for the first time

Out or officially excluded Hypergeometric, Bernouilli, exponential or uniform distributions Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for proportions Chi-squared Approximate normal distribution of sample proportion

Changes and clarications to the Higher Level Syllabus

Topic 8 Option: Sets, Relations and Groups

Increased from 40 to 48 hours. In The operation table of a group is a Latin square but the converse is false Symmetries of plane figures beyond triangles and rectangles are now included Cycle notation for permutations; Every permutation can be written as a composition of disjoint cycles The order of a combination of cycles Left and right cosets Definition of a group homomorphism Definition of the kernel Proof that the kernel and range of a homomorphism are subgroups The order of an element is unchanged by an isomorphism (rather than properties for identities and inverses under isomorphisms) Out or officially excluded No matrix examples in groups

Topic 9 Option: Calculus

Increased from 40 to 48 hours. In Only an informal treatment of limits of sums, products etc Continuity and differentiability Fundamental theorem of calculus Differential Equations are introduced no longer in the core Slope fields include identifications of isoclines. Rolles theorem Mean value theorem Taylor series developed from differential equations Out or officially excluded Formal limit theorems for sequences (i.e. - proofs are out) Partial fractions Telescoping series Only the Lagrange form of the error term is required

Changes and clarications to the Higher Level Syllabus

Topic 10 Option: Discrete Mathematics

Increased from 40 to 48 hours. In Strong induction Pigeonhole principle Degree sequence Handshaking lemma Tabular representation of graphs Solution of 1st and 2nd degree linear homogenous recurrence relations with constant coefficients The first degree linear recurrence relation Modelling with recurrence relations Adjacency tables Chinese postman problem with four odd vertices Out or officially excluded Graph isomorphisms Adjacency matrices Prims algorithms

Changes and clarications to the Higher Level Syllabus

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