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Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan Name: Lizzie Mosele and Kelsey Penquite Lesson Title: We are Extremely Very Good Recyclers Date: March 6, 2014 Grade Level: Pre school Circle one: ECE PKSN Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Domain: Approaches toward learning, strand: initiative, topic: initiative and curiosity, standard: Ask questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest. Domain: Language and Literacy, strand: listening and speaking, topic: expressive language, standard: with modeling and support, use words acquired through conversations and shared reading experiences (vocabulary). Pre-assessment of current knowledge: KWL chart on reduce, reuse, and recycle Instructional Objectives (1-2) One/Two Assessed Instructional Objective(s): The student will be able to... Ask questions to seek explanations regarding recycling and what it is as well as its purpose. Use the words they learn from the book We are Extremely Very Good Recyclers in their everyday lives and also when describing the KWL chart. Assessment of Student Learning Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and skill?) We will collect the KWL chart that we had students complete with us at the beginning of the book We are Extremely Very Good Recyclers. Learning Experience Academic Language: Recycle, reuse, reduce, environment, and conserve Procedural steps: First we will sit the students down together as a class and ask them what they know and want to know about recycling. We will record their responses on a KWL chart, which will be our evidence. Next we will tell the students we are going to read a book on recycling called We are Extremely Very Good Recyclers by Lauren Child. This book will explain to the students the basic concept of recycling and why we recycle. During the reading we will ask comprehension questions to students before, during and after to assess their understanding of the reading. Once we have read the book we will show students some examples of recyclable materials as well as examples of non-recyclable materials. We will then pass each student out 2-3 materials of recyclable or non-recyclable materials and ask them to categorize them as one or the other. Once students have finished this we will go over the answers and scaffold students. We will then go back to our KWL chart and discuss what they learned about recycling and what they still would like to know about recycling.

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile your evidence into a class or group view?) We will compile our evidence into a class view by recording the responses of the students on a KWL chart both before the reading and after the reading. One Assessed Developmental Skill: Language and literacy


Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan

Safety Considerations: Make sure students do not try and put the materials we are using in their mouth. Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on materials.) We will use a variety of recyclable material that students will most likely encounter in their everyday lives. Adult Roles: record students responses on KWL chart, assess their current knowledge, read the story about recycling to the students and ask comprehension questions, assess students ability to use new learned vocabulary words, and assess how well students understood which materials were classified as recyclable verses non-recyclable.

Resources & References: We are Extremely Very Good Recyclers by Lauren Child

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

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