Kiln Shell Scanning
Kiln Shell Scanning
Kiln Shell Scanning
Shannon OBrien, Thernoteknix Systems Ltd., Moount Pleasant House, Mount Pleasant, Cambridge CB !"#
Up until the 1970s monitoring rotary kilns were a number of fixed or rail mounted spot pyrometers each scanning an approximate 15 metre section. hese instruments were relied upon for indicating loss of clinker coating or refractory lining. !ith the arri"al of ad"anced kilns rotating at faster speeds it became necessary to monitor these conditions far more accurately for cost effecti"eness in prolonging campaign life and reducing down time. #recise measurement of cement and lime kiln shell temperatures are essential for optimising e"ery aspect of total kiln control and maximi$ing campaign run times. he surface temperature is imperati"e for pro"iding information on "arious process elements including% &ot 'pot de"elopment due to coating loss (efractory performance )oating rings *ffects of fans on shell +ight up monitoring ,uel change effects #rocess beha"iour )ooler details ,lame position ,lame shape +i"e ring migration &eat loss
hermoteknix ha"e de"eloped a re"olutionary new high-speed kiln shell scanning system that has bought peace of mind and information authenticity to kiln operators the world o"er. .ased on state-of-the-art aerospace optics using a digital infrared line scan camera/ ad"anced micro-processor electronics and a hea"y duty motor/ the )enturion 010 specifically caters for the demanding re2uirements of modern cement and lime industries. )onsisting of a highly de"eloped 3 component system of )enturion scanner and configurable !indows4 software/ it combines signal processing/ data storage and communications into one en"ironmentally protected integral unit. 'canned kiln shell data is automatically calibrated/ con"erted and stored in direct correspondence to the entire kiln surface temperature. 5ntuiti"e !indows4 95/ 96/ 3000 or 7 software is supplied for easy on site )enturion set-up/ calibration/ scan display and storage which minimi$es the time needed for commissioning. 'hell temperature range/ color palettes/ on-line temperature measurements and alarm acti"ation and acknowledgement can all be made with the user friendly software. 8larms and the ability to control cooling fans automatically are useful functions for tracking hot spots and monitoring light ups whilst a powerful *"ent +ogger captures operator names/
process changes such as ,uel or ,eed "alues/ (elay or other electrical trip information in addition to free text entered comments. &istorical coating information is stored continuously for easy recall and comparison using an intuiti"e 9)( type of screen button control. )hanges in temperature o"er time can be trended dynamically and the data accessed both on line or off line for re"iew and analysis. his pro"ides important information on coating formation and underlying brick status particularly at light up or when differentiating shell temperature changes due to coating rather than refractory loss. hermoteknix new )enturion 0 10 linescanner incorporates two real time embedded micro-processors/ (andom 8ccess :emory for data storage/ *#(;: and **#(;: for program and user setting configurations. 8ll functions of scanning/ micro-blackbody internal temperature reference/ instrument control and signal processing are all performed on a single printed circuit board in the )enturion. his ensures reliability and long term maintenance free operation. hermal maps of the kiln/ li"e profiles/ alarms and historical data are processed at full resolution independently of the #) load. 8ccordingly/ real-time/ high definition kiln temperature data is then transmitted digitally "ia twisted pair or optional fibre optic signal cabling to an (' <33 and 5=; communications card located in the #). his also contains synchronising circuitry to lock to the kiln speed and rotation as well as pro"iding isolated relay alarm outputs and tyre slip >li"e ring migration? measurement. 5nstead of a large maintenance dependent en"ironmental enclosure/ the )enturion 0 10 itself is en"ironmentally protected by its robust/ double skinned aluminium casting and the power supply is built directly into the unit. his allows for optional air or water cooling for high ambient temperatures such as when difficult site conditions re2uire a scanner to be located near an ad@acent kiln or under the roof of a building o"er the kiln or hot climate usage. 8n integral plenum chamber in the )enturion front cassting pro"ides uniform air mixing and air purge for a dust and maintenance free "iewing window. .y utilising software configurable electronics directly onto the )enturion electronics printed circuit board/ all aspects of the scanner operation/ en"ironmental control and air purging are under direct control and can be diagnosed and checked remotely from the control room without remo"ing the scanner from its installed position. .ecause the electronics for scanner control/ digital signal processing and operational software are all de"eloped by the same infrared specialist company/ it is possible to ensure that the highest performance of all integral components is optimised and a single source of system responsibility is assured. ,urthermore/ by incorporating the digital signal processing directly at the heart of the camera/ superior high speed/ high resolution signal processing allows a real performance many times that of an analogue instrument to be achie"ed. Using thermoteknix patented #osi rak A geometry software/ e"ery kiln scanner installation is indi"idually calibrated for pinpoint measurement and accuracy at up to 10 &$ scan speeds.
.uilding on the pro"en design of the )enturion 0 30/ the )enturion 0 10 pro"ides high performance optics with the latest in micro-processing internal electronics and a flexible en"ironmental casing to suit the hottest or coldest and dustiest site conditions. !in)em software/ purpose designed for the )enturion offers :ono or 'tereo configurations that ensure long term/ ;perator friendly usage in e"ery plant. hermoteknix own intranet software/ )em7et enables staff throughout the plant to see their kiln shell temperature performance from any computer within the plant/ independently of their host platform or operating sytem. )ontact information% 'hannon ;.rien hermoteknix 'ystems +td// :ount #leasant &ouse/ )ambridge ).1 0(7 *ngland. el B << 1331 500 777 ,ax B << 1331 500 666