March 10-14 Week 2

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2nd Grade Week 6

Day of the Week: Monday Subject: Word Study NCSCOS Standards: RF.2.3 Know and apply grade level-phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. A. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one- syllable words. B. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. C. Decode regularly spelled twosyllable words with long vowels. D. Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. E. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling sound correspondences. F. recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to sort my new words

So I can I know I understand it when I can understand the correctly sort my words. different blends, and patterns in my words Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Students may place their words in the wrong column Materials Needed for Lesson: Word sorts, Scissors, plastic baggies, word study journals Plan for Instruction: Students will work in differentiated groups to cut and sort their new words. After sorting their new words, they will read them to a partner and then place them in their baggies. Sort 16 (th and wh diagraphs): Red Group Introduce student to their new headings th and wh. Describe the pictures to the students. Go over each picture and have them see if they can put the picture in the correct category. Review with the student the sound that th and wh make. Have student repeat the sound and each word they place under that heading so they can hear the pattern/sound that the diagraph makes. Allow student time to independently sort their pictures into their categories. Ask student how they knew each word went under that heading. Sort 25 (as, are, air): Yellow Group Sort 39 (Hard and Soft C and G) Advanced Yellow Group Sort 8 (Unusual Patterns) Green Group Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How will you know what the students have learned? Your assessment/evaluation of lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding. Formative assessments should be identified throughout the lesson. Do I understand my spelling pattern? Can I sort my words correctly? Subject: Reading Comprehension NCSCOS Standards: RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. Essential Understanding(s):

2nd Grade Week 6 Today I am going to push and support my partner and their learning So I can use that I know I understand it when I can work information to with my partner to support and push help me find the their learning. main idea Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Partner reading should just be reading, instead of discussing what they are reading Materials Needed for Lesson: Main Idea Anchor Chart, The Secret Life of Trees (Tiger Book) pg.340, Post-it notes, Students Reading Response Journals Plan for Instruction: Readers we have been Reading non-fiction text and trying to figure out the main idea. We know that we can look at several different things to help use figure out the main idea. We can ask ourselves what the text in mostly about. Looking for the answers to questions such as Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How? We can look at the titles and heading of our text. We can look at the pictures in out text. We can also look at key words or phrases that are used repeatedly in the text. Today I want to teach you That readers can read with a partner to support and push their learning. When you are reading with your partner you can ask them questions to check for understanding and prompt critical thinking. Watch me as I Model for you how to do this with your partner. (Students name) Can you tell me something that you just read? Use the retelling elements to help you. (allow student to respond)You did a really great job retelling that story. What is one question that you still have after reading the text? (allow student to respond) I like how you are still thinking about what you read. Did you see how I Asked my partner to retell the story to me and asked them if they still had another question at the end? I also made sure to compliment my partner on their responses as well. These are ways you can support and push your partner in their leaning. Turn and talk and tell you partner about... How you can push and support your partner in their learning. I heard (Give examples of what you heard students talking about) Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: (Tiger book) Read The Secret Life of Trees pg. 341-347 as students track the print. Students will get with their reading partner and practice reading to support and push their learning. Purpose for independent reading: Looking for the main ideas and details.

Subject: Guided Reading

2nd Grade Week 6 NCSCOS Standards: RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RL.2.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in grades 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am preview my book and learn some new vocabulary words

So I can increase I know I understand it when I can read my fluency as well through my book and understand what I as my have read. comprehension Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Some students only think they need to read their reader one time for complete comprehension Materials Needed for Lesson: The Seed Surprise by Julie Verne, Nellie Bly: Making News by Jane Manners Plan for Instruction: Meet with Level G-I group as well as Level J-K group. G-I (The Seed Surprise) Introduce the book to the students: The Seed Surprise, Students will preview the text Introduce new vocabulary to the students: Sprout, nutrition, germination, ripen Students will brainstorm on their white boards everything they know about seeds. Read the text to the students as they track the print Students will read the readers each night this week to practice fluency. Ask students if they have and connections that can be made. mCLASS question: Draw a picture to show what germination means. J-K (Nellie Bly: Making News) Introduce the book to the students: Making News. Students will preview the text Student will identify text features. Introduce new vocabulary to the students: reporter, swooping, popularity Read the text to the students as they track the print. Since this is a non-fiction book encourage students to think about things they are learning about and have them jot those things down. mCLASS question: Describe Nellie Bly using details from the story. Guided Reading Groups: Levels G-I Levels J-K Level L-M Book Club Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How will you know what the students have learned? Your assessment/evaluation of lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding. Formative assessments should be identified throughout the lesson. Did the student understand the vocabulary words? Did they struggle reading any part of the text? (Check for fluency)

2nd Grade Week 6 Subject: Writing NCSCOS Standards: W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce s topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to begin thinking So I can start I know I understand it when I can pick about how to pieces thinking about out details in a how to piece. what I want to choose for my how to piece Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They may not pick up on the key things they see in a how to piece. Materials Needed for Lesson: Writing Journals, How to Mentor Text Plan for Instruction: Introduce students to their new writing unit, How To. Start the unit off by showing examples of How to text. (Cookbooks, the How to Fly and Airplane reader.) Discuss what children notice about the texts. Write down students observations on chart paper. Next show students from one of these examples what readers will find in How to text. Add these observations to the chart paper. Explain to students that they will find steps and directions to follow in a How To text. Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How will you know what the students have learned? Your assessment/evaluation of lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding. What were some of the things that students were able to pick out from the How to text?

Subject: Shared Reading NCSCOS Standards: RI.2.1 Ask and answer such quesitons as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to ask question to So I can learn I know I understand it when I can define help me understand the text about cassowaries dung and habitat Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They are unfamiliar with the Cassowary Materials Needed for Lesson: Weekly Reader: One Big Bird Plan for Instruction: Students will preview the reader and highlight all the text features they see. Make sure they highlight all of the bold words. Have students track the print as they read the cover of the reader. Ask them to think about what they think a cassowary is. (Pull up description on it on the SMART board) Talk with students a little bit about the rain forest habitat and pull up a description on the

2nd Grade Week 6 SMART board with a visual. Read the first chunk of text on page 2. Discuss with students the definition of the word dung. Have them highlight is in their text. Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Students will write habitat and dung in their journals and their definitions in their own words.

Subject: Math NCSCOS Standards: 2.NBT.A.2 Count within 100; skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to skip count by 5s So I can look for I know I understand it when I can figure patterns in the out how many nickels equal a certain numbers I count by amount. Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They can only count by 5s to a certain number Materials Needed for Lesson: SMART board, Activity page 59 Plan for Instruction: I can skip count by 5s. Classroom Routines: Todays Number: 50 using addition with multiples of 5s and 10. How many 5s in 100? Suppose that we were going to fill in every number from 10 to 100 on this 100 chart, How many numbers would that be? How do you know? Suppose that I wanted to fill in only every fifth number. What numbers would I write I the first row of the chart? How many numbers would I have to write if I fill in every fifth number from one to 100? How do students approach the problem? How fluently can students skip count by 5s and 10s? When we count by 5s, the number we say are called the multiples of 5. This is called counting by 5s. It is also called skip counting because we are saying only ever fifth number and skipping the other numbers in between. What do you notice about the multiples of 5?

Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How many Nickels? I have 50 cent in my pocket. I have only nickels in my pocket. How many nickels do I have? Students will work on page 59 in their activity books. Extension: How many 5s are in 200, 250, 275? Small group questions: What did you do to solve this problem? Did you use information from the previous problem? Why or Why not?

2nd Grade Week 6 Day of the Week: Tuesday

Subject: Word Study NCSCOS Standards: RF.2.3 Know and apply grade level-phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. A. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one- syllable words. B. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. C. Decode regularly spelled twosyllable words with long vowels. D. Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. E. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling sound correspondences. F. recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to sort and write my new words

So I can I know I understand it when I can understand the correctly sort my words. different blends, and patterns in my words Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Students who place their words in the wrong column Materials Needed for Lesson: Word sorts, word study journals Plan for Instruction: Students will sort their words into the appropriate column and write the words and their categories into their Word Study notebook Sort 16 (th and wh diagraphs): Red Group Sort 25 (as, are, air): Yellow Group Read and discuss the words before sorting paying particular attention to the homophones. Have students be aware that they all have the /r/ sound. Let students sort their words and make them aware of all of their oddball words. Ask students if they know why those are oddball words. Sort 39 (Hard and Soft C and G) Advanced Yellow Group Sort 8 (Unusual Patterns) Green Group

Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How will you know what the students have learned? Your assessment/evaluation of lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding. Formative assessments should be identified throughout the lesson. Do I understand my spelling pattern? Can I sort my words correctly?

Subject: Reading Comprehension NCSCOS Standards: RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to write new words So I can expand my I know I understand it when I can learn

2nd Grade Week 6 on Post-it notes vocabulary new word from the text. Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They do not need to figure out words they do not know, they just keep reading Materials Needed for Lesson: Main Idea Anchor Chart, The Secret Life of Trees (Tiger Book) pg.340, Post-it notes, Students Reading Response Journals Plan for Instruction: Teaching Point: Readers of nonfiction collect and use the words that we learn when talking about a topic. Readers we have been Reading non-fiction text and looking for the main idea. Yesterday we learned ways that we could support and push our leaning by reading with a partner. Today I want to teach you That readers of nonfiction text collect and use the words that we learn about our topic. As you read through a text, there may be words that you are unfamiliar with or words that you think are really important. It is important that you write those words down and their definition. This will help to build your schema. Watch me as I Read through the next few pages of our text. (The Secret Life of Trees pg. 347-352) I will stop and write down words that I think are important or words that I may not know on a Post-It note. I will write down the word Conifer from page 348 because I think that is an important word. Lets keep reading to see if I can figure out what a Conifer tree is. (Continue modeling for students how to write words down on Post-it notes as you read through those pages. Did you see how I Went through my text and wrote down words I thought were important or words that I did not know? Turn and talk and tell you partner about. How I stopped reading to write down different words. How will this help me in reading non-fiction text and figuring out the main idea? I heard (Give examples of some things you heard students saying) Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Purpose for independent reading: Students will write down new/ important words on their Post-it notes from their reading

Subject: Guided Reading NCSCOS Standards: RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RL.2.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in grades 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

2nd Grade Week 6

Essential Understanding(s): Today I am preview my book and learn some new vocabulary words

So I can increase I know I understand it when I can read my fluency as well through my book and understand what I as my have read. comprehension Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Some students only think they need to read their reader one time for complete comprehension Materials Needed for Lesson: The Families of 1608 Ash Street by C.M. Thorsen, Help! Im Trapped in the First Day of School by Todd Strasser Plan for Instruction: Meet with Level L-M group as well as Book Club group. L-M Group (The Families of 1608 Ash Street) Introduce the book to the students: (The Families of 1608 Ash Street). Students will preview the text- do a picture walk. As they look through the text discuss what they think it will be about and what questions they might have. Introduce new vocabulary to the students: apartment, equipment, Potluck Help students look for a purpose for reading. Why are we reading this text? Read the text to the students as they track the print. mCLASS question: Explain why Families of 1608 Ash Street is a good title for this book. Provide examples from the text. Book Club: Students are reading chapter 10 and 11 this week Questions for discussion on KidBlog: How has Jakes character changed from the beginning of the book? What are some words you could use to describe him? Guided Reading Groups: Levels G-I Levels J-K Level L-M Book Club Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Do students understand vocabulary words? Can students apply their reading comprehension strategies in their reading?

Subject: Math NCSCOS Standards: 2.NBT.A.2 Count within 1000 skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s

So I can recognize different number patterns Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They can only skip count up to a certain number

I know I understand it when I can create my skip counting strips and recognize patterns in my numbers

2nd Grade Week 6 Materials Needed for Lesson: SMART board, masking tape Plan for Instruction: I can skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Classroom Routines: Todays Number: Counting around the class by ten. Introducing Skip Counting Remind students of how you can make counting strips. Give each student three strips of masking tape so that they can create their own counting strips. They will make a strip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Students will work on activity pages 62 and 63 to help them look for patterns in their numbers. Ongoing Assessment: How familiar are students with skip counting? What errors do you notice? How accurate and legible are students written numbers? What patterns do students notice in the written sequences?

Evaluation / Assessment of Learning Students will apply skip counting to see if they can figure our coin values. (Activity pages 64-64) Extension: What happens if you count by 5s or 10s, starting with a number that is not a multiple of 5?

2nd Grade Week 6 Day of the Week: Wednesday

Subject: Word Study NCSCOS Standards: RF.2.3 Know and apply grade level-phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. A. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one- syllable words. B. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. C. Decode regularly spelled twosyllable words with long vowels. D. Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. E. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling sound correspondences. F. recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to do a blind sort with my partner

So I can I know I understand it when I can understand the correctly sort my words. different blends, and patterns in my words Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Students who place their words in the wrong column Materials Needed for Lesson: Word sorts, word study journals Plan for Instruction: Students will complete a blind sort with a partner. They will take out their journals and write their headings down. Their partner will randomly select 10 words. The partner will read aloud the words and they will write the word in the correct column. When they finish the bind sort they will check their spelling and the category. They will switch so that each partner gets the opportunity to sort their words. Sort 16 (th and wh diagraphs): Red Group Sort 25 (as, are, air): Yellow Group Sort 39 (Hard and Soft C and G) Advanced Yellow Group When the sound of /c/ is pronounced /k/ and the sound of g is pronounced /g/, they are called hard c and hard g. When the sound of c is pronounced /s/ and the sound of g is pronounced /j/ they are called soft c and soft g. Have students read through their words and have them pay attention to the initial sound. Explain to students the sounds that the hard and soft c makes and the hard and soft g makes. See if students can sort their words and explain the difference in the hard and soft sounds. Sort 8 (Unusual Patterns) Green Group Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How will you know what the students have learned? Your assessment/evaluation of lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding. Formative assessments should be identified throughout the lesson. Do I understand my spelling pattern? Can I sort my words correctly? Can I complete a blind sort with my partner? Subject: Reading Comprehension

2nd Grade Week 6 NCSCOS Standards: RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to take notes on the So I can help build I know I understand it when I can carry non-fiction that I read my background my schema from one book to another. knowledge Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Students do not need to take notes on the nonfiction they are reading Materials Needed for Lesson: Main Idea Anchor Chart, The Secret Life of Trees (Tiger Book) pg.340, Post-it notes, Students Reading Response Journals Plan for Instruction: Teaching Point: Readers of nonfiction carry their schema of one book to another. Readers we have been Learning about how to read non-fiction text closely to figure out the main idea. Yesterday we learned how we could write down words from our text that we thought were important or words that we did not know. Today I want to teach you That readers of non-fiction carry their schema of one book to another. Everything that you are learning now about trees, in our text can be added to your schema. When we look for new words and main ideas, it helps us to understand the text better so we can carry that knowledge with us. We also take notes of important details in our text so that we can build our background knowledge. Watch me as I Read the next few pages of our text and write down important things I have learned. This will help me to be able to carry this information to another book. (Read The Secret Life of Trees pg. 354-359 and take notes as you read to students) Did you see how I Took notes of important things as I was reading my text. This will help me keep track of what I am learning about as I read. Turn and talk and tell you partner about. How I took notes of important things as I read. How did this help me find the main idea in my text? I heard (Give examples of students responses) Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Students will continue taking notes in their journals about the information they are reading.

Subject: Guided Reading NCSCOS Standards:

2nd Grade Week 6 RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RL.2.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in grades 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am review my reader and answer some questions

So I can better I know I understand it when I can understand what I provide a thoughtful response to the am reading. questions. Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Some students may just answer the question without explanation Materials Needed for Lesson: The Seed Surprise by Julie Verne, Nellie Bly: Making News by Jane Manners Plan for Instruction: For The Seed Surprise Students will coral read the reader together. On their white boards students will respond the following question: What information did Sam learn? They will be given time to discuss the answer. mCLASS question: How do you know Sam likes to grow things? Find evidence in your text. For Nellie Bly: Making News Students will coral read the reader together. They will discuss what the story is mostly about. What were some things they learned by reading this reader mCLASS question: Compare the different ways Nellie traveled around the world? Students will respond on their white boards. Guided Reading Groups: Levels G-I Levels J-K Level L-M Book Club Evaluation / Assessment of Learning Are students providing thoughtful answers to the questions? How are students doing with their fluency? Subject: Writing NCSCOS Standards: W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definition to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to brainstorm all the things I know how to do

So I can start I know I understand it I can list all the thinking of all the possible topics I could write my piece things I know how on. to do Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They may think they can do everything and make a really extensive list

2nd Grade Week 6 Materials Needed for Lesson: Writing Journals, How to Mentor Text Plan for Instruction: Read a-loud for students How a house is built by Gail Gibbons. Discuss with students the steps in the text As a class talk about things students are really good at doing. Chart their answers. Have students pull out their writing journals. They will make a list of all the things they know how to do. Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Students will share their responses with their writing partner.

Subject: Math NCSCOS Standards: 2.NBT.A.2 Count within 1000 skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to practice skip So I can solve counting number problems easier

I know I understand it when I can use skip counting strategies to solve a problem

Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They can only skip count to a certain number Materials Needed for Lesson: SMART board, Resource Master 39 Plan for Instruction: Classroom Routines: What Time is it? What time will it be? Telling time in five minute intervals Discussion: Adding 5s an 10s Jake spent 35 cents on pencil and 55 cents on a ball. Did he spend more than $1.00? (Have students think about it and then turn and talk) How much money did Jake spend? Suppose that we are on 55. Do you think its easier to add 35 by adding the tens first and then the five like this 55; 65, 75, 85, 90? Or adding the 5s first? Does it matter which one you add first? Math Workshop: Skip counting strips, coin problems Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Assessment: Skip counting strips Can students accurately complete the skip counting strips? Are students written numbers accurate and legible? Subject: Shared Reading NCSCOS Standards: RI.2.3 Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedure.

2nd Grade Week 6 Essential Understanding(s): Today I am look for cause and effect in my reader

So I can I know I understand it when I can find understand more different examples in my text about cassowaries Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Cause and Effect get mixed up Materials Needed for Lesson: Weekly Reader: One Big Bird Plan for Instruction: Read the issue with the class. Have them track the print as the reader reads it to them. Explain that an effect is something that happens. Write that on the SMART board for students to copy in their journals. The cause is what makes it happen. Write this down also. For example, an effect might be getting a good report card. The cause might be working hard at school. As a class look for cause and effect relationships in the text. Have students record these cause and effects in their journals. Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: They will write additional cause and effect relationship in their journals. There are several different options: People are building roads though the cassowaries habitat and cards can hit the bird, so cassowaries are in trouble For upper level students, have them look for things in the text that could be both cause and effect.

Subject: STEM NCSCOS Standards: 2.P.1 Understand the relationship between sound and vibrating objects Essential Understanding(s): Today I am read an article about sound So I can I know I understand it when I can understand more highlight important information from about sound the article to add to my schema Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: You cant see sound Materials Needed for Lesson: How to See Sound Article Plan for Instruction: Display the How to See Sound article on the board and distribute copies of it to students. Have students go through the article and scan it. Have them underline any words they do not know the definition to. Read the article to the students as they track the print. This article should spark some conversations and thoughts. Have students take a moment to write down important information from the article in their journals.

Evaluation / Assessment of Learning:

2nd Grade Week 6 Students will get with their reading partner and re-read the article and discuss the important things from the article. Was there anything that surprised you? Why do you think the thread moves because of the sound?

2nd Grade Week 6 Day of the week: Thursday Subject: Word Study NCSCOS Standards: RF.2.3 Know and apply grade level-phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. A. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one- syllable words. B. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. C. Decode regularly spelled twosyllable words with long vowels. D. decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. E. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling sound correspondences. F. recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to do a word hunt with my spelling patterns

So I can I know I understand it when I can understand the correctly sort my words. different blends, and patterns in my words Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Students who place their words in the wrong column Materials Needed for Lesson: Word sorts, word study journals Plan for Instruction: Students will work in differentiated groups to find new words that match their spelling pattern. They will use any text that they are reading and read through it to find new words that can fit under any of their heading. Sort 16 (th and wh diagraphs): Red Group Sort 25 (as, are, air): Yellow Group Sort 39 (Hard and Soft C and G) Advanced Yellow Group Sort 8 (Unusual Patterns) Green Group

Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How will you know what the students have learned? Your assessment/evaluation of lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding. Formative assessments should be identified throughout the lesson. Do I understand my spelling pattern? Can I find new words in my text that matches my spelling pattern?

Subject: Reading Comprehension NCSCOS Standards: RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to respond to my So I can use that to I know I understand it when I can reading help me discuss discuss with my partner and fid the with my partner main idea.

2nd Grade Week 6 Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They do not need to capture their responses while reading or discuss with a partner what they are reading. Materials Needed for Lesson: Main Idea Anchor Chart, The Secret Life of Trees (Tiger Book) pg.340, Post-it notes, Students Reading Response Journals Plan for Instruction: Teaching Point: Readers capture their responses to text on Post-its and discuss them with their partner. Readers we have been Learning how to read non-fiction text closely so we can figure out the main idea. So far we have looked at ways to push and support our reading partner in their learning, write down new/important words as we read, and to take notes of new information that we are learning as we read. Today I want to teach you That readers capture their response to text on Post-its and discuss with their partner. As you are reading you may have a reaction to the text. Watch me as I.. Review some of my text (The Secret Life of Trees) and write down my reaction on a Post-it note. (Read back though pgs. 354-359 and write down a reaction you had to the text.) Did you see how I Stopped reading to write down my reaction to the text. This will help me to better understand what I am reading. This will also help me to keep my thought. Sometimes when you read, you may have a really good thought or question, but you dont write it down. By the time you get finished with your text, you may have forgotten your thought or question. That is why it is important to write it down as you read. Turn and talk and tell you partner about. How I stopped reading to capture my response. How do you think that helps us in understanding the text or finding the main idea? I heard (Give examples of students responses.) Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Purpose for Independent Reading: Capture responses to text as they are reading on Post-It notes.

Subject: Guided Reading NCSCOS Standards: RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RL.2.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in grades

2nd Grade Week 6 2-3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am review my reader and So I can increase I know I understand it when I can answer some questions my comprehension provide a thoughtful answer to the questions Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Some students may only answer the questions without providing an explanation. Materials Needed for Lesson: The Families of 1608 Ash Street by C.M. Thorsen, Help! Im Trapped it the First Day of School Plan for Instruction: For Levels L-M (The Families of 1608 Ash Street) Students will meet and review their reader. We will coral read it together. Remind students of the vocabulary words. mCLASS question: What lesson does this story teach? For Book Club: Student will have read through chapter 11 Ask students if they have any quesitons about the questions on Kidblog and encourage students to continue posting. Guided Reading Groups: Levels G-I Levels J-K Level L-M Book Club

Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How will you know what the students have learned? Your assessment/evaluation of lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding. Formative assessments should be identified throughout the lesson. Are students reading more fluently? Are students providing thoughtful answers to the questions?

Subject: Writing NCSCOS Standards: W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definition to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to learn transition words

So will help me in I know I understand it when I can use writing my How these words in my writing. To piece Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They think they can just list everything they know about it, without having to use transition words Materials Needed for Lesson:

2nd Grade Week 6 Writing Journals, Chart Paper Plan for Instruction: Read aloud another How to text. How to make a paper airplane Discuss transition words as we read the text. Have students write down these transition words in their journals and let them refer back to them when starting to write. Now, First, Then, Third, Last, Second, Next, Finally are all transition words that can be used. Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Do students recognize transition words in the how to text? Are they able to use them in their writing? Subject: Math NCSCOS Standards: 2.OA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one-two step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to practice So I can l figure out I know I understand it when I can subtracting form 100 ways to spend my complete the assessment activity dollar successfully Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Students may not transfer the knowledge learned from game to this activity. Materials Needed for Lesson: SMART board, Assessment activity Plan for Instruction: Classroom Routine: Quick Images with coins Display 20 nickels and see if students can figure out how much money that is. Assessment Activity for Unit: Spending $1.00 Weve been thinking lately about 100 and about $1.00. Today you are going to shop in an imaginary class store. Here are the things the store sells. What would you buy if you had $1.00 to spend in the store? Your job is to find at least two different ways to spend your dollar. You dont have to spend the whole dollar, but you need to be able to show how much money you have left. Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How did students decide what to buy? If they do not spend the whole dollar, how do students calculate the change? How do students record their work?

Subject: Shared Reading NCSCOS Standards: RI.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, where, why, when, what, how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

2nd Grade Week 6 Essential Understanding(s): Today I am think critically about the questions I am asked

So I can think I know I understand it when I can deeper about the answer the questions using evidence in reader the text Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: All the answers are right there questions Materials Needed for Lesson: Weekly Reader: One Big Bird Plan for Instruction: Review the reader. Have students coral read it with the reader on the SMART board. Review the cause and effect relationships that the students came up with yesterday. Today we are going to be focusing on higher order thinking quesitons. Why might people want to help cassowaries? How does helping cassowaries also help the rainforest? Why do you think its better if drivers slow down on the roads? Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Students will get with their reading partner to answer the quesitons and find evidence in the reader to back up their answers. They will highlight the evidence in their text.

Subject: STEM NCSCOS Standards: 2.P.1 Understand the relationship between sound and vibrating objects Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to watch the thread So I can I know I understand it when I can reflect move on the speaker understand how on what I saw in the experiment. you can see sound Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: You cannot see sound Materials Needed for Lesson: Thread, Radio, How to See sound article. Plan for Instruction: Have a radio and thread set up. Gradually turn up the volume on the radio so that the thread begins to move. Have student observe what is happening to the thread. How does this connect with what we read about yesterday? Have students review the article to themselves

Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Students will reflect on what they saw in their journals and how that aligns with the article. Have student brainstorm if there are any other ways they can think of that we could do to see sound.

2nd Grade Week 6

2nd Grade Week 6 Day of the Week: Friday Subject: Word Study NCSCOS Standards: RF.2.3 Know and apply grade level-phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. A. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one- syllable words. B. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. C. Decode regularly spelled twosyllable words with long vowels. D. decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. E. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling sound correspondences. F. recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to glue and review my words in my journal

So I can I know I understand it when I can understand the complete my weekly spelling test. different blends, and patterns in my words Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Students who misspell their words Materials Needed for Lesson: Word sorts, word study journals Plan for Instruction: Students will glue their headings as well as their words in their word study notebook. They will review over their words and their spelling patterns as they are doing this. Students will be given ten random words from their word sorts for their spelling test. Sort 16 (th and wh diagraphs): Red Group Sort 25 (as, are, air): Yellow Group Sort 39 (Hard and Soft C and G) Advanced Yellow group Sort 8 (Unusual Patterns) Green Group

Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: How will you know what the students have learned? Your assessment/evaluation of lesson should be directly linked to your essential understanding. Formative assessments should be identified throughout the lesson. Can students correctly sort their words into their categories? Do students have a good understanding of their spelling pattern? Subject: Reading Comprehension NCSCOS Standards: RI.2.2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to gather all of my So I can come well I know I understand it when I can have a information that I have been working prepared to discussion about the book I am reading on all week discuss with my with my partner. partner

2nd Grade Week 6 Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: Students do not come well prepared to read with their partner Materials Needed for Lesson: Main Idea Anchor Chart, The Secret Life of Trees (Tiger Book) pg.340, Post-it notes, Students Reading Response Journals Plan for Instruction: Teaching Point: Readers come well prepared to read with their partners. Readers we have been Learning how to read non-fiction text closely so we can figure out the main idea. So far we have looked at ways to push and support our reading partner in their learning, write down new/important words as we read, to take notes of new information that we are learning as we read, and to capture our responses to what we read. Today I want to teach you That readers come well prepared to read with their partners. All the things we have been learning about during readers workshop help us become well prepared to read with our partner. We need to continue writing down words and our responses as we read. When we write these things down we have pieces of information to discuss with our partner. Watch me as I Review the text that I have read and recall the information that I have gathered all week. (Go back over the text with students briefly and discuss the words/informations that you wrote down on the previous days) Did you see how I Reviewed my text and pulled out all of the information that I have gathered about my text. I went back and looked through all the words I wrote down, all the notes of new information I took, and all of the responses I wrote down form yesterday. Turn and talk and tell you partner about. All the different pieces of information I gathered from my reading. I heard (Give examples of students responses) Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: (Students will gather all of the information they have gathered this week and get with their reading partner to review the The Secret Life of Trees and share their information.)

Subject: Writing NCSCOS Standards: W.2.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definition to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.

2nd Grade Week 6 Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to create a How to piece

So I can I know I understand it when I can work understand the collectively as a class to create an format example Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They are really vague in their description Materials Needed for Lesson: Writing Journals, SMART board Plan for Instruction: Explain to students that today we are going to create a how to as a class We are going to write about how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich Take suggestions from students as I write the piece on the board. Make sure to model how to use those transitional words. Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Did students provide me with step by step directions? Did they use transition word correctly?

Subject: Math NCSCOS Standards: 2.NBT.1b Understand the three digits of a three digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. Essential Understanding(s): Today I am going to work with numbers larger than 100

So I can I know I understand it when I can understand how complete the How many stickers? Sheet those numbers relate to place value Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: They may get confused when the numbers become larger Materials Needed for Lesson: SMART board, How many stickers? sheet Plan for Instruction: Classroom Routines: Todays Number 200. Writing Numbers above 20 We have talked about numbers from 1 to 200. Today we are going to look at numbers that are greater than 200. Lets start counting on from 190. Well stop at 210. Take a look at these numbers. What do you notice? What part of the number stays the same? Students will complete their own hundreds chart counting on from 200 How many stickers: Hundreds, Tens and Ones? Remind students of the sticker station that sells sticker in strips of tens and singles. Provide students will some examples of story problems about the sticker station for them to write an equation on.

2nd Grade Week 6 Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Extension: for students who are finished they can play guess my number 1-400 How many Stickers: Students will represent numbers in sticker notation, write out the number of sheets, strips, and singles, show the number of hundreds, tens, and ones, and write an equation. Subject: Shared Reading NCSCOS Standards: SL.2.2 recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media Essential Understanding(s): Today I am compare the life cycle of So I can I know I understand it when I can two birds understand the compare and contrast a cassowary to a different phases ostrich. Common Misconceptions / Misunderstandings of Students: All animals go through the same life cycle Materials Needed for Lesson: Weekly Reader: One Big Bird Plan for Instruction: Review the reader. Have students coral read the whole reader. Draw students attention to the back of their reader. This shows the life cycle of the cassowary. Read with students the different stages in their life cycle. Show students the video that goes along with page 4 of the reader The video will explain the life cycle of a different bird the ostrich. Evaluation / Assessment of Learning: Students will compare information about the two life cycles. How are they alike? How are they different?

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