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What is NDT ?
Is procedure , covers the inspection and testing of any material , component or assembly by means which do not effect ultimate serviceability.

Covering the fields : Design , safety engineering. Quality control of product specifications . Condition monitoring and maintenance Industrial standards .

What is the aim of NDT ?

The aim of NDT:
Deficiencies in materials and products. Determination of physical and geometrical properties of materials and products. Structural behavior of materials , products and installations.

What are the test methods ?

Visual Inspection. Radiation methods Leak testing Liquid penetrate testing Magnetic particle testing Ultrasonic testing.

What U R going to see during visual inspection of Welds and How ?

NDT ( Visual inspection )

With or without optical instruments. Optical aids like low power magnifiers , microscopes, telescopes etc. Success of visual inspection depends on surface condition and lighting arrangements. Visual inspection to be carried out before ,during and after welding.

NDT( Visual inspection )

Before welding : Dents , Burrs , scales, dirt , grease and mill scale on the fusion faces. During fit-up Geometry of edge and joint preparation(Root face ,root gap, bevel and angle ) After welding : Removal of spatters and slag. Appearance of ripples on the weld.

NDT( Visual inspection )

Undercuts and overlaps. Unfilled crater. Gas pockets or porosities. External cracks. Size and shape of the bead. The appearance of the weld is considered to be good if ripples are spaced regularly.

Used for detection of surface and near surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials primarily for crack detection. Magnetic reluctance Surface breaking flaw Magnetic field will be distorted. Cause local flux leakage around the flaw. Magnetic Flux is displayed by very fine iron particles dry or wet.

Magnetization can be produced : Applying a permanent or electromagnet to the surface ( Magnetic flow) Passing a large current to the specimen or locally by means of current flow. Putting the specimen inside a current coil or forming a coil around the specimen.

Used may be AC or DC of any wave form. Important - current used is correct for the specimen size. Dry powder or liquid magnetic inc. Will be applied while magnetic current is flowing . or Residual magnetism is sometimes used when the particles are applied after magnetization.

Magnetic inks are used widely by low pressure spray, dipping or brushing. Important to use plenty of ink and to allow time for particles to flow over the surface and migrate to any cracks. On dark surfaces a very thin layer of white paint can be applied to give a height contrast indication.

Defects detected: Surface cracks which may be missed by naked eye . Give indication of subsurface flaws. Advantages; Relatively low cost. Portable Gives clear indication. Limitations ; Only surface cracks Used only on ferromagnetic materials No permanent record.


Principle is the liquid penetrant drawn in to the surface flaw by capillary action. Surface flaws such as cracks,laps , porosity. One step up from visual inspection. Advantages : Speed ,large area coverage and low cost.


Testing is usually six stages. 1. Surface cleaning (Degreasing etc) 2. Application of penetrant (Dipping ,spraying or by brush) 3. Removal of excess penetrant (solvent ) 4. Application of developer 5. Inspection of test surface 6. Post inspection cleaning. Matls : Penetrant /developer / cleaner.


Can be applied to any non-porous clean material ,metallic or nonmetallic. Unsuitable for the dirty or very rough surfaces. Surface cleaning is a vital part of LP testing technique.

Detecting discontinuities in test objects by passing ionizing radiation on radiography films. Permanent record. Industrial radiography can be Gamma ray and Xray.

Source Half life Iridium 192 74days Cobalt60 5.26 years Cesium 137 30 years Thorium 170 127days X-ray source needs electric power and continuous cooling.

Strength of the source: The old unit is curie(Ci) ,new unit is Bequeral (Bq) 1 curie = 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations /sec 1 Bequeral = one transmission /second 1curie = 37G Bq ( G stands for Giga = 109) Radiography film will be measured in Densitometre range 1.5 to 3.0.

Techniques: Single wall image : Center is not accessible ,source can be off the center . Double wall single image: No access to the inside .Source can be kept away from the job.Source film distance required and accessible. Double wall double image: small size below 21/2 inch .diameter.Elliptical shot.

Exposure time will be calculated based on the strength of the source , thickness of the job. As radiation is harmful , no workmen is allowed during radiography. As Gamma is scattered radiation. Distance coverage depends on the source and direction.

X-ray equipments are costly and require costly protective enclosures Gamma ray sources are much less expensive and are widely used at sites. Exposure time in gamma radiography are much longer than with x-rays.

Ultrasonic testing
Detection of discontinuities generally by pulse echo method. Using straight and angular beams. Flaw can be identified by noting the reduction in the strength of the transmitted vibration. signal will be transmitted at right angle to the surface.

Ultrasonic testing
Absence of the defect ,travel through the thickness and reflected on the other face and return to the probe. Defect shorter distance to travel. Set the distance between two echoes as thickness. Knowing the geometry of the system exact location can be calculated.


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