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Consecutive Lesson Plans Instructional Planning & Assessment

Subject History Unit Topic American Revolution Lesson Title Grade Level A New Country 6th - 8th grade

FOCUS FOR LEARNING/PRIOR CONTENT KNOWLEDGE/SEQUENCE/CONNECTIONS Ohio Core History (A New Nation): Explain or demonstrate what you can do to change Standard something that makes you or others dissatisfied Prior to this unit, students have study about the rights of individuals prior to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. They learned about slavery and Prior the Civil War. Through the prior unit, the students gained a basic understanding of Knowledge equality and how all people should be treated fairly. Furthermore, they understood & Sub-skills that all individuals have rights and that we can show displeasure with things we feel are wrongdoings. Learning By the end of this lesson, students will understand what the American Revolution is, Targets who participated, the outcome, and vocabulary associated with this unit theme. Future After studying the American Revolution and understanding how the new world Learning came to be, the students will be instructed concerning different world locations (geography), specific events that occurred in locations, and economics. Vocabulary Students will learn what the American Revolution is and that it is important. & Concepts Vocabulary includes history, United States, America, land, colonies, Great Britain, king, American Revolution, and country. ASSESSMENT DATA Students reading abilities (which dramatically reflect their ability to comprehend written material) is the basis for determining whether they receive the advanced Diagnostic reading materials and questions or the lower readings and questions. Assessment of the unit grades (paired with comprehension question accuracy) throughout the course of the year has assisted with proper group placement. Formative At the end of every chapter throughout the unit, students will be given (In)formal comprehension questions with answers explicitly stated in the text. At the end of the unit, the students receive a quiz review that contains main ideas and important topics from the unit. The students independently complete the review (using corrected worksheets from each chapter) and then it is reviewed as a class. Students will be given a grade on their quiz review sheets that reflects the Summative knowledge acquired through the direct instruction of material previously taught. After reviewing concepts through the game in which a running record of student scores will be kept, the students will take a quiz. This quiz is modified based upon student abilities and IEP goals. The points for the quiz will be equivalent to 1/4 of the points awarded for the unit. KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS Students in the community social studies are those students who need modifications Student outside of the resource room. These students are typically in the lower reading Knowledge classes and required more 1:1 assistance. They also have a greater need for social Resources skills and functional academics in that the curriculum teaches them important skills necessary for self-advocacy and some degree of independent living.


Learning Needs


Students in this group are working on matching pictures through a variety of response modes. One student touch a picture when given two choices and the other student will choose from 5 pictures when the picture is pointed to within the story. STRATEGIES Instruction The students are presented with pictures of vocabulary throughout the lesson (either using laminated Symbolstix pictures colored and laminated or pictures to color themselves). Task The student will then choose the picture from the story. The teacher either holds up 2 pictures to be chosen from or points to the picture to be matched. Materials Laminated pictures, printed pictures, printed readings, comprehension worksheet ACCOMMODATIONS*MODIFICATIONS Instruction Verbal prompts are given as to the vocabulary associated with each picture. Task The student chooses the picture that matches those from the story whether pointed at or visually introduced by touching the picture or choosing 1 of 5 pictures that match the picture pointed to. Materials Laminated pictures, printed pictures, printed readings, comprehension worksheet DESIGNATION: Group 2 (Lower Readers) These students need pictures to help them decipher unfamiliar words. Repeated vocabulary assists them with successful reading. They need to read more fluently to better comprehend the material. STRATEGIES Instruction The teacher corrects student mistakes as they read and then repeats the reading at the end. Task Students are given questions aligned with the level of reading (lower or advanced). Materials Smartboard, Comprehension Worksheets ACCOMMODATIONS*MODIFICATIONS Instruction Students who have difficulty reading the material from the board are given copies. Task If students have difficulty answering comprehension questions with a word bank, the teacher brings the page up on the Smartboard where the answer can be located and asks students to direct their attention up there. Questions and multiple choice options may be read aloud. Materials Smartboard, Comprehension Worksheets Learning Needs DESIGNATION: Group 3 (Higher Readers) Learning These students need higher level reading materials that keep their interest. They need Needs questions that are open ended and allow them to make guesses as to implications. STRATEGIES Instruction The teacher asks the students to read the material independently but asks thought provoking questions when they are finished reading. Task The students answer questions from the advanced comprehension pages. Materials Smartboard, Comprehension Worksheets ACCOMMODATIONS*MODIFICATIONS Instruction The teacher helps those students who have difficulty with specific words or who have questions throughout the reading. Task If students have difficulty answering comprehension questions with a word bank, the teacher brings the page up on the Smartboard where the answer can be located. Materials Smartboard, Comprehension Worksheets

LESSON DELIVERY Introduction/Hook: The teacher will take something that belongs to one of the students. The student will ask the teacher to give it back. The teacher will say I dont have to so what are you going to do? As the student says something like Im going to take it, I will ask the rest of the class how he/she will take it (through means of a fight). Then they will be reminded that many wars occur because of this. Instruction/Delivery: The teacher will call upon students to read the Unique Learning Curriculum material on the SmartBoard titled The Beginning of a New Country. As the students read it, the teacher will use questioning techniques to help the students arrive at answers to questions that will aide in student comprehension. After students complete independent work, they will be instructed the same way on the next chapter titled Boston. As students participate in the life skills lesson following the reading of the 2 chapters and comprehension worksheets, the teacher will model proper manners when sitting around a table with another staff member. Guided Practice: Students will orally answer comprehension questions throughout the reading. They will also participate in a related life skills concerning tea party manners. Students will be given a snack around the table and manners will be demonstrated for which the students will be graded (3 points for being independent, 2 points for minimal prompting, 1 point of continuous prompting, 0 points for no participation). Independent Practice: Students will independently answer questions on the chapter worksheets for which the answer is explicitly stated within the reading. Closure: At the end of the lesson, students will watch a short video clip from Liberty Kids about the Boston Tea Party. RESOURCES SmartBoard Unique Learning System Liberty Kids Boston Tea Party

LESSON DELIVERY Introduction/Hook: The teacher will ask students to participate in a short experiment in which each student will be assigned a role related to conveying a message (text message, hand written note, in person, email, or phone call). Each student will relay the message Help! to another classmate. The students times will be recorded and posted in a chart on the SmartBoard. Discussion will begin about which method is the fastest way to convey a message (in person). They will be informed that this is hoe Paul Revere relayed the message that the British were coming!!!. Instruction/Delivery: The teacher will call upon students to read the Unique Learning Curriculum material on the SmartBoard titled The British Are Coming. As the students read it, the teacher will use questioning techniques to help the students arrive at answers to questions that will aide in student comprehension. After students complete independent work, they will be instructed the same way on the next chapter titled George Washingtons Army. The teacher will probe students for answering questions related to the Patriots football schedule. Students will be directed to columns or rows on the SmartBoard to locate information related to dates, times, and teams that will compete against the Patriots. Guided Practice: Students will orally answer comprehension questions throughout the reading. Students will also be given a chart pertaining to the Patriots football schedule that will be done as a class. Independent Practice: Students will independently answer questions on the chapter worksheets for which the answer is explicitly stated within the reading. They will also work in groups of 2 to answer questions related to schedules and time about Paul Reveres ride. As an extra credit opportunity, students will be asked to make a schedule centered around an activity they participated in. Closure: At the end of the lesson, students will watch a short video clip from Liberty Kids about the Midnight Ride. RESOURCES SmartBoard Unique Learning System Liberty Kids Midnight Ride

LESSON DELIVERY Introduction/Hook: Students will be given a blank copy of a flag that they are asked to decorate. They will then present their flag to the class and be asked questions as to why they chose the design they did. Instruction/Delivery: The teacher will call upon students to read the Unique Learning Curriculum material on the SmartBoard titled The American Flag. As the students read it, the teacher will use questioning techniques to help the students arrive at answers to questions that will aide in student comprehension. After students complete independent work, they will be instructed the same way on the next chapter titled The United States. The teacher will lead a discussion about why rules are needed. After students independently answer questions about if specific rules are good or bad for home, the teacher will lead students in debating a difference in opinions. Guided Practice: Students will orally answer comprehension questions throughout the reading. After giving students time to independently correct edits to the Declaration of Independence, the teacher will ask a student with the most correct editing to lead the class in finding incorrect writing related to punctuation, spelling, grammar, and capitalization. Students will have completed a worksheet using their opinion about what are good rules for home and bad rules. As the teacher asks about specific rules (i.e. if you get it out, put it away), students will be asked to give their opinion. Any differences in opinion will require to students to debate to resolve the problem and come up with one final answer. Independent Practice: Students will independently answer questions on the chapter worksheets for which the answer is explicitly stated within the reading. Students will get time to independently correct writing samples from the Declaration of Independence with errors. Closure: At the end of the lesson, students will watch a biography about George Washington. RESOURCES SmartBoard Unique Learning System George Washington Video (Teacher Tube) - Autobiography


LESSON DELIVERY Introduction/Hook: Students will be asked about the positive qualities possessed by a president while their answers are written into a chart on the SmartBoard. After all students have had the chance to answer, they will be given copies of these qualities, paired with a peer, and told that they will be looking for these qualities in their partner as they will be trying to get that person elected class president. Instruction/Delivery: I will provide a video demonstration of the project steps starting with the collection of data from chosen sources. I will also then show them how I organized this information into only useful and positive partner qualities. Lastly, they will watch me develop a PowerPoint presentation and a poster to organize this information. Guided Practice: Students will have a presentation modelled for them concerning a staff member by the teacher. Independent Practice: Students will independently gather information and compose a presentation to describe their partner in a positive manner as to promote his/her election as class president. Closure: Students will be told that they will present their candidate the following week to peers from the higher Social Studies class. RESOURCES SmartBoard Charts

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