GOML Details
GOML Details
GOML Details
India House collection c) Browns collection 2) Present Manuscripts and Reference books stock 3) Interesting specimens of Literary and artistic importance 4) Manuscripts and Reference books organization 5) Arrangement of Manuscripts in the stack room 6) Manuscript information retrieval technique 7) Manuscripts access method 8) Administration 9) Staff 10) Functions a) Identification of manuscripts b) Acquisition of manuscripts
c) Cataloguing of manuscripts 1)Descriptive catalogue 2)Triennial catalogue d) Publications of rare manuscripts and library catalogue e) Supply of information about manuscripts to the scholars
f) Publishing the Multilingual Bulletin annually g) Preservation of manuscripts h) Digitization of manuscripts 11) Services a) Reference service b) Reading the manuscripts for users c) Translation service d) Bibliographic service e) Selective Dissemination of Information service 12) Recent activities 13) Rules and Regulations for utilising the GOML., 14) Sale of publications 15) Location 16) Suggestions and complaints 17) Participation in Exhibitions 18) The Chronicle of the genesis and development of GOML 19) Scholars opinion about GOML collections /services and Staff behaviors
Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Centre, started in 1869 is the treasure house for ancient knowledge. It being a Government institution is
headed by the Curator under the control of the Principal Secretary and Commissioner of Achaeology, Government of Tamil Nadu. manuscripts, It houses 50,180 invaluable palm leaf reference books in various
languages such as Tamil, Sanskrit, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Urdu, Arabic, Persian etc., covering subjects like mathematics, astronomy, siddha, ayurveda, unani, veda, agama, architecture, music, sculpture, fine arts, history, grammar, literature and many others, written in South Indian and Oriental languages, and of Kifiyats and inscriptions, found in many places belonging to different periods. scholars engaged in various kinds of researches. It is a great resource centre for
The formation of the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Centre Chennai has a peculiar historical background dating from 1800 A.D., onwards. This library was formed due to the labourious works of Colonel Colin Mackenzie,
C.P.Brown, Rev. T.Foulkes and Prof. Pickford and later by Government of Tamil Nadu in the gathering of manuscripts.
From 1800 to 1850 A.D., several manuscripts collections like the Macknezie, East India House, Brown etc., were paid for by the Court of Directors of the East India Company, London and transferred to their Madras Agent for preservation.
Colonel Colin Mackenzie came to India in 1782 as a Cadet of Engineers on the Madras Establishment of the East India Company, desirous of prosecuting in India his
oriental researches which had already become his hobby when entrusted with the searching for and gathering together of all available information respecting the
knowledge possessed by the Hindus on Mathematics in general and of the nature and use of Logarithms in particular, by the 5th Lord of Morchistoun, who was eager to write a life of his ancestor, John Napier, the inventor of English Logarithms. From 1782 to 1818 the Colonel collected various collections of manuscripts, coins, inscriptions, maps and plans bearing on the literature, religion, history and etiquette and customs of the people in South India in as many of the alphabets as
were current in the South, besides numerous additions from Ceylon and Java.
In 1818, before proceeding to Calcutta to take up his new duties as Surveyor General of India, he appears to have sent home to England presumably to the Court of Directors of the East India Company, seven folio volumes of materials relating to the geography and history of the country with general and provincial maps. Colonel
Mackenzie took his collections to Calcutta and added to them and worked at them till his death in 1821 with the sanction of the Court of Directors, the Marquis of Hastings, then Governor General of India, purchased the collection on behalf of the East India Company from the widow of the deceased for 10,000 pounds. The collection which
was in no fewer than fourteen languages and sixteen different characters was catalogued by Wilson at Calcutta. A portion of this collection as well as several volumes of manuscript translations were sent to England in three batches in 1823, 1825 and on a subsequent date. The whole of the books and tracts in the languages of Southern
India and the inscriptions were lodged in the Madras Precidency College Library in 1828. From 1830, the collection was in the hands of the Madras Literary Society. In 1847, it was retransferred to the College Library. About 1838, the Rev. William
Taylor prepared, under the orders of the Government of Madras and with the sanction of the Court of Directors of the East India Company, a catalogue of the Mackenzie collection which formed the third volume of A Catalogue Raisonnee of Oriental
Manuscripts in the Library of the College, Fort St. George, in-charge of the Board of Examiners.
The Mackenzie collection is now in three different places, one at Chennai and the other two at Kolkatta and in the India Office Library, London .
About 1837, Mr.C.P.Brown of the Madras Civil service found in the India House Library a collection of manuscripts in Tamil, Telugu and Kanarese characters belonging to Dr.Leydon who was in India from 1803 to 1811. Dr.Leydon was a great traveler and linguist. His collection was bought at his death by the company and lodged at the
India House. The collection was transferred to the Madras Literary Society in 1844 and Mr.Browns lists of the collection appeared in No.33 of the Journal of Literary Society for 1847. In 1847 it was transferred to its permanent house, the College Library at Madras.
c) Browns Collection On completing the cataloguing of the East India House collection, Mr.Brown donated to the company his own valuable collection of manuscripts which is almost entirely in Telugu characters, one half of the collection being in Sanskrit and the other half in Telugu. To this collection Mr.Brown was continually making additions up to the date of his departure to England in 1855.
Government appointed Mr.W.Taylor, a distinguished orientalist, in 1853, to publish a catalogue raisonnee of the contents of the East India House and Browns collections similar in character to professor Wilsons catalogue of the Mackenzie manuscripts. Between 1857 and 1860 Taylor published his Catalogue Raisonee in three volumes, noticing all the manuscripts, which were then lodged in the Boards Library.
d) Rev. T. Foulkes
On the 14th August 1867, the Rev. T.Foulkes, Chaplain of Vepery, reported to Government on the damaged condition in which the manuscripts were stored and recommended that these should be placed in the charge of a responsible officer.
Government accordingly appointed a committee on the 6th February 1869 to report up on the best means of preventing further injury accruing manuscripts. to the library of Oriental In G.O.,Ms.No.83, dated 15th March 1869, Government directed
Mr.Pickford, the Sanskrit Professor of the Presidency College, to be in - charge of the Oriental Manuscripts. In G.O.No.46, dated 10th February 1870, Government ordered the expeditious removal of the manuscripts from the Directors compound to the New Presidency College in the South Beach.
In the new location, the manuscripts continued to be housed till 1895 when the collection seems to have been shifted to a small room in the Government Secretariat Buildings in the Fort St. George. Again in 1896, the collection appears to have been
shifted to the old theatre buildings attached to the Museum Buildings in Egmore.
In 1938 after the establishment of Madras University Library this collections were shifted to the first floor of the west wing of the library building. years due to the Second World War However, after four
consequence this collections were again transferred to Sri. Venkateswara Research Institute in Tripathi. Later in 1946 these collections were restored back in the Madras University Library Building. After the re-organization of states in India the Government issued order to transfer the manuscript exposed As a result nearly 1224 in the concerned languages of the linguistic areas.
1959, about 3335 Telugu manuscripts to Hyderabad in 1960 and about 583 Malayalam manuscripts to Trivandrum in 1961. library. The remaining manuscripts are now found in this
As already discussed in the formation of the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, the primary collection was built by the agglomerated collection of Colonel Colin Mackenzie, C.P.Brown, Rev. T.Foulkes and Madras. Prof.Pickford and the Government of
The existing collection of manuscripts in this library is in the form of PalmThe language wise collection
Manuscripts Stock Language Tamil Sanskrit Telugu Kannada Marathi Urdu Arabic Persian Unknown language Local records Leaf Manuscripts 10783 38282 806 182 ------------127 ---Paper Manuscripts 5775 11473 1426 72 967 184 407 1396 ---434 Total 16558 49755 2232 254 967 184 407 1396 127 434
Apart from this 25,373 printed reference books are available for reference in this Library as follows:-
Reference Books
S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Sanskrit English Tamil Telugu Catalogues Urdu Kannada Malayalam Persian Arabic
Number 7320 6926 5442 1875 805 705 700 444 265 230 194 182 137 130 18
3. Interesting specimens of literary and artistic importance The Government Oriental Manuscripts Library & Research Centre is unique in point of variety and vastness of collections covering a very wide field of Indian Literature in Sanskrit and South Indian languages. Although the collections were made from
about 1800 A.D. onwards the actual dates of several manuscripts go back to many hundreds of years. From an academic point of view, these collections contain some very interesting specimens of literary and artistic importance . classified as :i. ii. iii. Objects of interest. Manuscripts of literary importance. Historical Records. They may roughly
Short notes under each of the above items are appended herewith. I Objects of interest 1. Uttiratcham shaped Palm leaf Manuscripts. The Sangam literature Tirumurukatrupadai is in praise of Lord Subramaniya. It contains 317 lines . It is the first work in pathuppattu collection. The author is Nakkirar and it is in Uttiratcham shape. 2. Kari-Naal- Smallest Palm leaf Manuscript This palm-leaf describes about the inauspicious day. It is approximately 250 years old and is one of the collection of GOML&RC. 3. Sivalingam shaped Palm leaf Manuscript There are two manuscripts in
this shape. One contains the bundle of blank leaves which has been acquired from Sri Singaravelu kavirayar of Mithilaipatti Trichy District. The other one is the work of Thiruvasagam.
commentary . Each page contains 25 lines with minute letters written very carefully without damaging the leaves. Paper manuscripts made up in the shape of palm leaf manuscript:5. Tattvacintamanivyakhya-Sanskrit-D.No.4023, size 16 X 3 Bengali script. A commentary on the Tattavacintamani of Gangesa by Mathuranatha . 6. Tiruvaymolivyakhyanam R.No.403 size 20 X 2 - Contains 36.000 Granthas. A commentary on Nammalvars Tiruvaymoli. This is an interesting palm-leaf Tamil manuscript written in Telugu script and a marvel of scriptory art with 20 to 29 lines per page, each line containing more than four granthas or 128 syllables.
7. Diagrams of sacrificial altars Prepared by a Pandit, who had performed several sacrificial rites himself.
8. English Tamil Dictionary Palm leaf Tamil, D.No.6 Gives the Tamil equivalents for English expressions. This is written on plain palm-leaves and is atleast 200 years old. The English script is very beautiful.
9. A Burmese Manuscript Written on barks of Bhurja tree Gold and silver illuminated Fine artistic designs are painted on the outer planks. This is a scriptural work in Burmese used for initiating priests.
Kadidam A long cloth coated with black and written with soap stone.
R. No.798.
A commentary on Patanjalis Mahabhasya. This is a photograph copy of the manuscript in a German Library. Photograph copies of Natakandrika from paris and Tapasavatsaraja from Berlin deserve notice.
A work on the Caturanga game (Chess) in Sanskrit and Marati Language . The movements of the coins are illustrated beautifully in different forms , such as horse elephant , servant etc.
12. Sanskrit- English Vocabulary-D-1676 & D 1677 . The words of Namalinganusasana is in kanda III are arranged herein and their English meanings are also given.
17 Ganesh Manthras The traditional mode of worshipping Lord Vighneswara has been written all over the picture of the Lord . Maha manthras with explanation in Marathi and mystic
II Manuscripts of literary importance 1. The Library contains several rare and important collections of manuscripts
presented by many Indian and European Scholars. About 1824 C.W. Whish, who was at Calicut collected several manuscripts and gave them to the library. Most of them are Vedic-vice manuscripts and contain some explanatory notes written in his own writing. Of these the palm-leaf manuscript of the Rig-veda padapatha D.No.9, is written in an excellent Malayalam hand and is noteworthy for its substance, condition and method of accenting. The manuscript was noticed by C.W. Whish in 1825. 112 years ago and yet it appears to be as new as if it were copied very recently. The method of accenting differs from the existing one and follows the method which was in practice of five or six hundred years ago.
4341. This is a commentary on the vedic work Aitareyabrahmana. The commentator lived in the 12th century A.D. He refers by name to Govindasvamin and Vatsyayana. This work is not easily available elsewhere.
R.No.3806 The author lived in the 10th century A.D. This is equally important, as other copies are not available.
R.No. 2838.
author is supposed to have lived before Kalidas, who is assigned to the 6 century
A.D. This manuscript contains the original work itself, while the printed edition has it, as reconstructed from commentaries. It is a very rare and valuable manuscript.
exhaustive and indispensable treatise on rhetoric written by king Bhoje (10th century A.D.)- A complete set of this work is available here only.
9. Yathavalmikiramayana by Ghanagiri Ramakavi D. No.303 . It is a literal translation of the Ramayana by valmiki. 10. Diwan E- Tarkhan -D-12 (Persian) A work of Nuruddin Muhammad Tarkhan. A court poet of Akbar. This Diwan contains ghazals,Muqattats and chrongnms . Date of materials is 1695 A.D.
III-Historical Records 1. The Local records collected by Colonel Colin Mackenzie, the famous
Surveyor General of India , are the best acquisition to the Library. The languages in which these records are written are Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindustani, Tamil, Kanarese and Telugu the last being the largest in number. They contain copies of several
important and unpublished inscriptions, which are very valuable from historical, social and literary points of view. These manuscripts were written on rough country paper and they became old and injured through the lapse of time. Mr. C.P.Brown, the great Telugu Scholar, had most of them recopied in 62 volumes. Mr. Taylor had the Malayalam and Tamil Manuscripts restored in five big volumes. These are now preserved in the library. The originals are also available in the Library in an injured condition. collection is still in the India office Library. Part of this
- D.No.11461. It is a historical work dealing with the life of king Kapphana. The author lived in the court of King Jayapida (9th Century A.D.) This work is available in this library only.
R.No.3030. It is a poem giving the history of the Ganga Princes, who rulled the Kalinga country (Cuttack). History.
4. Manuscripts and Reference books organisation
This has not yet been critically dealt with by students of Indian
The library collection is categorised into (1) printed books (2) Paper Manuscripts and (3) Palm-Leaf Manuscripts. For the printed books after accessioning, the
accession number is written on the pager tag and pasted on the bottom of the spine or at the bottom of the front cover. the document. This accession number used as location number of which consists of few alphabets of the
language, is prefixed to the accession number for different languages of printed books. In the case of paper manuscripts, each manuscript is assigned a codex number which is nothing but the reference number of the printed descriptive catalogue. If the manuscript is in the leaf form this library creates a leaf bundles and each bundle consists of several individual works. The leaves are arranged in a particular
way and the two extremities are safeguarded by means of two symmetrical wooden rectangular planks. Both the leaves and planks have holes separated by distance
nearly 4 inches and through the holes passes a strong thread which is then wounded on the two planks to keep the bundle intact. All leaves are arranged according to the serial Numbers. numbers known as Folio
Such numbers if not assigned in the work then the library experts assign
serial numbers in ink at the left bottom corner. Thus the sequence of the leaves are restored in a bundle.
This flap is
treated as contents of the bundle as the flap gives the details of the works before which the folio numbers (page number) are provided. For each title a cross reference number is provided for the purpose of identifying the location of the work in a bundle. left On the
side of the flap the name of the library is found printed from bottom to top of the
flap and just below that a reference number for the whole works of the bundle. Apart from this a bundle number is also found on the left side of the flap written on a paper tag and the same bundle number is written on the right side of the flap. manuscript bundle is processed for easy location.
5. Arrangement of Manuscripts in the Stack Room
This is how a
In the stack room two types of racks are found; one is standard rack meant for keeping printed books and the other is meant for manuscript. keeping palm-leaf manuscripts has the The racks meant for
The leaf manuscripts bundles are kept horizontally like voluminous books in
such a way that the manuscript bundles may be removed either from the front side of the rack or from the back of the rack.
racks while the paper and palm-leaf manuscripts are kept in the special racks as discussed earlier. The palm-leaf manuscripts is arranged by bundle number. The
indicating the language and the second one indicates either the descriptive catalogue number or the report (Trienniel) catalogue number and the last one is the bundle
number. For example, in the bundle number TD 206 T stands for Tamil Language, D for Descriptive catalogue and 206 indicates the bundle number in Tamil language leaf manuscript. The bundle number is written on the paper tag and pasted on the left side
of the cloth flap and this type of arrangement enables to keep the bundle in such a way that tag is projecting from the rack. manuscript bundle in the stack room. This arrangement enables one to identify the All the racks are arranged in twenty one rows.
Each row is provided with Bay-Guide specifying the language and the nature of the manuscript collection along with the accession number in the case of printed books or the reference number of the descriptive catalogue or Report (Triennial) catalogue
number in the case of manuscripts. This enables to identify the works contained in the manuscript bundle whereas the bundle number is useful in replacing the bundle on the racks. 6. Manuscript Information Retrieval Technique The information retrieval When a query technique adopted in this library is a unique one.
made to ascertain whether the information source required is in the printed book or in the paper or palm leaf manuscript. On the basis of the responses search is made.
To begin with, searching is made with the help of general surrogates like catalogue card, printed catalogue sources etc., If the required information source is printed books then the catalogue which is meant for the printed books is to be referred to. By
making use of the approach terms it is possible to identify the reference number of the document. Searching of the Manuscript work If the nature of the information source required is in the form of paper or palm leaf manuscripts then firstly the catalogue of paper and palm leaf manuscripts is referred to under the title of a work of a concerned language of exposition. help of catalogue entry, the reference number of the manuscript is found out. In the case of paper manuscript the reference number enables to search the manuscript directly in the library. But in the case of palm leaf manuscript the reference number as given in the catalogue entry does not directly indicate the manuscript, as the required information source may be a portion of a whole palm leaf manuscript bundle. In that case, specific surrogates like stock register, printed descriptive and triennial With the
is identified and with its help the concerned manuscript bundle is retrieved from the stock. Searching of single manuscript work The searching strategy is understandable with an example. To begin with, a user of this library makes a query about ARUNAGIRI PURANAM. In that case, he is
questioned whether he desires to refer the printed book or the paper or the palm leaf manuscripts. If the requirement is in the palm leaf manuscript form then he is directed to refer the catalogue meant for paper and palm leaf manuscripts. enables him The title entry Then the
concerned stock register is referred to find out the manuscript. In this case the source is a paper manuscript containing the whole work of Arunagiri puranam. With the help of this reference number R 1 search is to be made in the paper manuscript area under the Tamil language collection. In the library the shelf arrangement number of this
document is TR 1 which means T = Tamil language R 1 = Triennial catalogue item No 1. Searching of a portion information in the composite work bundle If the document happens to be a portion or part of composite manuscript bundle or ledger then the search is to be made first in the catalogue which gives the cross reference number. With the help of the concerned stock register the reference number of the bundle is identified and then search is made in the stack room with that number. For example, if the requirement of the manuscript document is in the palm leaf
manuscript forming the part of composite manuscript works containing in a bundle like THIRUVAGUPPU then the title entry may give the reference number D 1656. This
means for detailed information the stock registers of paper and palm leaf manuscript are to be referred to. By identifying the title THIRUVAGUPPU and its number D 1656, it
is identified that the work is a part of the composite manuscript works contained in a bundle whose reference number is D 127 which is found in the first column of the register. Thereafter the search of the bundle under the reference number D 127 is to
be made in the stack room. But since the arrangement of the bundle on the shelf is by the bundle number TD 76 the searcher is to locate the document under this number. After reaching that area the searcher browse the bundles now under the reference number D 127. Thus he identifies the manuscripts and retrieves for reference. The
searching of the manuscript in the stack room is not easy. However the experience of Librarian, Assistant Librarian and Pandits are able to spot out the documents with in the short span of time. 7.Manuscripts access method At the initial stage the library had open access system. The users could browse
through the collection and pick up manuscripts and books according to their choice. But gradually, large number of manuscripts and reference books were found misplaced and damaged. There after it was decided to introduce the requisition slips.
If any
manuscript is required by the user, the title and purpose of manuscript is noted and issued for reference. manuscripts. The return of manuscript is also recorded to avoid any loss of
The library which was under the control of Director of Public Instruction, Higher Education, School Education and Public Libraries Department and again under the Collegiate Education Department finally came under the administrative control of the Department of Archaeology in April 1980. The Government Oriental Manuscript
Library is headed by a Curator and assisted by Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Pandits and other staff members. The library functions on all days except Fridays and
Saturdays (weekly holidays) and other Government holidays from 10.00 A.M., to 5.45 P.M., for the benefit of scholars and users.
9.Staff It is well recognized that the adequate and competent staff are necessary for the provision of effective services and proper organization of a library. Four levels of library staff like professional cum Administration, professionals, non-professionals and The head of the library is Curator. The
Staff Strength S.No. 1. Designation Professional cum Administration a) Curator b) Librarian c) Assistant Librarian 2 Professional 1 1 1 Strength
a) Pandits 3 Non-Professional
a) Mender b) Binder c) Binding Assistant c) Dust Remover (Total post 5, 3 vacant) 4 Administration
4 2 1 5
1 2 1 1 3
Even though the functions of the GOML & RC. are enormous the main functions are as follows: a) Identification b) Acquisition of manuscripts c) Cataloguing of manuscripts d) Publications of rare manuscripts and library catalogues e) Dissemination of information about manuscripts f) Publishing Multilingual Bulletin annually.
a) Identification of manuscripts To add to the existing collection of manuscripts, this library adopt the peculiar way of identifying the availability of manuscripts elsewhere in India. One way of
identification of manuscripts is by giving advertisements by the Government of Tamil Nadu in the leading newspapers published in different Indian languages. Other
method is to get information regarding the manuscripts from the oral statements of experts, users of the manuscripts, friends and individuals who posses manuscripts. At varied times the Department of Archeology, Government of Tamil Nadu issues advertisement to the public calling for manuscripts which are hundred years old and the receipts of such materials are registered in the Registering Office. communicates about them to this library. Between 1872-1930 with a view to strengthen the manuscripts collection, the British Government of India appointed an Advisory Committee consisting of public persons, literary persons and government representatives for the purpose of This office
developing collection and for advising the Government the ways of building the collection. An Expert Committee were appointed by the Government for the purpose This
Committee selected and acquired the ancient manuscripts from the districts of Tanjore, Chengalpat and Ramnad.
At present the Curator is empowered to select the manuscripts. He decides the nature of selection with the remarks of Librarian, Assistant Librarian and Pandits of the concerned languages. b) Acquisition of Manuscripts Mode of acquisition of manuscripts are by way of gift from the philantherapists, individual donars, Government and Public institutions etc and by purchase. The committee consists of the Curator, Librarian, Assistant Librarian and the concerned Language Pandits decides the value of the manuscripts for purchase. c) Cataloguing of Manuscripts Cataloguing is one of the most important activities of any library. It is a facility to the users to make use of the library collections. A catalogue means, what document / material the library has, where they are located and how to access them. This Library maintains two physical forms of catalogue namely Card form and Printed book form. For the printed books and manuscripts separate card catalogues are maintained. For the printed books Author Index, Title Index and Subject Index are made. choice and the rendering of entries are left to the concerned pandits. section of each entry of a particular The
The leading
language script and below that title and author are transliterated into Roman scripts.
reference index number is provided to locate the document and the accession number also provided. For paper and leaf manuscripts, catalogue entries are also maintained in card
form. Normally title entries are made in the concerned language and script below it a transliteration of it in Roman script is also provided. This number indicates the location of description of the work in Catalogue (R.No.) Number. Apart from the card catalogue, printed catalogue registers are also maintained in this library, in order to facilitate an elaborate study of the contents of the paper the printed descriptive (D. No.) as well as Triennial
Descriptive catalogue (2) Triennial catalogue. Descriptive Catalogue A brief description of the manuscript containing the work under notice is added a very brief indication of the nature of the subject dealt with in the work, and extracts from the work itself are given to enable one to obtain an idea of its nature, style and value. In order to make the catalogue useful even to those who have not much knowledge of English, a brief description of every work in concerned languages is also after the extracts. This catalogue is used to know in brief the contents of the manuscripts, not only the contents of the manuscripts and the number of folios present in the manuscripts, condition of the manuscript and script in which written and the size of the manuscript and lines presented in each page also whether the work is complete or incomplete etc are given. Description contains beginning of the manuscript i.e. some portion of the text and end part and colophon. Descriptive catalogue also provides the number of
works present in the bundle with folio number from which respective works begin. Triennial Catalogue It was the practice till recently to issue along with the annual report on the working of this library a columnar list showing the names of the works collected in the year together with the authors name, the subject matter, the extent there of, the condition of the manuscript, and other such details. This list although prepared with
great care and attention, was lacking in some of the necessary details that would be ordinarily looked for in a descriptive catalogue and when printed it was neither supplied freely to scholars nor sold to the public. Thus the manuscripts newly added from time
to time to the library, have had to remain practically unknown to scholars interested in them, except to those few who happened to visit the library in person. In G.O., No.323, Educational, dated the 6th June 1910, the Government ordered the report on the working of this library to be submitted once in three years, and this is the first Triennial report of the kind so ordered. This opportunity has been availed of, with the permission of the Director of Public Instruction, Madras for issuing a descriptive
catalogue of all the manuscripts acquired during the triennium. The acquired manuscripts are not, in this triennial catalogue, grouped according to subject matter for the purpose of description, they are dealt with mostly in the order of the time of their acquisition. (d ) Publications of rare manuscripts and library catalogues: Since 1952, the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Centre, has under taken the publication work of rare unpublished manuscripts and it has brought out so far 459 publications (which contain the works related to the subjects like literature, grammer, medicine etc) are as follows:GOML&RC Publications No. of Literature oriented Publications 98 58 36 21 28 2 25 35 302 No. of Catalogues Total
Tamil Sanskrit Telugu Kannada Malayalam Marathi Islamic languages Bulletin Total
35 70 24 8 6 2 11 -156
The first publication of this library brought out in the year 1898 comprising the report of the manuscript collected during the year 1896-1897. The first Descriptive catalogue and the Triennial Catalogue were published in the year 1901 and 1912 respectively.
The Descriptive Catalogues are very much helpful for the scholars from all over the World, in getting all the information about each and every manuscript. So that 156
Descriptive Catalogues have been prepared so far, for the benefit of the scholars. The catalogues for the other remaining manuscripts are being prepared in this centre.
Many people also remain unaware that the famous South Indian Temple Inscriptions by T.N.Subramanian in three volumes is the publication of this prestigious institution.
e) Supply of information about manuscripts to the scholars
The writing on the palm leaves are very small. Most of the information are in poetic form though simple and colloquial in style. Very few manuscripts are in prose. some of them may be difficult to decide whether it is in prose or poetic form. There are other difficulties in deciphering the manuscripts. The consonants are written without the dots. In addition Indian manuscripts face the problem of intentional inaccuracy, There is no
specific pattern in Indian manuscripts. The name of the author can appear in the beginning, end or middle. In copied manuscripts the scribes presentation as author is very problematic . some of the manuscripts do not give the name of the authors. With advent of English education in the orient, universities , Colleges, Achieves, Museums, and other institutions started becoming more interested in manuscripts. The indigenous researcher and European scholars are styling, transliterating and editing the manuscripts. New information on different aspects of ancient civilizations is pouring in manuscript libraries which always be a source of research and scholarly interest of posterity. The Librarian , Assistant Librarian and all the pandits are ready to solve the above said problems. In addition to that the Manuscripts and books are issued to
Permission is accorded,
occasionally, to the scholarly public for studying, copying, comparing and also for preparing xerox copies of the manuscripts within the Library premises of this institution. One xerox machine was purchased in 1997 for this institution. f) Publishing the Multilingual Bulletin annually A multilingual (i.e. Tamil, Sanskrit, Telugu and Islamic languages) bulletin of rare and unpublished manuscripts is being published annually, by the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Centre. 36 Volumes have been brought out so far. . The initial part of the 1st Volume of the Bulletin of this Centre was brought out in
the year 1948 and now the 36th Volume of the Bulletin has been brought out in 2009. The small literary pieces such as Arungalaccheppu, Aathiccudi Venba, Rishivandha Kuravanji, Ilakkana deepam, Katti magiban pallu, Chittira madal, Prabhandha marabiyal etc. have been brought out through this Bulletin. g) Preservation of manuscripts In GOML the rare and valuable palm leaf manuscripts are carefully preserved, by adopting manual and chemical methods in a stack room which is very spacious and full equipped with an air conditioner. The paper manuscripts are mended with acid free polyester paper.
h) Digitization of manuscripts In order to document and protect the knowledge contained in manuscripts, the GOML&RC has began a digitization programme as a pilot project in 2004. It also aims to aid researchers in accessing manuscripts without tampering with the original copies. The digitization programme also aims at making manuscripts accessible to the public through website. Digitization of our manuscripts is being undertaken by the following two methods: 1. By National Mission for Manuscripts 2. Through our Department
Digitisation of Tamil Siddha manuscripts: The Tamil Siddha system is believed to be one of the earliest medical systems of the world and therefore, the siddha manuscripts preserved in GOML&RC deserve special mention. Realising the importance of the Tamil siddha manuscripts, National Mission for Manuscripts has digitized them. NMMs programme was initiated on 3rd July 2004 through the University of Madras. This event is significant because it was the first time that a mass digitization of siddha manuscripts has been undertaken in Tamilnadu or the rest of India. A total of 893 Tamil Siddha manuscript bundles have been digitized, covering 1,682 works in 1,62,209 pages(approximately) Digitisation started by our department: Realising the need of preserving the manuscripts in modern method, the State Department of Archaeology, under the noble guidance and leadership of
Dr.T.S.Sridhar, IAS, Principle Secretary and Commissioner ventured into digitizing the manuscripts of GOML&RC on 19.04.2005. This date is conspicuous in the history of this centre. So far, we have digitized 385 bundles of Tamil manuscripts, covering 96,000
pages after proper pagination by a Tamil scholar. Technical aspects in digitisation: While digitizing, many nuances should be observed; for example, at the head of each manuscript, the particulars of the manuscript as depicted in the corresponding printed Descriptive Catalogue should be shown. digitization usually ignore this method. While digitizing, care should be taken that the title of the work is available at the beginning of each work. Also, the title of the work should be written on a flap tied up over the bundle and this flap should also be shot. Other institutions involved in
Our endeavor of digitizing is going on quite smoothly, in the above lines, in GOML&RC, now. Digitisation can help enormously in preserving documents and texts in their original format without the need for physical handling, which is prone to damage. Digitisation is not merely taking photographs by digital camera, it is more than scanning. It is a comprehensive technology whereby rare manuscripts and art objects are preserved and made available to a wider audience through the computerized format. The advancement of technology has presented innumerable opportunities for conserving our manuscripts, which are repositories of cultural heritage. Through
digitization, the dissemination and promotion of standards and processes must be improved. The department has embarked on an ambitious programme to photograph and digitize all manuscripts and make them available in CD format for students and researchers. So far, we have achieved considerable success in this endeavour. It is hoped that in the years to come all manuscripts with the department will be networked in a national knowledge library for the benefit of posterity.
manuscript for the users (3) Translation service (4) Bibliographic service and (5) Selective Dissemination of Information service etc a) Reference Service The GOML offers general reference services to their users. short range and long range references such as availability The question like
documents in the library and specific enquiry on a particular topic. staff are providing reference services
catalogues, Indexes are also helpful to find out the relevant information in the library.
b) Reading the Manuscript for users Reading of the manuscript is not easy. It requires ability to decipher the meaning of the script. Language experts of the concerned language are help to read the
manuscript and tell the concept of the topic if the user does not acquire skills.
c) Translation Service This library also provides translation service to the users with the help of pandits. The similar area materials are also available in different languages. Pandits are
translating the manuscripts and disseminate the required information the languages are to be referred to by the user. In that case the pandits of different languages help the reader in translating a small portion of the document if it is essential for the research work of the user. d) Bibliographic Service This library prepares bibliographies of manuscripts under different languages. The prepared bibliographies are issued under two different series Government Oriental Manuscript Series and Government Oriental Series. The first one named if the item is prepared by the staff of the GOML. outsider. e) Selective Dissemination of Information service At present, a manual SDI service is being operated in GOML. For which users profile with name of the user, his \ her address and the subject of his \ her interest is maintained. When the particular subject manuscripts are traced out they are Later one named for items prepared by the
scanned by the pandit for their contents and matched for the subject interest defined in the users profile and relevant ones are sent to the user for his immediate use.
12. Recent activities All the Sanskrit manuscripts (49,755) available with this Centre had been converted into the format of microfilm rolls by Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi. By this way, the scholars were facilitated to obtain the microfilm copies of the manuscripts, required by them, from Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts after getting previous permission from this Centre. Under the excellent administration and guidance of our Noble Commissioner of Archaeology, the digitization of Tamil works of this Centre by the photographer of Department of Archaeology was started in 2005. manuscripts have been digitized. Besides that, through National Mission for Manuscripts 1682 Tamil manuscripts of Siddha medicines and 6000 pages of Sanga literature manuscripts through Classic Tamil Central Research Institution were digitized and C.Ds for those digitized So far 95,000 pages of Tamil
manuscripts also been received in this Centre and preserved for its distinguished scholars.
1. Visitors who desire to use the library between 10.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. They shall enter their name and address legibly in the library Register. 2. Visitors should not write upon or damage or make any mark on any manuscript / Reference book belonging to the library. 3. No. tracing or mechanical reproduction shall be made without permission of the Curator. 4. Silence should be strictly observed in the library at all time.
5. Readers shall be responsible for any damage done to the Manuscripts, Reference books or other property belonging to the library and shall be required to replace reference book or other property damaged or pay the said value in cash thereof. 6. No manuscript / reference book shall be issued which in the opinion of the Curator is not in sufficiently good condition to be safely handled by the borrower. 7. To obtain the permission for copying and consulting the manuscripts of this library one requisition letter which consists of the declaration should be given in the following format :-
To The Curator, Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras University Library Building, Chepauk, Chennai 5.
Sir, I request that I may be permitted to copy / prepare copies of the following manuscripts available in your library for my research purpose :-
S.No 1) 2) 3)
Work No.
Leaf or paper
I do hereby declare that if any manuscript is printed or published either partly or wholly by me or by any agency on my behalf, the source of the manuscripts will be duly acknowledged and three copies will be supplied to you free of cost.
Yours faithfully,
Publications in the price lists are available for sale at the Sales section in the office. From 10-00 a.m., to 5.45 p.m., Prices mentioned in this lists are net. extra. Catalogue published prior to 1950 are sold at 50% reduced rate. 25% discount is offered to all other publications. Those who wish to get the books by post, should mention the name of the books and number of copies in their letter . On receipt of their letter the total cost inclusive of postal charges and packing charges will be intimated to the buyers. The amount Packing and transporting charges are
should be sent only in the form of a demand draft drawn in favour of the CURATOR, GOVT.ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY AND RESEARCH CENTRE,CHENNAI 5. A covering letter should state the purpose for which the D.D. is sent. As soon as the D.D. is received the book will be sent. Books outside India could be supplied by Airmail only. The cost involved will be intimated on receipt of order. For further details in regard to the GOML & RC publications please contact:
Dr.T.S.Sridhar, P.hd., IAS., Principal Secretary and Commissioner, Department of Archaeology, Government of Tamil Nadu, Halls Road, Egmore, Chennai 8 E.Mail Phone No.044-28190020
The Curator, Government Oriental Manuscript Library and Research Centre, Madras University campus, Chepauk, Chennai 5. Phone No: 044-25365130.
15. Location The Government Oriental Manuscripts Library and Research Centre is located in the Western Wing of the first floor of the Madras University Library. It is kept open from 10.00 A.M. to 5.45 P.M. on all working days and shall remain closed on Fridays and Saturdays and the Government holidays.
16. Suggestions / complaints The complaints and suggestions to improve the existing conditions are invited from the visitors and Research scholars. Their complaints will be kept confidential.
17. Participation in Exhibitions
This library has participated by displaying its rare and interesting manuscripts and publications in several exhibitions conducted by various National and International Agencies. A few of them are:-
a) The Twenty Sixth International Congress of Orientalists at New Delhi in 1964. b) The Third All India Agama Silpa Bharata Folklore Conference at Kancheepuram in 1964. c) The World Telugu Conference at Hyderabad in 1965. d) The Second World Tamil Conference at Madurai in 1968. e) The Lord Mahaveeras 25th Parinirvana Centenary celebration at Madras in 1974. f) The Silver Jublilee Celebrations of the Sanskrit Department, Vivekananda College at Madras in 1980. g) Dravidian Linguistic Conference, New Delhi in 1980. h) The Fifth World Tamil Conference at Madurai in 1981. i) Seminar on Sanskrit Literature at Vivekanana College, Madras in 1982. j) TADILNET workshop on digitization of manuscripts organized by Vertual University in Chennai on 9.1.2004. Tamil
k) Participated in the exhibition on Indian Manuscript wealth in Frankfurt , Germany from 1.10.2006 to 07.01.2007. l) Participated in the Special Exhibition on Rare manuscripts organized by the Chennai Museum from 25.6.2009 to 30.06.2009.
18. The chronicle of the genesis and development of GOML 1783 1800 1803 1804 1821 1828 1828 1835 1844 1847 1855 1858 1862 1869 Colonel Colin Mackenzie came to India Mackenzie collected manuscripts in full swing Dr.Leydon collected manuscripts Mackenzie gathered Telugu Local Records Mackenzie died Manuscripts were housed at Madras College library H.Wilsons Descriptive Catalogue of Mackenzie manuscript was published William Taylor prepared Catalogue for manuscripts Manuscripts were under the custody of Madras Literary society Library was under the control of Director of Public Instruction, Madras C.P.Browns collection of Telugu and Sanskrit manuscripts took place Again manuscript came from London were deposited at college library William Taylors Oriental Historical Manuscripts in three volumes were printed Institution was organized in the proper structure under the name Government Oriental Manuscripts Library 1870 Collection of manuscripts of Mackenzie, Leyden and Brown were kept at Presidency College, Madras
1870-1896 Institution functioned at Presidency College, Madras 1878 Gustav Opperts Catalogue for 32 volumes of Local Records was printed 1901 Descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts volume I was published 1912 Descriptive catalogue of Tamil manuscripts volume I was
published 1914 1916 1925 GOML worked at Egmore Museum campus. C.O.Blagdens A Catalogue of Makenzie Manuscripts came out A detailed G.O., running to six pages was issued for the Institution by the State Government 1938 1942 GOML was brought to the premises of Madras University, Madras GOML was shifted to Venkateswara Oriental Research Institute, Thirupathi (A.P) due to World War II. 1945 Again GOML started functioning from the premises of Madras University 1948 1988 campus.
First volume of Multilingual Bulletin was brought out . Microfilming work of Sanskrit Manuscripts was started by IGNCA New Delhi.
1. V.N.Muthukumar, Department of South and Southern Asian Studies, UC, Berkeley - August 7, 2008.
I am pleased to write how friendly the Curator of the GOML was in receiving me here and showing me around. I hope to spend many fruitful hours in this library in the years to come.
2. Dr.Stephan Popp, Chair of Iranian Studies, University of Bamberg, 96045 Bamberg, Germany. Date 10-9-2008
Being here for only two days and still getting copies is something I had not dreamed of. This library houses a vast collection of sources, and I will
recommend it to my Indologist friends. Ill never forget the kind and prompt help of its staff.
3. Dr. Sara R.Compagnone (Haly) University of Torin date 22-10-2008 Thanks for the kind and prompt help and for all the assistance during my research on Padmasamhita.
4. Stanly Lawson, University of California, Berkeley date 11-11-2008 Thank you for your kind assistance answering my enquiry about your manuscripts library. My appreciation for the visit.
5. Risha Lee, 612 W,Surf St. #4B, Chicago, IL 60657, US date 25-11-2008 I am very impressed by your collection. Thank you for being so helpful.
6. Dr.Yoshichika Honda, Department of Indian Philosophy, Hiroshima University, Japan dated 1-3-2009 It is very special day to day for me. Three years ago I submitted my Ph.D.Thesis on Bhojarajas Sringaraprakasa. When I wrote my thesis I could not see the manuscripts of the text. Today I see the manuscript which Late
Dr.V.Raghavan certainly touch his hand and see it his own eyes. This is very happy experience for me. I want to express my special thanks to the library who preserve old Indian text with great effort 7. Dr. Claudia Weber, University of Muenster, Germany. Dated 24-3-2009 With many thanks for the support in getting the Citambara Rahasya.
8. Katherine Kasdorf, Columbia University, New York, USA. Date 25-3-2009 Very friendly and helpful staff. photograph the Halebid Kaifiyath. Thank you also for allowing me to
9. Dr.Marco Tzanceselini, University of Boloma, Italy. Date 02-4-2009 Many, many thanks to all the people working at the GOML. They are always kind and much helpful. No need to say, the Mss. Collection is
10. Alan, China date 13-4-2009 Mr.Chandramohan helped us with showing us the manuscript we want to see. We like it . They are very beautiful.
11. Ghazoan Ali, Exeto, UK date 20-4-2009 Thank you so much for all the help and support you have given me in this library.
12. Cavlo Giovllano, Palermo, Italy date 27-04-2009 Thank you for the effort you spent helping me to use the library even if I didnt find any manuscript useful for my Ph.D. researches I am really glad for the visit.
13. Chrpillai, Calsary, Altia, 73J335 Canada, date 5-5-2008 I am very much pleased and the warm welcome of the entire manuscripts staff and the behavior towards me obtain the manuscript.
14. Elanie Fisher, Columbia University, USA. Dated 4-6-2009 Working at the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library has been a very pleasant experience, much more so than at any other manuscript library I have visited. All staff members were very polite and helpful. Access to the manuscripts was painless.
15. Jason Schwartz, Harvard University, USA A splendid friendly place where one can actually see and work with the manuscripts, which is a real variety. The texts are well cared for and the staff
is enthusiastic, cares about texts, and interacts in a really respectful manner that should become the norm for such institutions. An exemplary other libraries should follow.
16. Jyoti Gulati, University of California, Los Angles date 23-6-2009 Thank you for all your help. The staff, particularly Geetha, was very
helpful, though I could not locate all the material (in Persian) that I was looking for. I also think that the library should invest some resources in the preservation and upkeep of manuscripts as many of them are crumbling away to pieces.
17. Elizabath Rohlman, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Calgary, Canada TZN IN date 27-7-2009
Thank you to Geetha for her kind help with manuscript catalogues. This is a very impressive and precious collection.
1. Rao Bhagwat Singh, Librarian, Manuscripts Library, Jagadish Chowk, Udaipur, Rajasthan. I see Oriental Govt. Manuscript Library, Library have 72314 manuscript Collection. Collection is nice and best. Arrangement properly. I impress Librarian and Curator services. system is best All staff and
give me good
behavior and friendly help. Curator and Librarian is devoted his job.
2. KidtH j.uhN[];thp> Ma;thsH> ghz;br;Nrhp ehs; 15-7-2008 nrd;id fPo;j;jpirr; Rtb E}yfj;jpy; Mapuf; fzf;fhd RtbfSk;> E}y;fSk; cs;sd. mit chpa tifapy; xOq;Fg;gLj;jg;gl;L ghJfhf;fg;gLfpd;wd. fhg;ghl;rpaH fdpthdtH. mtuJ
fl;Lf;Nfhg;ghd jiyikapd; fPo; ,aq;Fk; cjtpahsHfs; Njitf;Nfw;g Nfl;l Gj;jfk; my;yJ Rtbfis vLj;J je;J cjTtjpy; rpwe;jtHfs;. E}yfk; ey;y Kiwapy; ,aq;FfpwJ. ,q;F gy mhpa Gj;jfq;fs;> Rtbfs; cs;sd. mtHfs; Nrit kpfr; rpwe;jJ.
3. Ajesh, Dept. of History, Calicut University, Kerala date 16-7-2008 As a research scholar, I visited the Govt. Oriental Manuscripts Library and I feel it very compactable. The Curator and other staff in this library are very helpful and had good behavior.
4. Dr. K.Ganesan, Assistant Librarian, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai-25 date 22-7-2008 ,e;j E}yfk; vd;Dila KidtH gl;l Ma;tpw;F nghpJk; cWJizahf ,Ue;jJ. ,jpy; gy mhpa Rtbfs; cs;sd. Rtbfis jpul;Lk; MHtj;ijf; nfhz;Ls;s ,e;E}yf ez;gHfis kpfTk;
ghuhl;LfpNwd;. Ma;thsHfSf;F ve;j jilAk; ,d;wp E}y;fis toq;Fk; ghq;F kpfTk; Nghw;WjYf;F chpaJ. ,tHfs; gzp NkYk; rpwf;f ekJ muR cjt Ntz;Lk; vd tpUk;GfpNwd;.
I have great pleasure in writing a few lines in behalf of Sri Chandramohan and the dedicated staff of the Govt. Oriental Manuscripts Library. They have been extending uniform kindness and courtesy to us who come to the library with a view to study manuscripts. We could have easy access to numerous volumes rare volumes on different subjects relating to philosophy, grammar, poetics and logic and valuable manuscript. The library is well maintained and the courteous service extended by each one of the library staff is admirable. Sri Chandramohan functions as the Curator with a sense of participation and commitment. It is a pleasure to come and work in the library.
6. rptf;nfhOe;J> jkpo; tphpTiuahsH> kJiu fPo;j;jpirr; Rtb E}yfj;jpd; gzp> Ma;T khztHfSf;F kpfTk; ,d;wpaikahjJ. ,jidj; Njhw;Wtpj;jtHfSk;> ,jpy; gzpahw;wpa> gzpahw;WgtHfSk; tUq;fhy khztHfspd; tho;f;iff;F tsk; NrHj;jtHfs; vd;W vz;zp kfpo;r;rpAld; cq;fspd; gzpia tzq;fp kfpo;fpNwd;
7. Nirmalaa Shrethar, Arts Management Student, Dakshina Chitra, Chennai dt. 9-9-2008
I have never come across such a pleasing and helpful people in a Library. They are so thorough on what is stored here and were greatly helpful. This is a
treasure of manuscripts and a very important source for people doing research. I was also told that digitizing would happen of all manuscripts, if that completes, this library will be a landmark. 8. F.kh.Rg;gukzpad;> tl;l tsHr;rp mYtyH (Xa;T) GJf;Nfhl;il khtl;lk;-622003 ehs; 9-112008 murpdH fPo;j;jpirr; Rtbfs; E}yfj;jpw;F Xiyr; Rtb Ma;tpw;fhf te;Njd;. njhy;ypay; Jiwapd; fPo; ,af;fg;gl;L> E}y;fs;> VLfs; ghJfhf;fg;gl;L tUtJ Fwpj;J ghuhl;Lfis njhptpj;Jf; nfhs;fpNwd;. Ma;thsH> Njb fz;L gpbj;J ntspapLtjw;F ,J Nghd;w njhy;ypay; E}yfk; xU Ma;T ngl;lfkhf tpsq;FfpwJ. muRf;Fk; ,q;F gzpGhpAk; fhg;ghl;rpaH kw;Wk;
9. vd;.rp.NrhkRe;juk;> neLQ;rhiy Muha;r;rp epiya E}yfk;> (Xa;T) Nfhlk;ghf;fk;> nrd;id-24 ehs; 11.11.2008 kpfTk; mw;Gjkhf gz;ila E}y;fs;> Rtbfs; guhkhpf;fg;gLtJ Fwpj;J kpf;f Mj;k jpUg;jpailfpNwd;. ghthzH E}yfk; Nghd;w tl;lhu E}yfq;fspy; vy;yhk; 1980f;F Kw;gl;l E}y;fs; vy;yhk; ,y;yhky; ,Uf;Fk; epiyapy; ,q;F kpfg; gioa E}y;fs; ,Ug;gjhy; Ma;thsHfSf;F kpf;f NgUjtpahf ,Uf;fpwJ. 10. T.Murugan & K.M.Subramaniam, Lecturers, History wing, Annamalai University. Dated 20-11-2008. We are satisfied with the Library since the office staff co-ordinate to access materials for my Ph.D. thesis. The books are so arranged as to get them easily. I extend my sincere thanks for the same 11. G+ir.r.Ml;rpypq;fk;> MrphpaH rptRe;jhp> rptkQ;rhp> Mo;thHNgl;il> nrd;id-18. ehs; 15-12-2008 mhpa jkpo;r; Rtbfspd; jpUf;NfhapyhfTk; ru];tjp fsp eldk; GhpAk; Gj;jf NrhiyahfTk; tpsq;Fk; fPo;j;jpirr; Rtb E}yfk; fz;L kfpo;e;Njd;. rPhpa nja;tg; gzpahf gzpahw;Wk; mYtyH fz;L csk; kfpo;e;Njd;
12. lhf;lH ,uhjh nry;yg;gd;> (Nguh.v];. itahGhp gps;isatHfspd; Ngj;jp) rpwg;Gepiy NguhrphpaH> ghujpjhrd; gy;fiy;ffofk;> jpUr;rpuhg;gs;sp-620024. ehs; 29-109 fPo;j;jpirr; Rtbfs; E}yfj;ij ,d;W ghHj;J kpfTk; kfpo;e;J nefpo;e;J NghNdd;. ,jd; fhg;ghl;rpaH jpU re;jpuNkhfd; mtHfs; ,e;j E}yfj;jpd; Xiyr; Rtb gphptpidf; fhl;baJk; xU Myaj;jpw;Fs; Eioe;jJ Nghd;w czHT Vw;gl;lJ. ,e;j E}yfk; jkpOf;fhf> jkpo; ghJfhg;gpw;fhfr; nra;Ak; gzp kfj;jhdJ. Rtbfs; mtw;iw ghJfhf;Fk; Kiw> mtw;iw gb vLj;J itj;Js;s Kiw vy;yhk; gpukpg;ig Vw;gLj;jpaJ. ek; jkpo; fUT+yq;fisg; ghJfhj;J midtUf;Fk; gad;gLk; tifapy; ,e;j E}yfk; jkpo; gzpia ghuhl;bajpy; kpFe;j kfpo;r;rp milfpNwd;. jkpo; Ngufuhjpg;
gjpg;ghrphpaH Muha;r;rp mwpQH Nguh. itahGhpg; gps;isatHfspd; Ngj;jp vd;fpw epiyapy; ,e;E}yfj;jpd; jkpo;r; Nritiag; ghuhl;b kfpo;fpNwd;.
13. Dr.T.S.Sridhar, I.A.S., Principal Secretary and Commissioner, Archaeology and Museum, Government of Tamil Nadu dated 1-2-2009. ,d;iwa jpdk; m.fP.R. E}yfk; (k) Ma;T ikak; ghHitaplg;gl;lJ. tha;e;j gy Xiy kw;Wk; jhs; Rtbfs; rpwg;ghf ,q;Nf rpwe;j goik
ntspehLfspypUe;Jk;> CHfspypUe;Jk; Ma;thsHfs; ,q;Fs;s mhpa Mtzq;fis gbf;f tUfpwhHfs;. ek; ehl;bd; njhy;ypa fyhrhuj;ijg; Ngzpf; fhg;gjpy; ,e;j E}yfk; ngUk; gq;F tfpf;fpwJ. Mtz ghJfhg;G Kiwapy; gy GJikfis ,q;Nf eilKiwg;gLj;jp Ma;thsHfSf;F mhpa Nrit nra;ag;gLfpwJ. NkYk; ,jid nrk;ikg;gLj;j kj;jpa khepy muRfs; Kidg;Gld; gy jpllq;fis jPl;bAs;sd. ehl;bNyNa xU Kd; khjphp E}yfkhf jpfo;tjpy; ngU kfpo;r;rp Vw;gLfpwJ. NkYk;> ,g;;gzp rpwf;f ,q;Fs;s midj;J mYtyHfSf;Fk; vdJ ghuhl;Lfis njhptpj;Jf; nfhs;fpNwd;;.
14. KidtH mu.tre;jfy;ahzp> fy;ntl;lha;thsH / gjpT mYtyH (ngh) / gapw;WeH> njhy;ypay; Jiw> nrd;id. ehs; 16-2-2009 mwptpd; rpd;dkhf tpsq;fpaJ Xiyr; Rtb vd;gJ ek; Kd;NdhH ekf;fspj;J nrd;w rpw;gq;fs;> Xtpaq;fs;> nrg;Gj;jpUNkdpfs; topawpfpNwhk;. Qhdj;jpd; Cw;whfg;
Nghw;wg;gLk; flTshpd; iffspy; Xiyr; Rtbfs; fhl;lg;gl;bUf;Fk;. vdNt Xiyr; Rtbfs; ve;nje;jr; rpw;gq;fspd; iffspy; fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sdNth mit mwptpd;ghw;gl;lit vd mwpfpNwhk;. ,t;Nthiyr; Rtbfisr; Nrfhpj;J itf;Fk; ,lk; Nfhapy;fspy; ,Ue;Js;sd. ,d;Dk;
miof;fg;gl;Ls;sd. jpy;iy> jpUtuq;fk; Mfpa ,lq;fspy; ,it kpfr; rpwg;ghfr; nray;gl;Ls;sd vd;gijf; fy;ntl;Lfshy; mwpfpNwhk;. ,d;W mit ,Ue;jpUe;jhy; vg;gb Ngzg;gl;bUf;Fk; vd;w tuyhW vdNt ,e;j ru];tjp gz;lhuk; (E}y; epiyak;) gw;wp
tuyhw;Wg; Nghf;fpy; tpsf;f ekf;F mUikahd mhpjhd mz;ikf; fhy ru];tjp gz;lhuk; xd;W nrd;idapy; nray;gl;Lf; nfhz;bUf;fpwJ. vj;jid Rtbfs;> vj;jid fhfpj E}w;fs; fhg;ghw;wg;gl;L tuyhw;iw vLj;jpak;gpf; nfhz;L ,Uf;Fk; ,e;jf; fPo;j;jpir Xiyr; Rtbfs; E}yfNk xU tuyhW vdpy; kpifay;y. gs;spfs;> fy;Y}hpfspy; gapYk; khztHfis mioj;J te;J mwpTr; Rw;Wyh vd kfpo;e;J nry;yyhk;. ,e;E}yfj;ij midtUk; xU KiwahtJ fz;L gaDw Ntz;Lk;. tho;f! ,jd; gzp Nkd; NkYk; rpwf;f vd; tho;j;Jfs;.
15.Smt.A.K.Chandra, Lecturer, Presidency College date 19-2-2009 Here in this library all the staff members are very friendly and the books are neatly maintained. It is a new experience to be in front of Goddess Sarasvathi in the form of Manuscripts. 16. S.Kaliaperumal, Professor (Retired), Govt. Arts College, Thiruvarur dated 11-3-2009 A treasure house of the knowledge of the past. I feel proud to visit here. By visiting and going through the scripts stored here, we not only know the glorious life and culture of our forefathers, but also do certain good things to the betterment of the Tamil society. 17. G.N.Narasimha Murthy, Secretary, Kannada Ganaka Panishat, Bangalore-560018 date 19-3-2009 The institution is doing an exemplary service to researchers and
academicians . It is very helpful in referring to our past. I wish the institute continue to serve the public more efficient manner.
18. K. Periaiah, I.P.S., Deputy Commissioner of Police, Flower Bazaar, Chennai-1 dated 22-3-2009. I have visited the Oriental Manuscript Library and Research Centre;
Met the Curator Mr.Chandramohan and staff, it is a pleasant experience and I am glad to know that our heritage, culture and tradition are well maintained. It is glad to know that all the palm leaves writing are being published as books at this centre. The rich culture, history of Tamil Nadu and other language are brought to book. The centre is doing an excellent service. I wish them all success.
19. A.Raju, District Revenue Officer (Retired) Chennai-88 dated 25-3-2009 Today in connection with reading of one of the manuscript in palmleaf held by our family. I met the Curator of Oriental Manuscripts Library, Chennai
University Complex. He helped me well and guided the ways and means to get the manuscript to maintain properly in future.
20. KidtH ,uh.fz;zd;> jkpo; NguhrphpaH> khepy fy;Y}hp> ehs; 31-3-2009 fPo;j;jpir E}yfk; mhpa jkpo; E}y;fspd; fsQ;rpakhfj; jpfo;fpwJ. Ma;thsHfSf;F md;Gld; top fhl;Lk; fhg;ghl;rpaH cs;spl;l ,e;E}yfg; gzpahsHfs; Nghw;Wjw;F chpNahH jkpo; tho ,j;jF E}yfq;fs; murhy; NkYk; GJg;gpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
21. Dr. M.A.Venkatakrishnan, Professor & Head, Department of Vaishnavism, University of Madras The greatest treasures of Indian Heritage is very well maintained and preserved in this library. I am a regular visitor of this Library for more than 20 years and this is the only library which user friendly. The present Curator is very helpful and friendly towards all the visitors. At the same time he takes utmost care to preserve
22. T.jq;fNty;> jKvfr khepy Jizr; nrayhsH> <NuhL ehs; 22-6-2009 ,e;j E}yfk; ekJ gz;ghl;Lg; Gijay;. ,ijg; ghJfhf;Fk; mUk; gzp jq;fSilaJ. ,JTk; ehl;Lf;fhd jpahfg; gzpNa.
23. Dr.S.Sankaranarayanan, Hon. Director, The Adyar Library & Research Centre Date 28-6-2009 I visited this Govt. Oriental Manuscripts Library. I am happy that the books & manuscripts kept neatly and made easily available for visiting researchers. It will be nice of more Pandits, good scholars are appointed as Pandits. Some good number of the post seems to be vacant. 24. Nrhjpl Ma;thsHfs; MH.nry;tk;> GQ;ir Gspak;gl;b> v];. NfhghyfpU\;zd;> #Y}H> vd;.fhspKj;J> NrhkD}H. ehs; 7-7-2009 ,e;j E}yfj;jpy; vq;fsJ Ma;Tf;F Njitahd E}y;fis vq;fsJ ghHitf;F nfhLj;J cjtpdhHfs;. ey;y fdpthd rphpj;j Kfj;Jld; vq;fSf;F vy;yhtpj jfty;fisAk; nrhy;yp goikahd Nrhjpl Rtbfis fhl;b Fwpg;ngLf;f vq;fSf;F cjtp Ghpe;jdH. jpU re;jpuNkhfd; Iah mtHfs; vy;yhtpj cjtpfisAk; nra;J vq;fsJ Ma;Tf; Fwpg;GfisAk; ghHit nra;a cjtp nra;J nfhLj;jhHfs;. E}yf cjtpahsHfSk; ey;y Kiwapy; cjtp nra;J nfhLj;jhHfs;.
25. u. rq;fNk];tud;> tphpTiuahsH> muRf; fiyf; fy;Y}hp> (tuyhw;Wj;Jiw) f&H-5 ehs; 12-72009 ,r;Rtb E}yfj;jpy; gy tuyhw;W nghf;fp\q;fis fz;L tpae;Njd;. Kiwapy; Kiwahf guhkhpj;J tUtJ kpfTk; Nghw;Wjw;FhpaJ. mtw;iw chpa
fhg;ghl;rpaH (ngh) jpU ,u.re;jpuNkhfd; mtHfs; vdJ Ma;Tf;F Njitahd Mtzq;fis mtNu Neubahf vLj;Jf; nfhLj;jJ mtuJ MHtj;ijAk; vd;idg; Nghd;w Ma;thsHfSf;F NgUjtpahf mike;jJ. NkYk; CopaHfspd; fdpthd ftdpg;Gk; Ma;Tf;fhf gy tuyhw;Wg; Gijay;fis mwpa mq;F tuj; J}z;LfpwJ