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Endurance Training (NSCA)

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Issue 7.2 March / April 2008 www.nsca-lift.org


erformance ournal


Power Training For Endurance Athletes David Sandler, MS, CSCS,*D Training For the Half Marathon Chris Crawford, MS, NSCA-CPT

about this



NSCAs Performance Training Journal is a publication of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Articles can be accessed online at www.nsca-lift. org/perform. All material in this publication is copyrighted by NSCA. Permission is granted for free redistribution of each issue or article in its entirety. Reprinted articles or articles redistributed online should be accompanied by the following credit line: This article originally appeared in NSCAs Performance Training Journal, a publication of the National Strength and Conditioning Association. For a free subscription to the journal, browse to www.nsca-lift.org/perform. Permission to reprint or redistribute altered or excerpted material will be granted on a case by case basis; all requests must be made in writing to the editorial ofce. NSCA Mission As the worldwide authority on strength and conditioning, we support and disseminate researchbased knowledge and its practical application, to improve athletic performance and tness. Talk to us Share your questions and comments. We want to hear from you. Write to Performance Training Editor, NSCA, 1885 Bob Johnson Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906, or send email to jdawes@nsca-lift.org. The views stated in the NSCAs Performance Training Journal are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reect the positions of the NSCA.


erformance ournal


Editorial Ofce

1885 Bob Johnson Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 Phone: +1 719-632-6722 Editor Keith Cinea, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D Acting Editor Jay Dawes, MS, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, *D email: jdawes@nsca-lift.org Sponsorship Information Richard Irwin email: rirwin@nsca-lift.org

Editorial Review Panel

Scott Cheatham, DPT, OCS, ATC, CSCS, NSCA-CPT Jay Dawes, MS, CSCS, NSCA-CPT,*D Meredith Hale-Grifn, MS, CSCS Michael Hartman, MS, CSCS,*D Mark S. Kovacs, MEd, CSCS Brian Newman, MS, CSCS Matthew Rhea, PhD, CSCS David Sandler, MS, CSCS,*D Brian K. Schilling, PhD, CSCS Mark Stephenson, ATC, CSCS,*D David J. Szymanski, PhD, CSCS,*D Chad D. Touchberry, MS, CSCS Joseph M. Warpeha, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D

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David Sandler MS, CSCS,*D

Power is a critical component of most sports; however it is often overlooked by endurance athletes. In this article learn how to implement explosive drills and exercises into a comprehensive training program to help improve endurance performance.

Power Training for Endurance Athletes

for the 15 Training Half-Marathon

Chris Crawford, MS, NSCA-CPT

This article focuses on developing and structuring an effective training program for runners looking to make the jump from 5k and 10 k races to the Half-Marathon distance.


Kyle Brown, CSCS

In the Gym Periodization & Specicity: Resistance Training and Endurance Athletes

Table 19 Training Avoiding Sport Beverage

Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD, NSCA-CPT,*D

Blunders: Which One is Right for You?

Many endurance athletes fail to realize their full potential by avoiding resistance training. In this article, the benets of engaging in a periodized training program for the endurance athlete will be discussed.

Learn some common mistakes athletes make when selecting postrecovery drinks and discover which drinks may help you more effectively reach your goals.

table of

Ounce of Prevention Training Tips to Help Triathletes Reduce Overuse Injuries

Mind Games 21 Strive for Quality

Suzie Tuffey Riewald, PhD, NSCA-CPT,*D

In this column, learn strategies to help you consistently make training a physical, technical and mental endeavor and prepare yourself for competition.

Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

This article presents several training tips and strategies to assist the triathlete in minimizing their likelihood of injury during training and competition


G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA

Fitness Frontlines

The latest news from the eld on improving aerobic power, using daily heart rate variability to guide endurance training, and how upper body explosive strength impacts crosscountry skiing performance.

nscas performance training journal www.nsca-lift.org volume 7 issue 2

In the Gym
about the AUTHOR
Kyle Brown is a health and tness expert whose portfolio includes everything from leading workshops for Fortune 500 companies and publishing nutrition articles in topranked tness journals, to training celebrity clientelefrom pro athletes to CEOs to multiplatinum recording artists. Kyles unique approach to health and tness emphasizes nutrition and supplementation as the foundation for optimal wellness. After playing water polo for Indiana University, as well as in London, Kyle became involved in bodybuilding and tness for sportspecic training. Kyle is the creator and Chief Operating Ofcer for FIT 365Complete Nutritional Shake (www.t365.com).

Kyle Brown, CSCS

Periodization & Specicity: Resistance Training and Endurance Athletes

any endurance athletes frown upon lifting weights because they fear it will make them too bulky and slow them down. Still others believe its acceptable as long as it involves low weight and high repetitions. The truth is neither of these statements is correct. Whether or not resistance training is benecial for endurance athletes is more about periodization and specicity than anything else. During an endurance activity, you are contracting your muscles at a low to moderate force repeatedly for a long duration. Resistance training, especially strength and power training, involves just the opposite: high intensity and high force output for a short duration. On paper, it would seem that intermingling the two types of training would be of no benet, or are even counterproductive. Yet modern science has proven that implementing resistance training programs into endurance athlete training protocols can be highly eective as long as periodization and specicity are taken into consideration (1). Specicity refers to ensuring your program is customized to your unique needs. Many people think performing 2 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions using light to moderate weights is best for endurance athletes. However, this type of training does not necessarily condition the neuromuscular system for long distance events (1). Conversely, strength training should be the foundation for any endurance athletes program. This makes sense because the greater an athletes maximal strength, the greater their potential for strength endurance by improving the amount of force they are able to apply for a prolonged period of time (1). Distance athletes need to have adequate strength-endurance to avoid the deterioration of their form as they begin to fatigue (4). Heavy strength training has also been shown to improve exercise economy in endurance athletes (2). The term exercise economy is used to express the oxygen consumption required to perform a given exercise workload, whether it be spinning, running, or any other endurance activity (2). Moreover, strength imbalances and lack of exibility are two reasons why endurance athletes get injured(3). Training to improve overall strengthand increase exibilityis fundamental to any endurance athletes resistance training program. Timing is everything when it comes to incorporating resistance training programs for endurance athletes. Periodization is an organized approach to training that involves progressive cycling of various aspects of a training program during a specic period of time (3). The best time to begin a resistance training program is in the o-season. This is because in the short-term, incorporating resistance training may decrease performance in ones sport. This can come from muscle soreness as well as having to adapt neuromuscular control due to rapid increases in strength (3). However, honing your endurance sport skills as you adapt to your newfound strength will limit this potential side eect (4). Periodization is also important to decrease the likelihood of overtraining. Endurance athletes need to nd a balance between high volume training and required rest and recovery. Tips for incorporating resistance training into the endurance athletes training program: 1. Taper o (reduce) your resistance training immediately before your endurance event 2. Dont start a new resistance training program while in-season 3. Perform your resistance training before your endurance training, so technique is not signicantly compromised due to fatigue. 4. Perform your resistance training on your lighter, lower intensity days 5. Incorporate full body workouts performing bilateral movements that create symmetry, enhance exibility, and improve your overall strength 6. Make sure you continue to focus on honing your endurance-sport skills while incorporating a resistance training program

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In the Gym
1. Hoff J, A Gran, and J Helgerud. Maximal strength training improves aerobic endurance performance. Scand J Med Sci Sports. Oct;12(5):288 295. 2002 Daniels J. A physiologists view of running economy. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 17, 332 338. 1985 Fleck SJ and WJ Kraemer. Designing Resistance Training Programs: 3rd Edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 7 8, 161. 2004 Tanaka H, DL Costill, R Thomas, WJ Fink, and JJ Widrick. Dry-land resistance training for competitive swimming. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 25, 952 959. 1993.

Periodization and Specificity




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Ounce of Prevention
about the AUTHOR
Jason Brumitt is a board-certied sports physical therapist, certied athletic trainer, and a Certied Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He is an instructor of physical therapy for Pacic University in Hillsboro, Oregon. To contact the author email him at jbrumitt72@hotmail.com.

Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

Training Tips to Help Triathletes Reduce Overuse Injuries

he triathlon is arguably the most physically demanding endurance sport. Competitive triathletes report training up to 20 hours per week when preparing for a competition (3, 7). The repetitive motions experienced during training increases the triathletes risk of sustaining an overuse injury. Almost 50% of triathletes will experience a sport-related injury that will aect their ability to train or will require them to seek medical attention (1).

The Training Program

The program presented in this article utilizes several exercises that combine 2 or more muscle groups (see page 8). Adopting this program (or at least some of the exercises) will allow the triathlete to train several muscles or muscle groups in a short training session. The abdominal brace contraction should be performed with each plank exercise. The abdominal brace is a contraction of the abdominal wall musculature with no inward or outward movement of the abdominal wall (4).

Overuse Injuries Experienced by the Triathlete

The joints most vulnerable to injury when training for a triathlon include the knee, the shoulder, and the ankle (1). The onset of a sport-related overuse injury may be due in part to poor or decient strength. For example, sports medicine professionals have identied that weakness in the hips may contribute to hip injuries or other lower extremity injuries (2, 6). Niemuth et al (6) found that injured runners were signicantly weaker in their hips when compared with non-injured runners. The repetitive overhead shoulder motion of the freestyle stroke, combined with scapular and rotator cu muscular weakness, may increase the triathletes risk of developing shoulder pain (9).

The scaption exercise (gure 1) targets the deltoid and the supraspinatus muscles (10). The exercise is performed with arms relaxed at the side and palms facing forward. Begin by raising both arms from the side of the body to shoulder height. The arms should not be raised directly to the side; rather the arms should be elevated in the plane of the scapula.

Side Plank with Shoulder External Rotation

The side plank is an eective core exercise for training the obliques and the transversus abdominis (4). In the side plank pose, position the shoulder and upper arm along the side of the body with the elbow exed to a 90 degree angle. Raise the hand upwards (rotating the shoulder away from the body) to train the portions of the rotator cu (gure 2).

Training Habits of the Triathlete

The majority of the triathletes conditioning program is devoted to training for each event. For example, a sample training program for a competitive triathlete will include swimming 3 days a week (1,500 to 4,000 meters each session), cycling 3 days a week (30 to 100 kilometers each session), and running 5 days a week (8 to 25 km each session) (8). Weight training may help to reduce the athletes risk of sustaining certain overuse injuries. It appears that the typical triathlete has very little time to devote to weight training. It has been reported that the typical triathlete weight training program lasts 30 minutes and is performed only 2 days a week (8).

Three Point Plank with Upper Extremity Movements

Start in a 3-point plank position with one upper extremity free for movement. Horizontally abducting (move away from the body) the arm with the shoulder in external rotation (gure 3) trains the external rotators, the supraspinatus, the middle trapezius, and the rhomboids (5, 10). Extending the shoulder (gure 4) trains the middle trapezius and the posterior deltoid (5, 10). The shoulder row (gure 5) is eective for strengthening the trapezius, the rhomboids, and the posterior deltoid (5, 10).

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Ounce of Prevention
Prone Plank with Lower Extremity Extension
This exercise is eective for training the core musculature and the gluteus maximus. Assume the prone plank position on your forearm and feet (gure 6). The exercise is performed by lifting (extending) the lower extremity 3 to 5 inches o the ground (gure 7).

Training Tips to Help Triathletes Reduce Overuse Injuries

Collins K, M Wagner, K Peterson, and M Storey. Overuse injuries in triathletes: A study of the 1986 Seafair triathlon. Am J Sports Med. 17(6):675 680. 1989. Fredericson M, CL Cookingham, AM Chaudhari, BC Dowdell, N Oestreicher, and SA Sahrmann. Hip abductor weakness in distance runners with iliotibial band syndrome. Clin J Sport Med, 10:169 175. 2000. Korkia PK, DS Tunstall-Pedoe, and N Maffulli. An epidemiological investigation of training and injury patterns in British triathletes. 28(3):191 196. 1994. McGill S. Low back disorders: Evidencebased prevention and rehabilitation. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 2002. Moseley JB Jr, FW Jobe, M Pink, J Perry, and J Tibone. EMG analysis of the scapular muscles during a shoulder rehabilitation program. Am J Sports Med. 20:128 134. 1992. Niemuth PE, RJ Johnson, MJ Myers, and TJ Thieman. Hip muscle weakness and overuse injuries in recreational runners. Clin J Sport Med. 15(1):14 21. 2005.


OToole ML. Training for ultraendurance triathlons. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 21(5): S209 S213. 1989. Park L. Top triathletes reveal their 95 training plans. Triathlete. 131:39 47. 1995. Scovazzo ML, A Browne, M Pink, FW Jobe, and J Kerrigan. The painful shoulder during freestyle swimming. An electromyographic cinematographic analysis of twelve muscles. Am J Sports Med. 19(6):577 582. 1991.

8. 9.


Side Plank with Hip Abduction

This exercise is eective for training the core and the gluteus medius. Once the side plank position is assumed, lift (abduct) the leg o the lower leg (gure 8).



10. Townsend H, FW Jobe, M Pink, and J Perry. Electromyographic analysis of the glenohumeral muscles during a baseball rehabilitation program. Am J Sports Med. 19:264 272. 1991.

The lunge (gure 9) is an excellent exercise for training the muscles of the hips and the quadriceps. Dumbbells may be held in each hand to add resistance. Including these exercises into a comprehensive training program may help to reduce the risk of sustaining an overuse injury. A triathlete may also benet from consulting or training with a certied strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS).


nscas performance training journal www.nsca-lift.org volume 7 issue 2

Ounce of Prevention

Training Tips to Help Triathletes Reduce Overuse Injuries

Triathlete Injury Prevention Training Program

2 3 sets of 15 repetitions Utilize dumbbells with exercises 1 3 and 6, increasing weights as able.

Figure 1. Scaption

Figure 2. Side plank with shoulder external rotation

Figure 3. Three-point plank with shoulder horizontal abduction

Figure 4. Three-point plank with shoulder extension

Figure 5. Three-point plank with shoulder row

nscas performance training journal www.nsca-lift.org volume 7 issue 2

Ounce of Prevention

Training Tips to Help Triathletes Reduce Overuse Injuries

Triathlete Injury Prevention Training Program

2 3 sets of 15 repetitions Utilize dumbbells with exercises 1 3 and 6, increasing weights as able.

Figure 6. Prone plank

Figure 7. Prone plank with hip extension

Figure 8. Side plank with hip abduction

Figure 9. Lunges

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Fitness Frontlines
about the AUTHOR
G. Gregory Haff is an assistant professor in the Division of Exercise Physiology at the Medical School at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. He is a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Associations Research Committee and the USA Weightlifting Sports Medicine Committee. Dr. Haff received the National Strength and Conditioning Associations Young Investigator Award in 2001.

G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS, FNSCA

High Intensity Intervals Improve Aerobic Power More Than Moderate Aerobic Training
Recently research from Norway explored the eects of dierent methods of training that were matched for total work and frequency on markers of aerobic endurance. Forty healthy subjects were assigned to one of four training interventions: 1) long slow distance (LSD) performed for 45 minutes at 70% of maximal heart rate, 2) lactate threshold running (LTR) performed at 85% of maximal heart rate for 24.25 minutes, 3) 15/15 interval training (15INT) in which 47 sets of 15 second intervals performed at 90 95% of maximum heart rate interspersed with 15 seconds of active recovery performed at 70% of maximum heart rate were performed (total time ~23 minutes), and 4) 4 x 4 interval running (4INT) in which four intervals of 4 minutes at 90 95% of max heart rate interspersed with 3 minutes active recovery at 70% maximum heart rate were performed (~28 min). All training was performed 3 days per week for 8 total weeks. Training adaptations such as changes in stroke volume, blood volume, maximal aerobic power (VO2max), and running economy were determined in response to the training period. The highest percent change in aerobic power and stroke volume was noted for the 4INT (VO2max = +7.2%) and the 15INT (VO2max = +5.5%) training groups. The least change in aerobic power was noted in the LSD group. No training induced dierences in blood or hematological responses were noted between the 4 training groups. Additionally, no changes in running economy or lactate threshold were noted between training groups. All groups improved the velocity of running at the lactate threshold (+9.6%). Based upon these results it appears that interval training has a greater potential to improve aerobic power. While the 15INT group produced signicant improvements the authors suggested that the implementation of the 4INT protocol which uses longer intervals is warranted when attempting to improve aerobic power. This recommendation was made based upon the higher increases noted with the 4INT intervention and the ease at which this protocol could be administered. Of particular importance is to note that the 4INT training duration was -17 minutes shorter than the LSD training sessions. Thus when clients or

athletes are attempting to maximize training in shorter durations of time the use of high intensity intervals may be warranted. Helgerud, J, K Hoydal, E Wang, T Karlsen, P Berg, M Bjerkaas, T Simonsen, C Helgesen, N Hjorth, R Bach, and J Ho. Aerobic high-intensity intervals improve VO2max more than moderate training. Med Sci Sports Exerc 39:665 671. 2007.

Can Daily Heart Rate Variability be used to Guide Endurance Training?

The present study was designed to examine the usefulness of daily heart rate variability (HRV) in the individualization of endurance training prescriptions. Theoretically, HRV can be used to guide training. For example when HRV decreases the training stimulus can be decreased, or maintain training intensity when HRV increased or remained the same. Thirty health subjects were divided into three treatment groups: 1) a training group (TRA) performed a 6 minute warm-up and cool down at 65% of maximal heart rate and a 30 minute bout of running at 85% of max heart rate 6 days per week for 4 weeks, 2) the heart rate variability group (HRV) performed either a low training bout (65% of max heart rate), a high training bout (85% of max heart rate), or rested depending upon the daily changes in heart rate variability, and 3) a control group that performed no training. Heart rate variability was measured at changes in the high-frequency R-R interval (Polar S819i) and heart rate (Polar s625x) as measured each morning. The interesting aspect of this investigation was that the daily manipulation of training based upon HRV appeared to result in signicant improvements in endurance performance. The HRV resulted in a signicantly greater improvement in both maximal aerobic power (VO2peak) and maximal running velocity, while the TRA group only improved their maximal running velocity. However, no signicant dierences were noted between treatment groups. Based upon these data the authors concluded that HRV may be a useful tool for guiding training loads in endurance athletes. Kiviniemi, AM, AJ Hautala, H Kinnunen, and MP Tulppo. Endurance training guided individually by daily heart rate variability measurements. Eur J Appl Physiol 101:743 751. 2007.

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Fitness Frontlines
What is the Prevalence of the Female Athlete Triad in Female Triathletes?
The female athlete triad is a multifactorial condition which includes disordered eating, amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation), and osteoporosis. Recently, researchers from the Medical College of Wisconsin examined the prevalence of the female athlete triad in a club triathlon team. Fifteen women participated in this investigation. Disordered eating and menstrual cycle status were evaluated with the use of questionnaires, while occurrence of osteoporosis was evaluated with the use of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). The results of the investigation revealed that 65% of the athletes were training under a signicant calorie decit. Fifty three percent of the athletes had a decit in carbohydrate intake, 47% of the athletes had insucient fat intake, and 40% of the athletes were decient in protein intake. Additionally, it was determined that 33% of the athletes did not consume enough calcium in their diet. Forty ve percent of the athletes demonstrated signs of amenorrhea. However, the athletes bone mineral density was normal at the lumbar spine and left hip. Based upon these results it appears that female club triathletes are at risk for some of the components of the female athlete triad. When the athletes were questioned about the female athlete triad over half of the athletes were unaware of what the female athlete triad is. The researchers concluded that it is important for female triathletes to be educated about the female athlete triad and appropriate interventions must be taken in order to reduce the prevalence of the disorder. Hoch, AZ, JE Stavrakos, and JE Schimke. Prevalence of female athlete triad characteristics in a club triathlon team. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 88:681 682. 2007. started at 4 m/s performed for 30s then speed was increased to 7 m/s. Speed was then increased by 0.3 m/s every 5 seconds until a maximal speed was achieved. The second test was 1000-m double poling test which required the subjects to complete 1000 m as quickly as possible. The nal test was a 50-m poling testing where the subject was to complete 50-m as fast as they could. Results of this study suggested that 40 repetition test was highly reliable and explained 84% of the variance in 50-m double poling and 61% of the variance seen in the 1000-m double poling test. Specically there was a signicant relationship between maximal upper body power output during the 40 repetition test and 50 and 1000-m sprint performance thus suggesting that utilizing methods to improve upper body strength and power are warranted for cross country skiers. Based upon this data the authors concluded that explosive strength and maximal power are key components to successful sprinting in cross country skiing. Stoggl, T, S Lindinger, and E Muller. Evaluation of an upper-body strength test for the cross-country skiing sprint. Med Sci Sports Exerc 39:1160 1169. 2007.

Upper Body Explosive Strength and Power are Related to Cross Country Skiing Sprint Performance
Recently researchers from Austria examined the relationship between upper body power, strength, and sprint performance over 50 and 1000-m. The rst part of the project was to develop a sport specic strength and power based testing protocol. The second part of the study was designed to evaluate skiing performance and relate performance to the strength and power based tests developed by the researchers. Double poling was simulated with a rollerboard device (weighing 7.5kg) which allowed the athlete to kneel while poling. In this exercise the athlete pulls themselves towards the elevated end of the machine. The rst test performed of the rollerboard was a 4 repetition maximum test which required the athletes to move as fast as possible. After a 3 minute recovery period the athlete performed a 40 repetition test at maximum speeds. Skiing performance was then determined with the use of treadmill and eld tests using roller skiis. The rst treadmill test was a double poling exercise performed at maximal speed. All subjects

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David Sandler, MS, CSCS,*D


Power Training for Endurance Athletes

about the AUTHOR
Dave Sandler, MS, CSCS,*D, is the President and Co-Founder of StrengthPro Inc and StrengthPro Nutrition. Sandler has been a strength and conditioning consultant for more than 18 years and has been working with Base Productions for the critically acclaimed series Fight Science with National Geographic and Sports Science for Fox Sports.

ower is the ultimate combination of the two most fundamental human factors of survival: speed and strength. From the true warrior to the nest athlete to young children, power is quintessential to success. Power by its very denition suggests you cannot go with out, yet it deceives many and is generally considered necessary for contact sport or weightlifting athletes. However, many forget about the positive impact that power has on endurance performance.

eters as well as maximal aerobic power. Power training is also benecial to the endurance athlete for the same reason but for a dierent application. Power training can improve an endurance athletes submaximal strength as well as maximal power. This translates to an easier time running hills, applying quick bursts or improving maximal speed.

Power Defined
Physics denes power as the rate at which work is performed. Human physiology denes power as the ability to generate enough energy to accomplish a specic feat or task in the least amount of time possible. Simply put, if you want to perform better in a specic sport or in daily activities, you should incorporate some form of power training into your workouts. For the endurance athlete this is no exception. In fact, power training may considerably improve running times by enhancing both physiological and mental functions. The very nature of the word endurance suggests that power is not a signicant part of the equation. For power to truly exist, the duration of an activity must be quick in nature, but with endurance, the opposite is true. Since the endurance athlete focuses on many aspects of improving performance through cardiovascular adaptation and improving metabolic eciency, the idea of being explosive eludes many of these athletes. Being more explosive gives the endurance athlete another tool they can utilize during training and competition, such as speed to burst at the end of a race, power to climb a hill, and condence knowing that you have more in the tank if needed.

When Do We Add Power Training?

Since intervals have become common-place in the endurance athletes training program, it may seem wise to add explosive exercises to your daily routine as well. However, power training comes at a cost. High intensity exercise places greater stress on the soft tissue network (such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments) as well as a signicantly higher neurological demand on the central nervous system (1). To combat these stresses, power training should be done in cycles, allowing the athlete plenty of recovery time to focus on other aspects of endurance sports. When adding explosive exercises to your program, they should be done rst after a good warm-up, last no more then about 20 minutes, incorporated no more then twice per week, and cycled o after 3 4 weeks of training. More importantly, explosive exercises should not be done right before a big event, rather, your power training should end 2 weeks before your major competition. For those who compete year round, power exercises should be included in the training program when training for less important events.

What Type of Explosive Exercises Should I Do?

If you have rarely lifted weights in the past, you should stick to the basics, but for those who are more experienced with weight training, power cleans and snatches, provided form is correct, are safe and eective. In general though, you do not want to lose focus of your ultimate goal, which is moving your body on the eld or the course, so this authors recommendation is to focus on bodyweight plyometric applications, lighter medicine ball exercises, and faster pace rep schemes for your general exercises.

Why Power Training?

The obvious connection of explosive training to power sports makes its training for endurance sports seem counter intuitive. The endurance athlete typically spends time doing Long Slow Duration (LSD) training mixed with interval training. Why do intervals? By comparison, it is relatively new to training since people have been running distances for centuries. They are performed in order to improve anaerobic threshold param-

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Power Training Endurance Athletes

Upper Body Day
Exercise Speed/Power/Plyometrics Medicine Ball Chest Pass Medicine Ball Power Drop Plyo Push Up Basic Strength/Hypertrophy Flat Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Press Seated Row Lat Pulldown Overhead Press 3 2 3 2 3 12 10 12 10 10 90 sec 90 sec 90 sec 90 sec 90 sec 4 4 2 6 6 6 1 min 1 min 1 min Sets Reps Rest

Table 1
The following set of workouts are for combining your power and strength exercises into one workout. Each day could be done once or twice per week. If you are looking for a 3 day program, use the workout above, then the following two below.

Lower Body Day

Exercise Speed/Power/Plyometrics Box Jump Split Jump Lateral Hurdle Hops Leg Press (timed for speed) Leg Extension (timed for speed) Basic Strength/Hypertrophy Leg Curl Romanian Deadlift Standing Calf Raise * performed to each side 3 4 3 12 8 15 4 4 3* 3 3 6 6 6 10 12 1 min 1 min 1 min 90 sec 90 sec Sets Reps Rest

What are Plyometrics and Do I Need To Do Them?

Plyometrics, often called Plyos, are a method of training which enhances muscles natural ability to contract more forcefully and rapidly. By decreasing the time and increasing the magnitude of the eccentric to concentric action of muscle (known as the Stretch Shorten Cycle), the athlete improves his or her ability to produce greater force more rapidly, thus improving the overall power of the movement. Plyometric activity utilizes muscles inherent stretch-contract mechanism and over time, improves the rate at

which force is developed. So, yes, even an endurance athlete should perform plyometrics.

Power Training and Workout Pace

First and foremost, before you begin to train power you should make sure you have developed an adequate amount of strength to perform this type of training. While certain strength measures are not feasible, you should be able to perform deep barbell squats, bench presses, and basic pulling exercises. If you have never done these exercises before, power training is not rec

ommended until after at least 8 12 weeks of solid strength training. For those who have established a base level of strength, workout pace will be a key. Although the idea of shorter rest, fast pace workouts are opposite to power training recommendations, for the endurance athlete, ultimate 1 time power is not requested. Power training for the endurance athlete should emphasize more Power-Endurance, rather than maxing power. Endurance athletes will still perform short rep sets of no more then 8 reps, however, rest time should be 60 seconds to no more then 90 seconds between sets (as opposed to the recommendation of 3 5 minutes for power athletes).

nscas performance training journal www.nsca-lift.org volume 7 issue 2


Power Training Endurance Athletes

Exercise for Beginner

Seated Row Leg Press Bench Press Leg Curl Arm Curl Calf Raise Overhead Press Back Extension Triceps Press

15s/ 8 15s/ 6 15s/ 6 15s/ 6 15s/10 15s/15 15s/ 6 15s/ 6 15s/ 10

10s 30s 15s 10s 10s 10s 15s 15s 10s

Modied Exercise for Moderate to Advanced

Bench Pull Speed Squats w/ Bar Bench Press Glute Ham Raise or RDL Arm Curl Calf Jumps for Speed Push Press or Push Jerk Straight Leg Deadlift Dips or Triceps Press

Table 2: Training Circuit

Rest for 2 minutes then perform the above workout for 2 more circuits

The above resistance workout should be performed twice per week for 3 4 weeks provided that a good strength base already exists. To keep time in the gym to a minimum, alternate exercises between upper and lower body after plyometrics. Resistance sets are timed so that all lifts become explosive in nature. Rather then using a controlled slow rep speed, you should look to complete your reps in the time allotted. Plyometrics and power training in general is benecial to everyone, not just power athletes. Improving strength and speed, while maybe less important for the endurance athlete focusing on cardiovascular tness, will improve overall performance. More importantly, the athlete will feel stronger and be more secure in his or her pacing knowing that they have the burst speed and strength when needed. Be careful not to over-do-it, but also make sure to push yourself hard for more profound results.
1. Fleck, SJ, and WJ Kramer. Designing Resistance Programs,2nd Edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1997. 135 142. 1997.


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Training For the Half-Marathon

Chris Crawford, MS, NSCA-CPT

about the AUTHOR

Chris Crawford M.S., NSCA-CPT, is the coowner of 180 Personal Training in Edmond, Oklahoma. He has a Masters degree in exercise science from the University of Central Oklahoma. He has served as an adjunct instructor at the University of Central Oklahoma in the Kinesiology and Health Studies Department.

any recreational runners would like to push themselves beyond the more common 5K to 10K race distance but may not be ready to commit to running a full marathon (26.2 miles). For this reason the half-marathon (13.1 mile) race has become increasingly popular. Some enjoy competing at this distance because the training time required and the physical stress placed on the body is signicantly less than when training for the full-marathon. Whether your goal is to simply nish this 13.1 mile run, or you are striving to set a personal best, it is important to have a properly designed training program to help you meet these goals systematically and safely. It is also important to have a basic understanding of your training program and the factors that inuence performance. The following section will discuss these factors in greater detail.

pleted convert the elapsed time to a decimal form by dividing any seconds by 60, for example if your time was 10 minutes and 25 seconds, you would divide 25/60, and the elapsed time would be 10.42 minutes. Once you have determined the elapsed time, divide 2413.5 by the elapsed time (2413.5/10.42= 231.62) and multiply by 0.2. (231.62x0.2= 46.32). Finally, add 3.5 (49.82) and you will get your estimated VO2 for this test (6)

Lactate Threshold
Although V02 max is an important factor in running performance, lactate threshold may be even more signicant (2).Lactate is a byproduct of glycolysis, or the short term energy system. Distance running primarily uses the aerobic energy system to provide the body with energy, however, when intensity is increased, the glycolic energy system is called upon, and lactic acid is produced as a byproduct. Lactic acid is broken down into lactate, which is further used by the body as energy, and hydrogen ions; which build up on muscular contraction sites leading to fatigue and decreased performance (8). Lactate threshold is the term used to describe the intensity at which the hydrogen ions begin to accumulate to a level that the body is not able to use eciently or clear. This leads to muscle fatigue and decreased performance. A major goal of a training program that is focused on improving running performance should be to increase lactate threshold to a higher percentage of V02 max. Lactate threshold has a signicant inuence on running pace. A higher lactate threshold allows the runner to sustain a faster pace without becoming reliant on the glycolic energy system. Similar to V02max, one of the most eective ways to increase lactate threshold is to train at an intensity or pace close to this level. For distance runners, this typically ranges from 75 to 90% of V02 max, depending on their current level of tness (3).

Performance Factors
Maximal Aerobic Power (V02 max)
The major factors that inuence a runners ability to improve their performance are maximal aerobic power (V02 max), lactate threshold, and running economy. V02 max is the maximal amount of oxygen that can be taken in and utilized by the working muscles. There is a high correlation between V02 max and performance (2), therefore; the higher the V02 max a runner has, the greater the potential for success. Many believe that one of the most eective ways to increase this factor for experienced runners is to run at an intensity or pace close to or equal to VO2 max (6). There are numerous ways to determine VO2 max, however most of them require specialized equipment or must be done in a laboratory setting. For this reason, a more cost eective alternative is to perform the 1.5 mile Run Test and estimate your predicted VO2 max. In order to perform this test you need a stopwatch and a standard mile track (to ensure the accurate distance is used). To conduct this test simply record the amount of time it takes you to run or run/walk 1.5 miles. Once com-

Running Economy
Running economy is the nal physiological factor discussed that can inuence a runners performance. This term is used to describe the energy cost of running. For

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Training For the Half-Marathon

example, those with good running economy expend less energy, or require less oxygen for a given running pace than those with poor economy. When training to improve V02 max or lactate threshold there is a given intensity or pace that serves as a reference point. Improving running economy is a more abstract approach. The idea is that by improving several factors, such as biomechanics (running form/posture), cardiovascular eciency (the ability of the heart and lungs to transport oxygen to muscles), muscular strength, endurance, and power, the runner will become more ecient, therefore expending less energy. but faster than the pace of the easy and long runs, and sustainable for at least 20 minutes. The duration of the tempo runs will range from 30 to 45 minutes. These should begin at easy run pace for 5 minutes before increasing to 10K pace and end with 5 minutes of easy run pace. The duration listed in the program includes this warmup and cool-down period.

Hill Running
The addition of hill training during half-marathon preparation is important for several reasons. From a practical standpoint, during a race you will inevitably encounter hills so in order to be adequately prepared you must spend time training on them. Running hills also improves functional strength (4). If performed properly, hill training can also help improve running economy. Any area with moderate sized hills will usually be sucient for this method of training. However, if the race you are training for contains more signicant hills, you may want to implement similar terrain in some of your training. When Hill training, make certain you do not make the mistake of sprinting downhill as this increases the likelihood of experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness due to the forceful elongation of muscle bers in the lower extremities. Conversely, it is also important to avoid putting on the breaks when running downhill, as this will cause a signicant jarring eect on foot strike, also accentuating the amount of stress the body must endure.

Interval Runs
Interval training is often necessary to increase V02 max in more experienced runners (5). This type of training allows you to run at a faster pace for a greater amount of time than would be possible if running continuously. Interval runs are included in the advanced program. In order to prepare for an interval begin with an easy run of 800 meters to a mile, followed by a few 100 meter runs at tempo pace. The advanced program involves 800 meter runs separated by rest periods of walking. The rest periods should be at least half the distance covered in the interval (6).

Types of Training
Long Runs
Long runs are used to build endurance in the cardiovascular and muscular systems, and progressively train the body to become more ecient at utilizing oxygen. These positive changes improve running economy and increases V02 max in the less experienced runner (6). Both running programs (beginner and advanced) contain one long run each week on Saturday. These runs should be at a slow, comfortable pace allowing you to carry on a conversation. For those wearing a heart rate monitor this is typically 65 80% of maximal heart rate. The distance of these runs progresses from 5 to 12 miles in the beginner program and 5 to 14 miles in the advanced program.

Cross Training
Implementing another type of training activity into your program is referred to as cross training. Cross training may reduce the likelihood of overuse injuries because it shifts the stress of training to dierent muscle groups, or stresses the same muscles used during running in a slightly dierent way (2). Aerobic cross training allows you to decrease your weekly mileage by replacing it with conditioning that helps maintain tness level while enhancing recovery (3). Low impact cross training can encourage faster recovery than sedentary behavior (4). Any activity other than running that elevates your body above the resting levels for an extended period of time could be considered cross training. Examples include swimming, biking, water jogging, rowing, or strength training. While cross training it is important to remember that the purpose of this activity is to promote recovery and not push your limits, thus a low- intensity and duration should be maintained.

Although recovery takes place with low intensity activity having a day of complete rest that does not involve any type of structured activity is suggested. Both programs include a rest day immediately prior to the long run.

Putting it All Together

The beginner program is designed for individuals with the goal of completing the run regardless of pace or time. Before attempting this program it is suggested that you have some experience running and have a current training base of at least 10 15 miles per week. The advanced program is intended for those wanting to improve their performance based on previous competitions. To participate in this program it is recommended that the runner currently have a base of at least 10 15 miles per week and be able to accurately judge their 5k and 10k pace in order to get the most out of tempo and interval runs. The following are examples of 16-week training plans for the half-marathon, however, it is impor-

Easy Runs
Easy runs make up the majority of the training in the beginner program. These runs are done at a low intensity, which allows the aerobic (oxidative) energy system to supply a steady amount of energy to the working muscles. Easy runs are also used to recover from the more strenuous workouts in the advanced program. The intensity of an easy run should be done at a conversation pace.

Tempo Runs
Tempo paced running is a method of increasing lactate threshold; which will allow you to increase your race pace and run for a longer duration of time. The intensity of a tempo run should be equal to or slightly lower than lactate threshold,

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Training For the Half-Marathon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min RACE DAY

2m 2m 3m 3.5m 3.5m 3.5m 4m 4m 4m 4.5m 4.5m 4.5m 5m 5m 5m 3m

CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min

2m 2m 3m 3m 3m Hill Run -20min Hill Run -20min 3m Hill Run - 20min Hill Run - 20min 3m Hill Run - 30min Hill Run - 30min 3m Hill Run - 30min 3m

2m 2m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 3m 2m

Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest

5m 5.5m 6m 6.5m 7m 7.5m 8m 8.5m 9m 9.5m 10m 10.5m 11m 11.5m 12m Rest

Table 1
ER = Easy Run CT = Cross Train m = Mile

tant to listen to your body. If you start to notice signicant reductions in performance or seem to have more diculty recovering from your training runs than normal, occasionally adding an easy run or rest day to the training program may help reduce injury risk and the signs and symptoms of overtraining rather than trying to simply push through the fatigue.


Anderson T. Biomechanics and running economy. Sports Medicine, 22 (2): 76 89. 1996. Baechle TR and RW Earle. Essentials of strength and conditioning. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 497. 2000. Beck K. Run Strong. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 45 47. 2005 Galloway, J. Galloways Book on Running. 2nd ed. Bolinas, CA: Shelter Publications. 27, 29, 73. 2002


Hagerman, P. Fitness Testing 101: A Guide for Personal Trainers and Coaches., United States of America. 22 23. 2001. Midgley AW, LR McNaughton, and M Wilkerson. Is there an optimal training intensity for enhancing the maximal oxygen uptake of distance runners? Empirical research ndings,current opinions, physiological and practical recommendations. Sports Medicine, 36 (2). 117 132. 2006. Wilmore JH and DL Costill. Physiology of Sport and Exercise (3rd Ed.). Champaign, IL. Human Kinetics, 124 125. 2004.



3. 4.


nscas performance training journal www.nsca-lift.org volume 7 issue 2


Training For the Half-Marathon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min Walk/ER - 30 min RACE DAY

TR - 30 min TR - 30 min TR - 30 min TR - 30 min TR - 30 min TR - 30 min TR - 45 min TR - 45 min TR - 45 min TR - 45 min TR - 45 min TR - 45 min TR - 45 min TR - 45 min TR - 45 min TR - 30 min

CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min CT - 30 min


3m - ER

Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest

5m 5.5m 6m 6.5m 7m 7.5m 8m 9m 10m 11m 12m 13m 14m 12m 10m Rest

Table 2
ER = Easy Run TR = Tempo Run CT = Cross Train IR = Interval Run m = Mile

IR - 4/800 meters 3m - ER IR - 4/800 meters 3m - ER 6m - ER 3m - ER

Hill Run - 20min 3m - ER Hill Run - 20min 3m - ER IR - 6/800 meters 3m - ER IR - 6/800 meters 3m - ER 6m - ER 3m - ER

Hill Run - 30min 3m - ER Hill Run - 30min 3m - ER IR - 8/800 meters 3m - ER IR - 8/800 meters 3m - ER 6m - ER 3m - ER

Hill Run - 30min 3m - ER 3m 3m - ER

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Training Table
about the AUTHOR
Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD, NSCACPT is a faculty member at the University of Massachusetts Boston and adjunct lecturer at Simmons College. Debra is the President and Co-founder of Sensible Nutrition, Inc. (www.sensiblenutrition. com), a consulting rm established in 1994 that provides nutrition services to athletes, individuals, universities, corporate wellness programs and nonprot groups. Debra is certied as a Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) through The American Dietetic Association. Her sport nutrition handouts and free weekly email newsletter are available online at www. sensiblenutrition.com. Kristine Welch is a certied personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine and currently completing a dietetic internship to become a registered dietitian. Her focus and interest is preventative health and nutrition.

Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD, NSCA-CPT,*D and Kristine Welch

Avoid Sport Beverage Blunders: Which One is Right For You?

ports drinks are a concentration of water, carbohydrates and electrolytes that are designed to replenish athletes energy and uid balance. They are recommended to hydrate athletes involved in sustained, intense exercise lasting longer than one-hour to mainly add carbohydrates for energy (1). Sports drinks add fuel to the muscles for extended exercise or recovery of muscle glycogen after exercise (3). The goal of drinking during exercise is to prevent dehydration, considered >2% uid loss in body weight (1), which ultimately hinders performance. Electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, are commonly added to sports drinks to replace losses from sweating. Sodium is the main electrolyte lost in sweat and replacement is necessary for athletes participating in prolonged exercise of three hours or more (marathons, triathlons, etc.) for prevention of hyponatremia or water intoxication(5). Hyponatremia occurs when too much water is consumed, dangerously lowering sodium and potassium levels. The replacement of electrolytes lost during exercise of less than 3 hours can be met through meals consumed post exercise, not necessarily through a sports drink (3). People that workout less than one hour should drink plain water for hydration (1). If plain water does not suit you, enhanced water or water with added avors are good substitutes. Try mixing water with a few ounces of juice for avor. Sodium in these drinks could provide benet because it stimulates thirst, resulting in rehydration (5). The carbohydrate recommendation for sports drinks is to provide 30 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour (1). Drinks that contain 60 80 calories per 8 ounces supply the needed carbohydrates required for continuous performance to prevent muscle fatigue. Ideally, the best way to refuel carbohydrates is with a combination of sugars (ex: glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltodextrine) and the concentration should be 6 8% carbohydrate (or 14.2 18.9 grams per 8 oz.), as highly concentrated carbohydrate beverages are shown to reduce gastric emptying and can even produce stomach upset (3). Furthermore, fructose should not be the main carbohy-

drate source during exercise because it is converted too slowly into an energy source and can cause gastrointestinal distress (1). Many sports drinks now contain added protein. These drinks provide a 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio designed to increase endurance and sports performance. A 2006 study published by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that adding 2% protein to a 6% carbohydrate drink provided no additional performance benet during sports activity in which athletes normally compete (2). The additional protein provides greater caloric intake during exercise and recovery which may account for any improvements seen in performance (4). However, at this time more research is needed on this subject. Enhanced water is a general term for water that contains additions of avor, color or vitamins and minerals. Enhanced waters (e.g., Gatorades Propel, Glaceaus Vitamin Water, Sobes Life Water, etc.) have less calories and electrolytes than sports drinks and are intended for everyday consumers as well as athletes not participating in intense activity. Are these beverages necessary? No. On the other hand, research shows that children (and adults) will drink more and stay hydrated better if the water is enhanced with avor (6). Although one serving can provide between 10 100% of the DRI for some vitamins, (Table 2), it is possible that these beverages, along with a multivitamin and the nutrients naturally found in foods could bring a persons intake to levels close to or exceeding the upper level recommendations for that nutrient. Drinking enhanced water does help meet uid needs but the vitamins supplied do not substitute for a meal and these drinks do have added calories that are not present in regular water. So if weight loss is the primary goal, drinks like Sobe Life and Vitamin Water which provide 120 150 calories per bottle, will add unnecessary calories. Enhanced waters made with articial sweeteners, such as Propel, provide minimal carbohydrates. Although Propel is more suited for hydrating people trying to lose or

nscas performance training journal www.nsca-lift.org volume 7 issue 2


Training Table
Sports Drink (8 oz serving) Calories
Gatorade 50

Avoid Sports Beverage Blunders

CHO (g)

CHO source
Sucrose, glucosefructose solution High fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin Sucrose Sucrose

Protein (g)

Sodium (mg)

Articial Sweetener

Tables 1 and 2






AllSport Accelerade

65 80

16 15

0 4

54 120

No No

Enhanced Water (8 oz)



CHO source

CHO (g)

Protein (g)

Sodium (mg)

Vitamin C: 10%; Vitamin E: 10%; Niacin: 25%; Vitamin B6: 25%; Vitamin B12: 4%; Pantothenic acid: 25% Vitamin B3:10%, Vitamin B5:10%, Vitamin B6:10%, Vitamin B12:10%, Vitamin C: 60% Vitamin C: 100%; Vitamin E: 20%; Niacin: 10%; Vitamin B6: 10%; Vitamin B12: 10%; Pantothenic acid: 10%

Articial Sweetener

Vitamin Water Sobe Life Water










maintain weight, they are not suited for athletes engaging in long, intense exercise routines. In summary, athletes that exercise intensely for 1 hour or more need additional carbohydrates and uid replacement than simply water alone. Athletes participating in prolonged exercise for 3 hours or more need uid, carbohydrate and electrolyte replacement. Enhanced waters provide hydration, but also calories that can contribute to weight gain if not used in moderation.


American College of Sports Medicine. Exercise and Fluid Replacement. ACSM Position Stand. 2007. Van Essen, M and MJ Gibala. Failure of Protein to Improve Time Trial Performance when Added to a Sports Drink Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38:8. 2006. Nesser, T. The Glycemic Index and Recovery. National Strength and Conditioning Association. NSCAs Performance Training Journal. 6(6); 17 19. 2007.



Romano-Ely, BC and MK Todd. et al. .Effect of Isocaloric Carbohydrate-Protein Antioxidant Drink on Cycling. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise 2006. Vol 38; 1608 16. 2006. Shirreffs, S. Assessment of Fluid and Electrolyte Status. Publication of Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionists. 27(1); 1 4. 2008. Montfort-Steiger, V and CA Williams. Carbohydrate Considerations for Young Athletes. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 6(3); 343 353. 2007.




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Mind Games
about the AUTHOR
Suzie Tuffey Riewald received her degrees in Sport Psychology/ Exercise Science from the University of North Carolina Greensboro. She has worked for USA Swimming as the Sport Psychology and Sport Science Director, and most recently as the Associate Director of Coaching with the USOC where she worked with various sport national governing bodies (NGBs) to develop and enhance coaching education and training. Suzie currently works as a sport psychology consultant to several NGBs.

Suzie Tuffey Riewald, PhD, NSCA-CPT,*D

Strive For Quality

n this column, learn strategies to help you consistently make training a physical, technical and mental endeavor and prepare yourself for competition. We have touched on this subject before in this column but it bears repeatingover and over again, if necessary. This fact struck me as I was talking with an athlete this past week. Hes an elite level athlete with a realistic opportunity to represent his country in the Olympics, which would be the fulllment of a lifelong dream. With this goal within his reach, you would think he would have every reason to be motivated, focused and purposeful about his daily training. Yet, he admittedly struggles with these things, almost on a daily basis. This got me thinking about athletes in generalwhat keeps you going and how can you stay focused and motivated given that this is even a challenge for some of the best athletes in the world. In this column, we are going to take a look at why the notion of purposeful, quality training is so important and identify specic things you can do to enhance your daily training. Well discuss strategies to help you consistently make training a physical, technical and mental endeavor by bringing intensity, eort, purposefulness and quality into the practice arenaqualities that are needed to prepare yourself optimally for when it comes time to compete. And, for the next issue of the PTJ, Im going to call on you to provide further strategies that you have found eective. You may be asking yourself, Why all the fuss, Im training every day. Isnt that enough? A simple answer to this question is No. So much more can be achieved when you train with purpose and intensity (when you integrate the mental with the physical) versus just training (when it is strictly a physical and technical endeavor). For one, intensity and purposefulness in your training today is going to enhance your training today. Quality training will lead to quality performances. To illustrate this, compare two tennis players who both take a hopper of balls out to the court to work on serves. One player pounds out her serves one after the other and gets through the basket of balls as quickly as possible. The second player takes a dierent approach to the same task. She performs her pre-serve routine prior to

every serve and really works on getting full extension as she drives up to the ball, something she has been struggling with recently. Pretty easy to identify the player who is achieving more, isnt it? While they hit the same number of serves, the quality and focus of the practice is drastically dierent. Additionally, intensity and purposefulness in your training will help develop the mental skills important for competition and, thus, enhance your competitive performance. To perform well in competition, one needs to be mentally prepared such as being focused, composed and condent. Just as you train the physical and technical skills that are necessary for performance, you need to train and develop mental skillseective concentration doesnt just happen, it needs to be learned and developed. Mental skills needs to be trained in training to have them for competition. Lets look at ways to bring intensity and purposefulness to training. Well start a list of strategies then continue this in the next Mind Games column. Set a Training Goal. Before each training session, identify one thing that you want to accomplish to bring purpose to your training session. Use Cues to emphasize important points during practice. Rotate, torpedo o the wall, explode, run like a gazelle. Performance cues can help you focus on the process without getting overwhelmed with every little thing you need to do. It is these same performance cues that you bring to competition. Integrate Imagery. Prior to a drill or a repeat, visualize correct execution. This oers you an additional form of practice and imprints success. Be an Athlete. Prior to a training session, make a conscious eort to place stress, worries, thoughts unrelated to your sport aside and commit to being an athlete for the next 1 2 hours. These distracters have a way of creeping into training sessions and taking mental energy away from the task at hand. Strive for Perfection. In talking with a coach, he noted that athletes sometimes fall in the trap of accepting sloppy technique in training yet turning around and demanding perfection in competition.

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mind games
Dont allow this to happen to you. Every day, remind yourself that how you train is how you will compete. Remind Yourself of your competition goals. Sometimes a reminder about why you are training hard every day can enhance daily motivation. Tell yourself that your eort today will pay o at the end of the season. Take a Mental Break. Just as you need rest and recovery days built into a training program, you need a mental break as well. Identify days in your training program where you can allow yourself to rest mentally (i.e., slow, easy days, cross training days). This will keep you mentally fresh.

Strive For Quality

is more than just going through the motions or putting in the time? You have undoubtedly gured out some eective strategies to integrate the mental piece into your training and to bring quality and purposefulness to what you do. I ask you to share these with me so I can share them with others in our next column. Please email me your practical ideas at suzriewald@aol.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call to Action
The suggested strategies for enhancing training (and, thus, competition performances) oer a great start. But, now, it is your turn. Many of you have been training and competing for years and years, even decades. What do you do to bring focus, intensity and quality to your training? How do you structure your training so it



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