The Visual LISP Developers Bible - 2011 Edition

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Kindle Edition Copyright 20022011 David M. Stein. All Rights Reserved. This publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose, without prior explicit written consent and approval of the David M. Stein, hereinafter referred to as Author. The Author makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, regarding these materials and makes such materials available solely on an "ASIS" basis. In no event shall the Author be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of purchase or use of these materials. The sole and exclusive liability to the Author, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the purchase price of the materials described herein. All code examples herein are the original works of the author unless otherwise stated herein. Any similarities to existing code examples by other authors that are not explicitly identified are purely coincidental and unintentional. The Author reserves the right to revise and improve this book or other works as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this technology at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the technology at all times in the future. AutoCAD, AutoLISP, ObjectARX and the Autodesk logo are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. Visual LISP, ACAD, ObjectDBX and VLISP are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Scripting Host, Internet Explorer, ActiveX, .NET, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Visual Studio and Office are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentions throughout this book are the property of their respective holders.

Revision History. 7 About the Author. 8 Introduction. 9 What is Visual LISP?. 9 Comments used Throughout This Book. 10 The Future?. 10 Chapter 1 The Visual LISP Development Environment 11 The Visual LISP IDE Toolbars. 12 Toolbar: STANDARD.. 12 Toolbar: TOOLS. 12 Toolbar: DEBUG.. 13 Toolbar: VIEW... 13 The VLISP IDE PullDown Menus. 13 Menu: FILE.. 14 Menu: EDIT.. 14 Menu: Edit / Extra Commands. 15 Menu: SEARCH.. 16 Menu: VIEW... 16 Menu: PROJECT.. 16 Menu: DEBUG.. 17 Menu: TOOLS. 17 Menu: WINDOW... 18 VLIDE Configuration. 19 General Options. 19 Chapter 2 Basic Coding in Visual LISP. 20 (vlloadcom). 20 Comparing AutoLISP to Visual LISP/ActiveX. 21 Mixing Code. 23 Nesting Object References. 23 Exploring Object Properties and Methods. 24 (vlaxdumpobject object [showmethods]). 25

ActiveX vs. DXF?. 27 Selection Sets. 27 Point Lists. 27 Entity Properties. 28 And the Winner Is.. 30 Chapter 3 Using ActiveX with Visual LISP. 30 Classes. 30 Derivation and Inheritence. 31 Objects. 32 Class Inheritance. 33 Collections and Dictionaries. 33 Properties, Methods and Events. 34 Property Relevance. 35 (vlaxpropertyavailablep object propertyname). 35 (vlaxgetproperty object propertyname) or. 37 (vlagetpropertyname object) or. 37 (vlaxget object propertyname). 37 Using Methods. 38 Data Types. 39 Constants and Enumerations. 40 Variants and Safearrays. 41 Namespaces. 41 Interfaces and Type Libraries. 42 (vlaxtypeinfoavailablep object). 44 Microsoft Office TypeLib Versions. 45 Chapter 4 Debugging Code with Visual LISP. 45 Breakpoints. 46 Stepping. 48 Animation. 48 Watches. 48 Tracing. 49 Inspection. 50 Symbol Service. 50 Apropos. 51

Bookmarks. 53 Goto Line Position. 54 Error Trapping. 54 Visual LISP Error Trapping Functions. 55 (vlcatchallapply function list). 55 (vlcatchallerrorp object). 57 (vlcatchallerrormessage object). 58 (vlexitwitherror message). 58 (vlexitwithvalue value). 58 Chapter 5 Working with Projects and Multiple Files. 59 Chapter 6 Working with Variants and Safearrays. 62 Visual LISP Variant Functions. 62 (vlaxmakevariant [value] [type]). 62 Variant Data Types. 63 (vlaxvarianttype variant). 63 (vlaxvariantvalue symbol). 64 (vlaxvariantchangetype symbol type). 64 Visual LISP SafeArray Functions. 65 (vlaxmakesafearray type dim1 [dim2] ). 65 (vlaxsafearray>list symbol). 65 (vlaxsafearraytype symbol). 65 (vlaxsafearrayfill safearray 'elementvalues). 66 (vlaxsafearraygetelement safearray element [element...]). 66 (vlaxsafearrayputelement safearray element [element...] value). 67 (vlaxsafearraygetdim safearray). 68 (vlaxsafearraygetlbound safearray dim). 68 (vlaxsafearraygetubound safearray dim). 69 Chapter 7 Object Manipulation Functions. 69 (vlaxgetobject program-id). 69 (vlaxcreateobject program-id). 70 (vlaxgetorcreateobject program-id). 70 (vlaxwriteenabledp object). 71 (vlaxobjecterasedp object). 71 (vlaxreleaseobject object). 71

Chapter 8 File and Directory Functions. 71 (vlfilesize filename). 72 (vlfilecopy source-filename target-filename [append]). 72 (vlfiledelete filename). 72 (vlfilerename old-name new-name). 73 (vlfiledirectoryp filename). 73 (vlfilesystime filename). 73 (vlfilenamebase filename). 73 (vlfilenamedirectory filename). 73 (vlfilenameextension filename). 74 (vlfilenamemktemp [pattern directory extension]). 74 (vldirectoryfiles path pattern [mode]). 75 Chapter 9 Iteration and String Functions. 75 (vlaxmapcollection object function). 75 (vlaxfor symbol collection [expression1 [expression2]]). 76 (vlposition item list). 76 (vlevery predicate-function list [list]...). 77 (vlremove element list). 78 (vlstringsearch pattern string [start-position]). 78 (vlstring>list string). 79 (vlstringelt string position). 79 (vlgetresource filename). 79 (vlstringtrim chars string). 80 (vlstringlefttrim chars string). 80 (vlstringrighttrim chars string). 80 (vlstringmismatch string1 string2 [position1 position2 ignore-case]). 81 (vlstringposition character-code string start-position [from-end]). 81 (vlstringsubst new-pattern old-pattern string [start]). 82 (vlstringtranslate source-set destination-set string). 83 (ACETSTRTOLIST delimiter string). 83 Chapter 10 Working with Namespaces. 83 Namespace Scoping. 84 Namespace Functions. 85 (vllistloadedvlx). 85

(vlunloadvlx appname). 85 (vlvlxloadedp appname). 85 (vldocexport 'function). 86 (vldocimport filename ['function]). 86 (vlarximport ['function | "appname" ]). 86 (vldocset 'symbol value). 87 (vldocref 'symbol). 87 (vlloadall filename). 88 (vlpropagate 'symbol). 88 (vlbbset 'symbol). 88 (vlbbref 'symbol). 88 (vllistexportedfunctions). 88 (vlaxaddcmd "globalname" 'function ["localname" | flags]). 88 (vlaxremovecmd "globalname"). 90 (vlacaddefun 'function). 90 (vlacadundefun 'function). 90 Chapter 11 Registry Functions. 91 (vlregistryread regkey [value-name]). 91 (vlregistrywrite regkey [valuename] value). 91 (vlregistrydelete regkey [value-name]). 92 (vlregistrydescendents regkey [value-names]). 92 Chapter 12 Reactors and CallBacks. 93 Visual LISP Reactor Functions. 94 Reactor Types. 96 Verifying Reactor Types. 99 (vlrtype reactor). 99 Using Object Reactors. 101 Attaching Data to Reactor Objects. 103 Inspecting Reactors Within the VLIDE.. 103 Querying Reactors. 104 Transient and Persistent Reactors. 104 Opening Drawings with Persistent Reactors. 105 Reactors and Multiple Namespaces. 105 Guidelines for Using Reactors. 105

Chapter 13 Making Visual LISP Applications. 108 Why Make VLX Applications?. 108 Building a Simple Application. 108 PRV Files. 113 Chapter 14 Using ObjectDBX with Visual LISP. 114 What is ObjectDBX?. 114 ObjectDBX within Visual LISP. 115 Chapter 15 XDATA and XRECORDs. 120 Working with XDATA.. 121 Working with XRECORD Objects. 121 Chapter 16 The AutoCAD Application Object 124 Chapter 17 AutoCAD Entities. 127 All Entities: Common Properties. 127 Common Methods. 128 ARC. 128 BlockReference (Insert). 129 CIRCLE.. 130 DIMENSION: ANGULAR.. 130 DIMENSION: DIAMETER.. 132 DIMENSION: LINEAR.. 133 ELLIPSE.. 136 HATCH.. 137 LEADER.. 138 LINE.. 138 LWPOLYLINE.. 139 MLINE.. 139 MTEXT.. 140 POINT.. 140 POLYLINE.. 141 RasterImage. 141 RAY. 142 SOLID.. 142 SPLINE.. 142 TEXT.. 143

TRACE.. 144 VIEWPORT.. 144 XLINE.. 145 TABLE.. 145 Chapter 18 Documents. 149 The Documents Collection. 150 Chapter 19 The Preferences Objects. 154 AcadPreferences. 154 DatabasePreferences. 158 Reloading a Profile. 159 Chapter 20 Menus and Toolbars. 163 The MenuBar Object 163 Getting MenuBar Items. 163 Inserting PopMenus into the MenuBar collection. 164 Removing PopMenus from the MenuBar collection. 164 The MenuGroups Collection Object 165 The MenuGroup Object 165 The PopMenus Object 166 The PopMenu Object 166 The Toolbars Collection Object 166 The Toolbar Object 166 Creating a Toolbar. 168 Ribbon Menus. 169 Chapter 21 External Interfaces. 170 Microsoft Excel 170 Using Legacy Type Libraries. 171 Windows ScriptControl 174 Windows Scripting Host 175 KiXtart 176 The FileSystem Object 176 WMI and SWbemLocator. 178 Win32_BIOS. 178 Win32_OperatingSystem... 179 Mapping WMI Property Names. 179

Working with Services. 180 Chapter 22 Using Visual Basic DLLs with Visual LISP. 181 Registering DLLs. 184 ReRegistering DLLs. 185 Chapter 23 Working with Dialog Forms. 186 Referencing DCL Definitions. 186 Dynamic Dialog Interaction. 187 Controlling Images from DCL CallBacks. 189 Chapter 24 Code Examples. 191 Example 1 Dumping a List of Layer Properties. 191 Example 2 Set All Entities to "ByLayer". 192 Example 3 Purge, Audit and Save all Opened Drawings. 193 Example 4 Zoom Extents and Save all Opened Drawings. 193 Example 5 Create a Table. 194 Chapter 25 Changes in AutoCAD 2011. 196 General Changes. 196 Visual LISP Changes in AutoCAD 2011. 196 Conclusion. 196 Appendix A VLAX Enumerations. 198 Appendix B VLA Names. 199 Appendix C VLAX Names. 241 Appendix D VLISP IDE Keyboard Shortcuts. 243 Appendix E Tips & Tricks for Visual LISP. 244 Adding VLX support to the (autoload) function. 244 Saving your VLIDE configuration settings. 244 Recovering DCL Code from VLX Files. 244 Using Projects and DCL with the Make Application Wizard. 244 Teambased VLX Development 245 Appendix F Useful Resources. 245 Glossary. 246 Acknowledgments. 250


May 2002Initial public release July 2002Second release (first update) August 2002Third release (second update) September 2002Fourth release (minor updates and corrections) October 2002Fifth release (minor updates) December 2002Sixth release (added ObjectDBX, Xrecords content) March 2003Seventh release (updated for AutoCAD 2004) October 2003Eight release (addition information and sample code added) January 2011Ninth release (woke up, scratched my ass, updated it for AutoCAD 2011)

I was born and raised in the Commonwealth (State) of Virginia, United States, having worked in the IT field for over twenty years as both a Systems Engineer and a Software Developer of various kinds. I am currently working as a Senior Consultant for an IT services company supporting Microsoft platform services. However, I still get tapped on the shoulder to help with Autodesk deployments, FlexLM/FlexNet license server environments, Active Directory, Group Policy, Wise Packaging, writing scripts and building crazy software things that make some people rub their chins and say "hmmmm". Prior to this realm of IT work, I was immersed in the Autodesk Developer Network world for about ten years. Most of his work involved AutoLISP, Visual LISP, a pinch of VBA, a wiff of .NET, and various external interfaces to automate design processes for the U.S. defense shipbuilding industry. In my spare time I enjoy reading, backpacking, bicycling, kayaking, drinking coffee and beer (not at the same time though), blabbering endlessly about meaningless crap, and spending as much time with my family as possible. I never have any spare time.


This book is aimed at helping experienced AutoLISP programmers better understand and use Visual LISP. What? You mean AutoLISP and Visual LISP are not the same thing? No! They are not! This book will cover topics such as ActiveX, Compiling Code, Debugging, Formatting, Deploying and using advanced features such as reactors and namespaces. AutoLISP fundamentals are left for other books to cover as that topic has been aptly covered elsewhere already. This book will focus solely on the Visual LISP extensions to AutoLISP and the unique capabilities and features Visual LISP provides. For this book, you will need to have access to using AutoCAD 2011 or other Autodesk products that include the Visual LISP toolset such as AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Civil 3D or whatever. In case you're wondering: AutoCAD LT won't work.

What is Visual LISP?

Visual LISP began life as a product of Basis Software, originally named Vital LISP. Vitual LISP had a solid and hard core following, which gained the attention and respect of Autodesk, who purchased the full rights to Vital LISP during the late stages of AutoCAD R14 and renamed it Visual LISP. It was then available as a separate addon to AutoCAD R14. With the release of AutoCAD 2000, Visual LISP replaced the older Proteus AutoLISP interpreter module and became an integral part of AutoCAD. It was then incorporated as the LISP interpreter in all AutoCADbased vertical products, such as Map, Mechanical and Mechanical Desktop. Visual LISP is more than simply a replacement for AutoLISP, in fact it still works with older AutoLISP code just fine, but it also includes many new improvements. Among the differences are a builtin syntaxaware code editor, dialog previewing, debugging tools, formatting tools, online development references, a compiler and compiler wizard, workspace project management and more. But the most significant changes to the language itself are due to the addition of ActiveX interface functionality. This effectively puts Visual LISP potential on par with other ActiveX technologies such as Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). While Visual LISP still lacks many of the sophisticated tools VBA has, it does possess the capability to interface with ActiveX providers and consumers such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows, and even AutoCAD itself, in ways not possible with AutoLISP alone.


While Autodesk has revised Visual LISP somewhat from its origins in Vital LISP, most of Vital LISP features have not changed much. Visual LISP could be improved to make it an even more powerful development platform, but it seems Autodesk is more interested in other technologies such as VBA, ObjectARX and XML, than ugly old LISP. Autodesk chose to exclude support for many features in Vital LISP when moving it to Visual LISP. This is unfortunate and unfounded given that the overwhelming majority of development is still done in LISP or Visual LISP. While many Vital LISP features still exist in Visual LISP, their documentation is not available and this makes certain features risky to use, let alone just figure out. If you happen to be an old Vital LISP user, you should be aware of this. Some of these features will be explained later in this book.

Comments used Throughout This Book

Some notations will be shown throughout this book that denotes specific types of information. For example TIP will denote information that may not be documented elsewhere or may be difficult to find. NOTE will denote a stupid, otherwise meaningless comment, but was probably something I felt like bringing up for some stupid reason. WARNING will denote information that you should be aware of in order to avoid problems or errors in your programming code. "VLIDE" will be used as an abbreviation for "Visual LISP Integrated Development Editor" (or "Environment" or whatever). It also happens to be the command you type in to open the VLIDE console. "VLISP" will be used as an abbreviation for "Visual LISP". We're lazy and anything that starts with "VL" amuses us. Deal with it.

The Future?
There are two futures for Visual LISP as far as I can see: Autodesk's and Unrealistic Potential. The Unrealistic Potential future would be if Autodesk put some effort into shoring up what's missing in the VLIDE and the language itself. In fact, they could proliferate the VLISP platform as an alternative to Powershell, VBScript and KiXtart. I did say "unrealistic" after all. There's technically nothing


preventing that from becoming a reality. Now, putting down the bong and focusing on reality, points us to the Autodesk future of Visual LISP: dying slowly on the vine. Nevermind that versioning has shown the pains of upgrading code for ObjectARX/ObjectDBX and even VBA, while Visual LISP code remained comparatively consistent and portable between host application version upgrades. Some VLISP code required updating, but not nearly to the significance of what ARX and VBA code required (nor the recompile headaches). The rest of this paragraph is leftover from the 2003 edition: In my humble opinion, Visual LISP is an extremely powerful, flexible and dynamic language to develop upon with respect to CAD applications. It could do much more if given a little nourishment, but it seems the refrigerator is a bit empty lately. Until something comes along that can fully replace it without any limitations, I will continue using it along with the dozen or so other languages I strap on each day to do my work.


The VLIDE is a combination of tools to help make coding, testing, debugging and compiling output easier and more productive. To invoke the VLIDE, type in VLIDE at the AutoCAD command prompt. This will load the VLISP ObjectARX application interface (vlide.arx) that loads and enables the IDE for use while AutoCAD is in use. Because Visual LISP is an integral part of AutoCAD, you cannot use the VLIDE without AutoCAD being in use. NOTE: Users of the AutoCAD Classic Workspace can use AutoLISP/Visual LISP Editor on the TOOLS pop menu. Ribbon Users can find Visual LISP Editor on the Applications Panel of the Manage Ribbon Tab.

Figure 11 The Visual LISP IDE

Note the VLIDE features shown in Figure 11 above. The top portion includes the IDE pulldown menus and toolbars. The midsection includes the Build Output, Visual LISP Console and Trace windows. This


is also where open program code is shown and edited in separate windows (one per file). Other windows (not shown above) include the Watch window, and Object Inspection. NOTE: An interesting "feature" of VLIDE is that the colors of the toolbar icons will often change each time AutoCAD is closed and reopened. Not when VLIDE is closed and reopened however. The colors seem to rotate through the basics: red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, cyan, black. If you don't like the colors, simply shut down AutoCAD and reopen again. This has been the behavior since VLIDE was added to AutoCAD years ago. For what reason, who knows? Consider it a bonus feature! The bottom edge of the VLIDE window contains the Status bar. This is where messages are displayed following every action in the IDE. The bottomright panel is the code editor cursor location display. This shows the current position of the cursor in the code file where L nnnnn is the line number and C nnnnn is the character offset number. In this example, the cursor is positioned on line 20 on the twelvth character of that line.

The Visual LISP IDE Toolbars

There are four individual VLIDE toolbars available. You can move them, dock or undock (float) them as well as hide or show each of them to suit your particular tastes. The toolbars do not exactly match their corresponding pulldown menu features to be careful not to assume that everything exists on a toolbar for being accessed in the VLIDE window. You may find that pulldown menus are more effective.

The STANDARD toolbar includes general file management features. This includes from left to right:

New Open Save Print Cut Copy Paste Undo Redo


Complete Word

Toolbar: TOOLS
The TOOLS toolbar contains general editor features. This includes from left to right:

Load File Load Selection Check File Check Selection Format File Format Selection Comment Selection Uncomment Selection Help

Toolbar: DEBUG
The DEBUG toolbar contains tools for testing and debugging code during controlled execution. This includes from left to right:

Step Into Step Over Step Out Of Continue Stop Quit Toggle Breakpoint Add Watch Last Break Note: The icon to the farthest right has been removed and is simply a blank button that does

nothing (the status indicates "Source POSITION Indicator" however)


Toolbar: VIEW
The VIEW toolbar contains options. This includes from left to right:

Activate AutoCAD (switch to AutoCAD editor) Display LISP Console Inspect Object Trace Window Symbol Service Apropos Display Watch Window

The VLISP IDE Pull-Down Menus

The VLIDE pulldown menus are always available by default within the VLIDE window, whereas the toolbars can be moved, hidden and so forth. As was mentioned in the section above, the pulldown menus contain much more in terms of VLISP editor commands than do the toolbars. For this reason, you may find using the pulldown menus more efficient and effective for daily coding chores.

Menu: FILE
The FILE menu contains standard file management options such as Open, New, Save, Print and Exit. It also provides useful commands like Revert, Close All, Save All and Load File. The Make Application features are discussed later in Chapter 13. NOTE: This is a dynamic menu, so certain commands will only be visible when relevant.

Figure 16 File

Menu: EDIT Now, after you've taken the time to look through the pulldown menus and scanned through the various


commands, you may get a strange feeling that the commands are not exactly located in a logical manner. That's because they're not. But don't worry, you'll rarely use most of them anyway.

VLIDE Configuration

Figure 115 Tools / Environment Options

General Options
To configure VLIDE preferences for fonts, colors, layouts, tabs and spacing, and so on, use the Tools menu and select one of the Environment Options items. The General Options dialog (figure 116) provides various Editor, Desktop and symbol management options.

Figure 116 General Options


Figure 117 Format Options The dialog in Figure 117 is what you see when you click the "More options" button in the base dialog.

Figure 118 Page Setup Options


In this chapter we will begin writing some basic code using Visual LISP and walking through a simple process for coding, testing, debugging and compiling your code into a finished product. For the sake of trying to at least remain relevant to what a CAD programmer expects, this will not involve the customary "Hello World" coding stuff.

In order to use any of the cool ActiveX functions in Visual LISP, you must first initialize the ActiveX interface by using the (vlloadcom) function. This can be included in every file or every function definition, it doesnt matter. Once it has been executed, subsequent calls do no harm whatsoever.
(vl-load-com) (defun C:SHOWLAYER ( / ent) (while (setq ent (entsel)) (princ (strcat "\nLayer: " (vla-get-Layer (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent)) ) ) ) ) (princ) )


Select object:

Layer: Alpha

The code shown above demonstrates how to get the layer assignment of a selected entity and display it in a simple alert box. Load this code into AutoCAD and type SHOWLAYER at the command prompt to run it. You will be prompted to select an object on screen "Select object to view layer name:" upon which the objects layer name is then displayed as follows


While the differences between how you might traditionally access the layer name using DXF entity access is only slight, the user does not need to know that DXF field 8 is the layer assignment. They can instead use (vlagetlayer) which is a bit more intuitive. This is the crux of what makes the ActiveX features in VLISP attractive: clarity. TIP: You can add (vl-load-com) to your startup suite in many ways. You can add it to your acad.lsp or acaddoc.lsp file. You can make a small LSP file and select it in APPLOAD as part of your "startup suite". You can also include it in any .MNL file. Calling (vl-load-com) multiple times in a given session produces no negative effects. Peter Seibel states it best when he describes LISP as a "programmable programming language", because you can always extend and enhance it by adding your own touches. For example, if you're used to functions like toupper() or Ucase() from other languages, and find it odd to use (strcase "dog") or (strcase "dog" t) for upper and lower (respectively), you can easily write a function of your own to provide an alias to names you're more familiar with.
(defun Ucase (myString) (strcase myString) ) (defun Lcase (myString) (strcase myString t) )

Comparing AutoLISP to Visual LISP/ActiveX

Both of the expressions shown below will accomplish the same thing. While the first expression is a bit wordier, and actually consumes slightly more system resources to execute, the increased baggage is ultimately negligible in most respects.
Command: (vla-get-Layer (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent)))

Command: (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car ent)))

Once the initial access is made to either root collection of properties (namely, entget or vlaxename>vlaobject), which is normally done once per object manipulation, the rest is actually simpler to write in ActiveX form. The following code example:
(defun GETLAYER (entity / elist)


(cdr (assoc 8 (entget entity))) )

is functionally identical to the following code example

(defun GETLAYER (entity / obj) (vla-get-Layer (vlax-ename->vla-object entity)) )

This is not a comprehensive comparison by any means, since this doesnt demonstrate how the ActiveX object model allows you to navigate relationships in a logical manner. For example, the following code shows how you can retrieve a property setting from the Preferences/Files collection:
(vla-get-SupportPath (vla-get-Files (vla-get-Preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) )

The above capability is not possible to accomplish with AutoLISP alone. It is made possible by ActiveX and the object model of AutoCAD, and the fact that Visual LISP and VBA can access these features through their ActiveX interface to AutoCAD. Using another example of accessing a particular LINE entitys properties, you can see how the ActiveX interfaces provide very easy to understand names that make coding more intuitive:
(setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect line object: "))) (setq objLine (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)) (vla-get-Layer objLine) (vla-get-Color objLine) (vla-get-Lineweight objLine) (vla-put-Layer objLine "0") (vla-put-Color objLine acRed)

As you can see from this example, it is much more intuitive to access and modify entity properties through ActiveX than by using the more cryptic DXF code numbers. Also, it is worth noting that while the DXF 62 code is transient, the Color property of an entity is persistent. To put this yet another way:


An entity that has color=ByLayer has no DXF 62 field in the (entget) data list. Only when a color is applied to override the layer defaults will the entity (entget) data list have a DXF 62 field. However, if you access the same entity through ActiveX, even with color=ByLayer, the return value will be

As an example of how this might be of use to you as the developer, consider the following function that copies layer, color and linetype properties from one entity to another:
(defun CopyLayerColor1 (obj1 obj2) (vla-put-Layer obj2 (vla-get-Layer obj1)) (vla-put-Color obj2 (vla-get-Color obj1)) )

Youll notice that we dont have to rely upon DXF codes, nor do we need to use (subst) or (entmod) functions to update the entity properties. This same function written in AutoLISP might look something like the following example:
(defun CopyLayerColor2 (ent1 ent2 / elist1 elist2 lay1 col1) (setq elist1 (entget ent1) elist2 (entget ent2) lay1 ) (setq elist2 (subst (cons 8 lay1) (assoc 8 elist2) elist2)) (if (assoc 62 elist1) (progn (setq col1 (cdr (assoc 62 elist1))) (if (assoc 62 elist2) (setq elist2 (cons (cons 62 col1) elist2)) (setq elist2 (subst (cons 62 col1) (assoc 62 elist2) elist2)) ) ) ) (entmod elist2) ) (cdr (assoc 8 elist1))

Notice the additional checking required for the DXF 62 code existence in both the source and target


entity data lists. As you can see, Visual LISP and ActiveX can dramatically reduce the amount of code required to perform many common tasks. Reducing code also reduces the potential for errors. Reducing errors also reduces the amount of effort required to test and debug code. All of this results in faster, easier and more productive programming with better quality results. And this makes for happier customers!

Mixing Code
While you can easily entwine both traditional AutoLISP and newer Visual LISP code within a given program or even within a given function or statement, it is not recommended. In fact, you can create some very strange problems mixing things like (entmake) and certain objects within Visual LISP. I strongly recommend that you make a concious decision to go one way or the other and not both except in rare cases. One exception I rely upon is (ssget) and the various selection set functions, which are far easier to implement in older AutoLISP than with the SelectionSet object properties and methods in ActiveX, which are more like Group objects than ad hoc collections.

Nesting Object References

While it is easy, and entirely allowable to nest object references in a given statement, there are good reasons to not do it implicitly. By this, I mean that you should always store an object reference in a variable (symbol) as opposed to simply passing it up the chain to the next property or method invocation. Youll see me use nested code like this throughout this book; however, I strongly recommend NOT doing that. Refer to the two examples below: Bad Example:
(setq oFiles (vla-get-Files (vla-get-Preferences (vlax-get-Acad-object) ) ) )

Good Example:
(setq oFiles


(vla-get-Files (setq oPrefs (vla-get-Preferences (setq oAcad (vlax-get-Acad-object)) ) ) ) )

Alternate Good Example:

(setq oAcad (vlax-get-Acad-object)

oPrefs (vla-get-Preferences oAcad) oFiles (vla-get-Files oPrefs) )

Why would this matter to anyone? Well, when you pass implicit object references, you are calling an external interface function each time and throwing it away. If for some reason you need to access a nested object again you will need to fetch it again. Each time you are adding overhead to your processing. When you save the object to a symbol, you allow for repeated access to it with much less processing overhead. In addition, it provides you with explicit control over the lifespan of that object reference. You can decide when to discard it, or "release" it, in object parlance.

Exploring Object Properties and Methods

If you havent already discovered the various properties and methods provided by objects within AutoCAD, a very good way to start is by getting familiar with the (vlax-dump-object) function. This function requires one argument, the object, to request the object properties, and an optional argument, a flag (anything nonnil) to request the object methods.

(vlax-dump-object object [show-methods])

Example of dumping the contents of the AcadApplication object:
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 01877c20>

Command: (vlax-dump-object acad t)


; IAcadApplication: An instance of the AutoCAD application ; Property values: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ActiveDocument = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocument 0f1e89b0> Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 01877c20> Caption (RO) = "AutoCAD 2011 - [Drawing1.dwg]" Documents (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocuments 11120b08> FullName (RO) = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2011\\acad.exe" Height = 726 HWND (RO) = 983660 LocaleId (RO) = 1033 MenuBar (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMenuBar 111172b4> MenuGroups (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMenuGroups 0736a890> Name (RO) = "AutoCAD" Path (RO) = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2011" Preferences (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferences 110cd4bc> StatusId (RO) = ...Indexed contents not shown... VBE (RO) = AutoCAD: Problem in loading VBA Version (RO) = "18.1s (LMS Tech)" Visible = -1 Width = 1020 WindowLeft = 2 WindowState = 1 WindowTop = 2

; Methods supported: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Eval (1) GetAcadState () GetInterfaceObject (1) ListArx () LoadArx (1) LoadDVB (1) Quit () RunMacro (1) UnloadArx (1) UnloadDVB (1)


; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Update () ZoomAll () ZoomCenter (2) ZoomExtents () ZoomPickWindow () ZoomPrevious () ZoomScaled (2) ZoomWindow (2)

Example of using this function on a standard CIRCLE entity as follows:

_$ (setq ent (entsel)); pick a CIRCLE entity Command: Select Object: (<Entity name: 7ef035d8> (16.3954 9.95463 0.0))

_$ (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent))) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadCircle2 110f4404>

_$ (vlax-dump-object obj T) ; IAcadCircle2: AutoCAD Circle Interface ; Property values: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 01877c20> Area = 372.878 Center = (12.6177 20.245 0.0) Circumference = 68.4524 Diameter = 21.7891 Document (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocument 0f1e89b0> EntityTransparency = "ByLayer" Handle (RO) = "1B3" HasExtensionDictionary (RO) = 0 Hyperlinks (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadHyperlinks 1116f494> Layer = "0" Linetype = "ByLayer" LinetypeScale = 1.0 Lineweight = -1 Material = "ByLayer"


; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Normal = (0.0 0.0 1.0) ObjectID (RO) = 2129671640 ObjectName (RO) = "AcDbCircle" OwnerID (RO) = 2129665272 PlotStyleName = "ByLayer" Radius = 10.8945 Thickness = 0.0 TrueColor = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadAcCmColor 11159f90> Visible = -1

; Methods supported: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ArrayPolar (3) ArrayRectangular (6) Copy () Delete () GetBoundingBox (2) GetExtensionDictionary () GetXData (3) Highlight (1) IntersectWith (2) Mirror (2) Mirror3D (3) Move (2) Offset (1) Rotate (2) Rotate3D (3) ScaleEntity (2) SetXData (2) TransformBy (1) Update ()

As you can see, this is a very helpful function for inspecting entities for their properties and methods. It is also helpful for inspecting any other objects, including application objects, documents, collections, and so forth. A very handy trick is to define a utility function that will dump any object you specify with


less typing:
(defun dump (obj) (cond ( (= (type obj) 'ENAME) (vlax-dump-object (vlax-ename->vla-object obj) t) ) ( (= (type obj) 'VLA-OBJECT) (vlax-dump-object obj t) ) ) )

To use this, simply do your magic at the command prompt and define objects assigned to symbols and dump them in the following general manner...
Command: (setq e (car (entsel))) Select object: <pick something> . . . <blah blah> Command: (setq o (vlax-ename->vla-object e)) . . . <blah blah> Command: (dump o) . . . <bang! Dumps all the goodies here>

ActiveX vs. DXF?

Can ActiveX do everything you need in VLISP to handle all your programming chores? No. Can DXF do everything ActiveX can accomplish? No. There are quite a few situations where the older AutoLISP approach is the only solution to a given problem, and vice versa. In some situations, you could use either one, but the AutoLISP approach will turn out to be the most efficient or manageable choice. You may reply "Oh sure, thats what you think." But lets look at some scenarios.

Selection Sets
You can create and iterate selection sets, or more properly named picksets, using either AutoLISP or Visual LISP. However, you will quickly find that dealing with selection sets in AutoLISP is far easier and less problematic than with VLISP.


Point Lists
Actually, any LIST structure is easier to manipulate in AutoLISP than is the case with an array using VLISP. While both are powerful and flexible, constructing and modifying LIST structures in LISP is much simpler than that of ARRAY structures using VLISP.

Entity Properties
While most properties are easier and more intuitive to access with ActiveX using VLISP, some are not exposed and are therefore only available from DXF code values using AutoLISP. For example, dimension line control points of Linear DIMENSION objects (acDbRotatedDimension), control points of LEADER objects, and the infamous BLOCKDEF description property (which isnt completely available to either AutoLISP or VLISP, it is only accessible using a separately loaded function library). Rather than bore you to tears with detailed examples, which I may do later on anyway, suffice it to say that there are still situations that warrant using AutoLISP even though Visual LISP adds so much power and potential to what you can do.

Figure 21


Figure 22 Drawing Database Browser The Drawing Database Browser is handy for drilling down into tables and table entries to inspect the current drawing. While it doesn't handle ActiveX properties, it will show the legacy DXF properties. Once you have reached the content you are looking for, you can rightclick and select "Log" to save the output to the Trace window for copy/paste editing into other locations.

Figure 24 Trace Window dump

And the Winner Is

You! You win because you have more options available to you to reach your goals in shorter time, with


more robust options, and with more predictable and reliable results. The oldest argument in the world of AutoCAD programming is what language or API is the "best" to work with. The argument itself is stupid and makes no meaningful point. Is a pipe wrench the "best" tool? Maybe for mauling pipes, but not for driving nails. Different tools are intended for different jobs. Master the ones that you need to build the best product possible. Youll find that no one tool can do it all unless youre doing very little to begin with. LISP itself was intended for very rigorous flexibility and extensibility. Like all programming languages, you can do things with LISP that you simply CANNOT do within other languages. For example, it is not a simple feat to define a recursive selfredefining function in VBA, nor a nested function structure. List manipulation in LISP is easier and more efficient than in other languages because that is the crux of what LISP was built to handle. Some reading this might retort "why would you want to do those things anyway?" and snicker, with their pinky in the air, sipping their glass of $10 wine. Well, once youve found the power in using these capabilities, your eyes will open and your voice will say "Ahhhhhhhhhh, thats cool!" While Auto/Visual LISP lacks many of the modern ammenities such as dialog form tools, it does provide a crude DCL form building programming language for building forms the stone age way: brute force coding. Its elegance is subtle and obtuse, not overt and aesthetic, with just a hint of minty freshness. So, what is the best tool? They all are. Well, except possibly COBOL, but even it has its uses.


In this chapter well discuss more examples using ActiveX capabilities within Visual LISP. First, well start off with the technological environment of ActiveX, including things like objects, object models, collections, properties, methods and so forth. Then well dig into the details of certain parts of ActiveX technologies. Understanding ActiveX functionality is essential to working with it using any language. ActiveX is basically an objectoriented medium, meaning that it behaves in a manner that uses objects and object relationships. I am not going to explain objectoriented issues in depth, thats best left for more focused text books and whatnot. However, I will attempt to give an overview of some of the basic objectoriented aspects for the sake of gaining a basic understanding.

Everything in an objectoriented environment begins with Classes. Classes are abstract frameworks, or templates, for describing what form objects should take and how they should behave and interact. Classes define categories of object types in a sense. For example, an automobile might be a class of vehicles. Vehicles could be the parent class and automobile would then be a sub-class. In turn, you can get more specific and define additional subclasses such as station wagons, vans, and sports cars. Classes do not address specific instances; they describe aspects about the instances in advance of their use. When you use a class you are said to invoke an instance of that class. The result of invoking a class is usually that of creating an object. An object can be a single entity or a container that holds yet more objects within it. Examples: Class: MechanicalTool SubClasses: PowerAssisted, Manual Derived Classes: MechTool/PowerAssisted/GasPowered/Lifting Derived Classes: MechTool/Manual/Handheld Instances:


Derivation and Inheritence

Its probably easiest to explain derivation, or subclassing, using the analogy of a tree structure. As you drill down into lower levels of, say, a folder structure, you will most often discover it is a virtual model from general to specific as you descend downward. The topmost folder is very general, and each level of subfolder below it is gradually more specific in nature. This is very much like derivation. Each subclass, or derived class, is a further refinement or specification of a more general class from which it descends from. The aspects of how each derived class inherits the qualities of its parent class is referred to as inheritence. This implies that the subclass contains all of the aspects of its parent class from which it was derived. This includes properties, methods and events (reactor types in Vlisp speak). This is much more relevant and apparent when working with languages like VB, VBA and C/C++/C#, which make the object relationships more easily viewed and understood. Visual LISP by contrast does nothing to make this apparent and you as the programmer should be aware that you must rely upon additional studying and tinkering to fully understand the object class relationships you will deal with. While it may seem contradictory to the intent this book, I would strongly recommend that you keep the VBAIDE open while programming in VLISP, so that you can quickly access the Object Browser in VBAIDE. By pressing F2 in VBAIDE, you can open the Object Browser and have instant access to class documentation, properties, methods, events and more. It would have been nice if Visual LISP included the Object Browser, but you are left to dig with a shovel using (vlaxdumpobject) more on this later.


Figure 31 The VBA Object Browser NOTE: The Drawing Database Browser doesn't show the ActiveX/COM side of things, it only shows the legacy DXF structures and content.

An object is an instance of a class. A class describes the rules for what an object must support in order to be one of its members. An object has inherent properties, and may also have inherent methods and events. Properties are attributes that define how the object behaves or reacts. Methods are builtin functions for accessing or modifying object properties or certain behaviors. Events are notifications sent by objects in response to specific actions they perform or actions that are performed upon them. Using the automobile class example above, an object might be a particular car. Say, your car, which has a distinct configuration (make, model, color, options, and ID number). You could say that your car is an instance of the automobile class, or some class derived from the automobile class, such as a "junkcar" class.

Figure 32 A simple Object Model


Object Models
An Object Model is an arbitrary schema, or arrangement of class relationships that define a hierarchy and means for deriving one object from a higher level of classes. An object model is independent of the languages or tools used to access it and work within its logical framework. The same model exists whether youre working with Visual Basic, VBA, Visual LISP, Delphi, Java, C/C++, VB.NET, C#.NET or any other language that incorporates or provides an ActiveX interface. This does not mean that all features of the object model are equally supported in all languages. They often are not. Some features are only accessible or are more easily accessed within some languages than from within others. One analogy might be that an Object Model is a house and its arrangement of rooms, doors and windows. The people that enter and use the house all deal with the same house. In this case, the house and rooms are the object model and the people are the programming languages. Hopefully, you get the point.

Class Inheritance
An Object Model always begins with a root or base object. In the case of AutoCAD, the base object is the AutoCAD Application object, also called the AcadApplication object. This provides the base properties, methods, events and collections from which all other objects and collections are derived. For example, the AcadApplication object has a collection of Documents (the Documents collection), which in turn has one or more Document objects within it. Each Document object has its own objects, collections, properties and methods and so on. You can navigate an Object Model downward into sublevel objects and collections, as well as navigate upward to parent objects and collections. This model becomes very powerful for enabling applications to directly access and manipulate the environment to perform an almost limitless set of tasks. It also keeps things neat and organized, which always helps when developing software solutions.

Collections and Dictionaries

A Collection is a group of similar objects that have a common parent container. This container has a unique name and in most cases will provide its own methods for accessing the objects it contains. A Dictionary is a special type of collection that allows you to extend your own collections with names. Visual LISP does not provide a means for creating or doing much with collections. It does allow you to iterate them, modify members, add and delete members. A dictionary allows you to add your own dictionaries as well as populate them, iterate them, add, modify and delete their members as well as


add, modify and delete the dictionaries themselves. Some common collections within AutoCAD are Documents, Layers, Dimension Styles, Linetypes, Blocks and so forth. Some common dictionaries within AutoCAD are PageSetups, Layouts (yes, they are also stored as a dictionary), Layer States, and Xrecord objects. The AutoLISP dictionary functions are dictadd,
dictnext, dictremove, dictrename, dictsearch and namedobjdict. In Visual LISP, you have access to

the ActiveX dictionary object methods, properties and event reactors as follows: Methods: AddObject AddXRecord Delete GetExtensionDictionary GetName GetObject GetXData Item Remove Rename Replace SetXData Properties: Application Count Document Handle HasExtensionDictionary Name ObjectID ObjectName OwnerID EventReactors:



Properties, Methods and Events

Properties are simply descriptive attributes associated with an object or a collection. Examples could include Name, Height, Width, Rotation Angle, Scale, Color, Layer, Linetype and so forth. Properties will vary according to what type of object they are associated with, but some properties are common to all objects and collections. Collections and Dictionaries usually provide the Count and Name properties, as well as the Item, and Add, methods. Only dictionaries will provide a Delete method since you cant delete Collections from Visual LISP. Methods are builtin functions that an object provides to access or modify special properties or perform special actions upon the object itself. Examples of common Methods include Rotate, Erase, Copy, Scale and Offset. You might notice that these look just like AutoCAD Modify commands. Well, in essence they are just that, but with a slight difference. Whereas AutoCAD Modify commands are general in nature, they must validate object usage for each execution, Methods are provided by their host object and therefore, only supported Methods are provided by each object. Confused? Stated another way, the OFFSET command can be used at any time, but if you try to OFFSET a TEXT object youll get an error message from AutoCAD. However, the TEXT object itself provides a variety of Methods such as Copy, Rotate, Scale and Move but not Offset. So you can "invoke" a method from an object and be assured that it is valid for use with that object. Events are actions that an object or collection can generate from various activities, which can be detected and responded to as well. This is referred to as event-driven programming when events are used in combination with reactions to those events. AutoCAD provides a powerful set of event response tools called Reactors that enable you to post listening devices in the drawing environment that respond to various Events. For example, you could create a Reactor to respond to an Erase event when an object has been erased in the active drawing. This is only one example of Events and Reactors.

Property Relevance
It is important to understand that you should NEVER assume all properties are available to all objects or collections. There are two functions in particular that are valuable for ensuring your code performs properly when dealing with properties and methods at runtime: (vlax-property-available-p) and


(vlax-method-applicable-p). These two functions are just two of the Visual LISP predicate functions

that provide Boolean tests for whether a condition is True or False (non-nil or nil in LISP terminology). The syntax for these functions is as follows:

(vlax-property-available-p object propertyname)

(vlax-method-applicable-p object method)

Properties are related to the type of object they are related to. For example, a Circle object would have a Diameter property, but Line objects would not. As an example of how Properties vary according to object types, the following code would crash with an error when picking a CIRCLE entity:
(if (setq ent (entsel "\nSelect object to get property: ")) (progn (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent))) (princ (strcat "\nLength: " (vla-get-Length obj)) ) ) )

But, if you verify that the property is valid for the relevant object first, it would perform properly as shown in the example below:
(if (setq ent (entsel "\nSelect object to get property: ")) (progn (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent))) (if (vlax-property-available-p obj Length) (princ (strcat "\nLength: " (vla-get-Length obj)) ) (princ "\nObject has no LENGTH property") ) ) )


Unfortunately, there is no direct means to fetch a list of all properties for a given object in such a way as to iterate it for programmatic purposes. However, you can fetch a list for informational purposes that can help you greatly. To inquire as to what Properties and Methods a given object has you use the (vlax-dump-object) function on that object. The syntax of this function is (vlax-dump-object object show-methods) where the show-methods argument is either nil or nonnil. If nonnil, it shows the supported Methods for the object; otherwise Methods are simply not shown.
_$ (setq acadapp (vlax-get-acad-object)) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00a8a730>

_$ (vlax-dump-object (vla-get-documents acadapp) T) ; IAcadDocuments: The collection of all AutoCAD drawings open in the current session ; Property values: ; ; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00a8a730> Count (RO) = 1

; Methods supported: ; ; ; ; Add (1) Close () Item (1) Open (2)

The output above shows the properties and methods of the Documents collection object. Youll notice that the first line of output shows the internal object reference (IAcadDocuments) along with a description of what it represents, and then it lists the available Properties and Methods. TIP: The following command definition may come in handy for you to explore the properties and methods of selected entities. There is no error handling provided, but it is nonetheless a useful little tool.
(defun C:DUMP ( / ent obj) (while (setq ent (entsel "\nSelect entity to get object data: ")) (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent))) (vlax-dump-object obj T) (vlax-release-object obj)


) (princ) )

TIP: The enclosed (RO) beside certain Properties denotes Read-Only, in this case all the properties are readonly. The enclosed numbers beside the Methods indicate how many arguments are required to use each method. To access a Property, you use the (vla-get-xxx) function, or even the more generic (vlaxget-Property) function, either will work. The syntax for the first form is (vla-get-xxx object) where

xxx is the property name. When using the (vlax-get-property) function, the syntax is (vlaxget-property object propertyname), where the propertyname can be either a doublequoted string

or a singlequoted name.

(vlax-get-property object propertyname) or (vla-get-propertyname object) or (vlax-get object propertyname)

Returns the value assigned to the named property of the object. If the property does not exist for this object, an error is generated. For example, if you request the "Diameter" property from a Line entity, this will generate an error. Arguments: Object A vlaobject Propertyname A valid property with respect to the object. Examples:
(vlax-get-property objLine "Length") (vlax-get-property objLine 'Length) (vla-get-Length objLine) (vlax-get objLine "Length") (vlax-get objLine 'Length)

All of these expressions will do the same thing.


Property names are not case sensitive but examples throughout this book will generally capitalize the first letter for clarity. You will find that the first two options above are easiest to use in general, however, there are situations that require using the second two options. This is particularly with respect to interfacing with external applications like Microsoft Excel or Word.

Using Methods
Using the example in Figure 31, you can see that the Documents collection object supports four Methods: Add, Close, Item and Open. The Item Method requires one argument to be used (hence the (1) shown beside that method in Figure 31), this is the index or name of the document to be fetched from the collection. An interesting feature of the Item method (in general) is that it can accept either a string or an integer value argument. When given an integer argument it simply returns the (nth) item of the collection, where 0 is the first item. When given a string value, it attempts to fetch the item by its name property. The Item(name) method is not case sensitive, which is very useful for fetching names without having to first convert string cases. TIP: If you are familiar with Visual Basic or VBA and the use of default methods or default properties, you should be aware that this feature does not exist in Visual LISP. For example, in Visual Basic, accessing the Item method can be done using either of the two following ways: Object.Item(12) or Object(12) or Object("Name") This is because the Item method is the default method for most objects in VB or VBA. Visual LISP does not support this feature and therefore requires that you spell out all properties and methods for every use, every time. Dont feel bad though, Microsoft has dropped support for default properties and methods in all .NET languages. The following Vlisp examples should demonstrate this better: (vlax-invoke-method documents "Item" 12) will work (vla-item documents "Drawing1.dwg") will work (vlax-invoke-method documents 12) will not work. Using the example in Figure 31, the Item method might be used in any of the following ways:
(vla-Item documents 1) (vla-Item documents "Drawing1.dwg")


(vlax-invoke-method documents "Item" 1) (vlax-invoke-method documents Item "Drawing1.dwg")

(vlax-invoke-method object method [arguments]...) or (vla-method object arguments) or (vlax-invoke object method [arguments] ...) Invokes a method associated with object and supplies any required arguments to that method. If successful, returns a result. If the requested method is not provided by the object, an ActiveX error is generated. For example, requesting the "Offset" method from a Text entity will generate an ActiveX error. Arguments: Object A vlaobject Method A method exposed by the object Arguments Any required arguments to supply to the method Examples:
(vlax-invoke-method objLine "Move" point1 point2) (vla-Move objLine point1 point2) (vlax-invoke objLine "Move" point1 point2)

All of these of these examples do the same thing. This is generally true for most AutoCAD objects, but not for objects created from imported TypeLib interfaces or external applications or ActiveX components. You should use the first form for working with external application objects, however you can use the second form for internal objects. TIP: While you opt to use either of the two forms of Get/Put on Properties and Methods, you may find it more flexible to use the longer form (e.g. vlax-put-property) as opposed to the shorter form (e.g.
vla-put-color). The reason is that by separating the property name from the function, you can define

functions and iterative statements that can accept a list of properties and their associated values. For example
(defun MapPropertyList (object proplist) (foreach propset proplist


(if (vlax-property-available-p object (car propset)) (vlax-put-property object (car propset) (cadr propset) ) ) ) )

Be careful when trying to apply this approach to methods, as the arguments list for methods varies with respect to the object and method. Some methods dont take any arguments, while others will vary in length.

Data Types
Data types are a means for describing the type of values a given object or property can contain. Examples of data types include Integer, Double, Currency, Date, String, and so on. While AutoLISP has enjoyed type independence for years, Visual LISP does as well, but not always. Within AutoCAD, you can remain type independent as you can with AutoLISP, but when it comes to interacting with other applications, such as Microsoft Excel, you will inevitably have to come to terms with data types and use them wisely. Being type independent is not a free lunch either. The price paid comes in the form of inefficient processing. When you declare data type in advance, you are telling the compiler to carve out only enough resources to suit that expected data type. To store data of type Integer for example is far less demanding than storing a "long" Date value. When you work without data types, everything is automatically allocated for the largest possible data type to make sure whatever is used will fit in the available resources. The result is that the application is more bloated than it really needs to be, both in terms of initial load size as well as runtime resource allocation. AutoLISP never forced programmers to declare data types ahead of runtime. Therefore, it always used the maximum allocation for a given symbol as a best guess. Even when using (getint), the variable itself isnt declared until runtime, so AutoLISP was not capable of efficiently predicting allocation needs at design time.


This is essentially why applications developed in languages like C++, Java, and even Visual Basic are usually faster (when compared to similarly functional coding in typefree languages). They ensure leaner execution ahead of time in order to ensure faster performance at runtime. AutoLISP does not do this and is therefore a much slower processing language medium. Visual LISP is much better, but only if you leverage the new features to their fullest extent wherever possible. I must admit though, that even Visual LISP does not enforce design time data type declaration. It simply relies upon, and respects data types much more rigorously than AutoLISP during runtime. For anyone familiar with VB, VBA and VBScript programming, Visual LISP is more like VBScript in terms of strictness than AutoLISP. For example, there is no equivalent in Visual LISP to the DIM statement in VB or VBA. While VBScript does not enforce data types, it at least supports OPTION EXPLICIT to force variable declarations.

Constants and Enumerations

A Constant is a special data type. It is just what it sounds like, a value that cannot be changed. This is sometimes referred to as being static. Often, Constants are provided by the programming language or by the hosting application itself, as a means of convenience. For example, the acByLayer constant can be substituted for a property value in place of 256. The name value is easier to understand and remember than an integer value. For example, the two expressions shown below are functionally identical:
(vla-put-Color object acByLayer) (vla-put-Color object 256)

Enumerations are logical groups of constants that are used to identify a range of constant values. For example, you might use colors 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 but having constants for these such as acRed, acYellow,
acGreen, acCyan, acBlue, acMagenta and acWhite are handy for clarity as well as sensible coding.

Ranges of related constant values of this type are called enumerations. See appendix A for a list of standard AutoCAD enumerations. TIP: Not all ActiveX enumerations are provided within Visual LISP. For example, the standard Decimal and Short data types are not mirrored as vlax-vbDecimal or vlax-vbShort. Refer to Chapter 6 for more information on data types.

Variants and Safearrays


In the section on Data Types above, there was mention of using the largest allocation available for typefree declarations, such as (setq) expressions in AutoLISP. Actually, this entails allocating for a Variant data type. A Variant is simply a catchall data type that provides enough resource space to contain any other data type, be it numeric, date, string, or whatever. A Variant data type is the product of ActiveX actually, but the concept is more generic in nature and has existed long before ActiveX was around. Visual LISP actually holds all converted ActiveX data as Variants with a specifier that denotes what specific type is contained within it. This sounds confusing but its really very simple. The container is a Variant which is holding a Currency data type value within it. When you assign a new value to the object, you must provide that specifier to make sure that the data is properly stored. This is especially true when you are passing values between AutoCAD and other applications such as Microsoft Excel. In addition to posting values, you can query the nested data type from a Variant value, as well as convert the value properly into a relevant LISP data type. For example, you might query a Variant object value that contains a Double value within it. You would then read that value as a REAL data type in LISP. Visual LISP provides plenty of functions for creating, reading, and modifying Variant data values in a LISP environment. Safearrays are something like LIST objects in AutoLISP. The main difference is that they are static, meaning that they cannot be stretched or changed in terms of how many members they can store. This prevents unwanted errors generated by attempting to assign or fetch members beyond the length of the array. This is why they are called "safe" actually. Any LIST structure passed into ActiveX must be converted into a Safearray first. Any LIST oriented data fetched from an ActiveX object should be converted to a LIST data type for use by LISP functions such as (car), (nth), (assoc), (mapcar),
(member) and so on. Visual LISP provides plenty of functions for creating, manipulating and reading

Safearray data values. For more information on Variants and Safearrays, refer to chapter 6.

A Namespace is a virtual space of resource allocation in which a process runs and interacts with other resources in that space. But it can at times communicate with other processes in other Namespaces. Think of Namespaces as bedrooms. Your application might be a person working in one bedroom; a process in a specific namespace. Another application can be working in an adjacent bedroom


(namespace) as well. The two can remain independent and isolated or they can be made to pass data between each other for communication. This is essentially how namespaces work. Some of the advantages to using namespaces are that the processes in a specific namespace are isolated from those of other namespaces and this prevents them from stepping on each other (trying to reserve resources in contention). It also enables direct loading and unloading of processes by their namespace. In other words, its somewhat like being able to unplug one of the bedrooms from the house as if it were built in modular form. Removing one bedroom wouldnt affect the other rooms or processes they each have active. Probably the one significant disadvantage to using namespaces is that they incur some overhead on the operating system as well as their host application. In order to manage a given namespace it has to be given its own range of memory addresses and pointer allocations. This consumes additional resources to track and control the namespace, which in turn provides the means to directly access it to unload it or pause it if necessary. AutoCAD provides its own internal management of namespaces within Visual LISP, as well as within ObjectARX and VBA. This is yet another powerful improvement provided by Visual LISP over AutoLISP. Actually, each opened document is its own namespace as well (if youre not working in single document mode). The effects of this can be seen when setting a variable in one drawing session and attempting to read it in another. There are ways to pass such variables between drawing sessions though, and well discuss these in Chapter 10.

Interfaces and Type Libraries

Interfaces are a means for connecting to the object models of other ActiveX processes or components. When you want to be able to tap into specific properties, constants, or methods of other applications, you first have to define an interface to load the object model of that target application. For example, maybe you want to be able to work with Microsoft Excel to store some AutoCAD information directly into a spreadsheet file using Excels own tools from Visual LISP. This requires that you define the interface, and that in turn allows for the use of a Type Library, or TypeLib. To use a Type Library, it must be loaded into memory and certain interface pointers have to be defined. Visual LISP provides a set of functions specifically for loading and configuring Type Library interfaces. (vlax-import-type-library :tlb-filename name string




:properties-prefix string :constants-prefix ) Imports a type library reference into the current namespace. Arguments: :tlb-filename string (string) is the path and filename of the TypeLib file :methods-prefix string (string) is an arbitrary prefix string identifier :properties-prefix string (string) is an arbitrary prefix string identifier :constants-prefix string (string) is an arbitrary prefix string identifier Example:
(vlax-import-type-library :tlb-filename :methods-prefix "c:\\myfiles\\typelibs\\tlfile.tlb" "dsxm-"


:properties-prefix "dsxp-" :constants-prefix ) "dsxc-"

This example imports the type library interface to an external application or control defined in the file tlfile.tlb. The remaining arguments define the prefixes for methods, properties and constants exposed from the type library interface. If this type library provided a method named AddNumbers, it would be used in our Visual LISP code as dsxm-AddNumbers. Whats interesting is that once youve actually imported the type library and this expression has succeeded, the Visual LISP will recognize all defined properties, methods and constants from the external application and colorcode them in blue as with any builtin LISP function. This is another reason that the VLIDE is helpful for coding and providing features that improve your ability to spot code errors early.


Figure 33 Type Library Interfacing. A Type Library is simply an interface that exposes all of the object model members of one provider to other applications that request it. When you load a type library, it immediately defines and identifies all of the publicly exposed properties, constants and methods of its related application provider to the application consumer that is using it. In Figure 33, the Excel Type Library has been loaded to interface Visual LISP with Excels object model and use the tools it exposes. This can save a lot of time and headache by giving you direct access to tools built into Excel that will do what you need without having to attempt to reinvent the wheel in Visual LISP alone. An example of how this might be used is shown below and in Figure 34. For example, when supplying a constant value as an argument to an Excel function through a call from Visual LISP, you could use the constant enumeration name instead of the actual underlying value to keep your code clear and understandable. This also saves you from having to look up all the enumerations in Excel and translating them in Visual LISP. If Excel provides a constant such as putcellcolor you can use that directly from Excel. Visual LISP requires TypeLib information to determine whether a method, property or constant for an object is available. Some objects may not have any TypeLib information available, such as the AcadDocument object.

(vlax-typeinfo-available-p object)
Returns T if TypeLib information is available for object. If none is available, it returns nil. Arguments: Object A vlaobject.
(defun Excel-Get-Cell (rng row column) (vlax-variant-value


(msxl-get-item (msxl-get-cells rng) (vlax-make-variant row) (vlax-make-variant column) ) ) )

(defun Excel-Put-CellColor (row col intcol / rng) (setq rng (Excel-Get-Cell (msxl-get-ActiveSheet xlapp) row col)) (msxl-put-ColorIndex (msxl-get-interior rng) intcol) ) Figure 34 Example of using Type Library enabled code with Excel.

The second function definition in Figure 34 (Excel-Put-CellColor) provides a means for applying a color fill value to a given cell in an Excel worksheet from Visual LISP. This is possible by using the exposed interface methods from Excel that were provided by loading the Excel Type Library first. The type library items appear above with an msxl prefix. Once you invoke a TypeLib interface, the referenced functions are then recognized by the VLISP editor syntax engine. When you type them in properly, they change color to show that they are indeed recognized as a valid function from the external TypeLib interface. This is the basis of what makes this a useful coding practice: syntax awareness. TIP: Type Libraries come in many forms, they are most often .TLB files, but can also be .OLB, .DLL and even .EXE files. Its worth noting that Microsoft Office 97 and 2000 normally use .TLB files, however Office XP uses the .EXE files themselves to provide the type library interface definitions to other applications. Consult the documentation for whatever external application or service you want to work with for information about how it exposes its ActiveX type library information.

Microsoft Office TypeLib Versions

Product Office 97 Office 2000 Office XP Ver 8 9 10 Example Excel.Application.8 Outlook.Application.9 Word.Application.10


Office 2003 Office 2007 Office 2010

11 12 14

Powerpoint.Application.11 Excel.Application.12 Word.Application.14

Another handy tip is to look in the Windows registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT to find all of the registered API libraries for every service and installed application. There are also many freeware and shareware tools on the Internet to find, organized, view and inspect all the type libraries registered on your computer. These are often better than looking in the registry, since they can read the property pages within type libraries to show the internal documentation. Property pages are where the documentation information is drawn from when picking on objects in the VBA Object Browser. If you omit the version identifier, Windows will query for the "current version" by reading the CurVer subkey under the class GUID entry in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. For example, you may likely see both Excel.Application and Excel.Application.10 together in this registry. But if you look under Excel.Application, it will have a CurVer subkey that most likely is set to the value "Excel.Application.14" (assuming you have Office 2010 or Excel 2010 installed). It will also have the same CLSID value. This is essentially how upgrades redirect the type library interface to all external applications: using the registry.


This chapter will focus on using the testing and debugging tools in Visual LISP to catch problems early and make your code more bugproof. Debugging is as much a part of successful code development as mowing the lawn is for home ownership. It can be tedious and painful at times, but ignoring or neglecting it will certainly cause you greater pain in the long rum. The sooner you get familiar and comfortable with using the tools for debugging; the better off youll be in a variety of respects. Not the least of which will be improved code quality and better customer satisfaction (putting smiles on the faces of those that pay your salary never hurts).

Breakpoints are a tool for placing markers in your code to trigger a pause during execution automatically. If you are having a problem with your code in a particular part of the execution, place a Breakpoint at the beginning of that section and run the code until it hits that Breakpoint. Then you can use one or more of the following tools to dig deeper into the execution in a methodical manner to find the cause of the problem and fix it in less time. Example: Load the code file ERRORTEST1.LSP shown in Figure 41 and run the GETPROPS command in a drawing that contains a few CIRCLE, ARC and LINE entities.


Figure 41 ERRORTEST1.LSP example code Youll notice that when you select a Line or Ellipse entity, the code crashes with an error message "error: ActiveX Server returned the error: unknown name: Diameter". The same happens if you pick TEXT or POINT objects. Maybe you can see the cause of this error in the example code already, but lets pretend that this is a far more complex piece of code and you cant easily find the cause of this error by looking at the code. What to do now? Place a breakpoint in the code, load it and run it again. This time, when it gets to the breakpoint location in the code, the execution pauses, and you can begin debugging the code execution using the various tools provided in the VLIDE. One of these tools is called Stepping. Place your editor cursor directly in front of the line that contains (setq lay ) and press the F9 key, or pick the button, to toggle the Breakpoint ON at that location. Youll see the beginning parenthesis ( button, or press blocked in red. This is one of the visual aids provided by the VLIDE editor and it is very helpful indeed. Once youve toggle the Breakpoint ON, load the code into AutoCAD again using the CTRL+ALT+E to do the same thing.


Figure 42 ERRORTEST1.LSP with a BreakPoint set Now when you run the GETPROPS command and pick an entity, it will stop on that breakpoint and jump back to the VLIDE editor to await your next command. Youll notice here a few things are a little different now. First, the block of code that is contained within the matching parenthesis is now highlighted. Second, youll see that the DEBUG toolbar buttons are now enabled (no longer grayed out). This toolbar is now the main tool for continuing your debugging process.

The first three buttons at left are the Stepping control buttons (described in the next section in more detail), followed by the buttons for Continue, Quit and Reset. Then the next three buttons are Toggle Breakpoint, Add Watch, and Last Break, followed last by the Breakpoint Step status button. This last button simply shows a visual queue as to whether the current process is stopped before or after a matching subset of parenthesis. It can help to look at this to know whether an error is thrown before the expression or just after it was evaluated. Go ahead and pick the Step Into button . Keep picking on that button and watch how the code

continues to execute one expression at a time. This will continue until the execution encounters the expression that generates the error. At that point, execution is aborted and the error message is displayed.


Hopefully, youll discover that the cause of the error is that this code assumes certain properties are available without first verifying that they indeed are available. The Diameter property is obviously not available when picking a LINE entity. Nor is the Length property available when picking a CIRCLE entity.

As you may have surmised in the above example, stepping is simply a means of walking through code execution one line or one expression at a time. This lets you pause the execution and control the frame advance to proceed along until you get to a point in the code where you want to inspect whats going on or reveal an error or specific condition. You can Step Into , Step Over , or Step Out Of , which are common stepping methods in all programming languages, not just Visual LISP. Step Into Continues advancing execution by evaluating the next expression from the innermost nested statement to the outermost statement before advancing to the next expression or statement. Step Over Skips the currently highlighted statement block and advances execution to the next expression or statement. Step Out Of Skips out of the breakpoint block and advances to the next expression or statement. If there are no more breakpoints beyond this point, execution continues uninterrupted.

Another method of Stepping is to use Animated Execution. This feature executes the code normally but pauses after each expression is evaluated to highlight the block of code in the editor window. After each pause, the code advances automatically to the next expression. The pauses are processed using a timed delay value that you can adjust to suit your needs or preferences.

A Watch, in the context of debugging, is a marker placed on a particular object or symbol to continually display its properties during program execution. Adding a watch to a particular variable (symbol) enables you to see its value assignment during the course of a stepexecution following a breakpoint encounter in the process. To Add a Watch, select a symbol by highlighting the code in the editor window, and then pick the Add Watch button or press CTRL+W. This opens the Watch window and adds a watch reference into the watch list. You can watch as many symbols at a time as you desire, but keep in mind that the more you add, the more cumbersome it can be to clearly see whats going on.

Figure 43 shows a Watch being placed on the symbol p in the (foreach) section of the code. By moving the breakpoint to the beginning of the (foreach) section, this will enable the Watch to display each value of the symbol p as it is processed through the (foreach) iteration.

Figure 43 Adding a Watch to the p symbol. Note that initially, P=nil, since the code is not executing and there is no value assigned to p as of yet. When the (foreach) loop is entered, P will display the values for each of the symbols in the list (lay col ltp lwt dia len) respectively, even if they are set to nil.

There are several Trace features provided by VLISP. One is a Command Trace, which places a marker on a given command (or all commands) and displays a notification in the Trace Log Window whenever the command (or any command) is called from your active code execution. If the VLIDE is open, the Trace log window is displayed and any calls are posted there during execution. If the VLIDE is not active, the trace dump is posted to the AutoCAD command prompt window. However, once the VLIDE activated, it remains active even when you return to the AutoCAD editor session. Therefore, once VLISP is activated, all Trace output is sent to the Trace window in the VLIDE and you must return to the VLIDE session to continue viewing trace output until you close and reopen AutoCAD to terminate the trace output to VLISP. Another type of Trace is a Stack Trace.


The Trace button

is not on the DEBUG toolbar, but instead on the VIEW toolbar. This is because the

Trace feature is actually a window display as opposed to a debugging command related to a specific piece of code (as is the Add Watch and Breakpoint features). To display the Trace Log window, you must first turn ON the command trace by picking the Debug pulldown menu and checking the option titled "Trace Command". Once this is done, any calls to AutoCAD commands from your code execution in the VLIDE are reported to the Trace Log window as shown below.

Figure 44 Trace Log window after CHPROP command called. Figure 44 shows how a command such as CHPROP is reported to the Trace Log window along with any arguments it uses such as entity name, commandline options and values supplied to it. You may notice that each component is represented as a singlemember list. This is because VLISP represents command stacks in list form internally.

Inspection involves drilling down into a symbol to see what properties it contains and what form it is defined as. For example, inspecting the function (vlagetactivespace) will show that it is defined as a SUBR, an intrinsic function which is provided by VLISP. The number/letter string to the right of the declaration denotes its memory address in the current namespace.

Figure 45 The Inspection Window

Symbol Service
The Symbol Service utility provides a way to inspect symbols as to their properties. This includes protection status, tracing, debug on entry status and whether it has been exported to the AutoCAD


namespace. From this popup form you can also perform online help lookups by picking the help button at the top of the form. The example below shows the result of highlighting the code (vlaget activespace) and picking the Symbol Service button. You can also rightclick on the highlighted code and pick Symbol Service from the popup menu.

Figure 46 The Symbol Service Window

The APROPOS feature allows you to search for functions, properties and methods based upon a wildcard match, and return a list of them within a listbox in the IDE. From this list you can copy/paste into your code window or perform online help lookups to learn what the item can do or how its used. There are various ways to invoke this feature. One of them is to rightclick on some code and pick Apropos from the popup menu (shown in the example below). Or you can pick the Apropos button on the View toolbar.


Figure 47 The Apropos Results Window As you can see by the example above, an APROPOS search on "vlget" turns up quite a few matching items in the Results window. You can narrow down the search by typing in a few more characters in your code window, such as "vlagetActive" to only find those items that begin with the same string value. You can also modify the Apropos search within the Results window by picking on the topleft button (tool tip says "Apropos Options") and entering your changes to the search criteria in the edit box. Other options on this form allow you to specify casematching, prefix only, and lowercase conversion. The Filter Value button displays even more options on the Filter Value form.


Figure 48 Apropos Filter Value options You can, for example, limit your search to items such as builtin functions, externallydefined functions (ExrSubrs such as those defined by ObjectARX applications), and Null or NonNull values. The Filter Flags button displays a search filtering form for limiting the search to symbols that have certain characteristics themselves, such as being protected or those that have been exported to the AutoCAD namespace.

Figure 49 Apropos Filter Flags options

Bookmarks are not necessarily a debugging tool, but they are useful for locating a particular section of code quickly. This is especially true in cases where you are working with very large amounts of code in a single file and it becomes difficult to jump around in the file to specific points in the code. Bookmarks appear as a rounded square solid green symbol in front of the line where you insert them. To insert a Bookmark, place the cursor on the desired line of code and press ALT+. (a period) or pick Search/Bookmarks/Toggle Bookmark. To remove a bookmark, place the cursor on the bookmarked line and press ALT+. again or pick Search/Bookmarks/Toggle Bookmark. To clear all bookmarks in a given file, pick Search/Bookmarks/Clear All Bookmarks. TIP: While Visual LISP does not allow you to jump to bookmarks by name, you can move between them in a Next/Previous manner. To jump from one bookmark to the next, press CTRL+. (a period). To move to the previous bookmark, press CTRL+, (a comma) or continue pressing CTRL+. Until you cycle through all the bookmarks again.

Goto Line Position


When Bookmarks are not practical, you can also jump directly to a line in your code by number. Simply press CTRL+G to display the Goto Line box, enter the line number and press Enter to go to that line.

Figure 410 The Go To Line Box.

Error Trapping
Ultimately, no method of debugging will get you to the goal line without proper error trapping. What is Error Trapping? It is simply a process of capturing an error in order to diagnose the nature of the error and performing some corrective action as a result. This is more efficient and produces better quality results than simply allowing the error to crash your code and display an ugly, cryptic message that confuses the user. ActiveX in particular, is not known for being very friendly when it comes to the content of its error messages. For example, a common error message thrown by ActiveX operations in Visual LISP is the following:
Error: ActiveX error: No description provided.

What does this mean to the user? For that matter, what does it mean to anyone? Not much. However, within the context of your code, you might be trying to initiate a connection to an Access database using ADO or JET. At the point where you would try to make the connection, you should place an Error Trap around that code and test whether it succeeded or failed, and if it failed, determine why it failed. Then you can check the error conditions and display a meaningful message that may help the user figure out the cause themselves, saving you even more work. How do you place an Error Trap around your code? You use the functions provided by Visual LISP for trapping, checking and handling errors generated by an ActiveX object.

Visual LISP Error Trapping Functions

Visual LISP provides some additional error trapping and error handling functions over the ageold AutoLISP *error* function. Each of these functions give you a collective set of tools to catch, verify and


handle errors thrown from code execution in Visual LISP, especially for code that runs in its own namespace or that is interfacing with external application objects or procedures. For example, it can be very difficult at times to intercept and react to errors generated from things like ADO failures unless you use these special functions.

(vl-catch-all-apply function list)

Places an error trap over the result of a function execution. Works similarly to the TryCatch exception handing provided in C++, C#.NET and VB.NET programming languages. This function returns either the successful object or an Error object. The (vl-catch-all-error-p) function determines if the return object is an Error object. Arguments: Function Either a defun or lambda function definition or symbol pointer List A list of required arguments for the function being evaluated The (vl-catch-all-apply) function is used to place an error "catch" (trap) around a set of code expressions. Once executed, any result is passed directly to the output of this function where it can be checked to see if it generated an error, and if so, what kind of error was generated. The syntax for this function is (vl-catch-all-apply function list) where function is the expression being executed, and list is the items on which the function is being executed upon or by way of. TIP: Be aware of every ActiveX object you intend to use or interface with. You should be careful to determine whether or not the object will "throw" an ActiveX or OLE error when it fails. If it is capable of throwing such an error (as opposed to returning nil) as the result of a failure, you should ALWAYS wrap the expressions used to interface with it inside of an error handler to keep your code from "blowing up" on the user. For example, to place an error trap around an attempt to open Microsoft Excel, you could use something like this
(cond ( (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq XL (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-create-object '("Excel.Application.14") )


) ) (vl-exit-with-error (strcat "\nError: " (vl-catch-all-error-message XL)) ) ) ( T (princ "\nSuccessfully opened Microsoft Excel session object.") ) )

Figure 411 Error trapping example using an Excel application object This small example does the following (working from the inside out in order of processing): Attempt to create an object of Excel.Application.14 If the attempt fails it returns appsession as an Error object.
(vl-catch-all-error-p) returns T when it inspects appsession

Evaluation is aborted by the (vl-exit-with-error) function which displays the error message

passed through the Error object app session. This error causes the code to abort execution immediately and displays the message to the

user at the same time. Otherwise, if (vl-catch-all-error-p) returns nil, the returned appsession object is not an Error object, and the program can continue on to do more things with it. A more simple and direct test is to force a "Divide by Zero" failure to create an error and see how Visual LISP handles it. From within the LISP Console window, enter the following two lines of code in the order shown. After the first line, you should see the error object returned as <%catch-all-applyerror%>. After the second line, you should see the string value message returned from the Error object

as "divide by zero".
_$ (setq catchit (vl-catch-all-apply '/ '(50 0)))


_$ (vl-catch-all-error-message catchit)

"divide by zero"

A good place to use (vl-catch-all-apply) is when attempting to fetch an object from a collection using the (vla-item) method. For example, you might expect the following code fragment to return nil


if no matching object is found. However, this fragment would throw an ActiveX error instead.
(setq layers (vla-get-layers (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (setq mylayer (vla-item layers "Doors"))

The proper way to do this would be to use (vl-catch-all-apply) to trap the error when a request fails. This might look something like the following:
(if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq mylayer (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-item (list layers "Doors")) ) ) ) (princ "\nLayer was found in layers collection!") (princ "\nLayer does not exist.") )

TIP: Here is an example function that I will use throughout this book in place of (vlaitem). It returns an object or nil if no item is found in the provided collection. I highly recommend using a function like this in place of (vlaitem) to avoid errors in your code.
(defun get-item (collection item / result) (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq result (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-item (list collection item)) )


) ) result ) )

(vl-catch-all-error-p object)
Returns T or nil depending upon whether object is an Error object or not. Arguments: Object Any vlaobject Example:
(vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply '/ '(50 0)))

This will returns T (true) because (/ 50 0) is a classic "divide by zero" failure.

(vl-catch-all-error-message object)
Returns the message description from an Error object. If object is not an Error object, this function returns nil. Arguments: Object Any vlaobject Example:
(vl-catch-all-error-message (vl-catch-all-apply '/ '(50 0)))

This will display an error message "divide by zero".

(vl-exit-with-error message)
Aborts the VLX execution and returns a string message result. Arguments:


Message A string containing an error message result The (vl-exit-with-error) function aborts execution immediately and returns a string value as the result. This is useful for passing up a custom error message that may provide added clarity to users. This works very much like the AutoLISP (exit) function except that you can pass a return value back as a result of the error. Figure 48 shows how you can pass (vl-catch-all-error-message) as the return message value.

(vl-exit-with-value value)
Aborts the VLX execution and returns a numeric or symbolic result value. Arguments: Value Any value or symbol Example:
(defun fubar (somevalue / *error*) (defun *error* (s) (vl-exit-with-value s) ) (/ somevalue 0); force divide by zero error )

(defun errortest ( / try) (cond ( (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq try (vl-catch-all-apply 'fubar (list 12))) ) (princ (strcat "\nError: " (vl-catch-all-error-message try))) ) ) )


If you load the above example and type in (errortest), the result will be "Error: divide by zero". The
(vl-exit-with-value) function works the same way as (vl-exit-with-error) except that it returns a

numeric value as the result. This can be helpful if you want to handle errors using a numeric value parameter, such as passing up the return value of an ActiveX Error number. As you can see from these functions and the figures shown, you can perform very detailed error trapping and handling using Visual LISP to help you produce better quality code and software products. This practice is not unique to Visual LISP by any means. It is the same in general as what is done with other languages such as C/C++, Visual Basic, VBA, Java and so forth. However, the error trapping and handling features provided by Visual LISP are by no means as flexible and robust as those provided by .NET and C++ (e.g. Try/Catch/Fail or Finally). Error trapping makes sense but you have to make the effort to put it to efficient use to get the benefits it offers.


Projects are collections of related LSP files that you associate together for a common purpose. Examples can be multiple files that comprise a single feature or group of features that you want to always be working together in some respect. This is also called a Work Space in other products, but the overall intent is the same: Collect related code files together with a name to make it easier to open and work on them together.

Figure 51 The Project pulldown menu and the Project Window While Projects are great, VLISP has certain limitations that make them less than ideal compared to other code development tools on the market such as Microsoft Visual Studio. Among these limitations are that you cannot include DCL or other types of code files, and you can only compile the project to FAS output, not to VLX. Ideally, a VLISP project should allow for all file types that can be included in a VLX application (DVB, txt, LSP, DCL).


Nonetheless, Projects are very useful for nothing less than to keep related LSP files together and be able to quickly open any or all of them in the editor. See Figures 52 and 53 for an example of how a project configuration is managed. Once you create and open a project, it will display a dockable listbox in the VLIDE window that displays all the member .LSP files. To open a particular file, simply doubleclick on it. You can also open multiple files at once by rightclicking on the list and picking Multiple Selection from the popup menu (refer to the image at right). You can add and remove files from a project at any time by using the Add File or Remove File options from the popup menu. You can also add or remove files from the Project Properties form (see Figure 52). TIP: The order in which you add files or sort them in the project files list is the order they will be compiled in when using a project files list as the input for the Make Application Wizard (discussed in Chapter 13). You can go back and modify the order of files after they have been added into a given project.

Figure 52 The Project Properties form, Files tab Figure 52 shows the main properties form for making and modifying a Visual LISP project. Note that there are two tabs "Project Files" and "Build Options". Figure 53 shows the "Build Options" tab panel. The Project Files panel is where you select the .LSP files to be part of your project.


Figure 53 Project Properties / Build Options The options shown in Figure 53 will be explained in more detail in Chapter 13 ("Making Applications"). All of these options pertain to the making of FAS output files, .FAS files are compiled LISP code that can be created from one or more LSP files as a single .FAS file, which can be compiled into a VLX application file with other FAS files.


While the topic of Variant and Safearray data types was discussed earlier in this book, they are significant enough within the ActiveX world of Visual LISP to warrant an entire chapter devoted solely to them. We will begin by briefly reviewing what they are and then begin exploring how to work with them using Visual LISP functions. As we mentioned before, a Variant is a data type that is designed to be a generic catchall container for any other type of data. They consume the most memory and processing resources of all the data types because they are the largest in terms of resource requirements. Languages such as C/C++, Visual Basic and Delphi provide declaration statements to notify the compiler in advance as to what data types each variable will contain. This not only guarantees leaner resource requirements but also allows for error checking during compilation that heads off runtime problems.

Visual LISP Variant Functions (vlax-make-variant [value] [type])

Creates a variant object using the given value or symbol evaluation Arguments: Value The value to be assigned to the variant. If value is omitted, an empty variant of type vlaxvbEmpty is created. Type The data type of the variant. If type is omitted, the LISP data type is cast to the closest ActiveX data type (see table below). Examples:
(vlax-make-variant) or (vlax-make-variant nil)

Creates an uninitialized variant of type (vlax-vbEmpty).

(vlax-make-variant 10 :vlax-vbInteger)

Creates a variant of type Integer (vlax-vbInteger) with value of 10.


(vlax-make-variant "vlisp example")

Creates a variant of type String (vlax-vbString) with value of "vlisp example".

(setq dblarray (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 3))) (vlax-make-variant dblarray :vlax-vbArray)

Creates a variant containing a safearray of double values. TIP: The Decimal and Short ActiveX data types are not supported in Visual LISP. You can however, specify their types using the (vlaxvarianttype) when reading in values from external sources. To send data to external sources in these types, you may have to use the numeric representation of (vlax vbDecimal) and (vlaxvbShort) as they are not provided as enumerations within Visual LISP. For example, a Decimal data type is enumeration value 14.

Variant Data Types

What if you dont specify the data type for the Variant constructor? Visual LISP will attempt to convert it to an appropriate variant data type using a default mapping. Table 61 below shows the default mapping of data types from LISP to Variant.
LISP Data Type Variant Default Data Type Assignment nil vlax-vbEmpty :vlax-null vlax-vbNull INT (integer) vlax-vbLong REAL (float) vlax-vbDouble STR (string) vlax-vbString VLA-OBJECT vlax-vbObject :vlax-true or :vlax-falsevlax-vbBoolean VARIANT Same as the type of initial value SafeArray vlax-vbArray N/A vlax-vbShort N/A vlax-vbDecimal N/A vlax-vbDate

Table 61 Visual LISP Default LISP>Variant Data Mappings

(vlax-variant-type variant)
Returns the data type of a variant. If the symbol is not a variant, an error is generated. The return value is an enumeration of the data type (see Appendix A for Data Type enumerations).


Arguments: Symbol A symbol containing a variant value. Examples:

(setq vartest (vlax-make-Variant 6 vlax-vbInteger)) (vlax-variant-type vartest) returns 2 (integer type) (setq vartest (vlax-make-Variant "dog" vlax-vbString)) (vlax-variant-type vartest) returns 8 (string type) (setq vartest 123) (vlax-variant-type vartest) returns ; *** ERROR: bad argument type: variantp 123

A variant type value greater than 8192 indicates that the variant contains some form of safearray. To determine the data type of the safearray, subtract 8192 from the return value. For example, if the return value is 8197, the safearray data type is 5 (8197 8192), which is a vlaxvbDouble data type.

(vlax-variant-value symbol)
Returns the value contained in a variant symbol. If symbol does not contain a variant data type, and error is generated. Otherwise, the data type is returned as an enumeration (integer) value (see Appendix A for Data Type enumerations). Arguments: Symbol A symbol containing a variant value. Examples:
(setq vartest (vlax-make-Variant "testvalue" vlax-vbString)) (vlax-variant-value vartest)

Returns value "testvalue" as a string result.

(setq sa (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 2))) (setq vartest (vlax-make-Variant sa vlax-vbDouble)) (vlax-variant-value vartest)


Returns a value of #<safearray> which is a vlaobject type.

(vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value vartest))

Returns value (0.0 0.0 0.0) a list result.

(vlax-variant-change-type symbol type)

Changes the data type assignment of a variant. Arguments: Symbol A variant value Type Data type number or enumeration to convert to Examples:
(setq vartest (vlax-make-Variant 5 vlax-vbInteger)) (setq vartest (vlax-variant-change-type vartest vlax-vbString))

Converts vartest to variant of type String (vlaxvbString) which would result in a value being returned from (vlaxvariantvalue) as "5".

Visual LISP SafeArray Functions (vlax-make-safearray type dim1 [dim2] )

Creates a safearray of data type type of dimension bounds dim1, etc. where additional dimensions can be specified. If the operation fails for any reason, expression returns nil. Arguments: Type Data type (integer or enumeration) Dim1 Dimension of array (one dimension array) Dim2 (optional) Dimension of second array (two dimension array) etc. Examples:


(setq sa (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 2)))

Creates a singledimension array of doubles, capable of storing three distinct elements (0, 1, 2).
(setq sa (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbString '(0 . 1) '(1 . 3)))

Creates a twodimensional array of strings, the first dimension contains two elements beginning at index 0. The second dimension contains three elements and begins at index 1. TIP: To populate a SafeArray you can either use (vlax-safearray-fill) or (vlax-safearrayput-element) depending upon whether you need to assign elements one at a time or all at once.

(vlax-safearray->list symbol)
If symbol contains a safearray, the elements are returned in a LISP LIST data type. If symbol if does not contain a safearray, an error is generated. You should wrap calls to this function inside of an error catch to ensure proper error handling. Arguments: Symbol A symbol containing a safearray

(vlax-safearray-type symbol)
If symbol contains a safearray, the data type of the elements is returned as an enumerated result (integer value). This can be matched either by the integer or enumeration result (see Appendix A for Data Type enumerations). If symbol does not contain a safearray, an error is generated. Arguments: Symbol A symbol containing a safearray Examples:
(setq sa (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 3))) (vlax-safearray-type sa)

Returns 5 (a double) which equates to vlaxvbDouble

(vlax-safearray-fill safearray 'element-values)

Assigns values to multiple elements in a safearray. If the supplied argument is not an array, an ActiveX

error is returned. You should wrap calls to this function inside of an error catch to ensure proper error handling. Arguments: Safearray - An object of type safearray. Element-values - A list of values to be stored in the array. You can specify as many values as there are elements in the array. If you specify fewer values than there are elements, the remaining elements retain their current value or are left empty. For multidimension arrays, element-values must be a list of lists, with each list corresponding to a dimension of the array. Create a singledimension array of double values:
_$ (setq myarray (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 2))) #<safearray...>

Use vlaxsafearrayfill to populate the array elements with values:

_$ (vlax-safearray-fill myarray '(1 2 3)) #<safearray...>

List the contents of the array to verify element values:

_$ (vlax-safearray->list myarray) (1.0 2.0 3.0)

(vlax-safearray-get-element safearray element [element...])

Returns the value of specified elements within a safearray, where element values are integers denoting the index locations to fetch within the array. If the safearray argument is not a safearray object, an ActiveX error is returned. You should wrap calls to this function inside of an error catch to ensure proper error handling. Arguments: Safearray - An object of type Safearray Element - Integer of index location to fetch


_$ (setq sa (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbString '(1 . 2) '(1 . 2) ))


Use vlaxsafearrayputelement to populate the array:

_$ (vlax-safearray-put-element sa 1 1 "A") "a" _$ (vlax-safearray-put-element sa 1 2 "B") "b" _$ (vlax-safearray-put-element sa 2 1 "C") "c" _$ (vlax-safearray-put-element sa 2 2 "D") "d"

Use vlaxsafearraygetelement to retrieve the second element in the first dimension of the array:
_$ (vlax-safearray-get-element sa 1 1) "A" _$ (vlax-safearray-get-element a 2 2) "D"

(vlax-safearray-put-element safearray element [element...] value)

Assigns a new value to a single element in a safearray. If the safearray argument is not a Safearray object, an ActiveX error is returned. If the elementvalue supplied is not capable of casting into the expected array data type, an ActiveX error is returned. You should wrap calls to this function inside of an error catch to ensure proper error handling. Arguments: Safearray - An object of type Safearray Element - A set of index values pointing to the element you are assigning a value to. For a single dimension array, specify one index value; for a twodimension array, specify two index values, and so on. Value - A value to assign to each element. To assign different values to individual elements in the array, make separate calls with unique values to correspond to the appropriate element locations.

_$ (setq sa (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbString '(1 . 2) '(1 . 2) )) #<safearray...>

Use vlaxsafearrayputelement to populate the array:

_$ (vlax-safearray-put-element sa 1 1 "A") "A" _$ (vlax-safearray-put-element sa 1 2 "B") "B" _$ (vlax-safearray-put-element sa 2 1 "C") "C" _$ (vlax-safearray-put-element sa 2 2 "D") "D"

You can also populate array values using the vlax-safearray-fill function. The following function call accomplishes the same task as three vlax-safearray-put-element calls:
(vlax-safearray-fill sa '(("A" "B") ("C" "D")))

(vlax-safearray-get-dim safearray)
Returns the dimension (number of array dimensions) in a given safearray. If the supplied argument is not an array, an ActiveX error is returned. You should wrap calls to this function inside of an error catch to ensure proper error handling. Arguments: Safearray - An object of type Safearray
_$ (setq myarray (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbInteger '(2 . 5))) #<safearray...>

_$ (vlax-safearray-get-dim myarray) 2

(vlax-safearray-get-l-bound safearray dim )

Returns the lower boundary of the specified array dimension (an integer value). If the supplied


argument is not an array, an ActiveX error is returned. You should wrap calls to this function inside of an error catch to ensure proper error handling. Arguments: Safearray - An object of type Safearray Dim - The integer location of the dimension within the array, where the first dimension is 1. The following examples evaluate a safearray defined as follows:
(vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbString '(1 . 2) '(0 . 1) ))

Get the starting index value of the array's first dimension:

_$ (vlax-safearray-get-l-bound tmatrix 1) 1

(vlax-safearray-get-u-bound safearray dim )

Returns the upper boundary of the specified array dimension (an integer value). If the supplied argument is not an array, an ActiveX error is returned. You should wrap calls to this function inside of an error catch to ensure proper error handling. Arguments: Safearray - An object of type Safearray Dim - The integer location of the dimension within the array, where the first dimension is 1.
(setq sa (vlax-make-Safearray vlax-vbString '(1 . 2) '(0 . 1) ))

_$ (vlax-safearray-get-u-bound sa 1)

The first dimension ends with index 2. Get the end index value of the second dimension of the array, which starts at 1:
_$ (vlax-safearray-get-u-bound sa 2)


You might also want to define your own shorthand functions such as Lbound and Ubound, which are commonly used in VB and VBA.


Visual LISP provides a set of functions that allow you to create, manipulate and close ActiveX objects. This is normally with respect to external application session objects, but it can also apply to any external process object, such as DLL or OCX interfaces.

(vlax-get-object program-id)
Attempts to connect to an existing object (process). Same as the Visual Basic/VBA/VBscript GetObject
(program-id) function.

Arguments: Program-ID - A string that names the application object class identifier. "Word.Application.14" or "Excel.Application.14". Example:
(setq xlapp (vlax-get-object "Excel.Application.14"))

For example

Returns a vlaobject to the external Excel application session if successful, otherwise it returns nil.

(vlax-create-object program-id)
Attempts to create a new object session (process). Same as the Visual Basic function CreateObject

Arguments: Program-ID - A string that names the application object class identifier. "Word.Application.14" or "Excel.Application.14". Example:
(setq xlapp (vlax-create-object "Excel.Application.14"))

For example

Returns a vlaobject to the new external Excel application session if successful, otherwise it returns nil.


(vlax-get-or-create-object program-id)
Attempts to first connect to an existing object session, and then, if none are found, it attempts to create a new object session. This function has no equivalent in Visual Basic; it is unique to Visual LISP. Arguments: Program-ID - A string that names the application object class identifier. "Word.Application.11" or "Excel.Application.11". Example:
(setq xlapp (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application.11"))

For example

Returns a vlaobject to the external Excel application session if successful, otherwise it returns nil. To mimick this functionality in VBScript it might look something like the following:
Dim xlapp On Error Resume Next Set xlapp = GetObject("Excel.Application.14") If err.Number <> 0 Then err.Clear Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application.14") If err.Number <> 0 Then wscript.echo "error: unable to instantiate Excel interface" End If End If

(vlax-write-enabled-p object)
Returns T if object can be modified, otherwise it returns nil. Note: Be careful about this function. It may often return False when the object is in fact open for modification. Arguments: Object - Any vlaobject


(vlax-object-erased-p object)
Returns T if object was erased from the drawing, otherwise returns nil. Arguments: Object - Any vlaobject representing an Entity object type.

(vlax-release-object object)
Releases object from memory, but does not deallocate memory. When releasing an object that points to an external application session it is strongly suggested that (gc) be forced to release the external process from operating system resources. Arguments: Object - Any vlaobject. WARNING: While object symbols may be localized, completion of a function does not necessarily release the objects resources. It is advised that you still use this function to ensure the object is released properly when it is no longer needed. However, be aware that even releasing an object derived from an external application may not fully release it from memory or from the process stack of the operating system. It is best to follow the completion of your code with releasing of all unused objects, and then you should call the (gc) function in order to "force" a garbage collection of the memory heap.


Some of the most useful functions provided by Visual LISP are the file and directory functions. These are a collection of functions that enable you to access, and modify file properties as well as list files and folders within specified folders. One example of putting these to use, is within the context of a dialog box listbox. Maybe youd like to show a list of drawing files in a listbox but not show their extensions (possibly to keep the names shorter). This can be done by combining a directory listing and the vlfilenamebase function in unison as follows:
(mapcar 'vl-filename-base (vl-directory-files pathname "*.dwg"))

This will return a list of names such as ("drawing1" "drawing2" ). Be careful with this example in that it provides no error checking. If the (vldirectoryfiles) function returns nil, the rest of the expression would crash with an error. This example is only shown to demonstrate how these functions can be combined and used to facilitate file and directory information usage.

(vl-file-size filename)
Returns the byte size of filename in integer form. If filename is not found, returns nil. Arguments: Filename - String name of file to query. Example:
(vl-file-size "c:\\myfile1.txt"); returns 125523 (roughly 124 Kb)

(vl-file-copy source-filename target-filename [append])

Copies file from source location source-filename to destination target-filename. If append is nonnil and destination file exists, the source file is appended to the existing destination file. If destination file exists and append is nil, the file will not be copied and the return value is nil. If successful, an integer value is returned.


Arguments: Source-filename - Name of file to be copied. If file is not in the default search path, then the filename must include the full path location. Target-filename - Name of destination to copy source file to. If destination path is not specified, the default working directory location is used. Append - (Optional) if nonnil, indicates source file is to be appended onto destination file if destination file exists. Examples:
(vl-file-copy "c:\\myfile1.txt" "c:\\mycopy.txt")

(vl-file-copy "c:\\myfile2.txt" "c:\\mycopy.txt" T); appends target file

(vl-file-delete filename)
Deletes filename. Returns T if successful, otherwise returns nil. Arguments: Filename - String name of file to delete.

(vl-file-rename old-name new-name)

Renames existing file from old-name to new-name. Returns T if successful, otherwise returns nil. Arguments: Old-Name - String name of existing file. New-Name - String name to rename file when completed.

(vl-file-directory-p filename)
Returns T if filename represents a directory folder name. Returns nil if filename is actually a file or does not exist at all.

(vl-file-systime filename)


Returns list of date and time values for last modification of filename. Return list is in the form of (year month dayofweek dayofmonth hours minutes seconds)

(vl-filename-base filename)
Returns the base filename without its path or extension. Arguments: Filename - String naming the file, with or without the path or extension. Examples:
(vl-filename-base "c:\\myfiles\\drawing1.dwg")

Returns "drawing1"
(vl-filename-base "drawing1.dwg")

Returns "drawing1"

(vl-filename-directory filename)
Returns the directory or path prefix value from the specified filename string. Arguments: Filename - String naming the file including the pathname. Examples:
(vl-filename-directory "c:\\dwgfiles\\working\\drawing1.dwg") Returns: "c:\\dwgfiles\\working"

(vl-filename-extension filename)
Returns the extension of a given filename string. Arguments: Filename - Name of file (string) Examples:


(vl-filename-extension "c:\\myfiles\\drawing1.dwg")

Returns "dwg"

(vl-filename-mktemp [pattern directory extension])

Creates a unique file name to be used for a temporary file. Returns a string file name, in the format: directory\base<XXX><.extension> where base is up to 5 characters, taken from pattern, and XXX is a 3 character unique combination. All file names generated by vlfilenamemktemp during a VLISP session are deleted when you exit VLISP. Arguments: Pattern - A string containing a file name pattern; if nil or absent, vlfilenamemktemp uses "$VL~~". Directory - A string naming the directory for temporary files; if nil or absent, vlfilenamemktemp chooses a directory in the following order:

The directory specified in pattern, if any. The directory specified in the TMP environment variable. The directory specified in the TEMP environment variable. The current directory.

Extension - A string naming the extension to be assigned to the file; if nil or absent, vlfilename mktemp uses the extension part of pattern (which may be an empty string). Examples:
(vl-filename-mktemp) "C:\\TMP\\$VL~~004" (vl-filename-mktemp "myapp.del") "C:\\TMP\\MYAPP005.DEL" (vl-filename-mktemp "c:\\acad2010\\myapp.del")


"C:\\ACAD2010\\MYAPP006.DEL" (vl-filename-mktemp "c:\\acad2010\\myapp.del") "C:\\ACAD2010\\MYAPP007.DEL" (vl-filename-mktemp "myapp" "c:\\acad2010") "C:\\ACAD2010\\MYAPP008" (vl-filename-mktemp "myapp" "c:\\acad2010" ".del") "C:\\ACAD2010\\MYAPP00A.DEL"

(vl-directory-files path pattern [mode])

Returns a list of files or subfolders depending upon mode. Arguments: Path - String name of path to query. Pattern - String denoting files to query, may contain wildcards. If not specified or nil, assumes "*.*". Mode - (Optional) Integer. One of the following 1 = 0= 1= List directory names only List files and directories (default if not specified) List files only.

Command: (vl-directory-files "c:\\dwgfiles\\Working" "*.dwg") ("drawing1.dwg" "drawing2.dwg" . . .)

Command: (vl-directory-files "c:\\dwgfiles" nil -1) ("." ".." "Finished" "Working")

Command: (vl-directory-files "c:\\dwgfiles" nil 1) nil


AutoLISP provides many powerful mapping and iteration functions such as (while) (foreach)
(mapcar) and (apply). Visual LISP adds a few more that are more suited to working with ActiveX

collection objects. These include (vlax-for), (vl-every) and (vlax-map-collection) to name a few.

(vlax-map-collection object function)

Applies function over collection object members (objects). If object is not a collection, an error is generated. Arguments: Object - A vlaobject representing a collection Function - A symbol or lambda expression to be applied to object Examples:
(setq docs (vla-get-Documents (vlax-get-Acad-object))) (vlax-map-collection docs 'vlax-dump-object)

This will repeat the full property listing for each document currently opened
; IAcadDocument: An AutoCAD drawing ; Property values: ; ; ; ; ; Active (RO) = -1 ActiveDimStyle = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDimStyle 046bb644> ActiveLayer = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayer 046bbd84> ActiveLayout = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayout 046b8a64> ActiveLinetype = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLineType 046b89b4>


(vlax-for symbol collection [expression1 [expression2]])

Iterates member objects of collection and performs expressions on each member object. If second argument is not a collection object, an error is generated. Reference to symbol is localized and


temporary, just as with (foreach). Arguments: Symbol - a symbol to be assigned to each vlaobject in a collection. Collection - a vlaobject representing a collection Expressions - one or more expressions to be evaluated (optional) Examples:
(setq acadapp (vlax-get-Acad-object)) (setq layers (vla-get-Layers (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadapp))) (vlax-for eachLayer layers (princ (vla-get-Name eachLayer)) (terpri) )

This will list the names of all layers in the active drawing at the command prompt. Tip: Avoid defining a symbol named "acad" since it can often generate a runtime error.

(vl-position item list)

Returns the nth position of item within list if found. If item is not found in list, returns nil. The position index of the first member is zero (0). Arguments: Item - Any symbol or value. List - A list of values or symbols. Example:
(setq mylist ("A" "B" "C")) (vl-position "B" mylist) returns 1 (vl-position "b" mylist) returns nil.

(vl-every predicate-function list [list]...)


The vlevery function passes the first element of each supplied list as an argument to the test function, followed by the next element from each list, and so on. Evaluation stops as soon as one of the lists runs out. Arguments: Predicate-function - The test function. This can be any function that accepts as many arguments as there are lists provided with vlevery, and returns T on any userspecified condition. Returns T, if predicate-function returns a non-nil value for every element combination, otherwise it returns nil. The predicate-function value can take one of the following forms: A symbol (function name) (function (lambda (A1 A2) ...))

List(s) - The list to be tested. Examples: Check for files larger than 1024 bytes in given folder:
(vl-every (function (lambda (filename) (> (vl-file-size filename) 1024) ) ) (vl-directory-files nil nil 1) ) T

Comparing two lists...

(vl-every '= '(1 2) '(1 3)) Returns nil (vl-every '= '(1 2) '(1 2 3)) Returns T

The first expression returned nil because vlevery compared the second element in each list and they


were not numerically equal. The second expression returned T because vl-every stopped comparing elements after it had processed all the elements in the shorter list (1 2), at which point the lists were numerically equal. If the end of a list is reached, vl-every returns a nonnil value.
_$ (setq list1 (list 1 2 3 4)) (1 2 3 4) _$ (setq list2 nil) nil _$ (vl-every '= list2 list1) T

The return value is T because vl-every responds to the nil list as if it has reached the end of the list (even though the predicate hasn't yet been applied to any elements). And since the end of a list has been reached, vl-every returns a nonnil value.

(vl-remove element list)

Returns a new list where every instance of [element] is removed from [list] Arguments: Element - Symbol or value to be removed from [list] List - The list upon which to apply the removal operation Examples:
(vl-remove 3 (list 1 23 45 62 3 2 3 4 2 3))

Returns: (1 23 45 62 2 4 2)

(vl-string-search pattern string [start-position])

Searches a string for a matching pattern and returns the integer value for the starting position where it resides. Arguments: Pattern - The string pattern to use for searching within the String argument


String - The string which is to be searched to find instances of [Pattern] Start-Position - (optional) Location in [String] where search is to begin. The default is the beginning of the string. Examples:
(setq acadapp (vlax-get-Acad-object)) (setq layers (vla-get-Layers (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadapp)))

(vlax-for eachLayer layers (princ (vla-get-Name eachLayer)) (terpri) )

(vl-string->list string)
Parses or tokenizes a string into a LIST of ASCII character codes for each character in the string. Arguments: String - The string to parse or tokenize Examples:
(vl-string->list "ABCDEF")

Returns: (65 66 67 68 69 70)

(vl-string-elt string position)

Returns the ASCII code for the character at a specific position within a string value Arguments: String - The string to search Position - The integer value for the position to evaluate Example:


(vl-string-elt "ABCDEF" 3)

Returns: 68

(vl-get-resource filename)
Returns the text content within a .TXT file which has been packaged inside of a .VLX project. It is intended to be called from within the VLX context, which is why you don't name the VLX itself, but rather the text file within it. Arguments: Filename - Name of embedded TXT file without the extention Example:
(princ (vl-get-resource "license"))

(vl-string-trim chars string)

Returns a string after removing beginning (left) and trailing (right) chars. Argument: Chars - The characters to be removed String - The string to be trimmed Example:
(vl-string-trim " " " ABC ")

Returns: "ABC"
(vl-string-trim "A3" "ABACAB3")

Returns: "BACAB"

(vl-string-left-trim chars string)

Returns a string after removing only the beginning (left) chars


Arguments: Chars - The characters to be removed String - The string to be trimmed Examples:
(vl-string-left-trim " " " ABC ")

Returns: "ABC "

(vl-string-left-trim "A3" "ABACAB3")

Returns: "BACAB3"

(vl-string-right-trim chars string)

Returns a string after removing only the trailing (right) chars Arguments: Chars - The characters to be removed String - The string to be trimmed Examples:
(vl-string-right-trim " " " ABC ")

Returns: " ABC"

(vl-string-right-trim "A3" "ABACAB3")

Returns: "ABACAB"

(vl-string-mismatch string1 string2 [position1 position2 ignore-case])

Returns the length of the longest common prefix between two specifiedc strings, starting at specified positions


Arguments: String1 - The first comparison string String2 - The second comparison string Position1 - (optional) Location in [String1] where comparison is to begin. The default is the beginning of [String1] Position2 - (optional) Location in [String2] where comparison is to begin. The default is the beginning of [String2] Ignore-case - (optional) Whether to ignore case. By default, case is considered. Examples:
(vl-string-mismatch "The dog" "The cat" 1 1 T)

Returns: 3
(vl-string-mismatch "He said that was good" "She said that was bad" 4 5)

Returns: 13

(vl-string-position character-code string start-position [from-end])

Returns index location of matching string using a specified character ASCII code. Arguments: CharacterCode - An ASCII code number String - The String to search Start-Position - (optional) Location in [String] where search is to begin. The default is the beginning of [String]. From-End - (optional) T = Start in reverse from end of string, nil (default) is start from beginning (leftmost) end Examples:


(vl-position (ascii "A") "HEY MAN")

Returns: 5
(vl-position 65 "HEY MAN")

Returns: 5
(vl-string-position (ascii "Y") "HEY MAN" nil)

Returns: 2

(vl-string-subst new-pattern old-pattern string [start])

Substitutes one pattern for another pattern within a string. Much like the (subst) AutoLISP command. Arguments: New-Pattern - The new string value to replace the [oldpattern] string value Old-Pattern - The existing pattern to be replaced in [string] String - The string in which to perform the substitution Start - (optional) starting index in [string] to search for [oldpattern] Examples:
(vl-string-subst "Help" "Love" "Visual LISP gets no Love")

Returns: "Visual LISP gets no Help"

(vl-string-translate source-set destination-set string)

Substitutes characters in a string with a specified set of characters and returns the new string value Arguments: Source-Set - The pattern of characters to be matched Destination-Set - The pattern of characters to be used to replace those in the [sourceset] String - The string to be manipulated


(vl-string-translate "5" "6" "123456 123456")

Returns: "123466 123466"

(ACET-STR-TO-LIST delimiter string)

Parses a string into a list by breaking it at each occurrence of delimiter. While this is technically not a Visual LISP function, it is nonetheless useful and since Express Tools are usually installed it is often available for use. Arguments: Delimiter - Character or string value on which to break the string String - The string to be parsed into a list Examples:
(acet-str-to-list " " "the dog ate")

Returns: ("the" "dog" "ate")


Developing Visual LISP VLX applications can include the use of Separate Namespaces in order to provide added performance controls and better security. However, there are some added costs in terms of coding changes that must be used to avoid problems and provide proper results. This includes importing and exporting functions and symbols, as well as passing values in and out of the local namespace. Because a separate namespace VLX application can be isolated, it can also be queried and unloaded if desired, unlike normal LISP functions which are loaded into the document namespace and are not identifiable or capable of being unloaded by name. This very much like ObjectARX applications, and it provides added capabilities to the developer that were not available to LISP until Visual LISP came along.

Figure 101 Namespace relationships

In the world of ActiveX or COM (Component Object Model) development, every application is normally run in its own namespace within Windows. This is a common part of how multitasking is enabled. Other processes that are started by a given application may or may not run within the applications namespace. They may in fact run in their own isolated namespaces. The advantages are many, but there are tradeoffs as well. Referring to Figure 101 we can use some people examples to describe how namespaces work and how processes within them behave. The two VLX applications running inside of the Document namespace


are each running in their own separate namespaces. This is a little misleading, as they are not really running within the Document namespace, but are actually running within the AcadApplication namespace. Because they were loaded into the Document namespace however, they are referenced only within that Document namespace. The third VLX is not a separatenamespace application and is running entirely within the Document namespace as would any traditional AutoLISP application.

Namespace Scoping
Note in this example, that there are three objects (function definitions) named Bob. While each is loaded into the same Document namespace, they cannot see or affect each other. This results in something like having three distinct Bob objects, sort of like Bob Smith, Bob Jones and Bob Doe. Unless you incorporate some specific Visual LISP functions, they cannot communicate with each other or affect each other at all. So any objects that refer to a Bob object in this Document will only get access to the one that is in their same namespace. The same is true for global symbols, if any are used. If we set a symbol G$BOB to a value of "A" from the command line in the Document session, any G$BOB symbols running within VLX1 or VLX2 will not be affected. From a function within VLX1, we could assign G$BOB to a value of "B". If a function within VLX1 displays (princ G$BOB) it will return "B", but from the command prompt a request for (princ G$BOB) will still return "A". This type of protection results in what are commonly called private functions or private symbols, since they are private to that VLX namespace. Functions and symbols defined in the Document namespace however are not private since they are accessible by all other applications running in that namespace. To put it more accurately, private and public are relative to where the calling process is located (inside or outside of the respective namespace). In other words, object Sue is public to any functions defined and running within the VLX2 namespace, but Sue is considered private in the sense that VLX1 and other namespaces cannot access it by default.

Namespace Functions
When you intend to compile your LSP code into separate namespace VLX modules you need to make use of some special functions to get your code to communicate with other VLX modules that run outside the namespace of your new VLX module. This is true of whether the other VLX modules are within the document namespace or are compiled into their own namespaces respectively. However, it bears noting that for each VLX that is compiled into its own separate namespace, that you need to rely upon


these functions in every file, not just some, at least if you need them to communicate with each other or with the document session namespace.

Returns a list of all loaded separatenamespace VLX applications. If none are loaded this returns nil.

(vl-unload-vlx appname)
Unloads a separatenamespace VLX application by name (appname is a string value). This works like the (arxunload) function does with ObjectARX applications. Arguments: AppName - A symbol or string representing the string name of the VLX application to be unloaded, for example "myapp.vlx".

(vl-vlx-loaded-p appname)
Returns T if the specified separatenamespace VLX application is loaded in the current drawing session. Otherwise, it returns nil. Arguments: AppName - A symbol or string representing the string name of the VLX application to be unloaded, for example "myapp.vlx"

(vl-doc-export 'function)
Exposes a function from within a separate namespace VLX application for use by applications or functions outside of its namespace. This must be declared at the top of a given LSP file, above any function definitions, prior to compiling into a separate namespace VLX application. Functions that are not exported from a given VLX are private to that VLX and cannot be accessed from outside of its namespace. Arguments: Function - A quoted symbol representing a function name.

(vl-doc-import filename ['function])


Imports a function from another VLX application for use within the current separatenamespace VLX application. If you dont import such functions that are exposed from other VLX applications, they are not accessible within a VLX application acting as a consumer of that function. If filename is specified, but function is omitted, all functions from the VLX module (filename) are imported. Arguments: Filename - A symbol or string representing a VLX filename. Function - (Optional) A quoted symbol representing a function name. If you want to limit the functions being imported, you must use the function argument to name those functions, one at a time. The filename argument does not use a file extension, only the base filename of the external VLX application file, and that file must reside in the default search path, or the full path and filename must be specified.

(vl-arx-import ['function | "appname" ])

Imports a function or group of functions from a specified loaded ARX file. If function and appname are omitted, all ARXdefined functions from the current document namespace are imported. This function should be used within a (defun) function definition. The ARX application must be loaded into the current document session in order for this function to work. Arguments: Function - (Optional) A quoted symbol representing a function name. AppName - (Optional, but must be included when Function is used) A symbol or string that represents the ARX file to be imported from. For example, if you wanted to use the DOSlib ARX function (dos_getstring) for use within your separate namespace VLX application, you would have to import it as follows:
(vl-arx-import dos_getstring "doslib2k.arx")

If you wanted to import all functions from doslib2k.arx, you would simply leave off the function name as follows:
(vl-arx-import "doslib2k.arx")


(vl-doc-set 'symbol value)

Sets a symbol in the document namespace from within a separatenamespace VLX application. If used outside of a separatenamespace VLX application, this behaves like the (set) function. This function can be used to copy a symbol defined within a separatenamespace VLX application to the document namespace for public access. The symbol is copied by value, not by reference, meaning that the symbol within the VLX application cannot be modified from the document namespace. To import a document namespace symbol, you must use the (vldocref) function from within your separatenamespace VLX application. Arguments: Symbol - A quoted symbol name. Value - Any value to assign to the symbol. Examples: Defined example function, compile into separatenamespace VLX and load into AutoCAD:
(defun DOCSET () (vl-doc-set G$NAME1 "Joe") )

From the document namespace, via the command prompt:

Command: (DOCSET) Command: !G$NAME1 "Joe"

(vl-doc-ref 'symbol)
Imports a symbol from the document namespace into a separatenamespace VLX application namespace. The symbol is copied by value, not by reference, meaning that the document namespace symbol cannot be directly modified from within the VLX namespace. To export or set a document namespace symbol from within the VLX namespace, you must use the (vldocset) function. Arguments:


Symbol A quoted symbol name.

(vl-load-all filename)
Loads a named VLX file into all opened documents at the same time. It also loads into any documents opened thereafter within the same AutoCAD application session. Arguments: Filename - A symbol or string representing a valid filename.

(vl-propagate 'symbol)
Copies a symbol and its associated value to all opened documents within the AutoCAD application namespace, and to all documents opened afterwards during the same AutoCAD session. Arguments: Symbol A quoted symbol name.

(vl-bb-set 'symbol)
Posts a symbol and its associated value to the blackboard namespace. The blackboard namespace is part of the AcadApplication namespace and is accessible by all opened documents in the Documents collection. This provides similar functionality to the Windows Clipboard, except that it is used for posting and retrieving LISP symbols only. Arguments: Symbol A quoted symbol name.

(vl-bb-ref 'symbol)
Retrieves a symbol and its associated value from the blackboard namespace. Arguments: Symbol A quoted symbol name.



Returns a list of all functions that have been exposed to the document namespace from any loaded VLX applications.

(vlax-add-cmd "globalname" 'function ["localname" | flags])

Defines a commandline function from a (defun) that is not defined as a C: function within a VLX application. You must specify at least the globalname and function options. The localname and flags options are optional. You cannot use (vlax-add-cmd) to expose functions as commands that create reactor objects or serve as reactor callbacks. Returns the globalname value if successful, otherwise returns nil if not successful. It is suggested that (vlax-add-cmd) be used within a separatenamespace VLX and that you load the VLX using the APPLOAD command instead of from within a LISP startup routine. Arguments: GlobalName - A string that specifies the command name for use at the command prompt. Function - A quoted symbol representing a function name. LocalName - (Optional) Command name internal to the VLX application namespace. If omitted, defaults to GlobalName. Flags - (Optional) Modify the behavior of the command with respect to transparency, pickset and pickfirst options and so forth. Primary Flag Options: ACRX_CMD_MODAL (0) - Command cannot be invoked while another command is active. ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT (1) - Command can be invoked while another command is active. Secondary Flag Options: ACRX_CMD_USEPICKSET (2) - When the Pickfirst set is retrieved, it is cleared within AutoCAD. Command will be able to retrieve the Pickfirst set. Command cannot retrieve or set Grips. ACRX_CMD_REDRAW (4) - When the Pickfirst set or grip set is retrieved, neither will be cleared within AutoCAD. Command can retrieve the Pickfirst set and the Grip set.


If both ACRX_CMD_USEPICKSET and ACRX_CMD_REDRAW are set, the effect is the same as if just
ACRX_CMD_REDRAW is set. For more information on these flag options, refer to the Command Stack topic

in the ObjectARX Reference manual. Examples: Function defined in Transparent.VLX and loaded into AutoCAD:
(vl-load-com) (vl-doc-export 'example1) (defun example1 () (princ "\nThis is an example transparent function.") (princ) ) (vlax-add-cmd "example1" 'example1 "example1" ACRX_CMD_TRANSPARENT) (princ)

Command: LINE Specify first point: 'EXAMPLE1 This is an example transparent function. Resuming LINE command. Specify first point:

(vlax-remove-cmd "globalname")
Removes a command definition that was previously defined using (vlax-add-cmd). The function is not affected, but the commandprompt interface is removed from the commands group. Arguments: GlobalName - A string naming a command to be removed. Examples:
(vlax-remove-cmd "example1") T (vlax-remove-cmd "example2") nil


(vl-acad-defun 'function)
Enables a (defun) LISP function to be used as a c: function from an ObjectARX application. This makes the function accessible to ObjectARX applications. Arguments: Function - A quoted symbol representing a function name. Examples:
(vl-acad-defun 'example1)

(vl-acad-undefun 'function)
Undefines a command that was previously exposed using the (vl-acad-defun) function. Returns T if successful, otherwise returns nil. Arguments: Function - A quoted symbol representing a function name. Examples:
(vl-acad-undefun 'example1) T


Visual LISP provides special functions for accessing and modifying the Windows registry. You can query and modify keys within the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and HKEY_CURRENT_USER hives of the local registry using these functions. You cannot obtain remote registry access using Visual LISP registry functions. Nor can you access the HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT or HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG registry hives from Visual LISP. Note that even in registry hives that Visual LISP can access, you are still bound by the access controls imposed by the security context of the process owner. In other words, if the Visual LISP application is being executed by a user that has limited permissions on that machine, some registry keys may not be accessible or may not be modifiable by Visual LISP. This issue is particularly important to consider in networked environments where group policies are used to modify registry access permissions.

(vl-registry-read regkey [value-name])

Returns the value assigned to either an explicit registry key or a registry valuename (symbol) if defined in the registry. If no such registry key or valuename is found, the result is nil. Arguments: RegKey - Name of a registry key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER hives. Value-Name - Name of a subordinate value symbol beneath the specified registry key. (Optional) Examples:
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example1" "FOO" "123") "123" (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example1" "FOO") "123" (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example1") nil


(vl-registry-write "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example2" "" "ABCDEF") "ABCDEF" (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example2") "ABCDEF"

(vl-registry-write regkey [value-name] value)

Writes value to registry key or registry key valuename and returns value if successful. Returns nil if not successful. Arguments: RegKey - Name of registry key Value-Name - Name of a subordinate value symbol beneath the specified registry key. (Optional) Value - Value to write to the named registry key or valuename. Examples:
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example1" "TEST1" "123") "123" (vl-registry-write "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example1" "" "456") "456"

(vl-registry-delete regkey [value-name])

Deletes a registry key and its associated values from the specified location in the registry. Returns T if successful, nil if it fails. If value-name is supplied and is not nil, the specified value will be purged from the registry. If value-name is absent or nil, the function deletes the specified key and all of its values. If any subkeys exist, regkey cannot be deleted. To remove keys that have subkeys, you must use
(vl-registry-descendents) to collect the subkeys and delete them first.

Arguments: RegKey - Name of registry key Value-Name - Name of a subordinate valuename (symbol) beneath the specified registry key.


(Optional) Examples:
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example1" "TEST1" "123") "123" (vl-registry-delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Example1") T

(vl-registry-descendents regkey [value-names])

Returns a list of subkeys or valuenames beneath the specified registry key. If value-names is supplied and is not nil, the specified value names will be listed from the registry. If value-name is absent or nil, the function displays all subkeys of regkey. Note also that the return value is often in reverse sorted order. Arguments: RegKey Name of registry key Value-Names A string containing the values for the regkey entry. Examples: (vl-registry-descendents "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE")
("WexTech Systems" "Voice" "Synaptics" "Symantec" "Secure" "Program Groups" "Policies" "ODBC" "Microsoft" "MetaStream" "McNeel" "Intel Corporation" "INTEL" "InstalledOptions" "Helios" "DOSLib" "Dell Computers" "Dell Computer Corporation" "Dell Computer" "Clients" "Classes" "BVRP Software" "Autodesk" "ATI Technologies" "Apple Computer, Inc." "Adobe")

You can see more examples of registry functions by opening the RegDump.LSP file located in the Visual LISP Samples directory of your AutoCAD 2002 installation. In this file, you will find a useful function named (registry-tree-dump) that performs a recursive search of all subkeys and valuenames beneath a specified registry key. TIP: You can create a pair of Get and Set functions to store and retrieve registry values with some control over standardized locations and error trapping. You might find the following two functions


(setq G$REGROOT "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\MyApplication\\")

(defun RegGet (key default / val) (if (= nil (setq val (vl-registry-read (strcat G$REGROOT key)))) (progn (regset key default) (setq val (vl-registry-read (strcat G$REGROOT key))) ) ) (if val val default) )

(defun RegSet (key val) (vl-registry-write (strcat G$REGROOT key) "" ) val)


Note: Parts of this section were derived from the AutoCAD 2004 online Help documentation with some modifications to provide additional examples or clarity. WARNING: While reactors are indeed extremely powerful and useful to developers, they should be used with careful moderation. Depending upon the types and volume of reactors you define in a given situation, you can easily and quickly deplete system resources and cause AutoCAD to become unresponsive and even unstable or crash. Be careful in choosing how you will apply reactors to your applications development. Reactors are simply links between AutoCAD and your applications that allow you to make functions that respond to events that occur within AutoCAD. For example, you can create a reactor to notify your applications that an entity was erased. The application could then perform some action in response to this event. A button on a form is a simple example of eventdriven programming that uses an Event and a Response to perform an action. When you pick the button, it fires an event, much like a signal or broadcast. This event is detected by a Reactor of sorts that performs some action as a result by using what is known as a call-back process. In AutoCAD terms, you might consider a scenario such as using the CommandWillStart event to fire a Command Reactor callback to perform some action based on what command was executed. Maybe the user initiated the HATCH command, and you want to react to that by firing a callback function that sets a special layer active before the Hatch is placed in the drawing, and then restore the previous layer state when the command finishes. Maybe youd like it to also restore the previous layer state if the command fails due to an error? Or what if the user simply cancels the command in midstream? This is possible using Reactors and Visual LISP programming. What you need to do first is define the function that will be used in the callback. Be careful not to use
(command) or (vl-cmdf) anywhere in that function if it will be called upon as the result of a Command

Reactor as this may start an endless cycle and crash AutoCAD. Sounds like common sense, huh? Sometimes things like this are not so obvious and can cause big problems. This is but one reason for developers to be VERY careful when considering Reactors. The next thing you need to do is define the Reactor and construct it to call your callback function if the


proper condition is met by the event detected (the command is HATCH or BHATCH, ignoring all others). Figure 121 demonstrates how you might use a Command Reactor to respond to the HATCH or BHATCH command by defining and setting layer "HATCHING" active until the command has either finished (via the CommandEnded event), or aborted due to error (via the CommandFailed event), or user cancellation (via the CommandCancelled event).

Visual LISP Reactor Functions

( vlloadcom) Loads AutoLISP reactor support functions and other AutoLISP extensions

( vlracdbreactor data Constructs a global "database" reactor object callbacks) ( vlradd obj) Enables a disabled reactor object ( vlraddedp obj) Tests to determine whether a reactor object is enabled ( vlrbeepreaction [args]) Produces a beep sound Returns the name (symbol) of the current event, if called from within a ( vlrcurrentreactionname) reactor's callback ( vlrdata obj) Returns applicationspecific data associated with a reactor ( vlrdataset obj data) Overwrites applicationspecific data associated with a reactor ( vlrdeepclonereactor obj Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of deep clone events data) ( vlrdocmanagerreactor Constructs a reactor object that notifies of MDIrelated events obj data) Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of a drawing event (for ( vlrdwgreactor obj data) example, opening or closing a drawing file) Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of an event related to ( vlrdxfreactor obj data) reading or writing of a DXF file ( vlreditorreactor data Constructs a global "editor" reactor object callbacks) ( vlrlinkerreactor data Constructs a global "linker" reactor object callbacks) ( vlrmiscellaneousreactor Constructs an editor reactor object that does not fall under any of the data callbacks) other editor reactor types ( vlrmousereactor Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of a mouse event (for data callbacks) example, a doubleclick) Determines whether or not a reactor's callback function will execute if ( vlrnotification reactor) its associated namespace is not active ( vlrobjectreactor owners Constructs an object reactor object data callbacks) ( vlrowneradd reactor Adds an object to the list of owners of an object reactor owner) ( vlrownerremove Removes an object from the list of owners of an object reactor reactor owner) ( vlrowners reactor) Returns the list of owners of an object reactor


( vlrpers reactor) Makes a reactor persistent between sessions (not transient) ( vlrperslist [reactor]) Returns a list of persistent reactors in the current drawing ( vlrpersp reactor) Determines whether or not a reactor is persistent ( vlrpersrelease reactor) Makes a reactor transient (not persistent) ( vlrreactionname Returns a list of all callback conditions for this reactor type reactor-type) ( vlrreactionset reactor event Adds or replaces a callback function in a reactor function) ( vlrreactions reactor) Returns a list of pairs (event-name . callback_function) for the reactor ( vlrreactors [reactor-type...]) Returns a list of reactors of the specified types ( vlrremove reactor) Disables a reactor object ( vlrremoveall reactor-type) Disables all reactors of the specified type ( vlrsetnotification reactor Defines whether or not a reactor's callback function will execute if its 'range) associated namespace is not active ( vlrsysvarreactor data Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of a change to a system callbacks) variable ( vlrtoolbarreactor data Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of a change to the callbacks) bitmaps in a toolbar A predefined callback function that prints one or more callback ( vlrtracereaction) arguments in the Trace window ( vlrtype reactor) Returns a symbol representing the reactor type ( vlrtypes) Returns a list of all reactor types (see next section) ( vlrundoreactor data Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of an undo event callbacks) ( vlrwblockreactor data Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of an event related to callbacks) writing a block ( vlrwindowreactor data Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of an event related to callbacks) moving or sizing an AutoCAD window ( vlrxrefreactor data Constructs an editor reactor object that notifies of an event related to callbacks) attaching or modifying XREF

Reactor Types
There are many types of AutoCAD reactors. Each reactor type responds to one or more AutoCAD events. The different types of reactors are grouped into one of the following five categories: Database Reactors Database reactors notify your application when specific events occur to the drawing database, such as when an object has been added to the drawing database. Document Reactors Document reactors notify your application of a change to the current drawing document, such as


opening a new drawing document, activating a different document window, and changing a document's lock status. This does not include of all the events covered by Editor reactors. Editor Reactors Editor reactors notify you each time an AutoCAD command is invoked; a drawing is opened, closed, or is saved; a DXF file is imported or exported; or a system variable setting is modified. Linker Reactors Linker reactors notify your application every time an ARX application is loaded or unloaded. Object Reactors Object reactors notify you each time a specific object is changed, copied, or deleted. With the exception of Editor reactors, there is one type of reactor for each reactor category. The following table lists the name by which each reactor type is identified in the Visual LISP environment: General reactor types Reactor type identifier Description :VLRAcDbReactor A Database reactor :VLRDocManagerReactorA Document management reactor :VLREditorReactor A General Editor reactormaintained for backwardcompatibility :VLRLinkerReactor A Linker reactor :VLRObjectReactor An Object reactor The Editor reactor class is broken down into more specific reactor types. The :VLR-Editor-Reactor type is retained for backwardcompatibility, but any new Editor reactors introduced after AutoCAD 2000 cannot be referenced through :VLR-Editor-Reactor. The following table lists the types of Editor Reactors. Editor reactor types Description Notifies of a command event Notifies of a deep clone event Notifies of a drawing event (for example, opening or closing a drawing file) Notifies of an event related to reading or writing of a DXF file Notifies of an event related to block insertion Notifies of a LISP event Does not fall under any of the other editor reactor types

Reactor type :VLRCommandReactor :VLRDeepCloneReactor :VLRDWGReactor :VLRDXFReactor :VLRInsertReactor :VLRLispReactor :VLRMiscellaneous Reactor


:VLRMouseReactor :VLRSysVarReactor :VLRToolbarReactor :VLRUndoReactor :VLRWblockReactor :VLRWindowReactor :VLRXREFReactor

Notifies of a mouse event (for example, a doubleclick) Notifies of a change to a system variable Notifies of a change to the bitmaps in a toolbar Notifies of an UNDO event Notifies of an event related to writing a block Notifies of an event related to moving or sizing an AutoCAD window Notifies of an event related to attaching or modifying XREFs

Note: Use the vlr-types function to return the complete list of reactor types. For each reactor type there are a number of events that can cause the reactor to notify your application. These events are known as callback events, because they cause the reactor to call a function you associate with the event. For example, when you issue the SAVE or QSAVE commands to save a drawing, a :vlr-beginSave event occurs. When you complete the save process, a :vlr-saveComplete event occurs. In designing a reactorbased application, it is up to you to determine the events you are interested in, and to write the callback functions to be triggered when these events occur. The vlr-reaction-names function returns a list of all available events for a given reactor type:
(vlr-reaction-names reactor type)

For example, the following command returns a list of all events related to Object reactors:
$ (vlr-reaction-names :VLR-Object-Reactor)

(:VLR-cancelled :VLR-copied :VLR-erased :VLR-unerased :VLR-goodbye :VLR-openedForModify :VLR-modified :VLR-subObjModified :VLR-modifyUndone :VLR-modifiedXData :VLR-unappended :VLR-reappended :VLR-objectClosed)

NOTE: If this or any other vlr-* command fails with a "no function definition" message, you may have forgotten to call vl-load-com, the function that loads AutoLISP reactor support functions. To print out a list of all available reactor events, sorted by reactor type, load and execute the following example function:
(defun print-reactors-and-events () (foreach rtype (vlr-types) (princ (strcat "\n" (vl-princ-to-string rtype))) (foreach rname (vlr-reaction-names rtype) (princ (strcat "\n\t" (vl-princ-to-string rname)))


) ) (princ) )

Verifying Reactor Types

The AutoLISP Reference lists each event available for a reactor type. For each reactor type, you can find this information by looking up the description of the function you use to define a reactor of that type. These functions have the same name as the reactor type, minus the leading colon. For example,
vlr-acdb-reactor creates a database reactor, vlr-toolbar-reactor creates a toolbar reactor, and so


(vlr-type reactor)
Iterates member objects of collection and performs expressions on each member object. If second argument is not a collection object, an error is generated. Reference to symbol is localized and temporary, just as with (foreach). Arguments: reactor A reactor object. Return Values A symbol identifying the reactor type. The following table lists the types that may be returned by the vlrtype function: Reactor types Description
A drawing database reactor. An editor reactor notifying of a command event. This does not include C: commands defined by LISP expressions, only native AutoCAD commands.

Reactor type
:VLRAcDbReactor :VLRCommandReactor

:VLRDeepCloneReactor An editor reactor notifying of a deep clone event. :VLRDocManager Reactor :VLRDWGReactor :VLRDXFReactor :VLREditorReactor :VLRInsertReactor :VLRLinkerReactor A document management reactor. An editor reactor notifying of a drawing event (for example, opening or closing a drawing file). An editor reactor notifying of an event related to reading or writing of a DXF file. A general editor reactor; maintained for backwardcompatibility. An editor reactor notifying of an event related to block insertion. A linker reactor.


:VLRLispReactor :VLRMiscellaneous Reactor :VLRMouseReactor :VLRObjectReactor :VLRSysVarReactor :VLRToolbarReactor :VLRUndoReactor :VLRWblockReactor :VLRWindowReactor :VLRXREFReactor

An editor reactor notifying of a LISP event. An editor reactor that does not fall under any of the other editor reactor types. An editor reactor notifying of a mouse event (for example, a doubleclick). An object reactor. (any object, e.g. vlaobject type) An editor reactor notifying of a change to a system variable. An editor reactor notifying of a change to the bitmaps in a toolbar. An editor reactor notifying of an undo event. An editor reactor notifying of an event related to writing a block. An editor reactor notifying of an event related to moving or sizing an AutoCAD window. An editor reactor notifying of an event related to attaching or modifying XREFs.

_$ (vlr-type circleReactor) :VLR-Object-Reactor

There are various ways to obtain information about reactors. Visual LISP supplies AutoLISP functions to query reactors, and you can use standard Visual LISP data inspection tools to view information on them. To use AutoLISP to list all reactors in a drawing, call the vlr-reactors function. The function returns a list of reactor lists. Each reactor list begins with a symbol identifying the reactor type, followed by pointers to each reactor of that type. For example:
_$ (vlr-reactors) ((:VLR-Object-Reactor Reactor>)) #<VLR-Object-Reactor>) (:VLR-Editor-Reactor #<VLR-Editor-

In this example, vlr-reactors returned a list containing two lists, one identifying a single object reactor and one identifying a single Editor reactor. To list all reactors of a given type, supply vlr-reactors with an argument identifying the reactor type. Specify one of the values returned by the vlr-types function; these are listed in the section on Reactor Types. For example, the following lists all DWG reactors:
_$ (vlr-reactors :vlr-dwg-reactor) ((:VLR-DWG-Reactor #<VLR-DWG-Reactor> #<VLR-DWG-Reactor>))

In this case, the return value is a list containing one list. The one list identifies pointers to two DWG reactors.


Using Object Reactors

Unlike other AutoCAD reactors, object reactors are attached to specific AutoCAD entities (objects). When you define an object reactor, you must identify the entity the reactor is to be attached to. The
vlr-object-reactor function, which creates object reactors, requires the following arguments:

A list of VLAobjects identifying the drawing objects that are to fire notifications to the reactor.

These objects are referred to as the reactor owners.

AutoLISP data to be associated with the Reactor object. A list of pairs naming the event and the callback function to be associated with that event

(event-name . callback_function). WARNING: You cannot modify an object in a callback function if it is included in the object reactors owner list. Attempts to do so will generate an error message and can crash AutoCAD. This is a very esoteric concern with using reactors: To carefully plan your implementation strategy so that you avoid the possibility of circular references where a reactor callback affects one of the sources of the reactor itself. For example, the following statement defines an object reactor with a single owner (the object identified by myCircle), then attaches the string "Circle Reactor" to the reactor and tells AutoCAD to invoke the printradius function when a user modifies myCircle: (setq circleReactor (vlrobjectreactor (list myCircle) "Circle Reactor" '((:vlrmodified . printradius)))) The Reactor object is stored in variable circleReactor; you can refer to the reactor using this variable. When defining a list of owners, you must specify VLAobjects only; Ename objects are not allowed. VLAobjects are required because callback functions can only use ActiveX methods to modify AutoCAD objects, and ActiveX methods require a VLAobject to work on. Note that, although you cannot use objects obtained through functions such as entlast and entget with callback reactors, you can convert these Ename objects into VLAobjects using the vlax-ename->vlaobject function. See the AutoLISP Reference for more information on vlaxename>vlaobject.

The following code example draws a circle and applies a reactor to the circle to notify of any change made to the entity thereafter. Load the code, draw the circle and then go back and either move or

resize the circle using SCALE or grip editing to see how it works.
(vl-load-com) (setq oAcad (vlax-get-acad-object) oDoc ) (cond ( (and (setq ctrPt (getpoint "\nCenter point: ")) (setq rad (distance ctrPt (getpoint ctrPt "\nRadius: "))) ) (setq CircleObject (vla-addCircle (vla-get-ModelSpace oDoc) (vlax-3d-point ctrPt) radius ) ) ) ) (vla-get-activedocument oAcad)

(if CircleObject (setq circleReactor (vlr-object-reactor (list CircleObject) "Circle Reactor" '((:vlr-modified . rShowRadius)) ) ) )

(defun rShowRadius (notifier-object reactor parameter-list) (cond ( (vlax-property-available-p notifier-object "Radius") (princ "*** The radius is ")


(princ (vla-get-radius notifier-object)) ) ) )

Attaching Data to Reactor Objects

The object reactor creation example in Using Object Reactors included a string, "Circle Reactor," in the call to vlr-object-reactor. You do not have to specify any data to be included with the reactor; you can specify nil instead. However, an object may have several reactors attached to it. Include an identifying text string, or other data your application can use, to allow you to distinguish among the different reactors attached to an object.

Inspecting Reactors Within the VLIDE

You can examine reactors using the VLIDE Inspect tool. For example, the object reactor defined in Using Object Reactors was returned to the variable circleReactor. If you open an Inspect window for this variable, VLISP displays the following information:

The following information is revealed in the Inspect list: Objects owning the reactor o o o o Event and associated callback function Whether or not the reactor is active: Yes if addedp is T No if addedp is nil User data attached to the reactor Document range in which the reactor will fire: 0 Reactor responds only in the context of the drawing document it was created in. 1 Reactor responds in the context of any document See the section "Reactors and Multiple Namespaces"


The AutoCAD document attached to the object reactor

Doubleclick on the item that begins with {Owners} to view a list of the owner objects:

You can drill down to find the owner by doubleclicking on a list item in the Inspect list box.

Querying Reactors
VLISP also provides functions to inspect a reactor definition from within an application program, or at the Console prompt:
vlr-type returns the type of the specified reactor. For example:

$ (vlr-type circleReactor) :VLR-Object-Reactor vlr-current-reaction-name returns the name of the event that caused the callback function to

be called.
vlr-data returns the applicationspecific data value attached to the reactor, as shown in the

following example:
$ (vlr-data circleReactor) "Circle Reactor"

You can use this data to distinguish among multiple reactors that can fire the same callback function.
vlr-owners returns a list of the objects in an AutoCAD drawing that fire notifications to an

object reactor. The following function call lists the objects that fire notifications to circleReactor:
_$ (vlr-owners circleReactor) (#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadCircle 03ad077c>) vlr-reactions returns the callback list of conditionfunction pairs of the specified reactor. The

following example returns information about circleReactor:

$ (vlr-reactions circleReactor)


((:vlr-modified . PRINT-RADIUS))

Transient and Persistent Reactors

Reactors may be transient or persistent. Transient reactors are lost when a drawing closes; this is the default reactor mode. Persistent reactors are saved with the drawing and exist when the drawing is next opened. If you use persistent reactors that invoke custom applications via a callback, the custom applications must be loaded for the callback to work properly. See the next section for more on peristent reactors. Use the vlr-pers function to make a reactor persistent. To remove persistence from a reactor and make it transient, use vlr-pers-release. Each function takes a Reactor object as its only argument. For example, the following command makes a reactor persistent:
_$ (vlr-pers circleReactor) #<VLR-Object-Reactor>

If successful, vlr-pers returns the specified Reactor object. To determine whether a Reactor object is persistent or transient, issue vlr-pers-p. For example:
_$ (vlr-pers-p circleReactor) #<VLR-Object-Reactor>

The vlr-pers-p function returns the Reactor object if it is persistent, nil if it is not.

Opening Drawings with Persistent Reactors

Since a reactor is only a link between an event and a callback function. While this link remains, the callback function itself is not part of the reactor, and is normally not part of the drawing. The reactors saved in the drawing are only usable if their associated callback functions are loaded in AutoCAD. You can cause this to occur automatically when a drawing is opened if you define the reactor and callback functions in a separatenamespace VLX. If you open a drawing containing VLISP reactor information and the associated callback functions are not loaded, AutoCAD displays an error message. You can use the vlr-pers-list function to return a list of all Persistent reactors in a drawing document.


Reactors and Multiple Namespaces

The current implementation of AutoLISP supports working in one drawing document at a time. Some AutoCAD APIs, such as ObjectARX and VBA, do support the ability of an application to work simultaneously in multiple documents. As a result, an application may modify an open drawing that is not currently active. This is not supported in AutoLISP.

Guidelines for Using Reactors

As I mentioned at the start of this chapter, Reactors demand careful attention to planning and consderation for performance and stability. The following guidelines are provided in the AutoCAD online Help documentation and are very good points to consider. When using reactors, try to adhere to the following guidelines. Reactors that violate these guidelines can result in unpredictable results for your application if the internal implementation of reactors changes.

Do not rely on the sequence of reactor notifications.

It is recommended that, with a few exceptions, you do not rely on the sequence of reactor notifications. For example, an OPEN command triggers BeginCommand, BeginOpen, EndOpen, and EndCommand events. However, they may not occur in that order. The only event sequence you can safely rely on is that a Begin event will occur before the corresponding End event. For example, commandWillStart() always occurs before commandEnded(), and beginInsert() always occurs before endInsert(). Relying on more complex sequences may result in problems for your application if the sequence is changed as a result of new notifications being introduced in the future and existing ones being rearranged.

Do not rely on the sequence of function calls between notifications.

It is not guaranteed that certain functions will be called between certain notifications. For example, when you receive :vlr-erased notification on object A, all it means is that object A is erased. If you receive :vlr-erased notification on A followed by a :vlr-erased notification on B, all it means is that both objects A and B are erased; it does not ensure that B was erased after A. If you tie your application to this level of detail, there is a very high probability of your application breaking in future releases. Instead of relying on sequences, rely on reactors to indicate the state of the system.

Do not use any interactive functions in your reactor callback function (for example, do not use


getPoint, entsel). Attempting to execute interactive functions from within a reactor callback function can cause serious problems, as AutoCAD may still be processing a command at the time the event is triggered. Therefore, avoid the use of inputacquisition methods such as getPoint, entsel, and getkword, as well as selection set operations and the command function.

Do not launch a dialog box from within an event handler.

Dialog boxes are considered interactive functions and can interfere with the current operation of AutoCAD. However, message boxes and alert boxes are not considered interactive and can be issued safely. Do not update the object that issued the event notification. The event causing an object to trigger a callback function may still be in progress and the object still in use by AutoCAD when the callback function is invoked. Therefore, do not attempt to update an object from a callback function for the same object. You can, however, safely read information from the object triggering an event. For example, suppose you have a floor filled with tiles and you attach a reactor to the border of the floor. If you change the size of the floor, the reactor callback function will automatically add or subtract tiles to fill the new area. The function will be able to read the new area of the border, but it cannot attempt any changes on the border itself.

Do not perform any action from a callback function that will trigger the same event.

If you perform an action in your reactor callback function that triggers the same event, you will create an infinite loop. For example, if you attempt to open a drawing from within a BeginOpen event, AutoCAD will simply continue to open more drawings until the maximum number of open drawings is reached.

Verify that a reactor is not already set before setting it, or you may end up with multiple

callbacks on the same event.

Remember that no events will be fired while AutoCAD is displaying a modal dialog.

WARNING: A VLX may run in a separatenamespace from the document it is loaded from, but it is still associated with that originating document and cannot manipulate objects in other documents. Visual LISP provides limited support for reactor callback functions executing in a document that is not


active. By default, a reactor callback function will execute only if a notification event occurs when the document it was defined in is the active document. You can alter this behavior using the vlr-setnotification function.

To specify that a reactor should execute its callback function even if the document it was defined in is not active (for example, if an application in another namespace triggers an event), issue the following function call:
(vlr-set-notification reactor-object 'all-documents)

This can be useful to notify all instances of your application (that is, if not a separate namespace VLX application propagated to all sessions) that an event occurred in one of the sessions. To modify a reactor so it only executes its callback function if an event occurs when the document it was defined in is active, issue the following:
(vlr-set-notification reactor-object 'active-document-only)

The vlr-set-notification function returns the specified reactor object. For example, the following sequence of commands defines a reactor and sets it to respond to events whether or not its associated document is active:
_$ (setq circleReactor (vlr-object-reactor (list myCircle) "Circle Reactor" '((:vlr-modified . print-radius)))) #<VLR-Object-Reactor> _$ (vlr-set-notification circleReactor 'all-documents) #<VLR-Object-Reactor>

To determine the notification setting of a reactor, use the vlr-notification function. For example:
_$ (vlr-notification circleReactor) all-documents

The vlr-set-notification function affects only the specified reactor. All reactors are created with the default notification set to activedocumentonly. WARNING: If you choose to set a reactor to execute its callback function even if triggered when its document is not active, the callback function should do nothing other than set and read AutoLISP system variables. Performing other types of actions may cause AutoCAD to become unstable or crash!


Note that VBA provides no equivalent to vlr-CommandCancelled, which means that only through Vlisp can you handle a user pressing ESC during a command being managed by a command reactor.


Probably the most significant feature provided by Visual LISP is the capability to build and manage applications. In this context, we are really talking about VLX applications, but you could consider FAS output to be applications as well. The building of Visual LISP applications is closely tied to the use of Projects, but they are not inseparable.

Why Make VLX Applications?

The main reasons for making VLX applications are improved security and performance. Security is improved because the Visual LISP compiler encrypts and compiles the source LSP code into binary output that is unreadable to the human eye. It also can combine multiple LSP files into a single VLX output further improving security and providing a single output for delivery to users. Performance is improved because the compiled code is actually more efficient to execute at runtime. Unlike many other programming languages, Visual LISP does not truly "compile" its output, but more accurately performs an encryption and partial compilation. This is somewhat like what a Java compiler does to produce "pcode" output, which is then compiled at runtime by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) compiler on the client. Visual LISP VLX code is compiled to binary output but not to machine level language, meaning it must be interpreted at runtime by the client. It still provides some measure of performance improvement over raw LSP source code though. FAS files are an intermediate output during the VLX compilation that is the product of the LSP file compilation. The VLX module combines FAS files and any other file types to wrap it all up as a single loadable module on the client. VLX applications can include other file types such as LISP, Dialog Control Language files (.DCL), Compiled LISP code (.FAS), VBA compiled files (.DVB), ASCII TEXT (.TXT) and even other VLISP Projects (.PRV). One of the most useful features of making VLX applications is that you can combine multiple files into the single VLX output. This makes for easy loading and management as well as keeping your deliverable product clean and compact. Lets try an example.

Building a Simple Application

Open the FirstApplication.LSP file in Visual LISP from the book samples CD. Then open the


FirstApplication.DCL file in Visual LISP as well. Now, pick File/Make Application/New Application Wizard from the pulldown menu. There are two modes for compiling VLX applications: Simple and Expert. Simple used when you are only going to compile LSP files and do not intend to compile a separate namespace VLX. Expert mode allows you to include additional Resource files such as DCL, DVB, VLX and others within the VLX as well as make it a separate namespace application. Since in this exercise we will be compiling a LSP file with a DCL file into a single, separate namespace VLX application, you have to select the Expert mode from the Wizard Mode panel (Figure 131). Pick the Next button.

Figure 131 Make Application Wizard The Application Directory panel (Figure 132) is where you specify the VLX filename and target output location. The Application Location is where you want the VLX file to be created at the end of the process. The Application Name is the name you want to call the VLX file (dont include the extension, only the base filename). You will see that while you type in the Application Name box, the Target File window shows the actual VLX filename result. Once youve specified the Application Location, and entered the Application Name "FirstApplication", pick the Next button to continue on.


Figure 132 Specifying the output location and VLX filename The Application Options panel (Figure 133) prompts you to make this a Separate Namespace application, as well as use ActiveX Support. For this example, check both options, and pick Next to continue.

Figure 133 Application Options form (Separate Namespace checked) The LISP Files to Include panel (Figure 134) is where you select the LISP code files (*.LSP) to include in your VLX application. Pick the Add button to browse for, and select the FirstApplication.LSP file. Then pick the Next button to continue.


Figure 134 LISP Files to Include form The Resource Files to Include panel (Figure 135) is where you select additional resource files, such as DCL dialog form files, DVB (VBA) files, and other types of files. Change the file type selection to DCL Files and pick the Add button to locate and select the FirstApplication.DCL file. Then pick the Next button to continue on.

Figure 135 Resource Files Include form The next panel prompts you to choose either Standard or Optimized compilation. For this example, use the Standard option and pick the Next button to continue.


Figure 136 Application Compilation Options form The final form asks if you want to save the Make Application settings and go ahead and compile the VLX application. If you choose not to compile, the settings you just configured are saved to a make file that uses a .PRV file extension. You can reuse make files at any time to recompile using the stored settings and save a lot of time. For this example, go ahead and compile your VLX application by picking the Finish button.

Figure 137 Review selections and build application form. Now that youve compiled FirstApp.VLX you can load it into AutoCAD and try the FIRSTAPP command to see how it works. You should see a dialog form with one OK button and a message displayed saying "Congratulations!" in the middle.


If this doesnt happen, review this chapter to make sure you followed all steps correctly and compile and load it again. To reload a separate namespace VLX you first have to unload the existing definition by using the (vl-unload-vlx) function. To unload FIRSTAPP, you would use (vl-unload-vlx
"firstapp.vlx") at the command prompt.

Figure 138 Results of running the FIRSTAPP command.

PRV Files
The Make Application Wizard creates a PRV file to store the settings for your application. If you open a PRV file in notepad, you will see that it is actually a LISP formatted file in which the properties are stored as dottedpair lists. The example below shows a PRV that compiles a LSP and a DCL file into the ASW_PM.VLX output.
;;; Visual LISP make file [V1.0] asw_pm saved to:[C:/] at:[3/05/10] (PRV-DEF (:target . "FirstApp.VLX") (:active-x . T) (:separate-namespace) (:protected . T) (:load-file-list (:lsp "source/FirstApp.lsp")) (:require-file-list (:DCL "source/FirstApplication.DCL"))


(:ob-directory) (:tmp-directory) (:optimization . st) ) ;; EOF

WARNING: Although you might be tempted to "tweak" PRV files in a text editor, you should instead use the "Existing Application Properties" feature to modify the PRV configuration settings. Editing the PRV file manually may corrupt the file and cause errors when you attempt to recompile.

Figure 139 Launching the Existing Application Properties dialog


Visual LISP can interface with any ActiveXenabled resources available to the user. ObjectDBX is yet another resource provided within AutoCAD that can be tapped by Visual LISP to perform special tasks that are not possible with any other technologies. First, we need to start off by explaining what ObjectDBX really is.

What is ObjectDBX?
ObjectDBX is a subset of ObjectARX, well, sort of. Its a C++ objectoriented API for manipulating AutoCAD and its related objects, collections, properties, methods and events. While ObjectDBX is capable of many powerful feats of daring, it does have some limitations compared to ObjectARX and Visual LISP. Aside from the limitation, it also provides some nice advantages over them as well. Confused? I know I was at first. But, one place where ObjectDBX really shines is in the world of remote document access, in particular, mining drawings other than those that are open. Recently, Autodesk released the ObjectDBX SDK for developers to use for mining and manipulating drawing data without having AutoCAD installed. Free? Of course not. In fact, theres a steep price tag and licensing royalty to contend with if you want to pursue this baby. You could opt for OpenDWG alternatives, but since ObjectDBX is built by Autodesk, you can be fairly certain its going to be reliable when it comes to recognizing all the subtle things in a DWG file. For the sake of this chapter however, I am going to focus on ObjectDBX as an integral service within AutoCAD, and how it can be used from Visual LISP to perform certain tasks that VLISP alone cannot do. Sound interesting? Lets see how this works.

ObjectDBX within Visual LISP

In order to use ObjectDBX within Visual LISP, you must first load the ObjectDBX TypeLib interface as shown in Figure 141. Then you must invoke the interface using a special function
(vla-getInterfaceObject) as shown in Figure 142. Figure 141 shows a few example functions for

loading the ObjectDBX TypeLib interface within Visual LISP. Lets suppose for example, that you would like to be able to search a directory of drawing files to find those that contain a specific block insertion. While you could open each drawing and fetch the Blocks


table or do a (ssget) search, there is another way to do this without ever opening the drawings in the AutoCAD editor: ObjectDBX.
;; Calls REGSVR32 to register a DLL silently via the /S option (defun DLLRegister (dll) (startapp "regsvr32.exe" (strcat "/s \"" dll "\""))) ;; Calls REGSVR32 to un-register a DLL silently via the /U /S options (defun DLLUnRegister (dll) (startapp "regsvr32.exe" (strcat "/u /s \"" dll "\""))) ;; Returns the ProgID for a given ClassID if found in registry (defun ProgID->ClassID (ProgID) (vl-registry-read (strcat "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\" progid "\\CLSID")) ) ;; Registers ObjectDBX (if not already), Returns ProgID if successful (defun DBX-Register ( / classname) (setq classname "ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.18") (cond ( (ProgID->ClassID classname) ) ( (and (setq server (findfile "AxDb.dll")) (DLLRegister server) (ProgID->ClassID classname) ) (ProgID->ClassID classname) ) ( (not (setq server (findfile "AxDb.dll"))) (alert "Error: Cannot locate AxDb.dll...") ) ( T (DLLRegister "ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.18") (or (ProgID->ClassID "ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.18") (alert "Error: Failed to register ObjectDBX...") ) ) ) )

Figure 141 Visual LISP functions to load the ObjectDBX interface. The (dllregister) function is a generalpurpose tool you can use to perform a Windows DLL registration on a client using the REGSVR32 command through a shell operation. The /S parameter denotes a silent registration which suppresses any notifications during the registration process.


The (dllunregister) function performs the opposite of (dllregister), whereby it removes a DLLs registration from a local machine. This is often useful for removing a DLL when you need to register an updated version of the same DLL. The (progid->classid) function performs a lookup of a given class registration in the Windows Registry and returns the GUID, which is a lengthy encoded unique identifier for a given ActiveX component. No two GUID values are the same as they are generated by a complex hashing algorithm during compilation. This particular function verifies that a given DLL has been registered by checking for its GUID in the registry. If no GUID is found, the DLL has not been registered yet, and this returns nil. Then you can use (dllregister) to register the DLL on the client machine. The following function in Figure 14.1A opens a remote drawing document and returns the DBX document object if successful, otherwise it returns nil. You can use this function to take care of the messy stuff and simply use the returned document object to perform any operations you desire.
(defun DBX-doc-open (filename / dbxdoc) (cond ( (findfile filename) (if (not (DBX-Register)) (exit) ) (setq dbxdoc (vla-getinterfaceobject (vlax-get-acad-object) "ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.18")) (cond ( (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-Open (list dbxdoc (findfile filename)) ) ) (princ "\nUnable to open drawing.") (exit) ) ( T dbxdoc ) ) ) ) )

Figure 141A ObjectDBX Document Opening Function Now you have a nice little blackbox function to open drawings remotely, so you can move on to wrapping inside bigger and better things, like returning table lists and so forth. You can also modify certain properties of remote drawings through DBX.


(defun DBX-GetTableList (filename tblname / dbxdoc out name) (cond ( (setq dbxdoc (DBX-doc-open filename)) (vlax-For tblItem (DBX-TableGet tblName dbxdoc) (setq name (vla-get-Name tblItem)) (if (/= (substr name 1 1) "*") (setq out (cons name out)) ) ) (vlax-release-object dbxdoc) ) ( T (strcat (princ "\nUnable to open file: " filename)) ) ) (if out (reverse out)) ) (defun DBX-TableGet (tName object) (cond ( (= (strcase tName) "BLOCKS") (vla-get-Blocks object) ( (= (strcase tName) "LAYERS") (vla-get-Layers object) ( (= (strcase tName) "TEXTSTYLES") (vla-get-textstyles object) ( (= (strcase tName) "DIMSTYLES") (vla-get-dimstyles object) ( (= (strcase tName) "LINETYPES") (vla-get-linetypes object) ( (or (= (strcase tName) "PLOTCONFIGURATIONS") (= (strcase tName) "PAGESETUPS") ) (vla-get-plotconfigurations object) ) ( (= (strcase tName) "LAYOUTS") (vla-get-Layouts object) ) ( (= (strcase tName) "GROUPS") (vla-get-Groups object) ) ( T (vl-exit-with-error "\n(dbx-dwgscan error): Invalid table name specified.") ) ) )

) ) ) ) )

Figure 142 Visual LISP functions for using ObjectDBX to inspect drawing tables. An example of using the code in Figure 142 is to query the LAYERS table in another drawing. The syntax for doing this would be as follows:
(dbx-gettablelist "c:\\users\\dstein\\drawings\\sample1.dwg" "LAYERS")


Returns: ("0" "Alpha" "Beta" "Gamma" "Delta" "Epsilon")

The functions shown in Figure 142 use the ObjectDBX "Open" method to access a given drawing file and access a given table collection within it. Among the limitations of using ObjectDBX is that you cannot access tables within any drawings you have opened in your AutoCAD Documents collection, as this will generate an error. ObjectDBX enables access even if a drawing is opened by another user, as long as it is not opened by the user that is requesting to open the drawing through an ObjectDBX interface.
(defun DWGSCAN ($table $name $dwgfiles / $files $dwgs $path $collection n out) (cond ( (and $table $name $dwgfiles) (princ (strcat "\nScanning " (itoa (length $dwgfiles)) " drawings for " (strcase (substr $table 1 (1- (strlen $table))) t) " [" $name "]..." ) ) (foreach n $dwgfiles (cond ( (setq $collection (DBX-GetTableList n $table)) (cond ( (member (strcase $name) (mapcar 'strcase $collection)) (setq out (cons n out)) ) ) (setq $collection nil) ) ( T (princ "\nUnable to query table collection in drawing.") ) ) ) ) ( T (princ "\nUsage: (DWGSCAN tablename itemname drawingfiles)")) ) (if out (reverse out)) )

Figure 143


Figure 143 shows a function that uses the functions in Figures 141 and 142 to perform a search of a list of drawings for a specified table item. If you load the example file dbxdwgscan.lsp into your AutoCAD session, you can use the (dwgscan) function to search for items in other drawings. The example below demonstrates using (dwgscan) to search a list of drawings for a block named "Chair123".
Command: (dwgscan "Blocks" "Chair123" dwgfiles)

Scanning 51 drawings for block [Chair123]... ("c:\\drawings\\plan003.DWG" "c:\\drawings\\plan004.DWG" "c:\\drawings\\plan005.DWG") Some things to note about using ObjectDBX services from Visual LISP: You cannot perform selection set operations on drawings through DBX. Only table operations

can be used. You cannot open any documents that are opened in the Documents collection of the AutoCAD

session performing the DBX operation. ObjectDBX does not support using any "command" operations on documents. Be sure to release a DBX object when finished using it, and use (gc) following any object

release of an external process (external to the AutoCAD namespace). The document interface exposed through ObjectDBX is quite a bit more restrictive than that of a document object internal to a given AutoCAD editing session. Below is a table of the exposed properties and methods of an ObjectDBX Document object. You can see this yourself by performing (vlaxdump-object) on an active DBX document object, such as that returned by the (DBX-Doc-Open) function

shown above. Some interesting notes: Documentcentric system variables are not exposed. The Application object is also not present as the document is not actually opened in the Application namespace in a manner like a drawing opened for editing. The Name property is NOT readonly. Notice the methods that are available.
; IAxDbDocument: IAxDbDocument Interface ; Property values: ; Application (RO) = Exception occurred


; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Blocks (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadBlocks 037aad64> Database (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDatabase 037ac634> Dictionaries (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDictionaries 037a8a34> DimStyles (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDimStyles 037a8954> ElevationModelSpace = 0.0 ElevationPaperSpace = 0.0 Groups (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadGroups 037acd24> Layers (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayers 037acc44> Layouts (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayouts 037acba4> Limits = (0.0 0.0 12.0 9.0) Linetypes (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLineTypes 037a8e84> ModelSpace (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadModelSpace 037a8dd4> Name = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\dave\\My Documents\\DRAWING3.dwg" PaperSpace (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPaperSpace 037a8d24> PlotConfigurations (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPlotConfigurations 037a8bf4> Preferences (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDatabasePreferences 037ac694> RegisteredApplications (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadRegisteredApplications 037a8b34> TextStyles (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadTextStyles 037a93a4> UserCoordinateSystems (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadUCSs 037a92f4> Viewports (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadViewports 037a91e4> Views (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadViews 037a9124>

; Methods supported: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; CopyObjects (3) DxfIn (2) DxfOut (3) HandleToObject (1) ObjectIdToObject (1) Open (1) RegisterLicenseObject (2) RevokeLicenseObject (1) Save () SaveAs (1)

ObjectDBX is indeed a cool puppy to play with. When most programmers discover it and learn what it


can do, they immediately ask if its available for use outside of AutoCAD. Well, yes, it is, but its very expensive to license from Autodesk for an individual developer.


AutoCAD provides a few ways to store information in drawings that is nongraphical. This can include a variety of data types such as numbers, text and so forth. Of these, the two most common are Extended Entity Data (EED) and Dictionaries. The most common form of EED is XDATA, which is an extension of all graphical entities as well as many table objects such as Layers and Linetypes. This allows you to store hidden (nongraphical) information within these entities or table objects and retrieve the information when required. Another form of storing nongraphical information is through the use of XRECORD objects. XRECORD objects are part of the Document object and allow you to store string information within a Dictionary collection. The advantages of using XDATA are that the information is attached to a specific entity or table member. The advantages to using XRECORD objects is that they are attached to the Document itself, and not to any particular entity or table object. In addition, XDATA has certain limits on the size of the data that can be stored on a given entity or table member. XRECORD objects do not impose any size limitation on data storage, but it does affect the DWG file size, and memory requirements when the drawing is opened.

Working with XDATA

Xdata can be attached to and retrieved from any graphical entity in a drawing, as well as many table objects, such as layers, layouts and linetypes. Xdata divides information storage by the data type, so you have to be aware of the type of information you intend to store whenever you attach it to anything, as well as when you attempt to retrieve it. For example, if you attach an integer value to an entity and attempt to retrieve it as though it were a string value, you will not get the desired results.

Working with XRECORD Objects

XRECORD objects are maintained as a Dictionary, meaning they have a unique name and are accessed by that name. They are attached to the document object itself, not to any graphic objects or tables as is the case with Xdata. Xrecords are stripped from a drawing if it is saved back to R12 or often when converted to another CAD format that does not support them.


Because XRECORD objects are attached to the document, they are safe from casual deletion by users. For example, if you attach XDATA to a layer, and that layer is purged, the XDATA is then released as well. You can attach XDATA to layer "0" to prevent this, however, XDATA still imposes limits on data type and data size that can be stored. Xrecords can only be created, renamed or deleted. There are no direct methods for modifying them. The only way to modify an Xrecord is to retrieve its contents, delete the Xrecord from the dictionary object, and recreate a new Xrecord with new data. The following functions demonstrate how to do this using standard AutoLISP.
(defun Xrecord-Rebuild (name dat) (Xrecord-Delete name) (Xrecord-Add name dat) )

(defun Xrecord-Get (name / xlist) (if (setq xlist (dictsearch (namedobjdict) name)) (cdr (assoc 1 xlist)) ) )

(defun Xrecord-Delete (name) (dictremove (namedobjdict) name); remove from dictionary )

(defun Xrecord-Add (name sdata / xrec xname) (setq xrec (list (cons 0 "XRECORD") (cons 100 "AcDbXrecord") (cons 1 sdata) (cons 62 1) ) )


(setq xname (entmakex xrec)); rebuild xrecord (dictadd (namedobjdict) name xname); return to dictionary (princ) )

The problem with the above form is that it uses (entmake) and can sometimes cause problems in AutoCAD when mixed with certain other ActiveX functions. A more appropriate form would be the ActiveX approach as shown in the examples below.

(defun Xrecord-Rebuild (dict name data) (Xrecord-Delete dict name) (Xrecord-Add dict name data) )

(defun Xrecord-Get (dict name / acadapp doc dcs odc xrec #typ #dat out) (setq acadapp doc dcs ) (cond ( (setq odc (dsx-item dcs dict)) (cond ( (setq xrec (dsx-item odc name)) (vla-getXrecordData xrec '#typ '#dat) (setq #typ (vlax-Safearray->list #typ) #dat (vlax-Safearray->list #dat) ) (setq out (mapcar 'vlax-variant-value #dat)) (vlax-release-object odc) ) ) (vlax-release-object dcs) (vlax-get-acad-object)

(vla-get-ActiveDocument acadapp) (vla-get-Dictionaries doc)


) ) out )

(defun Xrecord-Delete (dict name / dcs odc xr) (setq dcs (vla-get-dictionaries active-doc)) (cond ( (setq odc (dsx-item dcs dict)) (cond ( (setq xr (dsx-item odc name)) (vla-delete xr) (vlax-release-object xr) ) ) (vlax-release-object odc) ) ) (vlax-release-object dcs) )

(defun Xrecord-Add (dict name data / acadapp doc dicts dict xrec #typ #dat) (setq acadapp doc (vlax-get-acad-object)

(vla-get-ActiveDocument acadapp)

dicts (vla-get-Dictionaries doc) dict xrec ) (if (not (listp data)) (setq data (list data))); ensure list! (vla-setXrecordData xrec (List->VariantArray (List->IntList data) 'vlax-vbInteger (vlax-invoke-method dicts "Add" dict) (vla-AddXrecord dict name)


) (List->VariantArray data 'vlax-vbVariant) )

(vla-getXrecordData xrec '#typ '#dat) (setq #typ (vlax-Safearray->list #typ) #dat (vlax-Safearray->list #dat) ) (mapcar 'vlax-variant-value #dat) )

The two functions (List->VariantArray) and (List->IntList) are used to define the safearray contents and dimension respectively. They can be used for much more than this obviously. The second argument to (List->VariantArray) must be a singlequoted ActiveX data type declaration such as
'vlax-vbString. (defun List->VariantArray (lst datatype / arraySpace sArray) (setq arraySpace (vlax-make-safearray (eval datatype) (cons 0 (1- (length lst))) ) ) (setq sArray (vlax-Safearray-fill arraySpace lst)) (vlax-make-variant sArray) )

(defun List->IntList (lst / n) (setq n 0) (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (setq n (1+ n)))) lst) )

The other function (dsx-item) is used to fetch (or attempt to fetch) an item using the Item method of a collection. This function includes error catching in case the fetch fails, which returns an ActiveX error instead of something like nil. In this case, we trap an error and return nil if the fetch fails. Otherwise,


we return the object from the collection.

(defun DSX-Item (collection item / out) (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq out (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-item (list collection item)) ) ) ) out ; return object or nil ) )

To demonstrate how to use this stuff well save an Xrecord in our current drawing with some information such as the current username (assuming were on Windows NT, 2000 or XP) and some other information.
(setq username (getenv "username"); logged on user ID machine ) (Xrecord-Rebuild "PERSONAL" "UserData" (list username machine)) _$ Returns ("DSTEIN1234" "W2K-1234") (getenv "computername"); NETBIOS computer name

(Xrecord-Get "PERSONAL" "UserData") _$ Returns ("DSTEIN1234" "W2K-1234")

(Xrecord-Rebuild "PERSONAL" "UserData" "1234") _$ Returns ("1234")

So, what can you do with Xrecords? Anything you want. They are very useful for storing information in a drawing that is not tied directly to any particular entity or table. If you are used to storing information in Xdata, you are probably aware that if the entity or table item is deleted the Xdata is lost. Of course, you can attach Xdata to things like Layer "0" or the like, so it never gets deleted. However, Xdata imposes limitations on contents that might be alleviated by switching to Xrecords instead.


The AcadApplication object is the root of everything Visual LISP can address relating to ActiveX. This includes collections, properties, methods, events and derived objects that inherit from this base object. Remember, the ActiveX object model is a hierarchy of classes that allow for lower level classes to be derived that contain properties and methods of their parent classes. In order to gain access to anything within AutoCAD, you must first start by gaining access to AutoCAD itself, and then work your way down into whatever you need. For example, if you want to access the Layers collection and fetch a particular layer, you must first get the AcadApplication object, then the ActiveDocument object, and then get the Layers collection from that object. One way to begin understanding the AcadApplication object is by dumping the object using the (vlax-dump-object) function. This function takes one required argument (the object) to request a list of its properties, and an optional flag, which if provided (and nonnil) requests a list of methods as well.
Command: (vlax-dump-object (vlax-get-acad-object) T) ; IAcadApplication: An instance of the AutoCAD application ; Property values: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ActiveDocument = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocument 0f1e89b0> Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 01877c20> Caption (RO) = "AutoCAD 2011 - UNREGISTERED VERSION - [Drawing1.dwg]" Documents (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocuments 11120b08> FullName (RO) = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2011\\acad.exe" Height = 726 HWND (RO) = 983660 LocaleId (RO) = 1033 MenuBar (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMenuBar 111172b4> MenuGroups (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMenuGroups 0736a890> Name (RO) = "AutoCAD" Path (RO) = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2011" Preferences (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferences 110ef5bc> StatusId (RO) = ...Indexed contents not shown...


; ; ; ; ; ; ;

VBE (RO) = AutoCAD: Problem in loading VBA Version (RO) = "18.1s (LMS Tech)" Visible = -1 Width = 1020 WindowLeft = 2 WindowState = 1 WindowTop = 2

; Methods supported: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Eval (1) GetAcadState () GetInterfaceObject (1) ListArx () LoadArx (1) LoadDVB (1) Quit () RunMacro (1) UnloadArx (1) UnloadDVB (1) Update () ZoomAll () ZoomCenter (2) ZoomExtents () ZoomPickWindow () ZoomPrevious () ZoomScaled (2) ZoomWindow (2)

Figure 161 (vlaxdumpobject) results on the AcadApplication object. While you might expect the list of Properties, Collections and Methods to be much larger for the AcadApplication object, remember that the Object Model is a tree structure. This means that much of the complexity is delegated at multiple levels, such as down into the Documents collection, the Preferences collection and so forth. The items shown in Figure 161 apply only to the AcadApplication object and nothing else.


To demonstrate a tiny bit of what you can do with the AcadApplication object, load and run the following sample of code. This will minimize the AutoCAD session window and then maximize it after a short pause.
(defun MinMax ( / acadapp) (vl-load-com) (setq acadapp (vlax-get-acad-object)) (vla-put-windowstate acadapp acMin) (vl-cmdf "DELAY" 1000) (vla-put-windowstate acadapp acMax) (vlax-release-object acadapp) )

Minimizing AutoCAD can come in handy when you intend to write a program that launches another application. Quite often, AutoCAD will jump back to the front and hide the other application window because it attempts to regain "focus" from the Windows application stack. This doesnt always happen, but it happens frequently. One way to avoid this is to hide AutoCAD after you launch the other application. This will prevent it from popping back in front of the other application window.
(defun ShowNotepad (filename / acad fn) (vl-load-com) (cond ( (setq fn (findfile filename)); make sure file exists first (setq acadapp (vlax-get-acad-object)) (vla-put-windowstate acadapp acMin) (vlax-release-object acadapp) (startapp "notepad.exe" fn) ) ( T (princ (strcat "\nFile not found: " filename)) ) ) )

Another solution is to use a thirdparty function such as the DOSlib function (dos_exewait) which launches another application and suspends AutoCAD until the other application session is terminated (closed).


TIP: The Path property of the AcadApplication object shows the path to where ACAD.EXE resides on the local machine. This can be used to get the actual installation path when performing modifications to the support files path list within the AcadPreferences Files collection. Since Autodesk decided to follow Microsoft's lead and drop VBA support, the interesting behavior is that the VBE object is still visible from within the AcadApplication object, but it's broken. For example:
(vlax-dump-object (vla-get-vbe (vlax-get-acad-object)) t) ; error: Automation Error. Problem in loading VBA


AutoCAD Entities are graphical objects such as ARC, CIRCLE and LINE objects. The term entity is synonymous with graphical object in the context of ActiveX programming within AutoCAD. All entities are derived from the base class named AcDbEntity, which provides certain default properties and methods to all entitles. Some default properties are Layer and Color, while some default methods are Copy and Delete. Some properties are common to all objects. Some properties are common to groups of objects, but not all objects. Some properties are specific to a given object type. To access or modify object properties using Visual LISP, use the following examples: (vla-get-propertyname object) where propertyname might be color or linetype. You can also use the alternate form (vlax-get-property object propertyname) if desired. These are interchangeable when it comes to working with AutoCAD objects. (vla-put-propertyname object value) where propertyname might be color or linetype and value might be acRed or "dashed". You can also use the alternate form (vlax-put-property object propertyname value) if desired. Again, these are interchangeable when working with AutoCAD objects.

All Entities: Common Properties

Property Description Application (RO) AutoCAD session Color Entity color Document (RO) Parent document EntityTransparency Opacity setting Handle Entity Handle ID HasExtensionDictionary (RO)Has XDATA attached Hyperlinks (RO) Web links Layer Entity layer Linetype Entity linetype LinetypeScale Entity linetype scale Lineweight Entity lineweight Material Material assignment ObjectID (RO) Object ID value ObjectName (RO) Name of Entity type OwnerID (RO) Parent object Data Type DXF Object (pointer) Integer/Enum 62 (transient) Object (pointer) String String 5 Boolean Object (collection) String 8 String 6 (transient) Real/Double 48 Integer/Enum 370 String Integer String 100 (multi) Integer


Normal PlotStyleName Thickness TrueColor Visible LayoutName (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A)

Extrusion Vector Name of PlotStyle Entity thickness RGB/Pantone Color Value Toggles display

Array 210 String Real/Double 39 (transient) acCmColor/Object Boolean 60 (N/A) 410 DXF Entity Name Integer 0 DXF Space Integer 67 DXF Xrecord Group String 102 (paired) DXF Material object Hard PointerString 347

** Depends upon use of ColorBased or Named plotstyles in active drawing.

Common Methods
Method Description Parameters ArrayPolar Polar Array 3 ArrayRectangular Rectangular Array 6 Copy Create a Copy 0 Delete Delete entity 2 GetBoundingBox Get Diagonal Bounding Point Coordinates0 GetExtensionDictionaryQuery if object has an Xrecord attached 3 GetXData Query Xdata from object 1 Highlight Highlight object display 1 IntersectWith Intersect with another object/entity 2 Mirror Mirror about 2 dimensional axis points 2 Mirror3D Mirror about 3 dimensional axis points 3 Move Relocate 2 Offset Create offset duplicate 1 Rotate Rotate about 2 dimensional point 2 Rotate3D Rotate about 3 dimensional axis points 3 ScaleEntity Scale geometry 2 SetXData Attach Xdata to object 2 TransformBy 1 Update Update entity properties list 0

Property Description ArcLength (RO) Perimeter length Area Enclosed area Center Center Point EndAngle Ending Angle EndPoint End Point Radius Radius value StartAngle Starting Angle Data Type Double Double Array Double Array Double Double


StartPoint Start point Array TotalAngle (RO)Total angle in radiansDouble Special notes about ARC objects: You cannot change the start point of an arc or ellipse. To edit an arc, use the EndAngle and Radius properties. To edit an ellipse, use the EndAngle, MajorAxis, and RadiusRatio properties. The Area property is calculated in square drawing units as though it were closed by a vector from the startpoint to the endpoint. This is not the same as the area of a circular segment, which would include the area from the centerpoint out to the perimeter as a portion of the total circular area.

BlockReference (Insert)
Property Description Data Type EffectiveName Short name String InsertionPoint Basepoint Array/Doubles InsUnits (RO) Units name String InsUnitsFactor (RO) Units factor / multipleDouble IsDynamicBlock (RO) Dynamic Block Boolean Name Base name String Rotation Rotation angle Double XEffectiveScaleFactor Scale factor X result Double XScaleFactor Scale factor X Double YEffectiveScaleFactor Scale factor Y result Double YScaleFactor Scale factor Y Double ZeffectiveScaleFactor Scale factor Z result Double ZScaleFactor Scale factor Z Double Methods ConvertToAnonymousBlock ConvertToStaticBlock (1) Explode GetAttributes GetConstantAttributes GetDynamicBlockProperties ResetBlock

Property Description Data Type Area Enclosed area Double Center Center Point Array CircumferenceDistance around circleDouble Diameter Diameter value Double Radius Radius value Double


Property AngleFormat Arrowhead1Block Arrowhead1Type Arrowhead2Block Arrowhead2Type ArrowheadSize DecimalSeparator DimConstrDesc DimConstrExpression DimConstrForm DimConstrName DimConstrReference DimConstrValue DimensionLineColor DimensionLinetype DimensionLineWeight DimLine1Suppress DimLine2Suppress DimLineInside DimTxtDirection ExtensionLineColor ExtensionLineExtend ExtensionLineOffset ExtensionLineWeight ExtLine1EndPoint ExtLine1Linetype ExtLine1StartPoint ExtLine1Suppress ExtLine2EndPoint ExtLine2Linetype ExtLine2StartPoint ExtLine2Suppress ExtLineFixedLen ExtLineFixedLenSuppress Fit ForceLineInside HorizontalTextPosition Measurement (RO) StyleName SuppressLeadingZeros SuppressTrailingZeros TextColor TextFill TextFillColor TextGap Description Angle format Arrowhead 1 block name Arrowhead 1 type Arrowhead 2 block name Arrowhead 2 type Arrowhead size (length) Decimal separator character Data Type Integer String Integer String Integer Double String String Integer String Integer Dimension line color Dimension linetype Dimension lineweight Suppress dimension line 1 Suppress dimension line 2 Dimension line inside Text direction Extension line color Extension line extend distance Extension line offset Extension line lineweight Extension line 1 endpoint Extension line 1 linetype Extension line 1 startpoint Extension line 1 suppress Extension line 2 endpoint Extension line 2 linetype Extension line 2 startpoint Extension line 2 suppress Extension line fixed length Extension line fixed length suppress Dimension fit mode Force inside dimension line Horizontal text position Measurement value Dim stylename Suppress leading zero values Suppress trailing zero values Text color Text fill Text fill color Text gap Integer String Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Double Double Integer Array/Doubles String Array/Doubles Integer Array/Doubles String Array/Doubles Integer Double Integer Integer Integer Integer Double String Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Double


TextHeight Text height Double TextInside Text inside mode Integer TextInsideAlign Text inside alignment Boolean TextMovement Text movement type Integer TextOutsideAlign Text outside alignment Boolean TextOverride Text override value String TextPosition Text position location Array/Doubles TextPrecision Text precision scope Integer TextPrefix Text prefix value String TextRotation Text rotation angle Double TextStyle Text style name String TextSuffix Text suffix value String ToleranceDisplay Tolerance dislpay mode Integer ToleranceHeightScale Tolerance height scaling Double ToleranceJustification Tolerance justifcation type Integer ToleranceLowerLimit Tolerance lower limit value Double TolerancePrecision Tolerance precision scope Integer ToleranceSuppressLeadingZerosSuppress tolerance leading zero valuesInteger ToleranceSuppressTrailingZerosSuppress tolerance trailing zero valuesInteger ToleranceUpperLimit Tolerance upper limit value Double VerticalTextPosition Vertical text position mode Integer

Property DescriptionData Type AltRoundDistance Double AltSuppressLeadingZeros Integer AltSuppressTrailingZeros Integer AltSuppressZeroFeet Boolean AltSuppressZeroInches Boolean AltTextPrefix String AltTextSuffix String AltTolerancePrecision Integer AltToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros Integer AltToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros Integer AltToleranceSuppressZeroFeet Boolean AltToleranceSuppressZeroInches Boolean AltUnits Integer AltUnitsFormat Integer AltUnitsPrecision Integer AltUnitsScale Double Arrowhead1Block String Arrowhead1Type Integer Arrowhead2Block String Arrowhead2Type String ArrowheadSize Double CenterMarkSize Double CenterType Integer


DecimalSeparator DimConstrDesc DimConstrExpression DimConstrForm DimConstrName DimConstrReference DimConstrValue DimensionLineColor DimensionLinetype DimensionLineWeight DimLine1Suppress DimLine2Suppress DimTxtDirection Fit ForceLineInside FractionFormat LeaderLength (RO) LinearScaleFactor Measurement (RO) Normal = (0.0 0.0 1.0) PrimaryUnitsPrecision RoundDistance StyleName SuppressLeadingZeros SuppressTrailingZeros SuppressZeroFeet SuppressZeroInches TextColor TextFill TextFillColor TextGap TextHeight TextInside TextInsideAlign TextMovement TextOutsideAlign TextOverride TextPosition TextPrefix TextRotation TextStyle TextSuffix ToleranceDisplay ToleranceHeightScale ToleranceJustification ToleranceLowerLimit TolerancePrecision ToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros ToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros


Integer Integer Integer String Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Double Double Array/Doubles Integer Double String Integer Integer Boolean Boolean Integer Integer Integer Double Double Integer Boolean Integer Boolean String Array/Doubles String Double String String Integer Double Integer Double Integer Integer Integer

ToleranceSuppressZeroFeet ToleranceSuppressZeroInches ToleranceUpperLimit UnitsFormat VerticalTextPosition

Boolean Boolean Double Integer Integer

Property Description AltRoundDistance AltSubUnitsFactor AltSubUnitsSuffix AltSuppressLeadingZeros AltSuppressTrailingZeros AltSuppressZeroFeet AltSuppressZeroInches AltTextPrefix AltTextSuffix AltTolerancePrecision AltToleranceSuppressLeadingZeroes AltToleranceSuppressTrailingZeroes AltToleranceSuppressZeroFeet AltToleranceSuppressZeroInches AltUnits AltUnitsFormat AltUnitsPrecision AltUnitsScale Arrowhead1Block Arrowhead1Type Arrowhead2Block Arrowhead2Type ArrowheadSize DecimalSeparator DimensionLineColor DimensionLineExtend DimensionLinetype DimensionLineWeight DimLine1Suppress DimLine2Suppress DimLineInside DimTxtDirection ExtensionLineColor ExtensionLineExtend ExtensionLineOffset ExtensionLineWeight ExtLine1Suppress ExtLine2Suppress ExtLineFixedLen Data Type Double Double String Integer Integer Boolean Boolean String String Integer Integer Integer Boolean Boolean Integer Integer Integer Double String Integer String Integer Double String Integer Double String Integer/Enum Integer/Boolean Integer/Boolean Integer Integer Integer/Enum Double Double Integer/Enum Boolean Boolean Integer


ExtLineFixedLenSuppress Fit ForceLineInside FractionFormat HorizontalTextPosition LinearScaleFactor Measurement (RO) PrimaryUnitsPrecision Rotation RoundDistance ScaleFactor StyleName SubUnitsFactor SubUnitsSuffix SuppressLeadingZeroes SuppressTrailingZeroes SuppressZeroFeet SuppressZeroInches TextColor TextFill TextGap TextHeight TextInside TextInsideAlign TextMovement TextOutsideAlign TextOverride TextPosition TextPrefix TextRotation TextStyle TextSuffix ToleranceDisplay ToleranceHeightScale ToleranceJustification ToleranceLowerLimit TolerancePrecision ToleranceSuppressLeadingZeroes ToleranceSuppressTrailingZeroes ToleranceSuppressZeroFeet ToleranceSuppressZeroInches UnitsFormat VerticalTextPosition

Integer Integer Integer Integer/Enum Integer/Enum Double Double Integer Double Double Scaling factor valueDouble DimStyle name String Double String Integer Integer Integer Integer Text color Integer/Enum Fill mode Integer Gap distance Double Text height Double Integer Integer/Enum Text movement Integer Integer Override string String Text position Array Prefix string value String Rotation (radians) Double Name of text style String Suffix string value String Integer Double Integer/Enum Double Digits of precision Integer Integer/Boolean Integer/Boolean Integer/Boolean Integer/Boolean Integer/Enum Integer/Enum

Notes Regarding Rotated Dimension Objects: Control points for extension lines and dimension lines are not exposed through ActiveX. To obtain these control points you must use the DXF entity codes 10, 11, 13, and 14. They are described as follows:


13 = Start point of first extension line (first control point) 14 = Start point of second extension line (second control point) 11 = MiddleCenter point of MTEXT label 10 = Arrowhead point of second dimension line

Property Description Data Type Area Enclosed area Double Center Center Point Array Diameter Diameter value Double EndAngle End Angle (Arc) Double EndParameter End Parameter EndPoint (RO) Endpoint (Arc) Array MajorAxis Axis Endpoint Array/Doubles MajorRadius Major Radius Double MinorAxis Axis Endpoint Array/Doubles MinorRadius Minor Radius Double RadiusRatio Ratio of Major/MinorDouble StartAngle Start Angle (Arc) Double StartParameterStart parameter StartPoint (RO)Start Point (Arc) Array Notes regarding ELLIPSE objects: If the Ellipse is closed, the StartAngle value is 0 and the EndAngle value is 2*Pi. You cannot change the Startpoint or Endpoint properties of an Ellipse.

Property Area AssociativeHatch BackgroundColor Description Region area Type Background fill color Data Type Double Boolean Object


GradientAngle Angle of linear gradiantDouble GradientCentered Radial gradient Boolean GradientColor1 Color of gradient start Object GradientColor2 Color of gradient end Object GradientName Name of gradient fill String HatchObjectType Type of hatch Integer HatchStyle Style assignment Integer ISOPenWidth Pen assignment Integer NumberOfLoops (RO)Loop quantity Integer Origin Origin coordinate Array (2D point) PatternAngle Angle of hatch pattern Double PatternDouble Integer PatternName (RO) Name of hatch pattern String PatternScale Scale of pattern fill Double PatternSpace Spacing of pattern fill Double PatternType (RO) Type of pattern Integer Methods AppendInnerLoop AppendOuterLoop Evaluate GetLoopAt InsertLoopAt SetPattern

Property Description Data Type ArrowheadBlock Name of block String ArrowheadSize Length of arrowheadDouble ArrowheadType Type assignment Integer Coordinate Coordinates Array of points Array DimensionLineColor Color number Integer DimensionLineWeightLineweight setting Integer/Enum ScaleFactor Scale Double StartPoint Start Point Array StyleName Name of DimStyle String TextGap Gap distance Double Type Leader type Integer VerticalTextPosition Vertical text option Integer Methods Evaluate

Property Description Data Type Angle (RO) Angle Double Delta (RO) Offset X and YArray


EndPoint End Point Length (RO)Length StartPoint Start Point

Array Double Array

Property Description Data Type Area Enclosed Area Double Closed Closed flag Integer/Boolean ConstantWidth Default width Double Coordinate Array Coordinates Vertices List Array/Doubles Elevation Zelevation Double LinetypeGenerationLinetype Gen flagInteger/Boolean Type Curve Fit Type Integer/Enum Methods AddVertex Explode GetBulge GetWidth SetBulge SetWidth Notes regarding LwPolyline entities: Breaking a LwPolyline results in the remaining pieces being converted into PolyLine entities. The TYPE property is transient, meaning that if the entity has not been curvefitted (spline, bezier, cubic) this property is not exposed. Once a curvefitting is applied, the TYPE property is available.

Property Description Data Type CoordinatesVertices List Array/Doubles JustificationJustification setting Integer MlineScale Scale factor Double StyleName Name of MLINE styleString NOTE: Deprecated Mline properties: Angle, EndPoint, StartPoint, Delta, Length

Property Description Data Type AttachmentPoint Basepoint Array BackgroundFill Background region fill Integer DrawingDirection Text Flow Integer/Enum LineSpacingDistanceDistance of line spacingDouble


LineSpacingFactor LineSpacingStyle Rotation StyleName TextString Width Methods FieldCode Rotate3

Row Spacing Factor Mode to apply factor Rotation Angle Style Name String Value Frame Width

Double Integer/Enum Double String String Double

Notes Regarding MTEXT objects: Linespacing is factored using the base Height value. When varying heights are used in a given string, the LineSpacingFactor property is applied against the base Height property value only. Fraction stacking behavior is controlled by the TSTACKSIZE and TSTACKALIGN system variables. TSTACKSIZE is an integer that denotes "per 100" or percentage of text height the size of the fraction is. A value of 70 denotes (0.7 * Height). TSTACKALIGN controls how stacking is applied. 0=no stacking, 1=diagonal (e.g. ), 2=vertical (e.g. horizontal bar). Formatting Control Codes: "\\P" denotes linefeed/carriage return "\\S" denotes fraction stack begin grouping "\\A" denotes relative height change (using relative factor against base Height property)

Property DescriptionData Type CoordinatesBasepoint Array Notes Regarding POINT Entities: The display of POINT entities is controlled by the PDMODE system variable. A setting of 1 hides them. A setting of 0 or another positive number displays them with various symbol types. The PDSIZE system variable controls the relative size of POINT symbols with respect to the zoom factor.

Property Area (RO) Description Enclosed Area Data Type Double


Closed Closed flag Integer/Boolean ConstantWidth Default width Double Coordinate Array Coordinates Vertices List Array/Doubles Elevation Zelevation Double Length (RO) Overall length Double LinetypeGenerationLinetype Gen flagInteger/Boolean Type Curve Fit Type Integer/Enum Methods AddVertex Explode GetBulge, SetBulge GetWidth, SetWidth

NOTE: The Polyline "type" property has been deprecated

Property Description Data Type Brightness Brightness level Integer ClippingEnabledToggle clipping Boolean Contrast Contrast level Integer Fade Fade level Integer Height Height value Double ImageFile Filename and pathString ImageHeight Height of image Double ImageVisibility Toggle display Boolean ImageWidth Width of image Double Name Image name String Origin Basepoint insert Array/Doubles ShowRotation Display rotation Boolean Methods ClipBoundary

Property Description Data Type BasePoint Base point Array/Doubles DirectionVectorVector Axis PointArray/Doubles SecondPoint Pick Point Array/Doubles

Property DescriptionData Type Coordinate ? Array CoordinatesVerticies ListArray/Doubles


Property Description Data Type Area (RO) Bounded regional areaDouble Closed (RO) Is closed? Boolean Closed2 Boolean ControlPoints Array of frame points Array/Doubles Degree (RO) Degree2 EndTangent 3D coordinate Array/Doubles FitPoints Array of fit points Array/Doubles FitTolerance Precision Double IsPeriodic (RO) Periodic spline? Boolean IsPlanar (RO) Planar spline? Boolean IsRational (RO) Rational spline? Boolean KnotParameterization Integer Knots Array/Doubles NumberOfControlPoints (RO)Number of points Integer NumberOfFitPoints (RO) Number of points Integer SplineFrame Frame type Integer SplineMethod StartTangent Array/Doubles Weights Object

AddFitPoint DeleteFitPoint ElevateOrder GetControlPoint GetFitPoint GetWeight PurgeFitData Reverse SetControlPoint SetFitPoint SetWeight

Property Description Data Type Alignment Alignment Type Integer/Enum Backward Backwards flag Integer/Boolean Height Text Height Double InsertionPoint Base Point Array/Doubles ObliqueAngle Oblique angle Double Rotation Rotation Angle Double ScaleFactor Width Factor Double StyleName Text Style Name String TextAlignmentPointAlignment PointArray/Doubles


TextGenerationFlag Generation FlagInteger/Enum TextString String Value String UpsideDown Integer/Boolean Methods FieldCode

Property DescriptionData Type Coordinate CoordinatesVerticies ListArray/Doubles

Property ArcSmoothness Center Clipped (RO) CustomScale Direction DisplayLocked GridOn Height LensLength RemoveHiddenLines SnapBasePoint SnapOn SnapRotationAngle StandardScale Target TwistAngle UCSIconAtOrigin UCSIconOn UCSPerViewport ViewportOn Width Description Data Type View Resolution Integer Center Point Array/Doubles Clipped Boundary Integer/Boolean Scale in Mspace View direction vectorArray/Doubles Locked zoom/pan Integer/Boolean Grid display Integer/Boolean Height in Paperspace Double Lens length value Double Hide lines Integer/Boolean Snap basepoint Array/Doubles (2D) Display snap Integer/Boolean Snap rotation angle Double ZoomXP factor Integer/Enum Target vector point Array/Doubles Twist Angle Double Show UCS origin Integer/Boolean Show UCS icon Integer/Boolean UCS per viewport Integer/Boolean Display Viewport Integer/Boolean Width in Paperspace Double

Property Description Data Type BasePoint Pick Point 1 Array/Doubles DirectionVectorAxis Direction PointArray/Doubles SecondPoint Pick Point 2 Array/Doubles



Property AllowManualHeights AllowManualPositions BreaksEnabled BreakSpacing Columns ColumnWidth (RO) Direction EnableBreak (RO) FlowDirection HasSubSelection (RO) HeaderSuppressed Height HorzCellMargin InsertionPoint MinimumTableHeight (RO) MinimumTableWidth (RO) RegenerateTableSuppressed RepeatBottomLabels RepeatTopLabels RowHeight (RO) Rows StyleName TableBreakFlowDirection TableBreakHeight TableStyleOverrides (RO) TitleSuppressed VertCellMargin Width Methods ClearSubSelection () ClearTableStyleOverrides (1) CreateContent (3) DeleteCellContent (2) DeleteColumns (2) DeleteContent (2) DeleteRows (2) EnableMergeAll (3) FormatValue (4) GenerateLayout () GetAlignment (1) GetAttachmentPoint (2) GetAutoScale (2) GetAutoScale2 (3) GetBackgroundColor (1) GetBackgroundColorNone (1) GetBlockAttributeValue (3) GetBlockAttributeValue2 (4) GetBlockRotation (2)

Description Data Type Allow dynamic row height adjustmentsInteger Allow dynamic positioning Integer Allow breaking of cell contents Integer Line spacing of cellvalue breaks Double Number of columns Integer Array of column widths Array Up or Down row direction Array Enable breaks Row direction Integer Items selectable within table (boolean)Integer Table header suppressed Integer Overall height Double Margin distance Double Basepoint of insertion Array Minimum height of table Array Minimum width of table Array Regeneration suppressed (boolean) Integer Repeat bottom labels Integer Repeat top labels Integer Row height Array Number of rows Integer Table style name String Up or Down break flow direction Integer Table break height distance Double Style overrides (nil, if none) String Suppress title Integer Vertical margin distance of cells Double Table width Double


GetBlockScale (2) GetBlockTableRecordId (2) GetBlockTableRecordId2 (3) GetBoundingBox (2) GetBreakHeight (1) GetCellAlignment (2) GetCellBackgroundColor (2) GetCellBackgroundColorNone (2) GetCellContentColor (2) GetCellDataType (4) GetCellExtents (3) GetCellFormat (2) GetCellGridColor (3) GetCellGridLineWeight (3) GetCellGridVisibility (3) GetCellState (2) GetCellStyle (2) GetCellStyleOverrides (2) GetCellTextHeight (2) GetCellTextStyle (2) GetCellType (2) GetCellValue (2) GetColumnName (1) GetColumnWidth (1) GetContentColor (1) GetContentColor2 (3) GetContentLayout (2) GetContentType (2) GetCustomData (4) GetDataFormat (3) GetDataType (3) GetDataType2 (5) GetExtensionDictionary () GetFieldId (2) GetFieldId2 (3) GetFormat (1) GetFormula (3) GetGridColor (2) GetGridColor2 (3) GetGridDoubleLineSpacing (3) GetGridLineStyle (3) GetGridLinetype (3) GetGridLineWeight (2) GetGridLineWeight2 (3) GetGridVisibility (2) GetGridVisibility2 (3) GetHasFormula (3) GetMargin (3) GetMinimumColumnWidth (1)

GetMinimumRowHeight (1) GetOverride (3) GetRotation (3) GetRowHeight (1) GetRowType (1) GetScale (3) GetSubSelection (4) GetText (2) GetTextHeight (1) GetTextHeight2 (3) GetTextRotation (2) GetTextString (3) GetTextStyle (1) GetTextStyle2 (3) GetValue (3) HitTest (4) InsertColumns (3) InsertColumnsAndInherit (3) InsertRows (3) InsertRowsAndInherit (3) IntersectWith (2) IsContentEditable (2) IsEmpty (2) IsFormatEditable (2) IsMergeAllEnabled (2) IsMergedCell (6) MergeCells (4) MoveContent (4) RecomputeTableBlock (1) RemoveAllOverrides (2) ReselectSubRegion () ResetCellValue (2) Select (8) SelectSubRegion (10) SetAlignment (2) SetAutoScale (3) SetAutoScale2 (4) SetBackgroundColor (2) SetBackgroundColorNone (2) SetBlockAttributeValue (4) SetBlockAttributeValue2 (5) SetBlockRotation (3) SetBlockScale (3) SetBlockTableRecordId (4) SetBlockTableRecordId2 (5) SetBreakHeight (2) SetCellAlignment (3) SetCellBackgroundColor (3) SetCellBackgroundColorNone (3)

SetCellContentColor (3) SetCellDataType (4) SetCellFormat (3) SetCellGridColor (4) SetCellGridLineWeight (4) SetCellGridVisibility (4) SetCellState (3) SetCellStyle (3) SetCellTextHeight (3) SetCellTextStyle (3) SetCellType (3) SetCellValue (3) SetCellValueFromText (4) SetColumnName (2) SetColumnWidth (2) SetContentColor (2) SetContentColor2 (4) SetContentLayout (3) SetCustomData (4) SetDataFormat (4) SetDataType (3) SetDataType2 (5) SetFieldId (3) SetFieldId2 (5) SetFormat (2) SetFormula (4) SetGridColor (3) SetGridColor2 (4) SetGridDoubleLineSpacing (4) SetGridLineStyle (4) SetGridLinetype (4) SetGridLineWeight (3) SetGridLineWeight2 (4) SetGridVisibility (3) SetGridVisibility2 (4) SetMargin (4) SetOverride (4) SetRotation (4) SetRowHeight (2) SetScale (4) SetSubSelection (4) SetText (3) SetTextHeight (2) SetTextHeight2 (4) SetTextRotation (3) SetTextString (4) SetTextStyle (2) SetTextStyle2 (4) SetToolTip (3)

SetValue (4) SetValueFromText (5) UnmergeCells (4)


Drawings are considered Documents in a general sense and this is how they are referred to from a programmatic point of view within AutoCAD as well as within most other ActiveXenabled applications. Document objects are members of the Documents collection within AutoCAD. To access the current drawing session you can request the ActiveDocument property of the AcadApplication object, without having to go to the Documents collection. However, if you need to access another document or iterate through all opened documents, you will need to access the Documents collection.

The Documents Collection

The Documents collection contains all opened documents in the active AutoCAD session. Each time you create or open another drawing, it is immediately added to this collection. Documents are normally entered into the Documents collection in the order they were opened. To navigate a collection, you can use the (vlax-for) function to process all members, or use the (vla-Item) method to access an individual member by index location or name if desired.

Figure 181 The Documents collection and Document objects.

(defun Documents-ListAll ( / out) (vlax-for each (vla-get-documents (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq out (cons (vla-get-name each) out)) ) (if out (reverse out)) )


Figure 182 Figure 182 shows an example code snippet for retrieving a list of all opened document names in the current AutoCAD session. Using the (vlax-for) iteration function, which is almost identical to the AutoLISP (foreach) function, we can loop through the Documents collection and fetch the Name property of each document and produce a list output. You could adapt this piece of code very easily to perform other tasks on each document, or to search the documents for a particular condition and act on them as a result. What else can you do with the Documents collection? Well, lets begin by inspecting what properties and methods the Documents collection supports:
_$ (setq docs (vla-get-Documents acadapp)) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocuments 00f20440>

_$ (vlax-dump-object docs T) ; IAcadDocuments: The collection of all AutoCAD drawings open _ in the current session ; Property values: ; ; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00a8a730> Count (RO) = 1

; Methods supported: ; ; ; ; Add (1) Close () Item (1) Open (2)

There are only two properties, but there are four methods. As I mentioned earlier, VLISP does not provide a means for modifying collection properties. It usually sports a set of methods for adding, accessing and deleting members within them however. In this case, the Add method is synonymous with the command NEW, and the Open method is, well, the same as the command OPEN. To access an individual drawing that you have opened, you can use the Item method with either the name of the document or the index number (its position in the collection). Ill get the object for the "Drawing1.dwg" document that I happen to have opened right now:


_$ (setq dwg (vla-item docs "Drawing1.dwg")) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocument 00ed1e0c>

Now I can inspect this document object to see what properties and methods it provides:
_$ Command: (vlax-dump-object dwg T) ; IAcadDocument: An AutoCAD drawing ; Property values: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Active (RO) = -1 ActiveDimStyle = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDimStyle 110ed974> ActiveLayer = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayer 110edb04> ActiveLayout = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayout 110edba4> ActiveLinetype = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLineType 110edb54> ActiveMaterial = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMaterial 110edbf4> ActivePViewport = AutoCAD: No active viewport in paperspace ActiveSelectionSet (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadSelectionSet 11158d64> ActiveSpace = 1 ActiveTextStyle = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadTextStyle 110edc94> ActiveUCS = AutoCAD: Null object ID ActiveViewport = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadViewport 110edd34> Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 01877c20> Blocks (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadBlocks 110edd84> Database (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDatabase 11158ac4> Dictionaries (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDictionaries 110edce4> DimStyles (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDimStyles 110eddd4> ElevationModelSpace = 0.0 ElevationPaperSpace = 0.0 FileDependencies (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadFileDependencies 110d2eb4> FullName (RO) = "" Groups (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadGroups 110ede74> Height = 515 HWND (RO) = 2032484 Layers (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayers 110edec4> Layouts (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayouts 110ede24> Limits = (0.0 0.0 12.0 9.0)


; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Linetypes (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLineTypes 110edf14> Materials (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMaterials 110edf64> ModelSpace (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadModelSpace 110edfb4> MSpace = AutoCAD: Invalid mode Name (RO) = "Drawing1.dwg" ObjectSnapMode = 0 PaperSpace (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPaperSpace 110ee054> Path (RO) = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\Documents" PickfirstSelectionSet (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadSelectionSet 11158f74> Plot (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPlot 110d85ec> PlotConfigurations (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPlotConfigurations 110ee0a4> Preferences (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDatabasePreferences 110d2edc> ReadOnly (RO) = 0 RegisteredApplications (RO) = _ #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadRegisteredApplications 110ee0f4>

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Saved (RO) = -1 SectionManager (RO) = Exception occurred SelectionSets (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadSelectionSets 10fef9a4> SummaryInfo (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadSummaryInfo 110d2e8c> TextStyles (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadTextStyles 110ee144> UserCoordinateSystems (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadUCSs 110ee004> Utility (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadUtility 11114f54> Viewports (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadViewports 110ee194> Views (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadViews 110ee1e4> Width = 1020 WindowState = 3 WindowTitle (RO) = "Drawing1.dwg"

; Methods supported: ; ; ; ; ; Activate () AuditInfo (1) Close (2) CopyObjects (3) EndUndoMark ()


; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Export (3) GetVariable (1) HandleToObject (1) Import (3) LoadShapeFile (1) New (1) ObjectIdToObject (1) Open (2) PurgeAll () Regen (1) Save () SaveAs (3) SendCommand (1) SetVariable (2) StartUndoMark () Wblock (2)

Wow! If youre not used to working with Visual LISP or ActiveX, you should be able to see how powerful this is for you as a software developer. A careful review of the above results will reveal all of the things you can get and modify with respect to a given document. This was simply not possible with AutoLISP prior to Visual LISP. As you can see, you now have direct access to all the tables, actually collections, within this document, as well as system variables, methods and so forth. Note that the Plot property is not a method at all. This is because the Plot property of the Document object, is actually a pointer to the Plot object. The Plot object is how you configure and execute printing within the ActiveX world in AutoCAD. Lets use some of these methods in conjunction with the Documents collection to see how we can iterate all opened documents and perform a simple task on each one. How about if we want to run the AUDIT command on all of our opened drawings:
(defun AllDocs-Audit ( / docs) (vlax-for dwg (vla-get-Documents (vlax-get-acad-object)) (vla-AuditInfo dwg T); T denotes fix errors = Yes ) )


We can also Save all opened documents as follows:

(defun AllDocs-Save ( / docs) (vlax-for dwg (vla-get-Documents (vlax-get-acad-object)) (vla-Save dwg) ) )

How about running the PURGE command on all opened documents?

(defun AllDocs-Purge ( / docs) (vlax-for dwg (vla-get-Documents (vlax-get-acad-object)) (vla-PurgeAll dwg) ) )

WARNING: Be careful when iterating the Documents collection to perform certain tasks. Keep in mind that LISP operates in a document context, not an application context. This means that while you can operate on other opened documents within the same application namespace, you are still calling your changes from the document in which your function was executed. You should always try to have your code return focus to the originating document when it completes or when it fails due to an error. This is especially important if you plan to implement reactors and invoke their callbacks from other drawing sessions than the one in which you instantiated the reactors and callbacks.


Thats not a misprint, the title of this Chapter mentions Objects (plural). The reason is simply that there are two main Preferences collection objects within AutoCAD. The first is the AcadPreferences collection object, which applies to AutoCAD itself. The second is the Document Preferences collection object, also called the DatabasePreferences collection object. The latter applies only to Document objects, not to AutoCAD. To give you a better example, if you open the OPTIONS dialog form and browse throughout all the available tabs, youll notice that many settings have a small drawing icon symbol beside them. This denotes settings that are saved to the drawing only and do not carry across to other drawing sessions. These items are actually part of the DatabasePreferences collection.

Figure 191 The AcadPreferences and DatabasePreferences collection objects

The AcadPreferences collection is actually a container for other collections, each having their own objects. The graphical nature of the OPTIONS dialog form is not always correct in how it represents these collections and should not be used as a guide or map for understanding these collections. Some objects have different names and some are shown as collections in OPTIONS but stored as a single object in the AcadPreferences object. For example, the Support Path list shown in the OPTIONS File tab is displayed as a list of sub items, string values of pathnames. This could easily be mistaken for being a collection of paths. But in actuality it is a single string value with a semicolon delimiter between each path value and stored as


the SupportPath property within the Files collection. Confusing? It can be. Another example is the Data Sources Location path setting on the Files tab of the OPTIONS dialog form. This is actually stored as the WorkSpace property under the Files collection, not as DataSourcesPath or something more intuitively named.

Figure 192 The AutoCAD OPTIONS dialog form, Files tab displayed. The AcadPreferences object has nine collection objects within it, one Property (the Application property) and no Methods. The AcadPreferences collections roughly correspond to the OPTIONS dialog tabs, sort of. Below is a list of the collection names and their corresponding tabs in the OPTIONS dialog form: Display = Display Drafting = Drafting Files = Files OpenSave = Open and Save Output = Plotting Profiles = Profiles Selection = Selection System = System User = User Preferences NOTE: The "3D Modeling" tab is conspicuosly absent from the AcadPreferences object Figure 193 shows a dump of the AcadPreferences object using (vlaxdumpobject (vlagetpreferences (vlaxgetacadobject)) T).


(vlax-dump-object (vla-get-Preferences (vlax-get-Acad-object)) t) ; IAcadPreferences: This object specifies the current AutoCAD settings ; Property values: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00a8a730> Display (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesDisplay 04c5df7c> Drafting (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesDrafting 04c5df78> Files (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesFiles 04c5df80> OpenSave (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesOpenSave 04c5df84> Output (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesOutput 04c5df88> Profiles (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesProfiles 04c5df8c> Selection (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesSelection 04c5df90> System (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesSystem 04c5df94> User (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesUser 04c5df98>

; No methods

Figure 193 Dump of the AcadPreferences collection object. To go deeper, well examine the Files collection to see what it contains. Strings that would otherwise wrap oddly in this book have been broken with an underscore "_" to indicate a forced wrap.
(vlax-dump-object (vla-get-Files (vla-get-Preferences (vlax-get-Acad-object))) T)

; IAcadPreferencesFiles: This object contains the options from _ the Files tab on the Options dialog

; Property values: ; ; ; ; ; AltFontFile = "simplex.shx" AltTabletMenuFile = "" Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 01877c20> AutoSavePath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\local\\temp\\" ColorBookPath = "c:\\program files\\autodesk\\autocad_

2011\\support\\color;C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\_ autodesk\\autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\support\\color" ; ConfigFile (RO) = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\AppData\\Local\\Autodesk\\_

AutoCAD 2011\\R18.1\\enu\\acad2011.cfg"


CustomDictionary = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\autodesk\\_

autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\support\\sample.cus" ; CustomIconPath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\autodesk\\_

autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\support\\icons" ; ; ; ; DefaultInternetURL = "" DriversPath = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2011\\drv" EnterpriseMenuFile = "." FontFileMap = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\autodesk\\autocad

2011\\r18.1\\enu\\support\\acad.fmp" ; HelpFilePath = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2011\\_

Help\\index.html" ; LogFilePath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\local\\autodesk\\_

autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\" ; ; MainDictionary = "enu" MenuFile = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\autodesk\\_

autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\support\\acad" ; PageSetupOverridesTemplateFile = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\_

local\\autodesk\\autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\template\\sheetsets\\_ architectural imperial.dwt" ; PlotLogFilePath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\local\\autodesk\\_

autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\" ; ; PostScriptPrologFile = "" PrinterConfigPath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\_

autodesk\\autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\plotters" ; PrinterDescPath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\autodesk\\_

autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\plotters\\pmp files" ; PrinterStyleSheetPath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\_

autodesk\\autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\plotters\\plot styles" ; ; ; ; ; PrintFile = "." PrintSpoolerPath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\local\\temp\\" PrintSpoolExecutable = "" QNewTemplateFile = "" SupportPath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\autodesk\\_

autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\support;C:\\program files\\autodesk\\_


autocad 2011\\support;C:\\program files\\autodesk\\autocad 2011\\_ fonts;C:\\program files\\autodesk\\autocad 2011\\help;_ C:\\program files\\autodesk\\autocad 2011\\express;_ C:\\program files\\autodesk\\autocad 2011\\support\\color" ; ; TempFilePath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\local\\temp\\" TemplateDwgPath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\local\\_

autodesk\\autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\template" ; ; ; TempXrefPath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\local\\temp\\" TextEditor = "Internal" TextureMapPath = "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Autodesk Shared\\Materials2011

\\assetlibrary_base.fbm\\1\\Mats" ; ToolPalettePath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\AppData\\Roaming\\_

Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2011\\R18.1\\enu\\support\\ToolPalette" ; WorkspacePath = "C:\\Users\\dstein\\appdata\\roaming\\autodesk\\_

autocad 2011\\r18.1\\enu\\data links"

; Methods supported: ; ; GetProjectFilePath (1) SetProjectFilePath (2)

Figure 194 Dump of the Files collection object within AcadPreferences Note that the Files collection has many Properties and only two methods available. Also, youll notice here that the SupportPath setting shows the search path list as a single string with semicolon delimiters between each path value. The most important understanding to come away from this is that you can use the (vla-get-xxx) and
(vla-put-xxx) functions to get and modify any properties shown anywhere throughout the

AcadPreferences collection objects as long as they are not readonly (RO). Think about this for a few minutes and it should dawn on you that this exposes an enormous amount of power and flexibility to you as the developer. You can programmatically manipulate the AutoCAD configuration with very little effort. Taking this farther, when you begin working with Profiles, you will find this opens up a whole world of possibilities to manage desktops remotely in a networked environment. Lets demonstrate how this might be put to practical use with Visual LISP. Suppose you want to modify all the AutoCAD installations on your network to change a default path setting for where each client


looks for Drawing Template files. Maybe you want them to all use a standard set of customized templates stored in a folder on a shared server over the network. To do this, you only need to push out a change to the TemplateDwgPath property under the Files collection. Sure, you could do this using a profile (.ARG file) or a registry hack, but deploying those are difficult without some additional tools or some scripting to help it work. One solution is to push the update through AutoCAD using ActiveX with Visual LISP coding and the AcadPreferences object interface. Figure 195 shows an example function for doing just that and shows an example of how it might be used within a program function. This could be deployed by using a hook from within the acaddoc.lsp (s::startup) function that you could deploy to all clients once, and be able to deploy code changes from then on with very little effort. The code in Figure 195 could be loaded from the (s::startup) routine and fire off automatically after it loads on the client.
(defun UpdateTemplatePath (pathname) (vla-put-TemplateDwgPath (vla-get-Files (vla-get-AcadPreferences (vlax-get-acad-object) ) ) pathname ) ) (UpdateTemplatePath "X:\\acad\\configs\\templates")

Figure 195 Updating the TemplateDwgPath property You might want to embellish this code a little to make it more robust and flexible. For example, you could add a check to make sure the existing path setting is not already correct before changing it, saving unnecessary work at the start of every drawing session on every client.

The DatabasePreferences object is a collection of preferences that apply to the active document only. As stated previously, they appear in the OPTIONS dialog with a small drawing icon symbol beside them to indicate this.


Below is a dump of the collection from a drawing session to show what items it contains:
Command: (setq dbprefs (vla-get-Preferences activeDocument)) Command: (vlax-dump-object dbprefs t)

; IAcadDatabasePreferences: This object specifies the current_ AutoCAD drawing specific settings ; Property values: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; AllowLongSymbolNames = -1 Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 01877c20> ContourLinesPerSurface = 4 DisplaySilhouette = 0 Lineweight = -1 LineWeightDisplay = 0 MaxActiveViewports = 64 ObjectSortByPlotting = -1 ObjectSortByPSOutput = -1 ObjectSortByRedraws = -1 ObjectSortByRegens = -1 ObjectSortBySelection = -1 ObjectSortBySnap = -1 OLELaunch = 0 RenderSmoothness = 0.5 SegmentPerPolyline = 8 SolidFill = -1 TextFrameDisplay = 0 XRefEdit = -1 XRefLayerVisibility = -1

; No methods

Figure 196 The DatabasePreferences collection object You can continue drilling down into each of the properties to query or modify its assigned value. In most cases they will be either :vlaxtrue or :vlaxfalse (indicated by 1 and 0 respectively). For example


(vla-get-OLELaunch dbprefs) :vlax-false

(vla-get-ObjectSortByPlotting dbprefs) :vlax-true

Youll notice that there are no methods to this object. Just as with the AcadPreferences object, you can access and manipulate these properties using the same approach with VLISP. For example, to toggle Lineweight display on or off:
(vla-put-LineWeightDisplay activedoc :vlax-true);; turns LWT on (vla-put-LineWeightDisplay activedoc :vlax-false);; turns LWT off

Reloading a Profile
Most AutoCAD developers are well aware of how Profiles work and what their little quirks are. However, I'm going to briefly assume you may not be aware, mainly because I'm assuming you may have a life, and spend it on things other than poking around AutoCAD profiles to figure out how they work. You may already know that you can append the /p parameter to the acad.exe launch to instruct it to load a named profile (e.g. "acad.exe /p myProfile"). You can also use a profile filename instead of a profile name, which will cause it to load the profile file into the registry and then load it into the drawing session. However, this particular feature will ignore the .ARG file if the named profile already exists for the current user. To force a reload from an .ARG file, you can do any one of the following: Rename the profile in the HKCU registry path Rename the profile in the .ARG file Delete the profile in the HKCU registry path

NOTE: You cannot simpy rename the .ARG file itself, since the profile name is a value stored within it, and not derived from the filename itself. A typical scenario is as follows: You provide an ARG file to several users to import They import it and begin working You make a change to your source profile and export a new ARG file


You provide the new ARG file to the same users They import the new ARG file They still have the original profile settings in effect

This is because the new ARG file has the same profile name as the original. When the users replace their copy of the ARG file with the new, and then launch AutoCAD with the /p parameter, AutoCAD reads the name of the profile within the ARG file, searches the HKCU registry path for an existing profile of the same name. When it finds the same name, it simply loads the profile from the registry and ignores the ARG file. So, now what? Well, since you have the means to access and manipulate the AcadPreferences object through Visual LISP, you can easily work your way around this under the hood. Check out the example code functions below.
;;; Reloads a profile from an ARG file ;;; Replaces existing profile if defined ;;; Returns profile name if successful, otherwise returns nil

(defun Profile-Reload (name ARGname / bogus) (cond ( (and (Profile-Exists-p name) (findfile ARGname) ) (if (/= (strcase name) (strcase (vla-get-ActiveProfile (AcadProfiles)))) (Profile-Delete name) (progn (setq bogus "bogus") (Profile-Rename name bogus) ) ) (Profile-Import name ARGname) (vla-put-ActiveProfile (AcadProfiles) name) (if bogus (Profile-Delete bogus)) name


) ( (and (not (Profile-Exists-p name)) (findfile ARGname) ) (Profile-Import name ARGname) (vla-put-ActiveProfile (AcadProfiles) name) name ) ( (not (findfile ARGname)) (princ (strcat "\nCannot locate ARG source: " ARGname)) nil ) ) )

;;; Renames an existing profile ;;; Returns new profile name if successful, otherwise returns nil

(defun Profile-Rename (from to / result) (if (Profile-Exists-p from) (if (not (Profile-Exists-p to)) (cond ( (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq result (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-RenameProfile (list (AcadProfiles) from to) ) ) ) ) to ; Return new name if successful! )


) )

;;; Deletes an existing profile ;;; Returns T if successful, otherwise returns nil

(defun Profile-Delete (strName / result) (if (Profile-Exists-p strName) (cond ( (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq result (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-DeleteProfile (list (AcadProfiles) strName) ) ) ) ) T ; return T for success! ) ) ) )

;;; Imports a profile from a given ARG file ;;; Returns profile name if successful, otherwise returns nil

(defun Profile-Import (argFile strName / result) (cond ( (findfile argFile) (cond


( (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq result (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-ImportProfile (list (AcadProfiles) strName argFile vlax-True) ) ) ) ) strName ; return new profile name if successful! ) ) ) ) )

;;; Determine if profile name is already defined (exists) ;;; Returns T or nil

(defun Profile-Exists-p (name) (get-item (AcadProfiles) name) )

;;; Return Profiles collection object

(defun AcadProfiles () (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) )

Last but not least, here is a simple function to return a list of all defined profile names:
(defun Profiles-ListAll ( / hold) (vla-GetAllProfileNames (AcadProfiles) 'hold) (if hold (vlax-SafeArray->List hold))




Just as AutoCAD drawing entities are part of the AutoCAD object model, so are menus and toolbars. Menus are organized into a root MenuGroup collection, containing one or more MenuGroup objects. Each MenuGroup object in turn contains a collection of "popmenus" (pulldown), and a collection of toolbars. You can add MenuGroups using the (vla-load) method on the MenuGroups object. This performs the same task as using the AutoCAD MENULOAD command. The coolest thing about this is that you can add, modify and delete menu items and configurations programmatically. This enables you to build menus with complete control from within your VLISP programs. The only thing not exposed from the menugroups or menubar objects is the screen menu from ancient days. For this you must resort to the standard AutoLISP (menucmd) function to manipulate the screenmenu and the AcadPreferences collection to control the display (toggle it on or off).

The MenuBar Object

The MenuBar object contains all of the currently displayed pulldown or "pop" menu items in the AutoCAD session. It is a member of the AcadApplication object. If you have stub menus loaded that have any pop menu groups spliced in with the AutoCAD pop menus, the MenuBar object will return all of them in the order from left to right in the collection.
(setq acadApp (vlax-get-Acad-object)) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00a8a730>

(setq mbar (vla-get-Menubar acadApp))

To access individual pop menus, use the Item method as follows:

(setq popmenu1 (get-item mbar 0)) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMenuBar 00e8ae24>

To see more menubar info, dump the object as follows:

Command: (vlax-dump-object mbar T) ; IAcadMenuBar: A collection of PopupMenu objects representing_


the current AutoCAD menu bar ; Property values: ; ; ; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00a8a730> Count (RO) = 14 Parent (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00a8a730>

; Methods supported: ; Item (1)

Getting MenuBar Items

To access a MenuBar item or check if a popmenu exists in the collection you can iterate the collection. To check for a particular popmenu, search for a matching name value in the MenuBar collection as follows:
(defun PopMenu-MenuBar-p (name / mbar i found) (setq mbar (vla-get-Menubar (vlax-get-Acad-object)) i 0) (while (and (not found) (< i (1- (vla-get-count mbar)))) (if (= (strcase name) (strcase (vla-get-name (get-item mbar i)))) (setq found T) ) (setq i (1+ i)) ) (vlax-release-object mbar) found )

If you know the name of the pop menu, you can access it directly using Item and the name property in string form as follows:
(setq popmenu (get-item mbar "&File"))

TIP: Be aware that the name property includes the mnemonic character & as part of the name string. If you try to fetch the menu simply by the logical name of "File", the (vla-item) method will fail to return it from the MenuBar object. This is true in general for using the Item method with any collection where you are fetching by string name values.

Inserting PopMenus into the MenuBar collection


To insert a popmenu of a loaded menugroup into the MenuBar collection, use the
(vla-InsertInMenuBar) method of the popmenu object itself. (defun PopMenu-Insert (mgroup name loc / pmnu) (if (not (PopMenu-MenuBar-p name)) (if (setq pmnu (PopupMenu mgroup name)) (progn (vla-InsertInMenubar pmnu loc) (vlax-release-object pmnu) T ) (princ (strcat "\nMenugroup or popmenu not loaded: " name)) ) (princ (strcat "\nPopmenu already loaded: " name)) ) )

Removing PopMenus from the MenuBar collection

To remove a named popmenu from the MenuBar collection, use the (vla-removefrommenubar) method of the popmenu object itself.

The MenuGroups Collection Object

Figure 201 The MenuGroup collection object


The MenuGroups collection object contains all the menugroups found in the AutoCAD session. Each menugroup is a source menu that has been loaded. Normally, you will see the menugroup "Acad", but you might also see "Express" for the Express Tools menugroup if it has been installed.
(defun MenuGroups-ListAll ( / out) (vlax-for each (vla-get-MenuGroups acadapp) (setq out (cons (vla-get-name each) out)) ) out )

To add a new menugroup to the menugroups collection, you use the Add or Load methods and specify the appropriate arguments. To remove a menugroup, you must first get the menugroup object and then invoke its Delete method.

The MenuGroup Object

The menugroup object contains all the popmenus and toolbars for a given menugroup. It is a member of the MenuGroups collection object. To get the Acad menugroup, use the following:
(setq mgroups (vla-get-MenuGroups acadapp)) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMenuGroups 01433208>

(setq mg-acad (vla-item mgroups "Acad")) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMenuGroup 00e9b38c>

The PopMenus Object

The PopMenus collection object contains all the popmenus, or pulldown menus, for a given menugroup. To access the popmenus collection for the Acad menugroup, use the following:
(setq pmnu (vla-get-PopMenus mg-acad))

A dump of the popmenus object shows its properties and methods:

The PopMenu Object

The PopMenu object represents a single popmenu or pulldown menu. You can use the PopMenu object


to insert itself into the MenuBar object as well as to access its internal objects, properties and methods.

The Toolbars Collection Object

The Toolbars object is a collection of all toolbars for a given menugroup. Use the (vlagettoolbars) method to access the root of this collection from the menugroup object. For example, to get the Toolbars collection for the Acad menugroup, use the following:
(setq tbars (vla-get-Toolbars mg-acad)) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadToolbars 00efa7c4>

You may want return a list of all the toolbar names for a given toolbars collection. To do this you simply need to iterate through the toolbars and return a list of their respective Name property values
(progn (vlax-for each tbars (setq out (cons (vla-get-name each) out)) ) (if out (reverse out)) )

The Toolbar Object

The Toolbar object represents a single toolbar and it buttons. The buttons are contained as a collection which can be iterated using the (vla-item) method, instead I'll use the (get-item) function suggested earlier. For example, to access the "Dimension" toolbar object from the Acad menugroup, use the following:
(setq tb1 (vla-item tbars "Dimension")) #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadToolbar 00eb6a7c>

Command: (vlax-dump-object tb1 T) ; IAcadToolbar: An AutoCAD toolbar ; Property values: ; ; ; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 01877c20> Count (RO) = 27 DockStatus (RO) = 4


; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

FloatingRows = 1 Height (RO) = AutoCAD: The toolbar is invisible. Please make it visible HelpString = "Dimension Toolbar\n LargeButtons (RO) = 0 left = 100 Name = "Dimension" Parent (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadToolbars 11115054> TagString (RO) = "ID_TbDimensi" top = 130 Visible = 0 Width (RO) = AutoCAD: The toolbar is invisible. Please make it visible "

; Methods supported: ; ; ; ; ; ; AddSeparator (1) AddToolbarButton (5) Delete () Dock (1) Float (3) Item (1)

The following example functions demonstrate how to get the Toolbars collection from a given menugroup object, and how to get a specified toolbar object by name from a specified menugroup object.
(defun get-MenuGroups () (vla-get-menugroups (vlax-get-acad-object)) )

(defun get-MenuGroup (name) (if (menugroup name) (vla-item (get-MenuGroups) name) ) )

(defun get-Toolbars (mgroup / mg result) (if (setq mg (get-MenuGroup mgroup))


(progn (setq result (vla-get-Toolbars mg)) (vlax-release-object mg) ) ) result )

(defun get-Toolbar (mgroup name / tbs result) (if (setq tbs (get-Toolbars mgroup)) (progn (setq result (vla-item tbs name)) (vlax-release-object tbs) ) ) result )

The following example function docks a specified toolbar to the Left, Right, Top or Bottom. If the side argument is not "LEFT", "RIGHT", "TOP" or "BOTTOM" then it defaults to "LEFT". The argument is not case sensitive.
(defun Toolbar-Dock (mgroup name side / tb loc) (cond ( (= (strcase side) "LEFT") (setq loc acToolbarDockLeft))

( (= (strcase side) "RIGHT") (setq loc acToolbarDockRight)) ( (= (strcase side) "TOP") (setq loc acToolbarDockTop))

( (= (strcase side) "BOTTOM")(setq loc acToolbarDockBottom)) ( T (setq loc acToolbarDockLeft)) ) (if (setq tb (get-Toolbar mgroup name)) (progn (vla-Dock tb loc) (vlax-release-object tb) )


(princ (strcat "\nToolbar (" name ") not found.")) ) )

The following example function floats a toolbar at a specified location (x and y offset values from topleft of screen). The arguments are the menugroup name, the toolbar name, ycoordinate, xcoordinate and toolbar row layout. The x and y coordinates are from the topleft corner of the screen. This is a Windows standard practice for dialog forms and toolbars. This function ignores toolbars that are hidden.
(defun Toolbar-Float (mgroup name top left rows) (if (setq tb (get-Toolbar mgroup name)) (if (= (vla-get-Visible tb) :vlax-True) (progn (vla-Float tb top left rows) (vlax-release-object tb) 1 ;; float and visible ) -1 ;; toolbar not visible ) 0 ;; toolbar not found ) )

Creating a Toolbar
Lets assemble some code covered above and add some new ingredients to make a new toolbar and assign a few buttons to it. In this case, well add a new toolbar to the ACAD menugroup and name it MYTOOLBAR. The first function adds a button object to a toolbar object with some supplied property values. In this example, I use the same bitmap property for both large and small icon bitmap properties.
(defun Toolbar-AddButton (tb name macro bitmap1 tagstring helpstring / newButton index) (setq index (vla-get-Count tb)) (cond ( (setq newButton


(vla-AddToolbarButton tb (vlax-make-variant index vlax-vbInteger) name helpstring macro ) ) (vla-put-TagString newButton tagstring) (vla-SetBitMaps newButton bitmap1 bitmap1) newButton ) ) )

Now, well see how to create a new toolbar and assign a new button to it. This function will create a new toolbar named "MyToolbar" and add one button to it that invokes the LINE command. Load the sample file Toolbars.lsp from the book CD samples and run the function (toolbarmake) at the AutoCAD command prompt.
(defun Toolbar-Make ( / tb) (cond ( (setq tb (vla-add (get-toolbars "acad") "MyToolbar")) (if (Toolbar-AddButton tb "Line" "\003\003\020\nLine" "ICON_16_LINE" "MyButton001" "Draws a line: LINE" ) (alert "I just added a button to my toolbar!") (alert "Uh oh! ...") ) (vlax-release-object tb) ) ) )

You can continue much further with this by tapping the other methods such as Add, Delete and so on to build out your toolbars. You can also manipulate toolbar row configurations, change button ordering and hide or display the toolbar. When you combine this with your program code you can create some


very sophisticated menu management features.

Ribbon Menus
Ribbon menus are not exposed through ActiveX to Visual LISP nor to AutoLISP. They are only exposed to .NET interfaces



While Visual LISP is a bit more cumbersome to use for dealing with external applications than VBA, it does have the capability to do some very powerful things. While it is very common to use ObjectARX applications from within Visual LISP, such as DOSlib, it is only a small taste of what more can be done. Some examples might be passing data between AutoCAD and Microsoft Office applications, and performing specialized desktop, file, folder and network tasks using the Windows Scripting Host.

Microsoft Excel
Older releases of Microsoft Office depended more upon Type Libraries for external COM interfacing than do newer versions. You can still invoke TLB interfaces for some versions of Office, but many times you may find the effort isn't worth the hassle. You can simply instantiate an Office object and perform iterative dumps (vlaxdumpobject) to explore the interfaces.
(setq objExcel (vlax-create-object "Excel.Application")) #<VLA-OBJECT _Application 11dd1f74>

(vlax-dump-object objExcel t)

I'm not going to bother pasting the results of the dump statement above. It's pretty lengthy and you should do it on your own anyway. But you will notice that the "Visible" property is set to 0 (zero), which indicates "false" (or :vlaxfalse). If you execute the following line of code it should cause the Excel session to become visible.
(vla-put-Visible objExcel :vlax-true)

If you execute the following line of code it will close/terminate the Excel session
(vla-Quit objExcel)

Let's explore a little Excel interfacing by opening Excel, creating a new Workbook, and populating it with a list of all the layers in the current/active drawing:
(vl-load-com) (setq acad (vlax-get-acad-object))


(setq activeDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acad)) (setq layers (vla-get-Layers activeDoc))

(setq excel (vlax-create-object "Excel.Application")) (setq workbooks (vlax-get-property excel 'Workbooks))

(princ "\nSetting visible to True") (vlax-put-property excel 'Visible :vlax-true)

(princ "\nGetting active workbook...") (vlax-invoke-method workbooks 'Add) (setq workbook (vlax-get-property excel 'ActiveWorkbook))

(princ "\nGetting active worksheet...") (setq sheet (vlax-get-property excel 'Activesheet))

(princ "\nRename active worksheet...") (vlax-put-property sheet 'Name "Layers")

(princ "\nGetting cells...") (setq cells (vlax-get-property sheet 'Cells))

(princ "\nPrinting column headings...") (vlax-put-property cells 'Item 1 1 "LayerName") (vlax-put-property cells 'Item 1 2 "Color") (vlax-put-property cells 'Item 1 3 "Linetype")

(princ "\nPopulating cells...") (setq row 2) (vlax-for layer layers (vlax-put-property cells 'Item row 1 (vla-get-Name layer)) (vlax-put-property cells 'Item row 2 (itoa (vla-get-Color layer))) (vlax-put-property cells 'Item row 3 (vla-get-Linetype layer)) (setq row (1+ row))


(princ "\nSaving workbook...") (vlax-invoke-method workbook 'Save) (vlax-invoke-method workbooks 'Close) (vlax-invoke-method excel 'Quit) (foreach obj (list cells sheet workbook workbooks excel) (vlax-release-object obj) ) (gc)

Using Legacy Type Libraries

The example code below shows how to initialize the Excel Type Library (for Excel 2000 or XP) and create a new Excel spreadsheet file in Excel from Visual LISP. Be careful of one particular aspect of Visual LISP: TypeLib interfaces. Why would I say this? Well, while VB and VBA give you the nice autocomplete feature called Intellisense, Visual LISP does not. When working in VB or VBA and setting a reference to a component library, it takes care of mapping the syntax awareness and popup help strings. Visual LISP does not. Even though you may be familiar with Excel 2000 from a Visual LISP standpoint, dont assume everything is the same when it comes to Excel 10 (also called XP). Theres not enough space to cover this in detail, but be assured that its well worth the time to investigate changes anytime you intend to use your code with a newer version of an external application.
(defun Excel-TypeLib-2000 ( / sysdrv officepath) (setq sysdrv (getenv "systemdrive")) (setq officepath (strcat sysdrv "\\program files\\microsoft office\\office")) (findfile (strcat officepath "\\excel9.olb")) )

(defun Excel-TypeLib-XP ( / sysdrv officepath) (setq sysdrv (getenv "systemdrive")) (setq officepath (strcat sysdrv "\\program files\\microsoft offices\\office10"))


(findfile (strcat officepath "\\excel.exe")) )

(defun Excel-Load-TypeLib ( / tlbfile tlbver out) (cond ( (null msxl-xl24HourClock) (if (setq tlbfile (Excel-TypeLib-2000)) (progn (vlax-import-type-library :tlb-filename :methods-prefix tlbfile "msxl-"

:properties-prefix "msxl-" :constants-prefix ) (if msxl-xl24HourClock (setq out T)) ) ) ) ( T (setq out T) ) ) out ) "msxl-"

(defun Excel-New-Spreadsheet (dmode / appsession result) (princ "\nCreating new Excel Spreadsheet file...") (cond ( (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq appsession (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-create-object '("Excel.Application"))) ) (vl-exit-with-error (strcat "Error: " (vl-catch-all-error-message appsession)) ) )


( T (princ "\nOpening Excel Spreadsheet file...") (cond ( (vl-catch-all-error-p (setq result (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method (list (vlax-get-property appsession "Workbooks") "Add") ) ) ) (princ (strcat "\nError: " (vl-catch-all-error-message result))) ) ( T (if (= (strcase dmode) "SHOW") (vla-put-Visible appsession 1) (vla-put-Visible appsession 0) ) ) ) ) ) appsession )

You should pay special attention to the section in the () function above that defines the type library interfaces. This is not very clearly documented actually, but the string prefixes assigned to the properties, methods and constants is arbitrary. In this example, I used the same value for all three, but other examples youll find will use unique prefixes such as msxp- msxm- and msxc- to differentiate each of the types of interface objects.
(vlax-import-type-library :tlb-filename :methods-prefix tlbfile "msxl-"

:properties-prefix "msxl-" :constants-prefix "msxl-"


Theoretically, you could also forego assigning a prefix by using "" for each property in the declaration expression above. But doing so will make it difficult to work with multiple application type library interfaces, such as Word and Excel that might be used within the same Visual LISP code. Yes, you can define and use as many type library interfaces as you need to do the job. Its usually better to modularize your Visual LISP code to avoid this if possible, and keep each type library reference isolated. Debugging and testing will be much easier to manage by keeping things orderly and organized. You can verify background processes by using the Windows Task Manager and watching the Processes list for a given application. For example, if you open a session of Excel 10 (part of Office XP) and call the Quit method of the Excel.Application object, you would expect that after you release the object in VLISP that the process would terminate, but it usually will not. The following example code can be used to test this on your computer:
(defun excel-test ( / xlapp) (cond ( (setq xlapp (vlax-create-object "Excel.Application")) (vlax-put-property xlapp "Visible" T); show Excel (vlax-invoke-method xlapp "Quit"); close Excel (vlax-release-object xlapp); release object (gc); force garbage collection ) ( T (princ "\nUnable to open Microsoft Excel.") ) ) )

Load the above code into the VLIDE edit window and load it into AutoCAD. Open the Windows Task Manager and pick the Processes list tab. Go back to AutoCAD and run the function (exceltest) and watch the Task Manager process list for Excel.exe to appear in the list. Proper behavour would be that the Excel.exe process would appear and then disappear, which it may do in your case. But in the majority of cases it will not disappear. The problem this creates is if you attempt to reopen a given spreadsheet and the Excel process has not let go of it. The spreadsheet file may often be opened in ReadOnly mode since it thinks someone else has the file already opened.


Autodesk suggests using (gc) after releasing such objects to force a termination, however, (gc) simply places a call to the garbage collection service on a stack which is managed by the Windows resource services. In other words, regardless of how you try to terminate the session from VLISP, it may often not terminate at all. Be careful when manually terminating the process using Task Manager as it can often break the RPC channel to AutoCAD and make subsequent calls to Excel fail with errors. NOTE: I am often asked about working with Microsoft Access and SQL Server or Oracle from within AutoLISP or Visual LISP. Rather than reinventing the wheel, I would prefer to point readers to Jon Fleming's web site: and suggest downloading and inspecting ADOLISP to see how to do this.

Windows ScriptControl
I've posted several examples of using one scripting language to leverage another to do the heavy lifting for things which are more efficiently done by the other language. In those examples, I typically called VBScript from KiXtart, or PowerShell, or some variation of one of those three. In this example, I'm going to invoke the DateDiff() function from Windows Scripting Host (the engine that runs Vbscript) in order to calculate the age of a past date (in days).
(defun daysold (d / sc cmd result) (setq sc (vlax-create-object "ScriptControl")) (vlax-put-property sc 'Language "vbscript") (setq cmd (strcat "DateDiff(\"d\", \"" d "\", Now)" )) (setq result (vlax-invoke-method sc 'Eval cmd)) (vlax-release-object sc) (eval result) )

(setq age (daysold "12/1/2010"))

This opens a small, yet useful doorway to other scripting tools which can help expand your reach. You can invoke Jscript, Vbscript and even ActivePerl using the ScriptControl interface.

Windows Scripting Host

Microsofts Windows Scripting Host (WSH) is a powerful, yet often overlooked free service available as part of Windows operating systems. Basically, WSH is a script engine that runs scripts either from a


command line interface or from a GUI interface. The command line interface command is CSCRIPT, while the GUI interface command is WSCRIPT. You can view the available runtime options by typing
CSCRIPT /?, or WSCRIPT /? at the Windows Command Shell (DOS Window).

The example below demonstrates how to use the WSH Shell object to create shortcuts in the Favorites collection. You can also access the Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts repositories, for both the current user and the AllUsers group profiles (depending upon the local rights of the current user).
(defun AddFavoritesShortcut (target title / oWsh spfolders favorites shortcut) (cond ( (setq oWsh (vlax-create-object "WScript.Shell")) (setq spfolders (vlax-get-property oWsh "SpecialFolders") favorites (vla-item spfolders "Favorites") shortcut (vlax-invoke-method oWsh "CreateShortcut" (strcat favorites "\\" title ".lnk") ) ) (vlax-put-property shortcut "TargetPath" target) (vlax-invoke-method shortcut "Save") (vlax-release-object oWsh) (gc);; forced garbage collection after object release (princ "\nShortcut created in Favorites...") ) ( T (alert "Failed to obtain shortcut class object...")) ) ) (defun C:FAV ( / target name) (setq target (getstring "\nURL for Favorite shortcut: ") name ) (AddFavoriteShortcut target name) (princ) ) (getstring t "\nName for Favorite: ")


Figure 211 Using WSH to add a Favorites shortcut link You can invoke the ExpandEnvironmentStrings method of the WshShell object to read Windows environment variables. You can do this with the (getenv) function as well, but there ARE DIFFERENCES to be aware of. Let's try it out
(getenv "programfiles")

"C:\\Program Files"

(vl-load-com) (setq objShell (vlax-create-object "Wscript.Shell")) (vlax-invoke-method objShell 'ExpandEnvironmentStrings "%programfiles%")

_$ "C:\Program Files"

Do you see the difference? Here's another difference test:

(getenv "programfiles(x86)")

_$ nil

(vlax-invoke-method objShell 'ExpandEnvironmentStrings "%programfiles(x86)%")

_$ "%programfiles(x86)%"

See the difference again? Yes baby! You gotta love it. Never assume that poking at the same wild beast from two different sides will yeild the same results. When (getenv) fails, it returns nil. When the WshShell interface call fails, it just spits back the request string. You can still use that as a means to test if it failed, but the point is that they behave differently. Figure 221a Using WshShell to get environment variables

I'm not suggesting you start using KiXtart, even though I happen to personally LOVE it. But this is just


another example of reaching through a COM interface to invoke another tool to help expand the reach and flexibility of your LISP code. To make this work, you need to download KiXtart from and extract the files to get kixtart.dll. Simply copy it to your hard drive and register it (e.g. "regsvr32 kixtart.dll") and you should now have an entry in the registry for KiXtart.Application under HKCR.
(setq kix (vlax-create-object "KiXtart.Application")) (setq username (vlax-get kix "UserID") computer (vlax-get kix "WKSTA") userpriv (vlax-get kix "PRIV") )

Refer to the KiXtart reference guide for the "Macro" names which you can invoke using this interface. Macro items are how KiXtart refers to global variables.

The FileSystem Object

The FileSystem object, or "FSO" for short, is a powerful tool for interfacing with, and manipulating files, and folders through the Windows operating system. For example, we can use it to iterate all drive mappings and return a list of drive mappings.
(defun ListDriveMappings (/ fso drive drives lst pth grp) (setq fso (vlax-Create-Object "Scripting.FileSystemObject")) (vlax-for drive (setq drives (vlax-get-Property fso "Drives")) (setq ltr (strcat (vlax-get-property drive "DriveLetter") ":") pth (vlax-get-property drive "ShareName") grp (cons ltr pth) lst (cons grp lst) ) ) (vlax-Release-Object drives) (vlax-Release-Object fso) (reverse lst) )

Figure 212 Using the FileSystem object to list drive mapping properties


The above function returns a list of drive mappings in paired sublists such as (("C:" . "") ("D:" . "") ("F:" . "\\\\server\\share") ). This can be useful for building lists and for validating a users configuration to support your application drive mapping needs. We can also use the FileSystem object to see if a particular UNC path is mapped as a drive letter, and if so, return the actual drive letter.
(defun get-MappedShare (share / fso drives drive letter) (setq fso (vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject")) (vlax-for drive (setq drives (vlax-get-property fso "Drives")) (if (= (strcase (vlax-get-property drive "ShareName")) (strcase share) ) (setq letter (strcat (vlax-get-property drive "DriveLetter") ":")) ) ) (vlax-release-object drives) (vlax-release-object fso) letter )

Figure 213 Using the FileSystem object to resolve a UNC path to a drive letter mapping Using the above example, you can resolve UNC paths to actual drive letters if they have been mapped by the current user. The syntax is as follows:
(get-MappedShare "\\\\myserver\\myshare") might return a drive letter such as "F:"

The FileSystem object provides many other methods and accesses to various object properties. For instance, you can copy, rename and delete files and folders. You can even use it to copy a file directly to a named port, such as when performing directport printing with plot files:
(defun CopyFileToLPT1 (filename / file fso) (setq fso (vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject")) (setq file (vlax-invoke-method fso "GetFile" filename)) (vlax-invoke-method file "Copy" "LPT1")


(vlax-release-object file) (vlax-release-object fso) )

Figure 214 Using the FileSystem object to copy a file to the LPT1 port

WMI and SWbemLocator

The Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is an abstraction layer that provides programmatic interfacing with system resource data. This includes hardware and software but also includes security and security context features. For a quick example of what WMI enables, open the Computer Management utility in Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Just about everything you can find in that collection of information is exposed by the WMI interfaces. WMI is accessible by any ActiveX programming language, including Visual LISP. WMI is Microsoft's implementation of the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) CIM specification reference model. Invoking WMI from within Visual LISP is best handled through the use of the WebBased Enterprise Management or "WBEM" Scripting interface. The programmatic interface is "WbemScripting.SwbemLocator". If you look at most of the examples for invoking WMI from VBScript posted on MSDN or TechNet, you will not typically see it done this way. But there are plenty of examples out there if you look. Once you establish the WMI connection, you submit a query to obtain a collection (a Safearray) which can be iterated to fetch individual property values. For example, the Win32_BIOS class exposes information about the computer system BIOS:

(setq wbem (vlax-create-object "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")) (setq strUser nil strPwd nil) (setq wmiConn (vlax-invoke wbem 'ConnectServer nil nil strUser strPwd nil nil nil nil)) (setq colItems (vlax-invoke wmiConn 'ExecQuery "Select * from Win32_BIOS")) (vlax-for objItem colItems (princ (vlax-get objItem 'Name)) (terpri) (princ (vlax-get objItem 'Version)) )


Might return:

"PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0" "INTEL - 6040000"


(setq colItems (vlax-invoke wmiConn "ExecQuery" "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")) (vlax-for objItem colItems (princ (strcat (vlax-get objItem 'Manufacturer) ", " (vlax-get objItem 'Caption) ) ) )

"Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate"

Mapping WMI Property Names

You can pass in a delimited list to make it easier to parse through the property names, such as shown in the following example:
(setq query "ExecQuery" "Select * from Win32_BIOS") (setq colItems (vlax-invoke wmiConn query)) (setq fields

"Caption,InstallDate,Manufacturer,ReleaseDate,SerialNumber,SMBIOSBIOSVersion,Version") (vlax-for objItem colItems (foreach field (acet-str-to-list "," fields) (princ (vlax-get objItem field)) ) )


In the first section, you may notice where I set strUser and strPwd both to nil. Then I'm passing in those null values into the ConnectServer method invocation. If you're using a secure connection, you can specify an explicit username and password, however, you should keep in mind that doing so will transmit the information in clear text, exposing it to potential network traffic monitoring. The most common errors that occur are "Access Denied" (0x80041003 or 2147749891), and "Invalid Namespace" (0x8004100E or 2147749902). There are other potential errors as well. This is another situation where using vlcatchallapply is highly recommended. For more information about the SwbemLocator interface and the ConnectServer method, look at Microsoft MSDN document: For more information on WMI Win32 Classes, go to /aa394554(v=vs.85).aspx

Working with Services

TIP: When invoking Windows services, you normally use the GetObject method (vlax-get-object) with the explicit progid identifier. One problem exists in that Visual LISP cannot invoke certain services using this interface. Examples include the LanmanServer service, and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) mentioned above. The only available workaround at the time of this publication is to call an external script or executable, or provide a "wrapper", or intermediate component to perform the desired operations and return the results to VLISP in a variant form. You can develop wrapper DLLs for almost any exposed service using Visual Basic and invoke that DLL from Visual LISP or VBA and do whatever you need to do. Of course, you can always use the AutoCAD shell command to invoke the Windows SC.EXE command or the Sysinternals PsService utility.



UPDATE: I thought about removing this section entirely, since VB6 is ancient history, but you can still compile DLL components from Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, so there's still a bit of relevancy. Now that youve seen how to use interfaces to other applications, its time to consider making your own custom tools. More accurately, this involves developing your own services as components that can be referenced by Visual LISP (or other ActiveX language options like VB or VBA). For example, you can develop your own ActiveX controls or DLLs and use them from Visual LISP. This opens up an unlimited potential for creating efficient pathways to other resources from within Visual LISP. One such example might be to define a set of database interface routines that execute stored procedures and returns them as a list to your Visual LISP application. Then the DLL can take care of the ADO connections and doing the commands and recordset management itself. This frees you from having to worry about doing this in Visual LISP, which although can be done, it is much more tedious to do than with more suitable languages like Visual Basic or Delphi. Conversely, the use of a VLX application function library allows you to provide a similar purpose for other LISP or Visual LISP applications. Huh? Yes, you can wrap DLL functionality within VLX applications so that even your calls to your DLLs remain private and protected. As an example, well create an ActiveX DLL that performs a simple function of concatenating strings and returning a combined string result. This will involve using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and a new ActiveX DLL project (see Figure 221 below).


Figure 221 The Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 New Project form. Once you pick the Open button, the Visual Basic 6.0 development environment will open and a default code window will be displayed. Change the name of the default project from Project1 to vbStringClass, and change the name of the default class module from Class1 to vbStrings. Then, enter the code shown in Figure 222 in the code window to define three distinct Public Functions. A public function is one that can be exposed to any ActiveX consumer when the vbStringClass class is loaded.

Figure 222 Creating a public function in the class module code window. Once you have entered the code to define the class function, save the class module as vbStrCat.cls and the project itself as vbStringClass.vbp. Then pick the File pulldown menu and select the Make


vbStringClass.DLL option. Pick the OK button on the form that appears and Visual Basic will compile your class module into a DLL and register it on the local operating system. This DLL is now ready for use by any other program, be it Visual LISP, VB.NET, C#.NET, F#, Python, C/C++ or whatever. The next step is to load this DLL using its TypeLib interface within Visual LISP and try it out. TIP: You should avoid using the variable/symbol name "acad" in your program code. Some thirdparty VLX applications will apply symbol protection to this name and it may cause you to experience an error message when you try to use that name in your code. Open the Visual LISP editor, create a new code window and enter the following code, with these three distinct LISP functions.
(vl-load-com) (defun vbStrCat (string1 string2 / $acad vbstrcls out) (setq $acad (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq vbstrcls (vla-GetInterfaceObject $acad "vbStringClass.vbStrings") ) (setq out (vlax-invoke-method vbstrcls "StrConcat" string1 string2)) (vlax-release-object vbstrcls) (vlax-release-object $acad) out )

(defun vbStrRev (string / $acad vbstrcls out) (setq $acad (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq vbstrcls (vla-GetInterfaceObject $acad "vbStringClass.vbStrings") ) (setq out (vlax-invoke-method vbstrcls "StrReverse" string)) (vlax-release-object vbstrcls) (vlax-release-object $acad) out )


(defun vbStrVer ( / $acad vbstrcls out) (setq $acad (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq vbstrcls (vla-GetInterfaceObject $acad "vbStringClass.vbStrings")) (setq out (vlax-invoke-method vbstrcls "StrVer")) (vlax-release-object vbstrcls) (vlax-release-object $acad) out )

Figure 223 Visual LISP code to implement the DLL class functions. Each (defun) function uses the AcadApplication object method "GetInterfaceObject" to fetch your registered DLL from the operating system and expose the class functions within your Visual LISP code. Notice how the objects are explicitly released before returning result values. TIP: When working with Visual Basic, it is important to be careful about defining Functions as opposed to Sub routines. Functions can return values, Subs cannot. Also, if you fail to use the Function=Result return at the end of a given function, the return will be nil to your LISP expressions. You might expect an ActiveX error to be generated, but this is not the case. Also, you must define the return data type as a Variant for all Functions in order to use them with VLISP. If you retrun some other data type, it will cause an ActiveX error in your LISP code because it expects a Variant data type. Now, load this Visual LISP code into AutoCAD and test it by entering these function examples following at the AutoCAD command prompt:
Command: (vbStrCat "THE " "DOG")

This should return something like the following result:

Initializing VBA System "THE DOG" Command: (vbStrRev "THE DOG BARKED") returns "DEKRAB GOD EHT" Command: (vbStrVer) returns "1.00"

This is a very simple example and is only intended to demonstrate that you can develop components in other language tools and use them from Visual LISP and other language environments to get the job done. Note that the first time you reference an imported function like this; you will see a notice saying "Initializing VBA System" just before the result is returned. This is because AutoCAD uses the VBA


system services to interact with ActiveX DLL components that involve certain ActiveX functions. After the first invocation in a given drawing session, you will not see that message again, only the return value.

Registering DLLs
If you plan to use this approach, you need to be aware of how DLL components are used and how to register them on a given computer. When you compile an ActiveX DLL in Visual Basic, it handles this chore for you on your local machine. But other users on other machines will have to register the DLL another way before it can be used on their machine. The Windows REGSVR32 command is used to manually register DLL components a given machine. The syntax is REGSVR32 filename.dll where filename.dll is the full path and filename to where the DLL resides (it can be local or on a network share). For example, if you were to deploy this DLL we created above on another machine, and you had copied the vbStringClass.DLL file to a network folder named G:\acadsupport\components\vbStringClass.DLL you would use the following command on each client computer:

This can be done from any command prompt (on that local machine), or through a SHELL operation from within AutoCAD (again, on that local machine), or programmatically within Visual LISP using some code to check for the registration and taking care of registering the DLL if it hasnt already been registered on the machine.

Re-Registering DLLs
Whenever you release an updated version of your custom DLL it will also receive a new GUID identifier. This lets other applications know what specific version of your DLL they are using. In order to update a DLL on another machine, you must first unregister it using REGSVR32 /U and then reregister it using REGSVR32 to install the newer version and register the new GUID. The function shown in figure 141 (dllunregister) can be used from within VLISP to unregister a known DLL. Then you can use the (dllregister) function to register a newer version. This type of approach is very common and forms the basis of how many web development environments work. One example is with ASP web programming and the use of MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) with Visual Basic DLLs. The ASP code can invoke the DLL just as we can do with


Visual LISP, in order to hand off complex processing tasks to a dedicated component, which in turn returns the result to ASP for use within rendering a web page to the user. DLL libraries provide their functionality to all ActiveX languages at once. So when you create a new DLL, remember that it can normally be used by VLISP, VBA, VB.NET, C#.NET, F#, Python, WSH and many more languages. Finally, if you do decide to pursue creating custom DLL components, you should seriously consider using the Class Builder Wizard addin for Visual Basic 6.0. This handy utility helps you define a new class and develop an object model for your own DLL classes. This opens up yet greater possibilities to you as well as other programmers using other ActiveXenabled languages in your organization.



Since Visual LISP hasnt added anything new to the world of DCL interfacing from LISP, this chapter will instead focus on how DCL can be used within VLX applications. There are quite a few methods for dealing with callbacks from dialog forms. I am not going to preach any particular method to you. The methods shown herein are only my own habitual ways of working with DCL callbacks. If you have other preferences, please continue on your merry way unless you feel like changing habits now.

Referencing DCL Definitions

In the old days of AutoLISP, you had two files for any application that used a dialog form. You had the LSP file and the DCL file, and both had to be present and available to the user at runtime to execute the application successfully. With the new VLISP Application features, you can now compile the LSP and DCL source code files into a single VLX application file to provide to your users. This not only protects your source code somewhat, but it makes for easier deployment and maintenance, especially in a networked or distributed environment. For example, in AutoLISP you might setup a LSP application to access the DCL source as follows (again, your style may be different. This is for example only):
(cond ( (setq dcfl (findfile "mydialog.dcl")) (setq dcid (load_dialog dcfl)) (cond ( (new_dialog "myform" dcid) ;; something with dialog callbacks here... (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)") (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)") (start_dialog dlgstatus) (unload_dialog dcid) ) ) ) ( T (princ "\nUnable to locate DCL form file!") )


You can still use this "legacy" code with only very minor changes to enable it to be compiled into a Visual LISP VLX application file. Simply remove the check for the file location and assume it is always there (because, when you compile it into the VLX it will be). You would only need to check for the form loading itself, which is already being done in the original code.
(setq dcid (load_dialog "mydialog")) (cond ( (new_dialog "myform" dcid) ...leave the rest as-is... ) )

As you can see, it also shortens your code a bit. You can use this to help guide you in porting your older AutoLISP dialog form applications into Visual LISP VLX applications by referring to chapter 13 for how to build VLX applications.

Dynamic Dialog Interaction

A very common feature requirement in dialogbased applications is the need to have form features dynamically change in response to user interaction. Such things as changing an image or edit box values based upon selections in other parts of the form. Probably the most common is the need to enable or disable features based upon user selections. The following example will step through how to make a dialog form that enables or disables certain features based upon selections in another part of the form. First, well show the example dialog form definition:
// save as MyDialog.dcl

myform : dialog { label = "My Dialog Form"; : row { : boxed_radio_column { key = "viewpoint"; label = "ViewPoint Options";


: radio_button {key = "TOP"; label = "Top"; } : radio_button {key = "SIDE"; label = "Side"; } : radio_button {key = "FRONT"; label = "Front"; } } : boxed_column { label = "Other Options"; : edit_box {key = "TOP2"; label = "Top Scale"; edit_width = 6; } : edit_box {key = "SIDE2"; label = "Side Scale"; edit_width = 6; } : edit_box {key = "FRONT2"; label = "Front Scale"; edit_width = 6; } } } ok_cancel; }

Now, well see how to enable only one of the editboxes at a time, with respect to which of the radio buttons are selected on the lefthand side of the form. To do this, well define a few functions. The first will handle the dialog form and the callbacks using an (action_tile) callback for the radio_column "viewpoint", which will receive the keyname of the radio button selection within its collection. Then we can use that key name to perform a conditional action using the other two functions to manipulate the other tiles.
;;; Save as MyDialog.lsp

(defun C:Myform ( / *error* dcid ok choice) (defun *error* (s) (princ (strcat "\nError: " s)) (vl-bt) (princ) ) (setq dcid (load_dialog "mydialog")) (if (null $MYFORM1) (setq $MYFORM1 "TOP")) (cond ( (new_dialog "myform" dcid); form name is case sensitive! (set_tile "viewpoint" $MYFORM1) (change-form $MYFORM1); initialize tiles using default value


(action_tile "viewpoint" "(setq choice (change-form $value))") (action_tile "accept" "(setq ok 1)(done_dialog)") (action_tile "cancel" "(setq ok 0)(done_dialog)") (start_dialog) (unload_dialog dcid) (if (= ok 1) (if choice (setq $MYFORM1 choice)) ) ) ( T (princ "\nUnable to load form from dialog definition.") ) ) (princ) )

;;; apply tile mode changes in response to given tile to enable

(defun change-form (val) (cond ( (= val "TOP") (mode-tiles '("TOP2") 0) (mode-tiles '("SIDE2" "FRONT2") 1) ) ( (= val "SIDE") (mode-tiles '("SIDE2") 0) (mode-tiles '("TOP2" "FRONT2") 1) ) ( (= val "FRONT") (mode-tiles '("FRONT2") 0) (mode-tiles '("TOP2" "SIDE2") 1) ) ) val )


;;; apply tile mode to list of tilenames

(defun mode-tiles (tiles mode) (foreach tile tiles (mode_tile tile mode)) )

Now simply follow the steps in Chapter 13 to compile both of these source files into a single VLX application file and load it into your AutoCAD session. Type in MYFORM to run the command and see how the edit boxes react when you select the radio buttons.

Your dialog display should look something like this example image if you compile and load it correctly.

Controlling Images from DCL Call-Backs

Now that weve seen how to enable and disable tiles from call-back values, lets try going a tiny step farther and use this to change the slide image in a dialog form image tile. To demonstrate this, you should load the sample code slide files into a common folder and make sure the folder is in your default search path. Once we compile the VLX application and load it, it will still need to find the .SLD files used for the image tile display. Unfortunately, VLISP doesnt provide a means to compile slide files into the VLX as it does for DCL, DVB, INI and LSP files. Lets take the dialog form defined above and modify it slightly to add a single image_tile:
// save as MyDialog2.dcl

myform : dialog {


label = "My Dialog Form"; : row { : boxed_column { label = "Preview"; : image_button { key = "image"; height = 10; aspect_ratio = 1.25; color = 0; fixed_height = true; fixed_width = true; } } : boxed_radio_column { key = "viewpoint"; label = "ViewPoint Options"; : radio_button {key = "TOP"; label = "Top"; } : radio_button {key = "SIDE"; label = "Side"; } : radio_button {key = "FRONT"; label = "Front"; } } : boxed_column { label = "Other Options"; : edit_box {key = "TOP2"; label = "Top Scale"; edit_width = 6; } : edit_box {key = "SIDE2"; label = "Side Scale"; edit_width = 6; } : edit_box {key = "FRONT2"; label = "Front Scale"; edit_width = 6; } } } ok_cancel; }

In order to properly control the image_tile, we should define a special function that takes care of finding the image file and adjusting scaling to suit the DCL configuration. You can load this example from MyDialog2.LSP in the sample files collection for this book. If you look closely, youll notice that this function accepts either a SLD or SLB (slidelibrary) file, thereby making it possible to bundle your slides


into a SLB and keep the total deployment down to just the VLX and SLB files.
(defun slide-show (tile sld slb / w ky xc yc sldnam) (cond ( (or (and slb (findfile slb)) (findfile sld) ) (setq xc yc ) (start_image tile) (fill_image 0 0 xc yc 0) (if slb (progn (setq slb (vl-filename-base slb)) (setq sldnam (strcat slb "(" sld ")" )) ) (setq sldnam sld) ) (slide_image 0 0 xc yc sldnam) (end_image) ) ( T (alert "Slide image file not found...") ) ) ) (dimx_tile tile) (dimy_tile tile)

Assuming that you use the provided slide files TOP.SLD, SIDE.SLD and FRONT.SLD and place them in a folder that is in the current default search path, you should be able to compile and load the MYDIALOG2.VLX and run it successfully.



This chapter will suggest some ideas for solving common tasks that combine aspects of previous chapters. You may find some of these useful, maybe not. In any case, they are provided simply to demonstrate how VLISP can be used to do things AutoLISP alone is not capable of doing.

Example 1 Dumping a List of Layer Properties

This example involves the task of producing an HTML report of all layers in the current drawing, including their properties (color, linetype, etc.) and opening the report in a web browser after completion. When loaded, the command is DUMPLAYERS.
(defun C:DUMPLAYERS ( / acadapp doc dwg layers name col ltp lwt pst onoff frz dat path olist outfile output) (vl-load-com) (setq acadapp (vlax-get-Acad-object) doc dwg path (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadapp) (vla-get-Name doc) (vla-get-Path doc)

layers (vla-get-Layers doc) ) (vlax-for each layers (setq name col ltp lwt pst (vla-get-Name each) (itoa (vla-get-color each)) (vla-get-Linetype each) (itoa (vla-get-LineWeight each)) (vla-get-PlotStyleName each)

onoff (if (= :vlax-True (vla-get-LayerOn each)) "ON" "OFF" ) frz (if (= :vlax-True (vla-get-Freeze each)) "FROZEN" "THAWED"


) dat (list name col ltp lwt pst onoff frz)

olist (cons dat olist) ) )

(vlax-release-object layers) (vlax-release-object doc) (vlax-release-object acadapp)

(cond ( olist (setq outfile (strcat (vl-filename-base dwg) ".htm")) (setq outfile (strcat path outfile)) (cond ( (setq output (open outfile "w")) (write-line "<html>" output) (write-line "<head><title>" output) (write-line (strcat "Layer Dump: " dwg) output) (write-line "</title></head><body>" output) (write-line (strcat "<b>Drawing: " dwg "</b><br>") output) (write-line "<table border=1>" output) (foreach layset olist (write-line "<tr>" output) (foreach prop layset (write-line (strcat "<td>" prop "</td>") output) ) (write-line "</tr>" output) ); foreach layer set (write-line "</table></body></html>" output) (close output) (setq output nil) (princ "\nReport finished! Opening in browser...") (vl-cmdf "_.browser" outfile)


) ( T (princ "\nUnable to open output file.") ) ) ) ( T (princ "\nUnable to get layer table information.") ) ) )

Example 2 Set All Entities to "ByLayer"

This example involves the task of assigning all entities in the current working space to "ByLayer" with respect to Color, Linetype, and Lineweight properties.
(defun C:BYLAYER ( / acadapp doc ssall i obj) (vl-load-com) (setq acadapp (vlax-get-acad-object) doc (vla-get-activedocument acadapp) ) (vla-startundomark acadapp) (vla-zoomextents acadapp) (cond ( (setq ssall (ssget "x")); get all entities (setq i 0) (repeat (sslength ssall) (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ssall i))) (vlax-put-property obj "Color" acByLayer) (vlax-put-property obj "Linetype" "ByLayer") (vlax-put-property obj "Lineweight" acLnWtByLwDefault) (vlax-release-object obj) (setq i (1+ i)) ) ) ) (vla-endundomark acadapp)


(princ "\nFinished processing all entities.") (princ) )

Example 3 Purge, Audit and Save all Opened Drawings

This example involves the task of iterating through the Documents collection and performing a Purge, Audit and Save operation on each document.
(defun C:DOALL ( / $acad docs dnum this) (vl-load-com) (setq $acad (vlax-get-acad-object) docs (vla-get-documents $acad) this (vla-get-activedocument $acad) dnum (vla-get-count docs) ) (vlax-for each docs (vla-purgeall each) (vla-auditinfo each T) (vla-save each) ) (vla-get-activedocument this) (vlax-release-object docs) (vlax-release-object this) (vlax-release-object $acad) (princ (strcat "\nProcessed " (itoa dnum) " drawings.")) (princ) )

Example 4 Zoom Extents and Save all Opened Drawings

This example involves iterating through each opened document, zooming to extents in the current (active) space and tab, and saving the document. Finally, it returns to the starting document when finished.
(defun C:ZOOMALL ( / $acad docs dnum this)


(vl-load-com) (setq $acad (vlax-get-acad-object) docs this dnum ) (vlax-for each docs (vla-put-ActiveDocument each) (vla-ZoomExtents $acad) (vla-save each) ) (vla-put-activedocument this) (vlax-release-object docs) (vlax-release-object this) (vlax-release-object $acad) (princ (strcat "\nProcessed " (itoa dnum) " drawings.")) (princ) ) (vla-get-documents $acad) (vla-get-activedocument $acad) (vla-get-count docs)

Example 5 - Create a Table

(if (setq pt (getpoint "\nSelect table basepoint: ")) (progn (setq acad (vlax-get-acad-object) doc ms ) (setq objTable (vla-addTable ms (vlax-3d-point pt) 3 ; rows 3 ; columns 0.75 ; row height 2.0 ; column width (vla-get-ActiveDocument acad) (vla-get-ModelSpace doc)


) ) (vla-setText objTable 0 0 "Heading") (vla-setText objTable 1 0 "Row 1, Col 0") (vla-setText objTable 1 1 "Row 1, Col 1") (vla-setText objTable 1 2 "Row 1, Col 2")

(vla-setText objTable 2 0 "Row 2, Col 0") (vla-setText objTable 2 1 "Row 2, Col 1") (vla-setText objTable 2 2 "Row 2, Col 2")

(vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed objTable :vlax-true)

(vla-settextstyle objTable actitlerow "Standard") (vla-settextstyle objTable acheaderrow "Standard") (vla-settextstyle objTable acdatarow "Standard") (vla-put-TitleSuppressed objTable :vlax-false) (vla-put-headerSuppressed objTable :vlax-false) (vla-put-horzcellmargin objTable 0.4) (vla-put-vertcellmargin objTable 0.4) (vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed objTable :vlax-false)

(vlax-release-object objTable) (vlax-release-object ms) ); end progn ); end if

If all goes well, the above code should crank out a table that looks like the following example:




Im not going to provide an exhaustive review of every difference introduced between AutoCAD 2004 and 2011. Ill leave that for Autodesk and other people to provide.

General Changes
Most of the changes to the application footprint are aimed at improving Windows Vista and Windows 7 compatability, which benefits IT professionals as well as making their products easier to troubleshoot and support overall. Overall the majority of the changes since AutoCAD 2004 have been with the UI or "user interface" itself: Menus, Pallets, Ribbons, Toolbars, commands and newer internal interfaces. Some new objects have been added like Dynamic Blocks, as well. The DWG format changed at AutoCAD 2004, again at 2007 and again at 2011. The newest format, .DWGX, is similar to the Office 2007 and Office 2010 formats in that it includes compression for added storage and transfer benefit. ObjectARX (and ObjectDBX as well) have been updated and recompiled to be compatible with newer .NET assemblies. The result is that ObjectARX and ObjectDBX components built for use on versions prior to AutoCAD 2011 will no longer work. You may also need to download newer ObjectARX addons like DOSLib ( COM Type Libraries must be invoked with the appropriate product version (18.0). In other words, where you might have invoked AutoCAD as AutoCAD.Application, or AutoCAD.Application.16, you now must use AutoCAD.Application.18.

Visual LISP Changes in AutoCAD 2011

I guess that the best way to sum up the changes to Visual LISP between 2004 and 2011 would be to say it was woken up with a bucket of ice water and smeared with dollar store lipstick and dragged back out for another party. There are some minor adjustments and tweaks here and there, but overall it's pretty hohum. The poor orphaned LISP API is outside in the cold, shoeless, watching the little welldressed and groomed .NET children getting freshcooked meals inside the warm house. If you listen closely, you can hear them laughing about how funny the little homeless LISP kid looks breathing on the cold window glass. I can still hear the violins playing too.


While this book covers a lot of information about using Visual LISP, it cannot cover everything. Visual LISP has (had) a lot of potential, and provides a lot of powerful tools to LISP developers. I wish Autodesk would commit some resources to improving it to bring it up to speed with current development tools. At the very least, fix some of the incomplete features and irritating quirks, but I think Autodesk is letting LISP die on the vine in favor of VBA and ObjectARX. The future of AutoCAD programming appears to be aimed at .NET and possibly Java, but not LISP. Ignoring LISP within AutoCAD would be unfortunate and a big mistake in my humble opinion. With the announcement that VBA will be deprecated after AutoCAD 2011, or at least relegated to an external addon, the fact that the LISP engine remains speaks volumes for not only how integral it has become, but how vital it is to so many customers and partners. Most of the features that could be improved would require very minimal investment in time and budget and would yield a much more robust development tool. Some improvements might be fixing the project management tools, better compilation controls, fixing dialog box inconsistencies, adding "IntelliSense" completion, streamlined functionality for referencing external objects and components, making a standalone version and so on. Hopefully, the information and examples provided herein will give you some additional motivation to further explore Visual LISP and become a better software developer as a result. If not, it makes a great coffee cup stand. In any case, I hope you find this book useful and helpful. Happy Coding! Dave




Constant Symbol Value :vlaxFalse :vlaxFalse :vlaxNull :vlaxNull :vlaxTrue :vlaxTrue vlaxvbAbort 3 vlaxvbAbortRetryIgnore2 vlaxvbApplicationModal0 vlaxvbArchive 32 vlaxvbArray 8192 vlaxvbBoolean 11 vlaxvbCancel 2 vlaxvbCritical 16 vlaxvbCurrency 6 vlaxvbDataObject 13 vlaxvbDate 7 vlaxvbDefaultButton1 0 vlaxvbDefaultButton2 256 vlaxvbDefaultButton3 512 vlaxvbDirectory 16 vlaxvbDouble 5 vlaxvbEmpty 0 vlaxvbError 10 vlaxvbExclamation 48 vlaxvbHidden 2 vlaxvbHiragana 32 vlaxvbIgnore 5 vlaxvbInformation 64 vlaxvbInteger 2 vlaxvbKatakana 16 vlaxvbLong 3 vlaxvbLowerCase 2 vlaxvbNarrow 8 vlaxvbNo 7 vlaxvbNormal 0 vlaxvbNull 1 vlaxvbObject 9 vlaxvbOK 1 vlaxvbOKCancel 1 vlaxvbOKOnly 0 vlaxvbProperCase 3 vlaxvbQuestion 32 vlaxvbReadOnly 1 vlaxvbRetry 4


vlaxvbRetryCancel vlaxvbSingle vlaxvbString vlaxvbSystem vlaxvbSystemModal vlaxvbUpperCase vlaxvbVariant vlaxvbVolume vlaxvbWide vlaxvbYes vlaxvbYesNo vlaxvbYesNoCancel

5 4 8 4 4096 1 12 8 4 6 4 3

Note: There is no vlaxvbDecimal or vlaxvbNothing enumeration. Also, the vlaxvbNull does not translate well into ActiveX consumers such as VBA as a true "Null" object or value. Be aware of the data type changes between VBA 6, VB6 and the .NET environments.


vlaActivate vlaAdd vlaAdd3DFace vlaAdd3DMesh vlaAdd3DPoly vlaAddArc vlaAddAttribute vlaAddBox vlaAddCircle vlaAddCone vlaAddCustomInfo vlaAddCustomObject vlaAddCylinder vlaAddDim3PointAngular vlaAddDimAligned vlaAddDimAngular vlaAddDimArc vlaAddDimDiametric vlaAddDimOrdinate vlaAddDimRadial vlaAddDimRadialLarge vlaAddDimRotated vlaAddEllipse vlaAddEllipticalCone vlaAddEllipticalCylinder vlaAddExtrudedSolid vlaAddExtrudedSolidAlongPath vlaAddFitPoint vlaAddHatch vlaAddItems vlaAddLeader vlaAddLeaderLine vlaAddLeaderLineEx vlaAddLightWeightPolyline vlaAddLine vlaAddMenuItem vlaAddMInsertBlock vlaAddMLeader vlaAddMLine vlaAddMText vlaAddObject vlaAddPoint vlaAddPolyfaceMesh


vlaAddPolyline vlaAddPViewport vlaAddRaster vlaAddRay vlaAddRegion vlaAddRevolvedSolid vlaAddSection vlaAddSeparator vlaAddShape vlaAddSolid vlaAddSphere vlaAddSpline vlaAddSubMenu vlaAddTable vlaAddText vlaAddTolerance vlaAddToolbarButton vlaAddTorus vlaAddTrace vlaAddVertex vlaAddWedge vlaAddXline vlaAddXRecord vlaAngleFromXAxis vlaAngleToReal vlaAngleToString vlaAppendInnerLoop vlaAppendItems vlaAppendOuterLoop vlaAppendVertex vlaArrayPolar vlaArrayRectangular vlaAttachExternalReference vlaAttachToolbarToFlyout vlaAuditInfo vlaBind vlaBlock vlaBoolean vlaCheckInterference vlaClear vlaClearSubSelection vlaClearTableStyleOverrides vlaClipBoundary vlaClose vlaConvertToAnonymousBlock vlaConvertToStaticBlock vlaCopy vlaCopyFrom vlaCopyObjects

vlaCopyProfile vlaCreateCellStyle vlaCreateCellStyleFromStyle vlaCreateContent vlaCreateEntry vlaCreateJog vlaCreateTypedArray vlaDelete vlaDeleteCellContent vlaDeleteCellStyle vlaDeleteColumns vlaDeleteConfiguration vlaDeleteContent vlaDeleteFitPoint vlaDeleteProfile vlaDeleteRows vlaDetach vlaDisplay vlaDisplayPlotPreview vlaDistanceToReal vlaDock vlaElevateOrder vlaEnableMergeAll vlaEndUndoMark vlaErase vlaEval vlaEvaluate vlaExplode vlaExport vlaExportProfile vlaFieldCode vlaFloat vlaFormatValue vlaGenerateLayout vlaGenerateSectionGeometry vlaGenerateUsageData vlagetAction vlagetActive vlagetActiveDimStyle vlagetActiveDocument vlagetActiveLayer vlagetActiveLayout vlagetActiveLinetype vlagetActiveMaterial vlagetActiveProfile vlagetActivePViewport vlagetActiveSelectionSet vlagetActiveSpace vlagetActiveTextStyle

vlagetActiveUCS vlagetActiveViewport vlagetADCInsertUnitsDefaultSource vlagetADCInsertUnitsDefaultTarget vlagetAdjustForBackground vlagetAffectsGraphics vlagetAlgorithm vlagetAlignment vlagetAlignmentPointAcquisition vlagetAlignSpace vlagetAllowedValues vlagetAllowLongSymbolNames vlagetAllowManualHeights vlagetAllowManualPositions vlagetAltFontFile vlagetAltRoundDistance vlagetAltSubUnitsFactor vlagetAltSubUnitsSuffix vlagetAltSuppressLeadingZeros vlagetAltSuppressTrailingZeros vlagetAltSuppressZeroFeet vlagetAltSuppressZeroInches vlagetAltTabletMenuFile vlagetAltTextPrefix vlagetAltTextSuffix vlagetAltTolerancePrecision vlagetAltToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros vlagetAltToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros vlagetAltToleranceSuppressZeroFeet vlagetAltToleranceSuppressZeroInches vlagetAltUnits vlagetAltUnitsFormat vlagetAltUnitsPrecision vlagetAltUnitsScale vlagetangle vlagetAngleFormat vlagetAngleVertex vlagetAnnotation vlagetAnnotative vlagetApplication vlagetArcEndParam vlagetArcLength vlagetArcPoint vlagetArcSmoothness vlagetArcStartParam vlagetArea vlagetArrowhead1Block vlagetArrowhead1Type vlagetArrowhead2Block

vlagetArrowhead2Type vlagetArrowheadBlock vlagetArrowheadSize vlagetArrowheadType vlagetArrowSize vlagetArrowSymbol vlagetAssociativeHatch vlagetAttachmentPoint vlagetAuthor vlagetAutoAudit vlagetAutomaticPlotLog vlagetAutoSaveInterval vlagetAutoSavePath vlagetAutoSnapAperture vlagetAutoSnapApertureSize vlagetAutoSnapMagnet vlagetAutoSnapMarker vlagetAutoSnapMarkerColor vlagetAutoSnapMarkerSize vlagetAutoSnapToolTip vlagetAutoTrackingVecColor vlagetAutoTrackTooltip vlagetAxisDirection vlagetAxisPosition vlagetBackgroundColor vlagetBackgroundFill vlagetBackgroundLinesColor vlagetBackgroundLinesHiddenLine vlagetBackgroundLinesLayer vlagetBackgroundLinesLinetype vlagetBackgroundLinesLinetypeScale vlagetBackgroundLinesLineweight vlagetBackgroundLinesPlotStyleName vlagetBackgroundLinesVisible vlagetBackward vlagetBank vlagetBasePoint vlagetBaseRadius vlagetBatchPlotProgress vlagetBeepOnError vlagetBigFontFile vlagetBitFlags vlagetBlock vlagetBlockColor vlagetBlockConnectionType vlagetBlockRotation vlagetBlocks vlagetBlockScale vlagetBlockScaling

vlagetBlue vlagetBookName vlagetBottomHeight vlagetBreaksEnabled vlagetBreakSize vlagetBreakSpacing vlagetBrightness vlagetCanonicalMediaName vlagetCaption vlagetCategoryName vlagetCenter vlagetCenterMarkSize vlagetCenterPlot vlagetCenterPoint vlagetCenterType vlagetCentroid vlagetCheck vlagetChordPoint vlagetCircumference vlagetClipped vlagetClippingEnabled vlagetClosed vlagetClosed2 vlagetColor vlagetColorBookPath vlagetColorIndex vlagetColorMethod vlagetColorName vlagetColumns vlagetColumnSpacing vlagetCommandDisplayName vlagetComment vlagetComments vlagetConfigFile vlagetConfigName vlagetConstant vlagetConstantWidth vlagetConstrain vlagetContentBlockName vlagetContentBlockType vlagetContentType vlagetContinuousPlotLog vlagetContourLinesPerSurface vlagetContrast vlagetControlPoints vlagetCoordinate vlagetCoordinates vlagetCount vlagetCreaseLevel

vlagetCreaseType vlagetCreateBackup vlagetCurrentSectionType vlagetCursorSize vlagetCurveTangencyLinesColor vlagetCurveTangencyLinesLayer vlagetCurveTangencyLinesLinetype vlagetCurveTangencyLinesLinetypeScale vlagetCurveTangencyLinesLineweight vlagetCurveTangencyLinesPlotStyleName vlagetCurveTangencyLinesVisible vlagetCustomDictionary vlagetCustomIconPath vlagetCustomScale vlagetCvHullDisplay vlagetDatabase vlagetDecimalSeparator vlagetDefaultInternetURL vlagetDefaultOutputDevice vlagetDefaultPlotStyleForLayer vlagetDefaultPlotStyleForObjects vlagetDefaultPlotStyleTable vlagetDefaultPlotToFilePath vlagetDegree vlagetDegree2 vlagetDelta vlagetDemandLoadARXApp vlagetDescription vlagetDestinationBlock vlagetDestinationFile vlagetDiameter vlagetDictionaries vlagetDimConstrDesc vlagetDimConstrExpression vlagetDimConstrForm vlagetDimConstrName vlagetDimConstrReference vlagetDimConstrValue vlagetDimensionLineColor vlagetDimensionLineExtend vlagetDimensionLinetype vlagetDimensionLineWeight vlagetDimLine1Suppress vlagetDimLine2Suppress vlagetDimLineInside vlagetDimLineSuppress vlagetDimStyles vlagetDimTxtDirection vlagetDirection

vlagetDirectionVector vlagetDisplay vlagetDisplayGrips vlagetDisplayGripsWithinBlocks vlagetDisplayLayoutTabs vlagetDisplayLocked vlagetDisplayOLEScale vlagetDisplayScreenMenu vlagetDisplayScrollBars vlagetDisplaySilhouette vlagetDockedVisibleLines vlagetDockStatus vlagetDocument vlagetDocuments vlagetDogLegged vlagetDoglegLength vlagetDrafting vlagetDrawingDirection vlagetDrawLeaderOrderType vlagetDrawMLeaderOrderType vlagetDriversPath vlagetDWFFormat vlagetEdgeExtensionDistances vlagetEffectiveName vlagetElevation vlagetElevationModelSpace vlagetElevationPaperSpace vlagetEnable vlagetEnableBlockRotation vlagetEnableBlockScale vlagetEnableDogleg vlagetEnableFrameText vlagetEnableLanding vlagetEnableStartupDialog vlagetEndAngle vlagetEndDraftAngle vlagetEndDraftMagnitude vlagetEndParameter vlagetEndPoint vlagetEndSmoothContinuity vlagetEndSmoothMagnitude vlagetEndSubMenuLevel vlagetEndTangent vlagetEnterpriseMenuFile vlagetEntityColor vlagetEntityTransparency vlagetExplodable vlagetExtensionLineColor vlagetExtensionLineExtend

vlagetExtensionLineOffset vlagetExtensionLineWeight vlagetExtLine1EndPoint vlagetExtLine1Linetype vlagetExtLine1Point vlagetExtLine1StartPoint vlagetExtLine1Suppress vlagetExtLine2EndPoint vlagetExtLine2Linetype vlagetExtLine2Point vlagetExtLine2StartPoint vlagetExtLine2Suppress vlagetExtLineFixedLen vlagetExtLineFixedLenSuppress vlagetFaceCount vlagetFade vlagetFeature vlagetFieldLength vlagetFile vlagetFileDependencies vlagetFileName vlagetFiles vlagetFileSize vlagetFingerprintGuid vlagetFirstSegmentAngleConstraint vlagetFit vlagetFitPoints vlagetFitTolerance vlagetFloatingRows vlagetFlowDirection vlagetFlyout vlagetFontFile vlagetFontFileMap vlagetForceLineInside vlagetForegroundLinesColor vlagetForegroundLinesEdgeTransparency vlagetForegroundLinesFaceTransparency vlagetForegroundLinesHiddenLine vlagetForegroundLinesLayer vlagetForegroundLinesLinetype vlagetForegroundLinesLinetypeScale vlagetForegroundLinesLineweight vlagetForegroundLinesPlotStyleName vlagetForegroundLinesVisible vlagetFoundPath vlagetFractionFormat vlagetFreeze vlagetFullCRCValidation vlagetFullFileName

vlagetFullName vlagetFullScreenTrackingVector vlagetGenerationOptions vlagetGradientAngle vlagetGradientCentered vlagetGradientColor1 vlagetGradientColor2 vlagetGradientName vlagetGraphicsWinLayoutBackgrndColor vlagetGraphicsWinModelBackgrndColor vlagetGreen vlagetGridOn vlagetGripColorSelected vlagetGripColorUnselected vlagetGripSize vlagetGroups vlagetHandle vlagetHasAttributes vlagetHasExtensionDictionary vlagetHasLeader vlagetHasSheetView vlagetHasSubSelection vlagetHasVpAssociation vlagetHatchObjectType vlagetHatchStyle vlagetHeaderSuppressed vlagetHeight vlagetHelpFilePath vlagetHelpString vlagetHistory vlagetHistoryLines vlagetHorizontalTextPosition vlagetHorzCellMargin vlagetHWND vlagetHyperlinkBase vlagetHyperlinkDisplayCursor vlagetHyperlinks vlagetImageFile vlagetImageFrameHighlight vlagetImageHeight vlagetImageVisibility vlagetImageWidth vlagetIncrementalSavePercent vlagetindex vlagetIndicatorFillColor vlagetIndicatorTransparency vlagetInsertionPoint vlagetInsUnits vlagetInsUnitsFactor

vlagetIntersectionBoundaryColor vlagetIntersectionBoundaryDivisionLines vlagetIntersectionBoundaryLayer vlagetIntersectionBoundaryLinetype vlagetIntersectionBoundaryLinetypeScale vlagetIntersectionBoundaryLineweight vlagetIntersectionBoundaryPlotStyleName vlagetIntersectionBoundaryVisible vlagetIntersectionFillColor vlagetIntersectionFillFaceTransparency vlagetIntersectionFillHatchAngle vlagetIntersectionFillHatchPatternName vlagetIntersectionFillHatchPatternType vlagetIntersectionFillHatchScale vlagetIntersectionFillHatchSpacing vlagetIntersectionFillLayer vlagetIntersectionFillLinetype vlagetIntersectionFillLinetypeScale vlagetIntersectionFillLineweight vlagetIntersectionFillPlotStyleName vlagetIntersectionFillVisible vlagetInvisible vlagetIsCloned vlagetIsDynamicBlock vlagetIsLayout vlagetIsModified vlagetISOPenWidth vlagetIsOwnerXlated vlagetIsPartial vlagetIsPeriodic vlagetIsPlanar vlagetIsPrimary vlagetIsQuiescent vlagetIsRational vlagetIssuer vlagetIsXRef vlagetItemName vlagetJogAngle vlagetJogLocation vlagetJustification vlagetKey vlagetKeyboardAccelerator vlagetKeyboardPriority vlagetKeyLength vlagetKeywords vlagetKnotParameterization vlagetKnots vlagetLabel vlagetLabelBlockId

vlagetLandingGap vlagetLargeButtons vlagetLastHeight vlagetLastSavedBy vlagetLayer vlagetLayerOn vlagetLayerPropertyOverrides vlagetLayers vlagetLayerState vlagetLayout vlagetLayoutCreateViewport vlagetLayoutCrosshairColor vlagetLayoutDisplayMargins vlagetLayoutDisplayPaper vlagetLayoutDisplayPaperShadow vlagetLayoutId vlagetLayouts vlagetLayoutShowPlotSetup vlagetLeader1Point vlagetLeader2Point vlagetLeaderCount vlagetLeaderLineColor vlagetLeaderLineType vlagetLeaderLineTypeId vlagetLeaderLineWeight vlagetLeaderType vlagetLeft vlagetLength vlagetLensLength vlagetLimits vlagetLinearScaleFactor vlagetLineSpacingDistance vlagetLineSpacingFactor vlagetLineSpacingStyle vlagetLinetype vlagetLinetypeGeneration vlagetLinetypes vlagetLinetypeScale vlagetLineWeight vlagetLineWeightDisplay vlagetLiveSectionEnabled vlagetLoadAcadLspInAllDocuments vlagetLocaleId vlagetLock vlagetLockAspectRatio vlagetLocked vlagetLockPosition vlagetLogFileOn vlagetLogFilePath

vlagetLowerLeftCorner vlagetMacro vlagetMainDictionary vlagetMaintainAssociativity vlagetMajorAxis vlagetMajorRadius vlagetMask vlagetMaterial vlagetMaterials vlagetMaxActiveViewports vlagetMaxAutoCADWindow vlagetMaxLeaderSegmentsPoints vlagetMClose vlagetMDensity vlagetMeasurement vlagetMenuBar vlagetMenuFile vlagetMenuFileName vlagetMenuGroups vlagetMenus vlagetMinimumTableHeight vlagetMinimumTableWidth vlagetMinorAxis vlagetMinorRadius vlagetMLineScale vlagetMode vlagetModelCrosshairColor vlagetModelSpace vlagetModelType vlagetModelView vlagetMomentOfInertia vlagetMonochrome vlagetMRUNumber vlagetMSpace vlagetMTextAttribute vlagetMTextAttributeContent vlagetMTextBoundaryWidth vlagetMTextDrawingDirection vlagetMVertexCount vlagetName vlagetNameNoMnemonic vlagetNClose vlagetNDensity vlagetNormal vlagetNumberOfControlPoints vlagetNumberOfCopies vlagetNumberOfFaces vlagetNumberOfFitPoints vlagetNumberOfLoops

vlagetNumberOfVertices vlagetNumCellStyles vlagetNumCrossSections vlagetNumGuidePaths vlagetNumVertices vlagetNVertexCount vlagetObjectID vlagetObjectName vlagetObjectSnapMode vlagetObjectSortByPlotting vlagetObjectSortByPSOutput vlagetObjectSortByRedraws vlagetObjectSortByRegens vlagetObjectSortBySelection vlagetObjectSortBySnap vlagetObliqueAngle vlagetOleItemType vlagetOLELaunch vlagetOlePlotQuality vlagetOLEQuality vlagetOleSourceApp vlagetOnMenuBar vlagetOpenSave vlagetOrigin vlagetOrthoOn vlagetOutput vlagetOverrideCenter vlagetOverwritePropChanged vlagetOwnerID vlagetPageSetupOverridesTemplateFile vlagetPaperSpace vlagetPaperUnits vlagetParent vlagetPassword vlagetPath vlagetPatternAngle vlagetPatternDouble vlagetPatternName vlagetPatternScale vlagetPatternSpace vlagetPatternType vlagetPerimeter vlagetPeriodic vlagetPickAdd vlagetPickAuto vlagetPickBoxSize vlagetPickDrag vlagetPickFirst vlagetPickfirstSelectionSet

vlagetPickGroup vlagetPlot vlagetPlotConfigurations vlagetPlotHidden vlagetPlotLegacy vlagetPlotLogFilePath vlagetPlotOrigin vlagetPlotPolicy vlagetPlotRotation vlagetPlotStyleName vlagetPlottable vlagetPlotType vlagetPlotViewportBorders vlagetPlotViewportsFirst vlagetPlotWithLineweights vlagetPlotWithPlotStyles vlagetPolarTrackingVector vlagetPosition vlagetPostScriptPrologFile vlagetPreferences vlagetPreset vlagetPrimaryUnitsPrecision vlagetPrincipalDirections vlagetPrincipalMoments vlagetPrinterConfigPath vlagetPrinterDescPath vlagetPrinterPaperSizeAlert vlagetPrinterSpoolAlert vlagetPrinterStyleSheetPath vlagetPrintFile vlagetPrintSpoolerPath vlagetPrintSpoolExecutable vlagetProductOfInertia vlagetProfileRotation vlagetProfiles vlagetPromptString vlagetPropertyName vlagetProviderName vlagetProviderType vlagetProxyImage vlagetQNewTemplateFile vlagetQuietErrorMode vlagetRadiiOfGyration vlagetRadius vlagetRadiusRatio vlagetReadOnly vlagetRed vlagetReferenceCount vlagetRegenerateTableSuppressed

vlagetRegisteredApplications vlagetRenderSmoothness vlagetRepeatBottomLabels vlagetRepeatTopLabels vlagetRevisionNumber vlagetRevolutionAngle vlagetRotation vlagetRoundDistance vlagetRows vlagetRowSpacing vlagetSaveAsType vlagetSaved vlagetSavePreviewThumbnail vlagetscale vlagetScaleFactor vlagetScaleHeight vlagetScaleLineweights vlagetScaleWidth vlagetSCMCommandMode vlagetSCMDefaultMode vlagetSCMEditMode vlagetSCMTimeMode vlagetSCMTimeValue vlagetSecondPoint vlagetSecondSegmentAngleConstraint vlagetSectionManager vlagetSegmentPerPolyline vlagetSelection vlagetSelectionSets vlagetSerialNumber vlagetSettings vlagetShadePlot vlagetSheetView vlagetShortcutMenu vlagetShortCutMenuDisplay vlagetShow vlagetShowAssociativity vlagetShowHistory vlagetShowPlotStyles vlagetShowProxyDialogBox vlagetShowRasterImage vlagetShowRotation vlagetShowWarningMessages vlagetSingleDocumentMode vlagetSmoothness vlagetSnapBasePoint vlagetSnapOn vlagetSnapRotationAngle vlagetSolidFill

vlagetSolidType vlagetSourceObjects vlagetSplineFrame vlagetSplineMethod vlagetStandardScale vlagetStandardScale2 vlagetStartAngle vlagetStartDraftAngle vlagetStartDraftMagnitude vlagetStartParameter vlagetStartPoint vlagetStartSmoothContinuity vlagetStartSmoothMagnitude vlagetStartTangent vlagetState vlagetStatusId vlagetStoreSQLIndex vlagetStyleName vlagetStyleSheet vlagetSubject vlagetSubMenu vlagetSubUnitsFactor vlagetSubUnitsSuffix vlagetSummaryInfo vlagetSupportPath vlagetSuppressLeadingZeros vlagetSuppressTrailingZeros vlagetSuppressZeroFeet vlagetSuppressZeroInches vlagetSurfaceNormals vlagetSurfaceType vlagetSymbolPosition vlagetSystem vlagetTableBreakFlowDirection vlagetTableBreakHeight vlagetTablesReadOnly vlagetTableStyleOverrides vlagetTabOrder vlagetTagString vlagetTaperAngle vlagetTarget vlagetTempFileExtension vlagetTempFilePath vlagetTemplateDwgPath vlagetTemplateId vlagetTempXrefPath vlagetTextAlignmentPoint vlagetTextAlignmentType vlagetTextAngleType

vlagetTextAttachmentDirection vlagetTextBackgroundFill vlagetTextBottomAttachmentType vlagetTextColor vlagetTextDirection vlagetTextEditor vlagetTextFill vlagetTextFillColor vlagetTextFont vlagetTextFontSize vlagetTextFontStyle vlagetTextFrameDisplay vlagetTextGap vlagetTextGenerationFlag vlagetTextHeight vlagetTextInside vlagetTextInsideAlign vlagetTextJustify vlagetTextLeftAttachmentType vlagetTextLineSpacingDistance vlagetTextLineSpacingFactor vlagetTextLineSpacingStyle vlagetTextMovement vlagetTextOutsideAlign vlagetTextOverride vlagetTextPosition vlagetTextPrecision vlagetTextPrefix vlagetTextRightAttachmentType vlagetTextRotation vlagetTextString vlagetTextStyle vlagetTextStyleName vlagetTextStyles vlagetTextSuffix vlagetTextTopAttachmentType vlagetTextureMapPath vlagetTextWidth vlagetTextWinBackgrndColor vlagetTextWinTextColor vlagetThickness vlagetTimeServer vlagetTimeStamp vlagetTitle vlagetTitleSuppressed vlagetToleranceDisplay vlagetToleranceHeightScale vlagetToleranceJustification vlagetToleranceLowerLimit

vlagetTolerancePrecision vlagetToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros vlagetToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros vlagetToleranceSuppressZeroFeet vlagetToleranceSuppressZeroInches vlagetToleranceUpperLimit vlagetToolbars vlagetToolPalettePath vlagetTop vlagetTopHeight vlagetTopRadius vlagetTotalAngle vlagetTotalLength vlagetTranslateIDs vlagetTransparency vlagetTrueColor vlagetTrueColorImages vlagetTurnHeight vlagetTurns vlagetTurnSlope vlagetTwist vlagetTwistAngle vlagetType vlagetUCSIconAtOrigin vlagetUCSIconOn vlagetUCSPerViewport vlagetUIsolineDensity vlagetUnderlayLayerOverrideApplied vlagetUnderlayName vlagetUnderlayVisibility vlagetUnits vlagetUnitsFormat vlagetUnitsType vlagetUpperRightCorner vlagetUpsideDown vlagetURL vlagetURLDescription vlagetURLNamedLocation vlagetUsed vlagetUseEntityColor vlagetUseLastPlotSettings vlagetUser vlagetUserCoordinateSystems vlagetUseStandardScale vlagetUtility vlagetValue vlagetVBE vlagetVerify vlagetVersion

vlagetVersionGuid vlagetVertCellMargin vlagetVertexCount vlagetVerticalDirection vlagetVerticalTextPosition vlagetVertices vlagetViewingDirection vlagetViewportDefault vlagetViewportOn vlagetViewports vlagetViews vlagetViewToPlot vlagetVisibilityEdge1 vlagetVisibilityEdge2 vlagetVisibilityEdge3 vlagetVisibilityEdge4 vlagetVisible vlagetVIsolineDensity vlagetVisualStyle vlagetVolume vlagetWeights vlagetWidth vlagetWindowLeft vlagetWindowState vlagetWindowTitle vlagetWindowTop vlagetWireframeType vlagetWorkspacePath vlagetXEffectiveScaleFactor vlagetXRefDatabase vlagetXrefDemandLoad vlagetXRefEdit vlagetXRefFadeIntensity vlagetXRefLayerVisibility vlagetXScaleFactor vlagetXVector vlagetYEffectiveScaleFactor vlagetYScaleFactor vlagetYVector vlagetZEffectiveScaleFactor vlagetZScaleFactor vlaGetAcadState vlaGetAlignment vlaGetAlignment2 vlaGetAllProfileNames vlaGetAngle vlaGetAttachmentPoint vlaGetAttributes vlaGetAutoScale

vlaGetAutoScale2 vlaGetBackgroundColor vlaGetBackgroundColor2 vlaGetBackgroundColorNone vlaGetBitmaps vlaGetBlockAttributeValue vlaGetBlockAttributeValue2 vlaGetBlockRotation vlaGetBlockScale vlaGetBlockTableRecordId vlaGetBlockTableRecordId2 vlaGetBoundingBox vlaGetBreakHeight vlaGetBulge vlaGetCanonicalMediaNames vlaGetCellAlignment vlaGetCellBackgroundColor vlaGetCellBackgroundColorNone vlaGetCellClass vlaGetCellContentColor vlaGetCellDataType vlaGetCellExtents vlaGetCellFormat vlaGetCellGridColor vlaGetCellGridLineWeight vlaGetCellGridVisibility vlaGetCellState vlaGetCellStyle vlaGetCellStyleOverrides vlaGetCellStyles vlaGetCellTextHeight vlaGetCellTextStyle vlaGetCellType vlaGetCellValue vlaGetColor vlaGetColor2 vlaGetColumnName vlaGetColumnWidth vlaGetConstantAttributes vlaGetContentColor vlaGetContentColor2 vlaGetContentLayout vlaGetContentType vlaGetControlPoint vlaGetCorner vlaGetCustomByIndex vlaGetCustomByKey vlaGetCustomData vlaGetCustomScale

vlaGetDataFormat vlaGetDataType vlaGetDataType2 vlaGetDistance vlaGetDoglegDirection vlaGetDynamicBlockProperties vlaGetEntity vlaGetExtensionDictionary vlaGetFieldId vlaGetFieldId2 vlaGetFitPoint vlaGetFont vlaGetFormat vlaGetFormat2 vlaGetFormula vlaGetFullDrawOrder vlaGetGridColor vlaGetGridColor2 vlaGetGridDoubleLineSpacing vlaGetGridLineStyle vlaGetGridLinetype vlaGetGridLineWeight vlaGetGridLineWeight2 vlaGetGridSpacing vlaGetGridVisibility vlaGetGridVisibility2 vlaGetHasFormula vlaGetInput vlaGetInteger vlaGetInterfaceObject vlaGetInvisibleEdge vlaGetIsCellStyleInUse vlaGetIsMergeAllEnabled vlaGetKeyword vlaGetLeaderIndex vlaGetLeaderLineIndexes vlaGetLeaderLineVertices vlaGetLiveSection vlaGetLocaleMediaName vlaGetLoopAt vlaGetMargin vlaGetMinimumColumnWidth vlaGetMinimumRowHeight vlaGetName vlaGetObject vlaGetObjectIdString vlaGetOrientation vlaGetOverride vlaGetPaperMargins

vlaGetPaperSize vlaGetPlotDeviceNames vlaGetPlotStyleTableNames vlaGetPoint vlaGetProjectFilePath vlaGetReal vlaGetRelativeDrawOrder vlaGetRemoteFile vlaGetRotation vlaGetRowHeight vlaGetRowType vlaGetScale vlaGetSectionTypeSettings vlaGetSnapSpacing vlaGetString vlaGetSubEntity vlaGetSubSelection vlaGetText vlaGetTextHeight vlaGetTextHeight2 vlaGetTextRotation vlaGetTextString vlaGetTextStyle vlaGetTextStyle2 vlaGetTextStyleId vlaGetUCSMatrix vlaGetUniqueCellStyleName vlaGetUniqueSectionName vlaGetValue vlaGetVariable vlaGetVertexCount vlaGetWeight vlaGetWidth vlaGetWindowToPlot vlaGetXData vlaGetXRecordData vlaHandleToObject vlaHighlight vlaHitTest vlaImport vlaImportProfile vlaIndexOf vlaInitializeUserInput vlaInsertBlock vlaInsertColumns vlaInsertColumnsAndInherit vlaInsertInMenuBar vlaInsertLoopAt vlaInsertMenuInMenuBar

vlaInsertRows vlaInsertRowsAndInherit vlaIntersectWith vlaIsContentEditable vlaIsEmpty vlaIsFormatEditable vlaIsMergeAllEnabled vlaIsMergedCell vlaIsRemoteFile vlaIsURL vlaItem vlaLaunchBrowserDialog vlaListArx vlaLoad vlaLoadArx vlaLoadDVB vlaLoadShapeFile vlaMergeCells vlaMirror vlaMirror3D vlaModified vlaMove vlaMoveAbove vlaMoveBelow vlaMoveContent vlaMoveToBottom vlaMoveToTop vlaNew vlaNumCustomInfo VLAOBJECT vlaObjectIDToObject vlaOffset vlaOnModified vlaOpen vlaPlotToDevice vlaPlotToFile vlaPolarPoint vlaPrompt vlaPurgeAll vlaPurgeFitData vlaputAction vlaputActiveDimStyle vlaputActiveDocument vlaputActiveLayer vlaputActiveLayout vlaputActiveLinetype vlaputActiveMaterial vlaputActiveProfile vlaputActivePViewport

vlaputActiveSpace vlaputActiveTextStyle vlaputActiveUCS vlaputActiveViewport vlaputADCInsertUnitsDefaultSource vlaputADCInsertUnitsDefaultTarget vlaputAdjustForBackground vlaputAlgorithm vlaputAlignment vlaputAlignmentPointAcquisition vlaputAlignSpace vlaputAllowLongSymbolNames vlaputAllowManualHeights vlaputAllowManualPositions vlaputAltFontFile vlaputAltRoundDistance vlaputAltSubUnitsFactor vlaputAltSubUnitsSuffix vlaputAltSuppressLeadingZeros vlaputAltSuppressTrailingZeros vlaputAltSuppressZeroFeet vlaputAltSuppressZeroInches vlaputAltTabletMenuFile vlaputAltTextPrefix vlaputAltTextSuffix vlaputAltTolerancePrecision vlaputAltToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros vlaputAltToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros vlaputAltToleranceSuppressZeroFeet vlaputAltToleranceSuppressZeroInches vlaputAltUnits vlaputAltUnitsFormat vlaputAltUnitsPrecision vlaputAltUnitsScale vlaputAngleFormat vlaputAngleVertex vlaputAnnotation vlaputAnnotative vlaputArcEndParam vlaputArcPoint vlaputArcSmoothness vlaputArcStartParam vlaputArea vlaputArrowhead1Block vlaputArrowhead1Type vlaputArrowhead2Block vlaputArrowhead2Type vlaputArrowheadBlock vlaputArrowheadSize

vlaputArrowheadType vlaputArrowSize vlaputArrowSymbol vlaputAssociativeHatch vlaputAttachmentPoint vlaputAuthor vlaputAutoAudit vlaputAutomaticPlotLog vlaputAutoSaveInterval vlaputAutoSavePath vlaputAutoSnapAperture vlaputAutoSnapApertureSize vlaputAutoSnapMagnet vlaputAutoSnapMarker vlaputAutoSnapMarkerColor vlaputAutoSnapMarkerSize vlaputAutoSnapToolTip vlaputAutoTrackingVecColor vlaputAutoTrackTooltip vlaputAxisPosition vlaputBackgroundColor vlaputBackgroundFill vlaputBackgroundLinesColor vlaputBackgroundLinesHiddenLine vlaputBackgroundLinesLayer vlaputBackgroundLinesLinetype vlaputBackgroundLinesLinetypeScale vlaputBackgroundLinesLineweight vlaputBackgroundLinesPlotStyleName vlaputBackgroundLinesVisible vlaputBackward vlaputBank vlaputBasePoint vlaputBaseRadius vlaputBatchPlotProgress vlaputBeepOnError vlaputBigFontFile vlaputBitFlags vlaputBlock vlaputBlockColor vlaputBlockConnectionType vlaputBlockRotation vlaputBlockScale vlaputBlockScaling vlaputBottomHeight vlaputBreaksEnabled vlaputBreakSize vlaputBreakSpacing vlaputBrightness

vlaputCanonicalMediaName vlaputCategoryName vlaputCenter vlaputCenterMarkSize vlaputCenterPlot vlaputCenterPoint vlaputCenterType vlaputCheck vlaputChordPoint vlaputCircumference vlaputClippingEnabled vlaputClosed vlaputClosed2 vlaputColor vlaputColorBookPath vlaputColorIndex vlaputColorMethod vlaputColumns vlaputColumnSpacing vlaputColumnWidth vlaputCommandDisplayName vlaputComment vlaputComments vlaputConfigName vlaputConstant vlaputConstantWidth vlaputConstrain vlaputContentBlockName vlaputContentBlockType vlaputContentType vlaputContinuousPlotLog vlaputContourLinesPerSurface vlaputContrast vlaputControlPoints vlaputCoordinate vlaputCoordinates vlaputCreaseLevel vlaputCreaseType vlaputCreateBackup vlaputCurrentSectionType vlaputCursorSize vlaputCurveTangencyLinesColor vlaputCurveTangencyLinesLayer vlaputCurveTangencyLinesLinetype vlaputCurveTangencyLinesLinetypeScale vlaputCurveTangencyLinesLineweight vlaputCurveTangencyLinesPlotStyleName vlaputCurveTangencyLinesVisible vlaputCustomDictionary

vlaputCustomIconPath vlaputCustomScale vlaputCvHullDisplay vlaputDecimalSeparator vlaputDefaultInternetURL vlaputDefaultOutputDevice vlaputDefaultPlotStyleForLayer vlaputDefaultPlotStyleForObjects vlaputDefaultPlotStyleTable vlaputDefaultPlotToFilePath vlaputDegree2 vlaputDemandLoadARXApp vlaputDescription vlaputDestinationBlock vlaputDestinationFile vlaputDiameter vlaputDimConstrDesc vlaputDimConstrExpression vlaputDimConstrForm vlaputDimConstrName vlaputDimConstrReference vlaputDimConstrValue vlaputDimensionLineColor vlaputDimensionLineExtend vlaputDimensionLinetype vlaputDimensionLineWeight vlaputDimLine1Suppress vlaputDimLine2Suppress vlaputDimLineInside vlaputDimLineSuppress vlaputDimTxtDirection vlaputDirection vlaputDirectionVector vlaputDisplayGrips vlaputDisplayGripsWithinBlocks vlaputDisplayLayoutTabs vlaputDisplayLocked vlaputDisplayOLEScale vlaputDisplayScreenMenu vlaputDisplayScrollBars vlaputDisplaySilhouette vlaputDockedVisibleLines vlaputDogLegged vlaputDoglegLength vlaputDrawingDirection vlaputDrawLeaderOrderType vlaputDrawMLeaderOrderType vlaputDriversPath vlaputDWFFormat

vlaputEdgeExtensionDistances vlaputElevation vlaputElevationModelSpace vlaputElevationPaperSpace vlaputEnable vlaputEnableBlockRotation vlaputEnableBlockScale vlaputEnableBreak vlaputEnableDogleg vlaputEnableFrameText vlaputEnableLanding vlaputEnableStartupDialog vlaputEndAngle vlaputEndDraftAngle vlaputEndDraftMagnitude vlaputEndParameter vlaputEndPoint vlaputEndSmoothContinuity vlaputEndSmoothMagnitude vlaputEndSubMenuLevel vlaputEndTangent vlaputEnterpriseMenuFile vlaputEntityColor vlaputEntityTransparency vlaputExplodable vlaputExtensionLineColor vlaputExtensionLineExtend vlaputExtensionLineOffset vlaputExtensionLineWeight vlaputExtLine1EndPoint vlaputExtLine1Linetype vlaputExtLine1Point vlaputExtLine1StartPoint vlaputExtLine1Suppress vlaputExtLine2EndPoint vlaputExtLine2Linetype vlaputExtLine2Point vlaputExtLine2StartPoint vlaputExtLine2Suppress vlaputExtLineFixedLen vlaputExtLineFixedLenSuppress vlaputFade vlaputFieldLength vlaputFile vlaputFirstSegmentAngleConstraint vlaputFit vlaputFitPoints vlaputFitTolerance vlaputFloatingRows

vlaputFlowDirection vlaputFontFile vlaputFontFileMap vlaputForceLineInside vlaputForegroundLinesColor vlaputForegroundLinesEdgeTransparency vlaputForegroundLinesFaceTransparency vlaputForegroundLinesHiddenLine vlaputForegroundLinesLayer vlaputForegroundLinesLinetype vlaputForegroundLinesLinetypeScale vlaputForegroundLinesLineweight vlaputForegroundLinesPlotStyleName vlaputForegroundLinesVisible vlaputFractionFormat vlaputFreeze vlaputFullCRCValidation vlaputFullScreenTrackingVector vlaputGenerationOptions vlaputGradientAngle vlaputGradientCentered vlaputGradientColor1 vlaputGradientColor2 vlaputGradientName vlaputGraphicsWinLayoutBackgrndColor vlaputGraphicsWinModelBackgrndColor vlaputGridOn vlaputGripColorSelected vlaputGripColorUnselected vlaputGripSize vlaputHasLeader vlaputHasVpAssociation vlaputHatchObjectType vlaputHatchStyle vlaputHeaderSuppressed vlaputHeight vlaputHelpFilePath vlaputHelpString vlaputHistory vlaputHistoryLines vlaputHorizontalTextPosition vlaputHorzCellMargin vlaputHyperlinkBase vlaputHyperlinkDisplayCursor vlaputImageFile vlaputImageFrameHighlight vlaputImageHeight vlaputImageVisibility vlaputImageWidth

vlaputIncrementalSavePercent vlaputIndicatorFillColor vlaputIndicatorTransparency vlaputInsertionPoint vlaputIntersectionBoundaryColor vlaputIntersectionBoundaryDivisionLines vlaputIntersectionBoundaryLayer vlaputIntersectionBoundaryLinetype vlaputIntersectionBoundaryLinetypeScale vlaputIntersectionBoundaryLineweight vlaputIntersectionBoundaryPlotStyleName vlaputIntersectionBoundaryVisible vlaputIntersectionFillColor vlaputIntersectionFillFaceTransparency vlaputIntersectionFillHatchAngle vlaputIntersectionFillHatchPatternName vlaputIntersectionFillHatchPatternType vlaputIntersectionFillHatchScale vlaputIntersectionFillHatchSpacing vlaputIntersectionFillLayer vlaputIntersectionFillLinetype vlaputIntersectionFillLinetypeScale vlaputIntersectionFillLineweight vlaputIntersectionFillPlotStyleName vlaputIntersectionFillVisible vlaputInvisible vlaputISOPenWidth vlaputIsPartial vlaputIssuer vlaputItemName vlaputJogAngle vlaputJogLocation vlaputJustification vlaputKeyboardAccelerator vlaputKeyboardPriority vlaputKeyLength vlaputKeywords vlaputKnotParameterization vlaputKnots vlaputLabel vlaputLabelBlockId vlaputLandingGap vlaputLargeButtons vlaputLastHeight vlaputLastSavedBy vlaputLayer vlaputLayerOn vlaputLayerState vlaputLayoutCreateViewport

vlaputLayoutCrosshairColor vlaputLayoutDisplayMargins vlaputLayoutDisplayPaper vlaputLayoutDisplayPaperShadow vlaputLayoutId vlaputLayoutShowPlotSetup vlaputLeader1Point vlaputLeader2Point vlaputLeaderLength vlaputLeaderLineColor vlaputLeaderLineType vlaputLeaderLineTypeId vlaputLeaderLineWeight vlaputLeaderType vlaputLeft vlaputLensLength vlaputLimits vlaputLinearScaleFactor vlaputLineSpacingDistance vlaputLineSpacingFactor vlaputLineSpacingStyle vlaputLinetype vlaputLinetypeGeneration vlaputLinetypeScale vlaputLineWeight vlaputLineWeightDisplay vlaputLiveSectionEnabled vlaputLoadAcadLspInAllDocuments vlaputLock vlaputLockAspectRatio vlaputLocked vlaputLockPosition vlaputLogFileOn vlaputLogFilePath vlaputMacro vlaputMainDictionary vlaputMaintainAssociativity vlaputMajorAxis vlaputMajorRadius vlaputMask vlaputMaterial vlaputMaxActiveViewports vlaputMaxAutoCADWindow vlaputMaxLeaderSegmentsPoints vlaputMClose vlaputMDensity vlaputMenuFile vlaputMinorRadius vlaputMLineScale

vlaputMode vlaputModelCrosshairColor vlaputModelView vlaputMonochrome vlaputMSpace vlaputMTextAttribute vlaputMTextAttributeContent vlaputMTextBoundaryWidth vlaputMTextDrawingDirection vlaputName vlaputNClose vlaputNDensity vlaputNormal vlaputNumberOfCopies vlaputObjectSnapMode vlaputObjectSortByPlotting vlaputObjectSortByPSOutput vlaputObjectSortByRedraws vlaputObjectSortByRegens vlaputObjectSortBySelection vlaputObjectSortBySnap vlaputObliqueAngle vlaputOleItemType vlaputOLELaunch vlaputOlePlotQuality vlaputOLEQuality vlaputOleSourceApp vlaputOrigin vlaputOrthoOn vlaputOverrideCenter vlaputPageSetupOverridesTemplateFile vlaputPaperUnits vlaputPassword vlaputPath vlaputPatternAngle vlaputPatternDouble vlaputPatternScale vlaputPatternSpace vlaputPeriodic vlaputPickAdd vlaputPickAuto vlaputPickBoxSize vlaputPickDrag vlaputPickFirst vlaputPickGroup vlaputPlotHidden vlaputPlotLegacy vlaputPlotLogFilePath vlaputPlotOrigin

vlaputPlotPolicy vlaputPlotRotation vlaputPlotStyleName vlaputPlottable vlaputPlotType vlaputPlotViewportBorders vlaputPlotViewportsFirst vlaputPlotWithLineweights vlaputPlotWithPlotStyles vlaputPolarTrackingVector vlaputPosition vlaputPostScriptPrologFile vlaputPreset vlaputPrimaryUnitsPrecision vlaputPrinterConfigPath vlaputPrinterDescPath vlaputPrinterPaperSizeAlert vlaputPrinterSpoolAlert vlaputPrinterStyleSheetPath vlaputPrintFile vlaputPrintSpoolerPath vlaputPrintSpoolExecutable vlaputProfileRotation vlaputPromptString vlaputProviderName vlaputProviderType vlaputProxyImage vlaputQNewTemplateFile vlaputQuietErrorMode vlaputRadius vlaputRadiusRatio vlaputRegenerateTableSuppressed vlaputRenderSmoothness vlaputRepeatBottomLabels vlaputRepeatTopLabels vlaputRevisionNumber vlaputRevolutionAngle vlaputRotation vlaputRoundDistance vlaputRowHeight vlaputRows vlaputRowSpacing vlaputSaveAsType vlaputSavePreviewThumbnail vlaputscale vlaputScaleFactor vlaputScaleHeight vlaputScaleLineweights vlaputScaleWidth

vlaputSCMCommandMode vlaputSCMDefaultMode vlaputSCMEditMode vlaputSCMTimeMode vlaputSCMTimeValue vlaputSecondPoint vlaputSecondSegmentAngleConstraint vlaputSegmentPerPolyline vlaputSerialNumber vlaputShadePlot vlaputSheetView vlaputShortCutMenuDisplay vlaputShowAssociativity vlaputShowHistory vlaputShowPlotStyles vlaputShowProxyDialogBox vlaputShowRasterImage vlaputShowRotation vlaputShowWarningMessages vlaputSingleDocumentMode vlaputSmoothness vlaputSnapBasePoint vlaputSnapOn vlaputSnapRotationAngle vlaputSolidFill vlaputSourceObjects vlaputSplineFrame vlaputSplineMethod vlaputStandardScale vlaputStandardScale2 vlaputStartAngle vlaputStartDraftAngle vlaputStartDraftMagnitude vlaputStartParameter vlaputStartPoint vlaputStartSmoothContinuity vlaputStartSmoothMagnitude vlaputStartTangent vlaputState vlaputStoreSQLIndex vlaputStyleName vlaputStyleSheet vlaputSubject vlaputSubUnitsFactor vlaputSubUnitsSuffix vlaputSupportPath vlaputSuppressLeadingZeros vlaputSuppressTrailingZeros vlaputSuppressZeroFeet

vlaputSuppressZeroInches vlaputSurfaceNormals vlaputSymbolPosition vlaputTableBreakFlowDirection vlaputTableBreakHeight vlaputTablesReadOnly vlaputTabOrder vlaputTagString vlaputTaperAngle vlaputTarget vlaputTempFileExtension vlaputTempFilePath vlaputTemplateDwgPath vlaputTemplateId vlaputTempXrefPath vlaputTextAlignmentPoint vlaputTextAlignmentType vlaputTextAngleType vlaputTextAttachmentDirection vlaputTextBackgroundFill vlaputTextBottomAttachmentType vlaputTextColor vlaputTextDirection vlaputTextEditor vlaputTextFill vlaputTextFillColor vlaputTextFont vlaputTextFontSize vlaputTextFontStyle vlaputTextFrameDisplay vlaputTextGap vlaputTextGenerationFlag vlaputTextHeight vlaputTextInside vlaputTextInsideAlign vlaputTextJustify vlaputTextLeftAttachmentType vlaputTextLineSpacingDistance vlaputTextLineSpacingFactor vlaputTextLineSpacingStyle vlaputTextMovement vlaputTextOutsideAlign vlaputTextOverride vlaputTextPosition vlaputTextPrecision vlaputTextPrefix vlaputTextRightAttachmentType vlaputTextRotation vlaputTextString

vlaputTextStyle vlaputTextStyleName vlaputTextSuffix vlaputTextTopAttachmentType vlaputTextureMapPath vlaputTextWidth vlaputTextWinBackgrndColor vlaputTextWinTextColor vlaputThickness vlaputTimeServer vlaputTitle vlaputTitleSuppressed vlaputToleranceDisplay vlaputToleranceHeightScale vlaputToleranceJustification vlaputToleranceLowerLimit vlaputTolerancePrecision vlaputToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros vlaputToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros vlaputToleranceSuppressZeroFeet vlaputToleranceSuppressZeroInches vlaputToleranceUpperLimit vlaputToolPalettePath vlaputTop vlaputTopHeight vlaputTopRadius vlaputTranslateIDs vlaputTransparency vlaputTrueColor vlaputTrueColorImages vlaputTurnHeight vlaputTurns vlaputTwist vlaputTwistAngle vlaputType vlaputUCSIconAtOrigin vlaputUCSIconOn vlaputUCSPerViewport vlaputUIsolineDensity vlaputUnderlayLayerOverrideApplied vlaputUnderlayName vlaputUnderlayVisibility vlaputUnits vlaputUnitsFormat vlaputUpsideDown vlaputURL vlaputURLDescription vlaputURLNamedLocation vlaputUseEntityColor

vlaputUseLastPlotSettings vlaputUseStandardScale vlaputValue vlaputVerify vlaputVertCellMargin vlaputVerticalDirection vlaputVerticalTextPosition vlaputVertices vlaputViewingDirection vlaputViewportDefault vlaputViewportOn vlaputViewToPlot vlaputVisibilityEdge1 vlaputVisibilityEdge2 vlaputVisibilityEdge3 vlaputVisibilityEdge4 vlaputVisible vlaputVIsolineDensity vlaputVisualStyle vlaputWeights vlaputWidth vlaputWindowLeft vlaputWindowState vlaputWindowTop vlaputWireframeType vlaputWorkspacePath vlaputXEffectiveScaleFactor vlaputXrefDemandLoad vlaputXRefEdit vlaputXRefFadeIntensity vlaputXRefLayerVisibility vlaputXScaleFactor vlaputXVector vlaputYEffectiveScaleFactor vlaputYScaleFactor vlaputYVector vlaputZEffectiveScaleFactor vlaputZScaleFactor vlaPutRemoteFile vlaQuit vlaRealToString vlaRecomputeTableBlock vlaRefreshPlotDeviceInfo vlaRegen vlaReload vlaRemove vlaRemoveAllOverrides vlaRemoveCustomByIndex vlaRemoveCustomByKey

vlaRemoveEntry vlaRemoveFromMenuBar vlaRemoveItems vlaRemoveLeader vlaRemoveLeaderLine vlaRemoveMenuFromMenuBar vlaRemoveVertex vlaRename vlaRenameCellStyle vlaRenameProfile vlaReplace vlaReselectSubRegion vlaResetBlock vlaResetCellValue vlaResetProfile vlaRestore vlaReverse vlaRotate vlaRotate3D vlaRunMacro vlaSave vlaSaveAs vlaScaleEntity vlaSectionSolid vlaSelect vlaSelectAtPoint vlaSelectByPolygon vlaSelectOnScreen vlaSelectSubRegion vlaSendCommand vlaSendModelessOperationEnded vlaSendModelessOperationStart vlaSetAlignment vlaSetAlignment2 vlaSetAutoScale vlaSetAutoScale2 vlaSetBackgroundColor vlaSetBackgroundColor2 vlaSetBackgroundColorNone vlaSetBitmaps vlaSetBlockAttributeValue vlaSetBlockAttributeValue2 vlaSetBlockRotation vlaSetBlockScale vlaSetBlockTableRecordId vlaSetBlockTableRecordId2 vlaSetBreakHeight vlaSetBulge vlaSetCellAlignment

vlaSetCellBackgroundColor vlaSetCellBackgroundColorNone vlaSetCellClass vlaSetCellContentColor vlaSetCellDataType vlaSetCellFormat vlaSetCellGridColor vlaSetCellGridLineWeight vlaSetCellGridVisibility vlaSetCellState vlaSetCellStyle vlaSetCellTextHeight vlaSetCellTextStyle vlaSetCellType vlaSetCellValue vlaSetCellValueFromText vlaSetColor vlaSetColor2 vlaSetColorBookColor vlaSetColumnName vlaSetColumnWidth vlaSetContentColor vlaSetContentColor2 vlaSetContentLayout vlaSetControlPoint vlaSetCustomByIndex vlaSetCustomByKey vlaSetCustomData vlaSetCustomScale vlaSetDatabase vlaSetDataFormat vlaSetDataType vlaSetDataType2 vlaSetDoglegDirection vlaSetFieldId vlaSetFieldId2 vlaSetFitPoint vlaSetFont vlaSetFormat vlaSetFormat2 vlaSetFormula vlaSetGridColor vlaSetGridColor2 vlaSetGridDoubleLineSpacing vlaSetGridLineStyle vlaSetGridLinetype vlaSetGridLineWeight vlaSetGridLineWeight2 vlaSetGridSpacing

vlaSetGridVisibility vlaSetGridVisibility2 vlaSetInvisibleEdge vlaSetLayoutsToPlot vlaSetLeaderLineVertices vlaSetMargin vlaSetNames vlaSetOverride vlaSetPattern vlaSetProjectFilePath vlaSetRelativeDrawOrder vlaSetRGB vlaSetRotation vlaSetRowHeight vlaSetScale vlaSetSnapSpacing vlaSetSubSelection vlaSetTemplateId vlaSetText vlaSetTextHeight vlaSetTextHeight2 vlaSetTextRotation vlaSetTextString vlaSetTextStyle vlaSetTextStyle2 vlaSetTextStyleId vlaSetToolTip vlaSetValue vlaSetValueFromText vlaSetVariable vlaSetView vlaSetWeight vlaSetWidth vlaSetWindowToPlot vlaSetXData vlaSetXRecordData vlaSliceSolid vlaSplit vlaStartBatchMode vlaStartUndoMark vlaSwapOrder vlaSyncModelView vlaTransformBy vlaTranslateCoordinates vlaUnload vlaUnloadArx vlaUnloadDVB vlaUnmergeCells vlaUpdate

vlaUpdateEntry vlaUpdateMTextAttribute vlaWblock vlaZoomAll vlaZoomCenter vlaZoomExtents vlaZoomPickWindow vlaZoomPrevious vlaZoomScaled vlaZoomWindow VLARTSINIT


vlax3dpoint VLAXADDCMD vlaxcreateobject vlaxcurvegetArea vlaxcurvegetClosestPointTo vlaxcurvegetClosestPointToProjection vlaxcurvegetDistAtParam vlaxcurvegetDistAtPoint vlaxcurvegetEndParam vlaxcurvegetEndPoint vlaxcurvegetFirstDeriv vlaxcurvegetParamAtDist vlaxcurvegetParamAtPoint vlaxcurvegetPointAtDist vlaxcurvegetPointAtParam vlaxcurvegetSecondDeriv vlaxcurvegetStartParam vlaxcurvegetStartPoint vlaxcurveisClosed vlaxcurveisPeriodic vlaxcurveisPlanar vlaxdumpObject vlaxename>vlaobject vlaxerasedp VLAXFOR vlaxget vlaxgetacadobject vlaxgetobject vlaxgetorcreateobject vlaxgetproperty vlaximporttypelibrary vlaxinvoke vlaxinvokemethod vlaxldatadelete vlaxldataget vlaxldatalist vlaxldataput vlaxldatatest vlaxmakesafearray vlaxmakevariant vlaxmapCollection vlaxmethodapplicablep vlaxobjectreleasedp


vlaxproductkey vlaxpropertyavailablep vlaxput vlaxputproperty vlaxqueueexpr vlaxreadenabledp vlaxregapp vlaxreleaseobject VLAXREMOVECMD vlaxsafearray>list vlaxsafearrayfill vlaxsafearraygetdim vlaxsafearraygetelement vlaxsafearraygetlbound vlaxsafearraygetubound vlaxsafearrayputelement vlaxsafearraytype vlaxtmatrix vlaxtypeinfoavailablep vlaxvariantchangetype vlaxvarianttype vlaxvariantvalue vlaxvbAbort vlaxvbAbortRetryIgnore vlaxvbApplicationModal vlaxvbArchive vlaxvbArray vlaxvbBoolean vlaxvbCancel vlaxvbCritical vlaxvbCurrency vlaxvbDataObject vlaxvbDate vlaxvbDefaultButton1 vlaxvbDefaultButton2 vlaxvbDefaultButton3 vlaxvbDirectory vlaxvbDouble vlaxvbEmpty vlaxvbError vlaxvbExclamation vlaxvbHidden vlaxvbHiragana vlaxvbIgnore vlaxvbInformation vlaxvbInteger vlaxvbKatakana vlaxvbLong vlaxvbLowerCase

vlaxvbNarrow vlaxvbNo vlaxvbNormal vlaxvbNull vlaxvbObject vlaxvbOK vlaxvbOKCancel vlaxvbOKOnly vlaxvbProperCase vlaxvbQuestion vlaxvbReadOnly vlaxvbRetry vlaxvbRetryCancel vlaxvbSingle vlaxvbString vlaxvbSystem vlaxvbSystemModal vlaxvbUpperCase vlaxvbVariant vlaxvbVolume vlaxvbWide vlaxvbYes vlaxvbYesNo vlaxvbYesNoCancel vlaxvlaobject>ename vlaxwriteenabledp


The following table shows the available default keyboard shortcuts provided within the Visual LISP IDE or VLIDE editor.
F1 Help F3 Find / Replace Next F6 Display LISP Console Window F8 Step Into SHIFT+F8 Step Over CTRL+SHIFT+F8Step Out Of F9 Toggle BreakPoint CTRL+SHIFT+F9Clear All BreakPoints CTRL+W Add Watch CTRL+R Reset to Current Level CTRL+Q Quit to Current Level ALT+F6 Zoom ALT+Q Exit / Quit Visual LISP IDE


Adding VLX support to the (autoload) function

By default, the AutoLISP (autoload) function will only look for .LSP, .FAS or .MNL file types when searching for a specified file loading. It will not consider .VLX files at all. This is a minor but often significant oversight by Autodesk, but fortunately it is an easy fix. Simply open the Acad2000doc.lsp file located in the Support folder of your AutoCAD installation. Then locate the (defun ai_ffile) function definition and add an additional check for .vlx files, save the file and close it. This will need to be done on every machine that you wish to perform this change.

Saving your VLIDE configuration settings

When you modify the editor configuration settings your changes are saved in a configuration file named VLIDE.DSK in the Support folder where your local copy of AutoCAD (or network client) is installed. You should keep a copy of this file elsewhere to avoid it being overwritten when reinstalling AutoCAD or installing a service pack update. This file contains your formatting preferences (colors, tabs, indentation, etc.).

Recovering DCL Code from VLX Files

In Chapter 13 the details of how LSP and DCL are compiled into VLX output was discussed. One thing to remember is that while the LSP code is first compiled into FAS form before being compiled into the VLX output, DCL code is not compiled at all. It is simply appended to the bottom of the VLX output file. Therefore, you can open VLX files in any standard text editor such as Windows Notepad, and browse to the bottom of the file to find all the DCL code in tact. You can copy and paste it from there back into a new DCL file whenever you delete a DCL file by mistake but happen to have the VLX available.

Using Projects and DCL with the Make Application Wizard

To put Projects to their full use, it is a good practice to add all related files for a given VLX into a project. Then order them in the proper sequence based upon the order of function definition statements (load order). Next, when using the Make Application wizard, select the Project PRJ file instead of the individual LSP files.


Since DCL files cannot be included in a Project list, you would normally have to add them individually in the Resource files list of the Make Application wizard (Expert mode only). However, another approach can be to concatenate all the DCL files into a single DCL file. This will result in having to add one PRJ and one DCL file to make the VLX application. To concatenate multiple DCL files into a single DCL file, use the ageold DOS command COPY as follows:

This will copy all .DCL files into a single file named ALL.DCL. Remember to consider the relative paths, or run everything from within the same path location.

Team-based VLX Development

If youre developing a network based project along with several other developers, you should keep a few things in mind. First, the PRV format stores the path/drive information for your source files when compiling VLX applications. Secondly, sharing PRV setup files only works when the relative pathing is portable to all intended users. By "portable", I mean that the relative path/drive information must be equally applicable by all intended users. Its a good idea to have all the developers copy the entire source code set to their local hard drives and use local pathing for all your PRV file setups. Then after the VLX apps are built, copy them up to the intended network server(s). In addition, if you have some sort of change management software, such as Visual Source Safe, StarBase, PVCSDOORS or whatever, you should use that in order to manage checkout, checkin and version control over all the various files to avoid stepping on each others work and creating confusion.


Unlike the list I included with the 2003 edition, some have since fallen off the Internet. Those that are still available:


ActiveX Bookmark that location quickly. Breakpoint execution. CallBack

(boy, oh boy. Ask Microsoft) A location marker placed in a document that enables the user to return to

A marker placed in program code that instructs the compiler or interpreter

to pause execution at runtime and wait for the user to perform debugging tasks or continue

A requested response to a given action or event. For example, a callback to

clicking a button might be "accept" which then triggers a call to a particular function or expression. Collection A group of objects with a common parent and related properties or methods

that enable processing the objects in a logical manner as a group. COM Component Object Model. A Microsoft technology that defines a hierarchical

organization of software components, and services and provides intrinsic properties, methods and events for components and services that enable more efficient programmatic manipulation and promotes componentized functional reuse. Other flavors include Distributed COM or DCOM and the newer COM+ included with Windows 2000 and XP platforms. Constant Consumer A variable or symbol with a static value assignment. Any software component or application that imports or uses the exposed

component services of another software component or service. The source of the imported components or services is known as a provider. Control Data Type An ActiveX DLL component. The intrinsic nature of a particular value with respect to what form of data is

represented. Examples of ActiveX data types include Integer, Long, Double, String, and Array. DCL Dialog Control Language, a Cbased language construct used to define dialog

box forms within the AutoCAD LISP and Visual LISP environments.


Debug or programming logic. Dictionary

The process of isolating, diagnosing and correcting errors in program code

A type of collection that provides direct access to member objects by a using

unique identifier for each object. DLL A dynamic link library is a Windowsbased ActiveX component that usually

exposes functions, properties, methods, and constants for use by other applications. It is something like a packaged library of tools that can be loaded by applications to perform specialized tasks. Element Enumeration Evaluate An individual member of an array or safearray construct. (need an official definition for this one) The process of executing a LISP expression or extracting an associated value

from a LISP symbol and returning a result. Event A moment when some action occurs in a software program. This can be the

click of a button or moving an entity. An event usually provides programmatic notification that can be detected and responded to using a reactor or callback. Expression A program statement within the context of AutoLISP or Visual LISP

interpreter environments. Focus The state of a given item within a DCL dialog box either having control by the

active cursor location. If an editbox has the cursor active and is editable, it is said to have the focus. When the cursor is moved out of a given item, it is said to have lost the focus. Function In the context of software development, this is an expression or group of

expressions that processes some type of input and returns a result. In the context of Visual LISP, a subroutine and a function are synonymous. In the context of other languages like Visual Basic or C/C++ a subroutine returns no result, while a function returns a result. Global Any variable, symbol or expression that is exposed for either read or write

manipulation by all other variables, symbols or expression running in the same namespace. A symbol or expression that is hidden from access by other expressions is said to be Localized or Local to its parent function or expression. Heap A pile of trash that needs to be cleaned up, or a logical memory address space


allocated for a particular group of related expression definitions and/or their results. Interface (Programming) any means by which one software component or service can

connect to another for the purposes of requesting services or values from the other component or service. This can also involve the passing of information in either direction through a common logical programmatic reference. Iterate (vlaxfor). Local Any variable, symbol or expression that is not shared or accessible outside of A loop process where items are accessed in a sequential order within a group

of related items. Examples of iteration functions are (while), (do while), (foreach), (repeat), and

its parent function or expression. Marshalling The process of controlling an external process remotely from another

process. Launching another application in serialized fashion is but one example of marshalling. Method and Copy. Modal / Modeless Refers to the nature of how a dialog form can be displayed and controlled A builtin function of a given object that enables automated retrieval or

modification of that object. Examples of methods provided by a Line object include Move, Rotate,

within the environment in which it is launched. If the dialog can remain visible while the user can continue to interact with other aspects of the parent application, the form is said to be Modeless. If the visible form prevents interaction with other aspects of the parent application until it is closed, that form is said to be Modal in nature. NameSpace An isolated memory address range allocated to a given application or

process. The address range is protected from access by other address ranges, and thereby creates a protected environment for the process to execute within. Object In the context of software development: An instance of a class that provides

intrinsic functionality such as properties, methods or events that can be used to interact with other services, components or objects to perform some programming task. Object Model A logical, hierarchical organization of objects within a parent software

application or process. For example, Windows 2000 has an object model provided by the Win32 and DCOM or COM+ class environments. AutoCAD 2002 has its own object model provided by the


ActiveX framework and exposed through ObjectDBX, ObjectARX, VBA and Visual LISP environments. Project Property (Visual LISP) a named collection of program source code files. An intrinsic attribute of a given object that enables unique identification of

that object in some way. Provider A software application or component that exposes some functionality for use

by other applications or components. In particular, it becomes a provider while it is actually used by a consumer application, component or service. Reactor A special type of software service provided by Visual LISP that acts as a

listening device for specific events within the AutoCAD application session and optionally performs some task when a specified condition is met by an intercepted event. Recursion The process of evaluating inputs to a given function whereby the repetitive

processing to achieve a desired result involves one or more selfinvocations of the same function by itself until a final, terminating condition is met. RPC some action remotely. SafeArray An array of elements whereby the array has a fixed length and cannot be A Remote Procedure Call process that is provided by the Windows operating

system to allow a local process to request a process to be created on another machine to perform

modified to increase or decrease the length (number of elements that can be stored within it). It is said to be "safe" because it cannot change length, and thereby reduces the possibility of errors as a result of attempting to enter or retrieve elements from an index that is out of bounds (beyond the end of the array). Scope A minty mouthwash, or a logical boundary with respect to the reach or

lifespan of a specific symbol or expression Stack A logical container that can collect objects or values and allow for systematic

addition or removal of members in an orderly or sequential manner. Stepping The process of stopping program execution and allowing the user to

manually advance execution one statement or one line at a time. There are several types of stepping: Step Into, Step Over and Step Out Of.


Type Casting

The process of converting one data type to another, such as converting an

integer number value to a string value. Type Library Also called a TypeLib, is a dedicated software component that identifies the

object model and member objects, properties, methods, and constants of that object model to any other applications or processes that request programmatic interaction. Variant A data type that is defined to be capable of storing all other data types,

thereby avoiding the concern of verifying a given data type before assigning or retrieving it from a given variable or symbol. WorkSpace The active set of related program documents opened in the programming

development environment. WSH Microsofts Windows Scripting Host, a software service that provides

runtime support for executing script code files on a machine. WSH allows scripts to be run either in the Windows namespace or within the namespace of a calling application or process from a programmatic interface. The default WSH enabling services are CSCRIPT (command line interface) and WSCRIPT (graphical user interface).


I really want to thank some people who have given me the knowledge, desire and perseverance to even attempt to revive this book again: Special thanks to Phill Ash for proofreading this before going to press. Gene Straka For writing one of the best books on programming I've ever read, regardless of language or technology (titled "AutoLISP Programming by Example"). That book was the spark that lit the fire for me. Peter Seibel For writing "Practical Common LISP" which is about as "practical" as anyone can make such a book. Phill Ash, Jon Szewczak and Brad Hamiltion For sharing ideas and pushing the envelope, with or without mass consumption of beer and coffee. Jerry Milana, Frank Moore, Shaan Hurley Some of the greatest people, and Autodesk employees, I have had the honor of meeting over the years. Bobby Johnson, Everett Browning, Paul Perusse, Stephen Correia For allowing me unbelievable room to grow and explore even when it broke the rules. My wife Kathy, all four of our incredible kids, for putting up with my crazy ideas. Joe Sutphin, Kenny Ramage, Sherko Sharif, Frank Oquendo, Bill Kramer, Scott McFarlane, Owen Wengard, Rheini Urban, Randall Rath (wherever you are), for pushing the envelop for the benefit of us all. Persons mentioned above, or anywhere within this document, that may work for certain known companies are named out of appreciation for their generosity, renown expertise and overall compassion for helping others to better understand and leverage the software technologies discussed herein. It is in no way a statement of acknowledgement, approval or condonement on behalf of their employers or themselves in any manner. Some of these people do not even know Ive named them herein. Ho ho ho.


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