Gas Insulated Substation
Gas Insulated Substation
Gas Insulated Substation
Substation Conventional substation(AIS) Limitations of AIS The need for GIS Introduction to GIS Properties of SF6 GIS assembly Advantages of GIS Design features Drawbacks Future trends in GIS Conclusion
They require protection against atmospheric pollution and moisture ,noiseless operation , non explosive and flame resistant,reduced maintenance, minimal radio interference, but totally enclosed SF6 gas as insulation also known as Gas insulated substation is now widespread in use.
Non-toxic ,very stable chemically. Man-made. Lifetime-Very long(800 to 3200 years). Insulating properties 3-times that of air. Colorless &heavier than air. Almost water insoluble. Non inflammable.
ESSENTIAL PART OF GIS: Bus bar Circuit Breaker Disconnector Earthing switch C.T &P.T(feeder/bus) Feeder Disconnector Feeder Earthing switch Lightning/Surge Arrester Cable termination Control Panel
Occupies very less space (1/10th) compared to ordinary substation Hence more preferred where area for substation is small(eg: cities). Most reliable compared to air insulated substation. Number of outlages due to fault is less. Maintenance free. Can be assembled at workshop and modules can be commissioned in the plant easily.
Compact design of switch gear by using three phase modules. Use of vacuum circuit breakers cells in the medium high voltage GIS. Optimization of GIS design to allow easier maintenance. Development of DC GIS for incorporating into expanding national/international HVDC systems. Search for replacement gases for SF6. Replacement of existing AIS by GIS will accelerate especially near urban centers.
GIS- Necessary for Extra HV &Ultra HV. More conservative design. Improve gas handling. Decomposition products management techniques. Achieving &maintaining high levels of availability require more integrated approach to quality control by both users and manufacturers.