Mobilehome Parks Report 03-14 Mar 2014
Mobilehome Parks Report 03-14 Mar 2014
Mobilehome Parks Report 03-14 Mar 2014
Assemblyman Roger Hernandez (D-West Covina) introduced AB 2587 at the request of the City of El Monte. The bi adds a ne! subsection to "ection 7#8.$7 of the Mobilehome Residency Law. %enta A&ree'ents that 'eet the criteria of "ection 7#8.$7 are e(e')t fro' oca rent contro ordinances. * +onte ado)ted a 'obi eho'e )ar,s rent contro ordinance in Au&ust 2-$. after a 'easure on the /ove'ber 2-$2 re)ea ed a )rohibition a&ainst rent contro .
AB 2587 !ou d authori0e a cit1 counci to 2)ub ish a notice of )re)aration and )re)are a 'obi eho'e )ar, rent surve134 and to consider3 chan&e3 and a))rove the surve1 at a )ub ic hearin&. Within $2 'onths after the surve1 is a))roved3 the cit1 cou d 2 i'it the base rent4 to an a'ount o!er than the rent that !ou d other!ise be bi ed under the on& ter' ease. 5At east that6s !hat it see's to intend.7 8n a )ress re ease3 Asse'b 1'an 9ernande0 said3 2AB 2587 !i ensure fair
'ar,et va ues for 'obi eho'e renta s)ace b1 surve1in& the re evant 'ar,et area in order to deter'ine a fair base renta rate.4 The bi defines the 2surve14 as 2a !ritten surve1 of renta 'obi eho'e )ar, rent eve s !ithin a &eo&ra)hica 1 re evant 'ar,et area that co')ares and describes the rent eve s in 'obi eho'e )ar,s !ithin the $2 'onths )recedin& the )ub ication of the notice of )re)aration.4 8f 1ou are sa1in& 29uh:4 after readin& that3 1ou are not a one. Before the * +onte cit1 counci ado)ted the rent contro ordinance in Au&ust3
Thomas P. Kerr has four decades of experience in government, politics, and the manufactured housing industry. For seven years, he was executive director of Western Mobilehome Association, the largest business organization of mobilehome par owners. !err has been a consultant to the "alifornia #egislature, the savings and loan industry association, and to developers, par owners, and cities. $e is a mobilehome par owner and property manager himself. A licensed real estate bro er, consultant, and expert witness, %om is editor and publisher of Mobilehome Parks Report and other publications on manufactured housing. $e has instructed seminars and continuing education programs on manufactured housing for the &niversity of "alifornia and the 'lanners( "onference of the #eague of "alifornia "ities..
March *+,-
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John DeFalco a))eared before the counci on beha f of Da evie!3 e() ained the rent schedu e at the senior )ar, !hich avera&es AB7; )er 'onth3 and as,ed for s)ecia consideration of )ar,s !ith 'ore than $-s)aces but !ith rents ess than A7B)er 'onth. The counci a&reed. The ordinance a o!s )ar,s !ith $-s)aces or 'ore but !ith rents ess than A7B- )er 'onth as of =ctober $3 2-$.3 to ev1 annua rent increases of u) to A5- )er 'onth unti the A7B- cei in& is reached. (The counci can increase the cei in& in the future.) The resu t is that a other rent increases in e(cess of either A5- )er 'onth or above the A7B)er 'onth cei in& in )ar,s !ith 'ore than $-- s)aces are sub?ect to the revie! and a))rova of the cit1 rent revie! board. "o after a the s icin& and dicin&3 * +onte6s rent contro ordinance effective 1 a)) ies on 1 to Broo,side. The surve1 done for the cit1 found s)ace
rents at Broo,side ran&ed fro' A$3.22 to A$3B.. )er 'onth. * +onte6s 'obi eho'e )ar, rent contro ordinance has a one-1ear sunset c ause. Cit1 staff is to 2s)ea, !ith and assist 'obi e ho'e residents and )ar, o!ners to continue to receive fair and reasonab e return of their invest'ents in this co''unit1.4 +an1 of the s)aces at Broo,side are on on&ter' eases so the ne! cit1 ordinance doesn6t i')act the rents at those s)aces or future increases. The thrust of AB 2587 see's to be to &ive the Cit1 of * +onte a too to &et at Broo,side6s on&ter' eases. 8n announcin& the bi 3 9ernande0 said@ 2+an1 of our 'obi e ho'e )ar, residents enter into on& ter'- ease contracts because the1 are afraid of ra)id and si&nificant rent increases. This bi !i )rovide so'e )iece of 'ind to those that are on fi(ed inco'es.4 9o! AB 2587 !i acco') ish that isn6t evident.
2014 by Thomas P. Kerr !nc. POBox 60156 Sacramento, CA 95860-0156 (916) 971-0489 Please respect copyrights. "o# ha$e contracted %or an indi$id#al s#bscription. &eprod#ction is illegal.
March *+,-
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that 'ort&a&e enders no! require.4 2The co d3 hard fact34 A t'an !rites3 2is that risin& student debt !i benefit the a)art'ent industr1 because t!ent1- and thirt1-so'ethin&s !ho are unab e to bu1 ho'es !i have to re'ain in renta housin& on&er than their )redecessors.4 +an1 a)art'ent renters sadd ed !ith bi& co e&e debt )robab 1 !ant to 'ove on and bu1 sin& e-fa'i 1 ho'es3 but the1 can6t. The1 aren6t 2renters b1 choice.4 That 'a1 'a,e the' )ros)ective )urchasers of 'anufactured ho'es and residents of fa'i 1-oriented co''unities. The1 cou d beco'e an infusion of ne! b ood into 'an1 co''unities.
2014 by Thomas P. Kerr !nc. POBox 60156 Sacramento, CA 95860-0156 (916) 971-0489 Please respect copyrights. "o# ha$e contracted %or an indi$id#al s#bscription. &eprod#ction is illegal.
March *+,-
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nothing would ever be a&&roved. The idea is to get going. $tart digging a hole and make it so big( there*s no alternative to com) ing u& with the mon) ey to "ill it in.+ Based on Bro!n6s insi&ht3 *d!ards sa1s his Ia! can be refor'u ated@ 8f a )o itician sa1s a )ro?ect !i cost A$3 that6s ?ust the do!n )a1'ent. The ba ance due !i be at east another A$.
de iberate 1 o!ba initia cost esti'ates in order to &et )ro?ects a))roved: After readin& about do0ens J )robab 1 hundreds J of such incidents over the 1ears3 *d!ards thin,s the ans!er is both. %e&ardin& o!ba in&3 here6s !hat for'er "an Drancisco +a1or (and for'er Asse' b1 ")ea,er) )illie !rown !rote@ News that the Transbay Terminal is something like $300 million over budget should not come as a shock to anyone. e always knew the initial estimate was way under the real cost. !ust like we never had a real cost "or the #entral $ubway or the %ay %ridge or any other massive construction &ro'ect. $o get o"" it. In the world o" civic &ro'ects( the "irst budget is re) ally 'ust a down &ayment. I" &eo&le knew the real cost "rom the start(
-ederal go$ernment property o(nership The federa &overn'ent o!ns a sta&&erin& .-B3--- bui din&s3 accordin& to the *+,+ 'eneral ,er ices Administration. 8n addition3 the &overn'ent eases 553--- bui din&s3 for a tota of .B$3---. These inc ude offices3 hos)ita s3 !arehouses3 and other sorts of faci ities.
2014 by Thomas P. Kerr !nc. POBox 60156 Sacramento, CA 95860-0156 (916) 971-0489 Please respect copyrights. "o# ha$e contracted %or an indi$id#al s#bscription. &eprod#ction is illegal.
March *+,-
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cient 1 !ou d save on ener&13 !hich !ou d &ain su))ort fro' environ'enta ists.
2#ccess no( 3bad4 "te)hen %oss3 inf uentia in /e! Cor, rea estate circ es3 )redicts@ 2There !i be a run of re&u ations3 hi&her costs and other anti-successfu ru es and a!s !hich over ti'e !i ha')er 'a,in& )ro)er returns on invest'ent in /e! Cor,. "uccess is no! considered bad officia 1 and the1 ta , about t!o cities3 the need to redistribute !ea th and an end to u(ur1 housin& deve o)'ent in favor of affordab e housin&.4 !ncrease property ta5es to increase re$en#e <ro)ert1 ta(es is one of the fe! ) aces !here the 'a1or can turn to brin& in 'ore revenue. Ta( assess'ent ro s are due to rise b1 8K be&innin& in >u 13 the second-hi&hest &ain since $##B.
2This sho!s the &a'e that )o iticians ) a134 rea estate bro,er %obert Fna,a !rites on 2The1 can sa1 ta( rates !i not &o u)3 but the1 !i rise b1 virture of increasin& )ro)ert1 assess'ents.4
2014 by Thomas P. Kerr !nc. POBox 60156 Sacramento, CA 95860-0156 (916) 971-0489 Please respect copyrights. "o# ha$e contracted %or an indi$id#al s#bscription. &eprod#ction is illegal.
March *+,-
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March 2014
Dor fisca 1ear 2-$;-$53 the cit1!ide 'ar,et va ue of )ro)erties increased B.BK to A#$;.8 bi ion. 2The rea estate co''unit1 has been the AT+ for /CC6s bud&et34 Fna,a sa1s. Bet!een )ro)ert1 and transfer ta(es3 revenue)roducin& )ro)erties account for .8K of the cit16s bud&et3 coverin& virtua 1 ever1 service fro' )o ice and fire to correction a&encies. The Minnesota Center for Fiscal E-cellence finds that /CC co''ercia o!ners )a1 a ratio of a 'ost si( ti'es !hat ho'eo!ners )a1. The ne(t 'a?or cit13 Boston3 is under four. Accordin& to a ,t&dley %nc+ re)ort3 /CC office bui din&s have the second hi&hest ta(es )er square foot at A$;.#5 in 2-$2. Washin&ton DC is hi&hest at A$5.5-. "an Drancisco ta(es are A5.-5Lsf. Ta( increases are 'ost 1 )assed on to office and retai tenants. =ffice easin& bro,ers sa1 tenants are oo,in& to 'ove to /e! >erse1. %ea estate ta(es on residentia are a so hot 1 debated. Condo o!ners recent1 suffered a 7.;K increase to an avera&e of A73#87H but co-o)s on 1 increased b1 5.5K to AB32;7. "in& e fa'i 1 ho'es on 1 sa! an increase of ..8K to A;35#8. 9o'es are ta(ed at their rent )otentia rather than their va ue. De B asio )a1s A23#-- a 1ear in ta(es for his to!nhouse va ued at A$.$ 'i ion. The a!suit sa1s that the s1ste' is inherent 1 i'ba anced3 !ith those in a)art'ents )a1in& .7K of the )ro)ert1 ta(es !hi e accountin& for 2.K of tota 'ar,et va ueH and those in ho'es )a1in& on 1 $5.5K !hi e 'a,in& u) ;8K of tota va ue. The i'ba ance is de iberate3 )art of a decades- on& effort b1 state a!'a,ers and Cit1 Counci 'e'bers to ,ee) the cit16s residentia ho'eo!ners - at one )oint3 considered the 'idd e c ass - fro' eavin& the cit1. But the a!suit sa1s the i'ba ance a'ounts to discri'ination3 because ho'eo!ners are dis)ro)ortionate 1 !hite or Asian3 !hi e renters are dis)ro)ortionate 1 b ac, or 9is)anic3 co')ared to the cit16s )o)u ation.
Class action la(s#it o$er property ta5es The cit16s )ro)ert1 ta( s1ste' has on& been critici0ed for favorin& ho'eo!ners over renters3 and a bo'bshe c ass action a!suit fi ed in Debruar1 char&es that it discri'inates a&ainst b ac,s and 9is)anics.
This publication is intended to provide accurate and authoritative information about the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or similar professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the service of a competent professional should be sought.
2014 by Thomas P. Kerr !nc. POBox 60156 Sacramento, CA 95860-0156 (916) 971-0489 Please respect copyrights. "o# ha$e contracted %or an indi$id#al s#bscription. &eprod#ction is illegal.