Ashlee Mammenga Two Prong Lesson Plan 2

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Ashlee Mammenga Lesson prong #2

Two-Prong Lesson Plan

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Two-Prong Focus:

1) Visual Art:
Standard 1: Understanding and Applying Media, Techniques, and Processes Benchmark 4: The student employs media, techniques, and processes to communicate through works of art. Standard 2: Using Knowledge of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design Benchmark 3: The student applies key elements* and key principles* in creating works of art.

Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.7 Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to
the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.5.2 Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.

Student Objectives: Students will be able to describe and talk about Eric Carle.

Students will be able to visualize Eric Carle work while summarizing a story. Students will create a work of art using techniques that artists used Students will display techniques and certain art media learned.
Teaching Procedure: Introduction: 1. Attention/focus: Clap a rhythm. Have students gather and have them look at the covers displayed on the smart board. 2. Interest: Ask students if they know the author Eric Carle? Show them covers of his books. 3. Set mood: What does it look like Eric Carle creates his art out of? 4. Set purpose: Talk About his work and show biography of Eric Carle 5. Review and relate: Show students the Collection of Eric Carle books you collected.


Make ground rules and expectations clear: Explain the activities that we will be doing today and explain that everyone has to participate and do their part in the project. Everyone needs to take it serious and do a great job no foolishness is allowed. 7. Energizers and warm-ups: Show students the virtual Eric Carle Museum tour and pictures associated with his illustrations. 8. Vocabulary: Development:

1. Teacher will display works that use different techniques used in the picture books and show pictures from the books. The teacher will also show an example of one technique used. 2. Teacher will read her favorite story ( The Very Hungry Caterpillar) and then put the students in pairs and have them choose a book from the collection and have them read the story. 3. Give background information pertaining to some of the Eric Carle collection and show some of his art created. Ask if they have any favorite piece they liked? 4. Discuss main idea and supporting details needed to summarize these stories. 5. We will experiment with some of the authors techniques such as watercolor tissue paper, printing with stencils, stamping. 6. The students will have the book that they chose to read and summarize. They will be provided with materials to finish this project (paper, markers/crayons, tissue paper, glue, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, pain, etc.) The students are to summarize or recreate their favorite part from the story or character. This is a very creative way to see how the artist thinks. Conclusion: 1. Students will create their collage poster from their story and then they will write down the main idea and supporting details from the story in their journals 2. The partners will present their posters to the class explaining what they created and why they chose to do what they did. 3. The teacher will show an art gallery of the authors work.

Assessment (may include a rubric): I will use their journals as one way of seeing that they understood the concept of summarizing. I will observe while the students are making their collage posters and see that they are using techniques that the we had talked about and others that they have came up with.

Multiple Intelligences/Differentiated Instruction (place an x by each one covered in the lesson): Spatial (ability to visualize) Linguistic (words/spoken/written) Logical-mathematical Kinesthetic (movement) Musical Interpersonal (interaction w/others) Intrapersonal (self-reflective ability) Naturalist (having to do w/nature) _x__ _x__ ___ _x__ ___ _x__ ___ ___

Blooms Taxonomy/Differentiated Instruction (place an x by each of the items that apply): __x_ _x__ _x__ ___ ___ _x__ Knowledge (tell, list, define, label, recite, memorize, repeat, find, name, record, fill in, recall) Comprehension (locate, explain, summarize, identify, describe, report, discuss, review, show) Application (demonstrate, construct, record, illustrate, research, order, display, practice) Analysis (compare, contrast, classify, critique, solve, experiment, examine, infer, categorize) Evaluation (judge, predict, verify, rate, determine, decide, choose, forecast, estimate, prioritize) Synthesis (compose, hypothesize, design, formulate, create, invent, develop, refine, produce)

Special Needs : What changes in your instruction will you make for each of these learners?

On level Learners: I would also make sure I have explained the lesson thoroughly and make sure thye understand what they need to do. I would pair them with someone on the same level or someone just a little bit higher but make sure they still participate. Gifted Learners: Students that are gifted are very capable of understanding but I would make sure that I have explained what I expect very thoroughly so they understand and make sure they do. I would pair them with someone that would be a good leader for them and really be patient with them and not just overtake the project.

Learners Below Level: The students I would also make sure they understand also and I would assist at anytime that I would need to. I would also pair them with someone that would be a leader for them.

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