Indian Spiced Carrot Soup With Ginger

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Indian spiced carrot soup with ginger Bon Apptit | April 2008

Makes 6 to 8 servings

1 teaspoon coriander seeds 1/2 teaspoon ellow !ustard seeds " ta#lespoons peanut oil 1/2 teaspoon curr powder $pre%era#l Madras& 1 ta#lespoon !inced peeled %resh ginger 2 cups chopped onions 1 1/2 pounds carrots' peeled' thinl sliced into rounds $a#out ( cups& 1 1/2 teaspoons %inel grated li!e peel ) cups $or !ore& low*salt chicken #roth or vegeta#le #roth 2 teaspoons %resh li!e +uice ,lain ogurt $%or garnish&

-rind coriander and !ustard seeds in spice !ill to %ine powder. /eat oil in heav large pot over !ediu!*high heat. Add ground seeds and curr powder0 stir 1 !inute. Add ginger0 stir 1 !inute. Add ne1t " ingredients. 2prinkle with salt and pepper0 saut until onions #egin to so%ten' a#out " !inutes. Add ) cups #roth0 #ring to #oil. 3educe heat to !ediu!*low0 si!!er uncovered until carrots are tender' a#out "0 !inutes. 4ool slightl . 5orking in #atches' puree in #lender until s!ooth. 3eturn soup to pot. Add !ore #roth # 1/( cup%uls i% too thick. 2tir in li!e +uice0 season with salt and pepper. 67 A/8A69 Can be made 1 day ahead. Cool slightly. Chill uncovered until cold, then cover and keep chilled. Rewarm before serving. :adle soup into #owls. -arnish with ogurt and serve.

,er serving9 16" calories' 8g %at $2g saturated&' 0!g cholesterol' 1(0!g sodiu!' 1;g car#oh drates' (g %i#er' 6g protein $nutritional anal sis provided # <utrition 6ata&

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