Anecdotal Record Kohlmann

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Angelica Kohlmann CHD 166, E50L Anecdotal Record CHILD: _Kaelynn P_________AGE:_2 (3 in a month)_________DATE:_March 4, 2013______ CONTEXT/SETTING: Child Care

classroom (after school care) 1pm-1:45 pm (Welcome time until Outside play) OBSERVATION: Interactions between child and environment, including caregiver. Kaelynn walks in and immediately drops her bag and coat to the floor, runs over to the art easel. NOTES to self. Shes smiling, seems happy to be there. Doesnt acknowledge teacher immediately. She doesnt seem hesitant or defiant, she responds to the teacher without question. Shes smiling at the teacher, doesnt appear irritated or upset that she has to wait. The teacher acknowledges and praises Kaelynns art, and shows interest and appreciation for Kaelynn. Kaelynn seems to be beaming with pride.

Teacher smiles and says, Kaelynn, lets put a smock on so we dont get paint on our clothes Kaelynn drops paintbrush and grabs a smock, holds it out to teacher. Teacher is greeting other students, Kaelynn continues to paint for about 10, when she has finished she yells Im done! the teacher replies I will be over in just a second to help you clean up, Im helping G put away his things. Teacher walks over to help Kaelynn, kneels down and says Thats beautiful Kaelynn, what do you want to call it? Kaelynn grins and replies Minnie then the teacher titles the painting Kaelynns Minnie.

The teacher helps Kaelynn take off her smock, and then instructs Kaelynn to wash her hands. Kaelynn goes to wash her hands and comes back to the carpet. On the carpet, Kaelynn sits near a boy, N, who is in her class. She points at him and says He like me. He like me. The teacher responds by saying Yes he does, we all like each other. Were all friends in child care.

Kaelynn and N begin to play with magnetic blocks, building what they called a school. Kaelynn pointed at blocks for N to hand to her to build. An older child (4) came over and started to add blocks on to their building, Kaelynn began to snatch the blocks away from their school and cry.

The teacher asks what is wrong, Kaelynn is still crying. N says He touched it and points at the older boy. Teacher asks Kaelynn if that is what happened, she cries louder. Teacher says Kaelynn, I like it when you use your words to tell me whats wrong. Can you tell me?

Teacher reinforces that everyone is friends and they all like eachother, Kaelynn seems to enjoy pointing out that someone is her friend. Kaelynn is upset when an uninvited playmate comes over and starts to help. She isnt interested in sharing with anyone other than N at the moment. The teacher is smiling, kneeling at the kids level. She has a warm voice, and doesnt seem upset. Though she seems to have dealt with this before. Kaelynn is

Angelica Kohlmann CHD 166, E50L probably having a hard time finding her words to say what is wrong, or she usually just cries until she gets her way. The teacher helped alleviate the conflict by redirecting the older child to his own building, and allowing Kaelynn and N to continue their building. Kaelynn seems to ignore when the teacher asks her to clean up, she wants to keep playing.

The teacher asks the older boy if he wants to play with the tiles in the bucket, and suggests that they build a new building together and she will help him. The boy starts to build something new, and Kaelynn stops crying and goes back to work on her building.

At 1:30 the teacher says that it is time to clean up and head to the bathroom. She starts singing Clean up, clean up every body do your share and the class joins in. Kaelynn begins singing along but is not cleaning, she is still working on her tower. Teacher asks her to begin to put her blocks away, and asks a few other students who havent started cleaning yet to put away their toys as well. Another child starts to knock down Kaelynns tower and Kaelynn yells and cries. The teacher lets Kaelynn know that it is time to clean up (again) and that she should be putting her toys away, too. She turns to the girl picking up Kaelynns blocks and says T, these are Kaelynns blocks to pick up. I appreciate that youre helping her, but do you think you could help our friends clean up the table toys?

INTERPRETATION: How do these anecdotes show secure attachment? (or not) Kaelynn has a secure attachment to her teacher. You can tell she is confident that the teacher will help her when she needs it, and she is willing to perform actions when the teacher asks, though she is still in the terrible twos and can be very egocentric. Kaelynn does come right into the classroom and take charge, though. She definitely feels secure in the environment, and knows that whatever she chooses to play with, she will be allowed and encouraged. She doesnt rely on her teacher, but will go to her teacher when she cannot complete something herself. When the teacher is busy with another child, she simply waits, knowing that the teacher will come to her when she is finished with the first child. This is one of the greatest signs of secure attachment, as well as Kaelynn being able to calm herself down when she gets upset, even though it took a change of the situation for her to successfully calm down. Kaelynn also has a loving and caring mother, who has helped to establish a confident and trusting preschooler. Her teacher is displaying good habits in speaking directly to the children, on their level, and being warm and responsive to their needs. She didnt ignore Kaelynns crying; she addressed the issue and tried to help redirect both childrens focus. She encouraged the childrens play and art, and the children really responded well to that. She even did well when some of the children werent listening to directions, in calmly and firmly restating what the class should be doing, and gently directing children as to how they can begin to clean the toys up.

Angelica Kohlmann CHD 166, E50L

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