Year 3 Unit Overview 4

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Numeracy in Action Assessment Task 1 Nicole Fewtrell, Hannah May, Tegan McLeod, Tarina Scoleri

Contents Year 3 Unit Overview ..................................................................... 3 Weekly Plans ................................................................................ 16 Lesson Plans................................................................................ 25 Assessment.................................................................................. 33 Learning Difficulties .................................................................... 45 Individual Justification ................................................................ 48 Peer Assessment ......................................................................... 49 References ................................................................................... 50 Appendix ...................................................................................... 51

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Year 3 unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Source: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), Australian Curriculum v3.0: Mathematics for Foundation10,<>.

School name
Our School

Unit title
Term 2

Duration of unit
10 Weeks

Unit outline
In this unit students explore and develop skills, knowledge and understanding of money operations, grid maps, measurement and data organisation. This unit covers a range of Mathematics topics aimed at developing student knowledge in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. The content areas students will explore will provide a scaffold for student learning, promote the investigation process and consolidate learning through the culminating task. These learning experiences will allow students the opportunity to engage with learning that is personally meaningful and within a real life context. The focused student learning for this term will consist of the following: Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, mass and capacity Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and without the use of digital technologies Interpret and compare data displays Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 10,000 Identify angles as measures of turn and compare angle sizes in everyday situations

The unit includes a daily math routine that students complete at the beginning of each lesson. The routine helps students to build on new knowledge they have gained in the previous week and practice skills such as time tables. Opportunities for ICT use will also be given throughout the unit.

Identify curriculum
Content descriptions to be taught General capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities Number and Algebra Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 10,000 (ACMNA052) Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts (ACMNA056) Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents (ACMNA059) Proficiencies
Understanding: Representing unit fractions Connecting number representations with number sequences Partitioning and combining numbers flexibly Fluency

Measurement and Geometry Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, mass and capacity (ACMMG061) Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways (ACMMG065) Identify angles as measures of turn and compare angle sizes in everyday situations (ACMMG064)

Statistics and Probability Conduct chance experiments, identify and describe possible outcomes and recognise variation in results (ACMSP067) Interpret and compare data displays (ACMSP070) Literacy
Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts Navigate, read and view learning area texts Interpret and analyse learning area texts Comprehend texts Understand how visual elements create meaning Use language to interact with others Listen and respond to learning area texts Numeracy Use money Interpret maps and diagrams Interpret data displays Estimate and measure with metric units ICT capability Locate, generate and access data and information Select and evaluate data and information Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Critical and creative thinking Organise and process information Identify and clarify information and ideas Transfer knowledge into new contexts Think about thinking (metacognition) Identify and clarify information and ideas Ethical behaviour

Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMSP069)

Recalling multiplication facts Use familiar metric units to order and compare objects Identifying and describing outcomes of chance experiments Interpreting maps and communicating positions

Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Identify curriculum
Problem Solving Formulating and modelling authentic situations involving planning methods of data collection and representation Using number properties to continue number patterns Reasoning Comparing angles Creating and interpreting variations in the results of data collections and data displays Recognise ethical concepts Reflect on ethical action Consider points of view Personal and social capability Develop self-discipline and set goals Recognise personal qualities and achievements Work independently and show initiative Communicate effectively Intercultural understanding Develop respect for cultural diversity Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities maintain a special connection to and responsibility for Country/Place throughout all of Australia.

Achievement standard
Understanding By the end of Year 3, students recognise the connection between addition and subtraction and solve problems using efficient strategies for multiplication. They model and represent unit fractions. They represent money values in various ways. Students identify symmetry in the environment. They match positions on maps with given information. Students recognise angles in real situations. They interpret and compare data displays. Skills Students count to and from 10 000. They classify numbers as either odd or even. They recall addition and multiplication facts for single digit numbers. Students correctly count out change from financial transactions. They continue number patterns involving addition and subtraction. Students use metric units for length, mass and capacity. They tell time to the nearest minute. Students make models of three-dimensional objects. Students conduct chance experiments and list possible outcomes. They carry out simple data investigations for categorical variables

Relevant prior curriculum

Year 2: Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000 (ACMNA027) Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value Compare and order several shapes and objects based on length, area, volume and capacity using appropriate uniform informal units (ACMMG037) Interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the relative positions of key features(ACMMG044) Identify and describe half and quarter turns (ACMMG046) Identify practical activities and everyday events that involve chance. Describe outcomes as likely or unlikely and identify some events as certain or impossible (ACMSP047) Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them (ACMSP050) Collect, check and classify data (ACMSP049)

Curriculum working towards

Year 4: Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of thousands (ACMNA072) Count by quarters halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number line (ACMNA078) Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies (ACMNA080) Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths, masses, capacities and temperatures(ACMMG084) Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volume (ACMMG290) Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps(ACMMG090) Describe possible everyday events and order their chances of occurring (ACMSP092) Select and trial methods for data collection, including survey questions and recording sheets(ACMSP095) Construct suitable data displays, with and without the use of digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables, column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent many data values (ACMSP096) Evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in illustrating data features including variability(ACMSP097)

Bridging content Year 1 Knowledge: Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value (ACMNA017) Measure and compare the lengths and capacities of pairs of objects using uniform informal units(ACMMG019) Give and follow directions to familiar locations(ACMMG023) Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. Describe the displays (ACMSP263) ESL Learners: While the aims of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics are the same for all students, EAL/D students must achieve these aims while simultaneously learning a new language and learning content and skills through that new language. These students may require additional time and support, along with teaching that explicitly addresses their language needs. Students who have had no formal schooling will need additional time and support in order to acquire skills for effective learning in formal settings (ACARA, 2014)

Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Links to other learning areas Geography: this occurs through the exploration of maps and international currencies. Technology: this occurs weekly with the warm up games on the IWB and through computer lessons and tasks. English: this occurs through directional stories, grocery lists, sentence responses and topic vocabulary.

Describe the assessment Week 1: Observation and anecdotal notes: to measure initial knowledge. Observation: of contributions to class discussion and ideas contributed to word and idea wall. Collect student work: visualisation activity and completed mud map task to assess basic understanding of directional words and instructions. Work samples: directional index card instructions, grid map worksheet. Assessment date By the end of week 1

Make judgments
Week 1: Content Descriptors Assessed: Measurement and Geometry (ACMNG065), (ACMNG064) Task Specific Descriptors of Quality Responds to class discussions with thoughtful and appropriate questions or answers Participation in activities demonstrates understanding of topic through engagement in mapping activities Work books show evidence of understanding through correct mapping of grid map templates Knowledge of key concept is shown through the use of a variety of directional words. Week 2: Content Descriptors Assessed: Measurement and Geometry (ACMNG065), (ACMNG064) Task Specific Descriptors of Quality Responds to class discussions with thoughtful and appropriate questions or answers Participation in activities demonstrates understanding of topic through the creating, drafting and publishing a directional story with key elements from concepts learned. Work samples show evidence of understanding through the creation of a directional story.

Week 2: Work samples : Directional story with accompanying highlighted grid map Observations: navigation through full scale grid map Peer assessment: mapping out of directional story

By the end of week 2


Make judgments
Engages in peer assessment in a helpful, productive and sensitive manner.

Week 3: Observations, checklists and anecdotal notes: brainstorms, discussions, picture match, units of lengths Collect student work: Worksheets (Units of length: cm, Measurement fun, Units of length: decimal notation) Peer assessment: measurement activity

By the end of week 3

Content descriptors addressed: Measurement and Geometry (ACMMG061) (ACMMG065) Statistics and Probability (ACMSP069) Task specific descriptors of quality: Responds and contributes to class discussions and brainstorms. Data collection and problem solving shows evidence of understanding through accurate responses and working out strategies. Worksheets show evidence of understanding through correct and accurate answers. Content descriptors addressed: Measurement and Geometry (ACMMG061) Task specific descriptors of quality: Participation and accuracy in activities displays understanding and comprehension of content. Responds and contributes to class discussions and brainstorms. Worksheets show evidence of understanding through correct and accurate answers. Content descriptors addressed: Number and Algebra (ACMNA034), (ACMNA052), (ACMNA059) Task specific descriptors of quality: Responds to class discussions with thoughtful and appropriate questions or answers Worksheet shows evidence of understanding through correct answering of questions Engages in group activities in a productive and sensitive

Week 4:

Anecdotal notes and observation: engagement and contribution towards discussions, brainstorming and group work Work samples: correctness of answers, understanding of questions, working out process shown in work sheets, work books and data collection Peer-assessment: group work, think pair share, peer work sheets

By the end of week 4

Week 5: Anecdotal notes: adding and subtracting, 5 & 10s from 100, rounding to nearest 5 cents. Observations: group work participation and exploration of coins Collect student work: worksheet (match up different country to currency)

By the end of week 5

Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics


Make judgments

Week 6: Observation: of who can represent money in various ways, who uses the number chart effectively? Collect student work: worksheets (Lets go shopping work sheet and grocery shopping index card (did they add up the right amount and did they count out the right change?) Peer Assessment: buyer gives feedback to student giving change

By the end of week 6

Content descriptors addressed: Number and Algebra (ACMNA052), (ACMNA059) Task specific descriptors of quality: Participation in activities demonstrates understanding of money value Engages in peer assessment in a helpful, productive and sensitive manner Worksheet shows evidence of understanding through correct answering of questions

Week 7: Anecdotal notes: daily routine performances, responses to class discussions, completion of tasks and future adjustments needed for students Collect student work: worksheets (Cupcake Bakery, Indigenous Places, Which way do I go? Weight Problems) maths book to mark and record student work in class Observations: engaging and completing computer tasks, student participation, class discussions Peer assessment: sharing work on the carpet at the end of a task and verbally between pairs Week 8: Observations: can they collect accurate and relevant data? Are they able to interpret other peoples data? Anecdotal notes: daily routine performances, responses to class discussions, completion of tasks and future adjustments needed for students Collect student work: worksheets (Cost of Fruit), maths books to mark and record student work in class (graphs, tables, data,

By the end of Week 7

Content descriptors addressed: Statistics and Probability (ACMSP067), (ACMSP070), (ACMSP069). Task specific descriptors of quality: Responds to class discussions with thoughtful and appropriate questions or answers Work books show evidence of understanding through correct answering of questions Engages in peer assessment in a helpful, productive and sensitive manner.

By the end of week 8

Content descriptors addressed: Statistics and Probability - (ACMSP067), (ACMSP070), (ACMSP069). Task specific descriptors of quality: Responds to class discussions with thoughtful and appropriate questions or answers Participation in activities demonstrates understanding of

justifications etc) Self-assessment: summary of how they feel they went in their practice test and why Peer assessment: the quality of the garden data that was collected and how easy/hard it was to interpret and use.

Make judgments
topic through accurate data collection Work books show evidence of understanding through correct answering of questions Engages in peer assessment in a helpful, productive and sensitive manner. Self-assessment shows evidence of thoughtful interpretations of own work and future goals.

Week 9: Assessment week Collect student work: assessment tasks collected at the end of the week, marked and written feedback supplied to students within a week.

By the end of week 9

Content descriptors addressed: (ACMSP069), (ACMSP070), (ACMSP067), (ACMMG065), (ACMMG061), (ACMNA059), (ACMNA052) Task specific descriptors of quality: Completed task demonstrates ability to comprehend and respond to questions accurately


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Teaching and learning

Teaching strategies and learning experiences Week 1: Assess prior level of knowledge through brainstorming activity What would you do if you were lost? Brainstorming and discovering directional words and the creation of a directional word wall. Explore a book featuring a journey, highlighting directional words. Visualise the journey in the story using the directional words as cues. Engage with a visualisation text featuring directional words. Listen to text and engage in mental visualisation. Revisit the text and complete a mud map representation of visualisation. Focus on accuracy in giving directions with the introduction of the grid map Turtle Mapping Game. Using a large scale grid map, use index cards with directional instructions to navigate through the grid and to highlight routes on grid map templates.

Supportive learning environment

Adjustments for needs of learners Considerations (learning and assessment): Students may have a range of interpretations for directional words. Student may have difficulties interpreting the position of the viewer. Students may have difficulties interpreting the orientation of the objects involved. Adjustments (student needs): Modification The creation of a directional word wall as a class activity ensures that all directional words discussed have a standard meaning. Students are able to explore a full scale grid map with their bodies to explore the position of the viewer and orientation of any objects. Extension Students who are able to may want to walk out the directional instructions of a visualisation text without having to map them on a grid first and then go on to map the story. Considerations (learning and assessment): Resources Coloured cardboard Index cards Directional text Visualisation text Grid map templates Large scale grid maps

Week 2: Creation of own directional index cards for navigating through grid map. Paired activity navigating through grid map using directional words. Using highlighted grid map to form a base for a directional story by creating barriers and obstacles to navigate around Using words from the directional word wall to write a directional story incorporating directional language. Drafting and editing directional stories. Typing up directional stories and illustrating grid maps. Peer assessment activity, exploring and mapping out directional stories.

Students may confuse the order to which the pair of plots refer to. There may be confusion between the grid lines and the square in which a point occurs
Adjustments (student needs): Modification: Students that are having trouble with the order of plots in a grid map and having other confusions may have to explore the full scale grid map activity for some time before being able to feel confidence in engaging with a smaller grid map template. Modification: ICT resources such as the turtle mapping activity

Coloured cardboard Index cards Directional text Visualisation text Grid map templates Large scale grid maps Computer lab

Teaching and learning

Teaching strategies and learning experiences

Supportive learning environment

Adjustments for needs of learners should be made available for home use as well as school use. Extension: After creating and assessing directional stories, student a=who are able to may be able to place their directional story in another, unfamiliar setting of their choice. Resources

Week 3: Build up basic knowledge of measurement through brainstorming length and length words and measuring things around the classroom. Look at the difference between informal and formal measurement and sort objects into the two different categories. Estimate a range of lengths using string and create an object to view similar lengths in different forms. Through a plane flying competition, record a range of distances using different metric units and work out the difference between each distance. Looking at grid maps, calculate the distance between different landmarks and convert metric units when recording answers. Week 4: Focus on accuracy in measurement by replicating shapes through verbalised lengths and description. Understanding how to use effective measuring units by matching appropriate metric units with distances. Combine measurements through decimal notation and discuss when it is appropriate to use this strategy. Use measurement in problem solving by sorting through relevant and unnecessary information and using is to solve a problem in small groups.

Considerations (learning and assessment): Students may not understand the difference between mm, cm and km. Students may have difficulty measuring accurately. Adjustments (student needs): Modification: Provide visual and kinaesthetic displays. Provide modelled teaching of measuring. Extension: Measure using a range of tools to measure length. Comment on the preferred option with reasoning.

30cm ruler 1m ruler Trundle wheel String Measurement worksheets Grid maps

Considerations (learning and assessment): Students may not understand when different modes of measurement and units of measurement are appropriate. Students may have difficulty in converted lengths and distances. Adjustments (student needs): Modification: Use prompting questions to assist students and bring the situations back to their own real life experiences. Allow students to test each measuring form and discover which is most effective through kinaesthetic experiences. Extension:

30cm ruler 1m ruler Trundle wheel String Measurement worksheets Measurement cards


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Teaching and learning

Teaching strategies and learning experiences Complete a summative assessment to display knowledge of terms and concepts learnt over the past four weeks.

Supportive learning environment

Adjustments for needs of learners Think of additional ways certain objects could be measured. Assist struggling students in peer work. Resources

Week 5: Money as a resource brainstorm why people use money/places where money is used. Discuss societys implications of using money. Different country, different currency. Match up activity (YouTube video) Identifying coins counting in 5s and 10s to 100. 100 = $1. Half and whole numbers Rounding to the nearest 5c. Group activity with coins. Strategies to subtract from 100. Explore with play coins

Considerations (learning and assessment): Students may not have learnt or remember the previous years lessons on monetary value Students may not understand the concept of different currencies Students may not be able to identify Australian coins Students may still be struggling with the idea that 100c = $1 Adjustments (student needs): Modification: Present only two coins at a time: ask and reinforce correct responses, i.e. "Give me a 5c coin." "Give me one dollar. Point to the correct coin if the student picks up the wrong coin and don't introduce a new coin until the child is at least 80% accuracy. Extension: Students create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting different coins. Students can look at the noticeable differences in size, value and colour.

Previous teachers IWB Play money Teachers assistant Photocopier

Week 6: Variations to create $5. Show and share activity - worksheet. Colour a small 100s number chart given to them: using the 10s and 5s columns, students practice giving change from $1. Worksheet: adding and subtracting money amounts. Using play items, students fill out their Lets Go Shopping worksheet (items purchased, price, total cost of items, money paid and how much change will you receive?) Grocery Shop (assessment task) The student/cashier and student/customer must determine the total and the change that is necessary for particular items then determine the change that

Considerations (learning and assessment): Students may not be confident in skip counting to 100 Students might not be able to independently determine change Students may still be struggling with addition and subtraction of double digit operations Adjustments (student needs): Modification: Create a 100s board where students can follow along as they skip count. A number line will also achieve the same purpose Extension: Students can practice skip counting backwards from

Teachers assistant Photocopier IWB Play money Play items for assessment

Teaching and learning

Teaching strategies and learning experiences will be given.

Supportive learning environment

Adjustments for needs of learners 100 in 10s, 5s and even 2s (although skip counting in 2s is not necessary for monetary value) Considerations (learning and assessment): Students may not have learnt or remember the previous years lessons on tally marks and graphs Students may not know how to plot on a grid Students may not know direction Students may still be struggling with the money concept Adjustments (student needs): Modification: struggling students work with a buddy, only need to do a picture graph, present to class in a group , work with a teachers assistant and take turns answering questions Extension: students use two coins/dice and record 100 rolls for each, attempt a horizontal bar graph Teachers assistant Computer assistant Previous teachers Librarian Photocopier IWB Coins/dice Computer lab Resources

Week 7: revisit data collection, tally marks and different types of graphs graph skills on the computer collect data through rolling dice/flipping coin activities create and present to class own graphs plot on a grid using direction then create a graph work out the cost of getting somewhere then create a graph

Week 8: Collect data (rocks, leaves etc) from a 30cm x 30cm square in the garden then record and graph the contents Give the content details from previous lesson (garden collection) to a workmate and have them graph the information. Share your answers with the class Complete the cost of fruit graph Measure all students foot lengths and then individually record and graph the data Practice summative assessment involving money, length, grids and data collection/representation

Considerations (learning and assessment): Students might take data collection of garden literally and try to count every object e.g. tiny rocks Students might not be able to independently graph yet Students may still be struggling with money, length, grid and data representation concepts Adjustments (student needs): Modification: struggling students work with a buddy, only need to do a picture graph, present to class in a group, work with an teachers assistant and take turns answering questions Extension: students collect data from two or more sections of the garden, work with dollar amounts in the hundreds and choose their own data to collect and then graph.

Teachers assistant Computer assistant Previous teachers Librarian Photocopier IWB Garden areas


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Teaching and learning

Teaching strategies and learning experiences Week 9: Assessment week Students use learnt skills and knowledge to complete a final summative assessment focusing on all concepts taught.

Supportive learning environment

Adjustments for needs of learners Considerations/ Adjustments: Modification: teacher assistance in reading and comprehending instructions Resources Assessment task sheets

Use feedback
Ways to monitor learning and assessment Teachers meet to collaboratively plan the teaching, learning and assessment to meet the needs of all learners in each unit. Teachers create opportunities for discussion about levels of achievement to develop shared understandings; co-mark or cross mark at key points to ensure consistency of judgments; and participate in moderating samples of student work at school or cluster level to reach consensus and consistency. Teachers strategically plan opportunities and ways to provide ongoing feedback (both written and informal) and encouragement to children/students on their strengths and areas for improvement. Children/Students reflect on and discuss with their teachers or peers what they can do well and what they need to improve. Teachers reflect on and review learning opportunities to incorporate specific learning experiences and provide multiple opportunities for children to experience, practise and improve. Identify what worked well during and at the end of the unit, including: activities that worked well and why activities that could be improved and how assessment that worked well and why assessment that could be improved and how common student misconceptions that need, or needed, to be clarified.

Feedback to students

Reflection on the unit plan

Weekly Plans
WEEKLY OVERVIEW TERM 2 WEEK 1 TIME 9.15 10.00 WEDNESDAY GRID MAPS OVERVIEW DIRECTION Begin morning maths routine with Wild West addition and subtraction game Brainstorm: What would you do if you were lost? Read directional story Highlight directional words in the story. Facilitate class discussion on how directional words tell us where to go. Begin the creation of a class directional words word wall. RESOURCES

Large sheets of cardboard for brainstorm Directional story Arrows and other directional content to decorate word wall


ASSESSMENT Observations and anecdotal notes on contribution and ideas of students, directional word checklist.
Begin morning maths routine with IWB Turtle Trouble navigation game Revisit directional text and highlighted navigational words Introduce visualisation text Class to close their eyes and visualise following the directional prompts in the visualisation text. Complete the visualisation text mud map while listening to the visualisation text again. Begin morning maths routine with paired multiplication card game Whole class computer lab lesson Students to explore grid map games first as a whole class and then individually IWB Directional text Visualisation text Visualisation mud map worksheets



ASSESSMENT Work samples of completed visualisation text mud map

Packs of cards Access to computer lab Large scale grid maps on carpet Index cards with directions Grid map templates

ASSESSMENT Print out of student results and scores

Begin morning maths routine with number of the day worksheet Whole class grid navigation activity Students to follow teacher instructions to navigate through a grid map on the carpet Students to break into pairs and read instructions off of index cards to navigate through the maze.




Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Students highlight routes of each index card completed onto grid map template.

ASSESSMENT Work samples of highlighted grid map routes

Begin morning maths routine with problem of the day Students to use directional words and grid maps to create their own index card directions Paired activity with students taking turns to navigate through grid maps following the directions from an index card Index cards Large scale grid maps Grid map templates



ASSESSMENT Peer assessment feedback sheet from grid map activity.



OVERVIEW RESOURCES DATA COLLECTION AND INTERPRETATION Begin morning maths routine: Shoot Out using addition and subtraction. Class brainstorm of length measuring devices and length words. Discuss the difference between mm, cm, m and km. Brainstorm measuring situations: When would it be better using a tape measure instead of a ruler? Order the height of a small group of students. Continue adding children to the group until the entire class has been measured. Problem solving activity: If students are similar in height how can you accurately find the difference? Look at difference between foot and forearm, index finger and nose, arm span and height. Compare the measurements using a piece of string and then a ruler. Record the lengths in different forms (mm, cm, m). String for measuring 30cm rulers Metre ruler




ASSESSMENT: Observe and note student contribution during brainstorming and record accuracy of students recorded measurements. Begin morning maths routine: IWB Game Estimate and Measure Look at different objects in the room and decide what unit of measurement is needed to accurately measure them (mm, cm, m). Discuss the difference between informal and formal measurement. When are each appropriate? Refer back to IWB game.

Estimate and Measure th_k/grade/subject/mak_04_ 03_03.html Measurement pictures

Show students a range of pictures and sort whether they would be best measured as informal, formal or both. Think pair share answers. Worksheet (pg2) Units of length centimetres. Fill in missing lengths on ruler, draw lines corresponding to specific lengths and measure parts of the body with a piece of string.

Measurement worksheet: Units of length centimetres p2


ASSESSMENT: Observe and note student understanding and contribution in discussion and classroom activity. Record students ability to match informal and formal measurement with their correct pictures. Check students answers on Units of length centimetres worksheet. Begin morning maths routine: Multiplication game Boil the Kettle Whole class estimates 1m with a streamer noting who was the closest. Ensure each student is given exactly 1m and ask them to find and record things in the classroom less than, around and more than 1m. Give each student a piece of string (different lengths) and ask them to estimate how long it is (mm, cm, m). Students must write down their answer before measuring. After an accurate measurement students must discover how close they were by working out the difference accurately. Using their string, students must create an object (e.g. a flower) and glue it to a piece of paper. The title should describe what the object is and its exact length (35cm Flower). Students can observe how different lengths look in a range of forms. Using trundle wheels, students must measure 35m. Note where each student finishes their measurement. Did they finish in the same spot? Why not? Problem solve using Measurement Fun worksheet questions. ASSESSMENT: Observe and note students accuracy when estimating and their understanding of the concept. Record students ability to accurately answer problem solving questions. Check students answers on Measurement Fun worksheet. Begin morning maths routine: Number of the day activity: 36 Review the difference between m, cm and mm. What are the different ways to record the same measurement using these units? Students make paper airplanes using a given design (worksheet, pg8). In small

1m streamers Measuring string Trundle wheel Measurement Fun worksheet



Airplane designs Meter ruler Trundle wheels 30cm rulers Worksheet: Units of length


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

groups, students must fly their planes and record the distances using different units of measurement and decimal notation (mm, cm, m). Whose flew further? How do you know? Additionally, measure the distance using different forms of measurement (ruler, metre ruler, trundle wheel). Which form was most effective? Why? Students can make paper airplanes again using their own designs. Compare the distances flown with the generic airplanes and find which design was better. Were the original designs better or worse? How do you know? ASSESSMENT: Record students accuracy in recording flight distances, working out the difference between each distance and use of metric units. No te students capability in answering problem solving questions. Check students answers on Units of length length and decimal notation worksheet Begin morning maths routine: Problem solving activity I walked 1km on the weekend. My dad walked 500m further than me. How far did he walk altogether? Discuss real life examples where the students or someone they know has had to measure something (formal and informal). Look at grid maps, both familiar (school grounds) and unfamiliar (Brisbane city), and measure different lengths with string to measure with a ruler when straight. Provide landmarks on the maps and have students find the distance between them and record their answers. Compare answers and note the accuracy of different students measurements. Give each student a blank grid map where each 1cm box equals 1m. Supply a range of pictures and have them create their own landscape. Students must write their own questions and find the answer. How far is the distance between the park bench and the school? Swap with a partner and have them answer the questions. Check for accuracy against each others answers. ASSESSMENT: Observe students contribution to class discussion. Note their ability to measure distances on maps and create their own questions and record their accuracy in answering map questions.

length and decimal notation pg8

Range of grid maps Pictures of landmarks Blank grid map Measuring string Rulers



WEEKLY OVERVIEW TERM 2 Week 5 TIME 9:15 10:00 OVERVIEW CALCULATE SMALL CHANGE Daily Maths Routine: Shoot Out (addition and subtraction) Each student is provided with a small collection of play money. Write an amount of money on the whiteboard (e.g $2) Students must read the amount of money and use their play money to represent this amount of money. Ask students to represent the same amount of money using different variations of coins. How else could we show $2? Use the IWB to demonstrate this activity repeat with different money amounts In groups, students determine how many variations there are to create $5. Show and share activity - worksheet. ASSESSMENT: Observations who can represent money in various ways? Daily Maths Routine: IWB Games Tell children that today we are going to practice giving the correct amount of change. Students colour a small number chart given to them may blu-tac on their desks. They are also provided with play money (coins) Colour the 10s and 5s columns in yel low, everything else in a light blue. Provide an example on the board: This red ball costs 70c and we only have a $1 coin to give. Because the number 70 is in our 10s column, we are going to place a 10cent coin on the number 70 on our chart. Now we must c ount in 10s from our number 70, to see how much more we need to get to 100. So we need 30 more tens/30c to make up $1. So our change from $1 for a ball that costs 70c is 30c. Repeat this activity using a multiple of 5. Practice with amounts that need to be rounded to the nearest 5. Work through different examples ensuring that the sums are differentiated to suit all students. ASSESSMENT: Anecdotal notes who uses the number chart effectively? Who needs more help on this topic? Play coins (5c & 10c) 100s number charts Money bags play money How many Variations? worksheet RESOURCES




Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics



Daily Maths Routine: Multiplication Reinforce key points of the previous lesson discuss the difficulties they found with giving change. Practice a few with the class on the carpet and do some examples. Allow student volunteers to help determine the change. This lesson is about using the least amount of coins to give change. Students complete worksheet of adding and subtracting money amounts Using the sums the students completed, as a class, determine the variations of coins that would be used to give the change and encourage students to use the least amount of coins possible ASSESSMENT: Formative assessment Addition and Subtraction worksheet, anecdotal notes: can they identify the correct change given? Daily Maths Routine: Number of the Day Body: Recap what has been studied over the week. Inform students that they will be having a practice shop so that they know what will be happening in their assessment tomorrow. All students begin with a few items (struggling students may only need 1) Using their items, students fill out the worksheet (items purchased, price, total cost of items, money paid and how much change will you receive?) Students take their items, money and their Lets go Shopping worksheet to the teacher/cashier. Has the students filled in the necessary areas? Did they calculate the change correctly? Students may then go back and buy more items.

Addition and Subtraction worksheet coins 100s number charts

Play money Lets go Shopping! worksheet Random shopping items


ASSESSMENT: Formative assessment Lets go Shopping worksheet Daily Maths Routine: Problem Solving Grocery Shop: Half of the class are given a small grocery list on an index card (all different) with a list of items and prices of each item that they must purchase. They will be role-playing as customers. These students must work out the total cost of these items before they start. Once checked by the LM, they will be given fake money to use. Play money Index cards (shopping list) Random shopping items



Students must collect their items in their basket and make their way to any
student who is the cashier.


The student/cashier and student/customer must then determine the change that
will be given. After the transaction, students can swap roles, get a new index card/grocery list and repeat the activity.

ASSESSMENT: Formative assessment Grocery Shopping index card, Did they add up the correct amount? Did they calculate the correct change?

WEEKLY OVERVIEW TERM 2 Week 7 TIME 9:15 10:00 MONDAY DATA COLLECTION AND USE OVERVIEW DATA COLLECTION AND INTERPRETATION Begin morning maths routine: Shoot out (addition and subtraction) Discuss that this week we will be learning about collecting data and how we can display our data on graphs Watch you tube clip on graphs Demonstrate data collection and representation using the number of people that live in each students house. Create a table, picture and bar graph on the whiteboard for students to view Complete the Cupcake Bakery picture graph worksheet Discuss other types of data we could collect to create a table, picture and column graph on later in the week RESOURCES Youtube clip: Cupcake Bakery picture graph worksheet


ASSESSMENT: anecdotal notes on shoot out performances. Collect Cupcake Bakery worksheet, mark and record student ability in marking book. Begin morning maths routine: IWB games (data) Computer lesson: spend lesson practising/ learning graph skills. 15 minutes on each site. Create a body graph: ask students how they could classify (split up) the class e.g. by hair colour, eye colour, height, number of siblings. Tape


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics


masking tape on the carpet to represent the axis and create a graph using the class statistics. Class discussion on what they have learnt about graphs. What could they see when they did the body graph?



ASSESSMENT: anecdotal notes on student performance for IWB games and responses to class discussion. Observations of students completing computer tasks. Begin morning maths routine: Multiplication practice: marching fun (7 x tables) Revisit the meaning of data collection and tally marks Show students that the same data can be represented in different ways but that the answer will still be the same Demonstrate drawing up a table for flipping and one for rolling Have students make predictions about their chosen item and what they expect the results to be Dice/coin activity. Roll/flip 100 times, record data in table and then create a picture and/or column graph. Students can record which roll/flip they are up to using a hundreds board. Students to share their picture and/or column graph with students and discuss their prediction and if it was right or wrong and why (Students must give verbal feedback to the student sharing their work)

different types of data representations powerpoint dice coins 100s boards


ASSESSMENT: observations recorded for student participation in multiplication tables practice and contributions to sharing their work with the class. Collect maths books, mark and record data in marking book. Begin morning maths routine: number of the day (9032) Give students a blank grid and some objects that need to be placed on their grid (cave, camp site, waterhole, and other Indigenous markings) Allow students to place their objects where ever they choose on the grid. Have students answer the target questions at the bottom of the page about their map (i.e. how far is it between the cave and the waterhole) Students will record and then graph the distances between one object and the other 3 objects they have placed (e.g. cave to waterhole, cave to camp site, cave to scrub, cave to sand hill)

Blank grid paper Landmark pictures to cut out (Cave, camp site, waterhole etc)

Students share their work with a peer and assess each other verbally.


ASSESSMENT: collect maths books to check and record their number of the day answers. Also mark and record todays mapping and graphing activity. Anecdotal notes on students ability to complete the task. Begin morning maths routine: problem solving (weight problems worksheet how many grams of fruit is in the basket?) Students are given a worksheet to complete (Which way do I go?). They must calculate the distance of each route, record the information and then create a picture graph to represent the data. A written answer must accompany their data and graph to state which was the shortest route and why. Class discussion about what answer they got, how they figured it out and what it would mean in a real life context (driving somewhere, walking to school etc)

Which way do I go? Worksheets

ASSESSMENT: collect worksheets, mark and record answers in marking book. Anecdotal notes on the students ability to correctly complete the tasks and future adjustment considerations needed. Observations of class discussion: who contributed? Does the class understand the concept and how it applies to real life?


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Lesson Plans
Year Level Year 3 Duration 45 Mins Focus Location and Transformation Implementation Date TBA Curriculum Area(s) Mathematics

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.) Prior knowledge: What does the learner already know?

Know the terms for relevant directional words and their meanings Know that directional language is used for locational instructions Where does the learner need/want to be? (declarative) Skills: (procedural/do) Interpret and highlight a route on a grid map Use directional words to annotate a highlighted route on a grid map Resources Assessment & Feedback

Learning outcomes/standards: Knowledge & understanding: Time

Knowledge of directional words Knowledge of the features of a grid map Learning Procedures Intro: Body: -

5 mins

Revisit directional words word wall. Class discussion about how they have used any of these words since their introduction. Introduce class to the full scale grid maps on the carpet. Class discussion about the features of a grid map (lines, squares, plots, etc)

Word wall featuring directional words and language

Anecdotal notes on student ideas and contributions to discussion.

Full scale grid maps Explain task for lesson, students will follow teacher instructions to navigate through a grid map on the carpet. Class discussion on how students will be able to listen and navigate their bodies through the maze.

Assessment of student knowledge of grid maps based on student responses to questioning.

Key Questions and Ideas

Anecdotal notes on student ideas and contributions to discussion about

30 mins

Which way will the navigator be facing? How will the navigator make their way around obstacles? How will the navigator listen out for directional words to help them through the map? - Students to break into pairs and read instructions off of index cards to navigate through the maze. Directional index cards

navigating through a grid map.

Are students grasping the concepts of navigating their bodies through the grid maps with the support of a teacher?

Are students able to complete this activity in pairs without support? 10 mins Conclusion: Students highlight routes of each index card completed onto grid map template and annotate their grid maps with the directional instructions given. Grid map templates Highlighters Pencil for annotating directional words Did they annotate the directional words and instructions on the grid map? Reflection: - Did the students grasp the concept? - Did the lesson flow nicely? What would I change next time? - Could the students interpret the grid map activity? - What was the best part of the lesson? - Were the learning outcomes achieved? Check student work: Did they highlight the correct route on the grid map?


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Year Level Year 3

Duration 1 hour

Focus Measurement

Implementation Date TBA

Curriculum Area(s) Mathematics

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.) Prior knowledge: What does the learner already know?

The terms millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres Metric unit abbreviations (mm, cm, m, km) Informal and formal measurement Measurement conversion (100cm = 1m) Use of measurement in problem solving Working out distance differences using addition and subtraction

Learning outcomes/standards: Knowledge & understanding: Time 5 min (declarative) Skills: (procedural/do) Accurately measure distances across a map Convert measured differences from centimetres to metres Resources Word problem shown on IWB Assessment & Feedback Anecdotal notes on individual students ability to answer the word problem correctly, their understanding of the question and how they went about answering the problem.

Which metric units are appropriate when looking at different distances Distance conversions when measuring distances on maps Learning Procedures Introduction: - Students are given the problem solving word problem: I walked 1km on the weekend. My dad walked 500m further than me. How far did he walk altogether? - Students must use their knowledge of the difference between metric units and apply addition and subtraction to work the problem out. Body: Discuss real life examples where the students or someone they

Modification - Struggling students will be paired together with prompting questions from the teacher if necessary. - Extension students will be given the option of an additional and more challenging question or helping struggling students with the original question.

5 min 10 min -

20 min

know has had to measure something. What was it and how was it measured (formal and informal)? Provide pairs with grid maps, both familiar (school grounds) and unfamiliar (Brisbane city). Students must find the distance between specified landmarks and record their answers. Distances are to be measured with string and then measured against a ruler. Compare answers and note the accuracy of different students measurements. Once questions have been answered, give each student a blank grid map where each 1cm box equals 1m. Supply a range of pictures and have them create their own landscape. Students must write their own measuring questions and find the answer themselves. How far is the distance between the park bench and the school? Once questions have been written, students should swap with their partner and have them answer the questions. Check for accuracy against each others answers.

- Working in pairs allows students to help one another. Pairing will be chosen by the teacher. Both struggling and extension students are catered for.

10 min

Conclusion: - Summary discussion: Which questions were the most interesting/fun to work out? What was the most effective way of working out the distances? Did anyone find a different way?

- Students are designing their own landscapes and questions and so are working at their own levels. In order to answer each others questions, students at the same ability level will be paired. Struggling students can use the whole class example as a prompter.

10 min Reflection: - Was there a clear understanding of the content taught based on observations and anecdotal notes? - Were the concepts understood? - Were the intended learning outcomes achieved? - Were students able to successfully complete the activities based on the instructions given and content taught? - Was the lesson engaging and well sequenced? How might it be improved?


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Year Level 3

Duration 45mins

Focus Grocery Shopping

Implementation Date(s)

Curriculum Area(s) Mathematics

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.) Prior knowledge: What does the learner already know? - Different countries use different currencies - Addition of double digit numbers - Recognise coins and notes have different values - Change is given if you do not give the correct amount of money - Order small collections of Australian coins - Identify equivalent values in collections of money (5c + 5c = 10c) - Count coins and notes to make up particular values Learning outcomes/standards: Where does the learner need/want to be?

Knowledge & understanding:




- Calculate small change and select appropriate coins to represent change

- Subtract money amounts using currency manipulatives to make simulated purchases and give change


Learning Procedures



Assessment & Feedback


Introduction 1. Warm up activity - As a class, work on the word problems in the Making Change unit on IXL Maths Body

Modification: Use student scribes to demonstrate the answer

30mins 2. Grocery Shop

- Interactive whiteboard - Shopping index cards - Grocery items

Anecdotal notes on which students could calculate the total cost of their items.

Half of the class are given a small grocery list on an index card (all different) with a list of items and prices of each item that they must purchase. They will be role-playing as customers. These students must work out the total cost of these items before they start. Once checked by the LM, they will be given fake money to use. Students must collect their items in their basket and make their way to any student who is the cashier. The student/cashier and student/customer must then determine the change that will be given. After the transaction, students can swap roles, get a new index card/grocery list and repeat the activity.

- Baskets - Fake money Anecdotal notes on which students could correctly calculate the change required for their transaction.

Modification: Have students work with a peer tutor/partner

Observation before, during and after whole class activity Can they share their ideas with the class?


Conclusion/Closure/Wrap-up 3. Gather students on the carpet and have a quick discussion of the lesson. Give students the opportunity to express difficulties they found - What did you like about this activity?

Extension: Have students create their own shopping list and prices.

Who completed the activity correctly? Who didnt? Who needs more help on this topic?

Reflection: - Did the lesson flow nicely? What would I change next time? - What was the best part of the lesson? - Were the learning outcomes achieved?


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Year Level Year 3

Duration 45 Mins

Focus Data Collection

Implementation Date TBA

Curriculum Area(s) Mathematics

NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards (Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.) Prior knowledge: What does the learner already know?

Know the terms likely, unlikely, certain and impossible Gather data relevant to a question Collect, classify and check data Use tally marks Display data in tables, lists and picture graphs Where does the learner need/want to be? (declarative) Skills: Draw and use a table Collect and interpret data Resources Powerpoint showing tally marks and the different ways of representing data Assessment & Feedback Anecdotal notes on: which students could answer the questions correctly and which students had the wrong idea about data collection? (procedural/do)

Learning outcomes/standards: Knowledge & understanding: Time

How to create different data representations

Learning Procedures Intro: Revisit data collection. Class discussion about what data is, why we collect it and how we can collect it. Revisit the term tally marks. Class discussion on what they are, why we use them and how we use them. Show students examples of different ways of representing the same data collection e.g table, picture graph, column graphs.


5 mins

15 x dice Modification: struggling students work with a buddy 15 x coins 30 x 100s boards 40 x graph paper sheets


Extension: students use two coins/dice and record 100 rolls

Check student work to ensure they have written a

for each 30 mins Explain task for lesson, students will choose an item (dice or coin) from the basket. Each student needs to roll/flip their item 100 times. Before starting they will look at their item and write down a prediction on which side they think will appear the most and why. Draw up a table for each on the whiteboard so that students understand how the tables should look. Students roll/flip their item 100 times and use tally marks to record in a table in their books which side it lands on. As they work, students must cross off each roll on their hundreds board. Once finished, students will count their tally marks and create a picture and/or column graph depending on time.

prediction. Does is make sense? Check student work: Did they do 100 rolls/flips? Can they organise it into a table? Can they create an appropriate picture or column graph? Is it correct? Can they share their ideas with the class? Collect student workbooks and mark. Who completed the activity correctly? Who didnt? Who needs more help on this topic?

Modification: struggling students only need to do the picture graph

Extension: students can attempt a horizontal bar graph

Modification: Students present to class in a group and take turn to answer questions

Conclusion: On completion of picture or column graphs students will share their prediction with the class, then show their graph and explain why their graph is or is not different to their prediction.

10 mins Reflection: - Did the students grasp the concept? - Did the lesson flow nicely? What would I change next time? - Could the students interpret their data? - What was the best part of the lesson? - Were the learning outcomes achieved?


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Score: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Year 3 Mathematics Assessment Task Term 2, 2014

Due: Friday, 20th June (End of week 9)
Please read and answer all questions carefully. You have our daily in class maths lessons to complete this task by the end of the week.

Task 1


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Flip a coin 50 times and record your results in the table below.

1. How many times did the coin land on the heads side? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. How many times did the coin land on the tails side? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. What percentage of time did it land on tails? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
36 | Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Task 5

Mapping and Coordinates

Look at the map of a neighbourhood Each square is one square kilometre The dark lines are the streets. You can only travel on the streets Use the grid lines to answer the questions

2. What is the shortest distance in kilometres from Jacks house to Gus house?

__________________________________________________ 3. What is the shortest distance in kilometres from Rees house to Jacks house?

__________________________________________________ 4. What is the shortest distance in kilometres from Rees house to Gus house?

__________________________________________________ 5. Traveling the LONGEST distance, how many kilometres from Jack to Rees house?


6. Create a column (bar) graph of the distance in kilometres from: - Jacks house to Gus house - Rees house to Gus house - Rees house to Jacks house (Dont forget to label your graph!)

7. If each square costs $2 to travel, how much will it cost to travel from: Jack to Rees house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jack to Gus house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gus to Rees house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. If everyone is at Gus house and his mum wants to drop them home, how much change from $50 would they get if she:
38 | Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Drop Jack off first and then dropped off Ree _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Drop Ree off first and then dropped off Jack _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Create a picture graph of the cost of travelling from: - Jacks house to Gus house - Rees house to Gus house - Rees house to Jacks house

Map Mania
Interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways.

Knowledge of grid map used to make judgements that are highly accurate. All coordinates listed correctly on assessment sheet. All measurements and metric units are highly accurate.

Purpose of Assessment: to complete a task that incorporates the use of grid maps, money, distance and graphs effectively and with accuracy. B
Knowledge of grid map used to make judgements that are accurate. All coordinates but one listed correctly on assessment sheet. Most measurements and metric units are accurate.

Some knowledge of grid maps are used to make judgements that are mostly accurate. Most coordinates correct, some missing or incorrect. Some measurements and metric units are accurate.

Little knowledge of grid maps is used to make judgements.

No knowledge of grid maps is evident.

Measurement and Geometry

Interpret simple grid maps to find coordinates. Uses measurement skills and knowledge to measure lengths and distances accurately. Conducts and records chance experiments and collects data.

Most coordinates missing or listed incorrectly. Few measurements and metric units are accurate.

No coordinates listed on assessment sheet. No measurements and metric units are accurate.

Statistics and Probability

Conducts and records all 50 of the coin flips accurately and interprets the data effectively to answer the questions Data is extensively organised and tables and graphs are coherent and represent the data effectively. Uses information to effectively interpret and compare data Uses deductive reasoning to calculate the cost of travel per kilometre and consistently calculates correct change from $50

Conducts and records all 50 of the coin flips accurately and interprets the data to answer the questions Data is effectively organised and tables and graphs are coherent and represent the data effectively. Uses information to adequately interpret and compare data Uses deductive reasoning to calculate the cost of travel per kilometre and calculates change from $50 with minimal errors

Conducts and records all 50 of the coin flips and interprets the data to answer the questions Data is organised and tables and graphs are coherent and represent the data.

Conducts and records some of the coin flips accurately and interprets the data to answer the questions Data is somewhat organised and tables and graphs represent some of the data.

Conducts and records some of the coin flips accurately and attempts to interpret the data to answer the questions Data is somewhat organised and tables and graphs show limited representation of the data. Uses information to attempt to interpret and compare data

Organises data into categories and creates displays using tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs Interprets and compares data to make meaning of the data

Uses information to sufficiently interpret and compare data Calculates the cost of travel per kilometre with some errors and calculates change from $50 with some support

Uses information to interpret and compare data

Number and Algebra

Calculate the cost of travel and change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents

Inconsistently calculates the cost of travel per kilometre and calculates change from $50 with support

Sometimes adds money amount with support and calculates change for simple transactions with support


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

This assessment task is for a mid-term check. It allows teachers to check that students understand the first two topics and are ready to move onto the next topic.

Mapping and Measurement

16 15 14 13 12 11 10

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


1cm = 1km


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Mapping and Measurement

To make sure your work is accurate, use the orange dot on the pictures to plot coordinates and to measure distances. 1. Which coordinates do these landmarks fall on? a) Pirate ship: __________ b) Village: ___________ c) Volcano: ____________ d) Palm trees: ___________

2. Which coordinates do the other landmarks fall on? a) River: _________ b) Lake: __________ c) Mountain Range: __________ d) Add your own landmark and plot its coordinate: ___________ 3. What is the distance between the palm trees and the volcano?


4. What is the distance from the village to the volcano via the lake? Hint: measure the distances separately and then add them together. Remember to show your working out!


5. Help the pirates find the treasure! Draw a trail leading them to the X, but make sure you pass at least two landmarks on the way. 6. To help the pirates follow your trail, write directions using measurements to get from one landmark to another. Example: Leave the pirate ship and travel 4km towards the palm trees. Step 1:



Step 2:



Step 3:



Step 4:




Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Learning Difficulties
Curriculum Area: Number and Algebra Money and Financial Mathematics Teaching money as a concept is a highly relevant life skill that students will need for the duration of their lives. The teaching of money and financial mathematics uses whole numbers as well as hundredths as well as encouraging mental computation in a real life context. Money skills are highly relevant to children when learning number operations as they develop concepts of value and worth as well as learning negotiating skills such as trading and exchanging.

Difficulties Students who do not have a strong skip counting skills

Modifications Create a 100s board where students can follow along as they skip count. A number line will also achieve the same purpose (Booker, Bond, Sparrow, & Swan, 2010)

Extension Students can practice skip counting backwards from 100 in 10s, 5s and even 2s (although skip counting in 2s is not necessary for monetary value)

\ Rounding numbers to the nearest 5 In small groups, students use a number line (1 100) to underline the digit that they want to round and put a dot below the digit to the right of the underlined digit. If the number that has a dot under it is less than 5 you round down to the nearest tens, hundreds, or thousands. If the number that has a dot under it is 5 or more, then you round up to the nearest tens, hundreds, or thousands (Department for Education and Employment, 2000) Rounding numbers interactive game ( Students test themselves to see how quickly they can determine the number they must round to.

Students unable to distinguish between coins

Present only two coins at a time: ask and reinforce correct responses, i.e. "Give me a 5c coin." "Give me one dollar. Point to the correct coin if the student picks up the wrong coin and don't introduce a new coin until the child is at least 80% accuracy.

Students create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting different coins. Students can look at the noticeable differences in size, value and colour.

Curriculum Area: Measurement and Geometry Location and Transformation

Teaching geometry as a concept brings together knowledge and understanding relating to position, arrangement and direction. This is a skill that students are able to use and learn in a real life context. This process involves the introduction and use of grids and maps as well as the introduction of directional words as part of the foundational knowledge. Students will also need to be introduced to aspects of angle that are connected with the concept of direction.

Difficulties Student may have difficulties interpreting the position of the viewer as well as the orientation of the other objects involved.

Modifications Students should be able to explore a full scale grid map with their bodies to explore the position of the viewer and orientation of any objects.

Extension Students who are able to may want to walk out the directional instructions of a visualisation text without having to map them on a grid first and then go on to map the

story into the format or a grid map. Students may have a range of interpretations for directional words. The creation of a directional word wall as a class activity ensures that all directional words discussed have a standard meaning.

Students may confuse the order to which the pair of plots refer to. X first then y. There may also be confusion between the grid lines and the square in which a point occurs

Students that are having trouble with the order of plots in a grid map and having other confusions may have to explore a full scale grid map for some time to grasp the concept. Extensions sourced from (Booker et al, 2010)

Difficulties sourced from (Booker et al, 2010)

Modifications sourced from (Booker et al, 2010)

Curriculum Area: Measurement and Geometry Using Units of Measurement Measurement is a skill that many students would encounter in their daily lives. Students need to have a proficiency in measurement as it is a foundational mathematical skill. The process of learning about measurement includes, needing to know what is being measured, the development of awareness and knowledge of the attribute to be measured as well as knowledge about basic units of measurement. Estimating, comparing and ordering are important skills of measurement that are needed by students in their daily lives. (ACARA)

Difficulties Understanding the difference between mm, cm, m, km and grasping how they relate to one another.

Modifications Provide visual and kinaesthetic displays of each and allow them to make the connections for themselves through discovery learning (Siemon, et al., 2011). Have students measure using a range tools and comment on the most effective type.

Measuring lengths and distances accurately.

Ensure students understand how to measure correctly through modelled teaching. Pair the student with a learner who understands the process for them to complete specific activities together.

Ask students to measure using a range of metric units and record by combining them e.g. m and cm (1.46m). Give students the option of assisting struggling students. Students can often learn more when explaining a concept to someone else.

Understanding when different modes of measurement and units of measurement are appropriate.

Use prompting questions to assist students and bring the situations back to their own real life experiences. What do you see people use when measuring the school oval? A ruler? A tape measure? A trundle wheel? Which metric units do they each use? Which would be most appropriate? Use kinaesthetic learning experiences. Allow students to test each measuring form and discover which is most effective (Ministry of Education, 2007).

Think of additional ways certain objects could be measured. Why might they be effective?


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Curriculum Area: Statistics and Probability Data Representation and Interpretation Teaching data representation and interpretation as a concept involves collecting, organising, summarising and presenting data for ease of communication and interpretation. To become proficient in this area, students need to participate in collecting and handling raw statistical data so that they are able to apply their knowledge when making inferences from data. Difficulties Making poor choices on representing data on graphs this is evident when students use a picture graph for a task that involves a great amount of numbers e.g. drawing 50 birds in the birds column and 60 in the elephant column Unless the pictures are kept to a consistent size, graphs can become misleading this is evident when the pictures are of different sizes Modifications

According to Batanero, Godino, Vallecillos, Green and Holmes (1994) teachers need to ensure that students are explicitly taught how to represent data on graphs, explain the differences and purposes of different types of graphs and ensure students understand how to use software to correctly represent graphs. If these actions are taken, students will have fewer difficulties with graphing accurately.

Data needs to involve a real life context to assist with learning this is evident when students find it difficult to relate to objects they dont know and understand but can graph information like the colour of students eyes in the class

Students need to understand the different purposes for different graphs this is evident when students use the wrong type of graph to represent their information.

Individual Justification


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Peer Assessment
EDCU11022 - Assessment Task 1 Individual contribution and teamwork
INSTRUCTIONS: On the criteria sheet below write the names of your group members one per row. Grade the individual contribution you and each of your team members made to the research and preparation for the task. Copy and save the completed criteria sheet below into your Assessment Task 1 document and upload as per normal on the Moodle site.


High Distinction
Full participation and valuable contribution to every aspect of the research and preparation of the task response. Full participation and valuable contribution to every aspect of the research and preparation of the task response. Full participation and valuable contribution to every aspect of the research and preparation of the task response. Full participation and valuable contribution to every aspect of the research and preparation of the task response.

Full participation and insightful contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Keen participation and helpful contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Participation and contribution to most aspects of the research and preparation of the task response.

Little participation and/or contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Contribution and teamwork (*Rated by group) YOUR NAME: Tarina Scoleri Contribution and teamwork (*Rated by group) GROUP MEMBER NAME: Nicole Fewtrell Contribution and teamwork (*Rated by group) GROUP MEMBER NAME: Hannah May Contribution and teamwork (*Rated by group) GROUP MEMBER NAME: Tegan McLeod

Full participation and insightful contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Keen participation and helpful contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Participation and contribution to most aspects of the research and preparation of the task response.

Little participation and/or contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Full participation and insightful contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Keen participation and helpful contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Participation and contribution to most aspects of the research and preparation of the task response.

Little participation and/or contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Full participation and insightful contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Keen participation and helpful contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.

Participation and contribution to most aspects of the research and preparation of the task response.

Little participation and/or contribution to the research and preparation of the task response.


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2014). Mathematics. Retrieved from Australian Curriculum: Batanero, C., Godino, J. D., Vallecillos, A., Green, D.R., Homes, P. (1994). Errors and difficulties in understanding elementary statistical concepts. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 25(4), 527-547 Booker, G., Bond, D., Sparrow, L., & Swan, P. (2010). Teaching Primary Mathematics. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Australia. Department for Education and Employment. (2000). Mathematical Challenges for Able Pupils . Retrieved from Birmingham Grid for Learning: lesall.pdf Ministry of Education. (2007). A Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics Kindergarten to Grade 3: Measurement. Ontario: Queen's Printer. Queensland Studies Authority. (2011, January). Year 3 Mathematics Resources. Retrieved from Queensland Studies Authority: Siemon, D., Beswick, K., Brady, K., Clark, J., Faragher, r., & Warren, E. (2011). Teaching Mathematics: Foundations to Middle Years. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.


Year X unit overview Australian Curriculum: Mathematics

Vocabulary Over Near Up Vocabulary Go Until Get to Follow Route Along Path Move Past On Under Direction Tick Down Turn Forwards Backwards Straight Close to In front of Behind Between Around Towards Away from Half turn Tick Vocabulary Quarter turn Three-quarter turn Right Left Diagonal Horizontal Vertical Parallel Clockwise Anti-clockwise Rotate 45 degrees 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees 360 degrees Tick

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