Art Lesson Plan

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Descriptive title for lesson: The life cycle of a butterfly Subject: Art Level: 4+ Instructional Goal: The children

would be able to label and identify the different stages of a butterfly. Previous Knowledge: Doing language and science about the life cycle Lesson Pre-Assessment: Ask the students what stage comes first and see how they respond in order to see how much knowledge they have acquired. Rationale for Teaching Strategies Selected: I selected this learning strategy to display the starting and the ending result of the art lesson. The children would be able to look at the pictures and follow the sequence. Objectives: .The children would be able to design there own life cycle chart.

.The children would be able to discuss what stage happens first. .The children would be able to follow the guidelines to complete the lesson.

Stages of Instruction

Objectives The students would use different types of macaroni to make the life cycle The children would look at the photo story and manipulate it. The children would follow the instructions and independently glue the macaroni and to the plate the represent the stages of the

MaterialsTeacher Macaron The i-shells , teacher bowties, would spiral show the children Rice the photo Plate story. Glue The Makers teacher would distribute the materials. The teacher would assist the children to complete the task.

Student The children will look at the photo story. The children will collect their materials from the teacher. The children will place the materials in the respective


places. The children would glue the material unto the plate. The children would use the makers to colour the materials.



The students have previously done a science and language activity with their other teachers as an art teacher, I would bring out the creative side of these students and ensure that they understood the lessons that were taught to them recently. The children would be able to learn the stages of a butterfly cycle by learning in a creative settings through art they would learn by interacting while creating the butterfly cycle , but gaining the knowledge from the photo story to complete the task .

Teaching & Learning Strategies

This activity would enhance their fine motor skills; also recap their previous knowledge gained from the other lessons taught. The students would reach the objectives by memorising what stage of the butterfly comes first and at the end. By providing a photo story for this lesson plan the students would have a great understanding of how to complete the task. This would aid them understanding by being able to see the pictures, and being able to manipulate them with ease. I would bring the lesson to a close by the children placing the creative piece on display. The children would be heart warmed to see the art piece being displayed for the school, and their parents to see.


Contingency Plan If this lesson technology should fail a back up plan would be to have it on hard copy also a creative piece already done by me , so it is easy for someone to complete my lesson plan without my presents.

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