Prediction For 4 Testubes: Wagner Ona Biology Year 11

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Wagner Ona Biology Year 11

Prediction for 4 testubes

Tube A: My prediction for tube A is that the indicator is going to be yellow and a bit orange, because as the tube is wrapped in aluminium foil is has no light that can come in, so with the leaves inside the plant is going to produce CO2 becoming more neutral making it yellow. Tube B: For tube B it is going to be red orange, because there is no aluminium foil around it, it can make photosynthesis and make oxygen causing the indicator coming red meaning that is more acidic. Tube C: For tube C my prediction is that the indicator is going to be red as because the tube has no leaf inside making the color indicator the same, which was red. Tube D: Same as tube C because there is no leaf to produce CO2 or photosynthesis the indicator remains the same.

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