Curricullum Vitae For Siboe

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5828 Nkulumane 5 Nkulumane 5 Bulawayo Zimbabwe

Email :[email protected] Cell: "el: +263 772 6 32! +263 # $8 !!8

Personal Details Date of Birth: Gender: Nationality: ID Num er: Ba!"#round Summary E+cellen, managemen, - lea.e's/i0 skills 1bili,y ,o wo'k un.e' 0'essu'e 2el()mo,i&a,e. 1 ,eam an. in.e0en.en, 0laye' 1bili,y ,o wo'k wi,/ minimum su0e'&ision E+cellen, communica,ion skills an. sel()s,a',e' 1bili,y ,o in,e'ac, wi,/ 0eo0le o( .i&e'se backg'oun.s 3assiona,e 'esea'c/e' an. com0u,e' li,e'a,e E((ec,i&e4 e((icien, an. goal o'ien,e. ca.'e 2# No&embe' ## (emale Zimbabwean !8)8827!$ * 66

A!ademi! Profile 5 OLEVEL passes including Mathematics and English 2 A LEVEL passes Economics and Business Studies Tertiary (Undergraduate Bachelor o! Business Administration in "inance A!hie$ements 5 am cu''en,ly a s,u.en, a, 2olusi 6ni&e'si,y4 an en&i'onmen, con.uci&e (o' .e&elo0men, an. a00'ecia,ion o( mo'al an. e,/ical &alues. 5 /a&e ac7ui'e. a numbe' o( com0e,encies: 2e'&e. 5 mon,/s em0loye. as a "elle'8"ill 90e'a,o' a, "* :y0e' 2u0e'ma'ke, ;<ecembe' 2! 2) 10'il 2! 3=. 1 'e0'esen,a,i&e o( >inassa ;>inance <e0a',men, 2! 3= a, 2olusi 6ni&e'si,y. 1 membe' o( B992" ENEC"62 ;2! 2)u0 ,o .a,e= >ellows/i0 En,'e0'eneu's/i0 Club.

? no&els ?esea'c/ing new e.uca,ional ,/ings 3ee' e.uca,ing
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"o .e&elo0 aca.emic e+cellence in >inance ,/'oug/ analy,ical ,/inking an. in,ellec,ual cu'iosi,y. 1.&ancing ,o a ca'ee' as a C/a',e'e. >inancial 1nalys,.


'he (uman Resour!e Mana#er *'. :omela ".* :y0e' 2u0e'ma'ke, 3 9 Bo+ Causeway Bulawayo "el: +263 # 7723 86

'he (ead of De)artment *'s C."/ansi >inance <e0a',men, 2olusi 6ni&e'si,y 3 9 2olusi Bulawayo "el: +263 # 885$578633$5

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