Mike Resume 4 14

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Michael A.

5042 Castle Douglas Dr. St. Charles, Mo 63304 (636) 441-4295 Summary: I am a ded !ated "or#er "ho sta$s %o!used o& the 'o(. I am &terested & a )os t o& hel) &g*"or# &g " th )eo)le, a&d o&e that "ould allo" me to (u ld m$ e+)er e&!e & the "or#)la!e. I,m a hard "or#er a&d " ll g -e 100. e%%ort to"ards a&$ 'o( that I,m as#ed to do. Education/ 0ra&! s 1o"ell 1 gh (St. Charles, M ssour 63304) 2 3a# &g ge&eral edu!at o& !ourses 2 graduate 4u&e 2014 Mem(er o% 0567 (0uture 5us &ess 6eaders o% 7mer !a). 8o& se!o&d )la!e & 2010 state !ham) o&sh ) !o&%ere&!e. 9le!ted 3reasurer & 2011-12 %or 0567 a&d ele!ted 1 stor a& %or 2012-13. 8or#ed se-eral %u&dra s &g e-e&ts at the 0am l$ 7re&a, "or# &g & !o&!ess o&s. :om &ated %or the ;olde& 1elmet a"ard & 2014. 0ra&! s 1o"ell 5o"l &g 3eam 2 1 $ear. Experience: D er(erg Mar#ets 2 St. Charles, M< Courtes$ Cler#=Cash er

11=2012 - Curre&t

0ra&! s 1o"ell 9arl$ Ch ld Ce&ter 6=2012 Com)leted "or# &g 50 hours o% !ommu& t$ ser- !e hours to"ards the 7> )rogram at 0ra&! s 1o"ell 1 gh S!hool 8e&d$,s 2 M d ? -ers Mall ?d. 3eam mem(er Stude&t 7 d - 0567 <rga& @ &g e-e&ts, ma# &g !o) es=del -er es Aart 3 me Ch ld!are

11=2011 2 5=2012

9=2011 2 5=2012 06=2011-0B=2011

4u& or Ma'ors 5o"l &g 3eam 2 9 $ears 2 ha-e a!!umulated o-er C500 & s!holarsh )s %rom " && &gs, ear&ed at DS5C Eouth tour&ame&ts arou&d the state o% M ssour . Ala$ed SA77 5ase(all 2 F $ears 5o$ S!outs o% 7mer !a 2 5 $ears

Personal Interest: Some )erso&al &terests &!lude/ s&o"(oard &g, !am) &g, s" mm &g, h # &g, ro!# !l m( &g, !oo# &g, s)orts & ge&eral, a&d "or# &g out.

Michael A. McClellan
5042 Castle Douglas Dr. St. Charles, Mo 63304 (636) 441-4295

Sa&d Se" &g Aaula M!Curd$ Chu!# Me &@er 0ra&! s 1o"ell 0567 5us &ess 3ea!her S)e! al S!hool D str !t As$!holog st M & D re!t <"&er 314-5B0-0122 636-441-0914 314-495-590B

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