Jgletter All 3q09
Jgletter All 3q09
Jgletter All 3q09
October 2009
6/14/1929 4/12/1930
27 25.93 25.89
S&P Price
6/30/1929 4/30/1930
Unemployment Rate 2.06% 3.60%
17 11/13/1929
YoY Industrial Production 16.40% -9.48%
Source: Global Financial Data
to reinforce our need to believe that as markets decline, continue to live in exciting times, which is not all bad in
higher prices in previous peaks must surely have meant our business.
something, and not merely have been unjustified bubbly
bursts of enthusiasm and momentum. Economic and Financial Fundamentals and the Stock
Market Outlook
Today there has been so much more varied encouragement
The good news is that we have not fallen off into another
for a rally than existed in 1930. The higher prices
Great Depression. With the degree of stimulus there
preceding this crash (that were far above both trend and
seemed little chance of that, and we have consistently
fair value) had lasted for many years; from 1996 through
expected a global economic recovery by late this year
2001 and from 2003 through mid-2008. This time, we
or early next year. The operating ratio for industrial
also saw history’s greatest stimulus program, desperate
production reached its lowest level in decades. It should
bailouts, and clear promises of years of low rates. As
bounce back and, if it moves up from 68 to 80 over three
mentioned six months ago, in the third year of the
to five years, will provide a good kicker to that part of
Presidential Cycle, a tiny fraction of the current level of
the economy. Inventories, I believe, will also recover. In
moral hazard and easy money has done its typically great
short, the normal tendency of an economy to recover is
job of driving equity markets and speculation higher. In
nearly irresistible and needs coordinated incompetence to
total, therefore, it should be no surprise to historians that
offset it – like the 1930 Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which
this rally has handsomely beaten 46%, and would probably
helped to precipitate a global trade war. But this does not
have done so whether the actual economic recovery was
mean that everything is fine longer term. It still seems a
deemed a pleasant surprise or not. Looking at previous
safe bet that seven lean years await us.
“last hurrahs,” it should also have been expected that any
rally this time would be tilted toward risk-taking and, the Corporate ex-financials profit margins remain above
more stimulus and moral hazard, the bigger the tilt. I average and, if I am right about the coming seven lean
must say, though, that I never expected such an extreme years, we will soon enough look back nostalgically at
tilt to risk-taking: it’s practically a cliff! Never mess such high profits. Price/earnings ratios, adjusted for even
with the Fed, I guess. Although, looking at the record, normal margins, are also significantly above fair value
these dramatic short-term resuscitations do seem to breed after the rally. Fair value on the S&P is now about 860
severe problems down the road. So, probably, we will (fair value has declined steadily as the accounting smoke
Exhibit 2
The One Free Lunch
Quality Stocks (Quality Equity / S&P 500)
Relative Return of
Dec- 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07
Exhibit 3
The 7-Year Forecast from June 2002 to June 2009: ‘Boring Fair Value’
Forecasts from June 30, 2002 vs. actual as of June 30, 2009
GMO 7-Yr
June-02 Actual
Estimated (% Real 7-Yr Actual
Asset Class Rank Return/Yr) Return* Rank
Emerging Market Equities 1 10.0 14.3 1
International Small Cap 2 8.9 7.7 3
U.S. REITs 3 8.1 1.5 10
Emerging Country Debt 4 6.9 9.2 2
* Actual compound annual real returns are for the period 6/30/02 to 6/30/09.
The accuracy of these forecasts does not guarantee that current or future predictions will be accurate either with respect to the
ranking of those asset classes over a 7-year period, the absolute levels of real return, or results over shorter periods. The accuracy
of forecasted rankings and absolute returns in the asset class forecasts generally varies from period to period.
Source: GMO
P.S.: We plan to post the entire set of forecasts to our website along with some preliminary analysis of the results. We
will keep you informed as to when these will be available.
Disclaimer: The views expressed are the views of Jeremy Grantham through the period ending October 26, 2009, and are subject to change at any time based
on market and other conditions. This is not an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security and should not be construed as such. References to
specific securities and issuers are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, recommendations to purchase or sell
such securities.
Copyright © 2009 by GMO LLC. All rights reserved.
I can imagine the company representatives on the We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to effect genuine
Titanic II design committee repeatedly pointing out that change given that the general public is disgusted with the
the Titanic I tragedy was a black swan event: utterly financial system and none too pleased with Congress.
unpredictable and completely, emphatically, not caused by I have no idea why the current administration, which
any failures of the ship’s construction, of the company’s came in on a promise of change, for heaven’s sake, is
policy, or of the captain’s competence. “No one could so determined to protect the status quo of the financial
have seen this coming,” would have been their constant system at the expense of already weary taxpayers who are
refrain. Their response would have been to spend their promised only somewhat better lifeboats.
time pushing for more and improved lifeboats. In itself
It is obvious to most that there was a more or less complete
this is a good idea, and that is the trap: by working to
mitigate the pain of the next catastrophe, we allow failure of our private financial system and its public
ourselves to downplay the real causes of the disaster and overseers. The regulatory leaders in particular were all far
thereby invite another one. And so it is today with our too captured and cozy in their dealings with reckless and
efforts to redesign the financial system in order to reduce greedy financial enterprises. Congress also failed in its
the number and severity of future crises. role. For example, it did not rise to the occasion to limit the
recklessness of Fannie and Freddie. Nor did it encourage
After a crisis, if you don’t want to waste time on palliatives, the regulation of new financial instruments. Quite the
you must begin with an open and frank admission of reverse, as exemplified by the sorry tale of CFTC Chairman
failure. The Titanic, for example, was just too big and Brooksley Born’s fight to regulate credit default swaps.
therefore too complicated for the affordable technology
of its day. Given White Star Line’s unwillingness to But, at least now, Congress seems to realize the problem:
spend, she was under-designed. The ship also suffered the current financial system is too large and complicated
from agency problems: the passengers bore the risk of for the ordinary people attempting to control it. Even
unnecessary speed and overconfidence in “too big to Barney Frank, were he on his death bed, might admit
sink!” while the captain stood to be rewarded for breaking this; and most members of Congress know that they
the speed record. No captain is ever rewarded for merely hardly understand the financial system at all. Many of the
delivering his passengers alive. Greenspan, nearly 100 banks individually are both too big and so complicated
years later in his short-lived “irrational exuberance” phase, that none of their own bosses clearly understand their
did not enjoy being metaphysically slapped by the Senate own complexity and risk taking. The recent boom and
Subcommittee for threatening the then speedy progress the ensuing crisis are a wonderfully scientific experiment
of the economy. What is needed in this typical type of with definitive results that we are all trying to ignore.
agency problem is for the agent on those rare occasions And, except for bankers, who have Congress in an iron
when it really matters, whether a ship’s captain or a Fed grip, we all want and need a profound change. We all
boss, to stop boot licking and say, “No, this is wrong. It is want smaller, simpler banks that are not too big to fail.
just too risky. I won’t go along.” And we can and should arrange it!
Step 1 should be to ban or spin off that part of the trading not be is advantaged at the cost of taxpayer back-up or
of the bank’s own money that has become an aggressive insurance, as is now the case.
hedge fund. Proprietary trading by banks has become
In the early 1930s, following the famous Pecora hearings,
by degrees over recent years an egregious conflict of
the conflict of interest between the management of other
interest with their clients. Most if not all banks that prop
people’s money as fiduciary and the business of dealing
trade now gather information from their institutional
and underwriting in securities was considered so inimical
clients and exploit it. In complete contrast, 30 years ago,
to the public interest that Congress almost compelled
Goldman Sachs, for example, would never, ever have
separation of proprietary trading and client trading.
traded against its clients. How quaint that scrupulousness
Close, but no cigar. Instead, Glass-Steagall made the
now seems. Indeed, from, say, 1935 to 1980, any banker
probably less useful step of separating commercial and
who suggested such behavior would have been fired as
investment banking. Unfortunately, they left intact the
both unprincipled and a threat to the partners’ money. I,
obvious conflict between the banks’ managing their own
for one, saw Goldman in my early days as a surprisingly
money and simultaneously that of their clients. We now
ethical firm, at worst “long-term greedy.” (This steady
have a unique opportunity to revisit this matter.
loss of the old partnership ethic is typically underplayed
in descriptions of Goldman.) Today, Goldman represents (As we ponder the problem of prop trading, let us consider
a potential hedge fund trade as being attractive precisely Goldman’s stunning $3 billion second quarter profit. It
because they themselves have already chosen to do it. appeared to be almost all hedge fund trading. Be aware
These days, all – or almost all – large banks do proprietary also that this $3 billion is net of about $6 billion reserved
trading that is pure hedge fund in nature. Indeed the for future bonuses. Goldman’s CEO had, in fact, the
largest bank, Citi (owned by us taxpayers), is gearing up interesting job of deciding how much of this $9 billion
to substantially increase its aggressive prop trading as I profit would be arbitrarily awarded to shareholders. [In
write. (“No, no, we’re not!”) this case, one-third. Could be worse!] This means that
they extracted every penny of $9 billion from a fragile
Some insiders have argued that we should not worry
financial system. “Good for them,” you may say, and they
about prop trading because they claim it did not play
indeed are very smart. But surely they should not have
an important part in the recent crisis. I think this is
been insured against failure by us taxpayers! Remember,
completely wrong for it misses the very big picture. Prop
they are now also a commercial bank yet very, very
trading can easily introduce an aggressive hedge-fund type
little of their $9 billion came from making loans. Three
mentality into the very hearts of what ideally should be
months later their bonus pool for the year is estimated to
conservative, prudent – even boring – banks. This hedge-
be a new record at $29 billion. And the whole banking
fund mentality became a dominant organizing principle,
industry is back to a new record for remuneration. How
particularly with respect to compensation practices. It
resilient! How remarkable! How basically undesirable
encouraged personal aspirations over corporate goals and
for our economy!)
invited bonus-directed behavior at the clients’ expense and
ultimately, as we have seen, at the taxpayers’ expense to In Step 2, the Justice Department, together with
rid itself of this problem. All Congress has to overcome Congressional and other advisors, should be invited to
is the lobbying power and campaign contributions of the develop a special set of rules for the banking industry that
finance industry itself, which I admit is no small feat. In a recognizes the moral hazard of “too big to fail.” If really
bank with a hedge fund heart, you can’t reasonably expect too big to fail, banks should be divided by Justice into
ethical or non-greedy behavior, and you haven’t seen it. manageable, smaller pieces that can indeed be allowed to
fail. With these two steps and possibly with an intelligent
Of course, commercial and investment banks need to
son of Glass-Steagall, the deed would be done! Regulators
invest their own capital. They probably should have the
would have a fighting chance of being able to regulate,
right to do genuine hedging against investments that flow
unlike their recent woeful past. If an angel appeared,
naturally from their banking business. As for the rest, they
waved his wings and, lo, it was so, almost every single
could easily be required either to limit the leverage used
Congressman would sigh with relief.
on prop desk trading or to be restricted to investing in
government paper and, at the very least, play by the same The separation of commercial banking from investment
rules as other hedge funds. What they certainly should banking is not as vital as the removal of prop desk
Disclaimer: The views expressed are the views of Jeremy Grantham through the period ending October 26, 2009, and are subject to change at any time based
on market and other conditions. This is not an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security and should not be construed as such. References to
specific securities and issuers are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, recommendations to purchase or sell
such securities.
Copyright © 2009 by GMO LLC. All rights reserved.