This Insight Without Objects... Longchenpa
This Insight Without Objects... Longchenpa
This Insight Without Objects... Longchenpa
This Insight without objects, which is eternal Buddhahood, Transcends all grounds of confusion, not wandering in samsara. There is no one to be confused and no confused existence. All is Dharmadhatu, a single luminous Space. There is no exclusion of anything earlier or later. This is vastness. It is as limitless as the sky. It is self-existent, eternally as it is. It is Primordial in its purity from samsara.
A dream does not move from sleep. Sleep does not move from insight. Insight does not move from Dharmata. If one examines and analyzes with that in mind, no one falls into samsara at all. The appearance of samsara has no nature. It has the essence of a dream. It has been pure from all eternity. In nature it is luminous appearance of what does not exist. That empty form is also the purity of groundless, rootless Dharmakya. Therefore, there are no causes of confusion & confused appearance, and no one who is confused. There was no confusion previously. There is none now. Confusion cannot arise later on. This is because the groundless essence of the sky is completely purified for all eternity.
The Khyungchen says:
Ignorance and confusion are impossible for anyone. Therefore appearance has been forever un-liberated. Nor is it going to be set free at a later time.