Mahana Lesson Plan 2
Mahana Lesson Plan 2
Mahana Lesson Plan 2
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Pre-Assessment Materials The teacher will prepare a long table. The long table has a -chocolate candies chocolate colored tablecloth. The chocolate goodies are placed in fancy chocolate cookies chocolate holder. The teacher will prepare the classroom in ad ance with chocolate cupcakes different fosters of chocolate. The teacher will then! instruct the students chocolate syrup to fall in line and go around the table. The teacher will discuss the long table different chocolates that are in the table. The teacher will discuss the table cloth ad antages and disad antages that you can get from eating chocolates. chocolate holder "nd then! she will command the students to take a piece of each kind. chocolate fosters The teacher will gather them in a circle and ask them to sit. Then the water teacher will use the o erhead pro#ector to show ocabulary and read drinking cups two $uestions that are related to the story she is going to share. "nd the overhead projector she will read them the story. "fter reading the story the teacher will ask the $uestions again to the students. Course Objective Teach the students about the story of a boy who lo es chocolate in the target language in an en#oyable way. Lesson Objective s! " #he students will learn the importance of having control in eating chocolates in the target language$ Overview %ousekeeping #echnology Component E%plain why it is important role call and announcement o erhead pro#ector to control yourself& of the upcoming e ent 'E%plain the ad antages of eating chocolates and the disad antages of eating too much of it. &eview'(evelopment) and #ime Prepare the room in ad ance by decorating it with different chocolate fosters. Place the long table in the middle of the room and decorate it with different chocolate goodies. The teacher will discuss the ad antages and disad antages of eating chocolates and she will let them taste the chocolates. The teacher will then instruct them to sit on the floor. The teacher will use o erhead pro#ector to show them ocabulary and $uestions that are related to the story that she is going to read for them. The teacher will then read the story(Chocolate )e er( and the teacher will ask the $uestions again. Assignment'Practice Philosophical *ustification 'Share the chocolate e%perience Teach the students about self'discipline in the target language and ne%t class. help them learn new ocabulary. 'Share the feelings after hearing the story ne%t class. +ummary +elf-evaluation *ope that the class en#oy The students en#oyed the story and their chocolate e%perience. The learning about ad antages and students learned new ocabulary words. Some students had a hard time disad antages of eating chocolates controlling themsel es because they really like chocolates. +t would be in the target language. better if the students were asked to eat after they read the story to see if they will ha e control eating chocolates. Contingency Plan 'Show a ideo about making healthy chocolate snack.