Design Process 2

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Tantramar Regional High School Broad Based Technology 9 Design Process

Company President (your name):

Period: Pro!ect Title:

A y B t9 "inal pro!ect
Mission statement- Bar down hockey is an excellent website to get some top notch hockey shots and knowledge to help you through your hockey career, youll be snipin ginos before ya know it. Slogan- Youll be snipin ginos before ya know it Bar down hockey is an excellent company that has came a long ways since we first started up our business. Our business has done a lot to get our name out there and try and be successful!! Our company will supply you with the best hockey knowledge and hockey shots. Be sure to check out our website, our video game, our prezi, and dont forget you can have a sneak peak at our head uarters on sketch up too. - $enture capital !$C" is financial capital provided to early#stage, high#potential,
high risk, growth startup companies. $he venture capital fund earns money by owning e uity in the companies it invests in, which usually have a novel technology or business model in high technology industries, %enture capital is also associated with &ob creation !accounting for '( of )* +,-" .very year, there are nearly ' million businesses created in the )*/, and 0112311 get venture capital funding. GrowthWorks is one of Canada's largest venture capital investors. We specialize in the management and growth of regionally based venture capital funds (RVCs) and have assets of appro imately !".# billion as at "$%#"%&"'# . 4t is also a way in which public and private sectors can construct an institution that systematically creates networks for the new firms and industries, so that they can progress.

Design Brie#:



/t the beginning of bbt 5 our first pro&ect was to create a company and make a website to get our name out, and help our advertising. 6e then made a 7prezi8 to embed in our website to give a little more information on our company. $hen we were asked to make a house in 7sketch up8 followed by that we had to make our head uarters for our company. $hen, advertising was still an issue so we were asked to create a video game on sploder to still grab the attention. *tarting up a new company isnt the easiest but you have to stay positive and fight through the challenges to get your name out there and advertise.

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