Name: Raghu Test Prerequisites: Application Should be available for Testing Test ase No
Test Case Name Test Case Description Design Steps 1 hange !utton "unctionalit# hec$ %hether the change button is functioning 1&Provide correctl# the application or not url in '( !ro%ser and )& Provide *ogin name+pass%ord and clic$ on lo ,& lic$ the Sub Module -Teacher-s.&Again clic$ the Sub Module Teachers in Tech /& Select the required radio button and clic$ on 0& hec$ %hether the application is navigating to
hec$ the heading of page after clic$ing the 1&Provide change button the application url in '( !ro%ser and )& Provide *ogin name+pass%ord and clic$ on lo ,& lic$ the Sub Module -Teacher-s.&Again clic$ the Sub Module Teachers in Tech /& Select the required radio button and clic$ on 0& hec$ the heading of the page after clic$ing t
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Test Input data Expected Result Actual Result Status Comments *ogin name and pass%ord Application should navigate to -Modif# Teachers Data- page gin name+pass%ord and clic$ on login button ub Module -Teacher-she Sub Module Teachers in Techers module equired radio button and clic$ on - hange- button her the application is navigating to -Modif# Teachers Data- page
*ogin name and pass%ord The heading of the page Add should ne% be teacher -Modif# fail is displa#ing teacher detailgin name+pass%ord and clic$ on login button ub Module -Teacher-she Sub Module Teachers in Techers module equired radio button and clic$ on - hange- button eading of the page after clic$ing the change button
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