In this example I have taken a 480 port utstar dslam having gigabit ethernet up link connected to the Tier-2 switch The uplink port is a gigabit ethernet port (GE1) which is located in the card ca lled as ICM-A Card ============================================== CONFIGURE A MANAGEMENT VLAN AND ATTACH THE UPLINK TO THIS VLAN Note: here uplink interface is GE 1 and management vlan id is taken as 127 Step 1: Let us create a vlan with vlan id : 127 DSLAM#slot icm DSLAM(ICM-A)#vlan DSLAM(ICM-A/vlan)# vid 127 name inband Step 2: Le us map this vlan 127 to the uplink DSLAM#slot icm DSLAM(ICM-A)#vlan DSLAM(ICM-A/Vlan)#interface ge 1 vid 127 tag ========================================== CONFIGURE AN IP ADDRESS FOR THIS MANAGEMENT VLAN DSLAM#access DSLAM(access)# DSLAM(access)#in-band vid 127 address netmask ================================================== CONFIGURE ROUTING TABLE FOR THIS DSLAM Step 4: Let us create the routing table DSLAM#ip route netmask gateway interface inband ============================================= CONFIGURATION FOR REDUNDANT CONTROL CARD We are now doing the configuration on the active ICM card. This configuration s hould be automatically transferred to the standby ICM card which is redunant card. DSLAM#redundancy =========================================== SAVE THE CONFIGURATION DSLAM#save config ===================================================== CONFIGURATION OF USER PORTS Step 1: Create vlan for each user port in icm card Command: DSLAM#slot icm DSLAM(ICM-A)#Vlan DSLAM(ICM-A/Vlan)# vid 128 name vlan128 (like this do it for 128 to 559) Step 2: Create such vlan in each ADSL Line Card (each line card contains 48 VLA Ns) ADSL card in slot1 has 128 to 175 vlans, slot2 has 176 to 223 vlans 128-175 in slot 1,176-223 in slot 2 DSLAM#slot 1 DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1)#vlan DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1/VLAN)# vid 128 name vlan128 (like this 128 to 175 for slot 1... upto slot9) DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1/VLAN)# vid 175 name vlan 175 Step 3: Let us map these ports to ICM card vlans Map the ICM card vlans to Internal ports in tag mode. Command: DSLAM#slot icm DSLAM(ICM-A)#vlan DSLAM(ICM-A/Vlan)#interface internal 1 vid 128 tag ( do it for 128 to 175 of slo
t1) DSLAM(ICM-A/Vlan)#interface internal 2 vid 176 tag ( do it for 176 to 223 of slo t2) (do it upto 559) ===================================================== CONFIGURE EACH ATM INTERFACE DSLAM#slot 1 ( like this, there are 9 slots) DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1/PORT)#port DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1/PORT)#interface atm 1:0.35 qos ubr encapsulation llcbridge (like this,do it for 1 to 48 ports) ========================================================== CONFIGURING VLAN TO EACH PORT DSLAM#slot 1 DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1)#vlan DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1/VLAN)#interface atm 1:0.35 vid 128 untag Note:Like this, configure for 9 slots x 48 ports vlan 128 is for port 1 of slot 1,vlan 129 is for port 2 of slot1 vlan 175 is port 48 of slot1, vlan 559 is port 48 of slot 9 =============================================== CREATE PROFILE FOR CUSTOMERS DSLAM#profile my-spectrum-profile spectrum ln-std 32 (this is spectrum profile) DSLAM#profile ln-adsl line dn0-max-rate 2048(this is service profile) DSLAM#profile ln-adsl my-line-profile dn0-delay 1 (this is line profile) DSLAM#profile adsl my-adsl-profile my-line-profile line sp-adsl spectrum Now attach this profile to the line ports. DSLAM#slot 1 DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1)#port DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1/PORT)#disable dsl 1-48 (disable before attaching) DSLAM#slot 1 DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1)#port DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1/PORT)#profile my-line-profile port dsl 1(like this,do it for a ll the ports) DSLAM(IPADSL8A-1/PORT)#enable dsl 1-48 (now enable all the ports) ========================================== ADD THE TRUNK PORT TO ALL VLANS DSLAM#slot icm DSLAM(ICM-A)#vlan DSLAM(ICM-A/Vlan)#interface ge 1 vid 128 tag (like this, do it for 128 to 559) =============================================== Final word from Uma: Before doing the above configuration, first learn what is vlan and how to confi gure vlan. For learning vlan ,search in the youtube.com for video tutorial with the key word "vlan". Another name for "tag" is "trunk"