In The Beginning

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Parent Resource

In the Beginning
As told in Genesis 1:1-2:4

Key Verse:
Then God looked over all He had made, and He saw that it was very good!
Genesis 1:31 NLT

Exploring This Story

Have your child retell the story to you. Encourage them to remember by asking the following questions: Who made the heavens and the earth, and everything in them? (God) What are some of the things God made? (Land, sea, animals, plants, stars, fish, etc.) What was the most special thing of all that God made? (Man and woman)

More to the Story

Peopleincluding YOUare the most special thing that God made. In fact, God loved people so much that He gave them the job of caring for all of His creation. He told the man and woman to take charge of and care for the world.

Gods Bigger Story

People are very special to God because we are made in His image. This means we are a reection of who God is. We can be creative and make things; we can love and have relationship with God and with others; we have the ability to think and make choices. We are very special to God. He loves us and wants to have a relationship with every one of us, including you! Just look at the beautiful world around you. Think of how much God must love you to give you all that you have.

My Connection
You are a unique and special part of Gods creation. He loves you and has a very special plan for your life, even if you dont know what it is yet. Because God created you, He knows everything about you and knows what is best for you. Why did God create man and woman? (To love and have a relationship with them.) What are some specific ways that God made you unique? Why should we choose to love God? (Because God loved us first and He created us. He is good.)

Talk to God
Dear God, Thank You for creating this beautiful world for me to enjoy. Thank You for making me so wonderfully! Help me trust in You, the Creator who made me. Amen
* Psalm 139:14a NLT

Extension Activity (optional):

Marvel at the beauty and uniqueness of Gods creation together by going outside and looking at the leaves on the trees and the clouds in the sky, noticing how each one has a distinct pattern, shape and size. Compare and contrast this to how beautifully unique and complex people are, Gods most special creation.

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