Gced Case Manager Checklist

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Setting IV IEP Case Manger Responsibilities Check List

Student: IEP Date: Case Manager:

IEP Meeting Notice of Team Meeting, Date Sent:________

Before IEP

IEP Meeting Date ____________

Annually or when students demonstrates a lack of anticipated progress. Set up meeting at least 8 weeks prior to annual IEP Meeting Make three attempts if needed prior to holding meeting Meeting should be held at least three weeks prior to the annual IEP Date Send Notice of Team Meeting to all required participants -Parent/Guardian -Student (if appropriate) - Resident School District Rep -Regular Education Teacher -Special Ed.Teacher/Case Manager -Other Service providers -GCED Administration Rep New Setting IV Referral (Case Manager responsibilities) -Case Manager assigned -Schedules IEP/Intake Meeting -Reviews file -Sends out a email invite regarding -Shares info with program team meeting date and time Use the IEP Checklist Gather information for IEP Development, specifically PLE Data (classroom data, review of IEP Goals, review assessment information, direct information). Update Testing and Credit information Agenda from TSES Manual with student information completed Sign in Sheet Excusal forms Release of information forms Hold IEP Meeting Assign a note taker/complete record of team meeting Procedural Safeguards and Introductions Follow TSES Manual Agenda and provide a copy to everyone Overview of current services/strengths Parent Guardian comments/questions/concerns Progress on Goals and Objectives (include transition & standard based) Review of progress in mainstream (if applicable) Evaluation/reevalation data (if applicable) Discuss Students Education Needs and Goal Areas

Date IEP is returned with consent or 14 calendar days have elapsed: ______________

Evaluation Permission

Evaluation Completion Transition Services Following Meeting

Review implementation for Behavior Information Plan (BIP) Review of appropriate accommodations and modifications Team agreement of placement/LRE Other areas to discuss -ESY -Assistive Technology -State Testing -Transfer of Rights -School Discipline Policy -Medical Assistance -Related Service providers -Attendance/Truancy Sign in form completed Have parents sign excusal forms and release of information forms Complete the IEP, BIP and PWN Send home information listed above within 10 days with the Consent form. Parents have 14 school days to review the IEP, BIP and PWN. Date the IEP is sent, is the date it is written Consent form signed, new IEP is active If parent takes no action, the IEP is in effect after 14 days Do not start service until IEP is signed Every three years Start Permission slip at least 60 days ahead 14 calendar days for parents to sign 30 School days to complete and give to parents in writing Transition goals need to be developed during the students 9th grade year Send IEP, PWN and signed Consent Form to resident district Submit a copy of the student information form and signed handbook form to program secretary File all due process forms and intake forms in IEP Folder

Following the signature, please submit this form to the building secretary!

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