Welding Processes
Welding Processes
Welding Processes
Welding Processes
Consumable Electrode
SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding SAW Submerged Arc Welding
Non-Consumable Electrode
GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding PAW Plasma Arc Welding
Welding Processes
Consumable electrode Flux coated rod Flux produces protective gas around weld pool Slag keeps oxygen off weld bead during cooling
Welding Processes
SMAW - DC Polarity
Straight Polarity Reverse Polarity
() (+)
Shallow penetration (thin metal)
(+) ()
Deeper weld penetration
Welding Processes
DC reverse polarity - hottest arc AC - unstable arc
MIG - Metal Inert Gas Consumable wire electrode Shielding provided by gas Double productivity of SMAW Easily automated
Welding Processes
Consumable wire electrode Shielding provided by flux granules Low UV radiation & fumes Flux acts as thermal insulator Automated process (limited to flats) High speed & quality (4 10x SMAW) Suitable for thick plates
Welding Processes
a.k.a. TIG - Tungsten Inert Gas Non-consumable electrode With or without filler metal
Laser Welding Laser beam produced by a CO2 or YAG Laser High penetration, high-speed process Concentrated heat = low distortion Laser can be shaped/focused & pulsed on/off Typically automated & high speed (up to 250 fpm) Workpieces up to 1 thick
Welding Processes
Welding Processes
Welding Processes
Stationary part forced against rotating part Friction converts kinetic energy to thermal energy Metal at interface melts and is joined When sufficiently hot, rotation is stopped & axial force increased
Resistance Welding
Welding Processes
Resistance Welding is the coordinated application of electric current and mechanical pressure in the proper magnitudes and for a precise period of time to create a coalescent bond between two base metals.
Heat provided by resistance to electrical current (Q=I2Rt) Typical 0.5 10 V but up to 100,000 amps! Force applied by pneumatic cylinder Often fully or partially automated - Spot welding - Seam welding
Resistance Welding
Welding Processes
Resistance Welding is the coordinated application of electric current and mechanical pressure in the proper magnitudes and for a precise period of time to create a coalescent bond between two base metals.
Heat provided by resistance to electrical current (Q=I2Rt) Typical 0.5 10 V but up to 100,000 amps! Force applied by pneumatic cylinder Often fully or partially automated - Spot welding - Seam welding
Diffusion Welding
Welding Processes
Parts forced together at high temperature (< 0.5Tm absolute) and pressure
Heated in furnace or by resistance heating Atoms diffuse across interface After sufficient time the interface disappears Good for dissimilar metals
Soldering Soldering Solder = Filler metal Alloys of Tin (silver, bismuth, lead) Melt point typically below 840 F Flux used to clean joint & prevent oxidation separate or in core of wire (rosin-core) Tinning = pre-coating with thin layer of solder Applications: Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacture Pipe joining (copper pipe) Jewelry manufacture Typically non-load bearing
Easy to solder: copper, silver, gold Difficult to solder: aluminum, stainless steels (can pre-plate difficult to solder metals to aid process)
Solder/Flux paste mixture applied to PCB using screen print or similar transfer method
Solder Paste serves the following functions: supply solder material to the soldering spot, hold the components in place prior to soldering, clean the solder lands and component leads prevent further oxidation of the solder lands.
Printed solder paste on a printed circuit board (PCB)
PCB assembly then heated in Reflow oven to melt solder and secure connection
Brazing Brazing
Use of low melt point filler metal to fill thin gap between mating surfaces to be joined utilizing capillary action
Filler metals include Al, Mg & Cu alloys (melt point typically above 840 F) Flux also used Types of brazing classified by heating method: Torch, Furnace, Resistance Applications: Automotive - joining tubes Pipe/Tubing joining (HVAC) Electrical equipment - joining wires Jewelry Making Joint can possess significant strength
Brazing Brazing
Use of low melt point filler metal to fill thin gap between mating surfaces to be joined utilizing capillary action
Filler metals include Al, Mg & Cu alloys (melt point typically above 840 F) Flux also used Types of brazing classified by heating method: Torch, Furnace, Resistance Applications: Automotive - joining tubes Pipe/Tubing joining (HVAC) Electrical equipment - joining wires Jewelry Making Joint can possess significant strength
Problem: What length of lap do you need to join .050" annealed Monel sheet to a metal of equal or greater strength? Solution: C = .8 T = 70,000 psi (annealed Monel sheet) W = .050" L = 25,000 psi (Typical shear strength for silver brazing filler metals) X = (70,000 x .050) /(.8 x 25,000) = .18" lap length
X = Length of lap area W = Wall thickness of weakest member D = Diameter of lap area T = Tensile strength of weakest member C = Joint integrity factor of .8 L = Shear strength of brazed filler metal Again, an example will serve to illustrate the use of this formula. Problem: What length of lap do you need to join 3/4" O.D. copper tubing (wall thickness .064") to 3/4" I.D. steel tubing? Solution: W = .064" D = .750" C= .8 T = 33,000 psi (annealed copper) L = 25,000 psi (a typical value) X = (.064 x (.75 .064) x 33,000)/(.8 x .75 x 25,000) X = .097" (length of lap)