Data Flow Diagrams

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Read the following case study and draw a context diagram.

Dont forget that a context diagram does not include data stores. N.S Garages The company's owner Mr. Davies receives calls from customers, who ask for an estimate. Mr. Davies gets the customer's details and the details of their vehicle. These details are written into an appointments ook. !e then gives them a convenient time to ring in their vehicle for viewing. "hen he has viewed the vehicle Mr. Davies gives the customer an estimate for repairs.

ustomer ustomer calls )r. Davis

ustomer Appointment *ook


The employees of the housing development company submit their time cards to the Payroll department for processing. The payroll system determines the employees weekly salary and generates a payslip as well as a cheque for each employee. It also generates accounting information for Accounts Department. Draw the !"T#$T %#&#% data flow diagram to illustrate this.

#mployees Time cards

#mployees accounting information

Payroll (ystem

Accounts Department

Payslip heque

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