Finally The Best Project
Finally The Best Project
Finally The Best Project
Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Yenny Mabel Valdes G. I.P.T. Arnulfo Arias Madrid !iri"ui
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Resumen de la unidad T!is unit is about of our proud of bein( Panamanians. Indeed) Panama is a small country and it is *no+in( by many famous people. In t!is one) t!e students are (oin( to develop different activities suc! as, colla(e and monta(e. T!ese ones !elp t!em to increase t!e ability for listenin() spea*in() readin( and +ritin(.
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s English, Computer Ao y nivel XI industriAL Tiempo necesario aproximado 8 hours of 45 minutes each one. ( 5 da!s" undamentos de la unidad Contenidos
CONCEPTS 2. Personality traits and professional background of Panamanian famous People. Grammar in context for communicative purposes: -Review of Used to -Time clauses in t e Past -Review of Present Perfect: !ffirmative and negative statements. yes" no #uestions$ information #uestions
ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS 2.%. *uccessfully completes a listening guide wit information from a biograp y. 2.2. Parap rases most of t e personal and professional information from a video or any ot er source. 2.(. *peaks wit clear voice and corrects pronunciation w en making an oral presentation about a famous person life. 2.). Reports orally and in writing about is " er dreams and wis es . 2.5. 1ses appropriate organi+ational pattern to make an oral presentation on a c osen c aracter.
2.% &dentifying famous people's ac ievement. 2.2 Talking about famous Panamanian people's lives and accomplis ments. 2.( Researc ing on personal and professional information from different resources. 2.) *ummari+ing and clarifying orally information about outstanding Panamanians from different sources. 2., -riting about famous Panamanian people's contributions and influences in society.
2.% .aluing t e role of positive traits of famous Panamanian people. 2.2 * owing appropriate verbal and nonverbal be avior w en interacting wit ot er people. 2.( s owing perseverance and positive attitude toward of t e ac#uisition of t e /nglis 0anguage.
LEARNING OBJETIVES: &ntegrate and develop listening$ speaking$ reading and writing skills to express ideas$ and opinions. 2escribe personality traits and professional background of Panamanian famous People. 3e aware of t e importance of t e /nglis language for personal and professional success.
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
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Pregunta esencial
Why must we be proud of being Panamanian? How some Panamanians have become famous? 4ow ave t e famous Panamanian people contributed to increase tourism in our country5 - at ave been t e influences from t e famous Panamanian people in our lives5
Preguntas de unidad
Preguntas de contenido
Resumen de evaluaciones E#aluaci$n -uestions and ans+er Proceso ! prop$sito T!ey are (oin( to tal* about famous Panamanian people4s lives and accomplis!ments. T!ey are (oin( to complete t!ese descriptive cards +!ere t!ey +ill +rite t!eir ideas. T!ey +ill be evaluated in t!e formative area.
3escriptive cards
Detalles de la unidad
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+a(ilidades previas T!ey !ave to *no+ t!e use of +ould and Present Perfect. Undoubtedly) some Panamanian famous people 5lives. T!ey must !ave an e/mail and t!e ability to !andle t!e tec!nolo(ical resources. PR!CEDI&IE"T!
Activity 67
4ow ave t e famous Panamanian people contributed to increase tourism in our country5 Product: ! virtual collage wit t e contributions from Panamanian famous people.
Opening. Pray and participate in an icebrea*in(. ,-ile guided activities. 7/ T!ey read a s!ort draft about some Panamanian famous people.
Famous panamanian.docx
$/ T!ey c!oose and +rite t!e name of a Panamanian famous people. 8/ T!ey tal* simple sentences about famous people from Panama. 9/ After t!ey !ave discuss about famous people in Panama t!ey +ill be or(ani:e in (roup of five students. ;/ T!ey loo* for information in internet about t!ree famous Panamanians 5lives. </ T!ey loo* for pictures related to t!eir contributions accordin( to t!e epoc! in our country. =/ T!ey +rite a sentence eac! one in Present Perfect and ans+er t!e "uestions in t!e descriptive card.
MS Descriptive Cards.doc
Closing. T!ey interc!an(e ideas in t!e preparation of t!e virtual colla(e in (roup of five students. !ttp,>>researc!>en/us>researc!>toys>autocolla(e.asp? T!ey send t!is information to my e/mail @yemabevaA(mail.comB T!ey e?plain and clarify orally five sentences about outstandin( Panamanians from different epoc!s t!rou(! of multimedia.
Activity 6$
0!at !ave been t!e influences from t!e famous Panamanian people in our livesC Product, Influences of t!e Panamanian famous in my life +it! a Monta(e.
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T!ey +atc! a refle?ion video. T!ey interc!an(e t!eir comments eac! ot!er about t!is one. ,-ile guided activities T!ey +or* in (roups of t!ree students. T!ey fi(ure out t!rou(! of internets +!ic! are t!eir five main famous Panamanians. T!ey build up t!e monta(e related to !o+ can t!ey apply t!ese e?periences in t!eir lives. /0!/how"to"ma#e"a"photoshop"montage/
Closing. T!ey +rite a s!ort para(rap! of t!ree sentences about +!ic! !ave been t!e influences from t!e famous Panamanian in t!eir lives) in t!e monta(e. T!ey (ive a speec!.
T!e development of t!is content t!e students mi(!t !ave problems +it! t!e (rammar structure. 1ac* of vocabulary meanin( +!en readin(. 3iscrimination of different t!e *ind of verbs, irre(ular or irre(ular. Ability to !andle t!e tec!nolo(ical resources I +ill attend t!em in my free !ours +it! t!e !elp from Dpecial teac!ers.
I loo% for a dictionar! related to their languages and ade&uate figuring out their a'ilities. I help them (ith the internet.
&ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad Tecnolog0a 1 +ard2are @e"uipo necesarioB 'mara omputadora@sB 'mara di(ital 2eproductor de 3V3 one?in a Internet 3isco l'ser Impresora Distema de proyeccin Esc'ner Televisor V 2 'mara de vFdeo E"uipo de vFdeo conferencia Gtro
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Hase de datos>IoJa de c'lculo 3ia(ramador de publicaciones Pro(rama de correo electrnico Enciclopedia en 3/2GM &ateriales impresos %uministros
)ictionar!, photocopies, *raphic organi+ers for ,eading, (riting and more. Laptop, tape recorder, multimedia.
olla(e) Marc! $=
Recursos de Internet
!tros Recursos
CHECKLIST ACTIVITY: Answer questions about Panamanian famous people DATE: ar!" #$% #&'( Stu)ents
Learners understand and answer the questions in English or Spanish. Learners identify Panamanian famous people. Learners express Ideas Panamanian famous people. about
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*pea#s c+ear+y and distinct+y a++ ,)00" 5.- the time% and mispronounces no words.
*pea#s c+ear+y and distinct+y a++ ,)00" 5.- the time% but mispronounces one word.
*pea#s c+ear+y and distinct+y most , !" /5.- of the time. $ispronounces no more than one word.
0ften mumb+es or can not be understood 01 mispronounces more than one word.
*tands up straight% +oo#s re+a3ed and confident. 2stab+ishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.
*tands up straight and estab+ishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.
*hows a fu++ *hows a good *hows a good understanding of the understanding of the understanding of topic. topic. parts of the topic.
5o+ume is +oud enough to be heard by a++ audience members throughout the presentation.
5o+ume is +oud enough to be heard by a++ audience members at +east 0. of the time.
5o+ume is +oud enough to be heard by a++ audience members at +east /0. of the time.
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